Welcome to the latest thread of Occupied Equestria. Set six years after season 6, it presents an alternative history where Chrysalis chose a different approach to her second attack on Equestria. The Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while an Equestrian splinter colony - soured to Princesses notion of harmony with all creatures thank to their dealing with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestruan Southlands, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and even ancient necormancers and dark gods threaten the city and the surrounding regions. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
In the latest episode, we are starting day 4. Ash is finally getting to sleep after dealing with foals that scarified animals to evil gods, Iron is disappointed to find that the only sex he is getting is in his dreams, Dark Star has declined to have sex, Onxy has discovered the joys of socialized medicine, I don’t know what Spark is doing, and Silver has discovered that when you don’t complete a quest, you don’t get paid for it
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>>79000>checked>Dark Star has declined to have sexOnly so we can continue in the story, im a fucking hero
To be honest though, does anyone know what I'm doing? Do I even know what I'm doing?
>>79003You should sleep. You need a minimum of 8 hours rest to recover Arcane spells.
>>79003I think you were doing the thing. Not the one thing, but the other thing. The thing that we talked about, but not too long ago. The thing that you mentioned doing that everyone knows but you, yet you are the only one to know.
Am I talking nonsense yet?
>>79006Are you telling me we AREN'T getting paid for almost dying and getting ghost aids?
>>79008We've yet to suffer enough from the ghoul AIDS.
>>79000>Iron is dissapointed to find that the only sex he is getting is in his dreamsPoor boi, he only wants pucci.
>>79008lolno, you didn't stop it. You ran like hell because undead are pretty tough without preparations.
>>79006>>79008How much did they say they were paying you anyway?
>>79012Fuck if I know
>>79011Oh look who's grown a little big for their....
horseshoes?>>79009Yay suffering
>>79012I wasn't around for that. In terms of loot...I mean, we did get a Luna Nova rifle that we can probably sell for a decent amount, once we get it cleaned up. Silver's taking the other one for himself, though.
>>79008Not any more than usual. And we only get paid if we clear it all out. And we got beat by only 6 creatures. How many are down there do you want to guess? 30?
>>79012I wasn't told.
>>79015W0t? You wanna go? I clock your face off.
Let me finish Ash's quest so we can join up for the job, I guess >>79016>>79017Make sure you get your effort's worth. Wouldn't want them to short-change you on it.
>>79003That's what makes you dangerous
>>79002Lie you definitely could have RPed that before we started anything, especially if Ash starts earlier
>>79018He says, like it's a thing to be done in 30 minutes without any kind of help or resources
>>79019I think Spark has ranks in appraise, right?
>>79018I'll bash ye mum in you undersized horse
Thanks, we could use the help >>79018I mean, the quarry job would probably be a lot simpler and a lot faster to complete, so...>>79019And how much would be our effort's worth? Silver's kinda spent a decent amount of Bits on this thing, so...
>>79022You need to pump up those numbers, bro.
I'm not even sure, actually, if we could even get ammo for these things. They take special rounds with magic charges in them, and they're only issued to Special Forces. Blue Skies is probably the only pony the party knows who can actually buy ammo for it, maybe Dark Star (ironically). >>79025I never said or implied that
>>79024They are "apprentices" of the waterfront gang, yes
>>79022I actually find it amusing how the guns of the soldiers are paperweights
>>79028It's a normal Bolt-Action rifle, and basically a Lee Enfield SMLE. If I got the wrong name it was because I was posting from a phone at a restaurant and couldn't verify the name
[Read more] >>79024Foals cannot be property.
The only thing Sister Ash disdains more than ponies who'd sell foals are ponies who think it's acceptable to buy them.
>>79028A lot.
It's a broad job description. You could count it as several jobs.
>>79031The normal bolt-action for Equestria is the Lavender Rifle, issued to all branches of the Equestrian military. The Luna Nova is the experimental magic-enhanced bolt-action rifle issued to Special Forces and Mage Divisions.
>>79031ok so going from 7 to 9 what gunz are available to me now?
>>79035The Carbine is the important one
>>79036Coolio. I'll wait for Ash to wake up and see which foal will she try to take back first, just in case she needs some muscle.
>>79036Good to know, ill pick one up next chance i get.
>>79037Ash would wake up fairly early, wanting a few minutes to prepare herself before prayers.
>>79036What if the character has 10 strength. Can he/she use bolt action rifles?
>>79032I sure hope so.
>>79031I take it, then, it's just a normal Lavender rifle with nothing particularly interesting about it?
>>79041You wouldn't be able to tell unless you could Detect Magick.
>>79042Well, a Detect Magick spell was used not 10 feet from where it stood, so I'd assume there's nothing magical about it.
>>79039Which is exactly what she does, unless obstructed in some way.
She takes a few minutes to wrestle her beautiful flowing mane into the religious habit, taking some time to recite the basic elements of magick as she does.
>>79044I'll take that as my cue to wake up as well.Iron wakes up. He feels somewhat refreshed even after the night's events. He cracks his neck to the side. He figures that Ash would want to stay a bit more in the abbey so putting the armor now would be a bad idea. He decides to look for the dining room for some grub, only having his leather belt, with Redclaw's memento in it, equipped. Maybe one could make a necklace out of that water bison Redclaw had with him, to remind himself not to cower from a fair fight next time.
>>79045Sister Ash prepares her hairdo quite early (before sunrise) and continues out of her room to go greet all of the nuns before prayers.
>>79044I take it not the 6:00 AM cleric language mass?
>>79041No, it’s just an entirely ordinary, entirely mundane .303 Bolt Action rifle with an affixed 6 inch bayonet and loaded with 3 or 8 entirely mundane non-special bullets - a 9 pound slender paperweight which mere mortals, in their boundless folly, thought could give them power over Nature and Creature.
>>79045They are not preparing food
yet in the kitchen
[Read more] >>79047Iron grumbles. Well, maybe someone here can do a little necklace from the water bison he has. He looks for anyone who seems proficient with that sort of thing in the abbey to kill time.
Since everyone's getting up...After having slept soundly through the night, Silver gets up to start his morning routine, something he hasn't been able to do since before the war: a quick shower, breakfast involving one can of beans, some of his newly-purchased whiskey, and water from the tap, 20 push-ups, and a quick smoke.
>>79047In that case, anything Silver's ever said about his rifle being a Luna Nova is now officially non-canon and has been made unreal. >>79048Well... there are nuns
>>79049He can take a shower before Onyx. I’m less sure about whether he can cook those beans. There are no Fascists around to criticize him for smoking, so he can light up a smoke in his room. It really didn’t smell right anyways
>>79047>cleric languageAre they speaking Celestial? I actually wanted to include that as one of my chosen languages.
And yes, I had intended for her to attend the mass.