Welcome to the latest thread of Occupied Equestria. Set six years after season 6, it presents an alternative history where Chrysalis chose a different approach to her second attack on Equestria. The Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while an Equestrian splinter colony - soured to Princesses notion of harmony with all creatures thank to their dealing with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestruan Southlands, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and even ancient necormancers and dark gods threaten the city and the surrounding regions. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
In the latest episode, we are starting day 4. Ash is finally getting to sleep after dealing with foals that scarified animals to evil gods, Iron is disappointed to find that the only sex he is getting is in his dreams, Dark Star has declined to have sex, Onxy has discovered the joys of socialized medicine, I don’t know what Spark is doing, and Silver has discovered that when you don’t complete a quest, you don’t get paid for it
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>>79671Annnnnnnd Silver is no longer so amused. "...Just...be quiet, we will be there shortly." He continues making his way towards the source of the voice, wondering how the Deacon made it so far ahead.
>>79671Iron shakes his head. "I actually was getting very bored with the job I picked up, so I decided to brush up on my right hoof and have a little brawl. You could say I did it for fun." Iron smiles. "Like you may go for a drink with friends or something." Iron lays back on his chair. "That dog Rover sure has some technique, it was a pretty close fight, but I barely won."
>>79672I think all natives of the Equestrian Southwest are Earth ponies, or something like that
>>79674"Well that sounds like you alright. Getting bored not fighting. Wait. Which Rover?"
>>79673'Hey Father! It's after 8, and time to get up. These two need you for something involving.... Queering? Wait, that's not right. Kirin! That's what he called them. He needs you to help with Kirin"
>>79675What separates "Natives" from other ponies, if all ponies are from the Equestrian continent?
>>79675Silver groans. How far ahead did this pony manage to get?
>>79675"Rover de Marquise, or something like that. Do you know him?" Iron cocks one eyebrow.
>>79676They should be stronger and bigger on average than normal ponies, meaning they should have exceptional strength and constitution stats as by race.
>>79678"De Marquis! I thought that may have been him. Yes, he does fights fairly regularly"
>>79676They are settlers that proceeded the migration of the tribes in the Windigo crisis. Go study history in character to learn more
>>79679Except that they are still Earth Ponies, not something else entirely
>>79680No call to action. All Ash would be concerned about would be that they're ponies.
>>79680What the GM said.Iron is surpised. "Huh. How do you know him? Do you watch fights at the bar?"
>>79680After some more walking, Silver finally comes across the Deacon and Father Maren.
>>79681Then don't ask questions about it
>>79685I'm guessing he asks the Taxi driver
Also he would arrive more quickly than basically any other character
>>79683Father Maren walks in, rubbing his eyes and putting on his glasses, while Slow burn is bouncing in place. "What is it you need" he asks kind of groggily.
>>79684Definitely after 7 AM, as that is the time the mass would end
[Read more] >>79686Okay then.
Sister Ash would be doing chores and whatnot until Iron got back, possibly visiting Abby Willows at noon-ish.
>onyx continues to follow everyone around
>>79686"That is one weird pony..." With that thought passing through his mind, Silver clears his throat. "Hello, Father Maren. I am sorry for having awakened you. My compatriots and I, we are going back to Curwhinny farm, to finish job, and dispatch undead from area. We are hoping that you might be able to provide guidance as to best way to do this, or perhaps let us know of weakness we may exploit."
"In addition, we are looking for somepony. She is kirin nun, with native bodyguard. I have heard she was asking around about lost foals. I hope you have heard something about where we might find her."
>>79688"I... Yes, I know songs"
>>79690"You didn't think one scare of becoming a Ghast was enough? You want more now? Very well... And I don't know any queereens"
>>79682"I have watched and guarded many fights, yes. He is a popular contender in the city"
>>79693"So I heard. He is pretty good." Iron ponders and leans in closer to Cauldron, almost whispering. "How was your day with the gang? Any gossip going around it? Apart from the whole 'ship stealing' business."
>>79691"So that is what they are called...no matter. We are in need of Bits, and it is not good idea to allow undead to continue their existence. I do not relish thought of them escaping into city..."
>>79691"Would you Sing one on the way?"
>>79694"Yes, very serious gossip, and it
does relate to the ship stealing business. There is a general belief that Pransisco organized the heist. At the very least they thing some of his men did. There is also some claim of a 'slaughter king' which is generally dismissed as nonsense or a false report, but some think that this may be the alias of some unknown figure looking to make a name for himself"
>>79696He turns on the automobile Radio. "There is no such thing" by Frank Sintrotta plays
>>79695"I see. Leave evil long sealed away where it lies. But if you must disturb it, bring somepony with the powers of harmony to dispense with it"
>>79684Ash feels a tap from behind. It's the colt, who has been on her back basically for the last 30 minutes, and he wants to be held. Ash likewise remembers her dream, how Abby was replaced with a hideous monster
>>79697Iron nods. "That is a pretty dumb name if he wants to be an actual name, but I digress." Iron leans back. "So, how is your day going?" Iron smiles some more.
>>79697"ah i love this one. its great."
>>79697He nods. "Do you have any other advice, or know of anything we may use to make dispatching easier?"
>>79698Sister Ash shrugs off the dream as a result of not getting a proper rest cycle, and cradles the colt in her hooves.
"You're a needy one, aren't you? Have you been settling in well?"
>>79699She laughs slightly
"I've been helping my father with his restaurant thus far today. I help with spices and the like", It's not too bad, by any means. I certainly haven't been beaten by a Diamond Dog. Quite a way to start a morning"
>>79703he just stares at her for a few seconds. Then he replies with a slight accent "This is better than under the upside down craddle, but the foals and sisters are distant"
>>79701He arrives
>>79702"Don't let them bite you or touch you, because that is the only way they ever get you. I'm guessing you want some holy water as well"
[Read more] >>79704His ears perk up. "Holy water? Would you happen to know if you have any of that?"
>>79704She cranes her neck as best as she can to see him.
"Have you tried reaching out to them? There should be a few here you're age. If you're nice, you could make some friends."
>>79704He Walks into the church after paying the cabby
>>79704Iron chuckles. "Yeah, but I always crave for the fairest of fights: just two opponents, only his hooves to punch and defend. I can always take some blows if I can experience this." Iron looks upward, somewhat fonding. He looks downwards again. "So, what is this 'help with spices' you talk about? Do you cook?"
>>79705"Aye, of course we have it. The priests bless it ever day. It caries the holy force of harmony, and burns the unholy as acid. The undead especially"
>>79707like maybe 5 bits or less
As he goes in, he sees the priestess he saw yesterday, who is walking and evidently moving from one part to another
>>79708"I do cook, yes. Mixing ingredients, cutting vegetables and leaves. Heating. I enjoy it quite a bit, the artistry in the proper proportions and times"
>>79706He blinks
"But how do I do that?"
[Read more] >>79709"I see why you have a side business as a potion maker. They are similar hobbies after all." Iron thinks. "How long have you been making potions, Cauldron?"
>>79709"I...did not know holy water worked in this way. We would most certainly appreciate some, if it pleases you."
>>79709"Talk to them, of course. Be polite and respectful, and ask to play with them. It's not that hard.
(this is a lie) Try it for yourself."
>>79710"I've been mixing spices since I was a small foal. Making potions took more patience and time, but I started when I was a fillie, and eventually discovered a talent for it"
>>79711"Hello. You may call me Sundew. Are you the one who had an unholy disease removed yesterday?"
>>79713"But... They don't like me. They think I am weird"
>>79712"Well... We can offer some"
>>79715Get in line and wait your turn [Read more] >>79716"Good. I guess that means you are top notch at what you do." Iron smiles. "What was your first potion?"
>>79716"Hmm? Offer? As in selling it?"
>>79717"I can't say it's what I do, more of a hobby" Slight frown
"My first potion was a plant growth stimulate. More so than simple fertilizer, something to make pretty flower bloom. And indeed it did make that petunia grow fast and beautiful, with the biggest pink flower you've ever seen on one. I can't say that about the first few flowers I tried potions on"
>>79718"This is a church. We don't sell things here"
>>79718Donations to the church are always appreciated.
>>79716Sister Ash smiles warmly.
"Being different isn't always a bad thing. What matters is that you have a good attitude, and play nicely with others. I believe you could make some friends if you tried your best."
She puts a plate down to dry
"What do the other foals do about this time of day?"
>>79716"yea, that was me. i was pretty afraid. i felt so cold then all of a sudden warmth flowed into me."
>>79719"Ah. My apologies. Still, if you have holy water, we would like some."
>>79719Iron smiles warmly. "That is a nice little anecdote. Why were you doing that? Did your father egg you on to brew potions?"