Welcome to the latest thread of Occupied Equestria. Set six years after season 6, it presents an alternative history where Chrysalis chose a different approach to her second attack on Equestria. The Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while an Equestrian splinter colony - soured to Princesses notion of harmony with all creatures thank to their dealing with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestruan Southlands, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and even ancient necormancers and dark gods threaten the city and the surrounding regions. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
In the latest episode, we are starting day 4. Ash is finally getting to sleep after dealing with foals that scarified animals to evil gods, Iron is disappointed to find that the only sex he is getting is in his dreams, Dark Star has declined to have sex, Onxy has discovered the joys of socialized medicine, I don’t know what Spark is doing, and Silver has discovered that when you don’t complete a quest, you don’t get paid for it
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>>80230Iron follows behind, Ash on top of him.
>>80231"Frail? Frail? We fought back griffins and innumerable other dangers! What have you accomplished but become marginalized by Equestrians?"
>>80230Silver follows, keeping an eye on Blue in case he needs to use a telekinetic field to keep her from falling down.
It is officially way too fucking late for me, so I think imma head to bed. I hope we'll get to continue this tomorrow. >>80233"That is because your tools did the job for you. Probably the tools were invented by other races except your own." Iron is not damaged by her retort. "But you do seem to look at Star as an inferior being. Do you make him fetch for tea or pick up those coconuts you were talking about? Face it, we are the strongest, or else you would not have picked Star as your coltfriend. You have the gimmick of flying. That is it." Iron casually walks diagonally left from Star.
>>80235"Tools? I will tell you what a 'tool' is. It is you. A 'native.' You are the mooks of bandits like that Caballeron, the meet to building the railroads in the jungles, subjects for the equestrian dukes, and even now, you follow around the gecko or dark star like a slave."
[1d20+10 = 22]
She walks up to Dark star and hugs him
>>80236"Tell me now. How many changelings have you slain? How many griffins have you fought besides that one I saved you from? I'll wait"
[1d20+10 = 15]>>80238She grabs around his waist
>>80236>>80239"Huh. I thought you cared about the mission. I thought you cared for Star's mission. How selfish of you, trying to justify that your race, which just is taking the acheivements of others to boost your own." Iron smiles. "Oh yes, you are so powerful and great that you need to fight people from the shadows to win. Like the coward you are. So sorry for not seeing it sooner. We like to fight face to face, not hide in a bush and shoot creatures with some tool or stab someone in the back. Like I said, your wings are the symbol of your race: cowardice."
>>80242"Oh really?
You like to fight face to face? Because I watched you try to trick the griffin special forces adviser into thinking you were his friend, walk up to him, and then trip him into the water and drag him away. Is that your proud and honorable way of fighting. A shame, because you're no better at swimming than you are at flying you almost died doing it. You're welcome again for my saving you. And then you tried the same thing again kicking rocks from a rooftop where noone could see you thanks to the fire. Dark Star, Onyx, even Shimmer all stood out in the open and got shot at. Hell, Dark Star and Shimmer nearly died, but brave little you? You hid atop your roof where it was safe while the others fought and bled and stood in danger. Some brave stallion you are.
This is not my mission. This is Spark's mission. I am here with Dark Star because he wanted me to be. And yes, I do take pride in race, culture and nation, because that's exactly the sort of that you should take pride in"
>>80242"Speaking of tools.... what is that you are wearing. Is that a tool?"
>>80244Iron is indeed hurt by this. He now looks down, ashamed of his recent failure. He has a blank stare as he follows Star, taking out his bison necklace from under the armor. "I will show my prowess at the quarry, Skies. You shall see." He stares at his necklace for a bit, then stuffing it back inside his armor.
>>80245He does not respond.
And with that, I will go to bed. Will Iron prove Skies wrong? Who knows? All I know is I'm going to sleep. Goodnight everyone.
>>80244>>80246Silver just sighs at the argument between the ponies that just took place. "I get feeling this is what different pony races talked about before founding of Equestria. Useless debates about which race is better when all races do better at different things."
>>80246Blue Skies smirks for the first time. A small one, and of her malevolent variety
>>80248She looks at him and points a hoof towards Iron in a fashion that makes it look like she's about to blurt out "well he started it!" Instead, she says "Just remember that there is a reason that all the nations of the pony world, from Equestria to the Crystal Empire to much further east, use pegasi as their royal guard and special forces. So your friend here can dispense with his haughty 'I am better than you' attitude until he's done something to prove it"
Fuck, I forgot to call Caleb.
Caleb feels Sister Ash reaching the edge of the empathetic link and decides to follow her.
>>80252After a minute, she addresses and faces Iron
"And to answer your question about Dark Star: no, I did not chose Dark Star for his physical strength of muscles. On that front he is a bit... less than average. But Dark Star was indeed chosen for me because of his strength. It's a different strength from something as petty as flesh. He has devotion to a cause. Loyalty. And bravery.
On the docks, after somepony was foolish enough to think that he could sneak attack a seasoned griffin, I drew attention to myself by shooting Redclaw in the back of the neck. It was either that or let Redclaw kill the cowardly fool, but it resulted in my being chased and shot at from the pier all the way towards the mill.
Enter Dark Star, who happened upon a griffin and a pony chasing and shooting at me. That griffin was no ordinary griffin, but an NMAC reservist whose name shall be forgotten save as 'black feathers.' Like me, Dark Star did not need to risk his life giving away his status as hostile to them. And yet he did, and he stared down both communists with his pistol. It was a choice that cost him. He was shot right though the belly by a rifle. But he shot 'Black feathers' right in the face, killing him and wounding the other for me to kill. Now I don't know if I would have died otherwise, but I can safely say Dark Star saved me from danger.
Because that is the kind of pony Dark Star is. The strength of leadership to assemble a team, the strength of intellect to lull his opponents into a false sense of security, the strength of loyalty to risk himself to save a comrade, and the strength of bravery to stare down a reservist as he himself is shot.
That is true strength.
That is why my superior chose Dark Star.
But if you're asking why I am with him now, well, he chose me"
[Read more] >>80253Iron keeps looking forward with a stoic expression.
>>80257No, just because you used a feat to summon an animal doesn’t mean you get to combine that feat with the dog’s natural die and the bonus die if you then claim it doesn’t magically disappear as summoned animal are supposed to, but becomes your companion animal.
Dog has 4 hit die - two natural, 2 bonus from status as a companion animal - and a statistical average of about 26 HP. You cannot claim a summoned animal bonus to a companion animal
>>80234Can I get a character sheet for Silver, or at least a set of stats and feats?>>80254She keeps her grin
"A shame not all of his race share Dark Star's strength. But I don't mean to beat a dead horse."
>>80262Companion animal
>>80264Blue Skies leans in to hug him, and to return Ride the Lightning
>>80265"Dawwww. you can use it if you want."
>>80266"It seems like you are going to need it more than me, going into unholy catacombs as you are"
>>80267"Going into unholy catacombs is all in a days work."
>>80263Iron remains stoic. No use discussing when he failed his own words back at the docks. She needs some demonstration of his prowess. A real showcase.
Alright, then I'll take control of Caleb if that's alright with you. Pretend he's following all of us by Iron's side cuz he a good, loyal boi.>>80265>>80266>>80267>>80268Iron raises an eyebrow at this small exchange. He guesses that is the gun she had on her.
>>80268"May your work some day get the recognition mine may never"
>>80269Okay >>80270Iron raises his eyebrow yet again. At least she can be modest to others.
>>80270"Thanks, ill recognize your work."
>>80272She goes up to him, and nuzzles him with her nose, making a 'coo'ing sound
>>80273Dark Star nuzzles her back
>>80274He can see in her eyes a definite sense of gratitude, respect, and fraternity
[1d20+3 = 6]>>80278Her snootendoodle evades the boop
Return boop
>>80279And... pushes his lips back instead
>>80276>>80280Iron chuckles at the comical display of affection.