Welcome to the Mongolian political horsewhispering forum, also known as /mlpol/. This thread is dedicated to helping out newfags coming to the site with integrating into the local culture. If you have a question about something, or need spoonfed on something, don't be afraid to ask me or any other Anon willing to help.
Here's a few things to start.
1.- Read the policy page first:
https://mlpol.net/policy.html2.- When in doubt, lurk moar.
3.- Praise American, Praise Football.
4.- MODS = GODS.
5.- Anonfilly did nothing wrong.
6.- No one knows what /1ntr/ is for, not even /1ntr/.
7.- Check the catalog.
8.- Go away, Zald.
9.- Don't start shit.
11.- This is nice board.
And finally...
12.- The right to bare ponies SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.
1435 replies and 806 files omitted.
>>203749This video reminds me of an old deleted video I saw called "the pokemon conspiracy".
The video showed how basically we just got "hooked" on pokephilia and how we let it happen.
The issue started in G3 with Gardevoir: with the humanoid form, she was almost an acceptable exception.
The thing is she was the devs's fav as well and any attempt to delete or C&D the porn was useless, so they choose to overwrite the material with two new pokemons for G4: Lopunny and Gallade.
Gallade was easy: catch a male version of Ralts, add a bullshit way to get him (Kirlia Lv 20 + dawn stone) and add a giant button in his hip to make sex look weird.
As for Lopunny, that was the bait: you got a cute bunny, add a curvy body to the evolution, bam! Sexy playboy bunny (the poster body for sexiness).
The plan funny enough backfire big time because the new devs of future gens became perverts for those same reasons, and now we have that video.
>>206850what a story mark
considering Nintendo was trying to foist a lolsuit upon r34 paheal because they were the biggest provider of pokemon related pornography on the internet and were, for years, the first result on a google search i am willing to believe this.
little did nintendo know, you cant win against internet pornography. The Thirst is much too great.
>>207681This. Gay Shit isn't cool vrill
>>207863Bugged Image posting mechanics. Nothing I could do. It's Jason's fault.
>>207681In early 2019 i accidently showed gay fanart of myself. I was only scratching my leg.
Theres a sick motherfucker out there called Jason and its his fault when stuff like that happens. He is using illegal underhanded toxic detractor memes to derail my posts with his viewbots. Its terrorism and you need to step up to the plate and help me save my site from this sick mentally ill troll.
>>207863Wasn't me. Also mods should spoiler it.
>>207900Ooh heck, he's put the fictional empire name in his name field again
That's never a good sign
I'm sorry for having been away for so long.
>>209294Oh no, how terrible! Stop the presses, everyone! This youtuber who talks to many different political figures and preaches to fucktons of young voting-age people multiple times a week...
Is also able to make it to talks and get old people to show up to them!
Oh no, not old people! Not those icky stupid smelly yucky old people you see on r/the_donald! We're way too cool and hip and niche and seekrit clubbish to find old people agreeing with us to be anything other than horrifying and disheartening!
...Hang on, my sarcasm device shorted out.
Can I get a link to the discord?
>>210890if you want to be a faggot, yes.
>>210895better a pony loving faggot than a pony hating jew, also that's Mitya's job ^:)
>>210902not at all, just got jewed by discord and need a link back in
>>211512goddamnit. We HAD to make a waifu, didn't we?
>>211520We still need a ponification of him.
>>211520>>211563Thats just the way things are.
>>211620wouldn't have them any other way
>>211512>>211620They are both so beautiful.
>>211620Super Fucking cute, she needs to have some adventures with Aryanne.
>>212189Lol. Totally captures the smug.
Nominating Saint Tarrant for a MLPOL Banner and Brenton-Chan as a new player for the MLPOL Football team.
>>212516It can be put to a vote, but I'm pretty sure /pol/ is already claiming him for the 4cc and /auspol/ wants him for /pol/eague.
>>212541that sounds reasonable. on the other hand, i doubt they are interested in the female version.
>>212516I would welcome Pony Brenton-chan, or Female Brenton-chan to the team if /auspol/ is willing.
>also my little attempt at banner Can someone give me a straight answer as to where the Yang shills over on 4/pol/ came from? You can't voice your suspicion over there without getting flooded with terrible forced memes. Are they are Reddit raid? It would make sense since he appears to be Bernie 2: Ching Chong Edition.
>>212617I think it originated on discord.
It was funny at first, but it got old pretty quickly.
>>212542>>212596Hmmmm. Brenpone-chan then? It could work