Try to search for phrases such as "When the US Ponzi economy collapses, the riots break out, the concentration camps open, Civil War 2.0 starts, and WWIII begins will you say that you tried to warn people of the dangers of debt, war, and tyranny or will you say that you just sat there and did nothing?" and "You know the US is doomed when Americans would rather attack those who defend freedom instead of criticizing the government that is enslaving them." see what turns up.
I found a pastebin full of all the bot's responses. very good work on result delivery. Potentially groundbreaking effort post. Respect.
So the thing links to tinychan, operatorchan, bunkerchan, and sportschan. Can someone find out who owns these sites?
>>215454Funny how those obscure places have their own ED articles but this den of autism doesn't.
>>215434>begins will you say that you tried to warn people of the dangers of debtI just did a fast search of the above sentence and I found an entry from March 18th.
It is the last comment at: >>215434>>215438Awesome work. Good digging.
A few more pastebins (looks like earliest is November 2018) sure what narrative it is trying to push. Mainly it looks like ramblings of a 14 year old trying to sound profound.
>>215525>Not sure what narrative it is trying to push.I think those lists were pastebined to be available to other bot operators joining the campaign.
It smells like a Think-Tank testing IRL their ideas about people's engagement to those scripts and their potential for escalation. In other words, to agitate and see how far they can push.
Nevertheless, they are slogans and political rants which look tailored to libertarians and right wing conservatives.
>>215527>It smells like a Think-Tank testing IRL their ideasTrue, it is possibly just an test run to hone in their tools for the 2020 election.
I just don't see the message they try to push.
>Nevertheless, they are slogans and political rants which look tailored to libertarians and right wing conservatives.There is bits of everything in their rants. They might try to "speak to" libertarians, but calling them "libtards" is perhaps not the best way to do it. Then they are promoting and condemning salestax at the same time. They might try to speak to right wingers, but then they also promote a lax immigration .
>There would be no problem with illegal immigrants if they were legalized with visas.>What if illegal aliens paid sales taxes that funded welfare for Americans?It sort of sound like Antifa try to mix Moorish and Sovereign Citizen philosophy and a bit of Libertarian, and sound a bit right wing, while at the same time promote a state, but also want to burn the state down.
>The main point of the police state is to crush resistance to the 1%>No one rules if no obeys.>What if everyone became stateless?>What if everyone stopped paying taxes?>What if everyone stopped joining the military?>What if everyone stopped voting?.....and so on
It is such a mishmash of soundbytes that makes me think the guy/guys who wrote this seriously needs to take a break from pot smoking.
>>215529>They might try to "speak to" libertarians, but calling them "libtards"As far as I know, Libtard is a combination of two words Liberal + Retard.
>>215530True. I will just sit here in the corner for a while..
it is early and I haven't fueled brain with cofefe yet, and I will stick to that defense if anyone asks Yes, these are rhetorical questions generally used by libertarians. I'm guessing that someone is carbet-bombing sites to spread a message as much as possible. Not very useful on an imageboard where people expect interaction but I'd expect it'd work well in a comment section. I've even used such rhetorical questions before myself (though I typed them out rather than copying them from a source).
Alternatively, it could be an attempt to discredit these ideas by presenting them weakly or in an obnoxious format. However, that probably isn't the case.
I'm guessing that this isn't Shareblue but it's someone copying Shareblue's methods, targeting obscure platforms where there's less noise.
>>215534They seem active in the comment sections of alternative news sites. It could just be some lolbertarian that knows how to code.
>>215534Some of the arguments in the pastebins are good. The problem is that there is a lack of consistency when you look at them as a whole. And they contradict themselves in other sections of the texts. It is the scatterer shot nature that makes me wonder what the end goal of the bot actually is. And I agree I don't think it is SB.
This gives me an idea. Should we advertise for mlpol on alternative news sites?
>>217754The same ones the spam bot is spamming on.
>>215449I kinda know dachschund jedi who runs opchan if I can help? isn't that a lefty pol site?
>>217793Bunkerchan is indeed leftypol.