What it is? Its an ongoing thread-based fantasy RPG
What it do? Players do their thing based off dice scripts and 3.5e D&D as a rules baseline.
Throughout the week we shitpost at one another and on weekends we kill shit or surmount some form of obstacle. New players always welcome.
The party currently has a trebuchet, a series of cannons, and an airship with another series of cannons aimed at a floating black pyramid just out from the docks of Port Barry. Its not actually a pyramid, its an octahedron, but its half submerged. Some quick thinking from the resident Mage kept it from teleporting away and escaping, and now the party is looking to crack that bitch open and see what sorta toys are inside. And kill shit.
1348 replies and 118 files omitted.
>>45509This is why Tracy has a 9 wisdom
>>45512FUCK YES! Detect evil on "chests"
>>45513Oh fuck you...
You know Torc's charisma isn't high enough for dust.
[1d20+30 = 43]>>45512Rolling for Seduction on chest
[1d20+25 = 32]>>45512*praises Epona*
Rolling Search to detect traps/mimics before rapidly ransacking chests
>>45518What happens if I hit it with a sword?
Alright, so Infernius and Thez are fighting a trio (its three btw), Tracy and Trump are gettin filthy rich (you guys should roll too).
[4d20 = 47]>>45518Trumpaladin does not know how to open chests in d&d, so he quick draws Sugoito, and hits the chest repeatedly with it
[1d20+2 = 18]>>45521I'm gonna regret this...
Rolling to seduce a mimic
>>45523What should I roll?
>>45517Isn't it customary to open her first?
>>45514'Twas a joke
>>45531But did you see the swduction roll?
>>45525 >>45525I have Torcuil at the back cuz squishy.
>>45527>>45529>>45530Great rolls (maybe not so much for Torcuil, but what happens is,...
... nothing. It'll be a bit before those rolls come into play.
>>45534>a bit>scared>>45535"If anyone is gonna get a blow job from these mimics, it's gonna be me" -Torcuil, 2018
[4d20 = 38]>>45534Trumpaladin kills the not-mimic anyways
>>45534... Was that a trap?
>>45537No! Don't fug-up the nice chests.
[4d20 = 52]>>45538I wouldn't except we can't really take it back anyways, and I'm not fully convinced it isn't a mimic or trapped or what have you
Fun fact; chance, skill, ability, or other skill checks can be combined. Meaning, if Infernius wanted to fail at several checks at once he could, while other characters could multi-chad their way through things.
>>45539ReeeeeeeeeeeI want to keep the chest, mimic or not.
>>45542Alright, Trumpaladin lets mountfu open the chest
her way*mubbles and places suigoto up*
>>45541What does that mean? We could do a single roll for multiple checks?
>if Infernius wanted to fail at several checks at once>pic related [1d20 = 4]>>45546Example. Thez is rolling for listen, spot, sneak, hide, knowledge: architecture, and
[2d20 = 20]
Rolling combination Grapple on Horse pussy and Ride check
[1d20 = 14]>>45550Wait. That was supposed to be a single roll. Grab'em by the pussy and ride
[1d20 = 15]
Rolling to find a way down not fall on tge way down
>>45551Just to test the several checks at once
Oh come on! Disabling getz again?
>>45553So Torcuil is going left?
>>45559Nun 4
>>45559Infernius displeased Elway with his heresy about GETs
>>45560I guess, he's just trying to find the others at this point. Idk where anyone is
>>45560Tracy dumps the chests in her bag and leaves to examine the next door.
>>45563Dumps the contents or
>>45564And that answers my question
>>45562Tracy and Trump and Fae went this way, into the room on the bottom with gilded things and lots of shiny. Thez and Infernius are at the other, facing 3 wraiths.
>>45564Oh my sides
Fug. This is Tracy's side
>>45568I'll join Tracy and Trump
>>45569Looks like Minesweeper. Sort of feels like it too
Tracy leaves the room after pocketing everything that isn't nailed down.
>>45573She proceeds to the next room.
>>45578Wait <gasps in laughter> they're big chests! <moar laughter>
[1d20+20 = 25]
[1d20+20 = 39]
Trumpaldin has out Vanderiem, his ring shield of Force, and Fae does spot and listen checks
Trumpaladin does a detect evil in front of the door
>>45580>Faggot, in his half-asleep fog, realizes he hasn't opened themDo they fit in the Bag Of Holding?
>>45582You just now realized you haven't checked to see if there is anything in them?
>>45583Hey, its 2:30 give him a break
>>45584Its 1:30,you eastern time zone subhuman.
>>45583I thought I rolled, but I'm sleepy asf.
>>45585It's 2:30 in Florida, m8.
>>45586You did do a roll, but GM didn't acknowledge it, so you can try opening it now or... something
>>45583>>45584>>45586This might be a good point to adjourn. It would be bad to just tear through the gilded chests, So <boooof> its an anime-style, "end of an episode" freeze-frame
>>45590Works for me, night faggots see youb
later today
>>45590I've fit full-grown horses in that bag. These chests must be YUGE.
>>45591I recently watched jojos bizarre adventure, its not gay like a lot of weeb shit.
[1d20 = 10]>>45595Grapples Horse Pussy
>>45593Some of those are really bad...
>>45594Because GM was letting you fiat the size at the time
>>45596Do not trust it. Look harder
>>45601Do not trust weeb subversion
>>45597>Fiat the sizeIt's as big as a broom closet
These chests are YUGE.
>>45604>Vice-like grip of nightmare pussyYou're not getting out of that until or unless she let's him free.
I think that's a nice place to leave off.
Goodnight, faggots.
>>45604>mfw>>45602The Japanese are our friends.
>>45610It's inescapable, and you know it.
1st rule of dungeoneering: don't stick your hands into holes you can't see into if you're not prepared to face the plausible consequences.
*Powerful steaming glutes shudder feverishly around hand*
>Faggot ACTUALLY goes to bed this time >>45612No shit, I'm just wondering if bones were broken...
>>45613He's hopelessly trapped, but she's soft on the inside, gently holding him firmly in place. She won't break anything unless something suddenly compels her to clench: then his hand would be kill, because it counts as helpless.
>>45615"..W-wait, F-f-f-Flashy..! When you do that it feels...!"
*involuntary clench*
>>45618He's done things that would cause her to clench while he was in her before right? So it can't be that bad. Right?
>In this thread, Trumpaladin develops a fear of horses>>45616wait until he's a pegasus again after the dungeon crawl In the 44th chapter of Mixed Nuts (yeah, it's been that long) our fearless Paladin finds himself in peril deep within a pitch-black dungeon. In his attempt to reach out for a priceless treasure, he has found his arm trapped within a particularly difficult trap. He finds his dominant hand trapped tightly within the bone-crushing grasp of Tracy's herculean horsepussy, with little hope of escape. As his hand begins to turn blue and the excruciating pain slowly begins to die away, and he sees his waifu shudder unresponsively, too stimulated and "unwise" to save her beloved.
So, what are you going to do next, Mr. Hero?
>>45619You didn't need that hand, did you?