Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where Chrysalis chose a different approach to her second attack on Equestria. The Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures thank to their dealing with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
Silver is learning about foreign pony cultures, Dark Star is preparing to put on a play for the children of the Saint Prancis Orphanage, Onyx has received several possible missions from the government, Brie is buying clothing, presumably for a long journey. Ash and Iron are leaving the office of a now enraged gangster... or not.
1912 replies and 83 files omitted.
>>91053"That's my point. It wasn't the Communists that killed
that old nation"
>>91054Silver gives her an odd look. "No, I think New Mareland killed that particular nation."
>>91055She gives him an even more odd look, and raises an eyebrow
"The state of The Aquileian Second Republic is still there"
>>91056"Really? I thought I heard..." He pauses in thought. "...nevermind then, I thought they had been annexed by New Mareland. My mistake. Still, I do not think Harmonists destroyed Aquileia. I do not know much of state it was in before revolution, but I heard that Discret family was completely unable to even manage their own countries, let alone deal with Republicans once they came back. And there was still pride in Aquileian after they became republic."
>>91057>>91057"To be sure, the Discret family was incompetent and corrupt. What else can you expect of the Griffin 'nobility.' But the Clergy were intact, the system of land ownership was intact, the old system of laws were intact. All of that was destroyed in the Revolution. Often very literally and physically by the communist allies of the Harmonists. Yes, a 'national pride' of sorts still exists. But it is like a Snail infected with a mind controlling worm, leading the snail astray, controlling it from its infected, horrid pulsating eyes, and leading them only to be eaten by a bigger bird. The pride of the republic is a false belief in a rule over all of Griffonia, not for appreciation of the History and culture of their nation. They are destined for conflict with Griffinheim, and it will not end well for them"
>>91058If the snail image was meant to disgust, it has succeeded. "Destroyed, yet rebuilt anew, I would imagine, much like what happened with New Mareland."
He looks out of the window nearest to where they're sitting. "It seems as though everyone is wanting to go to war with Empire."
>>91059"The Duke never destroyed churches or humiliated clergy. Go ask Jacques what he thinks about it being 'much like New Mareland.' He has lived through both.
As for the Empire,
not enough"
>>91060"No, that is quite opposite of problem: there are too many who want war. We should be prepared for it, but we should never wish war upon ourselves or other countries. It is wasteful, costly, and pointless, even if it is occasionally necessity."
>>91061She stares onwards, and seems to bite her tongue. As she is about to speak, she stops herself
>>91062"You were going to say something you were afraid would upset me or sour our relationship, I take it?"
>>91063Then, she speaks
"Do you believe that war with the Changeling Hegemony is necessary?"
>>91064Right for the throat with that question. For his part, Silver's answer comes short, simple, and quick: "Yes."
>>91065>>91065"Then you understand why I think it would be a great evil to forgo war with The Empire. Even if my government does not feel the same way"
>>91067"Do you want war with the Changelings?"
>>91068Silver's just a little annoyed by how she refused to just answer the question herself. "Of course not. I do not
want any war, even if we
must war with Changelings, even if it is absolute necessity in order to protect ourselves and rest of world. We must, and we will, go to war. Because even if we do not want this war, this war is coming to us regardless."
>>91070Silver raises an eyebrow at her response. "You did not answer my question."
>>91071"Does the distinction between doing something begrudgingly out of a sense of obligation, and doing something out of a desire to do the act in itself, really matter so much? The end is the same, and the intent is the same"
>>91074"War has a price, a very costly price, one that transcends mere currency, and we all will have to pay it. I do not want to see my fellow countryponies pay for it, if it can be helped."
>>91075"I've noticed that. You do not want to see your country ponies help the present administration at all. Not even for self defense against the Changeling invasion you consider imminent"
>>91076And thus begins the point at which Silver must tread upon thin ice. "We will fight, and we will defend ourselves. That is not question. It is question of whether New Mareland will fight alongside us, or if we will have to fight alone."
>>91077"I assure you that if they wanted to hand this land over the Changelings they would have already done it, rather than stare down Chrysalis and deal with a rowdy and ungrateful population"
>>91078"Either way, I would prefer if we did not continue this conversation. I have seen where it leads before, and I would prefer if it did not go that far."
>>91079"Very well. Want to get the bill?"
>>91080He nods. "I did suggest this idea."
>>91081The purple maned unicorn zony is flagged down
"How do you want to split the check?"
>>91082"Ah, do not worry about it, I can handle bill."
>>91083She smiles slightly, and seems to purr
The total is 12 bits for the two of them
>>91084He fishes out 12 Bits from his saddlebags, plus 5 for a tip for the zony waiter.
>>91085"Thank you" says the zony, smiling and nodding at Silver
>>91086Silver nods back, and stands up from his seat. "So, Blue Skies, would you like me to escort you back to your place of work?"
>>91087"Didn't you have something you needed to do today?"
>>91088"Yes, but I think I can spare enough time to see you back to work. Unless you would rather I simply get onto what I need to do."
>>91089"Alright... Then let us go"
>>91090Like a true gentlestallion, he opens the diner's door for her.
>>91091She prances right through, nodding to Silver
>>91092And thus, Silver trots with Blue on the way back to the Grand Baltimare Hotel. "I may try to see if I can not explore more of catacombs, if Spark is okay with watching little ones for little bit longer. With luck, I will have found rest of those books for you."
>>91093"And that is very good. You are really keeping those drones?"
>>91094"Not forever, no, but I have not yet run plan by them."
>>91096"Plan to run them through immigration and have them sent back to Hegemony. One I asked you about earlier today."
>>91097"How much longer do you expect to keep them?"
>>91098"Not long. Two more days at very longest."
>>91099Yup. >>91003"No need, if it is too cold, we'll just use a cloak. We're not flying the
whole way,..."
I have time to play today, if anypony is ready.
>>91098"Do you carry fine cloaks? Perhaps magical ones? After the suits I have a budget of about 1250 bits"