One problem plaguing a lot of people these days, especially burgers like myself, is that many people eat out at restaurants too much instead of preparing home cooked meals. Eating out is frequently both more expensive and less healthy for you than a home cooked meal. Furthermore, many people live with a limited library of meals that they know how to prepare and don't realize the culinary possibilities that are right in front of them.
The purpose of this thread is to try to break that habit of eating out and to make cooking at home become the norm in our lives. Please share meal ideas and how to prepare them here. All meals are welcome, although preferably we should post meals that are easy to prepare so that novice cooks will not be intimidated by the prospect of preparing them for themselves. Even simple sandwiches are fair game. Sometimes that may mean cutting corners with pre-made mixes instead of preparing everything from scratch.
Remember that the goal isn't necessarily to post the most inexpensive meals or the healthiest meals, although those meals are certainly very welcome. The goal is to encourage people to dust off their kitchen appliances and flex their atrophied cooking muscles. I realize that this opens the door to culinary nightmares like /tg/'s infamous meat-bread, but so be it. Let's get cooking!
314 replies and 183 files omitted.
>>5950 →Not the doggo I was intending to reference, but I'll leave it.
Gimme a minute to properly reference.
But srsly, this sandwich is the best. Its so many levels. Each bite requires a moment to process and decompress. Its literally too much. My lads, I am wont to make this sandwich for (you). Arguments and dispositions aside, please let me make this for you. Its... unreal.
Beef and old man cattle rancher.
>>6080Could swear I see a face in it
>>6092Damn! You're right.
>>6110Whose great granddad on facebook did you get this from?
>>6114C'mon, don't be mean and eat healthy.
>>6110>If someone suggested bottling tap water they would have been a laughing stock.Well Achktually-
>Be Grand Pappy Anon>Younger Grand Pappy Anon>Not that young whippersnapper.>Be Anon>You got yourself a family and a place to live.>You need some dough because a family gots to eat, drink and everything else.>Having experienced life most people are fucking retards.>Just the average sucker doing dumb things who have to repeat classes at the school of hardknocks.>Lot of 'em have more money than they know what to do with.>They want somethin' opulent but affordable.>You got just the taste they want.>A bottle of imported (from the water company) mineral enriched (the water has stuff in it and that's good enough) right from spring of life (you need water to live) by tapping into the water aquafier (water company gets some of it from there) packaged for your impeccable taste. >Fill up bottles>Slap a thicc label on 'em>Tell the story>Have 'em give it a try>They can taste the refreshing qualities of this product.>They demand to buy it.>Have necessities on the table for the family.For you I'll show the secret recipe which garnered enough capital so you can enjoy at home.
Step one live somewhere where the water isn't complete shit.
Step two turn on the faucet
Step three enjoy, but remember fifties water was just built different back in the day.
>>6116That looks awesome. How do you build these? I have tins of beans stored. Not many yet.
>>6116>Step three enjoy, but remember fifties water was just built different back in the day.>waterYup, in the 50s no anticonceptives or cocaine in the water for sure. I don't know about flouride.
Paver style Sandwich with Pickled jalapenos fried egg, shredded cheddar cheese, mayo, and sriracha. Bread was soaked in melted clarified butter on both sides before assembling and frying so as to form a hard seal of the bread, as flat and smooth as a paving stone, hence he name "Paver"
>>6140>Pickled jalapenos fried egg, shredded cheddar cheese, mayo, and srirachaToo complicated and exotic. What about home fries instead?
>>6140Looks excellent Anon!
Baking Chicken is a classic, it's generally straight foward different ways to expand the flavor profile and down right simple.
>If you have the time soak the meat the night before hand in buttermilk (lemon and milk if need be) it increases tenderness and moistness. Also you can season this marinade, but you'll still need to add flavor in the oven as well.
Recommended choice of meat.
Thighs are resistant to drying out and have a great flavor. With or without the skin and bones. Ehatever you have works.
Grab a baking tray place the meat on it.
Season as desired.
Bake at 350 until done. I think it's roughly an hour or forty five minutes or something. 40 to 50 minutes.
Also vegetables go great with enough space for them.
Seasonings to try.
Hot sauce, yes baking the chicken and hot sause keeps it tender and moist. Also flavorful.
Salt and pepper. A simple staple.
Lemon pepper.
Lemon on top.
Cheese of choice. Stuff with ham and cheese (cordon blue).
A mix of spices.
Whatever sauces you enjoy.
And more.
The left over fats can be used to pan fry things or added to soups for another meal later on. It has the chicken flavor along with what is put on it.
>>6143Nice recipe.
>The left over fats can be used to pan fry things or added to soups for another meal later on.Just so other anons who are less experienced know; never mix oils used for plants with those used for meats. You'll get sick.
>>6144What do you mean exactly?
>>6145I know that the oil used after frying onions is very acid, and will ruin the flavor of any food fried by it, so it must be disposed immediately. Other vegetables I don't know.
>>6145When I first learned to cook, I was told to never fry vegetables in oil that had previously been used for meats because it'll ruin the taste and possible give you dysentery.
It's fine to cook meats in oil previously used for veggies, though. At least that's how I was taught and I fry a lot of chicken and fish.
>>6147Who doesn't want bacon flavored broccoli?
You weirdo.
>>6148I want my broccoli to taste like broccoli, anon. If that's weird, then I'll put down my pony waifu daki for a day and try sharing my spicy chicken tendie recipes sometime.
>>6142Paver Sandwich
2 slices bread
3 tbs ghee (clarified Butter)
5 pickled jalapenos
1/2 cup shredded cheese
1/2 cup shredded onion
1 egg
2 tbs mayonaise
2 2bs sriracha
Start by melting the ghee in a saucepan at low heat, once liquid soak the bread in it on both sides until surface is slick.
then put the bread on a plate and begin assembling in this order: mayo mixed with sriracha, shredded cheese, onion, jalapenos. Then fry up the egg in the
ghee, by tilting the pan so the liquid runs into the lowest point, cracking the egg almost direstly into the pooled liquid ghee and then covering it with a
pot lid. cook for 45 seconds, then add the fried egg to the sandwich, top with the other slice of bread, and compact it with your hands. Then addi t to the
saucepan and fry it! While frying the sandwich, compress it with something HEAVY with a FLAT bottom like a big jar filled with food or water.... Anything
works as long as it is heavy and flat and clean. This speeds the cooking time and results in the Paver's trademark flat, smooth sealed in shell appearance.
When cheese is melted and the sandwich pressed nearly absolutely flat, it is ready to serve.
Picked up a rescue pupper a few days ago, and so begins a new chapter in culinary development:
Cooking healthy meals for doggos!
Yesterday's recipe, Velvet Steak.
For doggo safety, soy sauce was replaced with Bragg's liquid aminos, rice wine was swapped with Apple cider vinegar (also Bragg's), and I added about a teaspoon of tumeric, cinnamon, and powdered ginger, to the marinade (all rly good for doggos).
Additionally, I used cubed steaks instead of sirloin, for ease of dicing and chewing.
She fookin loved it.
Velvet Marinade:
2 large egg whites
2 tablespoons cornstarch
3 tablespoons
rice wine (sake) Apple cider vinegar
1 tablespoon
soy sauce Liquid Aminos
It was a little bland (it was my dinner too) cuz doggos are more sensitive to excess spices, even beneficial ones. What I'll do next time is add the tumeric, cinammon, and ginger to some brown rice and leave the velvet marinade per the recipe.
Adding the beneficials to the compound butter may also be an option, since the recipe calls for a korean chili compounds butter (no no for doggo).
Sidenote: With both rescue puppers and kitties, male caregivers can use their chin stubble to simulate the licking sensation of a momma animal, which is incredibly soothing, calming, and aids in the animal bonding.
Thanksgiving supper. The only thing I didn't prepare myself is the croissant. The dessert is bread pudding with bourbon icing.
>>6275Steak looks goodddd anon, yum
Fucked up making my cheese curds.
How do you fags make your cheese?
>Tainted industrial food
Nothing better than to make your own meal with natural stuff.
The food pyramid, to think about it.
I hate niggers. What is the best all in one multivitamin supplement for an exercising adult male in his late 20s?
>>6379>all in one multivitamin supplementNaaaaaaaaaah.
Not artificial kiked supplements, but the real thing.
Think about it, never has been a generation so sick and riddled with illnesses than the current one.
>>6381>Think about it, never has been a generation so sick and riddled with illnesses than the current one.The middle ages.
>>6382Monarchy, the worst system of government besides Jewocracy(then again a Monarch can be Jewed), kept people starving and illiterate. Education was exclusively for the upper classes (those who help the King keep power, like regional lords and powerful families) and their servant class(blacksmiths and the like).
>>6382>The middle agesIt could be some sanitary problem because of lack of tap water, but not because of food.
I used to make deviled eggs all the time, it's great food to have with company but sadly eggs have rocketed in price. I had no idea, however, that the recipe of deviled eggs was so old.
>>6452>I had no ideaI do. 7 bucks a dozen is madness.
>>6452>egg pricesSee:
>Top US egg farm destroyed in massive fire, supermarkets were already suffering shortages to that the multiple arsons involving the flood supply in the last months, the culling of million of chickens because the government said that were infected with a virus and now the still alive chickens are almost not producing eggs, the farmers suspect that something in the medicines prescribed by the bureaucracy has something to do with it.
I'm not saying sabotage, but it is sabotage.
>>6481I was browsing it a bit. I'm impressed, the recipes are mostly simple and mention important details at the time of cooking. Very important that.
>>6452>>6453Have either of you thought about raising your own chickens? A couple hens and a rooster will provide you with all the eggs you need. Feed is cheap enough, houses are easy to build, and you can sometimes find chickens for sale at stores like Tractor Supply and such.
Not to mention that chicken shit makes for great manure that could be used to bolster your garden, assuming you have one.
>>6483I meant fertilizer, not *manure.
>>6483I'm stuck in a jew city, but I really wish to get some bits and settle far from it.
I want to raise chickens so I can live off the chickens and raise food in a polytunnel or greenhouse. No more jew money. I won't have to touch another coin. Only food and nature and fucking my wife in a log cabin until she makes ten kids or more. I would give up technology to see this happen. I would not mind living in a log cabin and chopping firewood to keep the house warm. I could shoot guns and drive a tractor and fuck my wife. That's the life. No faggot tv. No faggot internet. No faggot country with nigger taxes. Only my massive family. I would make my wife proud. And my kids too.
>>6483That's the plan but it's much easier if you have a wife to help. I live near a lot of hawks so the pen needs a roof and screen, and there may be other wild animals which would necessitate a dog to keep watch. But if I get a dog I don't want to neglect it by leaving it alone all day while at work.
Has anyone tried cooking beef heart or liver? I want to try out these recipes because my local market sells these for much cheaper than cuts of regular meat.
Food availability. To think about it.
I'm hungry and I want this.
Well crispy please.
>nail large chicken cages to garden wall with little sunlight
>nail wooden troughs full of soil and plants to wall with a lot of sunlight
>chickens get space to roam freely while safe from predators
>drop worms into top of chicken cage
>chicken shit fertilizes garden
>chicken eggs feed man
>never have to worry about anything on the ground touching chickens
>>6596post ur chikun setup so I can critique it
>>6597where do I put chickun cage
Alright guys you can upgrade steaks (any meat) from harder to more tender.
Marinate in buttermilk either powdered or liquid before cooking or after cooking.
It just works.
Better than restaurants' steaks.
A reference video tried after cooking and it turned out more tender. Marinated for roughly a week (about six days) in a very cold refrigerator.
>>6752>Better than restaurants' steaks.YAY!
>>6598put chicken roost between berries and taters. chikins will poop on taters; free fertilizer.
>>6791I like the fake cheese
>>6792That's the infamous American Cheese. The Swiss one still melts tough.
>>6793Swiss is better, but sometimes the perfect thing a burg needs is the classic american cheese
>>6908What are the actual benefits of drinking raw milk? I know it can be an immuno booster by effectively training your body against infection, but is there anything else? I've had it before, although personally don't see the value in regularly consuming a commodity that's a bit of a chore to find and doesn't keep long.
I'm not a big milk-drinker in the first place though.
>>6909>>6908Pardon, what I meant to ask was what are the benefits of
cooking with raw milk?
Homemade butter is great. Better than store bought but doesn't last as long. Because you eat it before that point.
So start with heavy whipping cream.
And start beating the fuck out of it.
While abusing the proto-butter make sure air is added.
Eventually after enough whipping and beating it'll be whipped creamed. A light airy delicacy with multiple uses. Moral has improved.
As you might suspect that's not butter.
So we'll have to continue until moral improves again.
That means continue till the liquid drops out.
That's called fresh buttermilk. Use it in baking or just drink from the bowl. It's not sour.
One might think we're done, technically butter is made.
However it's not at the best it can be.
As you might expect squeezing and crushing is required to get every last bit of butter and buttermilk seperated.
The more you seperate the better butter it is.
After no more can be extracted you have some tasty butter.
Keep in mind this butter has milk solids, that means it'll go rancid, those milk solids give that superior flavor and body fullness.
You could use machines, but for the full experience using a wisk then moving up to more advanced methods yields a deeper satisfaction.
As the intimacy fades for professionalism and self satisfaction.
Getting all the buttermilk out of it is a task and a half. When you taste test you'll taste the difference a through job does.
If you have a butter churn, nice. Feel the satisfaction of forefathers and foremothers giving you strength to make delicious food.
>>6910>Pardon, what I meant to ask was what are the benefits of cooking with raw milk?Benefits and recipes. Let's find out.
>What’s the Big Deal with Raw Milk? The Truth Behind the Phenomenon>Raw Milk from Farm To Consumer Legal Defense Fund>Got Raw Milk? Questions to Ask Your Farmer from Nourishing Joy>5 Reasons Why We Drink Raw Milk from Nourishing Joy>Raw Milk & The Raw Truth from Cultured Palate>From Barn to Fridge: 6 Tips for Safely Handling Raw Milk from The Prairie Homestead
Raw Milk Recipes From Reformation Acres - (A lot of them)
>>6794Classic american cheese is not fake cheese
>>6911You make it sound easy, I should try that some time
>>6912Nice! thanks
>>6913>Classic american cheese is not fake cheeseClassic is the keyword here. The current industrial American Cheese is the hallmark of the real FAKE cheese.
So, rereading some old stuff and I realized how to corner the market on all foodstuffs. (In the USA.) It's already inplace, but limited to junk.
Add iodine.
Use iodine as an additional preservative.
People crave iodine, the switch from iodized bread to Only iodized salt means people crave salt even more.
As helping communities and yourself is a good long term goal as is making them healthier via tastier alternatives. It seems to me that there is a deliberate secretive open market to corner the starving masses.
They're hungery for iodine and have no clue.
The question is, which food stuff to expand into to corner the market.
At home application is straight foward, add more iodine to the diet via any foods.
For consumers hedging bets with proper nutrition is going to be a task. However as selenium factors into how effective iodine is it makes sense to choose foods that also contain those nutrients.
Such as dishes with rice.
But having a 'brand' that people crave is perhaps also an interesting factor to consider.
In fact someone could also get into the 'energy' drink market using the same additions of iodine. Boosted stable energy throughout the day.
Now there's two things that would be the response
>Oy Vey Shut It Down!
>Muh Shekels!
However, on any level of business it can be added. From the home use to kid owned street corner box, to local businesses and restaurants to the national and international level.
The best thing is a more healthy populous is a less dumb one.
Not by much, but by bringing awareness by demanded craving the hold on the world snaps.
When people could have been feeling so much better from the start and less unnecessarily medicated for pennies. Well knowing the taste of freedom is a bit different than only knowing from a scholarly stand point.
From all sauces to drinks to soup to breads to meals to meats to a lone table condiment there is opportunity in all forms.
When someome sees the potential to cash in and it helps make people better equipped there's going to be a health blip.
Because any fast food or frozen food or drink or anybody could be making massive cash if nobody else takes the plunge.
But if someone does, they'll race to upstage to get their cut of the pie.
In doing so everybody wins because everybody feeling a tiny bit better makes huge swings in geopolitics.
You could possibly also enrich food with other vitamins and minerals.
Well now you have another secret ingredient to win that chili contest.
Let us consider honey and its miraculous properties.
>>88College Kid Chili-MacThis is a little recipe I figured out when trying to make Chili Mac n cheese and do it cheaper than using canned chili.
No measurements listed, since I haven't made this often-enough to try to figure out proper measurements. You can wing this recipe very easily.
-- Tools --
Something to boil macaroni with
Something to fry stuff with
Something to stir up macaroni
-- Ingredients --
Macaroni (however much you need for a meal)
Cheese - whatever it is something that melts fairly easily
An Onion
A Hot Dog (or whatever cheap meat you can find)
Chili powder (Red pepper powder & cumin)
Oil or butter or maragine - something you can fry stuff with
-- Cooking Instructions --
Boil water, add salt, mix salt.
Add macaroni, cook for the package's recommended time.
While macaroni is cooking, chop up onions, and fry them in your choice of oil.
while onions are frying, shred or otherwise prepare your cheese to make a sauce.
once the onions are starting to caramelize (get brown), fry your preferred meat in the onions as well.
Take meat and onions off the heat when they are done.
When the macaroni is done, take it off the heat, but save some of the macaroni water to melt the cheese in.
Add cheese to the macaroni water, add both back to the macaroni pot, and stir. Add more cheese or more water if you need it to be less or more runny.
Add fried meat and onions to the macaroni and cheese.
Add chili powder to the mac n cheese.
Mix that shit up.
You're done.
-- Enjoy --
Here are some links for some budget recipes as well, if anons need to be /frugal/ on cooking.
Wolfe Pit Budget recipes of Boris Budget Recipes
>>7012I needed an idea for something to cook for dinner tonight and I think I will try this. Will post results.
>>7012Important to note that margarine tends to have a lot more troons fats.
>>7012>>7013This was bretty gud. For mine I used olive oil for frying and ground turkey for the meat and some kind of store-brand Mexican seasoning for the chili powder. Came out good and I was able to prep meals for the next couple of nights. Sauce came out a bit runny, I will probably use either less water or more cheese next time. Good recommendation, thanks anon.
>>7012>meat and pasta recipe>no oregano>no parsley>no garlic>suggests fucking hotdogs and pasta>absolute muttoid goyslop<-- Enjoy --No, I don't think I will. This is a crime against pasta and good taste in general. Would rather shit through a screen, smear it on a tortilla and call it refried beans before eating this fetid amalgam of angloid vomit.
Being 'cheap' is no excuse; fucking parsely, oregano, and garlic aren't going to bankrupt you lazy niggers.
t.Italian diaspora
>>7015I wouldn't even feed that shit to a dog.
>>7015>ground turkeySorry for pilling on you anon but a bit of common sense is due.
What is the thing with that bird? That meat tastes awful and its texture is an affront to the culinary arts. Nothing better than the universal and old known chicken.
>>7016Chili-Mac isn't pasta pasta. Not like most Italian cuisine, it's spaghetti western Tex-Mex.
And that's fine.
Texas Chili usually cheese as the finishing topping. The recipe reverses that, and strips everything to the bare minimum.
Maximizing what is there to have a similar flavor profile to Chili with Macaroni and Cheese.
>>7012Nice layout for the recipe. Good job.
>>7017Thanksgiving. Also many people enjoy or are indifferent to turkey meat, it's decent enough to work with.
>>7017I've got nothing against chicken or turkey, I usually use one or the other whenever I need meat for something. I will also sometimes slow-cook a pork or beef roast but that takes longer.
>>7019>Chili-Mac isn't pasta pasta. Not like most Italian cuisine, it's spaghetti western Tex-Mex.>And that's fine.This. It's basically just mac and cheese with some meat thrown in. We're not trying to win Iron Chef here, this is just a quick cheap meal that's easy to make.
>>7012>>7020It's a fine dish regardless anon. A bit of oregano and garlic does sound like a great addition tho. Thanks for sharing the recipe, it's great for beginners.
>>7015>>7021Many thanks!
>>7016It's an experimental recipe designed more for a /frugal/ mindset for those who are tired of spending money, or can't afford to spend money.
>>7019 pretty much nailed the idea of what chili mac is supposed to be.
The simplest method I know is to take canned chili you find at a grocery store (hormel or similar), cut up some full-block American cheese (velveeta or similar.) and melt the cheese in the chili in one pot while you're preparing the macaroni in the other. Once both are done, mix the two together and serve.
But yeah, I'm tired of feeling guilty for spending money, I saw some youtubers doing frugal recipes, and figured "use what I got, and what's cheap" to experiment with making inexpensive versions of savory meals.
On the relative usefulness of recipes.
Can you smell the butter of the ultimate croissant?
What's a good electric pot that has full-range control of temperature? I like crock pots (slow cookers), and using them, but I'm wondering if there's one like that goes high-enough where you can saute or brown meats right in the pot before slow-cooking the rest of the meal?
I have a power quick pot (instant pot clone) from years ago that works alright now, but my biggest problem I have with it is that it has problems with temperature control. First temperature problem is that it's all presets and no custom setting (that's not for pressure cooking, I prefer slow-cooking). Second temperature problem, is that in larger-meals, the pot NEVER gets to temperatures below boiling. If it's boiling or above, it'll reach it, but below it, it undershoots.
I've briefly-entertained using the pressure settings more, but most of the features multicooker-pressure advertises for are redundant, or I can supplant for larger quantities using the stove/oven.
So, is there an electric pot that sear as well as slow-cook? I've literally tried five different websites to search for something like this, and got bogged down in dogshit content-farming every single time.
>>7049I wish some anon with a big oven would try to match those pastries.
Swim googles are a good idea in the kitchen.
>>7087Not sure how true it is, but seam to remember some say as long as you don't cut the "stem" (roots) of the onion when you cut you don't get as much tear inducing "fumes".
>>7087Spritz it with a mist of water. The released chemicals bond to the water. You could soak it, however it won't be in the onion and instead in the water.
>>7089>waterThat's what I've been doing, cutting the onions under the faucet's running water.
getting ready to cook a lot of stuff, what I'm most interested in is the pumpkin pie I'm making from scratch.
Cooked the pumpkin last night and got the crust dough made, just gotta finish slapping it together now
not pictured: ham
everything was so good, holy cow everything was good.
Happy Thanksgiving everybody!
Happy Thanksgiving everyponer!
Happy thanksgiving everypony! /)
>>7252anyone else think it's hot that they're making her watch?
I wish to have one of those old fancy stoves.
>>7253I love fluttershy with all my heart and couldn't stand her getting tortured but this really is so hot
>>7259Flutters is not impressed.
>Dr. Ken Berry’s method of Cooking Bacon in a Pot Version 2.0 #Carnivore #AnimalBased
I rarely eat fast food anymore, got out of it during the covid lockdowns and when I tried to eat it again it was all so PACKED with salt that it made me sick. had a chik-fil-a chicken sandwich and fries and it took me all day to recover from all the salt, no wonder we have a high blood pressure and heart disease epidemic, not too mention it all got hit by shrinkflation so not only is it way more expensive but they cut the portions in half
I don't think this was a design mistake.
>>7409I rarely eat FF as well, are you sure you drink enough water?
>>7518looks 3D-printed to me
Now that's a BLT. Any takers?
>>7520>looks 3D-printed to meNope, the X spoke is common in plastic injected pieces. That's exactly the point where the melted plastic is injected into the mold.
>>7526Are you suggesting the Engineer
didn't put it there on purpose?
>>7526You can literally see the top layer skin lines in the picture. I've also never seen cross gates in injection molding.
Smoking a 2 lb chuck roast today
About 2 and 1/2 hours in so of course it's time to add the well season marrow bones. Our temperature is at about 1:45 so still another half hour to go before wrapping. And for extra meta here's a picture of me taking a picture of the marrow bones added
The fun thing about chiggun tendies (unbreaded) is that theres a ver smol window between "dry as shit" and "projectile vomiting". Its about 1-2 minutes, if you're pan-frying. I recommend poking them to gauge tenderness, and set them aside to rest roght BEFORE they come to temp (so by resting)
>>7939depending on temp, of course (5.75 on my stove, but it sucks so anywhere from 3.5-5.5 for most)
Smokin some short rib today
>>7971Wonderful. What kind of wood do you use? I enjoy sweet woods such as pecan and apple.
>>7972Its a pellet grill, but Ive got some leftover hickory topped off with appul wood. Im only smoking at high heat for maybe an hour, then its going into a slow braise in a red wine reduction
Sidenote, smoked beef tallow and/or (ideally) smoked lard is one of the finest 'involved' ingredients you could ever incorporate
Like, I can't make carnitas without smoking 1-2 pork butts first, cuz smoked lard is goddamn amazing
Almost there, just a bit more color

Roasting the onions, before the bell peppers.
Celery is a lie. Celery is not food, at best it's an herb. Bell pepper > celery.
Then gonna blend the mirepoix (+baby carrots).
Ordinarily, one would medium-fine dice the mirepoix, and then brown them in olive oil. Instead, Im 'leafing' the onions to char the outside and then blending the shit.
>>7977 before roasting some bell peppers. Ordinarily I would go with a medium to fine dice on this, but instead I'm going to roast the ingredients of the mirepoix and then blend them.
Frying them carrots in the smoked beef tallow
Decided to pan roast a clove of smashed elephant garlic. Now to blend the shit
>>7983Nice ^^
But what if u want to make dinner for a vamp-pony? Can u make a substitute recipe?
>>7984>Can u make a substitute recipe?Yes
Notes, if anyone cares or is following along.
I only had about 1 tablespoon of tomato paste, so I supplemented with Gochu Jiang paste. Great stuff.
Forgot the wine, will use to rehydrate the braise in an hour or so.
>>7988Nom nom^^
Were they tasty?
>>7 →Of course! Though, aside from a nibble of some of the fattier undesirable parts, they havent been eaten yet.
The function of making it was to test (without a control, regrettably) the results of the short rib seared on a smoker contrasted with recalled experience seared on a stove. The results were more or less conclusive regarding the flavor (overall a benefit, but consideration of flavor balances becomes increasingly important), but the real test will be the grilled cheese sandwiches tomorrow
<We as picklin' an sheit tahdee
>>7993Something borked, was reply to
Results of the short ribs were as follows:
Using a smoker to sear the short ribs does produce a greater depth of flavor in the ribs, though the surface was a bit more dry/hard than with a pan-sear, even after braising.
Roasting/blending the mire poix (versus dicing and browning in a pan) worked REALLY well, though the resulting sauce was a bit too strong so I opted to cut it with heavy cream instead of butter to finish.
>tfw a first-generation mexican immigrant (legal) takes you for 'authentic mexican', and you make better carnitas than the restaurant
We smokin a 3lb beef shoulder today!
We're going without pepper in the rub cuz Statue ran off with the ground pepper. Dry-brined for 24 hours then coated with all-purpose BBQ, we gon'find out cuz we fuckin' around
>>8043That does look yummy.
>>8044Bleh, thats just an hour in. Shes at ~175 so Ima drop from 290 to 225 soon for the overnite
She dont look purty, but shes dressed enough to slang that ass.
Putting on 225 for the duration (I usually wake at 5)
Smoke-rendering lard today! I started it off at ~250 to get the pan/process going, and then immediately dropped to minimum (180)
sidenote, I can testify that aliminum foil blocks certain types of energy cuz I couldnt find it cuz it had foil and didnt look how I was thinking it would. Thats the same thing, right?
In spite of semi-permissive seed-oil comments, there is no contest that the best oils tend to come from flesh, and where flavor is involved I argue that smoked lard reigns supreme. I'll be adding a 10lb pork butt alongside, shortly but for now im letting this go
K so the lard is up to temp, gonna set it to 'simmer at about 275 while I add the cold dry-brined pork.
I was just gonna do a basic pepper coat over the dry brine, but at the last second decided to add a smol dusting of garlic and onion powders, after giving a 1" diamond cross-hatch on the fat cap (down, to start with)
So from 3 lbs of fat trimmings, (at $2/lb) I get a little over 2 cups liquid smoked lard. That shit - aside from the obvious - is GOLD
(Theres a reason saved bacon fat is amazing, its cuz its fundamentally smoked lard)
Also, while Ive never rendered lard by smoke before, I do encourage smushibg the fat globules with a fork, as though like mashed potatoes
A couple hours in, the probe is showing 130 internal, so time to put it in a crutch and turn it down to ~240 for a long minite
5 hours later, reading 180 internal, kicking it up to 330 until it hits around 205
Ended up shutting her down around 2:30a (so total cook time pf ~12 hours), probing at 205 at the thickest (she thicc).
Hheres something I havent ever seen someone on the internet say or do.
Lots of people have all sorts of fancy/involved resting methods. Some people use the oven, some people wrap their meat in a towrl and put it in a cooler.
Hey, I've got an idea. In fairness, this idea is predicated on the idea that one's smoker, grill, barbecue, or whatever is
A. 1/8" steel
B. Was just a minute ago heated to 350 degrees, is now no longer hearing, has been vented, and will be radiating heat for a few hours yet
Yeah, justeave the fukkin thing on the grill. Its wrapped in foil isn't it? The whole point of the prolonged rest is to increase tenderness and shit by slowing the temperature decrease. Well, I shut it off 2 hours ago and its still probing at 185. Obviously, thats going to go paraboloc in ots temperature decrease, but you're still looking at a 4+ hour rest, which is what alot of pros recommend
And to close out this absolute touchdown pf a pork butt.
~10lb(pre cook) pork butt (~$20)
3 lb pork fat ($6)
Smoke pellets ($10 worth)
I'm not gonna try to calculate the price of the salt, pepper, onion, garlic powder.
So for $36 and a combined cook/rest time of 16 hours, produced approximately 40-50 servings of smoked pulled pork. Bbq sauce is ~$4, buns are $3 for 12,...
The point I'm getting at is that the end point price of an over-the-top pulled pork sandwich comes out to a cost of about $1.50. I'll snap a pic of one of the sandwiches in the afternoon, buuuuuuuuuuut
(I also pulled a little over 4 fluid cups of smoked lard,... plenty for carnitas ^_^)
>>8073>pic #1Impressive nigredo. Arcane alchemic knowledge at play here.
Addendum: it was 3 fl cups of lard and 1 fl cup of condensed bone/smoke broth, not 4 and 0. The smoke broth got mixed back into the meat for service. Just saying.
Still gonna be goddamn delicious
I should also say, theres extra sharp cheddar slices, theres crispyfried onions, theres candied jalapeno, theres... mayo I guess
Its a 6, the salt is too intense, needs compensation. Moar bbq sauce, or something else sweet, thinking honey
>>8079This is a testament to how you can absolutrly nail every aspect. The fat is gummy and gelatinous, the meat is crumbly/spicy- coarse on the outside.
But the salt is a little heavy. Its plenty edible, butbthis COULD be an S rank. And its a B
(its kinda like raising chocobo)
Zomg, if you like delicious sauces that burn both ways, come check this one out. Its flavor is amazing, and the spiciness is really next level, even for this brand (I have several already). Highly recommended for spicelords
Smokin some chiggun fighs,... smokin some chiggun fighs

Final skin-crisp at 500 deg
Also. Chatgpt confirms, the "shut it off and let it rest in the heated metal" method is peak efficiency
Heres to all the faggots out there doing your
thang today. Thanksgiving!
<Remember 6 years ago when we cooked a WHOLE Roc in the forge?<Eh, ye pruly fooked eet up
Bruh. Smashed broccoli chips, try it.
>>8150Looks bretty gud, they need more cheese though.
>>8151Agreed, but for a tictok trend, this one has merit
>>8150eew, broccoli, the most detestable vegetable of them all.
>>8150probably well-cooked though, for people who like evil vegetables
>>8153I know, but its crispy n shit.
>>8153Yes, but in the unterest of not-dying-scale, it could do worse
This evening I made some spicy beans-n-rice with chorizo. I browned a pound of chorizo with a chopped onion, a chopped bulb of garlic, and six chopped jalapenos, with a little salt and pepper. I added two cups of chicken stock and brought it to a boil and added a little can of tomato paste, whisked in. Then I looked over the shelves and poured in an assortment of canned sauces with labels in Spanish that were marked down at a local supermarket--salsa taquera, salsa de jalapeno, and I can't even remember what else. When all of this came to a boil I added a can of mixed vegetables, two cans of beans, two cups of water, and a cup of brown rice. I brought all of this back to a boil. Then I put it in the oven at 275 for an hour, to simmer it without scorching. It's nice and spicy, very piquant and savory. One of the sauces had a smoky chipotle flavor that went really well with the chorizo, and I think it may have been the one labeled "taquera." Most of the leftovers are now in the freezer, but I'll eat some more tomorrow. In retrospect I should have gotten some white button mushrooms and sliced them up to brown with the onions and peppers at the beginning. I should also have gotten some oyster crackers. 8/10, not the best thing I've ever made, but it was cheap and filling, and has protein.
We smoking short rib bitches!
And not just ordinary short ribs, nut coot-cowe-Ipetted-and-handfed tillmit died shirteib.
Its the good shit
>>8171"But coot cowe, grain fjnished and grassfed" was what I meant to say. Touchscreens are ass and its gen y's fault btw
About an hour on, almost rdy to pull and braise :3
>>8173That looks really nice
Alright, let's talk Christmas dinner.
Alton Brown has a technique for a prime rib that works really well: you unpackage the roast 4 days before cooking and let it sit for 2 days in the fridge, wrapped in cheese cloth, and then for the next 2 day you dry rub/brine.
But I have a brisket. So lets get fancy
The plan
- Comprehensive red wine and spice marination, 18 hrs
- S/low cook in marinade until 165
- Pat dry, binder with smoked lard, and season
- Texas crutch, onto the smoker for like 6 hours, basting with compound butter every 15-20 mins
- after internals at 205, baste with a creme bruglee-esque glaze/paste, and crisp with a blowtorch
Plan includes cloves in the fat cap during the butter basting stage, for extra extra (it works for ham)
The Marinade
1 bottle dry Merloy
1 roasted shallots
3 bulbs roasted garlic
2-3 sprigs fresh thyme
1 sprig fresh rosemary
1 small sprig fresh sage
½ cup fresh or cranberries
1 cinnamon stick
1 tbsp black peppercorns
1 tbsp kosher salt
1 tbsp honey
1 tbsp balsamic vinegar
>>8174Fun fact about country livestock butchers versus city/production butchers. See that hazy membrane that looks like silverskin? Thats not silverskin. Conventional butchers trim that off and mix it in with their ground beef cuz it looks off.
That membrane turns into beef jelly. Its incredible. But they cut it off for the store cuz ppl don't know what it is. So sad.
>>8194As a last-minute
wild hair addition, decided to smoke roast a bell pepper and throw in a pinch of food-grade lavendar. Hush, If you're straining the solids, it doesnt matter.
>tfw the next step is waiting 15 hours
58 minutes until the marinade starts
Foggy cuz theres lard residue, but sealed at 1:01 am. Now, just gotta toss it a few times until 11pm
Yes, theres a peak timing to marinades: 18 hours
For the record, the broth/braise/etc is goddamn amazing...
Ever cook something, and as its going ur tasting sauces and whatnot, and you're like "Fuck me, this is one of the most amazing things Ive ever tasted, let alone made"?
>tfw Im only NOW being advised to call it "Mare"-inade
Messing around in the kitchen and getting results out of it is fun. Here are some observations and notes from what I've picked up here and there.
>The more moist the dough, the better the bread, usually.
>Gluten for good structure develops over time.
>>That's how you can set up a very moist dough and just let it proof overnight without kneading, if you want easy bread dough.
>Start the bread dough with your measured liquid amount with sugar and yeast, then add flour gradually as you mix it up.
Other things to consider adding to bread:
-Oil or fat of some kind
-An Egg or two
--Egg yolk is like a big spoonful of butter as far as macronutrients, flavour and bread structure is concerned.
---Use the leftover egg white as your egg wash,
---Or add a touch of sugar and vanilla, beat it for several minutes until you get soft peaks, and bake these into a merange
----Many things are done cooking when you see it start to take on a golden brown colour. Don't let it get too dark, or it'll lose out.
>To get a great structure of buns, do the following with your dough:
>>Knead the dough for several minutes
>>Let it proof for 45m-1hr
>>Knead it again for a brief time to knock out the air and re-orient the gluten strands
>>Cut the dough into equal portions
>>Form these portions into dough balls, and place them on a baking tray.
>>Let them relax the gluten fibers and proof a little more
>>>At this stage, you'll easily be able to work these buns into some kind of stuffed breakfast bun
Recipe for a good bun filling:
>Scrambled eggs cooked to a velvety consistency.
>>Bias towards under-cooking them slightly. They'll still cook when you're baking the bun, don't worry
>>Add some crumbled cheese to the eggs
>>Salt and pepper
>Chopped onions
>>Cook them low and slow in some oil or butter on the stove with a pinch of salt while you're working on kneading the bread so that your time working is more rewarding and less boring. This is an extra step, but pre-cooking them gets much better flavour if you have the time.
>Chopped other vegetables, like red, green, or yellow peppers.
>>Pre-cook just like the onions if time permits
>>If using fast-cooking vegetables like the heads of broccoli, then do not pre-cook them, else they might end up overcooking.
Eggs first, then the veggies on top. When you make the buns, the veggies will release some more liquid and make steam. We want the steam and bubbling liquid to escape from the top. The oil and melted cheese from the soft cooked scrambled eggs will keep the texture of the inner filling of the buns moist enough.
Forming the dough balls into breakfast buns can be done a variety of ways, but I generally suggest you try to make the dough ball small enough that the whole thing, before cooking and before being pushed outwards to flatten it, can fit comfortably in the palm of your hand. They'll be about the size of a hamburger bun after cooking. The bigger the bun, usually the bigger the ratio of bread to filling.
Forming the buns can be a bit tricky. Accept the practice. You want to flatten the dough and put some water around the edges before trying to fold it up. You can just fold it over on the side like a pizza pocket, but remember that, depending on what you put inside of it, it might need some steam to escape.
>To make it a touch better, beat a single egg in a bowl and use a brush to slap the egg mixture on to the buns before baking them. It's not quite as good as cooking with steam (achievable through several tricks, but not something I consider really worth the effort due to inconvenience), but it adds a lot to the effect.
>>Reclaim the remaining unused egg wash by adding flour to it and forming a basic bread. Cook this small loaf with your various buns. There will almost certainly be many awkwardly shaped ones in your first few batches, and the wonderful effects of using pre-cooked fillings and cooking stuff that is inside of bread to help use the bread as a protective coating gives you a good window of "good enough" cooking
Make a big batch, and store them in freezer bags. They're great reheated in an air fryer from the fridge. My batch did not last long enough to make it to the freezer.
>Note: When baking in general, try to bake on parchment paper. It makes everything better. I'm not entirely sure how to articulate why.
>>8209Parchment paper allows for a more even distribution of heat and evaporation of moisture than direct contact with a pan, causing better crust and more consistent browning
fuck it, i need to start eating better this year
and a great way to do that is by making my own meals, here at home
i shall post in this thread whenever i make anything i deem post worthy!
>>88I Don't cook my own food but I just ate the best salad, I've ever had. it was a Chef's salad. Sadly there are no pics. its long gone.
>>8228Ripe tomatoes, fresh mozzarella basil, olive oil, salt/pepper
Okay, I know the title/theme is "cook your food, but hold on a sec. If food safety standards are in place, you can have a less/not cooked steak; flame kissed (well seared) but otherwise raw in the middle.
Yes, raw. And it was delicious, with only a light dusting of allspice
Trying fermented pickles for my first time. Most store bought pickles are made with vinegar, and heated to kill [healthy] bacteria for a long shelf life.
Fermented pickles, in theory, cultures lactobacilli bacteria found in fresh food, and the bacteria's by-product creates lactic acid that is creates the pickle.
Apparently they can be over-pickled too, letting the bacteria work too long and the flavor becomes too strong or the pickles are too mushy. Also supposedly they get a better flavor if pickled at 60-65degrees, so winter/spring/fall in my area is a good time to do it.
I feel like this specific batch I added a little too much salt, but maybe not. Different places I look suggest a slightly different salt ratio. I'll get a pretty good idea in a week. They might be ready to take with me to harmonycon, which would be fun.
>>8251God I could go for a good pickle right about now
>>8251Based. I've been gearing toward a legit pickle experiment. Lactobascillus? anyway, good luck ^^
>>8251I'm a dumbass and didn't say how much salt I added.
One place I looked at said to use 2% salt of the combined weight of cucumber and water, another said 3%. I used 2.5%.
In my case it was 8lbs of cucumber and water, 8*0.025=0.2lbs of salt. Or 3.2 ounces of salt.
I just used regular sodium chloride salt, they cost about $5 for a 25lb sack of it at Costco. I didn't see a reason to go all fancy with the salt, its just there to keep bacteria away. As long as its not iodized (iodine added) it should be fine™
Technically that is all that's needed, the stuff being pickled, salt, good filtered water, and something to ferment in. Everything else added is for extra flavors.
Most things I read stress about using special more expensive pickling salt or kosher salt and pickling spice mix and distilled water and special pickling cucumbers... bleh, I just want some pickles, sheesh.
They do make a good point that (some? most?) of the larger cucumbers are coated with a thin layer of wax. The wax messes with the pickling process. I assume they mean if the cucumber is pickled whole though, can't imagine it would hurt anything if they are cucumber slices like I did.
Anyway, that is some of the stuff I read and what I did. Figured I'd try it out and see what happens.
>>8254This is also why I dont fuck with bread. Fucking percentages and ratios? If I cant adjust with a pinch of salt, sorry no
An interesting view on food.
The trick to getting 'fermentation' on ground beef is the lactobascillus. The easiest way is to get one of those fermented Leche drinks that mexicans love so much.
Let the meat soak, and then let it re-dry on a cooling rack. It will be fine, it only takes 2-3 days, not near enough for the meat to spoil
>>88Something I did, a neighbor has a bunch of prickly pear cactus on his front lawn and they were all fruiting. I asked him and he let me pick em and I used them for Kompot and Prickly Pear jelly. It was so good, honestly the two are super easy to make with most fruits and I highly recommend it sometime!
Oh something else for everyone that can help with your onions and giving you a growable harvest of em in the future.
If you get grocery store onions and youre gonna cook them, only use the bottom 3/4ths of it and make sure you leave the last 1/4th have the little bits of roots on the top.
If you remove the outer husk and soak it roots down in water until you start to see shoots, you can plant them as some free onion starters and reuse them!