Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where Chrysalis chose a different approach to her second attack on Equestria. The Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures thank to their dealing with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
Silver is learning about foreign pony cultures, Dark Star is preparing to put on a play for the children of the Saint Prancis Orphanage, Onyx has received several possible missions from the government, Brie is buying clothing, presumably for a long journey. Ash and Iron are leaving the office of a now enraged gangster... or not.
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>>92272Onyx continues to stare back, hopefully confusing the changeling by only blinking with his good eye.
During this staring contest he begins to question if all changelings are as all as bad as the ones that invaded his home. The his gut is saying yes when he thinks about the knife.
>>92276The ersatz bat pony stretches out its long tongue to lick its eyeballs, as it stares back
A full map will probably take a while, but a description is easier to give >>92277"What... The... Hell..."
Onyx shudders a bit and considers; even if they aren't all bad it doesn't mean they're good.
>>92278It moves its head closer to onyx, as if to sniff him
>>92279Onyx freezes and thinks about the stories of his friends in the guard that had had changelings feed on their love.
>>92274The train
>>92275"Nein, nur eine sehr geschickte Fledermaus."
>>92218Dark Star puts his Arm around her neck and waves bye to whoever he was talking to.
"I hear its a REALLY Nice Place."
>>92281General layout is
Diesel Engine
Railway Post Office
Compartment sleeper
Roommette Sleeper
Roommette Sleeper
Dining Car
Kitchen/Observatory Lounge
Sleeper (Onyx and Spark)
Sleeper (Brie and the drones)
Observatory Car
I may change this a little later, but it's going to be something like that (the biggest difference is if there will be a coach car).
Hopefully I can make a map when I have time with the layout of the lounge cars, since they are the most interesting cars
She smiles.
"Then you'll have to show me"
The stallion in question was a tan earth pony in black uniform, with a Manehattan accent. He waves back
>>92278“It’s better if you just don’t worry about them. They like to play more than anything from my time with them.”
>>92283Dark Star looks at her lovingly "It'll be my pleasure. hey blue,whats your favorite kind of food?"
>>92280Luck Onyx, he may well get to experience it himself
>>92284The other one looks up at Spark
>>92285She looks back at him with her big, turquoise eyes
"Lunch is more about the social bond you have with the ponies with whom you eat than the food itself. That was the philosophy back in Nimbusia, anyways. We had simple bread, beans and clover back there. I like it a little more fancy myself, but really, anywhere you like is fine with me"
>>92286A few beads of sweat form on Onyx's brow
>>92287Good idea. Changelings can't feed on fear. It moves a hoof closer though
>>92286Spark smiles and gives a little wave hello.
>>92289It smiles, and moves closer to Spark
>>92290Spark stays still, but continues to smile.
>>92287“You going to be ok there bartender?”
>>92286"Asocial bond huh? that seems like a very good philosophy to have. you are in luck then, Benito's is fancy.Anywhere is fine with me as long as you are there" Dark Star nuzzles her face with his face
>>92290"Sie können hier bei ihm bleiben, wenn Sie möchten"
>>92288Onyx's eyes break contact and look at the hoof
>>92291The bartender looks slightly nervous on the outside, but on the inside....
He's extremely nervous.
>>92293"Ich will gehen! aber nur eine Minute..."
>>92291Roll for fortitude save
>>92292Her muzzle is nuzzled. She is rather soft, and she closes her eyes during this. She lets out a sort of purr
"Hehe, shall we go?"
>>92294It looks like a normal bat pony hoof. It moves its head forward
>>92295"yea lets go."
Dark Star Starts walking Down The Street towards Benito's
>>92295Onyx is REALLY regretting blowing off the language classes he was offered in the academy.
>>92291>>92297The adorable little Pegasus ‘s eyes glow green, and it lunges towards Spark, settling a little to the side of Spark. It makes a sort of hiss, then its mouth comes open as it sucks a wave of purple gas away from spark and into its mouth. After 4 seconds of this, it jumps away from Spark, several feet, and towards Brie and the door
>>92296A few blocks down is the Benito, a beige stucco building with a flat roof. Arriving in, a tan griffin greets them
>>92295"Okay, sag mir, wenn du bereit bist."
Autism! >>92299Before Brie’s eyes, Wesley very obviously vampirically drains Spark, over the spam of some seconds, then very quickly darts away to Brie’s side, presumably to avoid retaliation
“Ich bin bereit“
Kerr looks over at Brie
“Ich denke ich werde auch gehen”
>>92298>>92300Onyx looks about ready to throw some bugs off the train
>>92300He also turns to yell at Brie "STILL THINK THIS IS A GOOD IDEA?"
>>92302Yes. They can feel the train lurch a little, going forward, eventually stopping, then lurching forward and moving the other direction
>>92301The little Pegasus lowers its ears, and cowers behind Brie
The bat colt, by contrast, pulls back against the far wall, and lets out a
>>92301"To be brutally honest, no. It should be lots of fun though!" Brie says cheerfully.
>>92304"Keine Sorge, das ist nur der Zug, der sich bewegt. Wir sind sicher. Lass uns gehen gehen!"
>>92304Onyx ignores them and leans over to sling Spark over his shoulder.
"I'll be taking him back to our car"
>>92305Wesley says “Sehr gut, lass uns den Zug sehen”
Kerr needs no real convincing to follow Brie either
>>92306And thus Onyx escapes uneated. They travel through the narrow corridor back to their room
>>92298"Unfortunately i cant speak wingbardian. I would like a table for 2 please."
>>92307Brie puts his cloak back on and checks the mirror in the bathroom to ensure he doesn't look like a changeling, and then leads the Lings outside, headed for the rear car first.
>>92308“Very well.” He escorts him through a room of light tan walls, black tables, and red floors. It’s fairly fancy, with more than a few plants. It doesn’t take long for a yellow Pegasus waiter to come and ask for an order of drinks
>>92310Dark Star Whistles at the inside of the restaurant.
"This place is very nice."
"Ah hello, Do you have any Fancy wine?"
>>92309He does not look like a Changeling. More like a bat. Down the end of the car, he comes to the vestibule, then through and into the end car. Bathrooms are shortly past the vestibule, then into an area with a few soft pale red couches and tables to either side, then, past that, a counter
>>92311“Indeed, we have Aquileian versions, Wingbardian, Albion...” as she names wines
>>92313“I think we have a bottle in stock, yes”
>>92312>>92309To the left of the cafe counter is a narrow corridor that opens to a door into a different room. This room has a darker style to it, with a mural of a train outside of Manhattan on one side, and murals of trains under the looming skylines of the Crystal city and Canterlot on the walls next to the corridor, with long lines of windows on the opposite sides. There are two tables on the end towards the end of the train, and a small bar on the end that faces the front of the train. It seems to open into the same kitchen as the cafe. Couch style seats line each side of this room between the two ends
>>92314"Good, i would like that brought to our table please."
>>92316“It shall be so”
Blue looks flattered by this
>>92317It does appear that this bar is staffed at the 3 PM leg from Baltimare to Moonlight Bay
“What can I get for you?” Asks the squeaky voiced golden Unicorn colt, who looks to be barely drinking aged himself
Autism alert, there are actually two more sections to observation lounge car >>92318Dark Star Smiles at her lovingly
"I thought you would like that."
>>92318"Nothing yet, though I am curious about the train's policy for purchasing bottles and taking them back to their quarters. Additionally, I was hoping for a quick rundown about what this train has to offer. I'm taking the little ones on a tour you see, its their first time on a train."
>>92319She smiles back, then places her forelegs in the table, and lays her chin on her hooves, cradling her head with her legs as she smiles at Dark Star
“So, what have you been up to today. Besides watching payments for arms trafficking of course”
>>92320“Uh...” Brie may get the suspicion that this particular employee is more recently hired and possibly paid less than Brie would expect to be the norm
“Uh, well, taking back large glass containers is generally discouraged, but you can but bottles of both beer and hard liquor.”
Then the colt seems to remember a rehearsed spiel
“Well, you are in the mural room right now. Smoking is allowed on n this room. Bar opens at 3 PM and stays open until 10 PM. It reopens at 6 AM to serve coffee. The cafe at the front of this car is open until 10 and opens at 6 as well. It sells coffee, sandwhiches, and lighter snacks. You can purchase the Canterlot morning newspaper after our stop there tomorrow morning, if you are still on past that stop. At the end of this car is the bullet longie, which gives a view out of the back of the train, and the observation dome longue area. The Dining car serves full meals, including several courses, and has a variety wines and other luxuries. It opens at 4 PM and serves until 10 PM, before opening again at 6 AM. Then there is the Crystal longue car. It has a full bar with many seats, open until 2 AM, and does not reopen until 12 PM. That car also has a smoking room connected to the bar, and telephones that can be used. There is a longie, and an observation dome”
Also, barber shops were common on some of these trains, though I don’t quite understand it. And I don’t really see why I don’t see movie theaters on trains >>92321"i Started Volunteering At the abbey, i decided i wanted to help the foals. All of the Foals at the abbey remind me of myself. and im doing what i wished somepony would have done for me. maybe i can help them see that things do get better. maybe i can show them life is worth living. Even if i can change just one foals life for the better, i would be a happy Stallion."
>>92321"I understand. Colts?" Brie looks to the Lings to see if they show interest in anything, but would otherwise lead them toward the lounge and observation area.
>>92321>>92322Fuck it. This is 1943ish. “Smoking room” is just a long and fancy way of saying “room.” The smoking room will be replaced by the bar and the area of the bar will either be the kitchen for the adjacent dining car or something else. The longue of the center longue car is more social, while the bullet longue is more for scenery and relaxation
>>92323Wesley and Kerr both look at the murals on the walls, but don’t take much more interest.
Back out of the room and into the corridor, the train car ends in the bullet lounge. To the right is a stairway that kind of curls upwards, and light comes down from the dome above. The floors of the car and the stairs are a magenta color, and at the end of the car are a number of individual chairs that swivel, and faceoutwards through the long, glass windows. There are just a couple count like areas that face inwards, near the beginning of the bullet longue. The rear of the train is rounded, almost like a half oval. Through it can be seen the rapidly moving building of Baltimare, and passing trees. Wesley seems just a little excited at the view
>>92322“D’aww. How are you helping the foals?”
>>92324"Lass uns von der Kuppel aus schauen, oder?"