Welcome to the latest thread of Occupied Equestria. Set six years after season 6, it presents an alternative history where Chrysalis chose a different approach to her second attack on Equestria. The Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while an Equestrian splinter colony - soured to Princesses notion of harmony with all creatures thank to their dealing with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestruan Southlands, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and even ancient necormancers and dark gods threaten the city and the surrounding regions. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
In the latest episode, we are starting day 4. Ash is finally getting to sleep after dealing with foals that scarified animals to evil gods, Iron is disappointed to find that the only sex he is getting is in his dreams, Dark Star has declined to have sex, Onxy has discovered the joys of socialized medicine, I don’t know what Spark is doing, and Silver has discovered that when you don’t complete a quest, you don’t get paid for it
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>>80580"that would be a good idea."
>>80582Dark Star puts his leg around her neck
"Everything will be ok blue."
>>80583Silver nods, not interrupting his quiet singing. The jars make small clinking noises as they bump slightly against one another in his bag.
>>80584Sister Ash takes all of the rest of them into her bag and leaves the room, moving at only half speed as she returns carefully to deliver them to the outside.
>>80587Silver follows to do the same. "What was language you were singing in? I have never heard it before."
>>80589I don't even know what the rolls were for. >>80587>>80590As they pass Iron calls out. "We are about to explore the right passage from the entrance, just in case we need assistance."
>>80588im not sure if i should be afraid or happy of those rolls"theres that Beautiful smile."
>>80590"Something I picked up in my studies." She replies
I still don't know what I'm allowed to learn but I wanted her to know Celestial for the sake of mysticism, and possibly speaking to Celestial crestures.>>80591"I need to deliver these poor ones to the light first, I will be back shortly." She says, as she leaves towards the entrance
>>80591Silver calls back. "We will keep ear out for you!"
>>80593"You must do it justice, to sing as well as you do."
>>80593"You... do that." Iron is confused.
>>80594"Alright, be ready when I call out."
>>80594Her spirits don't seem lifted, but she nods
"It's just a formality.. the least I could do, while moving them after they've been despairing for so long.. Even with good intentions, it's important to be polite, lest they become confused.." she says, as she leaves the cavern
>>80596"I think I would be confused already, if I were stuck in jar." He smiles at his own attempt to make a joke.
>>80593>>80592>>80594They can hear a glass container fall to the ground and break next to Blue Skies. It seems to have been an alchemical container of some sort
>>80592Considering that her normal smile suggests "I have bad intentions," it is fair to distinguish her 'beautiful' smile
>>80596She hears sounds of movement to her left, but nothing really eventful as she turns her back to it
>>80598Silver freezes in his tracks, his body preparing for fight or flight without knowing the source of the noise.
>>80598Sister Ash, who was already on-edge, turns towards the sounds. Caleb flares his senses as well, his light-clad fur bristling.
My plane is landing. Responding will be difficult.
>>80600>>80600>>80599Towards their left they can see deeper down the hallway. What they can see in it are 4 grey-skinned, yellow-eyed... things looking back. Similar to what was seen the day before, but smaller.. They are at various distances, and appear like they were almost caught off-guard by the light
>>80602"Small ghasts…" Silver brings out his rifle, preparing for the coming fight.
>>80602Well fuck. I'm going to have to go soon. Idk if I can do combat rn.
>>80602>>80604>>80603I think we should go on pause for the time being, since this may be a tough fight that magic will be good for.
>>80598>>80602Dark Star points ride the lightning at the Ghasts
They turn away, and run down that hall
>>80608Silver calls out to his companions immediately. "Do not give chase!"
>>80608Iron is not liking this.
>>80609"That was no fight. They usually are more aggressive than that."
>>80610"I agree. No separating from the group, it could be an ambush."
>>80610"they are attempting the same maneuver timber wolves do."
>>80611>>80612Silver nods to both of them. "It is good you are both aware of this threat."
>>80613>>80611"lets move together,if we still want to go that way."
>>80614"We will need to, if we are to clear this place of undead." He motions to Ash. "She wants to move soul jars outside, first, before we continue on our mission."
>>80614"Before that, we should go outside to take these urns. I do not think Silver will be able to fight at his full potential with those urns on him."
>>80615Silver sees now Blue Skies, who had evidently followed Dark Star into the catacombs. She was in the room while the others were outside. Her wings bulge out more than normal, and as she looks out, she says "Is this the only room with soul jars?
>>80617"There was one more with jars, I believe, but they were not nearly as many."
>>80618>>80619"Besides the jars and the alchemical containers, was there anything else in this room when you came the first time?"
>>80620>>80619Dark Star looks at silver "Wasnt the necklace in here?"
>>80621Iron cocks his head. "Why would there be a necklace in here?"
>>80620"There were ghasts in center well. Do not poke your head in if you do not want to feel sick."
>>80621"I picked it off native skeleton, one that was summoned."
>>80623>>80621"So... what exactly are these jars? What is the magic here?"
>>80624"I do not know specifics off top of my head..." He pulls out the notes left by Joseph Curwhinny from his bags to refresh his memory on how Curwhinny created the soul jars.
>>80625Blue Skies: "Wait... what is that in your hoof?"
He can see only the note. The remainder of the book is in some sort of crypt 'language' that he cannot read, but contains alchemical instructions
Here is the letter reposted in full, since Silver can read the entire thing:
"Dear Cinnamon Corn,
I have discovered a way of preserving corpses that merits no little attention. By taking a corpse, rubbing it in an herbal and arsenic based solution, and then burning it with the proper spells, any corpse - even one that has been severely degraded, may be turned into a mixture of bone-fragments and arsenic-phosphate salts that may be stored in a simple container. Here is the real magic of this solution - the salt allows the spirit of the deceased to be summoned readily as an apparition, even without Resurrection magic, and then reduced back to a salt just as easily. In this way, you may summon the spirits of the dead even from ancient and decayed corpses
Yours, Joseph Curwhinny
August 6, 762"
[Read more] >>80627"It is notes Curwhinny left here. Most of it I can not read. But he did leave note here for pony named Cinnamon Corn I can." He repeats the note from the book for Skies.
>>80627>>80628Iron listens the reciting of the note. "I wonder if this Curwhinny fellow is still alive... It would definetly be problematic if he is still."
>>80628"Fascinating. I take it that this Cinnamon Corn is some sort of fellow necromancer, or other correspondent? May I see that?"
>>80630He raises an eyebrow. "Mind if I ask what for, first?"
>>80629"it would be terrible, according to spark and silver. they called it a lich."
>>80631"To inspect it for any meaningful information. Do you have any need for it?"
>>80633He shrugs, playing it off. "No, I am just curious is all." He levitates the book out for her.
>>80634She gently bites the booklet to take it from the magic field, before taking it with a hoof, then opening it and looking through the pages