A D&D RP game based on My Little Pony, and the Hearts of Iron 4 mod Equestria at War, featuring an Equestria where the Princesses have been deposed, and Equestria is split between Changelings and a former Equestrian colony
Thus far, Dark Star has joined the fascist faction, and is taking on a job to assemble a team to stop a Communist cell. Onyx is no longer being detained, Ash has sort of joined a nunnery, Iron has joined the Waterside gang as a loanshark, Brie is still being edgy, and a new unicorn has joined. All are ready to reconnoiter the Docks.
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>>69981The little colt is hugged and somewhat comforted, crying
>>69979*heads in that direction*
>>69982*Pats his back*
"You don't need a reason to cry.. Just let it out."
Onyx watches the scene unfold, shifting from hoof to hoof.
>>69983>>69980He motioned to the East, which would be further in the direction of the docks
>>69984He cries and starts to calm down a little
>>69986I think every character is in the Union hall except the bat and the pegasus, who have both vanished
>>69986I am with Dark Star and this other fellow. Brie is attacking the air and Onyx is next to you somewhat.
>>69980You noticed?
>>69979Attacking the first necessary stealth kill he comes across. He got a 19 on his stealth roll, +8 for his move silently and hide (pick one) and +3 for dex on both. so he could slip by undetected, but if he does decide to attack, that's his roll (modified 11 + stealth bonus)
>>69989I don't think that is how it works, even though I am new here.
>>69987*Walks towards the docks*
>>69989I mean, what? I'm confused. From the top of the Foundry he can see two ponies standing outside the door of the rolling mill, 150 ft from that are two outside the dry goods warehouse, and there are three in front of the barrel-storage facility. If he means to attack the air, yes. The air is kill
>>69991Perhaps not, but if it is how it works, those are the dice rolls I imagine would come into play. Its GM's choice
>>69992>>69992>>69994Dark star advances towards the docks. He can see three ponies in front of the liquid goods warehouse
>>69996*walks up to the ponies*
"Hey Comrades,is this the place?"
>>69987This poner has obviously been deprived of hugs.
Reminder that all poners deserve hugs.
*Hugging intensifies*
"There, there.." she coos, carressses his back
"It's okay to cry.. You're hurt, I can feel it."
>>69998The colt's attitude has warmed significantly
>>69997The three ponies don't react to the statement.
"You need to step away from this building"
>>69999>>70000The dice gods will save us from disaster! It is a miracle!
>>70003The two stallions and one Zebra mare respond
"I'm not sure what you are talking about, but you need to leave'
>>69999She pats him on the back for a few more minutes
(although it's a bit unclear whether it's for his comfort or her own stuff this point)"Have you been all alone here by yourself?"
[1d20+9 = 25]
Sooooo, making a second stealth attack roll
>>70005Iron has a deadpan expression on his face.
>>70006"No, I told you, the Communist Brotherhood took me in"
>>70007Congratulations, you hit the 70007
>>70009Here's the thing. The outer/upper-most guards are the most isolated. Brie will assume they're expendable and a liability. He will kill them slowly like it was a playstation ninja game, using close-ranged, thrown dagger sneak attacks to stealth-kill his way in. Hopefully no one sees him (good stealth roll)
[1d20+6 = 24]>>70008*looks at Iron*
>>70005"look, im with the party alright. Affordable Care Mentioned the Docks to me today."
>>70009"What about your friends? What happened to them?" She asks, with geniune concern
>>70007Brie keeps stabbing the air like a madpony, obviously having a pyschotic attack because he only eats mangos. He foams his mouth and does ten loops only to crash into one of the trucks, instantly tearing the truck in half, carving a straight line through concrete, sinks the Titanic and bounces on the water about twenty times. He finally stops when he crashes into a mango tree, which makes him calm himself down and recover his senses.
>>70009Seriously GM, you should clarify this small issue if it's going to cause problems >>70011Well, I haven't specified any up guards, but while we are on the subject, it does look like there are two guards on the roof top of the Rolling mill. Here's the thing though. They are on the opposite side of the mill from the side where the entrance is located, at least 150 feet away. They are looking out to sea
>>70012"You must be lost. I don't think this is the place you are looking for"
>>70013"My friends are here at the docks tonight. Well, some of them are. Not everypony could join us tonight to see the first step towards the revolution"
>>70016*Pets poner some more*
"Revolution... Sounds like you have quite the party planned."
>>70017It's at this point, that the Zebramare comes forward
"Iron? Is that you? What are you doing here?"
It's none other than Black Cauldron, as if you hadn't already guessed that
>>70018"Well I'm not really the one who planned it"
>>70019Iron's eyes widen. "Cauldron, what are you doing here?"
[1d20+6 = 21]>>70019"oh wow you know iron too? i met him at the bar today and told him all about the joys of communism"
>>70019*Brushes mane*
"You're a big colt.." she is now kneeling on all four legs, in a lying position
"Are your friends waiting for you?"
>>70021Nice roll
>>70020>>70021The sorcerer has been watching this unfold with a look of confusion.
>>70020"I'm guarding a shipment of smuggled goods. Guard work can be boring, but it pays. Not as much last night though."
>>70021"Uh, okay. That's good I guess. I like that the communists pay attention to the lower class and the working mare, though they seem a little far out there though. I don't pay that much attention to politics"
>>70022"No, they are doing their thing. The Stallions didn't want me involved in what was going down on the docks so they kept me up here"
>>70023The Sorcerer is unmolested
[Read more] >>70024"Awww. So you're all alone here? That's not nice at all. A colt like you should be out playing with his friends."
(Yeah, she has a terrible case of childless mare syndrome)
>>70025"No, I'm with these two"
He points to both Stallions
They are looking at Ash kind of strangely
>>70025Onyx decides the two made three aren't going anywhere quick and sits down.
>>70024"Oh, sorry. I was just surprised to see you here too. I am here accompanying this fellow stallion here since he wants to show me 'the wonder of communism', he did beat me to a hoofwrestle, so at least he is strong enough to respect."
>>70028"Uh, I guess you must be late for whatever is going on over there, in that building." She points to the rolling mill. "I didn't think anypony could beat you in a hoof wrestle"
>>70026She nods towards them in acknowledgement, but pays them little mind.
>>70029"thanks for the directions."
*Dark Star Heads towards the mill*