Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where Chrysalis chose a different approach to her second attack on Equestria. The Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures thank to their dealing with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
Silver is learning about foreign pony cultures, Dark Star is preparing to put on a play for the children of the Saint Prancis Orphanage, Onyx has received several possible missions from the government, Brie is buying clothing, presumably for a long journey. Ash and Iron are leaving the office of a now enraged gangster... or not.
1912 replies and 83 files omitted.
>>91967Sure. Just have a bag or something to place them in
>>91969Do the beds have pillows? Do the pillows have cases? I'm STEALING a pillowcase.
>>91970Yes, but Silver only has at most two pillows
>>91971He doesn't need pillowcases.
Okay, so assuming that there is sufficient time, and especially because GM kinda-sorta indicated I should/could, Brie would usher the Lings back to the Tavern, where he would see Onyx tending the bar.
"Oi. Come with me." he would say. Looking quite fetching in a new suit, which is mirrored by Kerr and Wesley's suit. Without a word, he would dart upstairs to Silver's room, where I assume he would find Spark,
"You're here too? I could use your help". he would say, pulling off the pillowcases and stuffing toys into them, particularly the toy soldiers and (oh fug, I'm going to have to back-read to see what toys Wesley was playing with aren't I?).
>>91973"Help with what? Where did the changelings go?"
>>91973Marbles, Jacks, a couple books, a pony doll, legos, and a few other things
Is spark here?
>>91976"They're here
please fuck don't have them have run off. We're going for a train ride."
>>91978"Train ride? What? What's going on?"
Spark follows anyway, seeing Brie's urgency.
>>91978I'm seriously tempted to make you roll die
>>91973Then Onyx calms down a bit
"Wait, who are you?"
[1d20 = 18]>>91980"Splendid!"
>>91982"Really?" Brie sighs. "Walk and talk."
That he's in a hurry is quite evident.
>>91981Oh please no, the dice hate me except on occasion >>91983Hey! It's occasion!
"But, my.... Job.... Ah fuck it"
[1d20 = 7]>>91980>>91984"Alright, so we're taking the Lings on a train ride. Nothing onerous, just a train ride around Baltimare to see the scenery."
>>91987"Lings? As in
The veins in Onyx's forehead look ready to pop.
>>91988"Yeah... I didn't tell you about those. We need to talk about it as we go it seems."
>>91988"Where have you been? Yes, changelings. You were there for the Comte estate raid, yes? There weren't just ponies 'downstairs', there were these lads. This one is Kerr, and this one is Wesley." Brie smiles at them in spite of himself. "And we're taking them for a train ride. Don't tell me you're afraid of a couple of colts,...."
>>91990>>91988There are two ponies near Brie, before Onyx: A light grey pegasus colt with a dark grey mane, and a purple-grey bat pony colt with a black mane. Neither have cutie marks. The grey pegasus moves his head forward, and seems to sniff Onyx... from a distance. The Bat pony colt bears its fangs and very lightly growls at Onyx
>>91990>>91989Onyx looks at the two foals, and doesn't say anything. But anyone can tell that he's reliving some not so good memories.
>>91992REEEEE they're not foals! And they're in sharp suits! No one complimented and of them on the suits!
>>91991>>91993Spark waves at the changelings in their dashing suits.
>>91994The bat pony backs away a step
the pegasus lowers his head
>>91995Awwwww… I thought they liked me decently...
>>91995"Kinder, das sind Verbündete. Und einer von ihnen kann irgendwann Essen sein, kann ich nicht sagen. Aber sie werden sich uns anschließen, aber Sie brauchen sich keine Sorgen zu machen, denn wenn sie Sie auf irgendeine legitime Weise bedrohen, steche ich ihnen in die Augen." Brie says with the sweetest of smiles. "Dieses hier ist Shimmering Spark, und dieses hier ist Onyx, etwas anderes."
>>91996The REEEE post was not spoken, it was OOC
>>91998Yeah, I know. But I thought they were foals.
Onyx still stares before asking "Why changelings, WHY?" before heading behind the bar and grabbing a bottle of whiskey
"I can tell I'm gonna need this..."
>>91999"Yes, yes, be quick about it. They're young and otherwise unthreatening. Now come
ON." (when I said 'walk and talk', I meant that Brie wasn't stopping.
>>92000Onyx quickly runs upstairs to grab his cash, halberd, and saddlebags before galloping after Brie.
>>91998Kerr: "Du hast ihm gesagt, wir wären deine blöden Fohlen, richtig?"
Wesley nods, a little uneasy, but mostly reassured
[1d20 = 13]>>92002"Because I thought they would like to see some scenery, having been cooped up in the upstairs of the tavern for so long."
>>92003"Natürlich habe ich das getan, wofür halten Sie mich?"
bluff roll was a 10
>>92004>>92007"Something doesn't add up there. Just tell me what we are doing so I can prepare."
>>92006Kerr nods with an uneasy look, not really seeming to believe either Brie (in general) or himself
He whispers
"Nur solange wir sie essen können, und du wirst sie erstechen, wenn sie uns schaden wollen
[1d20 = 8]>>92008"I swear, its just a quiet jaunt around the city... that you should bring weapons for. Nothing to be too concerned about." Brie smiles
>>92010>>92011"You can tell me you know. It's not like I can stop you anyway."
>>92010"Weapons were a given"
Onyx glares daggers as his coat visibly looses any sheen it had
>>92012>>92013"Relax. I'm DEFINITELY not conning you into something you're going to want to kill me over later, that would be bad."
[1d20 = 6]>>92016Although I have lost to the others with that mod, I'll do another roll.