Welcome to the latest thread of Occupied Equestria. Set six years after season 6, it presents an alternative history where Chrysalis chose a different approach to her second attack on Equestria. The Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while an Equestrian splinter colony - soured to Princesses notion of harmony with all creatures thank to their dealing with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestruan Southlands, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and even ancient necormancers and dark gods threaten the city and the surrounding regions. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
In the latest episode, we are starting day 4. Ash is finally getting to sleep after dealing with foals that scarified animals to evil gods, Iron is disappointed to find that the only sex he is getting is in his dreams, Dark Star has declined to have sex, Onxy has discovered the joys of socialized medicine, I don’t know what Spark is doing, and Silver has discovered that when you don’t complete a quest, you don’t get paid for it
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[2d20 = 17]>>80282An unholy whinny cries out as the integrity of the petite pegasus pony's snootendoodle is compromised.
She unfurls her wings, shifts to her hind legs, and strikes back now with both hooves
>>80283How did she miss both boops?
>inb4 triggers vietnam flashbacks by her lack of booping abilities. >>80284A look of severe shame overcomes the mare
>>80285Iron chuckles lightly, but does not tease her. That comes later when he proves his worth. He does jot it down mentally for any light attacks to his own pride.
>>80283Dark Star lets the 2nd boop hit him
>>80287Her honor partly preserved, she looks less defeated
>>80287>>80288Iron giggles some more. They have good synergy. He sure is proud of pushing Star into kissing Skies.
>>80288Dark Star feigns dropping to the floor
>>80290Blue Skies is relieved to have claimed victory over the rebellious earth pony. But it is a phyric victory, as her snootendoodle remains violated. She smiles, and then scrunches
>>80290>>80291Iron keeps giggling and pokes Star who's on the floor. "Come on, lover colt. You can continue the battle at the camp."
>>80292>>80291"i suppose we can. lets go."
>>80293Iron nods. "I follow you."
>>80293>>80293The proud, pretty, petite, kind of pissy Pegasus pony responds
“I suppose. I’ll walk by your side”
>>80294Dark Star Opens the door and looks for a taxi
>>80296Hailing a taxi here is just a little bit harder than in the shops on the city streets, the reason being that the nunnery is on a large property at the top of a hill rather than on s main road. But it is simple enough to walk to a main road
>>80263I'm not exactly sure what I should type out, but here. Everything I put in parenthesis are buffs/debuffs to stats.
Strength: 16 (-2)
Dexterity: 17
Constitution: 16
Intelligence: 7 (+2)
Wisdom: 16
Charisma: 9
Hit Points: 50
Intimidation - 8
Jump - 3
Swim - 3
Handle Animal - 2
Power Attack
Combat Reflexes
Weapon Focus - Greatswords
Weapon Specialization - Greatswords
[Read more] >>80298After a short walk to the road, and a little walk down it, Dark Star is able to hail a taxi
>>80299Alright. Remember that you get +1 ability point for having g reached level 4. I don’t know if that has been added or not
>>80301That has not been added. Any good suggestions for where to put it?
>>80302Adding it to the Dexterity score immediately increases Silver's AC by 1 as well as his ranged attack score. Investing it in strength or con could pay off, but not until
much later. I think that racial debuff to strength may be a bit harsh, as it decreases the damage roll by about 2.
I was thinking about Silver's optimal weapon choice.
>>80303To be fair, what you gain in exchange for the -2 Strength is pretty damn nice.
I'll be out for a short while. Pretend Iron follows the team until they reach the camp, saying something about the peculiarity of motorized vehicles or something. Caleb will stay close behind.
>>80303I might just put it in Strength, regardless of whether you decide to keep the racial debuff at -2 or drop it to only -1. Dropping it to -1 would certainly make the decision easier as he would be at +3 Strength bonus, but either way he could really stand to have more Strength.
>>80306Is the 16 strength before or after the debuff?
>>80308Hmmm... If this is the case, then the benefit for fighting melee over firearms is, well, not great for silver.
He gets a +2 on attack rolls, and 2d6+3 damage rolls for the greatsword
not counting weapon specialization and weapon focusHowever, he gets a +3 on attack rolls and a 2d8 on damage rolls for the bolt-action (Lavender) rifle. That's only a single point less than what he gets on average for the greatsword. If he has 16 strength, then he gets another 1 on both damage and attack on greatswords, and adding the point to dex gives him +1 on attack with rifles
>>80309Dark Star helps blue into the the taxi then gets in
>>80309Yeah, like I said, I haven't exactly made him into a good character stat-wise. For his backstory, though, he hasn't had much experience with firearms. His father was a melee purist, having served in the Royal Guard as a quartermaster at a time when the most advanced firearms in standard service were breach-loaded rifles and a skilled melee specialist could still perform adequately. Though with him being an earth pony and being much stronger than Silver it's much easier for him to be so. Silver learned how to fight from him, and his father taught him as much about earth pony fighting styles as he could, but without that earth pony strength, he'll likely never be able to fight quite as effectively in that way.
He knows how to operate basic firearms, with bolt-actions being the most advanced he knows, but he's never actually owned one until now. He's used them before, picking them up off the ground from fallen enemies, when not doing so would leave him defenseless against a ranged opponent, but otherwise he's always relied on bringing his opponents into situations where his talents shined the best. Close range combat where using firearms put an opponent in disadvantage. One-on-one fights with only one direction for his opponents to attack him from. Using his surprising agility to dodge weak bayonet strikes and to counter with a powerful cleaving attack immediately after.
[Read more] >>80310She smiles primly enters the taxi, nodding to show an appreciation for Dark Star's chivalry
>>80311I'll think about it
>>80309So Silver was supposed to be a ranged attacker instead of melee meta-wise. I'll keep that in mind.
>>80312"Huh, is there enough space for 7 people there AND a dog?" Iron is not sure about this.
>>80313Probably at least two vehicles or something
>>80314"Don't forget about Ash. She needs trunk space as well"
>>80313"Perhaps we could call another? Star, Skies, Spark, and I will take this one. You, Onyx, Ash, and the dog can take other."
>>80314"That leaves with 6 ponies and a dog. Are they even allowed in these things?"
>>80315"No way. She will have a seat for her. I will go to the trunk if it is necessary."
>>80316Iron thinks about it. "That may work. How many seats are available in there?"
>>80317"Dont worry about it ill pay for the dog."
>>80318Silver takes a peak inside the cab. "If driver lets pony into front passenger seat? Four."
>>80318Oh God. I want to say one in the front and three in the back if you stuff them, but I really don't know
>>80317And, she... actually chuckles at that
>>80319"There is no need for you to pay for the dog. I just want to know if the driver allows them in their vehicles."
>>80320Iron nods. "I guess it can work. I go at the front if possible, and both Ash and the dog go at the back seats. Onyx will go to the trunk. He can take it, I am sure."
"I can sit in the middle. I am pretty small and don't mind being sandwiched between stallions"
>>80323"As much as anyone would want to sandwich eachother in there, Silver does have the better idea to just go with two vehicles instead of one. We should be able to squeeze in these vehicles that way."
>>80323"I suspect Spark and Star would be good choices for sitting companions, then. I get feeling they would make for much more comfortable conditions for you."
>>80324"These taxis are designed to seat two in the back, they are slightly cramped for three."
>>80325She frowns slightly at this evident shotgun call
>>80327Silver puts a hoof up to try to calm her down, not really understanding why she would seem upset. "If you have other idea for seating arrangement, I would be glad to hear it. It is just what I think would be best for group."
>>80327Iron grunts. "What about the whole 'trunk' thing? Star was very non-chalant when suggesting that. That would mean the rest occupy the available seats remaining."
Sister Ash wakes up and decides it wasn't very wise fast for 28 days and then start intensive foal care service with no transition period.
>>80330"Oh, you are back. What do you think about helping Star clear out a zombie den?" Iron smiles. "Also, do you want to be put down?"
>>80331Sister Ash appears to have trouble moving her neck
"Z-zombies..? I guess I could try to help with that.." she murmers
"Umm, I can walk, if it causes you any problems.."
>>80332"Pfft, I do not mind at all. In fact, it is rather comfortable to have you on top of me. Calming, even." Iron smiles warmly.