Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where Chrysalis chose a different approach to her second attack on Equestria. The Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures thank to their dealing with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
Silver is learning about foreign pony cultures, Dark Star is preparing to put on a play for the children of the Saint Prancis Orphanage, Onyx has received several possible missions from the government, Brie is buying clothing, presumably for a long journey. Ash and Iron are leaving the office of a now enraged gangster... or not.
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>>92118>>92119Alright everypony. Spark and onyx follow behind Brie and the two colts and approach the train described in
>>92089. Both characters should make Intelligence rolls
>>92114"Well.. not so clearly. It was at an odd angle, moving, and far away. but what we did get, is this"
She pulls up the photograph of the Unicorn mare
"This pony here, is suspected of being 'The Lady'"
>>92117Ill be home in a little bit.
>>92125"She is believed to be the Headmare of all of the Waterfront Gang. The boss over all underbosses. She is from Manehattan, but left to join the operations here"
>>92121I'm here, but I've got 5 things going at the same time so I might not respond immediately
>>92122What's his modifier? I'm not sure that is high enough
>>92128This train looks kind of familiar. Didn't it used to travel all the way up to Crystal City?
Glad to see that settled.
>>92129No modifiers. I have none except for -1 strength and +3 charisma.
>>92132>>92129I'm assuming I have no knowledge.
>>92135That’s kind of what it looks like, though it’s obviously a large, full sized train from a proper passenger carrier. Many ponies ha e luggage with them
>>92136I guess I look around to see how many guards are around the station.
>>92137‘It’s a passenger train station, pre 9/11
even if after the Canterlot Wedding. There are no guards standing on the platforms, at least that are visible
>>92138Whew. Then I look over to Brie.
>>92127"So, do we already have tickets or..."
>>92139"You mean, aside from the tickets I just bought?" Brie gives Spark and Onyx their tickets. "We've got 2 compartments, a larger one and a smaller one, but the smaller one is still big enough for 2 ponies comfortably."
>>92140"Great. I'll take the smaller one with Onyx most likely so the little ones have some room. They seem to trust you most so it would make sense for you to stay with them."
[1d20 = 12]>>92142Not again... I must have fucked something up.
>>92143Why would there be only two ponies to a compartment for a daytime excursion?
>>92140>>92144"So... why are the compartments so small, Brie? I thought they would be bigger."
>>92145"Its just what was available. Additionally, I hadn't anticipated running into the two of you when I planned the trip."
>>92146"I might have gotten a big enough compartment if I had planned it further in advance"
>>92146>>92147"Ok... but shouldn't there be more ponies to a compartment?"
>>92148"If you want to sit on each other's lap, sure." Brie replies, giving Spark a slightly weirded out look.
>>92126Quick Question, you know how jews call non jews goyim. what do Griffons call non Griffons?
"Wow. what about the Dragon? is he anyone special?"
>>92151Get back to me on that one
“The dragon, we are less sure of. Presumably she’s either from the badlands or the dragon isle, as both are in or near this district. We’re rather surprised to see dragons involved, and at this moment we are not sure if they are just involved in trafficking, they are planning partisan attacks, or if it’s just a random dragon”
>>92149"So, do you agree with the plan?"
>>92154"my guess is on both. and your telling me that's a female dragon? no way."
>>92155"Of course. We can operate in one another's rooms, but as far as slee,... as far as being comfortable and enjoying the scenery, we have ample space."
>>92156“Haha, they aren’t exactly the best looking bunch. Given the fact that the dragon took part of the payment, it looks like they are on the trafficking side. Not surprising, given their greedy natures”
>>92157"Great to hear. So... how do we get by with our... tools?"
>>92159"Act natural, don't draw attention to yourself, and if needs be I'll bribe whoever complains."
>>92158"Any info on the captain and the boat?"
>>92160Spark proceeds to act as natural for a pony with a glass of alcohol for a friend can.
>>92161“Do you mean captain Windshere of the Jungle Express? We know he a regular small boat captain for the Fire Sea service of the Tall Mast transport company. He used to be assigned to intercontinental routes, but seems to have been reassigned after an incident”
>>92163Dark Star looks if hes contemplating something. "interesting. what was the incident?"
>>92164“It doesn’t say. If you want my guess, I think he either ran a ship aground, got drunk and said something stupid to a superior, or messed around with a superior’s daughter”
>>92165"So he's not connected to pony trafficking then? because believe it or not when i talked to him he seemed like a nice colt."
>>92166“Pony trafficking?” She looks a little either surprised or confused
“No, this is
arms trafficking we are concerned with here.”
>>92162"Well come on then, if we're not on board the train will leave without us." Brie urges the group forward.
>>92168I follow Brie onto the train, helping Onyx along.
>>92167Dark Star looks a little embarrassed. "oh, thats pretty bad, still not as bad as pony trafficking though."