The latest installment of the Game, which has Tracy getting in line for heaven knows what. Trump, Torcuil and Trump are quickly,... not getting there 'cuz Trump tower only actually moves at an oxen-pace.
Previous bread here:\r
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>>10079ill pick it up and use it after he throws it.
>>10080You're (you). That doesn't count. Infernius seems game tho.
Kay, Im back for a while
GM, I need someone to hit on me in the middle of the battle. I'll explain when it happens
>>10083there are succubi here be warned.
>>10083Not sure, but noted. Any "as soon as shit kicks off" plans?
>>10084Nah, Trump evicted the succubi
>>10084At least no one would ever want me
>sobbing>>10085Ummmmm, Trump are you opposed to changing size again?
Succubi are very weak demons tbh, not much more than dretches. They work well on civvies cuz lame, but they don't have any fight to them
Fuck Yeah Let's do this!
Music will instead be "Rock You Like a Hurricane"
[YouTube] Scorpins - Rock You Like A Hurricane
[Embed] >>10090infernuis flah you the horns hand sign.
Tracy? Last chance to declare actions.
>>10090Torc grows Trump to 62 feet when the battle begins, magically preparing music
I'll be ready when everyone else is
>>10091>How did you knowFlashes the sign right back
>>10096germaaneigh had a very good rock scene.
>>10095I guess I'll be too big to ride Fae, so I'll leave her to attack seperately. Also, I'll hand the halberd over to Inferius then
>>10098Shit, I gotta go oo the store
I'll stay in a fortifyed position, focusing on keeping Trump yuge.
Go to full size and attack the weakest link from the side with full force, but avoid being injured so easily. If the next target isn't immediately available to mow down, find space to take cover.
>>10095Torcuil is set.
Tracy, just waitin' on you. Its gonna happen, so decide what you're doing first.
>>10100Oooh, got a pali with the last. Is that your move?
>>10101Idk, what can I do in one turn?
Does she get a boost from Rage or Psionic Surge? Her bloodlust is at maximum right now.
>got a paliWhat does that mean?
Okay, last modification:
Throw a javelin through the cone of smoke before she flanks the horde.
Actually, can I cast, tweet, throw the Halberd and then grown yuge?
>>10103Palindromes r unappreciated GETs.
So, it seems everyone is here. Its earlier than originally stated, but are we ready? I'm saying this more for pacing and reference than allowing the players to second-guess or re-evaluate.
...okay, waiting for confirmation from Torcuil then,...
>begins typing anyway
[1d20 = 15]
From the quarantine wall the party bursts into action. Infernius speeds off into the fray atop Uatchit, while Trump lifts off atop Fae. Tracy is pony sized (though only JUST, as she's got smoke coming out of everywhere) and Torcuil gets busy with some meme magic. He's not sure he quite remembers how he made Trump big last time, but here goes,....
>>10114Don't worry, there's lots of 'em. I'm sure you stuck one, even if not who you were intending.
>>10113Wait, do I have to write it out again?
>>10117Assuming you mean throwing the halbarrd/pony, growing in size, pulling out vandereim and getting jiggy, no. I got that
>>10118Past the point of no return then.
>>10120I don't think you're getting that far around a horde that size
>>10121They're bottlenosing at the bridge, right?
>>10122POnly if you can think of a funny meme/joke to do it with.
The people of Port Barry are frightened, exhausted, and at wits end. Hours ago, there was peace and normalcy in their city. Heroes had appeared who promised growth, prosperity, and development, and who seemed to have the mettle to mete out such ends.
And in a moment, that hope faded.
It is no one's fault, but that day the party happened to collectively wander. No one had any hint that something was about to unfold, but suddenly and without warning came a <SLAM> at the city's main gate. <SLAM>, <SLAM>, the gate shuddered under increased impacts. The guards attempted to reinforce their positions, but they were untrained for a situation such as this.
As the increasing barrage ultimately rent the front gate, the clouds above began to swirl and spiral, darkening to an abnormal hue. It is from there that the first of the damned spewed forth upon the land.
The sky became its self a portal, and from there all Hell and Abyss did rain down in a fever pitch. Thez emerged from the brothel (more on that later Xp) to find that it was literally raining fiends, and not in a good way.
For a time, she fought them individually, and in groups. She focused on keeping civilians safe and providing distraction and cover for whoever needed it. How many she felled is irrelevant.
As she gained a degree of composure, she called upon the Denver Broncos, as she knew that Trump had chosen a solid bunch and that they would not falter. She called also on the fight club she'd been developing (that was the 'in a bit' part) to aid the young and in need.
She began shielding people. She knew these weapons couldn't do lasting damage, but also knew that they were largely mortal weapons against non-players. So instead of flitting about for the best opportunity to strike, she looked instead for the fatal blow that she could catch, and positioned herself accordingly.
Port Barry came together that day, well in advance of what was to come. More survived than should, and more who are alive are ready to die than were. The opponents are innumerable, and they lust for human blood.
That is when Trump and co first appear on the wall.
Are you guys ready?
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