Welcome to the latest thread of Occupied Equestria. Set six years after season 6, it presents an alternative history where Chrysalis chose a different approach to her second attack on Equestria. The Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while an Equestrian splinter colony - soured to Princesses notion of harmony with all creatures thank to their dealing with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestruan Southlands, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and even ancient necormancers and dark gods threaten the city and the surrounding regions. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
In the latest episode, we are starting day 4. Ash is finally getting to sleep after dealing with foals that scarified animals to evil gods, Iron is disappointed to find that the only sex he is getting is in his dreams, Dark Star has declined to have sex, Onxy has discovered the joys of socialized medicine, I don’t know what Spark is doing, and Silver has discovered that when you don’t complete a quest, you don’t get paid for it
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>>79515They're wondering if she would join them when they head back to the crypts underneath Curwhinny farm, to help heal the party and provide some much-needed support and/or guidance.
>>79517What/who is Seaward Shoals?
>>79518It’s a city. Do you remember the episode “Pony Point of View”? The mane six go there to sail
>>79517Yeah, she would probably help them if they requested it; despite having her own priorities, reposing the undead is a cause she would be willing to offer up her service upon favorable request.
Also, I'm deciding my spell list for the day.
Thinking about it, it makes no sense for Sister Ash to prepare call Lightning 3 days in a row. She considers her spells to be a religious practice, not an asset in combat. I've diversified her spell list with the mentality that she would choose different spells each day, unless she had a particular plan for them (which she doesn't).
Detect Magic
Create Water
Read Magic
Animal Trick
1st level:
Regenerate Light Wounds (2x)
Enrage Animal
Animal Friendship
2nd level:
Regenerate Moderate Wounds
Chill Metal
Luminous Armor
Hammer Of Righteousness
Remove Disease
>Tfw creeping cold has a 25 gp material component, so can't use it. [Read more] Don't know how much longer I'll be on. I need to leave for a trip at 3:15, and I don't know when exactly I'll be able to get back on, but it should be sometime before 6.>>79523And I imagine if she asked for the group's help in finding and saving the lost foals, they would gladly agree to do so.
Also, in the future, if an ally offered her the necessary material components for a spell when she required it, could Ash cast the spell without breaking her Vow of Poverty/Vow of Ascetism/whatever Vow it is?
>>79523Roger that. If you want I can buy the component for you for tomorrow if Iron pesters Ash enough.
>>79518>>79522>>79521Basically everything is wrong with these 3 posts.
>>79523>No sense to prepare Call lightning 3 days in a rowI think she's on notice that this place is kind of dangerous
>>79523>Can't use spell because of a componentWhat [Read more] >>79526I still remember the plot of the episode somewhat.
>>79524Spoilered for non-core meta.Yes. That is permissible.It's kind of gay using the rest of the party's money though. The description also suggests the option of paying an amount of XP as a replacement for costly components.The limitation to spell costly components is supposed to part of the drawback, in exchange for what's basically a second set of class features.Not that I actually have it though. I'm just following the creed.>>79525Don't try to buy her things. She really would not like it the same way a normal woman would.
>>79526I've seen the episode. I just forgot the name because I was only paying half attention. It was a brainfart.
>this place is kind of dangerousShe didn't come to the city with intent to harm ponies. She still has offensive spells though.
>WhatI'm really trying to own this no-wealth-no-treasure gig. The material component for creeping cold is a piece of pottery worth 25 gp. I'm only preparing spells without costly components.
[Read more] >>79529
Ash can't tell Iron what to do! He'll carry her on his back for miles if he feels like it!
It's going to be hard for him not to coddle Ash. I'll see what I can do
I need to step out for a bit. BBL.
>>79534Alright. The GM will take some time to get ready for GMing himself.
As it turns out, the trip did not take nearly as long as I anticipated.
>>79538Yeah, I'm ready whenever.
>>79539Coolio. GM may need a lot more time due to external life pressures, so be at the ready.
Well, I returned to my laptop just now, so that's good.
>>79541I can be available for the next couple hours.
>>79542It's very probable that the GM will be available at around 10-12 PM, aka at night, maybe even a bit of morning. Let's hope that it doesn't interfere with others' schedules. Now I have to leave the laptop again, maybe for about 30 minutes. Iron will be at the restaurant and see how Cauldron is faring as well as obtain some potions from his brother. He also wants to know the name of the restaurant for further visits. See you a little later.
>>79495"Every foal is unique. Some have d-different needs than others..." Sister Ash replies, her left eye twitching a bit as her mane is pulled the wrong way.
>>79545I have no clue. I think we're all waiting on the GM. And maybe also Spark, if he's here.
>>79547Dark Star Drinks his water
>>79548She looks at him with mild annoyance
"They aren't here"
>>79547At what point in the day could Sister Ash visit Abby?
>>79549"Yea, Do you want a drink?"
>>79550Is she going to wait until Abby is finished with her first set of prayers and ambush her on the way back to the bathroom, wait until dinner, try to talk the sisters into letting her in
now, make up some excuse for going in like wanting to search the dresser again, try to break into the second story dorm room from the window.... Really this question depends more on Ash
>>79552She'll wait until Abby's done with her first stack before she asks the Sisters if she can speak with her.
>>79553Well, if it takes one half minute to do one prayer, she'll be done in a little over 4 hours
>>79555That's around noon-ish, she'll see her then.
I'm here to stab things when required. Otherwise, what's going on?
>>79557"Mr.Glass,one cotton candy maretini."
>>79547I am back and ready. I will be cleaning up my room for a bit, so I'll be a little late on my responses.
>>79561Well then, as far as I remember, the gang was going to head up to the potions shop, followed by the Cathedral. Both of which are places only Silver knows where to head to, so...Silver looks out towards the exit to the tavern. "Come on, then. All of my stuff is gathered already. We should head to potions shop."
>>79563Spark follows right behind.
"Did you picture fighting monsters when you first arrived in this city?"
>>79560"We can... I... Don't think we have that"
Also I think Silver and Spark are leaving the tavern
>>79564>>79566Silver starts on his way out of the tavern, towards the potions shop from yesterday. "Hmm. I will admit, it is change from what I had fought over past few years. Not sure if it is good or bad change yet."
>>79565>>79566Wait so are they there or what?
>>79565"Get her a Strawberry one then."
[1d20+3 = 22]
Rolling to do dishes.