Welcome to the latest thread of Occupied Equestria. Set six years after season 6, it presents an alternative history where Chrysalis chose a different approach to her second attack on Equestria. The Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while an Equestrian splinter colony - soured to Princesses notion of harmony with all creatures thank to their dealing with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestruan Southlands, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and even ancient necormancers and dark gods threaten the city and the surrounding regions. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
In the latest episode, we are starting day 4. Ash is finally getting to sleep after dealing with foals that scarified animals to evil gods, Iron is disappointed to find that the only sex he is getting is in his dreams, Dark Star has declined to have sex, Onxy has discovered the joys of socialized medicine, I don’t know what Spark is doing, and Silver has discovered that when you don’t complete a quest, you don’t get paid for it
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>>79721The colts pretend to fight each other with fake swords, and I am not sure what the fillies do. Many of the older ponies begin lessons"
>>79724"No... It just interested me, since its a thing many of my people do. I saw it in books, and my father would talk about it on occasion"
>>79723"We can perhaps provide... some"
>>79722"The warmth of Celestia will do that. Just as her light brings warmth to the land after the cold of night, so too does Harmony bring warmth to the lost and injured soul"
[Read more] >>79720>Tfw you cane to learn about friendship, but now you have to teach it to kids instead.>>79725"You play games, don't you? What do you like to play?"
>>79725"...This way you speak, it is confusing. I am sorry, Father, but if you could be more straightforward with me, I would very much appreciate it."
>>79726"Well I tried to play with them. They didn't like my hissing and the nuns thought I was too aggressive. I can't say I play many games"
>>79725Iron nods. "I see. So your kind, the zebras, are they mainly potion brewers? It seems that you naturally fit in since you told me your cutie mark appeared by succeding in it."
>>79725"im a little conflicted on the whole celesta business. was that Warm really her? im having a crisis."
>>79729Remove "since you told me your cutie mark appeared... it" from that sentence.
>>79727God needs shekels to keep the candles lit.
Shekels would be appreciated.
>>79728"Hissing, you say? Well, that's not exactly very nice, now is it? If you want to fit in, you'll need to play nicely like the other foals do. Even if they're pretend-fighting, being too aggressive or hissing might come off as mean."
She picks up another plate, and rears a little bit to slide the Colt's weight off on her neck and onto her back
"But if you feel awkward playing with them now, just watching them could be a good place to start. If you're nice, they might ask you to join them." She continues, ask she finishes the dishes
Then her tone softens
"But if you're feeling lonely, or nervous about making new friends, you're welcome to stay and help me out here for a while now." She says
>>79729"Many are, it's a much larger part of Zebra cultures than Equestrian culture, certainly. We don't have magic of the sort unicorns have, but we certainly have a need for magic. So we make do with what nature gives us, and that means plants and herbs in their true qualities, magical, chemical and alchemical. But no, most Zebras don't, just a few. Like all races we have our farmers, our warriors, our teachers and so forth. You've seen what my siblings do. Well, you've seen what
I do. I sue much the same talents for cooking."
>>79730"Harmony Magic pervades all life forms. It is the life essence. It is strongest where their is friendship and love, and weakest where there is hate and discord. The undead are animated by a perverted, shriveled form of it, though it is no substitute. They must corrupt or drive out what exists of your harmony to make you one of them. To drive them out, you must fight them with Harmony"
>>79727"You need Holy Water, is it? How much?"
>>79732He smiles and wags his tail
"I wanted a mother"
[Read more] >>79733"I am not sure. Six bottles, perhaps?"
>>79733"my Friends and i need some help clearing the place. Do you think you can Spare anypony to help Destroy those....Abominations?"
>>79733Iron nods, taking in this new information. "I see." He ponders for a bit longer, thinking if he should try his luck and asking Cauldron about the two recruits the Waterfront Gang have received from the batch of foals. He also wonders when the food's going to show up.
>>79733Her eyes soften sympathetically at those words
"I'm sorry. All the foals here were separated from their parents when they were very young; they don't have families of their own, so they rely on each other for support. That's why it's important to make friends, not just so that you can feel accepted, but so that others can feel cherished too. You see, all the ponies here have lost something, but through their connections, they're able to endure."
She kneels down to face him
"I know I can't fill your mother's place, but if you'll accept me, I can be your friend." She say, reaching a hoof out over his shoulder
"Is that okay with you?"
>>79735She looks at him questioningly
"I don't think we have any spare holy knights laying around the place, no"
>>79734He raises an eyebrow
"Six bottles?"
>>79736The food is now
"And here you go, two okra soup"
Blanche serves the ordered food items
>>79737He curls his tail around his front legs and his body. His ears droop and he hangs his head.
"I know... But I can take a friend"
He looks up at the end of that, and looks a bit happier, even if there are tears in his eyes
[Read more] >>79738He looks a bit embarrassed. "...I do not know what good amount is to bring with me. Or what it comes in. I did not even know holy water worked until today."
>>79738"Do you know any Creature that would be willing to help at all?"
>>79738Aw, no guide? Fine, I'll give it a shotIron attempts to drink the soup, trying hard not to burn himself. Of course, he is new to this kind of flavour, so he's going to take his time with drinking the soup. "Hey, I got a question for you. Do you know the pony responsible of training new recruits is in the gang?" he whispers. "I heard some of the foals the client is looking for have been taken for training in the Waterfront Gang and I want to take them out of there back into their previous location."
>>79738*Wipes away tears*
*Pats head*
"There you go. Now, please be a lam and help me out with the drying here, if you would." She says, hanging him a drying towel, as she returns to her chores, humming some indiscernible Sylvan tune
>>79740"I don't know what help you need... Father Maren who you met last night, has some expertise in the subject, you could ask him"
>>79741"hehe, you can use a spoon"
"Recruitment is done by mademares and generally needs the approval of an underboss. Wait, foals?"
>>79742"Um... if I can get hugs afterwards"
He tries to sit on the counter and rubbing the drying towel on the plate, humming his own tune
>>79744>>79739At this point, I believe Dark Star would see Silver and Father Maren
>>79743Iron grabs the spoon from the table and tries to drink the soup again. After taking a sip, he nods. "Yes. I went to the 'cah-neh-rie' I told you about. Turns out it was owned by the Waterfront Gang and they had sold about 5 foals, two of them went to these mademares you told me about. I thought that maybe you would know about it since you guard many places and maybe you could have witnessed those foals. Sadly I do not have their physical descriptions. I only know they are foals."
>>79743She nods in approval, scritching him behind the ear.
"Sure, I'll hug you. There's always enough hugs to go around." She says, taking the plate from him as he finishes and laying it on a stack
"You do enjoy hugs a lot, don't you?"
>>79739>>79745"Oh Hi Silver, Hello Father Maren."
>>79745>>79748Silver turns as he hears Dark Star approach. "Ah, Dark Star! Good, you have found us. We were just about to acquire some holy water." He pauses for a second before looking embarrassed again. "Or, at least, however much holy water would be good for mission."
>>79749"ive come looking for some assistance."
>>79746"I... Think I have seen foals before? It's hard to say which ones have come from orphanages, and which ones are just some pony's younger brother or sister though, so I don't know if I could help just based off of that. Do you know who took them?"
>>79747He likes the rubbing behind the ears
"Maybe. Yes."
>>79748Another colt wearing white religious garb is in the room, and looks at Dark Star
"Oh hai.... what is your name? My name is Slow Burn. I am the Deacon"
Father Maren also responds
"This one here
silver says you didn't get enough of the undead yesterday, and plan on going out looking for more"
[Read more] >>79751"Maybe?" She responds, sarcastically
"Well, it's not a bad thing to enjoy. Hugs are a good thing to share with ponies, especially when they're feeling down."
She puts another plate on the stack
>>79751"My Names Dark Star there little colt."
Dark Star ruffles his mane
>>79751"yea i just love undead you know?"
Dark Star Laughs
>>79751Iron thinks. "I think it was a sister from the orphanage that sold them. Or at least she was taken with the foals. Those foals that came with the sister. Orphanage had crippling debt so the gang took 11 to 12 foals and the sister in question. Other sisters claimed she was corrupted by the debt situation so she did something drastic." Iron tries to remember the sister's name that was taken and what was the deal with her and the foal job. Thyme told both him and Ash her name.
>>79753*mane is ruffled*
He looks equal parts pleased and indignant, as he is only a little bit younger than Dark Star
>>79753"Aye, and judging by last night they've taken a liking to you"
>>79752"I've been feeling down..."
>>79754Sage"I... think I've
heard of a large deal with some institution, but i wasn't involved in that. I can't say that I know that much"
But the gangsters told Ash and Iron the names and addresses of the ponies who have the two foals [Read more] >>79755"Im here looking for Somepony that could help us clear them out of the Quarry."
>>79755"I could tell, that's why I hugged you." She replies
"I could tell from the moment I saw you that you needed a hug. It's an easy thing to see, if you're watchful."
>>79756"So it's the both of ya? What do you think we are? A paladin order?"
>>79757Smiling, "I need more hugs. Do you watch foals often?"
>>79758"Well no. but i figured you would know somepony who could help."
>>79755Iron nods. "It is fine if you do not know. It was simply to ensure the info the ponies were giving. I suppose it ruined the mood. Sorry about that." Iron picks up the bowl and drinks all of the soup from the plate. He wonders if the potions are done and waiting to be picked up. "I suppose I would have to ask the ponies in question instead." Iron smiles.
Well, damn. Chalk it up to bad memory.
I had hoped that Cauldron could be a piece to retreive the two foals. Maybe I went a bit overboard. >>79759"Well, there was kirin nun you were talking about. You said she had been willing to help you in past."
>>79758"You're certainly one who does. Maybe you're friends could use some too: A some of the other foals were crying this morning."
>Often"Not really. I just found myself here because I saw there were so many foals in need of attention and care.." she continues, trailing off as she dries another plate
We lost Silver
>>79760She could, but she needs names"Who are the ponies i question?"
She seems kind of confused
>>79763"They didn't like the building we were in" He sits down pouting... -ly. "But none of them were kept in an upside down crib"
>>79765Iron names the two mademares according to his memory.
They were the mademare's name and address, right? >>79762"oh she had slipped my mind. i think shes at that orphanage on the hill."
>>79768Silver nods. "You 'told' me where she was, last night when you were infected, but they were not very good directions."
>>79765"Even if they didn't go through the same exact things you did, there are plenty of foals here with their own challenges weighing them down. Some miss their parents; some some struggling with school; some are just lonely. Every day, you could find someone in need of a hug."
>Not asking the one NPC in the building that has actually met Sister Ash, saw her an hour ago, and actually knows she's at the orphanageAlrighty then
>>79767"Oh yes, Him I know. Her, I think I've seen her before, in any event she won't be hard to find"
>>79770"Like me?"
>>79772"Like you too." She says, giving him a little boop to his snoot