Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where Chrysalis chose a different approach to her second attack on Equestria. The Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures thank to their dealing with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
Silver is learning about foreign pony cultures, Dark Star is preparing to put on a play for the children of the Saint Prancis Orphanage, Onyx has received several possible missions from the government, Brie is buying clothing, presumably for a long journey. Ash and Iron are leaving the office of a now enraged gangster... or not.
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>>91362Like, what the fuck is kompot?
>>91363It's supposed to be some sort of slavic juice. >>91361That helps. Thanks.>>91357He looks at the odd color of the jelly. It certainly doesn't look anything like apricot. "I do not know if I have ever seen кисель of that color."
>>91366“I don’t believe you have”
On second look, it’s not that different from strawberry. Lazy bastards must have put an apricot label on strawberry. It does look about like Kissel though. Translucent pink, rather smooth
>>91365Of course not. He simply points to the door
>>91367She nods, makes the same praying gesture she made before, and leaves towards the door.
... And she gives Henhill a big warm hug as she passes by him.
>>91367Stalliongrad being lazy. Sounds familiar to Silver. "I have not had that in...ages, it feels like. Where did you get this? I have not seen anypony sell these in Equestria, at least outside of places like Baicall, Novoczernuszuk, or Krupchkino."
>>91368>>91367Iron shakes his head.
(Well, hopefully this does not come and bite me in the ass later.)
>>91353He gently bows down at the nice Diamond Dog, smiling at her.
"Well, it seems I have to go. Have a good day."
>>91368He follows Ash out without any incident.
>>91368Well, Henhill is in the opposite direction from the way out
>>91369She continues smiling
"I acquired it in the course of work"
>>91372Fine, he'll have to come to the orphanage for hugs then..
Sister Ash silently signals Caleb to follow, and leaves with Iron out the door.
>>91372He laughs a little. "Of course. So, have you had any of it? Is it any good?"
>>91374She sits there and ponders what to do at this moment
>>91373And thus, they leave. The mooks do not follow
>>91372He waves at her as she follows Ash out.
>>91374>>91373As they exit the building, Iron doesn't feel so confident that he's helping Ash.
(Why did it have to be gang related to Cauldron? Ugh. I could have stomped them.)
Okay, that little scene is over, finally. Too bad it took so long.
As the two finally make it outside, Sister Ash audibly sighs in frustration.
"That.. was an ordeal.." she says
"But, I still got to talk to Henhill, and that's good enough for me.." she continues
>>91377Iron's lips purse in frustration, eyes deadpanning ahead.
"I agree."
>>91375As she ponders, Silver looks over to her, placing a hoof onto her flank. "So, was this what you wanted to show me?"
>>91380Silver sniffs at the air, trying to see if he can catch any whiff of strawberries, or a similar fruit.
>>91381Honestly, my mind is mush right now. You're not going to get anything close to high-quality dialogue from me for a while. >>91378Sister Ash tries her best to hide her frustration.
"I only wish that stallion had given me a straight answer when I asked him if he'd willingly allow Henhill to leave on his own terms, otherwise things wouldn't have turned so ugly..." She says
"Anyways, I have my doubts that he'd go so far as to prevent Henhill from leaving now... Henhill may have been unwilling to come back with us, but I'm confident he'll stop by if not just to see his friends one more time.." she continues, inhaling deeply to gather her faith, as her weakened legs tremble
>>91382It does not smell like strawberries. It smells something like roses, or perhaps lavender.
Aww >>91383Iron hums.
"Do you need any help to walk? You seem to be tired."
He does not wait for an answer, as he moves next to Ash, trying to place himself in order for her to lean against him.
Spark boy decided to join the mafia or is still following us like a damn zombie.>>91382When people are tired, they show their real face! You were always a perv! >>91385Brie was last hunting down a witness
>>91384The smell makes him pause, and give the jar a confused look. He's certainly never heard of rose or lavender kissel. It makes him wonder if this even
is kissel.
>implying my dialogue was ever high-quality in the first place >>91388Should we wait until tomorrow?
>>91386My work has me covering for several people recently. I apologize for being absent so much.
>>91387Yes, I recall. He was keeping pace with her but not trying to close distance, figuring she would wear herself out, or make a mistake.
>>91386"..Oh, I think I can manage.. It's not the first time I've cast a spell like that.." she replies
**Caleb is dragging Spark by his mane.*
>>91390I'm getting ready to pass out.
Goodnight, everypony. Here's to finally finishing that awkward scene.
>>91394Iron looks unsure.
"You know I can carry out at any time, Ash. Do not be afraid to ask."
(Or I would be forced to carry you myself.)
Have a good night then. Cheers, for we have defeated the first boss of Ash's adventure!
Not really tho. >>91392Understandable, everyone has a life.
>>91393rather abruptly, she prances across the street
>>91392HE IS ALIVE
>>91391Anyways, Silver is smelling rose scented Kissel with a leg over Blue Skies' flank
>>91397Still following, looking back to make sure the Lings are keeping pace with him.
>>91398They are, if a bit slower. Crossing the street isn't necessarily straightforward, given the movement of carriages and vehicles
>>91397I might be alive, but I don't think I can do much tonight. I have lost track of where I am, and it's getting late.
>>91399Rather than continue to follow her, Brie continues going the way he had been, slowing so the other two can catch up. When they have caught up, he whispers to them.
"Wir werden ein bisschen leichter beten als dieses. Wir haben genug Grund dafür gegeben, dass wir, wenn sie etwas hören würde, in der Lage sein würden, sich auszusprechen, wenn sie konfrontiert werden. Lass uns zum Bahnhof gehen."
>>91401“Okay, wir werden folgen” answers Wesley, with Kerr evidently silent complying
>>91402Is the tavern (the 'main' hideout) or Brie's hideout on the way, with a reasonable detour, or would that be in the opposite direction?
>>91403Brie is currently a little south of center. The tavern is a bit east, and Brie’s hide out a bit more north and east, while the passenger station is a bit north of center
>>91404Hmmmm. We'll proceed to the train station then, we can change into our clothes there.
>>91405The train station is a large building in the north-center of town. Named "Murchison Station," it is a rectangular 3 or so floor tall building built in the Beax-arts style, with both flat and blunt granite faces and doric columns along its front.
>>91406Brie enters and leads the Lings toward the bathroom, handing each their new clothes, whispering "Zieh diese an".