Welcome to the Mongolian political horsewhispering forum, also known as /mlpol/. This thread is dedicated to helping out newfags coming to the site with integrating into the local culture. If you have a question about something, or need spoonfed on something, don't be afraid to ask me or any other Anon willing to help.
Here's a few things to start.
1.- Read the policy page first:
https://mlpol.net/policy.html2.- When in doubt, lurk moar.
3.- Praise American, Praise Football.
4.- MODS = GODS.
5.- Anonfilly did nothing wrong.
6.- No one knows what /1ntr/ is for, not even /1ntr/.
7.- Check the catalog.
8.- Go away, Zald.
9.- Don't start shit.
11.- This is nice board.
And finally...
12.- The right to bare ponies SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.
1435 replies and 798 files omitted.
Jay finished his new Painting.
comes in 3 versions - Bodypaint, Vanilla and NZ Censored.
He remembered rule 34 and wanted to go the extra mile to make this count.
Shoutout to Camo Dildos.
Note: this will be for the time being the last Brenton-Chan picture, unless something new comes up in the future.
I'm to tired. I feel like I want to permanently sign off. I am getting really sick of getting screwed working my ass off in this world by a bunch of freeloading bums. Problem is when it's family being the bums and ones an adult parent. I cant leave my mom homeless yet I can't enable her narcissism. Is this my no win scenario? How can I get out of this situation with the least amount of shit going on?
>>212940I think the place to start is by asking yourself, what do you want to do?(Besides offing yourself, but it's probably worth asking yourself if that's really the first thing that comes to your mind)
When you think of your situation, and your frustration with your mother, and the others bumming off you, what does it make you want to do?
And it may be worth exploring why you feel so powerless in this situation that you anonymously posted a cry for help in a thread. I'm actually somewhat curious, though don't feel you need to answer these next questions;why didn't you make a new thread? We're you hoping it would be found, or were you hoping it would be overlooked? Perhaps you weren't sure what you wanted?
>>212940Anon, allow me to share you some painfully valuable wisdom learned from decades of brutal experience.
What can you, the individual, do for humans that refuse to acknowledge basic logic or act rationally? Nothing. Leave them to their own devices. They will eventually remove themselves from existence. First of all, you must ditch those that bring you down. They are unwanted, therefore they are not useful, which makes them trash only fit to be thrown out. Do not be afraid to say "no".
Pic highly related Anon: that is many of us, myself included now and then. If you do not feel like you are capable of "choosing your own destiny" or whatever religiously plagiarized bullshit phrase fits, then by Epona you will start building that destiny right fucking now. Do not fear the unknown either, rather ACCEPT what you do not know, learn from it, and when you are done with both of those, acknowledge that perfection is only temporary. Build up a small fund and start an unlicensed business to mow lawns. Seriously, that pays much better than what I'm doing right now.
tl;dr: do not give in to hopelessness. That is precisely what das juden and their cuckshilled fatalist allies want YOU to do, Anon. You are a human being capable of achieving perfect equilibrium in whichever environment you choose. Respect yourself for every accomplishment, no matter how minor it may seem.
>>212940This post can be addressed better at
>>>/ub/ >>212940Suicidal anon, pls respond.
>>213054 unless this is you, and you already did.
>>213121Nope, i'm a different anon, i hope that anon responds.
>>213152I'm here just was a rough night and just needed to put my thoughts out there. I think I'll be fine
Shoutout to Prof. Dr. Luciferino and his 1-Hit-Kill Knives ^;)
>>193026>a couple years ago I heard my little brother's memer friend say this to him: "You know, Hitler wasn't really a bad guy. He was a strong leader, he just went a little crazy, is all…"And that's where the redpilling begins: memes. I know that all too well. Godspeed, anon.
>>213679Poor /biz/ i bet the jews did this.
>>213679I always wondered what's so great about cryptos.
They aren't even real coins, is just an internet value. Buying crypto currency is worst than gambling. At least in gambling I can fuck it up by gambler's fallacy, in crypto I'm just betting in the biggest IF that exist.
For reference, I'm betting in the "IF" where Capcom said he would help Nintendo with the Gamecube IF it would be a good console.
And we all know how that went.
>>213845The promise of untraceable transactions the government can't sieze or inflate into uselessness.
>>214201>The promise of untraceable transactionsThat is fine until the moment everyponer has to exchange that crypto for cash, then the bottleneck is evident and the trap reveals itself.
>>214369The trick is to be the one exchanging bitcoin for cash while others want to exchange cash for bitcoin.
>>214777So, in other words, the twat who convinced us to buy his imaginary coin and then runs away when the bubble blows up?
>>214777>the one exchanging bitcoin for cashChecked.
Which take us to (((actors))) that have a government issued license, then to the whole exchange process is under the government's microscope, then any hope to fly under the radar is shattered.
Therefore, it looks like current crypto currencies are a test run for the abolishment of cash.
>>214777This, always do the opposite of what /biz/ says
>>214825They could design it so they know everything. Include a social credit score and ID. Suddenly the population is more exploitable trying to appease (((them))).
They could make it so (((they))) can get anything for free (from taxes and fees from the goyim). Make it so serving (((them))) is encouraged.
They could have anyone they want for any purpose. A self maintaining slave population. Removing or correcting wrong thinkers is not a problem.
I'm thinking global Weimar Republic.
>>214834Slavery is coming. Be compliant or die.
>IBM, the same company that provided punch card computing systems to the Nazis, lays groundwork for global “Mark of the Beast” cryptocurrency network.https://www.naturalnews.com/2019-03-31-ibm-lays-groundwork-for-global-mark-of-the-beast-cryptocurrency-network.html Sample of an automated Shill/Bot Thread spreading Globalist Propaganda on MLPOL. These have been here since April 2017.
These threads are next to Glimmernigel and Zald0 Threads the biggest distractions. If you see any of these threads on the main board: call out, sage, report and hide. Alternative, Bomb with pony Pussy.
Thank (You) for your cooperation and keeping our site clean.
>>215381The poster was banned after determining that it was in fact a bot, and not a curiously naive new user.
>>215390Where was the bot from? I'm pretty sure I remember seeing similar posts from another bot. I would like to know who's radar we are on.
>>215407This is the forum that it linked to. Can't say that that's where it was from, but if anon is feeling like digging, that'd be a good place to start. VPNs are strongly advised.
>>215411I went through a couple of the posts and one of them linked to bunkerchan which is one of /leftypol/'s bunkers. Looks like the bot spammed the shit out of one of their boards.
http://bunkerchan.xyz/dprk Did a search for "When the US Ponzi economy collapses, the riots break out, the concentration camps open, Civil War 2.0 starts, and WWIII begins will you say that you tried to warn people of the dangers of debt, war, and tyranny or will you say that you just sat there and did nothing?"
Found them advertising bunkerchan again on the burningplatform
found him again on breachbangclear.com and sanjoseinside.com advertising bunkerchan. It seems like /leftypol/ is up to something.
>>215422>>215418so you think this is a leftypol bot?
>>215425For a second I did, but then I found him advertising sportschan.
https://sportschan.org/s/index.html has been bombarded by this spambot. Who ever it is, they seem to be targetting paranoid libertarians and directing them to certain imageboards.
>>215381 says, these have been appearing on at least occasion for at least a year now
>>215433Just started a thread on it. Any more information would be appreciated.
>>215434 → greetings /mlpol/, I am here on behalf of myself and no other Chan or organization. I have known of your existence (happy birthday btw) and admire the way you camouflage your politics, absolutely brilliant.
ponies tend to trigger some autists, seems to mainly effect /new/fags and overly zealous religious types, however, some of us are always looking for alternative sites for a rally point after the proverbial 404 happens. I plan on doing my job and lurking around moar, just wanted to thank those of you who posted in neinchan and didn't shit up their board. in fact, the politeness of the posters there brought me here so I wanted to return the favor
>>216088Unless the target board is particularly degenerate, we don't seek to be disruptive, just unavoidably present. Welcome to Mlpol, have some horsepussy.