Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where Chrysalis chose a different approach to her second attack on Equestria. The Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures thank to their dealing with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
Silver is learning about foreign pony cultures, Dark Star is preparing to put on a play for the children of the Saint Prancis Orphanage, Onyx has received several possible missions from the government, Brie is buying clothing, presumably for a long journey. Ash and Iron are leaving the office of a now enraged gangster... or not.
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>>92223Brie, seeing Spark in the corridor, approaches. "We're one car away in the "The Clover Grove" compartment. If you need to enter knock twice, then pause, and knock once. Otherwise, you'll get stabbed." Brie smiles.
>>92226“Oh... ok?”
I mentally start regretting this, but I don’t show it.
>>92227There will be plenty of time for that
>>92232Well, Onyx should have more or less the same experience as in
>>92224 >>92232He's walking around rather well for a dead pony
>>92231Oh COME ON>>92234Oh onyx isn't dead
"Hey, before you leave. Why exactly are we helping changelings out of all creatures?"
>>92235"You saw that basement, you really have to ask? I've got no beef with Changelings and no love for them either, but this, we're doing them a solid. That means they owe us. We're gonna need that kind of support if we're gonna take down Comte and whoever he's involved with."
>>92236"Actually I didn't see the basement, I just stumbled up and got accused of being gay"
>>92237"It was a sex dungeon. They were locked in cages in a sex dungeon. And no, there was no mistaking the purpose and function of it. I don't know how a pair of changelings wound up in a sex dungeon, but I plan to find out."
>>92238Onyx looks very conflicted for a moment, but he decides to solve this problem with a large amount of the whisky he grabbed from the bar.
"Just so you know, I don't like any part of this."
>>92239Brie claps him on the shoulder reassuringly. "Well, we're in a room in the next car, its more comfortable to lounge in. Its the "Clover Grove" compartment. I you want to enter, knock twice, wait, and then knock once. Otherwise you might get stabbed." Brie smiles.
>>92240Onyx looks very confused at Brie's happiness over potentially getting to stab him.
"I'll.... I'll just come with you"
>>92241"Oh, I didn't mean me." Brie says turning toward the Ling room.
>>92242Onyx decides that bringing the whiskey was a wise idea
"Oh boy..."
Onyx gets up and follows Brie, at least a little more relaxed and transparent than when he burst into the bar.
>>92243Brie leads the way to the rear car, knocks twice, pauses, and knocks once, and then waits for the sound of the door unlocking. "Can't be too careful." He winks at Onyx.
>>92245The door opens slightly, to show an amber slit-eye. Brie can hear
"Hallo!" in a joyful tone further back, then see the eye close in a wince, before the door opens to Kerr to the side, holding a knife in his hoof, and Wesley sitting on the floor with jacks around him, looking upwards with a smile
>>92246"Hallo kinder, Können wir eintreten?"
>>92246>>92247>>92248"Uh, what are you guys saying?"
>>92249“Something about stabbing us if they don’t like us I think.”
>>92248Brie enters the room and allows for Onyx and Spark to enter before closing the door behind him.
>>92249"I greeted them and asked if we could enter. They're still a little skittish about being around so many ponies,... they thought we were going to ransom them off or sell them to slavers, so I gave them both blades to defend themselves with, as well as the knock code so they can tell if its us."
>>92251“Ah. Well, you did tell them not to stab us right?”
Spark takes a cautious step forward.
>>92252"No, but that's a good idea." Brie turns to the Lings. "Colts, diese beiden sind Verbündete, die mit uns reisen werden. Sie kennen den Klopfcode, wenn Sie also einen von ihnen haben, brauchen Sie nicht alarmiert zu werden. Wenn jemand klopft und NICHT der Code ist, reagieren Sie nicht, ignorieren Sie ihn einfach und halten Sie die Tür geschlossen. Wenn jemand versucht zu betreten, wenn es gesperrt ist und den Code nicht verwendet hat, können Sie ihn erstechen."
"There, you should be safe now."
>>92251Onyx just stares a bit at the young changelings.
>>92251>>92253>>92254Wesley says "Äh, okay ..."
The Bat colt sits on the couch, closer to the door. The pegasus stands up, and looks at the ponies. He has a kind of hostile expression. As he stands up, it can be seen that he has a knife underneath him. He looks friendly enough
>>92255"First things first,..." Brie activates the disguise cloak and affects his best Changeling disguise. "Gut? Was denkst du?"
>>92256Onyx jumps back and looks scared as hell
"YOU'RE a changeling too?"
>>92257"No of course not. Its an enchanted cloak that allows me to disguise."
>>92258Brie removes the cloak. "Was it convincing though?"
>>92258Onyx softly mumbles something about "warn me next time" before finding a place to stretch out
>>92256The little drones look startled, then look more closely, with both looking
very curiously
>>92260Push the little bugger off the couch, or the other little bugger off of the floor
>>92261>Push off the floorUh, nevermind. Onyx decides he may have handled artillery raining around him just fine, but he isn't touching the bugs.
>>92261"Was haben Sie gedacht? Könnte ich für einen Wechselbalg bestehen?"
Wait, there's only 2 couches? There's a chair though isn't there?
>>92264The couch is certainly big enough to sit down in with Kerr on the end, it's just that laying down on it while he's on it isn't as easy. Yes, there is a chair
"Ja und nein, Sie haben kein Horn und ich kann nicht durch Ihre Löcher sehen, aber normalerweise haben Sie die Haut und die Flügel nach unten, selbst wenn die Flügel undurchsichtiger als normal sind."
"Deine Aura ist wie eine Wechselbalg. Es ist ein bisschen abseits, aber deine Aura ist eher ein Stil als ein Pony"
>>92265Then Onyx sits on the opposite end from Kerr, and wonders where everything went crazy for him.
>>92267The bat pony colt two feet away looks at onyx with its slit amber eyes, and blinks
>>92268"Ich werde daran arbeiten, und ich brauche Ihre Hilfe dabei." he says to the Lings.
>>92267"Alright. We're all good and settled. Shall we look around the train a bit? I'm told there are full refreshments, and I'm sure there's a bar of some sort."
Did Onyx deposit his halberd? If he did, disregard the following."If you are coming, you might want to leave that behind." Brie says, pointing to the halberd.
>>92269Onyx uses his good eye to stare back at the Colt
>>92270Onyx replies without breaking eye contact "I'm fine..."
He already left it behind >>92271It's almost like it never blinks
>>92271"Very well. We should be back shortly, and I'll explain everything in detail."
>>92272"Colts, sollen wir den Zug erkunden?"
Is the train in motion yet? Also, this would be a useful time for a map, or a thorough description of cars in sequence so that I can sketch one.
>>92273Map of Equestria or of the Train?
>>92273Kerr asks
"Aber ... bist du ein Wechselbalg?"
Wesley wags his little grey tail