>>314967G4 was painfully subverted from the start. Lauren
did her best to prevent it from becoming "now-modern realpolitiks BUT WITH COLORFUL PONIES!!!" Ignoring the momarents of hamfisted politikal korrektness is precisely why nu-mulp exists. That is also why shit like altbrony, 4cuck, and (((hoarse jews))) all fucking suck.
>>314989In all fairness, it is best not to delve too deep into the history of /mlpol/. To be blunt: j3wm00t swallowed the sjw pill around 2009 which became increasingly desperate until the time that /mlp/ was forced into existence. During that time his wymynz roights girlcuckfriend, whom was a LITERAL coalburner, convinced j00t to begin replacing 4cuck's janitors with what we call 'tranny jannies'. Or, in other words: 4th wave femi-soycialists that strictly adhered to the (((principles))) of judeo-marxism such as suppression of free speech. When /mlp/ and /pol/ were merged on a certain April Faggot's Day, the board qualities of both increased. All of a sudden:
#1: horsefuckers had their freedoms of speech and artistry defended by veterans from around the world, whom APPRECIATED the care that /mlp/ gave to their chosen waifus as a collector would to their finest battle rifle
#2: said veterans were protected from both shill-sliding and soygoy threads by pictures of pony pussy, which infinitely pissed off cuckshills and glowniggers alike.
Thus, the hated finite and the forgotten finite became one, merging both firearms and mare vagina into a glorious, never ending camaraderie between the once disparate tribes.
tl;dr: both found more in common with their rivals than they had with any other group across the world.
Bizarre for certain, yet consequential. Without the backing of horsefuckers and their unusual shenanigans, most /k/ommandoes were burnt out, unimaginative refugees whom were NEVER accepted anywhere else. Without the influx of /k/ommandoes, most horsefuckers would never have been ALLOWED to understand what discipline and honor meant from a purely human perspective.
If you want some humor, then I'll share this: used to be a flat Mussolini-styled ultra-fascist starting in 2003. That was a cold, bleak time, one I do NOT remember easily. Around half of my buddies were either dead, the other half braindead due to mandated lobotomies due to the (((whoer on terror))) propagandized as a never ending crisis, or quickly becoming insane. The few that were not could best be described as either robotic or zombie like in mentality. When MLP G4 aired I was ignorant of it. Within the next couple years I had been convinced by those either younger nor older than myself that it was.. special. Wonderful, even. Being a long time /pol/ resident with little exposure to anime or even cartoons, took several tries to watch the first season. When it ended, I was no longer in that black mental place. Life was, once more, a series of experiences to learn from, and perhaps to share. Season two, better. I was stable, in control of myself, and most importantly,
calm. By the time of season three I had regained the sense of adventure, encouragement, and desire for knowledge that I did not even remember existing. G4, regardless of how simple or mildly cucked it was, saved my fucking life. For that premise, Lauren Faust is beloved by many a gun nut. Despite the fact that her dream was trampled on, or the cucked soygirl that failed to replace her was nothing more than a Disney Princess slut, or the fact that Lauren left her project in broken hearted despondence, Faust earned
my respect.
>>314992Don't get him involved with that shit, especially when it concerns that cuckstian Niggel's favorite nu-mulp fursona. What the FUCK are you thinking, dude?