Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where Chrysalis chose a different approach to her second attack on Equestria. The Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures thank to their dealing with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
Silver is learning about foreign pony cultures, Dark Star is preparing to put on a play for the children of the Saint Prancis Orphanage, Onyx has received several possible missions from the government, Brie is buying clothing, presumably for a long journey. Ash and Iron are leaving the office of a now enraged gangster... or not.
1912 replies and 79 files omitted.
>>91256An eye pokes out from behind the doorway
>>91257Kerr does not seem to fully understand. Wesley volunteers an explanation to Kerr
"Die Bruderschaft ist ein wert der Wechselbalgs. Ponys haben nicht die gleichen Beziehungen zu ihren Kameraden und haben kein Pflichtgefühl. Sie haben keine Hingabe an den Bienenstock und teilen nicht die wenigen Mütter."
>>91258"It's alright to come in, unless you'd like to speak out there." She says calmly
>>91258"Er hat recht. Ich weiß nicht, wie das Leben in oder für den Bienenstock ist, aber obwohl Ponys für ihre Liebe bekannt sind, zeichnen sie sich durch Grausamkeit und Missachtung aus. Das Leiden eines Ponys ist für das nächste nicht relevant. Sie werden sich auf der Straße sterben lassen, wenn es für sie selbst und für die, die sie für „würdig“ halten, einen Moment des Glücks bedeutet." Brie is looking about with steely eyes at this point, reminded of who and where he is.
>>91259"What's... going on?"
>>91260They nod in understanding.
That same mare looks on, but trots slowly past
>>91261"Nothing is going on right now." She says, folding up the vomit-stained handkerchief
"I would like to speak with you, if you would please."
>>91261"Miss, is there something I can help you with? You seemed captivated by my conversation. I wonder if perhaps you had some interest in what I was saying." Brie says tapping her on the shoulder, not aggressively, but with subtle weight to his words.
>>91262He moves his head out to look at Ash, but does not come through the door way. The two mooks are effectively in front of him, and have come to understand that nothing short of murder will make Ash leave. Willowbrooks continues with an odd mix of terror and curiosity in his expression
>>91263Well, she's not close enough for touching, but she does stop looking at him, and trot off
>>91250I'm fighting really fucking hard against my own autism right now.Silver brings his own muzzle up, putting his lips but a hair's width from Blue's. She can feel the warmth of his breath, and the soft radiating heat from his lips from the extraordinarily short distance between them. He looks deep into her eyes. "You are very beautiful mare."
>>91265Brie fixes his gaze at Kerr and Wesley. Staring sternly at them, he looks to the mare and then nods his head in her direction, and then slowly follows her to allow them to catch up.
>>91265>nothing short of murder will make Ash leaveDamn right about that.
Sister Ash nods at him encouragingly, glancing at either mook expectantly for a moment.
"It's alright now. I came hear to hear what it is that you felt."
>>91269**The dice gods demand blood!**
>>91266She smiles, in that devious sort of grin that sort of defines her. And she stares right into his eyes. Her eyes are on the darker green side of turquoise. She moves away, just a little to position him in front of her. She says softly, without moving her lips
too much,
"I try"
>>91270She moves along, on a sidewalk. She moves her head back, evidently just enough to look back, and then she speeds up, her trot becoming a canter
>>91272He comes through the door. Sort of between, and still behind either mook
>>91275Brie whistles briefly. Where are Kerr and Wesley?
>>91275Sister Ash walks up to him, slipping between the two to get to him.
>>91275"And you succeed..." Without much of a second thought, Silver thrusts his head forward, pressing his lips against hers in a kiss.
>>91278"Jagen" is all he says, before increasing his pace in pursuit of the mare.
At first, she is entirely passive. He mouth isn't as warm as he may have been expecting, but her lips are soft, and she pulls her tongue back. She holds her breath, and the wing over him pulls up slightly
>>91279"Where are you going?" the butch mare asks
>>91282She runs faster
>>91285**>not making him roll for it first**
"Right there." Sister Ash replies, gesturing at Henhill just a few paces ahead of herself
[1d20 = 3]>>91285Brie matches speed but does not attempt to close, he's more intent on keeping a visual on her.
B> Hopefully she will wear herself out in her flight
>Don't get yourself killed>Seems kind of mean to me>Comrades before kin>Kirr, she's a riabirityBrie scans ahead to determine any possibilities to close distance without drawing unnecessary attention
spot check
>>91285He keeps into it, leaning forward and parting her lips slightly to try to encourage her to contribute.
>>91291She pushes into him, and then, places a hoof over his shoulder. She opens her mouth a bit more, then licks her tongue against his
ROLL DIE>>91288It doesn't seem to be. There are a number of ponies on the streets. The shops are arranged in a block fashion, with straight lines and 90 degree turns
>>91293Oh fug
Well, she pulls him closer
>>91293**You escape this time...**
>>91287>>91292Sister Ash ignores the dyke and walks right up to Henhill, so that she can speak to him eye to eye.
>>91298The dyke is not afraid, and is
very close to Ash
>>91299>Not afraidGood then, neither is Sister Ash.
She walks right past her.
>>91299Iron remains in place, looking at the dyke closest to her.
(Oh great. It's that mare. Hopefully she doesn't try to act like a stallion.)
>>91301The Diamond Dog looks over at Iron
>>91300>>91302Sister Ash makes her way past the two until she meets Henhill face to face.
"If I may get to the root of why I came here.. Are you, in fact, fine with staying here, Henhill?" She asks the colt
[1d20-1 = -9]>>91302>>91303Eh, fuck it why not. Diamond Dogs can be cute.Iron decide to admire her physique while he's at it.
He finishes with a nod.
"You look good."