Welcome to the Mongolian political horsewhispering forum, also known as /mlpol/. This thread is dedicated to helping out newfags coming to the site with integrating into the local culture. If you have a question about something, or need spoonfed on something, don't be afraid to ask me or any other Anon willing to help.
Here's a few things to start.
1.- Read the policy page first:
https://mlpol.net/policy.html2.- When in doubt, lurk moar.
3.- Praise American, Praise Football.
4.- MODS = GODS.
5.- Anonfilly did nothing wrong.
6.- No one knows what /1ntr/ is for, not even /1ntr/.
7.- Check the catalog.
8.- Go away, Zald.
9.- Don't start shit.
11.- This is nice board.
And finally...
12.- The right to bare ponies SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.
1435 replies and 815 files omitted.
Fishing on Hotwheels chan is more easier. They don't have a gr15. Most of them have hear of this place though.
Should I name drop /mlpol/ on TRR?
>>182431I actually don't know what TRR is, but I assume it's something to do with Reddit.
>>182434The Ralph Retort, a fairly popular Youtube talk show/stream thing.
>>182435Ah. In that case, if you think they'll be a good fit for the site, go for it.
>>182431Are you the same one that keeps sending MLPOL stuff to Jim's stream then? Because he has read one or two super chats about MLPOL
>>182431If you do so then send a link to the segment. I used to watch TRR but eventually got tired of listening to loud people talk over each other for hours.
>>182443No, I've never mentioned it. I'm not going to for a while now, apparently the WSJ is watching him like a hawk so it would just send them here.
>>182473You're probably not wrong, they might still go for it now that they have the furry division working for them though.
>>182728If you haven't heard, furries have pretty much completely tossed their hat in with the far left and have become a large part of their social media mob.
>>182431>>182443Shhhh. It's supposed to be /oursecret/ guys. 4/pol/ has been gone for years, 8/pol/ was recently taken by the shills. Word get out about this place, there's no where left to go.
>>182752>furries are far left>bronies are far rightThis'll be a colourful war at least
>>182901One side is grounded in reality while the other lets their mind rule them so they become mentally ill.
>>182901>This'll be a colourful war at leastJust like God intended it
>>182841We decided a while ago that the whole "sekrit club" thing wasn't working out. We have good mods, we're all ready and willing to defend our board. Let them come: all they'll get is a wave of horsepussy in return.
>>182936>>182904>>182902>>182901>>182752>>182728while i would say that there definitely is some sort of ideological division in the pony community, i wouldnt say it is decisively right leaning. I wish it was the case but this is simply not reality. You venture out of this website and you are drowning in bluepilled dumbfucks that unironically think bullshit memes like love and tolerate are real.
The furry community is far bigger, older and more radicalized towards anarcho communism than anything else. to the point where they are no more furry conventions that are NOT tilted towards leftst ideologues, openly hostile to even just anything right of socialism.
If you were to kill a furry in the street, chances are you put a communist and a homosexual down with it at the same time.
>>182994>>182936i know this is probably a bad idea, but do you guys think an olive branch could be extended to the nazi furs?
>>183084Never. There is something dangerously wrong with furries as a whole. I have no idea what is bouncing around in Nazi Fur heads, but something is obviously broke inside. The logic to allow them to exist is too incoherent.
>>183084Is the olive branch on fire?
>>183087yea that's what i was thinking, doesn't hurt to get others opinions on the matter though.
>>183090It has to be.
>>183102Fuck off kangaroo. it was a shitty idea i know.
>>182994I'm concerned, I saw a anthro drawing of Rainbow Dash and liked it. Was I seduced to the dark side? Does this make me equally trashy?
Newfag here, this seems like a very pleasant place.
I want to stay and browse during my quiet 12h night shifts, but the presence of horse pussy makes me slightly wary; I work in a small room with multiple windows on every wall, you see.
How do I have nice things in a situation such as my own? Is there a way to spoiler NSFW images?
>>183139if you click on the options tab in the top right corner, then there is an option about halfway down on the window that gives you the option to hide images.
>>183132>>183135I won't lie to my self, not again.
Liking the human form is in my genes, It's what helps us survive. Combined that with the form that I favor over man and you have made an "abomination" that is the best of two worlds, a more pleasing biped.
>>183140This does seem to fix the horsepussy problem, but now I have another problem altogether. This hides all the images, indiscriminate of content.
>>183142It's either black of white and there is nothing in between, that pretty much how this website works.
I'm not sure of that.
>>183142You don't really need it. Besides the designated threads and that one banner there really is very little porn. Just stay away from zald threads and you'll be golden.
>>183145>>183146That's not an argument.
When did I say it was?
Go on, read again. or at least correct.
Come on guys, you're better than this.
>>183145They are damn close to it though.
>>183144Please excuse my newfaggotry and lack of knowledge. While I know my question may be answered by lurking (or, y'know, just doing a search and finding out), fear of workplace repercussions make me cautious of doing so, even for my own learning.
Tell me of this zald, so that I may avoid it.
Attached: the only mention of zald I'm familiar with yet.
>>183139I think you can hide the one porn thread
>>183152Zald is a recurring troll who posts here almost daily. He spams this board and several others
I don't go on furry affinity and say I like that, this pleases me. And I am skeptical that non of you have seen a drawing of an anthro pony that did please you, even if you deny it.
>>183153I was referring to human being of the human kind. Look in the mirror.
>>183152He is a wired furry mega autist that lurks here for some reason. The OP for his threads are always low quality and are usually off topic (ponies and/or politics). His threads get rule 10'd which is why you should avoid them.
Anthro doesn't bother me that much, because I got a thing for legs and feet. Quick disclaimer though, I'm not a foot fag I just want to see the whole leg+feet or shoes. I do not want to see the foot bottoms in my face. If its anthro with hooves I throw it in the trash. If people draw dogo snouts or do furry themes with them its also in the trash.
I get people hate anthro because "it makes you a furry" but I don't think that's the case. I also don't think that if you masturbate to a furry or anthro character that it is particularly bad. This is assuming there isn't any weird shit going on of course. Like if you want to be wolf kin or some gay shit that's dumb, but if you want to fuck what is basically a girl with a tail and bigger ears that's not abnormal. Its the same as masturbating to a fictional race like elves or aliens. If there is something I'm missing feel free to elaborate.
>>183159>>183152he posts the fish bitch from undertale, and makes low effort troll threads.
>>183163Suddenly, with that detail, that name seems very familiar.