Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where Chrysalis chose a different approach to her second attack on Equestria. The Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures thank to their dealing with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
Silver is learning about foreign pony cultures, Dark Star is preparing to put on a play for the children of the Saint Prancis Orphanage, Onyx has received several possible missions from the government, Brie is buying clothing, presumably for a long journey. Ash and Iron are leaving the office of a now enraged gangster... or not.
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>>92425"A Family Could Help With That. Our Sons Would Be fine Fighters Of Communism and liberalism."
>>92426“Do I need to stop working? I would not do well in a house”
>>92427"Trust me, you would love raising our foals,blue."
>>92428Hervears lower down, and she frowns
“I was a member of the Krypteia in Nimbusia, and was an anti-partisan in Zaphia. And now I am an officer. I know what I want with my life, and it is not cooking and doing laundry”
>>92429Dark Star's ears do the same,and he Frowns As Well
"You Don't think you need to Continue your bloodline?"
>>92430“It’s not as simple as one mare’s bloodline. We are all connected as kin in culture and race, such that I can help the whole even I sacrifice myself”
>>92431"dont you understand Blue. By having Foals we are ensuring the protection of kin For Generations to come."
>>92432She sighs
“You want me to quit my job as an intelligence officer?”
>>92433"no. you can still work if you wish too. but i do want my foals to feel safe and be loved in a secure home."
>>92434“I don’t know that I would be so good as a mother”
>>92435"Of Course,you would. your so loving."
Dark Star Smiles at her warmly
>>92436“I don’t know... in any event, we really just met. I am young and you are even younger. We don’t have to worry about foals right now”
>>92437"alright,we'll talk about this some more later. i hear you've been Quite popular Lately."
>>92440"i heard from somepony that you've been visited by some strange ponies one with a coal black coat and one with a silver coat."
>>92441She laughs
“Those are your own party members. Onyx Steel came by. He told me you, Well, I figure it was you, told him that he could get immigration papers here. So I forged him a Visa saying that he was born in East Equestria. Silver Sword also came by. Twice, actually. The first time he asked about the mechanics of turning those changelings he is keeping over to Immigration. The second time it related to a deal I made with him yesterday about retrieving books for the Ancestral Heritage and Magical Studies divisions. He wanted gas masks to continue the work, so I procured some for him”
>>92441At this time, the food arrives. The waiter sets a pizza with basil and tomato on it next to Dark Star, and a salad for Blue Skies
>>92444Nothing terribly suspicious. She seems to have more or less accurately described meeting two of Dark Star’s associates for unrelated professional purposes
>>92447“In fact, think he told me he wanted to go back to that quarry alone to look for books”
>>92450She shrugs
“Unless you want to get those books, I’m not sure how we will get them otherwise”
>>92451"if he's not back in a few hours ill go check on it."
>>92452She shrugs again.
“Did you have plans for tonight?”
i am going to sleep now I've gotta run some errands in a bit, but I'll be available in about 45 minutes, and for the duration from then on.
Alright, some of you were on the Express Train to Hell, and some of you weren’t
>>92465There are no obvious visible bruises or injuries. then again, the pony is wearing a simple black cloak and the rest of her is, well, furry. She's a pony
Iron scratches his side.
"So, how is the filly doing so far?"
>>92469Silver exiled himself for cuckolding.
Maybe he's having the same or similar issues to Ash. Sorry, I thought I was going to be available tonight,... though it seems that I didn't miss much
Sometimes, it sucks having to deal with real life stuff.
>>92477I know the struggle, my dude, but remember that real life is important.
How else are you going to RP Silver with an empty stomach, amirite? >>92479The rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated.
On the flip side, at least I'm in the middle of the most batshit insane game of Equestria at War at the moment to relax. It's December 6th, 1012, and the Griffonian Empire has managed to get themselves in a war against 17 other countries.