Greetings. Welcome to the first session of /mlpol/'s first running of the classic third edition d&d campaign Red Hand Of Doom.
On this adventure, our heroes, currently three strong, will encounter dozens of trials that will test their strength, cunning, and friendship as they face an army of goblins.
If you'd like to join, there's still room for more in the party. Don't be shy to ask.
Our story begins in Elsir Vale, with our three heroes on the road to the town of Drellin’s Ferry. The three are seasoned adventurers, and exated heroes to boot. Having fought many battles together before, they are confident in their strength. Legend has it of a vast treasure in the Vault of Vraath Keep, hidden deep in the Witchwood; our heroes, have journeyed all this way to seize the vault for their own.
Despite that, they all have their own motivations to travel to Drellin's Ferry:
Sir Whiskers, a cunning and charismatic Tibbet Jester, is travelling to meet up with an old friend of his: Princess Princess Bagel Jennifurr Fluffykinz the fourth. He hasn't met his old friend since he was a kitten, and he's eager to meet with her again. She has arranged to meet up with him in Drellin's Ferry, and to accompany him on his adventure.
Sir Brozal, a mighty Orc Crusader of Pelor, has received a mission from a high-ranking Cleric of his order has received a powerful vision of war descending on Elsir Vale under the banner of a clawed red hand, and has sent Brolaz to the far reaches of Elsir Vale to avert impending disaster... Brozal isn't exactly sure if the vision was real, or if his master just wanted to get rid of him for the year, but he never turns down a good crusade.
Brother Chad, a wise and powerful Druid, has chosen to accompany his companions on their hunt for the lost treasure in the Witchwood. Sir Whiskers requested his aid because Chad is the most experienced woodsman he knows. Chad is wary of this region, for he's heard that it is ruled by a fierce and territorial Druid, but he embarks upon this jouney nonetheless, the secrets of the Witchwood too tempting to ignore.
...So tempting that he seems to have drifted off somewhere with his horse; probably fucking it again or something. Stupid hippie.
And so, let's begin:
>The afternoon sun beats down on you; the air is hot and still. The sparsely settled lands of Elsir Vale are starting to grow monotonous, with a seemingly endless line of dusty flyspecks of towns. The town of Drellin’s Ferry lies a few miles ahead of you. It’s a settlement hard on the borders of the Witchwood, and the best place from which to begin exploring the nearby forest.
This is the part where the players ask obvious questions that I thoughtlessly ignored in the first post, as well as implore about their surroundings.
1970 replies and 76 files omitted.
To sum up today's 1-on-1:
>Aral limps down the road with Jorr, carrying Chad's corpse
>Misty runs down the Dawn Way
>Aral fails to track her (bad roll), her hoofprints seemingly vanishing
>Aral camps in the territory of the friendly old forest giant Warklegnaw, who has yet to leave his fortress
>Ettercaps come to chew his face off in his sleep, get scared off by the giant
>Aral and Jorr make it down the road
>Aral spots a randomly-rolled unicorn
>manages not to scare it away
>they exchange words
>Unicorn is mare named Eowyn
>Tells Aral about the local young green dragon, Ozyrradion
>Mentions she's seen Misty
>Aral and Jorr attacked by panda-owlbears
>lose Brozal's horse to owlbears
>Aral nearly dies, saved by Jorr
>defeat both owlbears
>take endangered owlbear pelts as loot
>Aral returns to Drellins Ferry
>Town appears to be in process of evacuating (last call to buy/sell things)
>Aral goes to the circle of the Old Ones
>Druid uses Staff Of Life to raise Chad
>"What happened to Misty?"
>Aral spends rest of day buying/selling things
>Looming set-up for Part Two
The map is one last look at Drellin's Ferry. It will be goblin territory soon...
We're nearing the end of Part One. I would like to do the set-up for Part Two soon, and maybe a little side story for both Aral and Chad.
Sir Whiskers is still holed up with his waifu in Vraath Keep, a rather large manticore having moved into the barracks to feed on the singed, beefy corpse of the minotaur. If he wishes to continue participating in the next session, now would be a nice time to say so.
Brozal's player will have to have his new character ready today if he wants to participate in the next session tomorrow.
If any new players would like to play, we're at a turning point in the story that would make it ideal for new characters to join. Anyone interested can just say so here, or mention it in the "Want To Fight Some Goblins?" thread. Old Ones (aka Young Ones) praying in the circle.
Cursed marauders on the path to the blighted forest.
Pic related is what inspired me to shoehorn all of this autistic ghost nonsense into one of the party's last downtime days.
I'll sum up what happened in today's session tomorrow.
I may not be able to DM next week, since I'm very busy and don't want to half-ass it.
In the meantime, that should give Brozal's player a chance to make his new character.
Red Hand Of Doom will resume next week, at which point I would like to transition to Part 2, and introduce new characters.
The game will be commencing tomorrow, at the earliest point where I can get everyone online.
Okay, at the expense of a little railroading, I'm going to introduce Henry Hamfist and get the party to part two, ending this thread. He has been commissioned as a mercenary by lord Jarmarath of Brindol, in the company of Teyani Sura, Lion Of Brndol, to investigate rumors of war in west, and to deliver a message to Captain Soranna. He has heard of many goblin tribes rallyng under a charismatic warlord, and marauders attacking travelers with increasing frequency. When he arrived, the town was already in the process of evacuation.
Chad and Aral are currently chilling in the tavern, enjoying their last couple days of free hospitality. The quality of service has decreased significantly, with staff skipping town and peasants fighting over food supplies. Nevertheless, Kellin Shadowbanks has remained committed to offering the full extent of hobbit hospitality.
Jorr is shitfaced drunk.
A black-haired woman, her face streaked with the dust of the road, trudges into the common room. She wears a soldier’s tunic of blue and white over a shirt of mail, with the stylized image of a golden lion over her heart. She signals the barkeep. “Ale,” she rasps. “And send for your
speaker. I’ve got ill news for him.”
Where is Henry currently at?
>>138889You are right beside Lady Sura, the black haired woman who just entered the tavern.
She has paid you a generous salary of ten gold pieces to punch goblins that have been attacking her troops along the road from Brindol. (gain 10 gp)
The Halfling at the Bar gestures to one of his remaining staff at the woman's order, who promptly scurries out the door to fetch the Speaker.
Aral and Chad, do you respond?
>>138891Aral doesn't speak up, but he wants to hear the news for sure. He moves a bit closer and awaits the Speaker to listen to what is going on, and observes until then.
Hamfist Henry extends a gauntlet-covered hand to the two elven men while grinning. “It’s nice to meet you both. The name is Henry Amald but back home they call me Hamfist Henry. You can call me by either my nickname or proper name. Who are you gentlemen?”
>>138890I will note that although you followed Lady Sura here, she hasn't made very much small talk. One thing you have noticed is that there's a lot more goblins than usual along the road, and you've heard rumors of war.
If you want to find out more, you'll need some dialogue.
The hobbit at the bar pours the lady a drink.
Oh, and there's a badass-looking elf reading a book in the tavern, and a human mage(?) petting a blue horse who's leaning in through the window. There's also a human in leather armor throwing some scraps to three immcuately-trained dogs (looks like Kelin doesn't care about not letting animals in right now).
They look pretty chill.
>>138894>>138895"Aral Tel'thuen'slaugh."
He looks at the extended hand for a moment before realizing that a handshake is what people sometimes do. Then does the thing. That people do.
>>138897Henry gives Aral a firm handshake before going to shake hands with Chad. “I’ve heard there’s some goblins we need to go kill.” He comments while chuckling to himself.
Eventually, the hobbit returns with Speaker Wiston and Captain Sorranna. Both look tired, like they haven't had very much sleep in the past few days.
They chat in some inconsequential dialogue to introduce themselves.
>>138893Aral can hear that The woman is Teyani Sura, a Lion of Brindol (that is, an elite soldier in Brindol’s Lion Guard). she continues to speak to Wiston.
“I ride in the service of the Lord of Brindol. I was part of a patrol sweeping up the old Rhest Trail. Five days ago, we ran into a roadblock—hobgoblins and ogres, waylaying any travelers heading into or out of the vale from the north. They were too strong for us, and we had to retreat. My captain sent several of us riding off to warn folks across the vale to avoid the old Rhest Trail. So here I am.”
>>138898I take the handshake while keeping my other hand on Misty.
"There sure is!"
>>138899The lady also hand Captain Soranna a scroll. She glances at it with wide eyes, apparently surprised, before stowing it away in her satchel.
Henry grabs a nearby chair and sits in it backwards with his arms resting on the backrest. “So where are we going, Miss Lion?”
>>138902"We've arrived. The lady says, flatly."
>>138900>>138897Speaker Wiston chats with Lady Sura for several more minutes, explaining the details of the Red Hand Horde, and later gestures the two of you over.
>>138903Aral responds with simply moving over there.
>>138903As the lady describes the goblin attacks on the Rhest Trail, Norro Wiston ponders out loud: "They must have been looking for Cromar..." he says, grimly
>>138905>>138904The speaker introduces the two of you.
"Meet Teyani Sura, Lion Of Brindol." He say
The woman takes a bow
"I heard that you lads had a run-in with this 'Red Hand' horde. Would you care to describe what you've seen of their forces?"
>>138906"Organized and trained. Magical weaponry. Spell scourges. A dragon."
>>138906"Nice to meet you, m'lady"
>>138907"We've seen a fair share of goblins."
>>138907"A Dragon?" She implores with considerable alarm
"It seems this predicament is worse than what we've heard in Brindol. I only expected a few hundred savages."
>>138908"How many would you say there are? I never thought I'd see the day that the folk of Drellin's Ferry would so readily leave their homes."
>>138910"i would reckon not more than 6 million or less."
Speaker Wiston seems considerably stressed, and not because he's spent the last few days pleading with stubborn merchants.
>>138911>muh six gorillionShe scoffs at that
"Six million? Really? With the
limited number of tribes in the wyrmsmokes? I doubt it."
>>138912"They have grouped together all the surrounding goblin groups together from all over to band together for a march upon the world."
>>138912>>138913"The goblins themselves refer to this as an alliance of ALL tribes. If that isn't a reality yet, it soon will be."
>>138913Teyani swears colorfully and drains her ale. “I’m on my way back to Brindol, then,” she mutters. “That news can’t wait. Guess I’ll need a fresh horse.”
>>138914Speaker Wiston speaks up
"Sir Aral, would you mind showing me that map you found?"
>>138912>>138915"What's got you unnerved paper boy?"
>>138916The speaker hands the map over to lady Sura.
The woman looks over the map for several minutes with wide eyes, although apparently unable to read the goblinoid scribbles.
“Lord Jarmaath needs to see this..." She declares
"Would you mind if I took it back with me?"
>>138917"Cromar... He's a retired wizard who lives in solitude in the swamplands up north. I have a hunch that the savages might be out for his head. He's a powerful mage, you see, stronger than Immerstal the Red. He was very prominent when Witchcross saw off the last serious hobgoblin raiding about fifteen years ago. They’d remember that.” he says
>>138918"I'll make some translations on top, then you can take it."
Aral uses the ink and pen he has to quickly scribble the corresponding notes in Common on the map. He also adds "Troop estimates: 6 million or above in number" in the corner.
“He seems to be a man who doesn’t want to be bothered.” Henry comments.
>>138920He continues
“He was like a father to me when I was a boy. He was strong fifteen years ago, but he’s getting old; I don’t know if he’s got enough power to hold off the type of forces you say you’ve been dealing with for long at all.”
>>138920"Notes would be fine." the woman says, nodding thankfully.
>>138921"Yes. That's precisely why he retired. He was indispensable in the war, but he wasn't so keen on being a court wizard afterwards."
Okay, this is going a bit too slowly for my taste.
You hear the sounds or roaring, followed by screams, coming from some distance outside the tavern.
Jorr hiccups
"Huh? Wut? Encounter time already?"
>>138924Aral runs to the window/door
[1d20+16 = 17] >>138925The afternoon is hot and still, but a line of thunderheads in the west promises a storm before long. The town bustles with activity, as a motley assortment of militiamen drill on the green. Then someone points up to the sky and cries, “Great Pelor, what is that?”
Townsfolk look up, and in a moment the town is overcome by
pandemonium and terror. With shrieks of fear, people scatter, fleeing into buildings and pulling the shutters closed after them. A sinister winged shape soars over the town—a powerful three-headed monstrosity with vast, batlike wings. The creature lets loose with a horrible wailing cry and then dives toward the people running for cover on the green.
You may roll Knowledge (arcana).
“This is where the fun begins!” Henry says while uncorking a bottle of rum and taking a swig from it.