Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where Chrysalis chose a different approach to her second attack on Equestria. The Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures thank to their dealing with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
Silver is learning about foreign pony cultures, Dark Star is preparing to put on a play for the children of the Saint Prancis Orphanage, Onyx has received several possible missions from the government, Brie is buying clothing, presumably for a long journey. Ash and Iron are leaving the office of a now enraged gangster... or not.
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>>91913>>91917I go inside the shop to talk to Ash and Iron.
>>91918You see them at the counter, talking to a unicorn.
Caleb hears you come in and atops to sniff at you, before heading out the door and sitting on the sidewalk like a sentry.
>>91919Those numbers though.
Spark is about to tap Ash on the shoulder, but remembers that she tends to quickly rise in temperature.
>>91912Spark instead taps Iron on the shoulder.
>>91920Iron turns around, a bit surprised.
"Oh hello. Is there something you need?"
>>91913I get it. Go for broke and start over if you'd like. Be sure not to pick yet another fighter to add to the line.
>>91923"Just seeing how we are doing... and what we are doing. What happened to the one foal we were saving?"
>>91924He comes closer to Spark, trying to engage conversation with him not wanting the counter mare, nun or filly to listen in. He talks softly, almost even a whisper, to him.
"For now, everything is somewhat alright. First visit do not go as well as expected, but we managed to maintain relations with the owner... somewhat. I will have to tell you later any details later. For now, just know that the filly is here and seens to be secured. No idea why a nun is here though."
>>91925"Secured? Does that mean you don't need me anymore?"
>>91926"I am not sure. The filly is safe is what I meant. We shall see if Ash is content with the filly's treatment here, but so far they both seem responsible enough and care about her. We do not need you when this visit is over, so stick around for now."
>>91927"If there is no present danger or foal that needs saving like I thought, then I need to go back and check on the... other little ones we have. Come get me if I'm needed."
Spark opens his map and heads back to the tavern.
>>91928He shrugs.
"See you later, I suppose."
>>91919>>91921Iron walks back to Ash and the trio of ponies, including the filly.
>>91916Oooh! Oooh! I bet I know what it meant!
>>91931What has 4 hooves, and has nothing to do with the drama?
This bat >>91938Uh yeah, sure.Just be nice to the lings.
>>91940Knock yourself out, but be warned, I'll probably ignore most of it.
>>91938Would Brie want to board the train immediately, or shop or otherwise retrieve items before leaving?
>>91942If you'll let me, I'd like to grab that disguise cloak,....
>>91943If he has the additional few hundred bits
Investing in a Ponish-Wechselbalg dictionary so the drones have something to do while they are bored probably wouldn't hurt either, or stealing all of those toys Silver bought them >>91944he's got 395 left. The tickets were cheaper than I expected.
>>91946Fug. You're gonna make me go back and look aren't you?
>>91950What does 'a wad of paper money' amount to?
They use that? >>919511500 in Gold and Silver Certificates
Why not? >>91952Off to the 'just a simple tailor'!
DS9? Anyone? >>91955"Of course, I did tell you I wanted the cloak, and it turns out that my other expenses cost significantly less than I had budgeted for." Brie smiles, proffering the remaining 300 bits.
>>91956"Always good to come in under budget"
He presents the suit, which, with its stripes, looks suspiciously like a pimp suit. Good thing it can change appearance
"I would recommend not changing appearance anywhere where their are witnesses, lest somepony think you are a foreign spy"
>>91957>>91958Cloak. the same, but more cloaky than suity.
"Do you have any additional needs for your 'foals'?"
>>91959"Oh come now, they haven't been foals for some time. They're growing into strapping colts. No, thank you, that fits the bill, though I imagine sometime in the not near future I would like to hear more about some of your apparel for more vigorous avoidance of injury, but all things in good time. Thank you my good stallion."
hurrying back to the train noises >>91960I take it he would board the train next
Questions, would he take any of the toys silver bought. Would he buy something like a dictionary. Does he have any luggage? >>91964How much time are you giving me? I thought the train leaves soon.
You're not trying to get me to miss the train are you e_E >>91965If 2 PM leaving time, then like 15 minutes. If 3 PM leaving time, then like an hour and 15 minutes. It's hard to design a train schedule that makes sense in the larger universe
>>91966If there's time to pick up toys and not risk missing the train, I'm totally in favor of doing so, I just assumed that we needed to be/stay at the station.