The latest installment of the Game, which has Tracy getting in line for heaven knows what. Trump, Torcuil and Trump are quickly,... not getting there 'cuz Trump tower only actually moves at an oxen-pace.
Previous bread here:\r
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>>10130Diss gonna be good
GM, remember the deal. I'll signial you when its time.
Meme sugestions? >>10130Bring it on!
>>10132Anything to do with Happenings, war, blood, demons justice, etc.
Fuck, this is not my night. I has to go again
Torc runs towards everyone else
Noticing a lull in the battle, Trump pulls out his Blackberry, and sends a tweet
His thumbs type out "I have never seen a thin person drink Diet Coke" and then send
sips diet coke
>>10137A magical potion from another world. It doesn't do anything (at all).
>>10137"No Matter,"
Throw Halberd like a lance, then slash
Now's your cue Tourcil
>>10138A delicious tasting magical potion
>>10141Make an attack Tracy, and one that makes sense given the enemy's position
>>10139Just what I was typing.
Trump throws the halbard (if for no reason other than to get rid of it Xp). It doesn't hit its target, but it does hit an enemy.
Simultaneously he speeds off on Fae, while Infernius speeds off on Uatchit. Both have weapons drawn, ready for murder.
>>10143If the pussy demandeth that it be murdered, than go forth and murder. So said John Elway in the book of Bronconius Devastationale
>>10145*shakes head*
The formations are a mile long, you're not flanking them before they attack you
>>10146Poor Fae...
[1d20 = 8]>>10145Well the only way you're gonna get flank at this point is to dive over the side of the wall, so,.... (don't worry, you'll be fine)
>>10146Yugeness by dice
>>10148Right you are, Fae immediately discard you as a rider as your proportions increase.
[1d20 = 12]
Slash those foreign faggots!
How many rolls do I need to make?
THIS time, Trump is "only" 24' tall, but he's several orders yuger than he was.
>>10151Well, unless you're biting you've only got 2 blades at the moment, so 3.
[1d20 = 9]>>10149perception to find a miniboss tier demon
>>10152I meant for her to charge in with a javelin in maw.
She's moving on all fours.
>>10143I'll be lurking but not posting
GM get my shit done
As the party come more or less crashing down upon the fray outside the quarantine, Thez shows visible signs of relief.
"If we can hold this position, the citizens will be safe. The nexus of the portal is in the air, so taking out their ability to respawn should be top priority. George appears to be biding his time in the stadium, assuming he's already won. That's all I know," she says, going into a dizzying attack-combo against the latest target.
[1d20 = 20]>>10157"How do we take out the portal?"
>>10154A shocking choice of actions. Literally. Not damaging, but wow.
Tracy comes barrelling in on all fours with a white javelin in her mouth, and a most peculiar mane-cut (cuz its electrified)
>>10155Fuck it then, forget the flanking and charge right in through the smoke, screeching like a hysterical pony to make an Intimidation check.
aside from that, this
>>10120 plan remains intact.
[6d20 = 66]
Idk how to roll this, but...
Cone of Smoke + Intimidation + Throw Javelin
Power Attack and Cleave upon charging
Full attack: Two flaming hooves plus slashing with a shortblade
Tracy barrels over several opponents, the javelin still firmly in jaw. Its kinda tingly once you get used to it. Though she's not aware of it (the electricity) she is full size and here hair is completely on fire.
Trump dramatically falls into the throng, Vandereim leading.
"Yea lad, this is what ah was MADE for!"
>>10165@_@ One sec
>>10164I thought you needed someone to hit on you. WTF is spaghetti anyway? Don't say a noodle
[1d20 = 15]>>10166i bull rush the advanceing horde.
[3d20 = 26]
The last thee numbers were above 10, I can I Cleave and attack again?
Flaming hooves to the chest + attempted decapitation with kunai
[1d20 = 11]Scotland the Brave emanates from Vanderiem as Trump cleanses the heresy outside the wall [Embed] So aside from anything I missed, I have Infernius buzzing by on Uatchit, Trump is either on Fae or on the ground, in either case murdering.
>>10169Yes, anything past a 12 is a hit (for now)
[1d20 = 7]>>10173Make the slashing attack. Take the halberd if desired
[4d20 = 42]>>10169>decapitatedThrow kunai at next target as a feint (slieight of hand)
Make another charge with flaming hooves to the chest swinging the suckers' head and spinal cord as a bludgeon.
>>10176>Rolling 4 dice at once nowMake one attack sustained
[3d20 = 43]>>10176The last part got a roll deserving of how good the idea was...
Flaming hooves + kunai again!
[1d20 = 16]>>10174can i dual weild my claymore and the halberd?