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Welcome to the Mongolian political horsewhispering forum, also known as /mlpol/. This thread is dedicated to helping out newfags coming to the site with integrating into the local culture. If you have a question about something, or need spoonfed on something, don't be afraid to ask me or any other Anon willing to help.

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3.- Praise American, Praise Football.

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And finally...

12.- The right to bare ponies SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.
1435 replies and 794 files omitted.
315383 315485
Stop embarassing yourself.
You chose to defend niggers. You tell me why. Stop embarassing yourself and don't try to wriggle out of this, worm. You name one good nigger. Name one. I don't backflip on command for nigger-lovers. You lack the balls to stand by what you said so you're trying to shuffle this conversation on to another topic... disgraceful.
Would you find understanding reality easier if I explained something to you like you're a child?
Leftists say all the success whites see is only due to invisible racism that benefits whites. You know, to dehumanize and insult them and paint them as evil little tyrants who didn't earn their success and need to be taken down a peg.
Leftists say whites are inherently evil to try and justify committing crimes against innocents. Such as attacking them openly and instituting clear and obvious institutional racism against whites.
All niggers take part in this war on whites and play their part in this.
"good" niggers still take up room in white countries, rob their economic power by taking their jobs, and profit from the institutionalized anti-whiteness while doing nothing to oppose it. Blacks only support "conservatives" in majority-black areas where liberalism has outlived its usefulness and handed them dominance over the land, if the pro-black anti-white conservative candidats is more useful to niggers than the pro-black anti-white liberal candidate.
Niggers do nothing good for whites that whites cannot do for themselves. You might 'luv muh based blacks" but you'll have to explain why, because I don't see any reason to love them as you do.
315388 315517
You appear to have alot of unresolved issues, and are wont to cast aspersions on those who disagree.
I wish you luck with that.
In the meantime, Ill reassert that I have done no service to any niggers or any other group, and that Ive simply asked you to validate your position.
Which you balk at. Balking, for the record, is the inability or unwillingness to address legitimate concerns, criticisms, or prompts for validarion or continuation.
In a logical sense, this means you refuse to validate your argument, rendering it invalid.
Because you cant (or can you?).
Because you know inherently that there is no rational basis for your position.

Prove me wrong. Please. And please, no logical fallacies this time. You may be a child, but the audience isnt. Try to keep up.
315434 315470
It is wrong for you to defend niggers and it is wrong for you to try and move this conversation away from something you know you cannot do(name one good nigger)
Any way there's also /x/ too for your magical hors shenanigans.
Also the greens, and the shitposts, and more.
Be the best you can be. Failing that just a little bit better in some way. What that means is usually what you make of it.
Ask yourself what a degenerate does to people.
I'm sure you'll understand immediately why horsefuckers can't be degenerates. The hint is why are degenerates degenerates. What fo they do to people. What do they think people are. What do they want.
Now ask yourself what a good friend would do.
Ice cube
https://www.thedailybeast. com/ice-cubes-long-disturbing-history-of-anti-semitism
No one is defending niggers, youre being dishonest. I'm hoping you take the opportunity to refine your position so that it doesnt appear to be as lazy, dogmatic, biased, and self serving as what comes out of BLM, Antifa, and all the CRT faggots.
Also, please don't posture as though you have decisive control over where the discussion goes in the Newfag thread, it's embarrassing. Have a bacon hoers instead.
You can't name one good nigger, can you?
also why do leftists say "no one" when they mean "ik? Why do they have that quirk? Why do they love speaking for everyone when bitching about their feelings or lying about what has been said already?
Here's my two cents, there are good people with generic deficiencies and situations of happenstance. To be a nigger is a choice it's always the wrong choice.
So there is a select proportion of people who's natural starting point gives them a predisposition for nigger acts. The soul level can flip flop one way or another from person to person.
Overcoming being a nigger is a life time of effort and struggle. Sometimes being a nigger the genetics, soul, and societal just ends the journey before excaping the niggering could even start.
No one should ever be a nigger.
Not even niggers.

Keep in mind genetics, ancestry, souls stuff, DNA, circumstances, and more do have a large impact. That's why when a stereotypical nigger is a nigger I don't react with shock or surprise or worry. It's just a nigger.
If a good person is a good person then that's that. While the quick rule of thumb works at least 60% of the time depending on location. Statistics is a nice number, but you have to apply it right and understand why it is. Blanket statements are very useful, but sometimes covers too much or too little.

You can't save a nigger from being a nigger. You can show others what a nigger is, but the underlying personality has a sense humanity that is eternal.
I will tell you why
Is the wrong way to look at things. Yes they are there using and taking large proportions of time and energy being a nigger for niggering.
You see the thing is a nigger wouldn't be able to nigger without (((support))) you know this. The invaders are pawns as such moving pawns about is rather easy. You want to remove the board of all pawns while you're surrounded with every other enemy piece.
This is about strategy. Do you want to 'just' have an economy or a small village or a free street or do you want to have a good and free world?
Suffering is the spice of life, what you make of that flavor is up to you.
If you want to win you must win. Reflect on everything you've experienced and make a choice.
Do you want to lose?
Do you want to win?
See the short falls and build your bridges strong and sturdy. Weak or frail. The perfect bridge for the perfect time for the perfect circumstance.
Sit back, take a moment to relax, and prepare your anus.

Everyone has specialties whether they know it or not. As such you must treat them as they so choose to be treated. That's not what they 'want' to be treated like, but what they will be treated like.
You'll know the extent they will go or lack thereof. Keep that in mind because everyone has their limits and restrictions.
However many of those are completely false.

Because they imitate their life upon the world as they 'live'.
315519 315523
I should have stated: Lauren was an EARLY second wave feminist. For starters:
#1: second wave feminism (neither americucked nor britmutt'd under their cuckqueen) formed from 1870-90ACE's feminism, not the judeo-religimutted fymynysts, which was not labeled until the 1900ACE's. It was a particular school of thought which realized the biological differences between men and women and proceeded in teaching women to be MORE supportive of their men, AND to reduce the propensity of hypergamy.
#2: one of Lauren's grandmother(s) or great-grandmother(s) witnessed the decline of male representation throughout the legal systems due to the (((Suffragette Movement))). This is an important fact to note.
#3: during Lauren's childhood she witnessed numerous, massive legal gaps which (((better))) represented huwymynz more than men were 'allowed'. Lauren grew up with a strong father figure whom taught her a great deal about the world and how people act in unpleasant circumstances. This leads to:
#4: men were the EARNERS and BACKBONE of both the family and community, which she never spoke against. [This does NOT tie in to the (((Silent Generation))) which existed from 1909ACE until 1965ACE, nor the (((Nuclear Family))) from 1945ACE until the 1990ACE's. Look at both of those fucking failures up for some major jew-horror and indoctrination.]
#5: second wave feminism was uncucked until 1953ACE, unlike what that inbred britmutt states. The originating problem of second wave feminism was this: equality OF legal representation in courts between the sexes, AND equality of representation in media. The early second wave feminists demanded equally objective assessments of jobs, duties, honors, loyalty, and in marriage, regardless of whom won.
#5a: throughout the 1950ACE's an increasing number of pro-judeo-marxist cuckold """men""", in reality pro-commies/pro-socialists/pro-Leninists, were told to, and never questioned, their indoctrination to fully (((believe))) that women were !!!JuSt As CaPaBlE aS mEn!!! This is where the rift between second-generation feminists and the nu-feminists of the late second-third generation begins.
#5b: second wave feminists held to the ideal that women had different biological and emotional circumstances that would allow them to be more readily adaptable to certain caretaker jobs that men were not socially inclined to. The majority of those jobs? Nurses (due to being positive influences which necessitated PROPER recovery), teachers (due to being CORRECTIVE biological influences, most often from enforcing traditional rules), and waitresses. For the last one, you can look all you want at the wife.. but you might lose your life.
#5c: second wave feminism before it was cucked in 1958ACE or so had a MAJOR improvement on destroying the pro-kike notions of judeo-xtian religious slavery. No longer were traditional men OR women able to be societally lynched based on their 'religion'. No longer were men able to be 'called out for cheating' IF THERE WAS NO EVIDENCE. No longer were women able to be called 'cheaters' IF THERE WAS NO EVIDENCE. The best part of this? Second wave feminism helped to create a short, yet incredibly solid, stable eithic where random people could no longer be fucked and cucked by judeo-goverment, whether that be certain (((churches))) or the basic bitch goyim in a village/town/city. Equality IS reached when men and women are able to perform their jobs without being worried about getting called a (((heretic))).
#5d: the greatest physicians, doctors, engineers, technicians, researchers, scientists, etc. have occurred in the past 50 years. Second wave feminism was of paramount importance for teaching individuals to BE individuals, broadening their horizons, knowledge, empathy, you name it. Unlike the later second-third wave feminists that were all being plowed by Tyrone the jew-loving nigger when not fisting themselves to (((John Lennon))) while singing "Imagine a judeo-marxist paradise for the top 0.1%", the early second wave feminists were those that understood humanity was not to be enslaved. They were exposed to sciences and cultures and taught others to form the most logical thoughts rather than emotionally screeching "muh jew book gewd!" or "muh jew laws great!"

Stop tying you pro-tranny, pro-futa, pro-commie, pro-bricuckqueen, pro-degenerate golem. You ALWAYS try to "make it clear" that you aren't a literal jew-loving cuck. That has not worked since you started shitting up this site with your literally retarded crybaby statements.

Here's a GREAT black person to research:
George Washington Carver

Here's even MORE great people to research:
all of the Afrikaaners that didn't allow themselves to be cucked by juden or their judeo-xtian muppet golems.

Keep on fucking yourself, Niggel. You haven't made a single positive in this world. And remember my words: you won't.

Ignore Niggel. He's nothing more than an inbred britmutt whom worships kikes and gaslights EVERYONE due to being a cowardly sack of pigshit.

Your post is hilarious since there are millions of actual Afrikaaners that despise jews and their golems for religiously charged, pro-shekel slavery purposes. Niggel LOVES to ignore the fact that kike janissaries, mostly huwhite goyim whom were enslaved by britmutts at the time, captured well over 40,000,000 Afrikaaners at gunpoint (mostly using blunderbusses and small cannons) whom were then sold into worldwide slavery.. solely to profit the jew. It is impossible to deny that Afrikaaners have an entirety different set of mentalities that only apply to living within Afrika which of course are not useful anywhere else. Let the Afrikaaners stay where they are, that is where they have evolved to inhabit. Likewise, do not deny Afrikaaners the RIGHT to wipe out kikes and their pro-juden goyim from the CIA or MI5/6. Liberia, Algeria, Chad, Mogadishu, Congo, Ethiopia, Somalia, Egypt, Libya, Mali, Nigeria ring any bells?
315523 315566
He's doing it again?
You know, making statements without sources and expecting his "confidence" and the "maturity" of his tourrettes-stricken angwy voise to be enough. Press him for sources or openly disagree with him and his grudge against you over it will last literal years. Source: see how butthurt he's been at me for literal fucking years lol.
Over the years I've come to realize conversing with him is a waste of time, and so is defending yourself when he throws every insult and lie he can think of at you. Nobody worth a damn will be fooled by his hostile attention-seeking antics, so why bother replying to them?
315526 315561 315566
Yes that is my point as well. Which is why being the best you can be and others is one of the ideal options to enact.
A nigger doesn't mean an Afrikaaner. A nigger is a nigger.
That's only because you need to expand your mind. I know this is hypocritical of me to say this on your behalf, but I'd recommend having a controlled crisis. A mythological call to adventure. You need everything you have shaken to the very foundations till all that is there is good and pure.
Instead the road that ought to be had is to slowly wipe away chinesium concrete and replace enter sections of mental streets and buildings with something everlasting and adaptable.
You need to know the Wand (hard power) and the Cup (soft power).
This applies for many people, but...
When the time comes and shit hits the fan the mind and soul and body must act in wisdom or else.
>why bother replying to them?
Because my points are always applied. It is a multi-audience show for everyone including me. So this is also for me, later, but it's also for you now, and you later.
Even later later than that as well. If all is well.
What other medium could I write steeped in context and magic and friendship that the world opens up and gains ever more focus. Possibly something else, but this is what I'm using as of this moment.
315561 315566
I want Aryanne to call me a weakling and then promptly crush my balls with her bare hoof.
315566 315573
I want to believe everyone has good intentions, deep down, even if they've chosen shit ways of going about it. Reality makes that difficult. I'm familiar enough with that guy's "debate techniques" (make statements without arguments or evidence and hope people value your words more than they should, describe things negatively like you want upvotes for signalling your disgust at x, throw reductive personal attacks around as if debates are won when nobody wants to continue talking to you, insult everything said to you no matter what it was and call that a counterargument, pepper your sentences with what you think mature language is to sound more mature, call everyone you don't like jewish, bring up years-old drama out of context because the truth is inconvenient, beg others not to talk to anyone you hate, and so on) to know I'd gain nothing by buying what he's selling. He might call me negative things but that doesn't make him an expert on personal improvement. He's been at this for literal years so he can't be an expert on personal improvement. An expert on personal improvement would have improved personally over the years, or at least found better things to do than cry in the rain at the biggest storm cloud and scream about an old phantom pain whenever he gets the urge.

A guide I'm following religiously told me not to talk about my projects until they are complete. These are long-term projects showing immense promise and every new step on this jouney is its own adventure. So while I want to talk for over 10k letters about my project and why it's fucking genius that the third and fourth meter interact the way they do or rant about some of the irritating bugs I've encountered and solved I shouldn't tell anyone about the good shit until it's ready for sale. Talking about my successes... I should save that talk for "Behind the scenes" videos, there'll be time enough for talking when the dealing's done.
Abusive femdom fantasies are gay. Fantasize about her becoming your fitness instructor instead, grow into someone she'd be proud of.
Horse Cock LEGEND
315572 315574 315576
The longer you keep being the perfectly unaware controlled opposition cuckgoy that you've always been, the longer das juden control you and make inroads in convincing the 90% to remain goodboi nobadthink nowrongthink shekelloving slaves. Live the longest life that you can, Niggel. At the end of your life, you MIGHT come to a realization.

But that's pushing reality beyond the limits of any goalpost or gaslight that I can feasibly attest to.

tl:dr: go and finally kill yourself, jew-lover. You ain't done shit so far, and you won't amount to shit later on.

I don't know whether or not the entire the Afrikaaner=probably doesn't mean nigger examples are true since my time in fucking Iraq and Afghanistan were limited to <6 years. Over 70% of Afrika has death marks on any jew found, killed, and the corpses turned in to their (oftentimes corrupt due to CIA and MI5/6 shekels) governments. It is a current, to-date fucking bounty that one CAN NOT be prosecuted against turning in. How many countries does one have to jew, fuck up, and fuck over before the literal slaves rise up against them?

While I MIGHT not have as much respect for Afrikaaners as I do towards the Persians and Asians, they have, at the absolute minimum, a complete disregard towards inbred subhuman degenerates such as kikes, britmutts, the dutch, amerimutts, and goyim. After all, this TINY little fucking world has suffered nothing more than a long chain of L's from those (((people))) without end.

While a nigger IS a nigger (so long as they are determined to stay a jewcucked slave), that person IS the product of circumstances outside of their empathy and knowledge to correct. When a nigger ISN'T a nigger, they take the W train straight out of ghettoville into becoming a living human being, which is something that both britmutts and americucks are not able to understand. Afrikaa, Asia, the Yuropoors, and hundreds more cultures deserved far better than the inbred cannibal huwhytes that chose to follow pro-judaic slavery into the Dark Ages and beyond.

Amusingly enough, there is a certain... "friend" I once had whom could, and is most likely still able, to circumnavitage the Late Persian Era tarot with such ease that it was frightening. I asked him to never reveal those secrets, to his disdain. Most barely dare to hold the cup until they realize the world outside of themselves is a formless shitstained mass that is not worth drinking from. That is until Niggel the BIGGEST britgoy and his glownigger friends from plebbit answered an unasked and unwanted prediction.

Stop right there, sir. Your degeneracy is wrong. Instead of that shit, you should be demanding to find out where all the local virgins are at rather than willfully subjecting yourself to jew-approved CBT. A little pressure in good, sexy, monogamous or harem when with equine mares is great, but going past that is definitively wrong.

Oh Niggel, keep crying. Maybe one day your insane fursecution complex will pay dividends that your pathetic inbred <70IQ britmutt ass can't pay off no matter how many whorehouses keep you on retainer for the <3"/6.5CM kike microdicks you love taking care of. Go kill yourself. For real. What will that be? The 6th serious attempt? Make it happen this time instead of being a BASIC BITCH HALF-JEW LOVING ORBITER OF 49'er's. You always orbit the 4's, Niggel, yet never seem to go anywhere other than straight back into the shekelpocket of -9's.
lol u still mad tho
But for real
look at this clown
he's throwing EVERYTHING he can think of at me
Even claims I'm "moving goalposts"?
I don't see any moving goalposts in the sentence "name one good nigger aka one that fights for whites against the shites".
But he sees a lot of things that aren't there, whatever you decide to call him.
does anyone have discord link for mlpol?
I've never been better, my friend. Today is a wonderful day for you to explore the world's good side.
315771 315997
Don't you tempt me Into doing a white horse Satan, I am not a white girl
You poor deluded man.
I will not think of think of horse genitalia and donut that my body desires, as I am pure of heat
There is only purity. Banish the evils that plague yourself. Do it for them.
315781 315785
I'll just dance the horny off myself
Dance all you like
>best pone
I do want that filly.
You must mean El-Shaitan, the Late Babylonian Era greater-god of family, honor, contracts, and peace. If you are being serious... then you're a worthless cuck traitor. Enjoy the gas chambers/rope.
MUPXBlom (1).png
Fuck communists
317421 317424 317430 317443 317446
My frens deleted our board because one of the mods got arrested, now I find myself homeless amongst the anonymous hordes once again.

Hello Horsefuckers. How are things on your end?
Hello, Anon.
What was your old board?
It was a splinter off of old meguca, only liveboard that was /pol/ friendly.
Well, we're plenty /pol/-friendly.
Make yourself at home, newfren.
haha chingchongs are so fucking awful.

The potemkin shit is true by the way, when i went our itinerary was mandated by chinkland and they had us stay at a "farming village" that was basically a picture perfect american suburb.

Totally different from the endless mass of shanty towns seen from our five star hotels in the big shitties.
>rebbit spacing
Welcome fren.
>rebbit spacing
Here's a frienly politcal pone newfrein
>The article focuses on the results of a study of the predictability of urban travel patterns worldwide using a new visitation law. Topics discussed include the potential of the results to improve models of disease spread and city planning, discovery of an inverse square relation between the number of people in an urban location and the distance they traveled to reach the location, and tendency of urban dwellers to optimize their day according to lead author Markus Schlãpfer.
Math Transit.
ISSN 00368733
Scientific American. Oct2021, Vol. 325 Issue 4, p16-18. 3p.
>Except that it's not new.
<also these tthings are very intersting and useful if you apply them in different ways, and outside of different contexts.
>I read about Reilly's theory of retail gravitation in the 70's, and have used it (combined with A*) for modelling my fantasy world's trading routes for years and years. Reilly's theory is an inverse square law too.

If they've refined, i particular, how to measure the draw of an area and the best way to measure distance (time, effort, etc.) then great, but this is not "super striking".

>Why post this here?
Cities are optimized to remove aberrant behavior by it's physical structure. As in due to continual data testing and implementation the physical is imparting mental effects one of such things is optimization. The spiritual effects are pretty telling.
Anyway the point being is expanding these search parameters one could model behaviors and actions with a high degree of success.
>original point was haha look at the NPCs in the city
>then it's taking a step back and looking to see how useful all this stuff could be
>by applying actual human values to this one could emulate a person with enough values and full context for what being actually means
>why stop there, we can keep going to use this to predict any set of values to see where people go and what they'll buy
>but wait any value/action can also be substituted for buying in which case having an accurate understanding of the person in question means predicting future events is possible, now the question is predicting multiple predictions and how those intertwine
>that too can be summed into a non-human entity to predict with great accuracy
>and this can keep going, but wait a minute this could also occur backwards to get a glimpse of the past
>Billy Mays here, but wait there's more
<Horse Pussy
<Welcome to /mlpol/
I found Sneed's horse based cousin
320713 320714
Yeah. Cancer as hell now. Now be nice on /pol/ or else.
>do not attack other users
320733 324960
>lol its only a 1 day ban, why are you crying
<4 months earlier
>>>/qa/5921 →
Everyone who has been here from day one knows we care about each other. In fact one point they had a suicidal help thingy if you were that way. Opposed to telling a Pfizer shill to kill himself and shove his clot shot up his ass on niggertits aka 4chan.
Yeah that was years ago, and Atlas (the person responsible for the wellness check) is long gone. Lots has changed over time, in spite of efforts to whitewash and pretend everything is the same.
niggeetits is cancer right now. Horse pussy is the cure. Go flood /pol/ with horse pussy.