Welcome to the latest thread of Occupied Equestria. Set six years after season 6, it presents an alternative history where Chrysalis chose a different approach to her second attack on Equestria. The Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while an Equestrian splinter colony - soured to Princesses notion of harmony with all creatures thank to their dealing with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestruan Southlands, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and even ancient necormancers and dark gods threaten the city and the surrounding regions. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
In the latest episode, we are starting day 4. Ash is finally getting to sleep after dealing with foals that scarified animals to evil gods, Iron is disappointed to find that the only sex he is getting is in his dreams, Dark Star has declined to have sex, Onxy has discovered the joys of socialized medicine, I don’t know what Spark is doing, and Silver has discovered that when you don’t complete a quest, you don’t get paid for it
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>>79408Considering the norm for most quadrupedal mammals is estrus...
>>79406Dark Star Reaches down and kisses her
Should i make some rolls? >>79410Her muzzle has moved fare away, but when he moves her muzzle to hers, she is persuaded to come closer. She accepts the kiss, although she seems to have a tear in her eye.
She grabs him again, not wanting to let go
You can roll if you want to
>>79409Tbh, I like of like the estrus motif in clop pieces.
>>79410When you get the chance, ask her when her estrus period is, or roll appraise to sense via hormones or whatever.
>>79410Roll 1d20 for conception.
It'll be between 20 and 60% chance, depending on what GM rules for equine anatomy.
>>79412>Tbh, I like of like the estrus motif in clop pieces.I agree with this sentiment.
Also, potentially stupid question: if I throw a flask of oil as a splash weapon at an opponent, then ignite it, does it deal 1d3 damage for two rounds like if I were to ignite it from the ground, or does it deal 1d6 damage for two rounds like if I had used Alchemist's Fire?
>>79413Dark Star ejaculates, presumably inside of her,
“Oh! Oooh!”
She grabs him with all the strength of her muscles
>>79415Avoiding being lit on fire by a non-supernatural is a 15 DC reflex save; some creatures and spells have Abilities that raise the DC. You take 1d6 damage every turn you're on fire, and can attempt to extinguish the flames every round with another reflex save.
>OilJust buy alchemist fire.
https://dnd-wiki.org/wiki/SRD:Alchemist%27s_Fire>>79413If that was a conception roll, you wouldn't know the results of it anyway.
Rangers get Detect Pregnancy as a 1st level spell though.
>>79417Shoot, I worded that improperly..
So, apparently I can't say de-b-i-l-itations because e-b-i-l autocorrects as faggy on this site. Apparently I'm missing something, because I have no idea why it does that.
>>79425Yeah, I delet.
>>79426Old jokes we have on here, like European style football is changed. Let me try:
Gay marriage
>>79417But what's cheaper? Because a flask of oil is pretty damn cheap.
TBH, me asking this is probably just a consequence of me having played way too much Dragon's Dogma. There's a lot of crazy things you can do with DE-B-I-LITATIONS in that game, especially revolving around Tarring and Dousing.>>79433Just for relentlessly trying to choke the thread with meta posting, all prices on whatever-oil are tippled and made equal to the highest cost
>>79434Yeah, sorry about that. Genuinely didn't mean to.
>>79433Well, you can do pretty much anything you can imagine. It's role-playing.
I think that throwing the oil and lighting it would probably be separate actions though, and the lighting part might incur AoO.
Considering that you'd need to throw a lot of oil to create the effect you desired (and be able to light it), alchemist fire might be better.
>not having a supernatural touch attackKirin masterrace.
>>79437We've got mordern weaponry too, so buy dynamite/grenades.
What just happened here? I missed some funny stuff?
Last meta post for a while, because I don't want to piss off the GM any more than I have done so already.>>79439At this rate, I'd almost say it would be worth it to have two separate threads: one for the game, one for meta discussion.I don't think Silver has the capability to buy explosives right now. I mean, I'm fairly certain something like that would be heavily restricted.
>>79440>tl;dr e-b-i-l without the dashes autocorrects as faggy, and it makes trying to type de-b-i-litations difficult >>79441You mean you couldn't write dfaggyitations on your device? Peculiar.
>>79442Oh, I see. Well, just let it there as a reminder not to use it later.
>>79441Well, if bullets are on sale, gunpowder must be available too.
*Sweeps the orphanage*
>>79444Iron keeps looking for the restaurant on his map. He should remember the address Cauldron gave him yesterday.
>>79423I take it Dark Star dirtied the pretty pure Pegasus pony?
>>79447She forces her mane against him, and pulls against him in an almost sucking fashion - expanding deep inside her while clamping down nearer his base, as her body tries to draw his seed closer to her womb
*Does laundry*
*Helps assemble breakfast*
*Prays for garden*
>>79450"Fucking indeed"
At the moment of ecstasy, her wings spread out to touch each side of the shower. She now folds them back in, as Dark Star either remains on her or dismounts
>>79452he dismounts after about a minute or so
>>79453She gives him her mischievous smile, and puts her tail down. Her mane is entirely wet
"I need to dry off now after getting so wet."
She opens the door of the shower to leave it
>>79451I'm considering this list for today:
Detect Magic
Create Water
Read Magic
Animal Trick
1st level:
Lesser Vigor
Enrage Animal
2nd level:
Heat Metal
Chill Metal
Luminous Armor
Call Lighting
I'd modify it quite a bit if I anticipated the day to include undead-hunting, but technically Sister Ash would have no way to know of that...
[Read more] >>79455Seems we'll be okay on any quest we may go, either the foals or the undead.
Of course, you didn't specialize on it, but it should be enough. >>79455Particularly, this list would be helpful if fending off ponies, not anything else.
Downdraft and Cloudburst won't help at all indoors or underground. I only prepared Cloudburst to buff Call Lightning.
>>79454What was the weather going to be today?
Luminous Armor is just funky Barkskin, but I wanted to try a Sanctified spell.
[1d20+12 = 24]>>79457Actually,I don't think I rolled Survival up until today.
Rolling to predict the weather for s number of days.
>>79454Dark Star proceeds to take the shower that he came in here to do
>>79454"you looked like you had a good time."
>>79459The complementary soap and coat wash have been opened before, but at least it's there. Dark Star can now smell like Lavender
>>79460"You've given a pleasant start to my morning"
As she wipes a towel over her
>>79461"im Glad to have Brought you some joy."
>>79456Well, as a class feature, I can burn any of those for a summoning spell. I kind of wanted to diversify things a bit though. Try some sanctified spells; develope her faith/practice a bit; experiment with different kinds of spells, etc.
Heat/Chill Metal won't be useful for anything but disabling weapons though: My AC is 10, so I'd rather avoid being shot at. Downdraft is to knock flying enemies down without outright killing them.
>>79463Oh, sounds like you have a plan for today. When the GM finishes his business and Iron can move again, he will go to a particular potion shop, heal these wounds up and come back to the abbey, so don't move a muscle from the abbey for now.