The latest installment of the Game, which has Tracy getting in line for heaven knows what. Trump, Torcuil and Trump are quickly,... not getting there 'cuz Trump tower only actually moves at an oxen-pace.
Previous bread here:\r
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[1d20 = 10]>>10481Nice roll but he's gone
In the alternative, trump smacks the fuck out of the back of tracy's head to prevent her from swallowing anything
[bloodthirsty hoers noises]
As the essence of Soros begins to evaporate from the scene, the 'silent' sound of roaring fires echo within the character's ears,....
"Its not enough." she says*. "He'll be back*, and he'll bring ever more hoardes against you, and you, and,... you*"
"There is no stopping him*."
Thez begins an unfamiliar dance.
[1d20 = 17]>>10484Smacks pony with a hand 64 times the size of his already yuge normal hands. Because he's not going through all of
that shit again
>>10485"Yeah I know. Only months away from death and he gives 16 billion to his foundation so it can pay interest forever. There is no end"
>>10486Fucking nothing because he left by that point
>>10489Picks up pony (yes, she's the size of a Clydesdale, but he's much larger now), opens its mouth and removes anything from it, and then puts her over his shoulders so she is away from any blood or biomass material
>>10490Didn't the size buff wear off?
Also, wait for GM. [Embed]"Southelehren, keeper and Mistress of the Gates: as your sovereign born, I commit myself to the reality that this now be true, by My will."
"Let this land be evermore untouched by those from outside. Let none who are neither blood, nor bourne, nor brought to this land EVER feel the sting of ANY who does not belong. Let the trees be free to dance in the wind. Let the people take pleasure in their lives and their family and homes. Let Football be given to all. Let,..." her voice fails, crackling.
"Gladly! And I'll do it again! A THOUSAND lives, if this be done!"
Thez turns toward the party.
"I,... I'm sorry. I hoped that I could avoid this, but,... <ahem> well, things always turn out for the best right?" ^_^
Her voice belies uncertainty and doubt.
"This, this isn't how it was supposed to be, but its how it has to be. I CAN stop him, but only if I stop everyone. So I shall".
Her physical essence, and that of all the outsiders both dead and living begin to fade away, like feathers blown off of a pile.
[Read more] "I can't,... you don't know,... I'll never forget you. Not Torcuil who doubts himself, nor Trump who never doubts himself. Not Tracy who is far more magnificent than she ever imagined, nor Infernius. Infernius. You big fukkin' oaf." She laughs for a moment, as her presence continues to dissolve.
>>10493>>10492THEZ NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>>10491Either way, he's bigger than you to the degree he can pick you up
>>10492>>10493Trump actually feels sad and frightened at this
>>10492>Her physical essence, and that of all the outsiders both dead and living begin to fade away, like feathers blown off of a pile.[Discontented hoers noises!]
Upon realizing what Thez is doing, he smiles
"She did have it in her. I'm impressed."
He speaks to Thez, but softly, because he knows she wouldn't hear him anyways,
"I misjudged you"
"I'll always be just behind the veil, thinking and cheering for you, all of you. This was only an idea, and yet thanks to you it has been so much more. I didn't know that this sorta sentimental crap worked for non-humans, but what the hey right?"
She wipes her face.
"Anyway, thanks for being a part. Its been real for me, for my faggot, and for alot of others I hope. You don't get this kind of,..." her voice cracks again. She sighs.
"What I mean is, all of you are special and I hope you know that."
"Time is what it is, and if there IS a way through the barrier I've just enacted, I'll find it. Especially for you (indicating Infernius)."
"Do your best, everyone of you, and maybe we'll meet again."
And with that, Thez vanishes.
>>10500infernuis lets out a wail loud enough for the gods themselves can hear.
So cinematics aside, everyone has gained 2 levels that they have to distribute however they will.
The danger has subsided and the enemies are either dispatched (or disappeared) or have fled to the hills.
Port Barry is safe again, and I can't even. Seriously.
>>10501Nice pali. It is not God that she is want to go with. In time though.
The land is safe from outsiders.
The players will find a variety of deliberately placed mementos and accoutrements in and around their "areas".
As Thez vanishes in front of him, he realizes only then an appreciation for her that had never before manifested. But as he stares in that spot, he realizes a new emptiness. A different emptiness, only made greater by Thez's absence, but still independent of it. A feeling that he fucked up, that he harmed things, and that there is no recovering. It will never be as right as it once was, and though the system may never fail, it will ever function as it once did - as it once could. He stands there unmoving until the others are away, and then limps back alone to Trump Tower
>>10504Tracy's a Blackguard now?
If she put more skill points into Concentration (she's been training it with her kunai for while now), could she take Pyrokinetic and Psionic Fist as Well?
*sets beaten garbage can on fire to meet the requirement*
>>10507As Trump stands there, several of the ne'er do wells surge forward to brace him.
"She told us something like this might happen. You're the unequivocal leader now. Stand firm, and if you falter we shall be your knees."
collapses in the spot thez was in.
>>10511"No Tracy" Trump says with a soft voice, as if he's been beaten down. "it will only do you harm"
>>10509"yay" Trump says sort of ironically. "Clear the streets and the houses of the dead. Take number, and bury them outside town, near the garden of the new monastery. Tomorrow we begin the rebuilding."
>>10514[disappointed hoers noises...]
>>10517"Not all change is progress, little pony. Not all power is desirable"
For simplification (and so I don't have to do this again, ffs I had no idea):
In Trump's room is Sugoito, a +4 (normal), +7 Shatter-spike. It is a weapon designed to destroy weapons with. Its less effective against opponents, but insanely effective against the arms they bear.
In Tracy's room is all kinds of gilt an jewelry. "You're pretty, don't hide it ^_~" is the note apparent.
In Infernius' room are Thez' pair of blackened sleeves, as well as her garter belt, and a small multi-faceted stone.
"You will need the belt, but you should have no problem taming the arms. Its been a long time since they've seen someone with a heart like yours. EAT THE STONE!"
In Torcuil's room:
A ring, and a pair of bracers, and a magnifying glass.
"Torcuil, you were the first to see this as more than just whimsey. For that you have my unending gratitude. To the degree that I am able, I will look after you foremost."
>>10515Wait a minute, she could become a Slayer too, if she had more Knowledge ranks in dungeoneering.
*Goes into library and reads every single bood about >Rape-Dungeons (I was actually going to make her do this, because I was going to see if she could get the ants to build her one)*
There will be a few weeks (game-time) before the next session. Players are encouraged to devise and plan as they will. Everyone is a 13lvl +2 character now, and everyone's more versed in the rules. Don't bring it weak!
>>10499That actually means alot. ty
>>10502U fukkin oaf
Alright, who unraped the mainboard?
>>10527Possibly, I'll look into it.
>>10525are we in cinematic mode now?
>>10530Until further notice (prolly next fri-sat)
>>10532Good lad. You'll need it, if you're planning on challenging the sleeves (PUT THE BELT ON TOO)
>>10531It's going to take a lot of resources to rebuild, but I guess it must be done
"And I wanted to shout, to call to all our brothers, our soldiers, who are lying in the Russian, Ukrainian, Belorussian and Polish earth, who sleep for ever on the fields of our battles: 'Comrades, can you hear us? We’ve done it!'"