Welcome to the latest thread of Occupied Equestria. Set six years after season 6, it presents an alternative history where Chrysalis chose a different approach to her second attack on Equestria. The Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while an Equestrian splinter colony - soured to Princesses notion of harmony with all creatures thank to their dealing with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestruan Southlands, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and even ancient necormancers and dark gods threaten the city and the surrounding regions. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
In the latest episode, we are starting day 4. Ash is finally getting to sleep after dealing with foals that scarified animals to evil gods, Iron is disappointed to find that the only sex he is getting is in his dreams, Dark Star has declined to have sex, Onxy has discovered the joys of socialized medicine, I don’t know what Spark is doing, and Silver has discovered that when you don’t complete a quest, you don’t get paid for it
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Wow, that's more posts than I expected.
Maybe I should have stayed up.
>>79255The group got busy while you were gone, it seems. Certainly stayed up after I had already passed out.
>>79255Well, do you want some potions for Ash or your vow of poverty refrains you from doing that?
>>79204Hey GM, how did the doggo have two weapon fighting with such low dex score?
Doing a small rolecall, see who is here at the current moment.
>>79263>>79262Coolio. GM will take a while to reappear by how long he was awake last session. Do you have any plans to fight the undead already?
>>79265You just had to appear after I said you would be a bit late. Oh well. If you feel like GMing, I had planned a visit to Cauldron, both as a little friendly chat and a potion seller, and since I have the map, I should be able to find the address..
>>79261I'm here, if we're doing stuff.
>>79264The only plan I have is to get you guys to go in there and I provide my spells... however they can help. Other than that, I guess pray to the dice gods for mercy this time around.
turns out I have been calculating my spells per day wrong, don't know if I should keep going with what I have already stated, or just go along with the new amount >>79268Oh. That... doesn't sound very planned. I suggest buying holy water at a church if you can.
>>79268Silver's plan is going to be to stick with the other Fighter(s) and try to keep the undead as far away from you, Dark Star, and maybe Ash as possible.
>>79269You sound like I had a plan to begin with. I guess I could try that, but I need my character to have a reason to learn of this strategy.
>>79271>have a reason to learn of this strategyRemember the fact that Dark Star had to go to a church to dispell his sickness? That's enough reason to do that.
>>79272Well, I could come up with the right dialog to figure that out, but Spark never quite learned what became of Dark Star. Once I find him again, then I should be able to.
>>79265Judging by your lack of response, I'll assume you're readyIron decides he does not need any robes. He simply needs to magick his wounds away, and he knows the pony, or shall we say zebra, to do the job. He remembers the address Cauldron said and looked for the restaurant that is there.
Silver should be back at the tavern right now, waiting for the party to get back together.
Onyx gracefully falls down the stairs from his room to the bar.
>>79277Since that is the place everyone seems to gather at, Spark heads to the tavern with our grumpy bartender after leaving the Void of Nothingness.
>>79278Once inside, I wave hello to Onyx.
"Are you feeling any better after last night?"
>>79278Silver looks up from the table he's sitting at with a map in his hooves to look at Onyx's limp form. "Ah, it is good to see that you are still alive after all."
>>79279Next time can Onyx join Spark in the void?
>>79280"Feeling a bit better. Are you holding up?"
>>79282I hold the glass up beside me.
"Yeah. I hope Dark Star made it. He didn't look too good."
>>79283Silver turns to Spark as he speaks up. "Do not worry about Dark Star. I made sure he received appropriate aid."
>>79282>>79283"Now, if you would both come here, we have plans to discuss."
>>79266My parents are telling me to apply for jobs and get my license, and I just came back from the dentist, so I don't think I will be super-active today
>>79285Alright then, we'll be patient.>>79287In front of him is a crude-yet-serviceable map of the crypts they explored underneath Curwhinny farm, or at least as much as they've explored, as well as a list of notes about the enemies they faced and what they'll need for a return trip, made using a "borrowed" pen and a bar napkin. Silver's marked a few key points of interest that they found yesterday. "I understand if you are hesitant to go back to tunnels, but I am in personal need of Bits, and I do not like to leave jobs unfinished. If either of you do not want to go back, please speak up now."
>>79288"I am contractually bound to do this. I will do this regardless of risk and reward."
>>79289>>79290Silver nods, and turns to his map. "When we took job, we underestimated difficulty of our tasks, and we were not prepared. I do not intend for this to happen again." He points to where the skeletons they faced appeared out of thin air. "When skeletons came at us, they came from blue mist, with no sign of them ever having been there in first place. Same blue mist as when I disturbed ashes in urns. It is obvious they were summoned. By what, I do not know, but we must be ready for fight at all times.
"Best way to kill skeletons is with bludgeoning strikes. It is most effective way you can shatter their bones. If you have funds, and strength to wield it, I recommend buying hammer. Otherwise, best weapon you would have against them would be your hooves. As for other undead, they do not seem to have any particular weakness, but I would keep noses open. I do not know how many more are in tunnels, but they are easy enough to find before they find you. If we get into fight, try to trip them. It makes them much easier to hit, at least in melee." He points to Onyx. "You have halberd, right? It should be decent weapon for tripping. And it should not leave you open to biting like hooves would.
"When we go back down there, Onyx and I should take point. We are strongest of group, and most resilient. We have better chance of avoiding infection, I would imagine, than rest of us. We also need to find weapons that are specialized against undead. After Dark Star got infected, I took him to cathedral not too far from quarry. Father there, he is knowledgeable about undead. Perhaps it would do us well to ask him if he knows of ways to deal with them easier."
"Finally, it would be good idea to bring someone else along who is good with healing, or curing disease. Dark Star, he mentioned something about nun, or not-nun, who might be able and willing to help us in this regard, but he did not give specific location as to where we may meet her. If either of you know where she might be found, then we should go to her and ask for her aid."
[Read more] >>79258He might have been a Ranger. Ranger's don't need to meet the ability requirement.
>>79261It's going to be quite a while until I can be fully available.
>>79292Unless he multiclassed as a ranger, I find it unlikely, since he is explicitly stated to be a fighter.
>>79291"Ah. I think I know the sort-of nun you are talking about. I don't remember where she went though."
>>79294Silver's ears perk up, at the notion that they might be able to find her. "Do you know of anything identifiable about her? Anything we could use to ask around religious institutions for her whereabouts?"
>>79295"She is a kirin. Kind of nervous in tough situations though. Last I remember, she was looking for lost foals. She probably went with that jungle native that you tussled with for money, bartender."
>>79258He might have been a Ranger or a Monk.
>>79261It's going to be quite a while until I can be fully available. I'm on a trip, and my cell data isn't working for some reason.
>>79296"...Kirin? What is kirin?"
>>79298"It's a pony, but kind of like part dragon with a wild mane. You will know what I'm talking about when you see her."
>>79299"Hmm, that is something I have not heard of yet...and you say she is looking for lost foals? And she is with jungle native?"
>>79300"Yeah. They worked with us before. I told her I would join her, but the two left without notice. I hope they are doing well in their search."
>>79301"...So, there is dragon-pony nun, and her Chincoteague escort, looking for lost foals across city...?" And here Silver thought he had heard some pretty crazy stuff before now. "It might be likely half of city has heard of or seen these two already. With luck, they have left big enough trail for us to follow."
>>79302She didn't ever respond to my suggestion that I should go along. Maybe next time.
>>79303"Most likely. So, are we off to find them?"
>>79304"Yes, unless you believe it is best to wait for Dark Star's return. Though, with that marefriend of his, we might be waiting for while, if that is case."
>>79305"It would be best to at least tell him so he doesn't wander back in the quarry looking for us."