Welcome to the latest thread of Occupied Equestria. Set six years after season 6, it presents an alternative history where Chrysalis chose a different approach to her second attack on Equestria. The Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while an Equestrian splinter colony - soured to Princesses notion of harmony with all creatures thank to their dealing with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestruan Southlands, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and even ancient necormancers and dark gods threaten the city and the surrounding regions. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
In the latest episode, we are starting day 4. Ash is finally getting to sleep after dealing with foals that scarified animals to evil gods, Iron is disappointed to find that the only sex he is getting is in his dreams, Dark Star has declined to have sex, Onxy has discovered the joys of socialized medicine, I don’t know what Spark is doing, and Silver has discovered that when you don’t complete a quest, you don’t get paid for it
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>>80027Iron tries it on, see how it fits his neck.
>>80029"And neither did Equestria stand with New Mareland when Aquellia invaded her old Dominion. But really, that's all blood under the bridge now. I ask you, what about in the war to come?"
>>80030Hmmm.... I'm actually not sure if they chain she gave him would fit. Let's say it does, almost snugly because he has a huge neck I am sure
>>80031Iron smiles. "It fits great. Thank you. I shall not disturb your work." With that, he starts leaving the wood shop for his room. He needs to suit up and it's going to take a while.
>>80031"In war to come? New Mareland will not lift hoof to provide aid. We will be left on our own, once again."
>>80033Blue Skies invites dark Star for this part of the conversation:
>>80025"Dark Star, if Chrysalis invaded in six months, would you fight against her?"
>>80032https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mYb0B_-jaBU [Embed] >>80034"Until i am dead i will fight against her. maybe even after that."
>>80034I assume I reached my destination from that video.When Iron reaches his room, he starts equipping each body plate in the place they're supposed to go except for his proficient hoof he uses to punch.
>>80035>>80034>>80033"And there you have it. One loyal soldier for whom the bond to his race and country does not end even as he wakes up under a New Mareland Heaven. One lonely, loyal troop, devoted to stand against the swarms of Chrysilis, and if necessary, die, rifle in hoof, facing the enemy.
Now, imagine if he had some Equestrian comrades? Imagine if he had many, joined by all the resources of Griffonia. New Mareland is a tiny nation with a tiny population. It needed to expand to gain the resources to survive. It must continue that expansion. But when that is complete, and free ponykind stands as one against Chrysilis... They shall be a force far more formidable than any the old Equestria could have mustered."
>>80036And it is so. Soon enough the others will join Iron. Except for Ash, who is kill
>>80038He then equips his tower shield on his offhoof, exits the abbey and waits outside the entrance.
Sister Ash abruptly gives Abby a long, warm hug, patting her back softly
"It will be fine.. can you just trust me for now?"
>>80040She tenses up in reaction at first, but then eases up a little. She needed the warmth, Ash can tell
"I.. maybe. Okay..."
>>80037He looks right at Blue, his face rather emotionless as he speaks. "No. When Chrysalis invades, New Mareland will not send anypony to help. They have too many enemies in Griffonia, and too few forces spread well too thin. They can not afford war with Chrysalis without risking everything." He points at Dark Star. "He will fight." He points at himself. "I will fight." He puts his hoof down. "All Equestrians will fight. But you are fool if you believe New Mareland would care enough to risk everything to send aid. We are alone in this fight."
>>80041Good filly
*Pats back some more*
*Picks her up and cradles her for a minute or so*
"... Thank you.."
>>80042"Baltimare needs a new mayor, Larry Berry will not aid us in any way when Chrysalis invades. next election you should vote for me."
>>80042"Silver, do you realize why they are so ready to please Chrysilis? Do you see now why they are absentee landlords? They send all their troops away because they
must. They must secure their footing on Griffonia
now. They must gain resources. They must buy time with Chrysilis so that they may make war later in Equestria.
Chrysalis is a demon that ponykind must stand united to slay. And the swift dive bombers and ponies of New Mareland are not an ally to be dismissed out of hoof"
>>80043*cuddled fillie noises*
At this moment, Ash can understand. She, like so many foals at the orphanage, needs a
mother to love and protect her
>>80044"He'll hope Chrysilis has as soft a hoof in ruling the conquered as Halcyon. He will live long enough to at least realize that mistake"
[Read more] >>80045Poor filly...
Ash sits in the room with the filly, codfling her for several more minutes before she gets up to leave.
".. Be a good filly now, and finish your prints.. I'll come and check on you again in the evening."
She still has a general expression of sadness with her head sulking down, but at least the anger is gone for the moment
>>80045"im surprised Larry hasn't sold us out already."
>>80046Okay, my character is ready to be abducted.
>>80045"And when Chrysalis realizes that all of New Mareland's troops are in Griffonia? That their navy has just been decimated? That prize she so desperately desires is ripe for the taking, with only broken and demoralized Equestrians, left in wake of loss of their country, to defend continent from her armies?
"And when Griffonian Empire decides they want their ancient lands back?
All of them? When griffons in New Mareland's conquered territories decide it is better to join with their own kind, than to submit to ponies?"
How do these two know so much about politics and history?
>>80049Well, since you said it nicelyIron, a bit impatient, decides to look for Ash. There is no way she is not done by now, unless that unicorn colt is trapping her legs or something.
>>80051One is a prominent member, the other one is old. Get used to it. >>80048"And that is why we keep tabs on him regularly"
>>80050"Don't you worry about the Griffin empire... There are
separate plans for that. And plans likewise for how to distract Chrysalis. She hasn't invaded for more than half a year now. Do you not think she's also having difficulties with conquered ponies?"
>>80051They've been living in it and working in it, in Silver's case for 68 years, and in Blue's case as a member of the secret police
>>80049Alright, she may ow meet... basically any of the characters
[Read more] >>80052Sister Ash returns to her chores, and would eventually meet up with Iron.
My brain is mush, so expect slow response
>>80055"I think she is more concerned with building up her armies for final invasion, than whatever troubles ponies in Western Equestria may be giving her."
I suppose this is the part where the gang finally arrives at the orphanage. >>80055Did Dark Star have work?"well that makes me feel a little better,knowing hes being watched"
>>80057Hey, I can always carry you instead of moving yourself. Iron would definetly not mind.Iron smiles "Good morning Ash. When shall we depart from the premises?"
>>80058"Silver, you remember Stalliongrad, over in the Northeast of Equestria?"
Yes>>80059Not immediately, but I can think of any number of smaller jobs he could do, although most of them wouldn't involve difficult fights>>80056Probably like a medium or heavy load, but doable >>80061He stops her as they approach the orphanage. The topic, it appears, seems fairly sensitive. "Can this wait, then? I would not like to talk about my...former...home, while we are so close to this place."
>>80063"That's quite alright. You aren't the only one with things to be embarrassed about..."
>>80062Like I was going to have him go investigate a den of Changeling spy activity in Baltimare decoded in the suitcase, but then realized that it would be smarter to not arrest them so as to not tip of the Changelings, but rather to monitor them. And other instances, mostly observation, planting listening devices, and making arrests or killing a single pony >>80064"Thank you." Silver steps through the doors to the orphanage, only realizing a second too late what the image of a group of armed and armored ponies like them just walking inside without a worry must look like to a bunch of nuns and orphans.
>>80066He sees quickly a mare in religious attire, with a very startled appearance. There are some foals in the room, but they run away at the sight of Silver
"Are you with the government? Why are you here?"
>>80066>>80067Dark Star follows right behind him
>>80060Sister Ash suddenly faints like a goat, while the faggot controlling her does the same.
>>80056Very light. She's rather thin and dainty for her kind. Might have had something to do with extreme fasting, or maybe it's her just generally being on the small side.
I'm sorry guys.. It's just not going to work tonight.. I'm sick as a dog..
>>80069>>80068>>80067The nun's eyes grow wider at the evident invasion
Ash dies of Influenza
>>80070Maybe? He'd stumble upon it eventually
>>80071Iron catches Ash in her descent. He is worried, but does not really know what else to do. He shrugs, not worrying so much. She may have exerted herself too much or something. He places her on his back gently. 'Sleep well, Ash.'
>>80067>>80072Silver looks rather embarrassed at the realization. "Eh...heheh...sorry, Sister, we forgot to leave weapons at door. We are here in search of nun. She is kirin, like dragon-pony hybrid. Should have native with her as bodyguard. We heard she may be willing and able to help us with task."
Well, I suppose now we wait for Ash to liv before we can continue. >>80074"We are friends of hers and her companion, a native pony." Spark adds.
>>80073"May flocks of pegasi sing thee to thy rest"
She pulls herself out from behind a doorway, and another peers over from behind some furniture
"That would be Sister Ash. She was visting a foal upstairs"
You can just abduct her and do what you want to>>80075*pokes Ash with hoof*
[Read more] >>80072"woah calm down sister,we are just here to see the kirin nun."
>>80077Iron turns to the source of the poking and words. Just what are they thinking?
You want me to punch foals, don't you?