Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where Chrysalis chose a different approach to her second attack on Equestria. The Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures thank to their dealing with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
Silver is learning about foreign pony cultures, Dark Star is preparing to put on a play for the children of the Saint Prancis Orphanage, Onyx has received several possible missions from the government, Brie is buying clothing, presumably for a long journey. Ash and Iron are leaving the office of a now enraged gangster... or not.
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>>91205No thieves can be seen, or at least, none that are instantly recognizable as thieves. There is a drifter pony walking around
>>91199"Well, you have very caring, almost motherly side to you. You have crucial balance of gentle yet firm handled well. You are good pony, with good values that you stick by." Silver steps close to her, and gives the side of her neck a little nuzzle. "It will take acclimation period, but once that is over with, I get feeling you would be excellent mother to your foals."
>>91208Brie keeps his distance from the drifter, keeping his eyes on the Lings. He wants to give them a chance to wander about and see what they can/will see.
>>91202Iron feels strange. What is Brooks so worried about?
>>91210Alright. Onyx quietly sings to himself while washing some plates
"When the sporks start a talking,
Then it's time to start the balking
But now Luna knows
Anything goes...">>91211Wesley seems fascinated by the busy street. He watches ponies, and stares into windows. Kerr doesn't seem quite as fond of the commercial sector, and looks around as if for potential threats.
Wesley says, too loud for comfort,
"Schau dir das an! Ein Hund! Können wir einen Hund bekommen?"
She blushes, and curls up her tail over Silver
"D'aww, I haven't heard that much"
[1d20-2 = -10]>>91214>>91215Eh sure why not
Iron attempts to get a feel for Brooks' fear of Ash. She would seem harmless to him, even with the fact that she can turn herself into fire.
>>91216That's a Wis check, not an int check.
>>91216She just cast some kind of mind control spell on him, that's what has him spooked
>>91217Abrasive lets me add +1 to intimidate at the cost of -1 to sense motive and bluff/diplomacy. Not sure which is which.
>>91214Brie keeps an eye out for any recognition of Welsey's dialect.
>Don't worry, the only ponies who should recognize Changeling are those who have contact with or ARE changelings. Raising an alarm would be as detrimental to you as it was to them, by and largeB>I hope you're right, crazy voice #2
"Bist du sicher? Hunde sind sehr liebenswerte und liebevolle Tiere." Brie says, coming close so as not to make it a proclaimation in changeling.
"Die Versuchung, sie zu essen, könnte stark sein"
He says as his faggot determines limitations to google translate What, you didn't think I just started speaking ish perfect german did you?
>>91219Ah, Traits. Important to remember.
Honest gives Sister Ash -1 to sense motive and Bluff, but +1 to diplomacy.
>>91214Silver mimics the action to her using his own tail, effectively linking the two together. "Well, now you have. You will undoubtedly make whoever you decide to have foals with very happy."
>>91218Iron seems a bit amazed at how he was mind controlled. Who could've possibly done that to him?
"Are you well, Brooks?"
>>91219A pony should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.
>>91220Judging from the strange looks of a passing mare, it kind of looks like she heard... something. She was probably too far away to understand what she heard, though. Probably
>>91221"Ja! Ich will einen Welpenhund. Ein freundlicher Hund"
I noticed you abandoning your principles>>91223She opens her mouth, as if to speak, but then decides not to. She moves a wing out slightly, touching his side
>>91224"I am not! This lizard thing cast a spell on me"
>>91225The look on Silver's face suggests he enjoys even this little bit of friendly contact from her. Him responding with a further nuzzle into her neck reinforces this idea.
[1d20 = 10]>>91225I get it."Huh? When? You seem absolutely fine physically as far as I can see."
Nevertheless, he looks for any sort of abnormalities on Brooks just in case.
>>91218Well, it wasn't a charm or a compulsion, but it was certainly mind-affecting.
>>91224Sister Ash appears to be straightening out her shawl, hoping it's salvageable for the day.
>>91225"You're in no danger, for now.. Consider it something like a parting gift." She says, calmly, but coldly
>>91225"Gut, wir können Ihnen einen Welpenhund geben, obwohl Sie sich darum kümmern müssen, wie Sie es selbst tun würden. Welpen brauchen Liebe und Zuneigung genauso wie Sie, wenn auch nicht ganz so."
>>91227No abnormalities, only fear
>>91228He seems to mouth something, yet says nothing. He looks at her fearfully. The mooks look on in anticipation
>>91229Wesley frowns slightly, and tilts his head
"Ich wollte es nur essen"
>>91226She lets off a purr, and tries to nuzzle his muzzle back
>>91230Sister Ash turns back to him, having straightened out her slightly-discolored shawl.
"Is there something you would like to say?"
>>91230>>91226D00d, lewd!He sniffs loudly, not really feeling the suspense everyone else is.
A scratch on his side further cements this.
>>91230Brie gets a slightly distasteful expression. "Ich bin nicht darüber hinaus dabei behilflich, Ponys für Sie zu finden, aber Tiere sind untadelig und fehlerlos. Ich würde eher zulassen, dass Sie von einem Tier fressen, da ich Ihnen erlaube, bei Comte zu bleiben. Wissen Sie, dieses Pony, das ... ... ähm, Sie und Kerr "gehalten" hat."
>>91230"You make cute noises when you are happy, you know?" Silver reciprocates this intense nuzzling action, so that they both end up nuzzling each other's faces.
>>91233Wesley is sad
Kerr asks
"Warum sollten Sie sich mehr für das Wohlergehen eines dummen Tieres interessieren als für ein Mitglied Ihrer eigenen Spezies und Landsleute?"
"What are you"
She wraps her wing over him, and silver is now covered in a feathery wing
>>91235Silver is content for them to remain like this for the rest of their journey. He enjoys Blue's loving and caring side.
>>91231>>91235Iron just looks back and forth at the two of them.
>>91235"Only a humble kirin mare." She replies, with a slight bow
"As well as healer, a foal caretaker, a spiritualist, and a part-time nun."
>>91236Still close to him, she asks
"Do you need to get back?"
>>91238"What do you want?'
as if the question hasn't already been asked and answered twice
>>91239Much the same as Blue, Silver stays close to her. "Get back to where?"
>>91239"I came here for the colt." She replies
"I sought out to find him, and bring him back with me; I had made a commitment to find the foals who were taken from the abbey, but only if for their own sake." She says, with a shrug
>>91240"I guess that is true... I know I had something to show you back in my room"
>>91241"And I told you, he is good here"
>>91243He whispers gently in her ear. "I would love to see it, real quick."
>>91243Sister Ash nods
"If you do indeed say so.."
She then turns to Henhill and looks him right in the eye.
"Are you, indeed, good here?" She implores
>>91244She looks up, then pulls her muzzle up, still making contact with Silver's muzzle
"Should I though..."
>>91246Henhill has left the room
>>91253He is out of line of sight
>>91255Well, I don't feel like rewriting that last comment so...
"Are you, Henhill?" she says, much louder this time, facing towards the hallway where she believes Henhill to be lurking around.
>>91235"Sind sie "meine Spezies"? Meine Spezies besteht aus denen, die einander oder anderen draußen nicht schaden, zum Nutzen oder Nutzen. Meine Spezies sind diejenigen, die nebeneinander Recht haben, auch wenn sie von Ponys nicht als "richtig" oder "richtig" betrachtet werden. Für mich sind diese "dummen Tiere" eher meine Art als Ponys." Brie says with a grim face, his eyes darting around the crowd. "Ich hätte dich vorher von Ponys und Tieren gefüttert."