Read "Corny Nuts"
Which brings us into the next edition of the Game thread! For newcomers, this is an RP thread thats been ongoing for,... shit, 3 months now. How time flies.
Anywhow, its based on a very loose and permissive rendition of classic D&D 3.5 edition as a baseline, and includes whatever additions can be effectively (and not too ludicrously) included; basically whatever players want that also makes some sense.
The party has just made some character and story developments. Trump and Tracy discover that when their powers combine they form Captain Planet,... or rather, Tracy gets uber-sized and most ferocious.
Infernius and Thez have successfully tracked down and captured a Dark Elf who had been masquerading as the proprietor of the Bazaar (there is no proprietor) who were responsible for jacking all their shit.
What happens next? I have some idea, which probably means its not going to go anywhere near how I expect.
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>>25050The clerk sighs. "One moment," walks away and another fellow, approaches.
"Good day to you sir. I understand you wish to negotiate for a record contract. You must undersand these are very slight and not frivilously offered,...."
>>25051Yes, last night, while GM was waiting to see if that whole "holding the sword 4 kill" actually resulted in kill, meanwhile they were humping like bunnies.
Its like having an indescrete room-mate ffs
*double-checks body for spooders*
*Returns to sauna to keep check on the eggs*
>>25052I wish Tracy's Faggot had been up for that. I really wanted to see the response
>>25052"Hello, I wish to speak to you actually about an already existing contract. And then, I wish to speak to you about a brand new opportunity"
>>25052im confused as to what you mean.
>>25056"An existing contract? You're new here so I can't say,..." his jaw drops. "Please wait one moment,...."
>>25057I have Infernius and Thez doing the nasty for a while (A LONG WHILE), while GM (me) waited to see if Trump did something lasting with Korak's sword, which he placed for a kill-shot on Tracy.
*steam rises off of pony*
GM sighs.
Okay. The clerk goes to verify the authenticity of the contract, given that the person presenting it is not anything like anyone previously associated.
Thez is running about like mad, trying to address the spooder situation. She didn't imagine any hurt feels from Infernius, in fact she's still outside the entertron, where he woke up, waiting for a response. Tracy is alive and well, outside the vault (unless she moved), Taylor is wherever, but probably (probably) safe, and,... did I forget anyone? Torcuil is still a coma-mummy.
>>25065Too late, he's a city away. You'll have the chance to join him before too long, don't worry.
*was and is, respectively
>>25063*waits with confidence*
>>25065Shit I'll try to get you a spot
>>25063>Korak's sword.Pic related is the story of my life>>25066It's because I booped Thez...
Tracy picks up her cloak and continues stitching, the rooms temperature rapidly rising.
Thez, outside the Entertron where Infernius is still sitting, waits to hear from him. "I waited as long as I could, but the situation with others demanded my attention! I couldn't let them proceed alone, they'd have gotten all of us killed by now! You're not going to hold it against me for going off,... are you" she said before GM got called away for some BS, the rest to follow
GM is back and Thez continues "I know its probably emasculating for ur (technically Flashy's now) waifu to be stronger, and to have more experience with all manner of RP shenanigens which can rear themselves at a moments notice, but PLEASE understand, I DO love you and I DID keep GM up all night with a variety of descriptions of the positions we were passionately and frivolously getting it on to/in!!"
Meanwhile the clerk returns to Trump. "Sir, I'm a bit taken aback. Is this authentic, as in, can you present something to verify its authenticity? This document is most significant, but raises a number of necessary questions."
In the background, a pair of guards lock the door.
>>25078Thez gets bumped in the head with a super-pigeon. It carries the following note:
"Want to go on a date with one of your partners? There's no better place that the Trump Grill! Try our amazing steaks!"
>>25077>>25078"this isnt about you running off."
>technically Flashy's now Do the eggs move at all frequently?
>>25081"Oh please, that's just some trips fun!" beat-beat-beat-beat on the Entertron.
>>25082Yes, a bit
>>25081"Then what IS it about?!" you have her attention, unequivocally. Trust me on that, she WANTS to say more, but is waiting.
Sorry Tay, its a little,... complicated. Hopefully it will be resolved soon, where you can be transported to Sparintenar and do a marvelous show in front of countless faire-goers who have never seen nor heard of Taylor Swift, but who are most entranced by her style and performance
So, where are the characters that are in the tower atm? Tracy is in the stables sitting on her eggs.
>>25083"you think meme magic is a joke?"
>>25086'Tis true
>>25084GM, can Slovenia be wooed by digits?
>>25086Torquil is the meme mage though.
If I could do it, I'd be dropping memes 24/7. >>25086You cut my Tracy's ear off though... And plucked her eye
>>25085Infernius is in the Entertron, Taylor is probably in the main area
wondering wtf is going on no doubt, Torcuil is still in a coma, Trump is in Sparintenar, Tracy is as described, and Thez is frantically pressed against said Entertron.
>>25086"Frivilously applied, yes! Its the magic of the individual that makes memes have any potential or significance! You think recurring digits could in some way sway me from you? You think that a quick post from some faggot could undo the feeling of someone
else carrying my unconscious form after I'd exhausted myself - not once but
twice?" yeah, she's crying again,.... "I don't contest that there is a degree of magic to memes and such significant circumstances," she wipes tears away "But if you thnk that I'll let some FAGGOTS on an anon-board dictate reality to me,... you don't know the first thing do you?"
>>25089she un did all my hard work.
>>25091Not all, you forget there's a booth for fixing broken peoples.
>>25091She deserved it, but she's
my waifu to physically beat
>>25090Protest all you want Thez, it can't un-boop you
>>25091>undidWhat progress was that, exactly?
We'll just resurrect him.
We made a body cast, so we can keep killing him over and over and he'll stay in one piece.
>>25093Please don't make this a meta-argument, that would be bad
>>25093>asking to get booped by ThezYou'll rue the day you taunted her...
>>25094Also this. Thez made up for Tracy's fuckery
>>25095Only if you tell me who comes to see Trumpaladin as the contract is verified
>>25096I am not asking to get booped. Thez is the one who got booped. And you got booped too, by a sword this morning
>>25097<rumbling sounds can somehow be heard>Don't worry, you'll get your answer in a moment. For the moment however, your response is delayed.
>>25098Booping is like >rape: the only way to unboop yourself is to boop your booper.