Welcome to the latest thread of Occupied Equestria. Set six years after season 6, it presents an alternative history where Chrysalis chose a different approach to her second attack on Equestria. The Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while an Equestrian splinter colony - soured to Princesses notion of harmony with all creatures thank to their dealing with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestruan Southlands, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and even ancient necormancers and dark gods threaten the city and the surrounding regions. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
In the latest episode, we are starting day 4. Ash is finally getting to sleep after dealing with foals that scarified animals to evil gods, Iron is disappointed to find that the only sex he is getting is in his dreams, Dark Star has declined to have sex, Onxy has discovered the joys of socialized medicine, I don’t know what Spark is doing, and Silver has discovered that when you don’t complete a quest, you don’t get paid for it
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>>80077Silver nods. He hopes the foals won't get into too much trouble, now that they've been spooked. "Can you show us where?"
>>80078"Hello there. Dark Star said you'd be here, and he wanted
her to help him clear out a catacomb of the living dead"
It's the pegasus mare he remembers fondly
>>80078She points a hoof upstairs
>>80080She points a hoof upstairs
>>80081That is.... not what was meant
[Read more] >>80085Iron shrugs. Must be imagining things. Well, I guess we can leave for the time being. With Ash on his back, he heads out to the main entrance.
>>80086*'Well, I guess... the time being'
>>80087>>80086"His party is waiting downstairs"
>>80081>>80080In walks Blue Skies, Iron, and Ash on Iron's back, with a foal ontop of her
>>80085Dark Star pats Blue's head
>>80089*Pegasus cooing noises*
She closes her eyes and smiles at this
>>80086>>80088Silver looks at the unconscious kirin, half mesmerized by her rather exotic features, half worried that something's wrong with her. "...Is that Sister Ash?"
>>80088Iron is spooked by Skies' sudden appearance. "You should not ambush ponies like that. At least give a present or something if you plan to." He cranes his back as backwards as possible, looking for any unwanted passangers.
>>80091"Yes it is. She may have exerted too much effort or something."
>>80092"I hope she is okay..." He clears his throat before extending a foreleg in an offer of a hoofshake. "Allow me to introduce myself. I am Silver Sword. Though, I am mostly known as just Silver."
>>80091"I don't know if I'd call her 'sister,' but yes, that is the one called 'Ash.'"
>>80092"Iron, I assure you, you wouldn't want the 'presents' I give to those I ambush"
>>80094Iron sizes up Silver for a bit and nods. "No touching her, that is the only rule."
>>80095He would wave, but he doesn't want to. Just another nod directed at Spark.
>>80096"Sure. Whatever."
He now looks at the entire group. "What are you ponies doing here anyways?"
>>80097"What are you doing here?"
>>80098Iron looks at Skies. "I am a bodyguard for Ash, now it is your turn to answer."
>>80097He's certainly strong...for a unicorn, and heavy set, though it looks to be mostly muscle rather than fat. He looks tough, too, maybe even tougher than Iron, like he could take a real beating.
Silver, for his part, tries not to look confused by this particular rule. "We are going to clear undead from crypt near Curwhinny Farm. I have heard from others of this group that Ash has been willing to help in past, so we were in hopes that she might aid us in this pursuit."
>>80099"I see. At what point did she give you permission to touch her?"
>>80100Iron thinks for a bit. "I am sure she will try to help you. Do you have a camp near the mission area?"
>>80101"Well, she did purr a lot when I stroked her, so she will not mind." Iron leans in closer. "What, jealous again? Come one, I set you up with a stallion and now you want me too? So bold of you."
>>80102"Okay, so let me get this straight. You touched her and she purred. Or something. And so you take this as license to marehandle her entire body. But at the same time you want to be a complete asshole to every pony else and say 'you can't touch her' like you are foal enjoying a toy.
Please. Please tell me why you think you the right to assume that you and you alone can dictate who can and cannot touch a mare who never gave you permission to handle her"
>>80102"Not currently, but it would not be issue to do so." He thinks for a bit on it. "...Are you completely sure? I would not want to abduct her against her will."
>>80104"Sure, why not? She can object herself. No need to put up your armor, white knight." Iron laughs. "Besides, I have been with her more than you, so I should not listen to your commands." Iron grins. "Hey, maybe Star can carry you around too. Like I said, he can handle it."
>>80105"Ash has sacrificed her two gold bars to save some foals from slavery so I am sure she might join you simply because of your plea of help. We may need some time for her to wake up again though. Surely she was exhausted from handling the foals or something."
>>80106"Hey Star, how are you liking Blue Skies so far?"
>>80107Silver doubts that Star could even try to carry Blue around, with his noodle legs. "She did? That is...commendable, I believe word for it is."
>>80107"Listen, shit for brains. If you're going to be an insufferable douchebag in every line you speak then I would sooner shove a grenade up your ass than suffer listening to you. I do not take commands from
you, nor do
we take commands from you, so know your place, stop bossing us, and shut up"
She swallows a non-existent drink from a non-existent shot glass
Looks around to see if the foals are now traumatized.
>>80107"Maybe we should take this outside, for the foals' sake."
>>80111"That could be good idea. I do not think rifle on my back is doing much for confidence of foals."
>>80108"Yeah, she is great."
>>80109"Well, you should not interfere with other ponies' business when talking to them. That is rude, you know?" Iron keeps his grin. "So heartless of you too. Doing such bad things in front of foals."
>>80111>>80112"Well, what can you do? I think we should. I will ask for one of the nuns to pick out the foal on her and we can do that. Go ahead, I will follow later."
>>80110Iron smiles. "Good to know I made the right call, eh?"
Iron proceeds to ask the nuns politely to remove the foal nestled on Ash.
[Read more] >>80114"It is slang for decision. Probably wordplay with 'cult' since they sound similar. Elders taught me that one."
Hah, thought you could catch me OOC? I don't think so >>80115"well yeah i know what call means. but what Does it mean in the context you brought up?"
>>80113"Sweetie, looking after Dark Star here
is my business. And accordingly his assembling of a team is my business. And because the gecko lady is actually useful, that means that procuring Ash's help is, as a matter of fact, my business. And so therefore, sweetie, this is all
my business. Ash is not your personal sex toy to stake out on your own like a three year old refusing to share a teddy bear. She is a member of the team. A person. Alright? Do you get that? And for what is worth,
you spoke to
me. And don't speak until you've learned some manners"
>FoalThis requires not one, but two sisters to remove
>>80116"He means right call in trying to get you to fuck me. I did not know that that drink you gave me this morning would be the sole thing allowing me to hang on this morning. I need quite a few more"
[Read more] >>80117"We Can Head to the bar, i wanted to buy a barrel of whiskey for the quarry."
>>80118"..." Silver sighs. "...As it so happens, I already have bottle of whiskey you may use."
>>80119"is it enough to burn some zombies?"
>>80120Silver gives him an odd look. "...Why?"
>>80119If a pony had been made to wander under the scorching sun of the hottest desert for three days and nights, and you then offered them a pale of water, you would not see such an expression of gratitude, relief, and joy, as on Blue Skies' face at the mention of Silver carrying whiskey
>>80122After noticing this, Silver stays quiet for a few seconds, before levitating it out of his bags and offering it to Blue. "Just do not drink it all, and please, drink it
outside of orphanage."
>>80121"Well,i think it would be a good idea."
>>80117"First of all, I was speaking to Silver when I mentioned the rule and then you butted in with your morality." Iron is angry about this next part. "Secondly, we have not even kissed yet, while you surely have gone up and procreated with Star already, so do not go around accusing others of using people as toys. Third, you are treating her as a toy yourself, thinking you should get authority over her because you said so. Like I said earlier, I should not listen to you throwing around rhetoric you do not even follow. So you should learn some manner yourself when talking to strangers." Iron has his brow furrowed. "Whatever, you do not even lead the mission anyway."
>>80119>>80120Iron sighs. "I may wake up Ash if I keep this up. Do you have a meeting spot set up?"
*do not go around acussing me of using Ash as a toy
Spark casts Prestidigitation to make a small ball for the foals to play with in this stressful argument.
>>80123She happily takes it, but unfortunately, is unable to meet either condition. For what it's worth, the area was entirely evacuated of foals when a guy with a loaded rifle came into the room
>>80125"And you are a dick to
everyone in
everything. A dick to silver, to spark, to me, to me again... To Ash for treating her as a possession. So please, listen to yourself and
stop being rude to strangers. You can stop speaking now."
>>80124"You would need lot of whiskey for that. It would be better to purchase oil flasks. Or some other kind of inflammable substance."
>>80125He pulls out his map and shows him the location of Curwhinny Farm. "This is location of mission."
>>80129Silver sighs. At least he'd have somepony to have a good drinking competition with, if he ever got the hankering. "You do realize you owe me new bottle of whiskey now, right?"