Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where Chrysalis chose a different approach to her second attack on Equestria. The Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures thank to their dealing with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
Silver is learning about foreign pony cultures, Dark Star is preparing to put on a play for the children of the Saint Prancis Orphanage, Onyx has received several possible missions from the government, Brie is buying clothing, presumably for a long journey. Ash and Iron are leaving the office of a now enraged gangster... or not.
1912 replies and 83 files omitted.
>>91101"Then the standard will likely be sufficient"
>>91104"Indeed we do. What do you need?"
>>91107"A disguise enchantment, if something along those lines is available"
>>91110done"In the back, yes. It appears to be light white silk with fluffy trimmings, but at will, it can change shape, or alter the appearance of the wearer to any similar creature. It's not as extensive as, say, a Changeling's shapeshifting, but if you're going for subtlety it can get you far"
>>91112Quiet you!>>91111"Sounds perfect,... can it be had for the budget I've indicated?"
If you ruin this for me, I'm coming after you
**Wait, on second thought, the Cape slot would count as a "transformation" slot, so it's actually more appropriate than a hat, and should not increase the price.**
**I'll mind my own business from now on...**
>>91119**Nah, i'll save the meta talk for stuff that actually matters.**
>>91113"Just to clarify, what is your budget?"
>>91121"Well with the suits, I'm seeing 1050. I can afford an additional 1200. I said 1250, but I'm not the best at math."
>>91105Where exactly did we leave Spark anyways?
>>91120Sorry, I'll have to be out for today.
Some heat on me.
Be nice to Willow Brook pls.
If not, you can roll for attack for me.
>>91122"The Cloak itself would be 2000. The mundane and innocuous reinforced suits would be 300 for you, and 250 each for the little ones. That is, should they be reinforced as well"
>>91124That's alright. Take care of what you need to do.
>>91116I'm here. Silver has taken the time to learn all about the ponies of Eastern Griffonia.
>>91127Shoot, I thought the other guy was silvery for a moment..
I don't precisely remember what wherected we left off. I only remember Sister Ash being flustered and getting ready to do something a bit drastic.
>>91125"They would, I won't be having any timberwolves or ruffian ponies maligning these colts. Perhaps another time on the cloak then. In that event, a trio of fine cloaks for the 3 of us."
>>91129*where exactly we left off
>>91130"Very well. Any special requests on color or appearance?"
>>91132"Swank will be fine." ^_~
>>91133And they are indeed swank. Black, though not quite a solid black, as if dotted with grey. Appropriate white shirts several varieties of bow ties come as accessories. The suits are rather thick, and aren't as light or as breathable as they could be. But given that they are designed to give some measure of protection against
Anti-Aircraft Artillery, that's kind of to be expected
>>91134"Splendid. So where does that leave me on price?"
>>91136"Hmmm. You seem a decent chap, might I put the disguise cloak on lay away?"
>>91137"Unfortunately, that is against store policy. In fact, considering the nature of the item, we can only take cash"
[1d20 = 16]>>91138"By layaway, I only mean to supply funds to reserve for in future. With my current total I can offer 1700 of the principle, but I'll need to retain for our travels. I have the full amount otherwise."
>>91139"You say you can offer 1700 now?"
>>91140"Correct. Again, I could offer full payment but I prefer to err on the side of caution. I'm expecting a rather 'exciting' journey."
>>91143"I appreciate the accomodation." Brie counts and offers 2500 bits. "Will the suits need further modification?"
>>91144"They are specially made to fit comfortably to a creature of your dimensions. Our tailor has already made the modifications"
>>91129>>91124Am I supposed to continue without Iron?
>>91145"Splendid. When our business is concluded, I shall be certain to return to resolve that cloak. Good day gentlecolt, I appreciate your propriety and will come make a point to bring my business here in the future." He takes the suits and cloaks (I assume they're boxed). "Colts, shall we go?" he says to the Lings, with facial gestures indicating that they should go along.
>>91147>>91147He nods
"Thank you, we appreciate your business"
The little foals follow
>>91148Upon departing the shop, Brie ushers them to the side. "Nun, wir haben das, was wir für die Reise brauchen werden. Ich hoffe, es macht Ihnen nichts aus, dass ich mir die Freiheit genommen habe, einige schöne Kleidung für Sie beide zu erwerben, aber es ist praktisch und stilvoll, sollten wir in Schwierigkeiten geraten, ... um ehrlich zu sein, denke ich, dass wir das tun werden. Möchten Sie ein bisschen stöbern?"
>>91146Things have calmed down for now. I'm here at your command.
>>91149"Ich weiß nicht, dass ich etwas brauche" replies Wesley. Both foals look curious at the suits and articles of clothing, Wesley batting his hoof against one of the suits
>>91151"Abgesehen von den Fahrkarten, die wir noch brauchen, möchte ich wissen, ob Sie Colts einkaufen möchten. Ich nehme an, Sie hatten keine Chance, also zögern Sie nicht, ein bisschen zu wandern und zu sehen, ob in den Läden etwas ist, das Sie auffällt. Ich bitte Sie, sich umzusehen und für einen Moment zu entscheiden, was Sie wollen."
>>91152Kerr looks intrigued by this notion, and Wesley wags his tail
"Kann ich ein Fohlen kaufen?"
>>91153"Ich denke nicht, dass sie diese verkaufen, zumindest nicht legal, und ich habe keine Kontakte in Baltimare, um Ihnen dabei zu helfen." Brie says with a pinch of aghast.
*disappointed alleged pony noises*
>>91150Whups, I stepped out for a bit.