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Welcome to /ub/ - Überhengst
German for "over stallion," and a reference to Nietzsche's "Übermensch," /üb/ - Überhengst is about bettering yourself physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally. It is about self-improvement, constructive self-reflection, and seeking advice from others. You may discuss here those personal hobbies through which you develop your creative energies, and the efforts you take to improve your talents, artistic and otherwise. And of course, this is a board for fitness and literature, as they are parts of the backbone of physical and mental wellness. This is also a board where we may discuss Western culture - history, literature, architecture, and philosophy - as when imbibed, culture improves the mind and spirit, sharpening mental faculties, and providing a greater connection to those around you and to civilizations millennia old.

As this is a self-improvement board, discussions of personal problems should be constructive. No wallowing in self-pity. We are here to become better, and while seeking company in misery may be a helpful part of the process, the process does not end there.


Bible Study Thread
3415 3480 3496 3810 3824 7131 7306
IIT we discuss and study the Bible. I will be using the King James Version and will take the stance of a fundamental literalist, which is a bit redundant, but these days there exist many that claim to be fundamental but reject the literal interpretation of Scripture when they encounter something they don't agree or understand. I am not a Bible scholar, I'm not a pastor, I don't currently attend any denomination's church service. I'm just an anon that really like to study the Bible. Feel free to argue with me, I could be completely wrong and I hope to learn more about the Bible along the way.

I will post below my first study topic and what I have researched about it. Hopefully it will be interesting and somewhat engaging.
561 replies and 214 files omitted.
Unfortunately, I have no experience of success in reaching others. I don't really have the charisma that is required to get people to listen and consider application. I can share what I know about the Bible though.

People that are consumed by fear are in a struggling relationship with God, if not devoid of the relationship altogether.

Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment: because as he is, so are we in this world.

1 John 4:18-21
There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.
19We love him, because he first loved us.
20If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen?
21And this commandment have we from him, That he who loveth God love his brother also.

The desire to fit in with the world in fear of losing something valuable is natural, as it strikes the hearts of the prophets as well. Elijah was gifted with miracles to present to the people that had abandoned God.

1 Kings 18:36-39
And it came to pass at the time of the offering of the evening sacrifice, that Elijah the prophet came near, and said, LORD God of Abraham, Isaac, and of Israel, let it be known this day that thou art God in Israel, and that I am thy servant, and that I have done all these things at thy word.
37Hear me, O LORD, hear me, that this people may know that thou art the LORD God, and that thou hast turned their heart back again.
38Then the fire of the LORD fell, and consumed the burnt sacrifice, and the wood, and the stones, and the dust, and licked up the water that was in the trench.
39And when all the people saw it, they fell on their faces: and they said, The LORD, he is the God; the LORD, he is the God.

Yet, after this display, the king of Israel was mad that he disproved his favorite false god of Baal, as his wife was pagan. The wife demanded the head of Elijah for crimes against the gods and so he ran.

1 Kings 19:9-15
And he came thither unto a cave, and lodged there; and, behold, the word of the LORD came to him, and he said unto him, What doest thou here, Elijah?
10And he said, I have been very jealous for the LORD God of hosts: for the children of Israel have forsaken thy covenant, thrown down thine altars, and slain thy prophets with the sword; and I, even I only, am left; and they seek my life, to take it away.
11And he said, Go forth, and stand upon the mount before the LORD. And, behold, the LORD passed by, and a great and strong wind rent the mountains, and brake in pieces the rocks before the LORD; but the LORD was not in the wind: and after the wind an earthquake; but the LORD was not in the earthquake:
12And after the earthquake a fire; but the LORD was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice.
13And it was so, when Elijah heard it, that he wrapped his face in his mantle, and went out, and stood in the entering in of the cave. And, behold, there came a voice unto him, and said, What doest thou here, Elijah?
14And he said, I have been very jealous for the LORD God of hosts: because the children of Israel have forsaken thy covenant, thrown down thine altars, and slain thy prophets with the sword; and I, even I only, am left; and they seek my life, to take it away.
15And the LORD said unto him, Go, return on thy way to the wilderness of Damascus: and when thou comest, anoint Hazael to be king over Syria:

This shows that Elijah fell into a depression, wishing that he could just fit in. He states to God that he is the only one left that makes any sense. Even after seeing the power of God and figuring out the meaning behind the display, he simply returned to his statement to God.

The meaning is that God is not found in the expected places, but in what appears to be weak, unlikely, and not desired. Elijah wanted the support of others, which is natural, and distressed over the lack of human support, despite having the support of God. God then answers this by having him go on another mission, during which he would meet Elisha, who would be his companion and support him in trouble, eventually taking his place as prophet.

Why do I mention this? I think this might help in a couple different ways. First, the expected answer that you will get is dismissal, as even God was dismissed by a prophet in fear and depression. Second, being the Elisha in the story, being an aid to the person in question, would be a great benefit, even when the person is resisting all aid. Third, sometimes people will never change, even in the face of irrefutable proof that fear is not the response to have in the face of opposition. Elijah was proven that God controlled the universe and no person could realistically oppose him, but he still felt powerless and alone.

Ultimately, the way to reach out is to reinforce companionship and to go over the Bible with him.
Being part of a church already can be a dangerous thing in this era, as it can lead to one of two thoughts where the person can either believe himself already knowledgeable about the text and has already applied the lessons, or believes the Bible to be something akin to a community gathering point with a book reading. Especially in the churches that express modern values and interpretations that deviate from the obvious meaning being expressed. In either case, I would prepare for a resistance to the content of the Bible.

The matrix belief I assume is the belief that the world is a simulation? Or perhaps it is the belief that the world is an illusion and the reality lies behind what can be see? Though an element of this is the truth, as the world is not the totality of existence.

2 Corinthians 4:18
While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.

1 John 4:20
If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen?

But the world is very much real, as God created man in it, bothers to fight for it, and will make another earth.

Revelation 20:4-6
And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.
5But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection.
6Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years.

Revelation 21:1-5
And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.
2And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.
3And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God.
4And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.
5And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful.

>who am I to blurt it out to him
God can do this for you. The response to the Bible reveals the truth and someone that is saved will grow in the fruit of the Spirit, as he desires to grow closer to God. He won't be perfect, but he will respect the Bible.

Asking if he is ok lately and if he would like to hear the comforting words that you read in the Bible might be a good way to introduce the Bible into the equation, which will reveal where his heart is. Again, I have as of yet not had success with my methods, so perhaps they are not the greatest to restore friendship and bringing someone to Christ, but it is the best I can provide.

James 5:19-20
Brethren, if any of you do err from the truth, and one convert him;
20Let him know, that he which converteth the sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a multitude of sins.
Business Dog
Thank you, for some reason I hadn't yet come across Elijah and Elisha, and will definitely refer to those verses in the letter to my friend.
The NIV church that he and his family visit is one that seems to operate on my friend's terms rather than God's, and it'll likely be one of his "security blankets" that I should be careful to not pull away, but rather let him slowly remove himself and on his own terms when introducing the more Biblically-accurate alternatives.
>The matrix belief I assume is the belief that the world is a simulation? Or perhaps it is the belief that the world is an illusion and the reality lies behind what can be see?
Yes, pretty much but also and more malevolently it's a simulated reality/existence/trap created by parasitic entities, and this artificial reality has limits to it that never exceed those of which the person living inside the artificial reality can handle.
(Personally, I believe that satan and his synagogue-of-satan/etc. minions are trying everything to counterfeit and replace God, using technology, psychology, pharmacology, electromagnetic radiation, media, fake religions/scripture/cults/culture, illness, addictions, alterations to the environment etc. - creating a type of world inside a world, which only they control - though I don't yet fully know how well supported this belief is Biblically.
I do know that satan is currently allowed to be god of this world, but I suppose even that will have its limits of what satan is allowed to do; a set of limits which can be removed by absorbing people into another world, a world only controlled by satan and precursor to hell when the body finally dies. For example, our true-world still has actual Christians passing through it, with the power to make real-world changes, whereas other people will need to specifically turn completely away from God's protection before being able to fully take part inside this fake-world being constructed. We can see fake-worlds inside communist regimes, but advances in and adoption of technology will make this fake-world seem perfectly normal and thus inescapable.)

My friend apparently cannot handle the newfound unknown harshness and dangers of the world that exists outside of the old and known harshness and dangers within the world/matrix that he's inside of. That's why I regret being so "arrogant" in assuming he'd simply see the deeper and even more disturbing reality behind a subject - assuming he'd move away from the dangers that he knows he can handle, rather than bringing them even closer to him, like he has. However, I don't actually know if my letter to him had that effect - for some reason, it feels like he had already made up his mind years before. The Corinthians verse sounds very suitable for his situation, because judging by his letter to me he's strongly holding on to what he can see, while at the same time trying to escape from it.

Thank you for taking time to read through my lengthy outpourings of thoughts and answering them. I've been pretty emotional lately due to recent deaths and illnesses of loved ones, and am myself feeling pretty weak and ineffective right now.

Gently quoting the real Jesus Christ (not the feel-good honey-coated censored NIV/etc.-type counterfeits) and Him being the ultimate authority, rather than satan (or satan's works), would be a positive non-confrontational approach for someone as hurting as my friend.

My thoughts on charisma: satan has boundless charisma (when it suits him), but only God has/is the truth. "One word of truth outweighs the world." Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
I just need to speak from the heart, without traces of my own worries or intimidation like in my last letter.
Thank you, again.
Did you bring it to God?
Did you ask?
Did you wait and listen to what He says?
Business Dog
Vital questions, and yes to all. I got the answer months ago, but have been too intimidated to go through with it and instead have spent most of my spare time and thoughts preparing, because I'm doubting my own abilities to handle such a serious situation properly after failing to save another dear friend of mine during a critical time - I was doing much better before that had happened.
That's why I was so open on here - in a way to gather the last bit of courage and get my shit together, but also add some final outside positive influence into the mix. Getting an answer and not going through with it is enough of a crime already, but now there are Earthly witnesses too. No more delays now.
what passages to study to help with online evangelism

Homesteading, farming, food, homemade ingenuity thread
How do you grow enough food to feed a white man and his white wife and his family of ten white kids?
A good question. I guess it will take a fair bit to feed a family of 12. But root vegetables like potatoes and carrots is a good safe bet I guess for basic agricultural crops. If possible some wheat for grains but not sure how much space that would take. Supplementing that with fish and other game, and top that of with some hens to lay eggs and a few sheep for meat (and make your own yarn) and a cow for milk and I think you should be fairly set.
How high can you stack chickens vertically in a coop before problems and risks start to arise?
I don't have an answer for this question specifically, but if space is an issue, then you could expand horizontally or just use a chicken tractor. A simple set of roosts should be more than enough for a half dozen hens.
I'm about to own a homestead in the desert. Anyone have any advice?
Before you sign anything, make sure you have a dependable source of water that doesn't involve trucking it in from somewhere.

Cook your food
93 102 330 852 2581 2924 2934 3284 3322 3584 4605 7012 240322
One problem plaguing a lot of people these days, especially burgers like myself, is that many people eat out at restaurants too much instead of preparing home cooked meals. Eating out is frequently both more expensive and less healthy for you than a home cooked meal. Furthermore, many people live with a limited library of meals that they know how to prepare and don't realize the culinary possibilities that are right in front of them.

The purpose of this thread is to try to break that habit of eating out and to make cooking at home become the norm in our lives. Please share meal ideas and how to prepare them here. All meals are welcome, although preferably we should post meals that are easy to prepare so that novice cooks will not be intimidated by the prospect of preparing them for themselves. Even simple sandwiches are fair game. Sometimes that may mean cutting corners with pre-made mixes instead of preparing everything from scratch.

Remember that the goal isn't necessarily to post the most inexpensive meals or the healthiest meals, although those meals are certainly very welcome. The goal is to encourage people to dust off their kitchen appliances and flex their atrophied cooking muscles. I realize that this opens the door to culinary nightmares like /tg/'s infamous meat-bread, but so be it. Let's get cooking!
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I don't think this was a design mistake.
I rarely eat FF as well, are you sure you drink enough water?
looks 3D-printed to me
Now that's a BLT. Any takers?
7630 7636
Moulding explained PIC 2 lg.jpg
>looks 3D-printed to me
Nope, the X spoke is common in plastic injected pieces. That's exactly the point where the melted plastic is injected into the mold.
Are you suggesting the Engineer didn't put it there on purpose?

You can literally see the top layer skin lines in the picture. I've also never seen cross gates in injection molding.

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Why live /mlpol/? the jews have total control. i don't want to live on this planet anymore. i'm tired,So tired.
73 replies and 39 files omitted.
I hate that media like this can still move me, but I love you for posting it, and if you AREN'T OP then I hope you can share with them my admiration.
Ffs, I waited an hour and watching it again still makes me cry like a bitch
Im very glad you all like it, i put a lot of heart into it.
I am OP yes.
I made a Alternate Version of it as well.
Oh I can't believe I missed this.
The definitive edition! Very beautiful and touching video, thank you for making it!
Man, I miss Ricky. I love you man. Peace where-ever you go
I miss Ricky too, it was my pleasure to make it

Mares in Manufacturing Matter
4449 6097 7262 18745 359997
tl;dr: post shit about how to machine or manufacture shit here. Being able to make shit makes you more of a man with bigger balls.

Lets start on the political side of manufacturing with a USA centric theme.
Once upon a time, USA was the best. It was the best because it allowed anyone to build anything they wanted and purchase anything they wanted. After all, things you own are tools, and tools are needed to survive. Why should the government put any kind of restrictions on tools needed to survive?
Well, over the years, that is exactly what they did, because the more difficult it is for you to survive with less (or incorrect) tools. The more difficult of a time you have surviving, and the less you can do something about the government.

The greatest of all these is the ability to make more tools or better tools. In the modern vernacular, this is called machining, manufacturing, fabricating, and a lot of others that are more industry specific. I suppose the second greatest ability is to be able to protect such things, but that is outside the scope of this shitpost.

Why is the ability to build [tools] important? Because it lets you, the invisible hand, be able to swiftly deal with governments (problems) how you see fit in ways that nobody can anticipate. Why do you think policies being pushed through has been moving businesses over seas? The government does not want you to know how to make shit. Workers unions have not been nice either, but as near as I can tell that is the result of a different symptom (greed). In either case, bureaucracy is a hindrance to market (you: the invisible hand’s) agility.

I could rant about all the stupid shit in various markets that result in what I already said, but instead I’d rather focus on shit that will make a better life for you. In general, focusing on the use of lathe and mill work. Lets start with the stupid basics.

Example of CNC lathe in use: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lcGHtI9Lql4
Example of CNC mill in use: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wHstzxuryMk
Admittedly both examples are with machines that are a bit fancier than what might be typically found, but that does not change anything other than how many times a part is handled before it is finished.

Using a lathe is called turning a part. Using a mill is called milling a part. Turning and milling parts, along with some of the more exotic methods of cutting material (such as waterjet or EDM or centerless grinding machines), is called machining.

While I don’t follow the religion of safety (the reason why ppl are so worried about C-19 to begin with), there are certain things shat should be done or not done to keep all your limbs attached to your body. Things like leaving the chuck key in and walking away. Or wearing a long sleeve shirt and reaching around the quill of the mill while its on. Don’t be a dumbass and instead use that head attached to that white neck of yours.

What I’d like to do from time to time is post in here about various machining and manufacturing practices, tips, tricks, and methodology at large.
Remember though, its not about me, its about giving you the knowledge and tools to become richer yourself. If you have a question or something related, go ahead and post it.
128 replies and 53 files omitted.
Welcome to distributism
yep, this is exactly what I've been saying will happen for ~15 years, starting to see the effects of a very high shortage. Since the business/shop can't get skilled machinists customers complain about quality of work and stop going to that business. After a while there isn't any more of those specific kinds of businesses left. In this case its automotive machine shops.
Same issue where I live and a lack of good automotive machine shops. This is the net result of government handouts and subsidizing entire industries.

In other news, I made myself a couple of very nice steel tables from scratch. I plan on using these tables for some very cool things in the future, including but not limited to reloading bullets and investment casting metal ponies. I can't say when I'll get all the investment casting tools, but I'd like to have something to donate to mare fair charity auction.
forgot to mention, https://www.lymanproducts.com/reloading/reloading-presses-kits/lyman-ultimate-reloading-system is the kit I got.
MidwayUSA has a really good deal on that kit right now for $550 https://www.midwayusa.com/product/1019119041?pid=509109 has everything needed except the reloading dies and shell holders. For reference, a similar reloading press from redding or RCBS cost $400 for just the press. The Lyman press is all made in USA, including the castings.
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Take the stonemasonry pill
Behond! A 3D printer that can print clay for under $500!
So there I was in my little shop welding on some things and thinking about guns and ammo and how the state is buying almost all of it up, leaving nothing left for people reloading their own ammo.
Then I got to thinking "how could the state make it impossible for average people to own a gun legally?"
Well, they did already, sort of.
With the NFA tax, full auto and suppressors more than doubled the cost of the firearm when first implemented. It is only because they didn't scale the NFA tax with inflation that suppressors are fairly common these days.

But really, how could the government do it right now?
Let's back up a bit and see how a typical firearm system works. There is the cartridge which includes the primer, rifle powder, projectile, and casing. Then there is the rifle which is either bolt action or simi-auto.
The state (BATFE) knows that a low-ball ban would enrage most people, such as, declaring rifle powder a high explosive. I don't think that will happen.
What might happen though is switching to a completely different kind of ammo that doesn't use primers, and slowly shutting down primer manufacturers via OSHA regulations. There are only 3-4 companies in USA making primers.

Pretty much all commonly used munitions and firearms are designed by the military. If the military could buy firearms that are impossible to make on a lathe or mill then it's possible to slowly get rid of most civilian firearms. Almost all firearm companies rely on those juicy government contracts to supply the military and other government agencies with firearms and munitions. If the government suddenly switched to some sort of new design that some component was illegal to own, then I could see further divergence between government and normal people over the span of maybe 75 years or so.

Get It Off Your Chest
2783 2788 3130 3259 3261 4114 4373 6411
>Nazi Horsefucker Edition
Vent frustrations and life issues that don't deserve their own thread here.
428 replies and 214 files omitted.
It's soft wired of a normal response.
In essence you're viewing it as a disrespect of your lively pony.
>waifu isn't affected
This is true.
I could go on about the multiverse and theoretical fictional creation/tapping, but in the end it's the same.
They can't touch your waifu.
>blacklist tags
It's the best response.
I think last night I posted some shitposts, but deleted them.
Anyway I recommend a degree of separation, good communication, and chilling with the Holy Ghost.
He's putting the one building me and my relationships up.
I'm serious take it to Jesus the woes the hurts the rage everything and He'll talk with you and He does stuff.
He's got the plan everything that works for you.
You're loved, and He obsesses over you letting Him have full access He'll go the extra distance. If you want to do it yourself you can and He'll let you, but in my experience it's always better to hand everything to Him.
He'll go infront and fight the battles, and by yourside being THE Friend, and behind covering from backstabbing, and within building you as you really are.
Rest in Him and experience His joy and know He is with you in all ways.
7584 7587
>In essence you're viewing it as a disrespect of your lively pony.
Yes, I think, also in combination with a hate for zoophiles and zoosadists. I tend to always make these issues appear bigger than they really are. Well they are huge issues but you know what I mean.
>They can't touch your waifu.
I know, not that I coudln't control myself or anything, but that terrible feeling overshadowed everything else in my head. At least I could express my anger by chopping away at a tree stump to free it and move it away to get chipped later. After a while I felt refreshed! Before I finish a prayer to Epona I thank her for taking care of all the ponies, explicitly Flutters who is the dearest to me. (I see the many qualities of God to be in separate bodies, and so I address them either by their greek or roman names. I do that subconciously, and direct prayers to a specific quality. Maybe it doesn't make sense but, it does to me.)
I was probably asleep.
>separation, good communication, and chilling with the Holy Ghost.
I have struggled with these, I have yet to find the holy ghost. I have yet to understand the idea behind this. I have yet to read the bible too. Friend I believe too that Jesus would accept me, in a way he may have, but have I? I will spiritually delve into this and find out. You know, I feel changed already, let go of a lot of inner tension, in a way, maybe on my way to rebirth? Would he accept my personal philosophy? Perhaps watching the anime and reading the manga would help.
Sorry for the typos and grammar and whatever, I'm exhausted and my hands are tired. Pic semi-related, because everything we love wouldn't be possible without love.
>>7581 (me)
Me here again. I just can't let go of this, this is always creeping in every corner of my thought. I see Fluttershy trough Epona, and pray to Epona to take care of her. Nothing can happen to her. Even when people exert energy at trying to hurt her, or trying to make her their slave. When I see Fluttershy I think of her and what she means to me. It's unreasonable from me, as someone who does not want to hinder any artistic freedom, but even then, I believe energy should be spent on projects that are to everyones benefit. Spreading happiness, awareness of mares fit into that category. I'm just a lunatic who takes expression of twisted imagination personally, it is my fault. I'm not reasonable, even less so than my love I have for Fluttershy. When I need her the most, she is always out there, somewhere in my heart.
I know no one cares, I just can't let this rest.
pats back
Broke out crying during workout. I will change just for you even if it doesn't make a difference. What do I do so I could be with you?
thank you
>>7581 (me)
>Jesus would accept me, in a way he may have, but have I?
He has. I was praying in the evening before going to bed, wishing for this evil to leave my body, and suddenly I jumped up. I stood up instantly and I thanked Jesus and thanked him over and over and Fluttershy over and over for forgiving me for all that I have done, tears of joy flowing down my cheek. He has forgiven me.
With that, in my sub-conscious, I have forgiven myself. I knew this the instant I was fully standing. Thinking back to these memories I have, bullying the other children and causing them harm, thoughts that have kept me up at night had no effect any longer.
I have had long-standing issues with cooming, but now Jesus helps me to keep away these evil thoughts, devilish ideas, and it has never been easier. Even the impulse to curse is strongly weakened, now it's just a habit I need to break.
I feel that Fluttershy led me to this point, and I have her as an angel in my heart, leading on. I don't feel those feelings anymore towards flutterzoo and the other terrible sinks of energy, though I still grieve for all innocent animals to be hurt or killed in the name of the devil.
I had no idea it would be now, or that it would be so sudden, but I finally found Jesus, and I am changed. It is important to me that I experienced this this way, growing up an atheist, growing closer to God, but now after this experience I am ready to be his slave.

Pharmakeia medicines
A thread to talk about commercial medicines, their use and stockpiling.
68 replies and 44 files omitted.
Fun fact:
The technology to CURE cancer and other genetic diseases exists but companies don't invest in the technology because their long term care products are more profitable. That technology is called siRNA.
Amish people don't have a cure for every human illness, let alone a cure derived from only plants.
siRNA isn't a silver bullet, and it's incredibly expensive to develop. And while it could cure certain cancers, it couldn't cure every cancer at once, because a specific siRNA treatment would need to be developed for each unique cancer expression.


Nofap tips
1402 1405 1406 1417 1428 1487 1898 1901 1906 1912 1937 3446 4007 7031 7467
I'm coming to my wits end with this shit. I'm getting tired of feeling drained and passionless towards what I used to love. I want to write again. I want to enjoy playing games again. I want to wake up and not feel like I got to fap first just to get out of bed. I want to feel something other then nothing.

The thing is when I try I always fall right back in. I've made it three days and I saw some cleavage and suddenly got horny I thought I would collapse. I left and had to drive home but the urge would go away! I couldn't fight it and I felt so disgusted with myself. The moment I got home, I had to jerk it.

How do you guys deal with these urges? How do I get a life back?
205 replies and 118 files omitted.
eat fruits, aquire adrenaline and exercise, channel your libido up your spine, so you stop being a horny demon fuck
Achieved near nofap just by constantly sitting on boorus looking at pony pictures. No urge to jerk off to people at all. I even watched a few of my previously favorite porn videos. Despite having an erection, I didn't jerk off and soon the erection was gone.

I only jerk off once a week on a pony. It's been like that for two weeks now.

Are people seriously still doing nofap in 2024? Just give it a few years, your overcharged libido will even out. I used to watch porn and beat it constantly, now I jerk it maybe once a week if even. I rarely view porn. Didn’t really take any special effort, I just got bored with it and moved on to other things.
>I just got bored with it and moved on to other things.
Glad to read that. Many got disensibilized and in their quest for pleasure fell deeper and deeper into perversion.
Something like: vaginal>anal>BDSM>transvestism>pedophilia>murder
Tbh I probably did get desensitized, but it didn’t really have that pipeline effect on me, it just meant I got bored with it and stopped. When I was a teenager I was like Beavis and Butthead, obsessing over boobs and naked girls and whatever, so as soon as I had access to porn I went crazy with it. After awhile though tits and vaginas and assholes all look the same and there’s no thrill anymore just in seeing that. At the same time that incessant sex drive you have when you’re younger just sort of ebbed off for me. So at this point I just fap occasionally when I need to and otherwise don’t really think about it. If I view porn at all it’s usually just for the duration it takes me to finish, which isn’t long. I honestly can’t imagine just sitting and gooning to it for hours the way some people do.

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ITT we share wisdoms that we have gleaned through our own experiences with our fellow Anons, that they might live a better life. I'll start:

NEVER ask a question unless you are %100 that you want to know the answer. Whatever happens, you literally asked for it, so you better be damn sure you really wanted to know. Remember this and it will help you with friends, family, lovers, and even children. Live your life by it.
377 replies and 215 files omitted.
Pretty sure he was talking about you as well.
Wow no answer.
Here's some wisdom two parts, don't be the person who genuinely typed pic related.
Same fagged.
Got caught.
Doubled down. Doubled down again. Got caught continually and doubled down.
Claimed without Uzi's nation's would fall.
Doesn't understand any of the rules.
The second part is to look back fondly and remember history.
Having a sense of humour is the only way to deal with lifes problems and maintain your sanity. Can't take yourself or anyone else too seriously.
lost purpose.jpg

You're not wrong.

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