A D&D RP game based on My Little Pony, and the Hearts of Iron 4 mod Equestria at War, featuring an Equestria where the Princesses have been deposed, and Equestria is split between Changelings and a former Equestrian colony
Thus far, Dark Star has joined the fascist faction, and is taking on a job to assemble a team to stop a Communist cell. Onyx is no longer being detained, Ash has sort of joined a nunnery, Iron has joined the Waterside gang as a loanshark, Brie is still being edgy, and a new unicorn has joined. All are ready to reconnoiter the Docks.
>>69622is Dark Star at the docks?
>>69627He can walk towards the docks. Does he have the dossier with him?
>>69629On Black and red. that is to say, an understanding of exactly where they were observed
>>69630yea he would have it with him.
>>69631A deeper view of the dossier shows that the two griffons were observed with a group of ponies - two of whom are known socialists, at the very end of "Blackwood" road, heading into a group of buildings that are a part of the seaport of Baltimare
>>69632im gonna attempt to hid the rifle somewhere close by stealthily.
what should i roll?
>>69633You're going to have to be one hell of lot more spefic. It's not a building or a wooden structure. It's an industrial park
>>69634Could you describe the area?
>>69635The seaport is on the east side of the city. The sea port includes a narrow strip of buildings along this stretch. Blackwood road is a road that runs from east to west. It is the North most road that dead-ends into the harbor. When you look from the end of the road straight on and East, you can see the sea.
Black wood road goes directly into a concrete paved area. On the left side of the road is a one story square building of white coloration with the phrase "United Dock Workers Union Hall" on it. It seems recently abandoned. To the left on the road is just open area where it seems trucks park. Into the paved area are four very large structures, two on the right and two on the left. It's like a square with four sides. On the left and closest to the end of the road is a 3 story building with a high arching roof that has some windows and two smoke stacks. This structure is a rolling mill. The next structure that is on the right and next to the water and seawall is a huge Rectangular structure that is two stories on the side furthest from the water, and contains a few offices, but a single floor with a high roof for most of its length on the side facing the sea, opening in a massive door. This structure is a pipe rolling facility. On the right, the closest building is a single floor with a very high arched roof. It is a warehouse that stores mostly liquid products contained in barrels. It has some offices that are on a sort of second floor elevated above the main floor, on the side close to the center of the set of structures. The next structure on the right is a single floor rectangular building with a flat roof. It is a warehouse for storing crates. It too has offices that are elevated above the main floor. On the sea, the area to the left of Blackwood road has no dock space, but the area to the left does. there is a dock which a reasonable sized ship could connect with
>>69636>This structure is a pipe rolling facility.Heads to check out this building
>>69637The first thing that Dark star notices is that this area is not abandoned. It is actively used by workers, and crates move around on the ground. A pony asks "can I help you?"
>>69638"Oh Sorry, i got turned around."
*walks away*
>>69639I take it he is *not* going towards the pipe rolling facility?
>a one story square building of white coloration with the phrase "United Dock Workers Union Hall" on it.Checks this one out
>>69641This building definitely is abandoned. When going to the door, it is locked
>>69643Yes, four on each side
>>69644are there any broken ones?
>>69645The building was only closed very recently, and none of those appear to be broken
>>69646are there any ponies around?
>>69647At the Union Hall? Ponies do drive by, but no one is at the union hall
>>69648i try to open one of the windows
>>69649they don't seem to open from the outside, at least very easily
Maybe with a roll of a skill
[1d20 = 14]>>69650tfw no bonus
>>69651What is the skill?
>>69653Open lock is a trained skill only.
>>69654well i dont have any skills for this. so i guess im going to break it.
>>69655With either a swift hit of his hoof or the butt of his gun, the glass breaks
[1d20+7 = 13]>>69656im gonna roll a spot to see if anyone noticed
>>69657It doesn't look like it
[1d20+7 = 14]>>69658listen check as well
>>69659Industrial sounds of various kinds, nothing that stands out
[1d20-2 = -18]>>69660assuming the window is big enough to climb through i do.
>>69661He climbs through the window, and is not cut by broken glass
[1d20+7 = 9]>>69662spot check to look foranypony
>>69663He sees one of those phantoms, were you think you see a person in the corner of our eye, but move your eye towards it, there's no one there. But nopony actually seems to be inside the building
[1d20+7 = 18]>>69664i look for anything that could be useful to th mission inside, like weapons or Medicine
>>69665The abandoned Union hall does not seem to have any kind of weapons in it. There is a single first aid kit under a sink in a break area
[1d20+7 = 18]>>69666*takes it*
*Trys to find a spot for my rifle*
>>69667There is a trade off between how open you want the gun, and how easy you want it to be to retrieve. It could be placed in a top cabinet to the side in a side room that would never be found, but it would take a good 30 seconds to get it. It could also be placed immediately inside the window and just picked up through the window, but would be found immediately if somepony went inside the building
>my rifleI don't recall a rifle being formally requisitioned
>>69669>mfw i Didn't realize
Iron reached the tavern where he was supposed to meet for this mission.
>>69671Sister Ash returns to the tavern, after failing to find a decent stick.
>>69672Iron ponders for a moment and looks at the scaly pony. "Can I ask you a question? What kind of magic do you do?"
>>69673"Mostly just Orisons and the like.. I did dip into conjuration practice back when I was in training." The scaly mare says, obviously lacking confidence
>tfw already used up my strongest spell, and all of my healing spells for the day
>>69674"I see. Do you have any backup weapons?"
>>69676"Just this." The nun replies, holding out her broom
>>69677Iron looks dissapointed for a bit. He takes a closer look at her figure, see how handy can she be in an actual fight. "I can pass you some rocks if you need them." He fumbles inside the bear armor and snatches out his rock pouch, opening it in front of her. "I got it from the riverbank, outside the city."
AKA I want a description of your character currently
Tbh, I've been having trouble deciding on an appropriate color scheme...
".. I guess I could take a couple." The mare replies, placing the rocks in her satchel.
>>69679Iron smiles. "Do not worry about the battle ahead. I am sure these weaklings will not try to kill such a nice mare." He gently pats the scaly mare. He really wanted to believe that. That these ponies had the decency not to fight mares. Fighting mares physically shows how weak the stallion is in his tribe.
>>69680Iron's favorite interrupter interjects, "I assure you that their like have killed very many a nice mare before"
>>69681Iron looks somber. "What a way to show weakness. No honorable stallion could hurt a mare physically and be proud of it."
>>69682"They have no honor, nor they any pride. They see themselves as a great mass striking against tyranny. As moral crusaders. And with a cause so righteous, nothing they do could be evil"
The mare in question is covered mostly in a nun's religious habit that doesn't seem to really fit her, although the part near her head appears to have been mostly torn away, allowing part of her peculiar swirling mane to flow freely, despite obvious efforts to restrain her.
If Iron looked closer, he might question if the creature is really a pony at all. Although she's roughly the same size of an Equestrian mare, she has several features that distinguish her as an entirely different species. Her mane is like a bush, and puffs out towards the front of her chest like a lions; and her tail (the part he can see) is visibly Leonid. The hoof currently clutched around her broom is split in two, like a reigndeer. Most visible, are the armor-like bronze scales that stretch from the tip of her nose, to what Iron can only assume to continue all the way down her back, in a scaly carapace that meshes almost seemlessly with her cedar fur. Her eyelashes are thick, like an Equestrian, but her smooth brows resemble those of a crystal pony. Her horn is a deep scarlet, curved and serated like a branch. Everything about her body seems peculiar.
>>69683"I see that they will be destroyed one way or the other. No honor causes any group to break down onto itself." Iron raised one of his forelegs, showing his spiky gauntlet. "But I will be sure to take down some with me."
>>69684"You do not look like a mare, now that I look a bit closer. What are you?"
>>69685".. A foreigner.. from the southest. I believe the ponies of this country used to call my tribe the 'kirin'." The dragonblood replies
>>69686"Kee-reen? What a strange name for your kind." He tilts his head sideways. "Is it because of something in particular your species do?"
>>69687"It's a very old term. It's means something along the lines of 'one who delivers the sages'. I can't say I understand the origin. We've been isolated for Equestrian society since before the imperial ages."
>>69688"So you say." He takes his rock pouch back. "Why did you leave your tribe, especially alone?"
>>69689"It was a pilgrimage. I heard there were many Equestrian foals who were displaced by the war, so I took it upon myself to come and treat them."
>>69690"That does not explain why you travelled alone. Do you not have a stallion to protect you?" He looks somewhat worried. "You seem too innocent to defend yourself."
>>69691"I came alone because I had nopony to travel with. You'll find that robbers tend to let you be when you don't have anything worth taking."
>>69692"I see." He looks somewhat baffled by how she survived thus far. "Do you mean no stallion on your tribe even approached you to help? I can see your maternal prowess if your personality is anything to go by. Do you not have any children?"
>>69692The blue pegasus interjects
"A mare travelling alone always has something to take"
>>69694"Ain't that the truth."
>>69693"No.. I have no children of my own.."
>>69694The nun gives a perplexed look, as if she never before considered that she had anything worth taking
"Just what do you mean by that?"
>>69696"I am sure I know what she means." He fidgets uncomfortably. "If I was a mare, I would not want that to happen to me."
>>69696"I mean to say a mare is always useful to a stallion in a certain sort of way that can be taken by force"
>>69695"So...." she pauses and moves her hoof, and you get the sense that she's trying to say anything other than "plantation colt." "What was growing up in the jungles like"
>>69700"It was a simple life." He started. "I grew up with my mother as my caretaker until I was about 4. Then I started the many trials to reach maturity. Things like hunting, foraging and fighting." He mused for a moment. "My father taught me how to do these things, but his weapon of choice was a spear. He was dumbfounded that I did not accept his weapon as a gift for my departure. I simply told him I would not need it." He chuckled "Maybe I can pick it up once this final trial is done with. I do not want to let his spear to rot. He had quite the fondness for it." He places his hoof on the table. "No mare in my tribe ever did anything more than medicine or taking care of children. They were nice mares, all of them." He chuckled "They would always give the colts some small gifts of cane sugar."
>>69701"I see. A rather wholesome upbringing, very traditional. You have been spared the mass social upheaval that has afflicted so much of the world. Times are changing"
>>69703"Our tribe knows this. This is why the stallions venture out the world to complete their process of maturity. To see how corrupted this 'gift' of...'cee-vee-lai-sei-tion' has turned the outside world into misery." Iron ponders a bit. "I take it you did not share my fate by your comment."
social progress came to us, hardly a need to venture out, though I ventured out anyways, and found more misery"
>>69702"You don't want to talk? Aww"
>>69705"You know why this social progress came. It is your tools that facilitated life for all, essentially foregoing natural strength and increasing the weakness of the population."
>>69706"It's hardly all bad. Life can be easier with tools. You can live longer and wealthier. And it can be liberating. More choices. I am happy to have life doing other than just medicine or raising.... younglings down on a farm. And for that I have 'progress' to thank.
But in any event, you may not have a choice. You're daddy's spear was an obsolete relic when he was a fillie, and you'll find you will need much to make it out alive and free in this Brave New World"
>>69707Iron is bothered. "Yes, those tools that 'liberate' you from doing what you were supposed to do. Do not expect me to believe that your life is as good as home." Iron looks down "As 'obsolete' as you may think it is to keep these weapons, it gives the tribe stability from these ponies. Heritage is important and it shows our prowess when other submit to these tools. I shall show you the true strength of my tribe when the time comes." Iron pauses for a moment. "My name is Iron, by the way."
>>69708She smiles "nice to formally meet you, Iron. My name is Blue Skies. But I will say that I don't think you understand the situation. These ponies will be going to your own tribe. I take it you must be from one of the more isolated villages, bevcause Equestrians have been down there for centuries. Now, rich bandits wish to profit from ancient treasures, Industrialists from the north wish to exploit the forests, and Communists wish to start rebellion. All this is besides the threat of a Changeling invasion"
>>69709"It is fair to think that, but our tribe lasted for centuries. Surely this social progress will not affect us as hard as you think it will." Iron crossed his forelegs.
Iron suddenly notices something. "Where is that dark red stallion you were with?"
>>69710“My society lasted for centuries for centuries as well. It’s not just internal upheaval. Your tribe may be conquered if it doesn’t keep pace. A mining company may get them, maybe rebels. Don’t think they are safe”
>>69711“He ran off, it seems.” She looks down at her empty glass
>>69712"I do not expect you to understand our power. Your use of tools blinded you of the real strength of our kind. That is why you think we would fall." Iron, somewhat bored, asks the mare. "What choices did you take with this 'liberation'?"
>>69713"I've read about how tribes have fought off and even expelled Equestrian garrisons before. What is different this time is that, with bauxite and rubber plants, the jungles are more desirable. Those that want it will be more determined and bring more force."
"As for me, you can see that I'm not raising foals or practicing medicine. My society was never that limiting for females anyways. But I specialize in... shall we say, 'intelligence.' Counter-insurgency and counter-espionage."
Gosh, my head is spinning today.. Give me a minute..
>>69715Iron cocks his head. "Do you not feel the need to bring and care of children to this world? Why do you desire something like espionage, which can lead you to danger of death?"
Iron looks down again. "And yes, the matured stallions that came back told the elders the same thing. How these rocks will bring us destruction. I did not hear the response, as I did not pay attention at that time."
>>69707The druid speaks up
"I hear ponies around these parts talk about 'progress' a lot lately.. but are ponies really happier today than they were centuries ago?"
She steps forward
"I came to the city, because I knew where a city stood, there would be suffering ponies. Food production has increased, but more ponies go hungry than ever before, unable to sustain themselves in the concrete jungle. Warriors found all sorts of new toys to play with that they promised would bring a 'swift end' to the war, but they only increased casualties.
Where this city once stood, there used to be nothing but bountiful rolling hills and lush fields, and the ponies who lived here were happy and content. Now it's a dessert of asphalt and iron, more polluted and more dangerous than ever before. The world as it's becoming is so dangerous, our foals have to spend decades of their lives training just to survive in it, when mere centuries ago they could make a living with little more than the virtue of their bodies. The artificial enclaves that ponies have created are certainly profitable for the few who can exploit them, but they're of little worth to the average ungulates who once thrived off of the bounty of nature."
She hangs her head
"Is that really progress to you?"
It's funny, this character is basically the utter opposite of my last one.
>>69718Iron nods in agreement. "See? This mare knows what I am talking about. Your tools cause you misery."
>>69719"Ponies of this age only want tools for the sake of getting ahead of other ponies. A short-lived advantage, that they choose to believe will bring them permanent peace. Tools of war spread more quickly than wildfire,and are twice as destructive. Military advantage only lasts as long as the one who has can suppress the one who has not. Every day, more is sacrificed to feed their war machine. At the rate it's going at, ponies could get so good at destroying things, that they might just reduce their homelands to ashes.." her eyes grow dull at that last line
>>69717>"Do you not feel the need to bring and care of children to this world? Why do you desire something like espionage, which can lead you to danger of death?This question definitely takes her off guard, and she gives an expression suggesting she's said something she shouldn't have. She then smiles, looks at her flank, and says "division of labor. Some are great with handling children, and some have other talents. I know where my talents lie."
>told the elders"So I see you have some knowledge of the situation. Well, it's far from doomed, but never assume an opponent to be weak when you've never met them before. You will need to be strong, and you will need the help of what the natives of this land call 'friendship.'"
>>69718>>69719"You're wearing modern stitches aren't you? Both of you actually. You can piss on modernity all you want, when you get malaria later you'll be eternally grateful for a vaccine. And be grateful likewise that your water doesn't have manure in it because dying of dehydration from diarrhea is anything but pleasant.
As for 'this area used to be lush rolling hills,' well pardon me but this land is natural swamp. And I don't know if you've ever been on a stroll through the woods but it's filled with all sorts of monsters that will eat you. Chimera, Manticores, Bug Bears, Timber Wolves, Tassleworms, Cragodiles, great Dragons, and far, far more. This is all besides windigoes, sirens, and other ancient horrors the ancestors of this land faced.
You came from that Pransiscan orphanage up North, right? I take it that's where you're from. Ask any of those nuns or foals if they want to give up central heating, a brick exterior, and food produced with modern fertilizers for the open wilderness of the forests and swamps. I'm not talking about those really cuddly forests you have nearby where everything dangerous has been shot, I'm talking about
real wilderness. i promise you every single one of them is happy to have their factory made blankets, even if they hate other aspects of this modern world. Seriously, go ask them if they want to live out in the Hayseed Swamp.
Yes I know damned well we have many hungry ponies. That is the reason the Communists are so popular. And those 'new toys' have been perfected by the Changelings. But the fact is the Changelings will have and use their toys regardless of what you do, it's just a matter of whether you will let yourself become their food."
My tools? Go ask the Griffons, the communists, and the Changelings to put away their Tanks, Bombs, and guns."
>>69720"The ponies will be conquered by the Changelings in two years time. After that happens, you won't have to worry about the
ponies burning down their own homeland. Someone else will have done it for them."
>>69721>It's filled with all sorts of monsters"You should not fear these monsters. You learn to live with them, showing your strength. But the tools you use, as I said, made you forget this natural feeling, wrapping yourself in the comfort of controlling everything around you."
>Wearing modern stiches"While I agree with you there, this small advantage does not equal that your system is good. It is not the first time I have been wounded and the tribe healed me just fine."
>Go ask the griffons, the commies, etc."So you say ponies living here did not invent these tools before them?
>>69723Oof. You should write on a notepad next time. It's the fourth time this happened.
>>69722"Look, I'm flattered that both of you I'm this great Inventor-Philosophy who single hoofedly invented the gun, the automobile, the refrigerator, the toilet, and the department store while writing every book on Markism, Fascism, and Democracy that ever existed. And I'm flattered, I really am. But I'm just a refugee in this pony land. I wasn't even born or raised here, and I sure as hell didn't create it.
As for who did, it turns out a lot of creatures have laid down stones for this society. the ponies are more advanced than the griffons, but the Changelings have more and better machines of war. As for controlling things around you, well, when power is what you want, it's useful to have power over nature as well"
>>69724I didn't expect to get a mod warning... e_e
The sorcerer is still curious as to the plan the Anti-Communist had... but simply stays and listens to the others that were with him. Perhaps they know what to do.
>>69725"Wait... who are you?"
>>69725Iron sighs "Look, I can see you are the one who is stomped on out here. Do not misunderstand me. I only seek to defend verbally my way of life, while rejecting yours due to the advantages of my way against the disadvantages of your way." He skids a bit closer. "I am sorry for this discussion." Iron asks "A refugee? From where did you come from?"
>>69727"Well who is asking?"
>>69728"Eh, I think I've spoken enough here"
>>69729Iron nods. "Agreed."
>>69729"I was just curious. One last question. Did your books ever make their way to Canterlot libraries?"
>>69730She glares, slumps down, looks at her empty glass, then leaves the table
>>69731"What? I just said I never wrote any such books"
Whatever, I'll type it all again some other day.
Changing subject
>>69721"Did you say there were Timber wolves around here?"
>>69732 You did technically type that you did. Just now picking back up, it seemed that you said you did write books. My bad."You sure? You look like a writer I saw on a book sleeve."
>>69732>>69734Iron laughs "Hey, do not torture her. She has had enough." He points to the counter. "I say you buy her a drink, maybe she will like you enough to talk to you."
>>69733"They exist in scattered locations around Equestria. Mostly they've been pushed back into deeper wilderness
>>69734She looks again, confused. "I've never written any books."
>>69736"Fascinating. I've always wanted to see one myself."
>>69735I stare at the sleepy bartender.
"I don't know how this one is still employed." I mumble
"A drink for the writer to be please."
>>69737"I've never seen one, and I am okay with that. They are like dire wolves but less friendly, and generally come in packs"
>>69738"Well, I do subsist off the kindness of strangers"
>>69737"They are just sticks held together by magic. There is not a lot to them" He waved it off dissmisively. "They are a pain since they always go in packs and are too patient to attack. Coupled with their mobility, they are annoying to me."
>>69738"Oh, I forgot. Well, just take the bottle and serve a glass already. He will wake up soon enough
>>69740I take the bottle and pour a glass.
>>69739I had over the drink.
"Must be hard going these days."
>>69740When I throw a pack at y'all they'll be at least as strong as Dire Wolves
>>69741"It can be, but a mare survives"
>>69742I continue to stare at my full glass.
"Have you ever considered writing before?"
>>69743"It never really seemed like my sort of thing"
>>69740"You've seen them, you say? I've never had the privilege of seeing one, although I've read about them." She seems almost giddy, despite having been bitten by a wolf just that morning
>>69745"Eh, I have never met them on "nice" conditions, so my view is a bit biased against them." Iron notices her glee when talking about animals. "Why do you care about those creatures, anyway?
>>69744"It's not for everypony I supose. Do try it if you ever get the chance. You might be glad you did."
>>69747"I'll see about it. What do you do?"
>>69748"Not much. I just roam around. I don't have anything anymore. I suppose that means nothing to hold me down as well, but I do miss what I had."
I think for a moment.
"Well... I have this drink now and the few bits to acquire it. So I guess it isn't all that bad."
>>69746"Oh, it's a bit complicated; although the truth I've always been fascinated in magical creatures. They're part of the magick of the landscape, and certainly worth appreciating. Timber wolves especially; creatures who are simultaneously both animals and plants.." The dragonmare says dreamily
>Druid reasonsI'm tempted to make a knowledge check, but it's unnecessary meta atm
>>69749"I see. I've been in a sort of similar situation these past few years. Depending on your talents, the government may be hiring."
>>69750"I see, you seek knowledge of these creatures. It is actually good. Knowing potential enemies is always good. To avoid it, maybe kill it, or maybe even convince it not to attack." Iron nods "But do you think you are safe when doing that? I do not see you defending yourself very well." He looks at the stiches "I can still see the large chunk of flesh that was hurt, even with the stiches."
>>69752The eternal eavesdropper runs over from the bar
"You didn't seem interested in learning about communists, but you took the 200 bits anyways"
>>69752"Oh, it wouldn't be the first time I needed to defend myself after getting slightly too curious. Defending others.. well, that requires precautions."
>>69752"As for the stitches.. They're only temporary."
>>69751"No... I won't work for any government anymore. That was a mistake."
>>69756"Too bad." She takes a drink
>>69753"Of course." He nods "I only need to know they are weak and seek to increase their weakness." He raises his hoof. "They are looking to be put down."
>>69754"Your innocence and charm does not reflect that." Iron raised his eyebrows. "I never did ask your name, did I? Like I said to Skies, I am Iron."
>>69758"And yet knowing that a timberwolf is a magical dog isn't enough knowledge for you? Why the Double standard?"
>>69758The Shamanistic nun bows politely
"I go by the namesay of Sister Ash."
>>69757"Have you worked for the government, previous or current?"
>>69759"Like I said. They are weak. They pose no threat to me." Iron stands up "Timberwolves actually have some self respect to be considered dangerous and manage to live in the same environment as I do."
>>69760He picks her hoof up and kisses it. "A pleasure to meet you, Ash."
>>69761"You could say that I have"
>>69762"They do, you just don't know it yet. And I assure you the Communist has found its way to live anywhere"
>>69763"If you don't mind me asking, what work did you do?"
>>69763"These communists you speak of would never pass our trials to be considered as our kind." Iron laughs "They would rather cry about life being unfair instead."
>>69762*Steam whistles from ears*"Ah.. A p-pleasure to meet you too, M-Mr. Iron." The mare replies, a little too quickly
>>69765"Most of the younger ones probably wouldn't. That's true. the older ones, well some of them would have been like Elders in your village. You don't defeat a modern army by being weak, and you'd be amazed what the rebels of the ricefields of Prywhen could accomplish. Hell, you should have seen the ones from my old village. Communists are usually a cross section of the bottom of society with some of the high. Mostly worthless, and all scum, but some are strong."
>>69764"Shall we call it, 'intelligence gathering.'"
>>69767Glownigger detected
>>69767"Intellegnce... the problem is they gather all the wrong information. This war is testament to that."
>>69766Iron smiles "Likewise." He proceeds to sit back down next to her at a foreleg-length distance.
>>69767"We treat our elders with the outmost respect. I do not think they would try to change the tribe to communism just because they want the advantages they already have." Iron leans forward again. "So I doubt any existing elders would change our tribe for that. We also do not accept new stallions to join the tribe at all, as we know they might have conflicting ideals with ours. Only mares are allowed to join, which as you may have guessed, do not have power over how the tribe functions." Iron leans back "As for direct confrontation, we have the home advantage and are quite formidable in our environment."
>>69768Blue Skies doesn't
seem to be exuding any light at the moment, as least as is visible in the well lit room
>>69770"Don't assume you have already won before the battle begins. That was Celestia's folly, don't let it be yours."
[1d20+3 = 17]>>69771A significant NPC deserves a Sense Motive check.
Sister Ash eyes the mare, contemplating who she is exactly.
>>69771"I am sure your village was attacked from the inside instead of showing up with an army. That is why I said the first part."
Onyx walks down stairs back into the main area of the bar.
>>69774I pay for the glass I poured and tip one bit as before.
"There you are."
>>69774Iron achknowledges the coal pony's existence.
>>69772She is nervous about the events tonight, nervous in general about the future, frustrated that Dark Star left, and not quite satisfied by the new Stallion. You can tell she works for the Blackhooves, but whether she is more of a contractor or a true believer is harder to determine
>>69778"So, how are you, bartender?"
>>69779"Been better, yourself?"
>>69780"Definately been better myself, but dwelling on that doesn't fix it. What's your name by the way?"
>>69782"Shimmering Spark. It's nice to meet you."
Dark Star wakes with a start
"i need to stop drinking. i cant believe i forgot to get the rifle."
*Dark Star heads for the door*
>>69772There is indeed a door
If you had a rifle, it would be a bit of a challenge to carry through broad daylight without being noticed
>>69785"So, Onyx, huh? Why is your name that?"
>>69786Does it have a lock on the inside?
Wait, are we at the docks now?
>>69788"Er, really?"
Onyx finds a window to stand by, letting his coat shimmer a bit more.
>>69790No. Dark star is and only Dark star because he left for there
>>69789It can be unlocked from the inside through a fairly normal mechanism
>>69791"Never heard of the word. That is all. I suppose because you look like it."
>>69790Only Dark Star and Brie (maybe) are there, everyone else is at the tavern
>>69793Are there any windows on the wall close to the door?
>>69797i look out one of them
>>69798A truck is loaded across the street, but nopony is paying attention if that is what you are asking
>>69799i open the door and walk out then head back to the eastside
>>69800And such is done, and let us assume that you close the door on your way out
"A question, Ash. How does your tribe work? I never really heard any of your kind."
What time were they supposed to meet up?
>>69802Sorry, I had to step out.
>>69802"Well, that's a bit of an odd question. You've probably never heard of us because we come from off of the continent."
>>69807Iron motions to continue.
>>69808She gives him a perplexed look, as if she simply didn't understand the premise if the question
".. Well, I guess you could say we're a bit similar to dragons, if you've ever seen those before." She goes on, trying to straighten her mane
"But we still speak ponish where I come from, although the dialect is a bit different."
>>69809"I have only heard of dragons. The elders say it is bothersome to them to inhabit here since there is too much going on in there. I am not sure if even they saw them so take it with skepticism." Iron coughs. "But you did not answer my question. Do you not live with your fellow brethren in a tribe? If so, what was it like?"
>>69805If only there were one or more other characters with that information, and there were some way of transferring that knowledge from either of those characters to your own
>>69804Well, he is at the tavern if he likes
>uses rag to make the bar shine
>>69810"I actually haven't been with my tribe in year.. I gave myself to the temple many years ago, and haven't seen another of my kind since it a disbanded.."
>>69813She approaches
"working hard there?"
>>69812Dark Star walks through the Door looking more red than usual especially in his cheeks
>>69816Blue Skies takes notice "Well Hello. What did you find out?"
>>69814Iron suddenly looks hurt. "I cannot imagine the pain you must feel for not being with your kind, Ash. How are you coping with this?"
>>69815"More like hardly working"
>>69817"Uh well i found an abandoned building that could be useful."
>>69819She laughs at the joke, which is much fresher in the 1940ish environment than in the modern day
"Are you one of those Dark Star recruited?"
>>69820"I see. Do you have a general plan?"
>>69818"Well.. when you train for as long as I do.. you'll find that you don't need things to stay content.." she says, although her eyes betray a sense of regret
>>69824The sorcerer listens in.
>>69821"Nah, I just work here. I may come but I haven't decided for sure."
>>69824"Alright, let's hear it"
>>69826"What talents do you have, besides getting yourself detained by police?"
>>69823Iron nods. "I understand." He looks at the dark red stallion. "I guess it may be time to finish up this talk."
>>69828"I'm ready to leave when you are.." she says, fidgeting a bit
>>69827"Uh, I'm good with my hanlberd and fixing it up if need be. But in the war I hauled around the artillery."
>>69829Iron smiles. "Do not worry, focus on your magic. I will cover you." He heads to the dark red stallion.
>>69827"Well Depending on where they are and what they are doing when we show up. I was thinking of Saying i recruited some Party members which will be you lot. and our friend brie will check out their building for us to see it they have any illegal items that we could use against them when the fighting starts."
>>69831"Hey there big fella. Whats up?"
>>69830"I see. How are you with a gun?"
>>69832I think it's not terribly likely they will just leave expensive in caches, that is unless of course they are transporting them
>>69832"Alright, what are you planning to do tonight?"
>>69834"Basically. we just need to wait on Brie."
>>69835"Which they may be doing, and on the chance theres nothing brie can stab them in the backs while we are shooting at them."
>>69837Iron huffs, then rechecks to see if he has his two armors and spiked gauntlets equipped to pass time.
>>69837"Okay, so will you infiltrate first and see what they are planning?"
>>69839"Yes, the rest Could Wait back at the abandoned Building. Maybe i could bring a few of you with me. like you
>>69840"While I do want to be punching these weaklings, I thought this was a sneaky operation, and I am not that good at stealth. Are you sure about that?"
>>69835Onyx shurgs
"I'm best suited to carbines, but I don't like guns"
>>69840"Well, I want to give you some advice in doing this. The Communists don't know who any of you are, which naturally is why you were selected to do this rather than our own police. You specifically have been seen attending at least one communist meeting, and maybe some of them will recognize you. The others will not be recognized as hostile, but security will probably not let them in if they don't know who they are and can't bluff. They will probably have sentries and door guards. Radios are as big as backpacks, so they won't be communicating to each other except by shouting or running back and forth. Guns are loud, very very loud, so don't use one until you absolutely have to. Try to get some ranged silent weapons as well.
>>69841"Can you keep silent while another guy tries to pass you off as a communist? If they don't know you mean them harm, they may let you right in. But they may also not let in anyone they don't know."
>>69842She looks at his butt. "Can you pass yourself off as a communist?"
>>69843"Uh. I don't know. Never tried"
>>69843"Well, when you put it like that, then sure I can."
>>69841"While some parts of the mission in sneaking, the other parts are trying to convince them we are their friends. and when im in the timber wolfs den i would like someone that is good at kicking ass."
>>69843"That all seems accurate to me, but then again id like to have some back up in there. What like a crossbow?"
>>69847"Alright, I will follow you."
>>69844"Can you stand silently as another guy talks?"
>>69847"A crossbow would work very well, yes"
>>69846"Are you in with us missy?"
>>69847"Yes, that'll work, although now that I think about it, they will see that you have those if you go in with those. Maybe under a huge jacket, or if you have an excuse for having weapons. The same rule applies for any large weapon."
>>69849"Yes." The Kirin replies
>>69849"If not a crossbow what would you suggest?"
>>69852"I guess it's kind of a question of how you want to deal with the guards. Do you want every pony to go inside? Some to go inside and some to stay behind and then attack sentries with crossbows? Can you bluff your way into the building with crossbows? Can you hide them under clothing?"
>>69853"option B sounds like the best approach to me."
>>69854"Alright, just ask everypony if they need equipment and set up a plan. I think your bartender needs armor by the way"
>>69855"And where would you suggest I get armor considering I can barely buy food?"
>>69855"I remember there is an armory named Jungle Rush near the mission area. We can go there if he accepts."
>>69856*throws over the second piece of armor i bought*
"When was that bat supposed to get back?" The Kirin says, a little impatiently
>>69858>>69856And Onyx now has an Airman's Flak Jacket. +4 AC and no real drawbacks. It looks like a green vest on an otherwise naked pony
>>69857"Is there anything you wish to acquire?"
>>69860"Oh no, I have everything right here." He pats his two hides and gauntlets.
>>69858Onyx looks at the jacket at his hooves
"Thank you, seriously."
>>69862"its not a problem."
>>69859*Sweeping intensifies*
"It should be time to go soon..."
>>69861Is my wolf and bear hides two separate armors or is it one double-layered armor?
>>69864"I agree. When shall we leave?"
Last call for weapons requisitions.
Blue skies: “we have an armory if you need to borrow something”
>>69867"May I take a look?"
"Iron and Shimmering Spark come with me and the rest of you stay behind and then attack sentries with crossbows."
>>69868"It's under lock and key, we don't let persons unknown to the organization inside. I would fetch an item"
>>69867"Any halberds of better quality than mine? I don't mind fixing it up a lot, but I'd prefer not having to do it in battle."
>>69867"were gonna need some crossbows."
>>69869"One moment."
>>69870"Got a dagger I could borrow?"
>>69873"I've got one right here on my pony"
She pulls a dagger out of her bag
>>69871"I don't believe that we have any magical ones, if that is what you are asking"
>>69869"Murder is still illegal. But if the investigation were to be taken away from the Baltimare Police and handled by the Governate, well... let's say certain details can be 'overlooked.'"
>>69874"Nah, just one that isn't gonna fall apart at too much pressure"
>>69867The mare is silent for several Monet's before speaking up
"... Do you have any bronzewood? Or shields?"
>>69875"Well, I could I guess. Do you want a gun in case things get loud?"
>>69874"I appreciate your help."
I take the dagger.
"And I will see this returned to you."
>>69874"that seems interesting."
>>69876"I could certainly acquire one for you. Could you be more specific?"
>>69880"Anything that isn't synthetic would be fine, although I could use a some barding."
>>69881"We only have New Mareland models, so for the love of whatever deity you worship,
don't lose it"
>>69882"Hmmm.... I must admit I'm only familiar with Nylon Flak jackets and steel plates. If you name something I could ask for it"
>>69884"Got any wood or leather back there?"
>>69885"We have leather Jackets that are dense enough to serve as body armor, and would the wood be for a shield?"
>>69887"Yes, if you could spare."
After a 'brief' stop at his 'residence' to nom another kiwi can't be pulling a mission on low blood sugar, the batpone approaches the docks from a high altitude, slow descent
>>69865It's two distinct sets of armor, I would count it as Hide armor +3 AC
>>69888>>69886>>69873>>69869"Anything else?"
>>69890If I put both of them on, then it is +6 AC then?
>>69890"Do you have a small, quiet handgun by any chance?"
>>69890"...A club? Preferably a big one."
>>69893>handgunJust realized
>>69889Oh dear, it looks like they already want to start
>>69892The rules say no stacking of armor effects. I would be more inclined to stack if one set were steal and another hide, but I think with armors that are identical in type they only count once
>>69894"Police batton, got it"
>>69893"The words 'quiet' and 'hoofgun' do not belong together in the same sentence without a negative qualifier"
>>69899I shrug
"Whatever hoofgun you can find will be ok."
>>69899Got it"I am ready."
>>69899I'm just getting in position for when we do start, but note I have a significant head-start over everyone else and hopefullly they'll remember that my job is to see what the situation is and report back so they don't get killed for being dumbasses
>>69899>Synthetic material"I think I'll just take this broom..."
>>69902"I think I'm ready too."
Blue Skies flies off. An hour later, she returns with a Carbine, a set of thick leather, a wooden shield, a halberd, a police batton, a revolver, and a shotgun
>>69895She gives him a revolver
"This thing is NOT silent, do
>>69636not fire it until things are loud"
>>69905"Too late." She hands her a Police Baton. It's an older, larger club made out of Wood. She hands over a set of leather armor and a shield
>>69903Early in the day Brie can see
>>69636. It was in use at the time. Come nightfall, the workers go home, but ponies hold position at various points in that area and south along the docks
>>69896"Here is an Artillerymare's Carbine. Seriously, don't leave this behind"
>>69904She hands him a Lupara Break Action Shotgun and 10 shells
>>69907"I understand. I should be ready now."
Alright, lets's assume for the sake of argument that you all go to the docks. The area is as it is described in
>>69636. Study that description.
At sunset, a few ponies are moving up, forward into the groups of buildings. Some stand outside. Several are in the Union Hall, which has a light on inside
>>69911"Red and Black were seen going to the docks at 7PM on those occasions. That is when ponies would be arriving. You can go before or after that point"
>>69911"I am ready to follow orders." He is standing close to Ash as promised.
>>69912"We Should head over about 7:15"
Batpone is entering the mission equipped with his unvetoed masterwork lockpicks, a crow-bar, and his 18 unvetoed masterwork throwing daggers.
>>69916"St-standing by as well." Sister Ash meeps, contemplating just what the fuck she was thinking
>>69919*Thinking when she decided to do this
>>69917And thus, it is so. By 7:15 the only ponies outside are a few before each building. There are two trucks in the truck lot with lights on
>>69918Where is he stationed
>>69919He pats her head. "It is going to be okay. Breathe in and out and you will be fine. I shall stand by your side."
>>69921>>69922Blue whispers "I think dark star wanted you to go forward with him and Ash to stay in the back"
>>69922*Coughs a smoke ring*
>>69923"I suppose it is the dark red stallion there." Before leaving he looks at Ash. "Do not worry, Ash. We shall succeed." He then positions himself behind Dark Star.
>>69921Overhead, waiting to see if anything occurs while his allies begin their approach
>>69925"Go on then.." she replies, clutching her broom
>>69926What kind of overhead?
>>69909>>69925"Lets go colts"
*walks towards the trucks*
>>69929I follow behind cautiously.
>>69928The kind of slow descent where if someone became alarmed for some reason he could dive in their direction to silence them, but otherwise observe for the least populated spot to land and begin infiltration, generally trending toward the union hall
>>69929I stay like 100 feet away and pretend to be an innocent bystander.
One Truck is empty. The other truck has a pony in it who is distracted. Both have engine and headlight on
>>69932You're damned lucky it's after sunset and you have a dark coat because flying is the least stealthy conceivable act besides fire and explosives. Three ponies before each warehouse, and two before the rolling mill are seen
>>69933A pony comes out of the union hall and speaks to Ash. "Are you lost?"
>>69934"Well, you could say that.." she says, gripping her broom nervously
"How are you this evening?"
>>69934I wouldn't try it during the day
Is the Union Hall clear? Cuz he was heading to the least populated place (not just that, he has suspicions)
>>69929>>69930>>69931See the first line of
>>69934>>69935For future reference, even at night you are visible at shorter distances
>>69937"What are you doing here mam?" The stallion asks her
>>69938No, it has ponies inside. None on the roof though
>>69934"Hey, this is the place right?"
>>69939I still follow Dark Star, looking back at Ash's location, seeing how she fares.
>>69939"Oh, just, looking for an aquaintance of mine.. Haven't heard from her yet though." She continue
>>69942If you were responding to the pony who questioned Ash, he came out of the Union hall and talked to her. She is 100 ft away across the street. You went to the Trucks
>>69944"Who are you looking for?"
>>69946"I see. What is her name?" At this point, a small colt runs out.
Hey, I know you
>>69936! You decided to join us after all! It's Ollie, the colt who asked you to go to the Soup Kitchen
>>69945you said there was some ponies by the truck right?
>>69947Wait the commie fucker?
>>69949No, only one pony in one of the two trucks
>>69950Yes, the Communist Colt. He recognizes you
>>69943>>69942The pony in the truck responds
"I'm sorry, I'm just here to pick up some cargo"
>>69952"You've joined us! The little colt is overjoyed. "Oh, I see you brought weapons for the revolution! Unfortunately that doesn't begin for a while now.
The little colt is sad, but then "I'm glad that you're here though! And you brought friends!"
>>69941Goddammit, aiming for an overhead descent on the tallest building then.
>>69947Sister Ash turns away a bit, nervously.
".. Umm, everyone knew her as.. Sage..."
>>69954Onyx's good eye is twitching.
>>69947Sister Ash turns away a bit, nervously.
".. Umm, everyone knew her as.. Sage..."
>>69953"Yea i thought this is where the workers are. i brought some friends that want to join."
>>69954Ash seems eager to change the subject
"Hello little one. What's your name?"
>>69955He can fly off to the top of the foundry, 60 ft above ground and 100 if he wants to go to the top of a smoke stack. The flight is doable without being seen
>>69956"Hmmm, a sage. I don't think she is here." The little colt interjects "she's a friend of the Coal pony over here"
>>69957"Excellent! Well, don't let me stop you from going forward. The leaders didn't want me in the main meeting tonight"
>>69959"Oh I'm sorry sir, I don't know what is going on with the Dockworker's Union or whatever is going on"
>>69961Onyx looks at the ones surrounding him
>>69961Yeah, make like batman and land at the highest point and then descend from their either by glided jumps or silent climbing, taking a 10 on every check (21 cuz 10+11 modified)
>>69961"oh thanks."
*Walks towards the union building*
>>69960"Hello! My name is Ollie! Would you like to join the Revolution?"
You recognize this colt as one of the ones taken from the orphanage
>>69963Do you wish to stay at the top, or go down further. If you wish to go down, where do you wish to go down?
>>69964You can see that Ash and Onyx are talking to a colt and a Stallion
>>69962Onyx heads on in then.
>>69964Of course, Iron follows.
>>69966"hey comrades,i got some friends here. motions to iron and spark "they want to join up with us."
>>69967>>69964>>69968>>69969When you enter, you see two stallions besides the colt
One of them asks "Are you late for the meeting?"
>>69966Approach slowly from above to maximize sneak and/or flank (sneak) attacks with emphasis on stealth. Aiming for stealth kills.
>>69965"That's a big word. Have you been here for a long time?" She impores, completely dodging the question, as she draws a peppermint out of her pocket and gives it to him (you know how childless women are)
>>69969I stick behind Dark Star, still holding onto the full drink from the bar.
>>69970"yea sorry we are late, we had to clean up the caltrops from in front of the door."
>>69970"Am I late? Sorry"
[2d20 = 19]
Rolling for the first necessary stealth attack. +9 modded, +x for ninja sneakiness (determined by 2nd roll)
>>6997613 on the initial stealth attack roll, and a 18 (+3 dex) on the stealth
>>69972"Ay! Are you from that orphanage? Nasty princess worshipers sold some of us to the Gang to try to pay bills. When they took us in town I managed to kick one of the ganaster's in the haunch. I was homeless for a week till a soup kitchen took me in. Nice stallions told me why poverty exists, and why orphans exist.
You know, those stingy mares at the nunnery wouldn't even let me have a second helping of porridge? And you know they wanted to pawn some of us off to the Fascists as well? As if it weren't enough that the fascists took my parents"
He starts to cry
"It's okay though, because we are creating a world where no one is poor, where everyone has all the food they could want, and where everypony is family"
>>69974"They are over there"
>>69976Who are you attacking?
>>69976Are you roleplaying a schizophernic bat for real?
>>69979*Hugs poner*
"Shhhhhhhhhhhh.. don't fret now.."
>>69981The little colt is hugged and somewhat comforted, crying
>>69979*heads in that direction*
>>69982*Pats his back*
"You don't need a reason to cry.. Just let it out."
Onyx watches the scene unfold, shifting from hoof to hoof.
>>69983>>69980He motioned to the East, which would be further in the direction of the docks
>>69984He cries and starts to calm down a little
>>69986I think every character is in the Union hall except the bat and the pegasus, who have both vanished
>>69986I am with Dark Star and this other fellow. Brie is attacking the air and Onyx is next to you somewhat.
>>69980You noticed?
>>69979Attacking the first necessary stealth kill he comes across. He got a 19 on his stealth roll, +8 for his move silently and hide (pick one) and +3 for dex on both. so he could slip by undetected, but if he does decide to attack, that's his roll (modified 11 + stealth bonus)
>>69986To your left
Or is it right?
>>69989I don't think that is how it works, even though I am new here.
>>69987*Walks towards the docks*
>>69989I mean, what? I'm confused. From the top of the Foundry he can see two ponies standing outside the door of the rolling mill, 150 ft from that are two outside the dry goods warehouse, and there are three in front of the barrel-storage facility. If he means to attack the air, yes. The air is kill
>>69991Perhaps not, but if it is how it works, those are the dice rolls I imagine would come into play. Its GM's choice
>>69992Iron keeps following.
>>69992>>69992>>69994Dark star advances towards the docks. He can see three ponies in front of the liquid goods warehouse
>>69996*walks up to the ponies*
"Hey Comrades,is this the place?"
>>69987This poner has obviously been deprived of hugs.
Reminder that all poners deserve hugs.
*Hugging intensifies*
"There, there.." she coos, carressses his back
"It's okay to cry.. You're hurt, I can feel it."
>>69998The colt's attitude has warmed significantly
>>69997The three ponies don't react to the statement.
"You need to step away from this building"
>>69999"Were here to join up."
>>69999>>70000The dice gods will save us from disaster! It is a miracle!
>>70003The two stallions and one Zebra mare respond
"I'm not sure what you are talking about, but you need to leave'
>>69999She pats him on the back for a few more minutes
(although it's a bit unclear whether it's for his comfort or her own stuff this point)"Have you been all alone here by yourself?"
[1d20+9 = 25]
Sooooo, making a second stealth attack roll
>>70005Iron has a deadpan expression on his face.
>>70006"No, I told you, the Communist Brotherhood took me in"
>>70007Congratulations, you hit the 70007
>>70009Here's the thing. The outer/upper-most guards are the most isolated. Brie will assume they're expendable and a liability. He will kill them slowly like it was a playstation ninja game, using close-ranged, thrown dagger sneak attacks to stealth-kill his way in. Hopefully no one sees him (good stealth roll)
[1d20+6 = 24]>>70008*looks at Iron*
>>70005"look, im with the party alright. Affordable Care Mentioned the Docks to me today."
>>70009"What about your friends? What happened to them?" She asks, with geniune concern
>>70007Brie keeps stabbing the air like a madpony, obviously having a pyschotic attack because he only eats mangos. He foams his mouth and does ten loops only to crash into one of the trucks, instantly tearing the truck in half, carving a straight line through concrete, sinks the Titanic and bounces on the water about twenty times. He finally stops when he crashes into a mango tree, which makes him calm himself down and recover his senses.
>>70009Seriously GM, you should clarify this small issue if it's going to cause problems
>>70011Well, I haven't specified any up guards, but while we are on the subject, it does look like there are two guards on the roof top of the Rolling mill. Here's the thing though. They are on the opposite side of the mill from the side where the entrance is located, at least 150 feet away. They are looking out to sea
>>70012"You must be lost. I don't think this is the place you are looking for"
>>70013"My friends are here at the docks tonight. Well, some of them are. Not everypony could join us tonight to see the first step towards the revolution"
>>70016Iron is clearly annoyed.
>>70016*Pets poner some more*
"Revolution... Sounds like you have quite the party planned."
>>70017It's at this point, that the Zebramare comes forward
"Iron? Is that you? What are you doing here?"
It's none other than Black Cauldron, as if you hadn't already guessed that
>>70018"Well I'm not really the one who planned it"
>>70019Iron's eyes widen. "Cauldron, what are you doing here?"
[1d20+6 = 21]>>70019"oh wow you know iron too? i met him at the bar today and told him all about the joys of communism"
>>70019*Brushes mane*
"You're a big colt.." she is now kneeling on all four legs, in a lying position
"Are your friends waiting for you?"
>>70021Nice roll
>>70020>>70021The sorcerer has been watching this unfold with a look of confusion.
>>70020"I'm guarding a shipment of smuggled goods. Guard work can be boring, but it pays. Not as much last night though."
>>70021"Uh, okay. That's good I guess. I like that the communists pay attention to the lower class and the working mare, though they seem a little far out there though. I don't pay that much attention to politics"
>>70022"No, they are doing their thing. The Stallions didn't want me involved in what was going down on the docks so they kept me up here"
>>70023The Sorcerer is unmolested
>>70024"Awww. So you're all alone here? That's not nice at all. A colt like you should be out playing with his friends."
(Yeah, she has a terrible case of childless mare syndrome)
>>70025"No, I'm with these two"
He points to both Stallions
They are looking at Ash kind of strangely
>>70025Onyx decides the two made three aren't going anywhere quick and sits down.
>>70024"Oh, sorry. I was just surprised to see you here too. I am here accompanying this fellow stallion here since he wants to show me 'the wonder of communism', he did beat me to a hoofwrestle, so at least he is strong enough to respect."
>>70028"Uh, I guess you must be late for whatever is going on over there, in that building." She points to the rolling mill. "I didn't think anypony could beat you in a hoof wrestle"
>>70026She nods towards them in acknowledgement, but pays them little mind.
>>70029"thanks for the directions."
*Dark Star Heads towards the mill*
>>70029"I thought so too. I think I had a bad day when the wrestling started." Iron looks towards Dark Star "Well, if you are ready to show me the light? Let us go inside."
>>70027One of the Stallions asks Onyx
"Why the weapon?"
>>70031He is able to get to the mill, where he sees two guards outside the door. They say nothing until he approaches.
"You are?"
>>70033Iron is getting tired of all this pointless waiting.
>>70034>>70034The colt interjects
"It's for the revolution, comrade. The Bourgeoisie will not relinquish their control on the means of production without violence"
>>70036>>70034He continues
"We've been over this"
>>70033"Im Here for the meeting. i brought some Friends that are interested in joining."
>>70039"Have you attended a Communist meeting before and where?"
>>70040"i saw Golden Delicious Speak yesterday, and i went to Affordable Cares meeting last night."
>>70041"I see. We'll try to verify that."
One of them goes inside and eventually brings out a mare, who you don't remember seeing but maybe you did
"Yes, he was there."
"Alright, you may go in"
>>70028>>70031>>70023When you step through the door, you will see that there is to your left, a sort of machine shop. To your right is a door, and a flight of stairs. In front of you the Building opens up to a very high ceiling. there are a crowd of ponies and griffons in the center. No pony is watching your current position.
>>70038The pony is pet
>>70034"How long have you been a Communist?" one of the stallions asks
>>70042Is the colt still there?
>>70042*walks over to the crowd*
>>70044Still in her hooves. Why would he leave?
>>70046Just making sure.
*Cradles poner*
>>70045Iron still follows, relieved that they finally entered.
>>70042I look around and bring the glass closer to my side, not wanting anypony else to steal it.
>>70045I reluctantly follow.
[1d20-3 = -5]>>70043"Oh, probably a month now."
>>70050Oh wow. Even I don't have such low charisma.
>>700515 Charisma
It sucks worse than it sounds it would.
>>70048>>70045>>70049There are many ponies and griffons in the crowd. You see a mare speaking. She is the same mare as from the night before who introduced Affordable Care. In the crowd, you see the Black Griffon from the Dossier.
The mare speaking tells the crowd
"We are taking action against the Fascists! Tonight, comrades, our ship lands tonight. We are importing arms to use against the fascists"
>>70050He looks at you really skeptically
>>70046"You said you managed to make it here after escaping the gang?"
[1d20-3 = -7]>>70055"Alright fine... A week"
>>70056"No, I was homeless for a while. They took me in off the street"
>>70057"That's slightly less unconvincing"
>>70055"We did come a bit late it seems." Iron looks to the griffon.
>>70058*Hugs poner*
"That must have been. So frightening. I can't imagine what the other foals are going through right now."
>>70060*I said that to Dark Star, not the griffon.
[1d20-3 = -6]>>70059"Alright you got me"
Onyx hangs his head
"I joined the other day"
>>70060*Dark star Whipsers to iron*
"Yea, lucky us, just go along with whatever they say."
>>70064>>70066>>70060The vast door behind the mare is open.
"My Fellow workers of the world, it is time we train to take up arms for the revolution. And to that end we have secured shipments of rifles to come in, more than a thousand. Many will stay here in Baltimare when the time comes, but many will be shipped down south. That is where we shall start. A war in the Jungle to slowly bleed the fascists dry. Only later do we strike the heart, here in Baltimare."
>>70063He looks at you very unconvinced
[10d10 = 41]>>70065KEEP ROLLING?
>>70069This. Is so. Sad. Can we get a (You) for the man?
>>70069wow just wow, none over 10
>>70058>>70061Does he respond?
[1d20-3 = -9]>>70068Onyx sighs and flops down
"Fine, tonight would have been when I joined. By I didn't wanna be the new guy on the block."
>>70070>>70071He used a d10 for each
[1d20+6 = 25]>>70074>>70068"DEATH TO THE FASCISTs!"
>>70061he sniffles
"They are probably being exploited by those criminals, those Lumpenproletariat gansters who do all sorts of horrible things. I bet none of them get extra porridge. Maybe it's better than the rest of the foals, sent over to the Fascists who will slowly brainwash them"
>>70073He's just a little less unconvinced
>>70074Oh, read the dice wrong. Still sad though.
>>70075Iron just stands there, since he cannot show his spiked gauntlets, lest he garners too much attention. He does nod to pretend he agrees.
>>70075>>70079Ponies in the crowd join in the cheering
"Death to the Fascists!"
They pause for the chant
When it ceases, the mare adds
"But we have more than just rifles coming in tonight. We have secured the help of foreign Advisers. Special Forces captains who will help us to fight our revolution. They are well educated and well experienced. They have fought in revolutions before. And they will teach us how to fight Guerrilla wars, in jungles and in cities. They will teach us how to win"
>>70078"Sir, why are you here?"
>>70076"Are you discriminating against me because of my disability? Am I not good enough for the party?"
>>70081"What disability?"
>>70076She nuzzles his shoulder to calm him down
"Children deserve better.. Can you tell, where did you last see them?"
>>70082"Hmmm, so the party is all inclusive. Good to hear, pretend it doesn't even exist. Good stallion"
>>70080Iron just watches on. He jots down to tell the elders about the attacks later, when his maturity trial was over.
>>70080The sorcerer still watches everything unfold, with confusion. He stares into his drink for a moment, then back to the others to see what to do.
>>70076*Pets poner some more*
>>70083"They took us all to a building by the north shore. It must have been a factory or something. Maybe they put fish in cans, I don't know. But they were taking us together and I kicked the one carrying me and I ran"
>>70084He is confused
>>70080>>70085"The Fascists have been trying to gain favor with the Ponies of the Tenochtitlan, particularly the Nuethual and Xiopilli tribes, by building road ways, railways, and providing education. Fascist Education. If they get a base down south, that will prevent us from making a base here. We must stop this, both by infiltration and demoralizing the tribes, and by making attacks on the railways to halt their construction. We shall disguise ourselves as natives so as to direct hatred towards the natives, and stop the industrialists of the North from gaining favor with them. The Natives will fall into our fold, but only if the Fascists and the Capitalists Fail. We must also make attacks on their supply of rubber which they use for their war effort"
>>70088The pony is pet more, and wags his tail
>>70087Dark Star looks at spark and whispers
"hold on."
>>70089"So when does the meeting start?"
>>70091"It started more than an hour ago"
>>70089The mare's brow curls at the mention of human traffickers, but softens as she continues petting the colt.
"Thank you..."
>>70092"Damn it, I thought I may have been late"
>>70089Hm, that seems way more problematic than before. Maybe he should head back down after this mission. Needless war could cause the destruction of his home and he was not going to let that happen. Damn weaklings, can't fight on their own and relies on others to do it.
>>70089>We shall disguise ourselves as natives so as to direct hatred towards the natives, and stop the industrialists of the North from gaining favor with them. The Natives will fall into our fold, but only if the Fascists and the Capitalists Fail.This is the most Jew tier shit I've ever heard (in faction that is; real life is worse).
Okay, while my character is preoccupied letting estrogen run to her head, I'm going to turn in for the night.
Goodnight fellas
Hmmm, I'm wondering how far we should proceed
>>70100Honestly, we should call for the night. It seems that every player should be here since this is pretty important.
>>70101There's still more set up before it's practical to start action
>>70102As long as Dark Star or the sorcerer fellow don't leave, then it should be okay to flesh out this pre-action phase.
>>70103Sorcerer fellow will be here for a while longer. What ever you decide is fine by me.
>>70105>>70104Alright, I say we get to the action you speak of.
>>70107I give Dark Star a look of 'what do we do now?'
>>70108Iron looks a bit troubled.
>>70108>>70109DarkStar looks rather calm
"Alright every pony, and now, for the guests of the night. The advisors."
Through the door, you can see a light of a small motor boat approach what you guess is the shore line. It stops, and after a minute of silence, a pony walks through the door. In this time, a set of ponies to try to play what seems to be a communist song, none other than
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U06jlgpMtQsThis pony is a Unicorn Mare, with dark red hair and a cream colored coat, a color scheme similar to Rose from the show. Her cutie mark is visible as two hooves pressed against each other, and she wears a green uniform with a red belt. She wears glasses, and has strapped over her back a PPSh-41 Submachinegun, although you can see that the magazine is not in the gun.
The speaker waits for a decent moment to stop the music, then says "Our first adviser here is named Lavender Marecuse. She is sent to us by the Worker's Council of Stalliongrad. She is a graduate of the Comintern School in Saint Petershoof, where she studied military tactics, strategy, Markist-lemmonism philosophy, and weaponized magic. She is a Mage in her own right, and as a fillie studied abroad in the Canterlot School for Gifted Unicorns. She has had experience organizing Socialist uprisings in Hellquill and briefly in Brantbeak. She is now here to help us in our revolutionary struggle."
The speaker stands aside, and Marecuse moves up. She has a sort of magnetism to her, and you can see why ponies would follow her. She says, in a thick foriegn accent. "Comrades, fellow Workers of the World, that the proletarian should rise is the innevitable course of history. We here today are a part of that course of history, and I have been sent to you to help bring it about. You proud worlers of Baltimare have the will. And tonight on our ship we are bringing in weapons. But will and weapons are not enough. You need to know how to use these weapons to bring about your liberation. And thatis what I am here to teach you"
>>70107>>70109Sorry, it's a lot of typing. I have another one of these to do as well
>>70108>>70111*Dark Star turns to Shimmering Spark and whispers*
"Go tell Blue."
>>70112I nod and head back out the door and toward the tavern.
>>70109>>70110Marecuse steps aside, and the former speaker continues
"Our next and last adviser for the time being is also with us here tonight. His name is Ho Redclaw. Redclaw was a born to a humble pastoral family in what was then Brodfield. He saw firstclaw the oppression the Griffon nobles placed upon the common Griffon. At the very beginning of the Revolution, he joined the Griffin's Liberation Army, and fought against the Reactionaries in the Marshes, Jungles, and Rice fields of Prywhen as the workers established their state, and he fought again in the Mountains of Black Hollow. He is an expert in the art of Guerrilla Warfare in hostile environments
Through the door walks a giant Griffon with rust colored feathers. He too wears a green uniform, albeit one of a different make and style, as well as a green cap. His right eye is somewhat closed by eyelids that don't open fully, as if there is swelling on either side from a scar from an injury that was not quite enough to destroy the eye. He has a rifle on his back, and he holds in his right claw a Machete, although he has a perfectly good scabbard for it on his side. This is a
very big bird. Very strong looking, and he could certainly take quite a many hits. You'd wonder how he could fly if his wings weren't so massive. He dwarfs the petite mare next to him. he has no anthem, and when he speaks, he too has a sort of magnetism to him. You can see why many have followed him before
"They tell me you have jungles and marshlands here. And they tell me that you have enemies of the common folk who need cutting down" He aims out his machete, and pulls in his lower beak in such a way that it appears to be a grin. "I've cut down many an enemy of the people in my years. And I can show you how too. I tell you, there is no education that can replace experience of having done it yourself, but I can guide you in your revolution. These capitalists are weak. The fascists are stronger, but they too shall fall"
>>70112Before she left earlier, Blue Skies said that she was occupied in her own tasks
>>70112>>70114dark star would have said then "Go to the headquuarters and tell sea breeze"
>>70114Iron admires the griffon for a bit. He wonders why he would join such a faction full of weaklings when he had the strength to achieve greatness himself. Then he sees the rifle and his admiration wanes for a bit. He really hoped his claw cut as sharp as his tongue.
>>70116I assure you, he would be happy to test it with Iron
>>70115>>70117If there isn't anything stopping me... then I head toward the headquarters
>>70118Your orders were to try to stop the event yourself, and then relay the information to headquarters. Do you want to tell Blue Skies that you let them get away?
>>70118Oh wait, that's Shimmer spark
>>70117While I would jump to the opportunity for a 1v1, I think the mob would eat Iron up.
>>70119I technically didn't get orders and just was told to come along, but if you don't want me to, I won't.
>>70119i thought the mission was to hold them until the reserves got here?
>>70111>>70114>>70121>>70118The speaker quickly says, "They will stay here for another 20 minutes as we unload their ship, then all will be sent to various secure and secret locations before Coastal Patrol takes notice"
>>70123That could work, if a commotion brings in Federal Police. Dark Star just needs it to look like the police didn't know they were there
>>70118As Shimmering Spark tries to leave, he runs into none other than Blue Skies in the crowd, towards the back
"I see all of this. There's a set of rooms upstairs and gangways over the main floor if you missed those"
>>70124I nod and return to the others to tell them.
>>70121>>70123I whisper
"Your friend is here. She said to check the rooms upstairs and gangways."
>>70126"Alright. Where to first, leader?" he whispered to Dark Star.
>>70126Dark Star whispers back
"Friend? Blue?"
>>70127"lets check the rooms"
>>70128"Go. I will follow."
>>70127>>70128The Stairs, as mentioned before, are right at the entrance, to the right. They are straight and could very comfortably allow one pony to go up, but to place two ponies abreast on the stair would be very cramped. Effectively the stairs allow only one pony to go up or down at a time. This leads to a hallway upstairs. There is a door down on the far right end that is already open and be seen to exit down a gangway. There are three other rooms on the side of the hallway that faces the mill floor
>>70130*Goes up the stairs and looks into the open room*
>>70131Iron keeps following
>>70131Well, the first door opens just to a gangway that basically goes from one end of the building to the other overtop of the mill floor. the second door opens to a conference room which has chairs, tables, and massive windows that overlook the floor
>>70124"If it takes 45 minutes to move those crates, so be it, but they absolutely
must be out before Coastal Patrol makes their rounds"
>>70134Iron perks his head up. He decides to go where the sound of ponies talking about crates and slowly peek through any opening while being discreet.
>>70133Goes out on the gangway
>>70135It's the mare speaking in the center of the floor, talking to another pony. Out of reach, unfortunately
>>70136Dark star has a view over the floor from the side, seeing the crowd and the two advisers
>>70136Iron regroups with Dark Star on said gangway.
>>70138>>70136>>70139He can see that there is actually a central gangway that goes over top of a sort of crane that extends the length of the mill, with a hook that could move and descend to pick up pipes
>>70139DarkStar whispers
"this is a pretty good vantage point.we cant let these ponies leave obviously, how do you feel about wiping them out?"
>>70130So... can the third door be opened?
>>70141Iron smiles. "I feel good about it." He decides to see how many ponies/griffons are in this area.
>>70142There are two more doors to open, actually
>>70143Beneath you, only about 36 besides the speaker, the advisors, and a few in and out
>>70144Iron frowns. "We may need to explore more. See if there are other terrain advantages."
>>70144I try to open the first of the two doors.
>>70145>>70141"However, I can ambush anyone that tries to reach this place if that is your intention."
>>70146When he opens it, he sees two ponies
"I don't think you're supposed to be up here" they say to him
>>70145>>70147"Colt i wish i would have requisitioned some explosives.,that seems like a good idea. lets try to find all the exits and block them."
>>70149"Sure thing." Iron looks for obstacles to block the exits, being as stealthy as possible.
>>70150Dark Star does the same
[1d20+11 = 14]>>70148I hold up my drink and pretend to be drunk.
"M-My apol... apologies. I may have had o-one too many."
+11 due to maxed out bluff skill (+8) and 16 cha (+3)
>>70150>A giant fighter>StealthyHe makes loud clinging noises as he goes down the gangway
>>70152They nod
"remember to drink plenty of water comrade"
>>70151The skinny blue-white pegasus approaches Dark Star, and he did not hear her coming
"Do you see that gun the battle mage has on his back? That's death to any creature that does not have cover, and there is no cover here. Don't attack him from here so long as he still has ammo unless you've got a rogue or someone who could take him down very quickly. And didn't you recruit more ponies? The three of you may not be enough"
>>70154R-r00d, I have +1 in move silently
>>70154"Yea i was thinking of getting them to come in."
>>70156So can I have that or is it out of the question and should relocate my skill points? Because I also spent on hide too just because it would be useful.
*sweats nervously*
>>70158I don't think that those are class skills, but in any event you could roll for those. It's a dexterity modifier, and your bear skin hide gives a -3 modifier
>>70157"Do you have a plan to get them, or should I fetch them?"
[1d20-2 = -5]>>70159Better than almost destroying the damn ceiling with my steps.
>>70160With the further negative modifier of a steel gangway being a rather noisy surface, Iron breaks even. It's pretty loud on the floor
>>70157>>70162While he tries to search and move obstacles, he ask Dark Star what is the hold up.
>>70159"Would you please send them in?"
>>70163Now where would he search?
>>70163"We need the rest."
>>70166>>70165Deciding it is futile to search on such a small gangwalk for obstacles, he turns to Dark Star. "What do you mean, rest?"
>>70167"the rest of our friends, that are outside."
>>70168"Oh." Iron shrugs. "That much is true."
I guess this is enough preamble and we will fight soon today in the afternoon/midnight, then. I'll see you later then.
>>70164She trots off
>>70169There were lower level enemies to fight, but Shimmer Spark encountered those as you stayed on the gangway
>>70170Oh damn. Well, do you recommend fighting them now?
>>70171I mean, you can do what you want
>>70172Then I guess I'll wait for the whole party to be on keyboard. Now for real, I'll see you later. Good night to all of you.
I think my brain is malfunctioning a bit, that's why
I gotta backread, although my character didn't actually move very much.
>>70182Now it's only a matter of time for the GM and the crew to arrive as well.
Alright, I don't think characters can "go loud" until we have everyone available. However, there is still room for movement even just for individuals. Brie especially can do quite a number of things. There is also room to explore the rolling mill, and for the characters in the Union Hall to do things on their own
>>70183I don't think my character can deal with subtlety as well as others, especially with my armor, so I am stuck with Dark Star for the moment.
>>70184My character is mostly concerned with finding information related to the children or the waterfront gang.
>>70185Uh, you don't need to be perfectly subtle, you just need to not fire any guns
>>70187*Blue Skies would give a hug if she were there. Probably*
>>70189If you say soIron, impatient to start the fight, decides to leave the gangway and explore the rooms that face the mill floor on the side of the hallway to pass time, hoping to, at the least, distract himself from boredom. Maybe he could find a very heavy object to toss over the gangway and crush somepony.
>>70189How far away is the North Shore?
>>70190*Dark Star follows*
>>70191From your present position? Maybe something like 10 to 20 miles. You are in an area that could be called "The East Shore"
>>70190>>70192The first room is essentially a conference room, with chairs and a conference table, as well as giant windows into the mill floor
>>70193Hmm, looks like I won't be visiting any factories tonight.
>>70193Iron inspects the conference table, both to see if there is anything on the table and how heavy it is.
>>70193*Dark Star looks out the windows*
>>70193Where is my character in relation to the others atm? Is anyone else in line of sight?
>>70197I think Onyx is with you.
>>70194Really? To think you had a whole free night with nothing important to do or any prior commitments for the purpose of visiting a cannery
>>70195There is nothing on the table save for a single set of documents. The table itself is Hardwood, it seems, maybe 3 inches thick or so, rather heavy. It's dimensions are too large to remove from the room, at least in any convenient way
>>70197You are in a building known as "The Union Hall." See
>>69636. The specific room is something like an event-room, open and at least 20ft by 30. You can see straight outside through glass windows to two trucks with headlights on. Inside are two stallions, Ash, Ollie the little colt being caressed by Ash, and Onyx.
>>70196He can see that the ponies are still talking. Redclaw seems to be telling the crowd a war story while Marecuse is in the back talking to somepony
>>70199Iron inspects the documents.
>>70199I guess I'll have to visit the cannery tomorrow then.
>>70201She really wants to find those kids though.
>>70197That is, until Blue Skies prances in. She seems to be in a hurry and rushing to both Onyx and Ash, quickly flashing some sort of documentation to a stallion. That is, until she sees Ash caressing the colt. She slows down and stops before the two, clearly fascinated
>>70200The documents pertain to something called "The Grand Badlands Pipeline." Specifically they talk a lot about steel pipe
>>70203Iron, intrigued, keeps reading. This may involve the jungles.
>>70199*Dark Star goes to the next room to check it out*
>>70203Sister Ash cradles the foal, gesturing to Blue that she'll fill her in on the details later (she doesn't want to stress out the kid).
Actually, can I roll Bluff for innuendo?
>>70204The documents detail a project for a 250 mile long oil pipeline that stretches from the Badlands to Baltimare. It appears there is a desire to exploit the traditional breeding grounds of the Dragons for Oil, pump it over mountains, and then through an area of rainforest known as "Kululu," and to the Baltimare Harbor. The jungles in question are those immediately south of Baltimarte, and are well north of the Tenochtitlan basin the mare earlier was speaking about - this seems to be a different infrastructure project. A look at a group of financiers shows some names that look like Manehattan industrialists, and a 50% stake by the New Mareland government
>>70206Blue moves closer and is visibly fascinated.
>SpoilerI don't know what you mean, but try it so we can all find out
[1d20+5 = 20]>>70206>>70203I'm going to go out on a limb and roll Horse Whispering just to see if it works on ponies too.
Sister Ash subtly mouths the phrase
>"This is one of the foals."
[1d20 = 12]>>70207This would seem to be important. He pockets the document to inside his wolf skin and exits the conference room. He then walks towards the second room's door and put his ear next to the door to maybe hear anybody inside.
>>70205When Dark Star enters the room, two ponies greet him
"Oh great, another drunkard. Sir, you are not supposed to be up here."
Iron follows shortly thereafter finding Dark star standing at the doorway
>>70209>>70208Blue Skies seems as if she wasn't paying attention. "Huh? Oh. Yes. Right." Looking to her surroundings Blue Sky sees the two stallions, and she says to Ash "Everypony will be cleared out in less than 45 minutes"
Iron inspects the room from the outside, as well as how many ponies are in the room, apart from the sorcerer pony, of course.
>>70210*Cradling intensifies*
>"What's the next step in the plan?"
[1d20+6 = 13]>>70210Bluff
"oi im just tryiiiing to seize the means comrades"
I need to go eat for the next ~30 mins
>>70211The second room gives off no details from the outside, except for a pinup Board with what seems to be the shift information of ponies. The wall is an austere white, and the door is grey. More importantly, the door is now open with Dark Star standing in it, who seems to have disturbed the two ponies inside.
>>70213Blue skies nudges Ash. “Excuse me, can we step outside for a moment.” She smiles to the two stallions. “Sorry, mare stuff”
>>70214“He is drunk.... Sir, this area is off limits. Please return downstairs”
>>70212So how do you want to deal with these ponies?
>>70216Iron takes a closer look at the two ponies, peering from behind to see if they had any loud weapons like pistols or something.
>>70217I was thinking the old fashioned way if they don't have guns at all. If they do, it will go loud, so we just search the last room here.
>>70216"Comrade do you have anymore alcohol in here?"
>>70216>>70215Sorry. Back now.
Sister Ash follows Blue outside.
I will only sort of be available the next 40 minutes
>>70218>>70218The room has various instruments along the side facing the mill floor, and a narrow door also towards the mill floor. He can see that there are two bolt action rifles in the room, laying against instrumentation, though more than a leg’s distance from the two ponies who are now standing. “There’s another one?”
>>70222They are confused for a moment.
“The two of you need to go back downstairs”
>>70223What does she do with the colt?
>>70225"Ah ok Comrade."
*Dark Star heads to the next room*
>>70225She would preferably continue carrying him until he fell asleep and still keep carrying him; but if beckined not to she'd put him down on a chair or bench in the building for that time being.
>>70225>>70222Iron whispers to Dark Star as he follows. "We can take them out silently. They are too far away from their guns. Try to keep one alive, he may have some useful information."
>>70228*whispers back*
"lets check out this next room first."
>>70226This next room has no creatures in it, two smaller windows, and two desks. It is an office, evidently.
>>70227The two walk outside the door, and blue skies mostly states at the cuddled colt. When the door closes, she says “They are brining in advisors. Two of them, as well as rifles. They are going to clear out in 40 minutes or less.”
Ollie: “The rise of the workers is a historical inevitability!”
>>70232*Pets poner some more to calm him down*
>>70232*Checks out the desks*
Want me to roll a spot?
>>70234Iron stands guard at the door.
>>70233Sister Ash nods to Blue in acknowledgement, still cradling the child.
>"So what will we do?"
>>70234The desks include normal items like pencils, paper, a box cutter, a cardboard box, a whistle
>>70233Unfortunately you have something like an excited child on your hooves. He likes the petting, but it doesn’t quell the excitement. Blue seems to enjoy this.
>>70236“You two need to come to the docks, unless you have a difffent plan that is useful.”
Ollie: “can I come too?”
>>70235One of the two ponies comes through the door and into the hallway, turning to Iron. He says “the stairs are this way” pointing the opposite direction down the hall
>>70238inspects the paper
>>70238"Sure you can, just don't get into trouble now." Sister Ash replies, still petting the colt
Has Onyx been detained yet?
>>70238"I will go when I want to. I want to stand aside to prepare myself mentally for the battle to come." He inspects his current armor and weaponry.
>>70238Onyx grunts and walks towards the docks.
>>70238>>70244Sister Ash follows, holding the colt close to her.
>Bringing a child into a potential killzoneI'm having second thoughts...
>>70243*the opposing stallion
>>70246That's what the meatshield is for.
>>70246Fuck it, if what I predict is correct, this whole place might turn into a vlusterfuck.
I'll bring him just so I can be the one to drag him out. Not that I can tell him anything that will change his mind.
Am back. Finally.
>>70239The papers pertain to the civilian use of the mill. Most are black, a few seem to be work permits, and a few have drawings of pipes on them
>>70241Not yet. He would have observed Ash bizarrely start coddling Ollie, and then Blue skies rush in, and become equally fascinated with the colt coddling. If he went outside, he would have heard Blue Skies say "They are brining in advisors. Two of them, as well as rifles. They are going to clear out in 40 minutes or less"
>>70243"I see.... Sir, you need to go back down stairs. We are keeping this area clear for security reasons, as well as that we don't want anycreature caught upstairs if a raid comes"
>>70245>>70244Across the street from the union hall are the two trucks, their headlights still shining in the night. In front of them are the foundry, the rolling mill, and the two warehouses. Ponies seem to be scurrying about near the warehouses
>>70245Blue skies: "Do you really want to take him where we are going?"
Ollie: "I want to be a part of it! Those stallions said that they don't want me there in case the police come and people start shooting. But I am a big kid"
>>70250*puts the ones about pipes in my jacket*
[1d20+4 = 7]>>70250"Do not make me say it again. Leave me undisturbed here or you shall suffer for questioning our equity." He cracks his neck. "I suggest you reconsider your 'orders'."
>>70252I hate you too, dice.
>>70250Sister Ash looks torn for a moment, then turns to the colt.
"Why don't you stay here for now? If they didn't want you to come, I'm sure they had a good reason..."
>>70252He bangs on the wall
"Get out here. I think we have a stooge. Call for back up if necessary"
He draws out a very long knife
>>70254He looks cute
"Aww, but I really want to come"
>>70254"Ah let him come along. Be a good experience."
[1d20 = 15]>>70256Iron stands still. "Nice blade you have there." Iron smiles. "Hope you can cuff me by yourself. If it is not, then you may have a problem."
Rolling initiative
[1d20 = 15]>>70258Rolling for the guard
>>70259So... who goes first?
[1d20 = 18]>>70256>>70258The sorcerer is back... and looks like in a fight. Initiative
[1d20 = 4]>>70262You're going to have to reroll
Rolling again.
>>70261Dark star was last seen inside the room, so he will take one round to enter the combat
>>70265Don't take those random words as truthful, dice. I promise it was the spur of the moment. Gimme good roles next time please?
[1d20 = 16]>>70263>>70265>>70264The order of initiative is Shimmer, The Guard, and Iron.
Be advised that two more will join the action next round
Rolling initiative on the second guard
>>70256>>70257>Looks at Ollie>Looks at Blue>Looks at OnyxWit do?
>>70267At least I am supporting my role as a tank. Woo...
>>70256Sister Ash bites her lower lip for a moment indecisively
"Why don't I go in to see what's going on first, then come back for you?"
[1d20-1 = -8]>>70267Spark takes out and attacks with his dagger
[1d3-1 = 0]>>70268Blue: "Don't take him to the docks"
Dialectic is happening"
>>70273I guess if you add his +3 attack bonus, that is just enough to hit. Rolling damage
[1d4-1 = -1]>>70275That wasn't supposed to have a line through it. Also, a dagger is 1d4, not 1d3. Rerolling damage
>>70276At least it did some damage this time. Almost made me have a heart attack.
>>70275"I'm sorry..." She replies
"But you'll have to stay here for now... I have a feeling things are about to get dangerous..."
[1d20+2 = 12]>>70270The Guard now attacks Iron with his Knife
"Maybe this will teach you some manners Capitalist Stooge"
>>70281That shouldn't have hit you
>>70279>>70280Sister Ash follows Blue, looking back sadly at the colt
"I promise, I'll be back..."
The colt sits down on the ground, sad
>>70280>>70278The Knife hits him, but does not quite penetrate his bear hide
Iron's turn.
>>70285"Ah, come on kid. Just stay out of the way."
[1d20+6 = 23]>>70285Iron smiles. "Looks like you are weak. I knew you were by following this rhetoric."
I use Power Attack to increase his damage by 4 points and he attacks with spiked gauntlets at the guard.
If I miss, I will make my character break through the conference window and jump off it.
[1d3+8 = 10]The new initiative order is
Dark Star
Guard 2
Guard 1
>>70287Rolling damage
[1d20-2 = 1]>>70288Dark star punches the one that stabbed iron
>>70285Sister Ash looks back for a few moments before running off.
>>70288Come on, you guys. Finish this fight before more show up. I don't want to be last forever.
>>70289*headbutts desk*
>>70287>>70289The Guard falls over, dead, from a mighty blow of Iron's huge right hoof. Out comes the second guard. He is carrying a Bolt-Action Rifle with a Bayonet fixed on the end, and is utterly horrified to see that his comrade has been killed in just six seconds, and starts to think that what he thought was just a drunkard was actually a serious security breach. Darkstar likewise arrives in the hallway
Darkstar and Shimmer have initiative over the guard, who with an expression of horror draws a whistle to his mouth, and clutches his rifle
>>70289Do you want to keep your crit fail on a guard who was dead before Darkstar tried to swing?
>>70293No one has the strength to overrun this guy? Come on, man. If he shoots, we will be in big trouble.
>>70294Alright, Dark Star's turn
>>70290What does she see atthe docks?
[1d20+3 = 6]>>70296i forgot to add my BaB
Dark Star trys to disarm the pony
>>70298Oh god. Please stop.
[1d20+2 = 18]>>70298The pony gets an attack of opportunity
He stabs with his bayonet
[1d4+1 = 3]>>70298>>70301His Bayonet sticks true, and penetrates Dark Star's Flak Jacket. The Disarm attempt fails. Rolling damage
>>70304"my mother could stab better than you."
>>70305Don't taunt the damn gun owner!
>>70306See, this guy is smart
>>70305You have even less hit points than I do. Don't get cocky.
[1d20+3 = 10]>>70304The sorcerer does the only thing he can think of. He casts Scorching Ray to attack his hoof. Hopefully it will cause him to drop the rifle.
>>70309*Dies of double stroke with a pinch of swea drowning*
>>70311>>70312I Blame you for saying that to the dice.
>>70313I m-made up after that with my sweettalk. That's why he let me kill the guard in one hit.
>>70312I do what this guy did
[4d6 = 15]>>70303The pony wags his tail
>>70307I kind of wish he wouldn't be a dick to random strangers he encounters in the hallway though
>>70309Believe it or not, a 10 is actually exactly the number you need to land a touch attack on an opponent with no dex bonus. The ray lands. Rolling damage
>>70317I guess it disintegrates his hoof?
>>70314>>70313>>70309The Guard explodes in fire, and drops to the ground, dropping his rifle
One important detail I neglected to mention. His rifle is a Griffin model. That's important because Griffon models have trigger guards that are too small for a pony's hoof to fit through. This one has had its trigger guard removed entirely. It could discharge easily when dropped
>>70320Rolling to see if it discharged
>>70322T-that's good, right?
>>70322The gun falls to the ground harmlessly. The carpet is on fire a little. Be grateful that smoke detectors are not a thing
>>70324*Dark Star breathes a sigh of relief and starts to drag the ponies bodies in the office*
*sweeps the halls on the way to the docks*
>>70326Iron helps with this process.
>>70324I stamp out the fire.
"You guys do realize that we are no closer to stopping this from happening, and that we have a problem on our hooves right?"
>>70329"I only follow orders. Do not try to panic me." When finished with moving the bodies, he checks out the room where the two guards were stationed.
>>70329"i know we need to kill the advisers.
>>70328hey iron you zebra friend said she was guarding arms right?""
>>70331Iron nods as he's leaving to other room. "I believe so, but I am not certain."
>>70332"We need to steal those, the communists cannot have them."
It looks like you three have survived an encounter that could have gone very differently very easily. That flame ray spell would have been great for that battle mage.
I was really hoping Iron would learn his lesson about being an arrogant asshole to random strangers. Oh well. He'll have plenty of opportunities to learn the same lesson later I suppose>>70328>>70326The two bodies are dragged into the office
>>70329The fire is stamped out. Shimmer has not spilled his Jack and Coke, fortunately
>>70330This room must be some sort of control room. You can see that it has a narrow door that leads out to a narrow gangway that goes overtop of a sort of crane device that has a hook on it. There are several sets of controls in the room, and big windows into the mill floor, though these windows are kind of high up and cannot be seen through if squatting. There is a vodka bottle
>>70334Hey, being an arrogant asshole is fun.
>>70297What she sees on the docks is the same as stated in
>>70250Across the street from the union hall are the two trucks, their headlights still shining in the night. In front of them are the foundry, the rolling mill, and the two warehouses. Ponies seem to be scurrying about near the warehouses
>>70335>>70336Stahp. Also you character needs to do things
>>70329>>70332"do you Colts think we can take that big turkey outside?"
>>70334I'm waiting on that too actually,
I feel like I'm Barney's cousin, if you know what I mean.Iron tries to understand the crane's controls.
>>70337I don't even know where my character is or what he's doing tbh
>>70337Sister Ash slowly approaches the building
>>70334The sorcerer smiles and holds the drink close.
"I'm glad you are alright as well Tipsy."
He then follows the others.
>>70338"We could hardly hold our own against two guards. There is no way until we can afford to go loud."
>>70340Your character is outside the Union Hall. See
>>69636As for the scene, Across the street from the union hall are the two trucks, their headlights still shining in the night. In front of them are the foundry, the rolling mill, and the two warehouses. Ponies seem to be scurrying about near the warehouses
>>70341Which building?
>>70341Onyx follows the nun
>>70338Iron smirks. "If these guys are the supposed "mercenaries" that mare was talking about, then I would say absoulety" He then goes back to the controls, still figuring it out.
>>70343She's been following blue all this time.
The one the trucks are parked by.
>>70342>>70345"What about the one with that magic gun? im a little worried about her."
>>70347Iron expression turns grim. "I would not be confortable doing that. I say we somehow take advantage of the crane for her, if we must."
>>70339Move the crane to the right, move it to the left, move the hook closer to the control room, move the hook further away, lower the hook, raise the hook. It's fairly slow, but it could lift tons. Moving the crane to the right or left moves the gangway over top of it as well
>>70346The trucks are closest to the Liquids storage facility. You could have sworn it had ponies guarding it before, but now ponies are in motion.
>>70348"That would be a terrific idea. i would like to retrieve her weapon though."
>>70349She approaches the building, clutching her broom nervously.
>>70350"What for? I say we complete this damn mission right now. I do not know how much more time we can take."
>>70343He points to the sorcerer. "You, stop hugging that drink. I need you to stand by on the gangway so that we can assure we hit the mare." He starts to move the crane, looking for crates to grab and drop on the mare.
>>70352"That sounds like a foolish idea, but it's not like I have a better one."
I move onto the gangway.
>>70352"your right lets do it."
>>70351Blue: "This is not the building the advisors were in, but it does look like they are using it, so carry on if you wish"
There is a big, barn-like door to the building, with the red words "NO SMOKING" over top of it. The building has an arched roof, and is made out of sheetmetal. When you pop inside, you see that the roof has big vents in it. Nopony bothers you when you do this.
Do you wish to proceed further?
>>70352There are no crates inside the control room, or any of the others upstairs for that matter
>>70355Well, I'm going to have to head to bed soon, so this might be a good place to stop.
>>70354>>70355He points to Dark Star "You , find me a crate around these parts to attach it to the crane. The heavier the better. Go, go!"
>>70357>>70355are there any ive seen since we have been on the docks?
>>70356I guess this is goodnight then.
>>70356>>70358>>70360Night, you three, I'll set the preparations for the chaos to start.
>>70359I don't think that Dark Star would have seen any in his journey
>>70361Our rogue is absent. This presents a difficulty
>>70363Right, so should we call if off until he comes back? I have the sneaking suspicion he left due to that litte feud with the dice.
>>70357"I dont think ive seen any crates since we have been here."
>>70365"Look for it, then. There is no way they have this thing here just to do nothing."
>>70353"Hey unicorn, do you see crates below you that I can grab? If so, direct me to them."
>>70366"would a desk work?"
>>70367He remembers the conference desk one of the rooms had. "Right, we can use that, but it is going to be tough to get out, If I am not mistaken." Iron pats the controls "But if we can reach the desk with this, then it should be no problem." Iron ponders. "Maybe it will do a lot of noise though. Try to find crates before we go for that."
[1d20+7 = 9]>>70368spo5 check to try and find some crates
>>70364Hard to say. This set up is kind of a rogue wonderland. Maybe you could proceed without him, or maybe Blue Skies could fill in.
>>70369There are no crates located in the office area of the Rolling Mill
>>70369>>70370"Go look for them up on the gangway then. I am sure we can grab a crate from there with this."
Right GM?
[1d20+7 = 21]>>70371>>70370*Checks the gangway*
>>70347>Magic gunHave no fear, the gun in question is nothing more than a mundane and ordinary PPSh-41. It's a muggle device
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SOMimmZel2gOnly the pony holding it is magical
>>70372There are no storage crates blocking the pathways of any of the three maintenance gangways on the second floor of the pipe rolling mill
>>70373Could i get a quick rundown on the lay out of the building?
>>70373>>70374Judging by the GM's time to respond, he may not be able to withstand more of our searching. If so, we stop this session and wait for every other character to be in session. I'll wait for another half-hour, please respond if this statement is true or not, GM.
>>70374It's a rectangular building, with the vast majority of it being a single floor with a high ceiling. This is the Mill Floor. On the narrow end of one side, the side that is away from the sea, are other rooms over two floors. On the first floor to your left there is a Machine shop, or at least an area with many tools, and on the second floor there are three rooms, one is a conference room, another is a control room, and a third is offices. There are gangways to the right and the left on the second floor that go over the mill floor, and a third gangway on a crane that goes over the mill floor. I should add that this gangway requires a ladder on the crane to go up, as it is taller.
>>70376Oh sorry, GM, you had me worried there.
>>70376Checks out this room
>>70378As Darkstar goes down the stairwell to the first floor, he opens the door and... Surprise! It's another hallway, leading to a room to the left, a room at the end, and two rooms on the right, although both of these are labelled as respective mare and stallion's bathrooms
>>70379*goes in the stallion room*
[1d20+5 = 20]>>70379>>70380Well then, it's a sign.Iron, impatient with the timing of Dark Star, decides that enough is enough, walks to the conference room and forcefully tries to pry the desk from the floor.
Rolling STR
>>70381Artificial 20, woo!
Does this work GM?
>>70381The desk is like 5ft by 20ft, but it flips right over onto its side
>>70380This bathroom is empty
>>70381>>70382Bretty good its gonna be loud though.
>>70383Oh, I that read wrong. Can you give me a reference for how big and heavy this table is? Does it weight like a nightstand, for example?
[1d20+5 = 20]>>70383Iron attempts to forcefully take the table through the door with pure strength, having enough of these inconveniences.
>>70386Wow, ok I'm sure it passes then.
>>70385It's 5ft wide at its widest, 20 ft long, and is in a shape known as "boat," basically an oval with straight lines. It is made of hardwood and is about 450 LBS
>>70386With the Table on its side, he can push it along the floor through the door at least partway
>>70388That will do nicelyHe pushes the table until he reaches a position to be able to strap the table to the crane.
>>70383Dark Star Walks Back upstairs
>>70389Now how do you plan to do that exactly? The crane's hook is best accessed from the Mill floor
>>70390It remains to be seen if the way is blocked by a conference table
>>70391I think I have a better ideaIron listens to the amount of noise the ponies below are doing to see if he can carry the table on his back through the gangway closest to her and throw it down at the mare.
>>70391actually dark star tries to get close to the mare with the gun
>>70392I can do fortitude saves to endure those extra 50 pounds right? If not I'll go with lift off ground of 800lbs for the carrying
>>70392The ponies are reasonably noisy, talking, cheering, and so forth, and the floors are not sound sensitive.
>>70393Dark Star sees that the mare, who was previously seen standing next to the door, is now on the left side of the floor, perhaps 30ft from the left gangway and 20ft from the central gangway, and is using her telekinesis to give a demonstration of how to strip a rifle and reassemble it
>>70395"Wow Comrade Thats cool"
>>70395Iron carries the table until he is perpendicular in the 2nd dimension from the left gangway
unless I can go through the middle path to the female target and aims his throw, but does not commit just yet.
>>70396Where is Darkstar? Did he go downstairs and onto the mill floor?
>>70397There's a lot of things to think about with this post
>>70398Honestly, you have the time, because I don't think I'll throw it at her until everyone is here too.
I must admit, it probably is stupid, but eh, if it works, it works.
>>70398yea he went down to the mill floor
>>70398One actual question: From this height, is the table's damage lethal aka can go below -10HP?
>>70399The first is that the Left gangway turns off from the hallway abruptly. Getting an object that is 20ft long down it would be an accomplishment. The second is that the gangway is about 3ft wide. That's enough to push the table down, and possibly even crouch behind it, but not do much maneuvering with it. The third is that it has a basic railing meaning the table would need to either be flipped over the railing (doable, but it would go straight down). The fourth thing is that this thing weights 450 pounds, or a little over 200 kilograms for you folks in countries that don't have freedom and use French Revolution units.
Finally, the gangway over the floor is every bit as visible to the ponies on the floor as the ponies on the floor are visible from the gangway. The Gangway over the center is less visible from the floor. This isn't that big of an issue because a pony on the gangway isn't that weird of a thing to see, and if a pony did look up, they'd soon look away. But a 20ft hardwood conference table like ones you see in movies where they have scenes in corporate boardrooms - nopony who sees that on a steel gangway is going to stop looking at it if they happened to see it out of the corner of their eye
>>70401Height is probably at least 20ft, I think that would depend on just how squarely the table hits them and how
>>70400Alright, it is so
>>70402It would need to be either flipped over the railing or lifted over the head
>>70402>>70401Get Shimmering Spark to help
>>70402Damn, what a turnoff. Well, I remember some of us had crossbows, if we do, we can just place the pony with the best sharpshooter skill and shoot from there to kill her or maybe even the unicorn can shoot a bolt of something lethal to the mare if we bolt it after that.
Man, I'm wracking my brains here>>70404He can't help twisting and bending a table through a hallway, that much is right.
>>70405>the best sharpshooter skillme
>>70406Maybe you can lure her upstairs and then I can ambush her? I suppose you'll need some bluff checks, maybe even a seduce check if you're going there.
>>70405>>70406I'm not sure about this plan really...
I go check out some of these rooms that were left unexplored.
>>70379Let's try the one on the left.
>>70408Oh, welcome back, if you can think up a plan OOC, I'd be glad, cause my brain is fried already.
>>70407>I suppose you'll need some bluff checks, maybe even a seduce checkThat can be arranged
>>70408The room on the left is what is basically a breakroom, with a refrigerator, several cabinets, and a sink visible. There are multiple "first aid" stations visible on the wall. Would you like to explore the room in more depth or move on?
>>70409Well, I think that we need to maybe lure them into a room to at least try a stealth option. We are never going to survive a full on assault once the attack happens. That's probably why we needed a rouge, to do the stealth kill while they are distracted. Doing things from the second level seems only useful with a ranged attack we can't use without breaking cover.
>>70411More indepth search, along with checking out the first aid.
>>70412>>70409the advisers are the only real threat here tbh. we should take them out possibly by luring them somewhere, and them we need to get into the warehouse were cauldron is.
>>70413On top of the counters are a set of paper towels, a toaster, and a coffee maker. under the sink is more paper towels, a set of bleach, and a set of insect killer. In cabinets are several ceramic plates, glass containers, a few pots and pans, and a coffee container. In drawers are coffee filters, straws, spoons, and both butter and steak knives. In the Refrigerator is a half eaten cake, and a sandwich with a paper note over it saying "do not steal." The first aid station has many types of bandages, adhesives, bandaids, painkiller pills, cottonballs, and rubbing alcohol. There is also some acid neutralizer and wash
>>70412>>70414Oh damn, now I feel like I need Brie right about now. Hope he comes back. My planning skills are spent. If you need any strength requirements Iron is on the second floor next to the stairs, bummed out since he cannot throw the table. I'll be here, just not contributing anymore in the planning process.
>>70416Remember that Onyx and Ash also exist, they are just separate from the three of you
>>70416Cant we move the gangway so you could get a better angle on the throw?
>>70415Why would a communist put don't steal? The sandwich belongs to the ponies clearly. If nothing else, the poisons may prove useful. But for now, the next room awaits at the end of the hall.
>>70416Your plan can be how to be the best containment when we get bad dice rolls, because we will. When we lead them in a room, do you think barricading the door would work?
>>70419>Do you think barricading the door would work?most likely
>>70419I think I can take the table downstairs and place it inside the bathroom, then angle it in a way to block the door with a push. Only problem may be that the table could be seen by anypony who enters the bathroom. Any other barricades for the door that are more subtle?
>>70422If it comes down to it, you. You could stand guard outside the room and explain away the barricade, or intimidate. Because a dice roll is as good of a shot as them just immediately calling guards on us.
>>70419This room opens to the main floor. Across one side of the room is a set of lockers, while the other side has lots of welding equipment. It has protective glasses, welding masks, soldering sticks, cutting torches, big tanks of Acetylene gas, tubes, gloves, welding aprons, trolleys, pressure regulators, and oxygen tanks.
>>70420A spray container
>>70422>>70417Were there any bookshelves in the office?
>>70423I can break one of the toilets so I don't need to do a bluff check that the bathroom is broken to make things easier still.
>>70425There were no separate bookshelves as items of furniture
>>70420>>70419>>70424Shimmering Spark would your character know how to make gas?
>>70422>>70425>>70426You guys haven't even explored all of the rooms, and you're thinking about breaking apart toilets?
>>70424Potential explosives. Noted.
>>70428I don't think so... And I'm not sure how that would be pulled of at the moment.
>>70429I'm trying here. How much time we got left anyhow?
>>70430Hard to say, maybe 30 minutes, although the other characters would have more time because of their relative starting times. Hell, Brie would have an hour
>>70430Well we have some bleach
>>70430So the bathroom ambush is a no-go?
>>70431If only Brie would stop getting drunk on game days and join us proper.
>>70433>>70432This all depends on what you guys think is the best battle plan. Do we want to poison them? It may be challenging to get them to eat something, but then again, we could mix the vodka we found upstairs with the bleach. That might do the trick. We also could do the assault in the bathroom. The problem is getting found out. Once poison is a go, then they will know it's us. And if the cover is blown in the bathroom, we are in the same spot.
If it was me, probably the poison. And with the explosives, maybe I can make a distraction should something go wrong. Only one way to try.
>>70434>If it was me, probably the poison. And with the explosives, maybe I can make a distraction should something go wrong. Only one way to try.This sounds like the best plan
>>70434The roles are reversed. I'll go with your plan.
>>70436>>70434Could we somehow do both plans?
a 450lb table that is ungainly as all hell to move around is considered an optimal blunt object to drop from a height, but an 80 pound steel cylinder of highly compressed explosive gas which could actually be carried around or thrown isn't given a single second's thought.... I can't say I understand
>>70438Blame it on lack of sleep.
>>70438Also, shouldn't the ponies down there see the explosive cannister like the table?
>>70440It's one hell of a lot smaller
But I really shouldn't intrude on your planning
>>70438>tfw i didnt put 2 and 2 together.
>>70438we should definitely use the propane
>>70443How could you even set off the cannister? I'm pretty sure you need an igniter, and I sure don't know who has one without blowing their cover or themselves up, so I believe an ambush is better.
>>70444i could shoot it. maybe we could get brie to hide it close to one of the advisers?
It's so hard to not just say things
>>70446thank you for pointing it out
>>70446Well, I'm not going to get any better at thinking or perceiving information without some sleep, so I'll close up for today. Night.
Gosh, I'm lost...
>>70450If I had to sum this up. We got some guards killed on the second floor. I had a plan about throwing a table over the gangway to the target mare but was foiled by the narrow corridor leading to it. Spark found some poison and explosives on the bathroom on the first floor. You and Onyx did not even arrive at the building where the targets are currently located. Current ideas of assassination are to ambush one of the targets in the bathroom through Dark Star or Spark's charisma, bluff and maybe seduce checks.
>>70451The plan is not set in stone and can be changed to simple poisoning through vodka and poison or maybe throw the cannister and hope it blows up. If we had Brie, this would be oh so easier.
>>70451I'm a bit embarrassed to admit that I'm not exactly sure what the main objective of the mission was..
>>70453If I understand right, we must kill the two targets that Iron, Dark Star and Spark boi saw during the war announcement, maybe disrupt the event with some police intervention. I may be wrong.
>>70453To stop the communists from enacting their "plan," which during the night is found to involve both shipments of guns and two foreign special forces agents as advisers
Here's a question. Were there any other children present in the area? Not just the ones from the orphanage.
>>70456The only other ponies visible in the Union Hall area besides Ollie were the two stallions. If there are any children in the docks area, they are not readily visible
>>70457I guess I should have her move in to investigate. If they were keeping any kids kids at all there, she'd probably prefer to make sure they're all outside before bullets start flying.
>>70451>the target mare>>70456Can I get a second description of her?
Sorry if I come off as a bit daft. I'm just trying to get an understanding of what the party is trying to get done, and set my character's motivations to match. I can't just go setting thing in fire at random.
>>70458You may want to recall Ollie's statements in
>>70250 and
>>70024>>70459Your character actually has not seen the Advisers, nor has Blue Skies provided a description
>>70458Your character has moved up next to the liquids warehouse, described in part in
>>70461Alright. I've got it now.
>>70461>>70462I'm going to go for a limb here and use the third eye I have to guess that everyone is waiting for someone to post to start the session.
Here's hoping Brie is here.
I've got about an hour before I need to go eat, but I'm ready now.
>>70461I guess I'll have her proceed into the warehouse then.
>>70467She can see a number of stacks of barrels. Those closest to the walls appear to be unmarked wooden barrels. In the center is a giant stack of drums. Some are labelled "Aviation Gasoline 130 Octane Tetraethyllead," some are labeled "Leaded Gasoline" behind these barrels and drums you can see ponies are messing with wooden crates, a few being stacked. Ponies are coming in an out of a door on the left side of the building from where you are, past the wooden barrels. A pony looks at the three of you, but, seeing none of you are wearing police uniforms, stops caring and goes back to the crates
>>70468Sister Ash walks in slowly, wondering to herself just what the hell she agreed to when she took this mission...
"Th-those are quite a few flammables.." she mutters, still a bit nervous
>>70468How many ponies does she see altogether?
>>70470>>70469As she rounds around the hill of drums, she can see a sign above the door over to her left "No Steel Horse Shoes," and to her right is what is apparently a loading bay with an elevated platform. A truck is backing up into it, and a pony is behind it on the platform
"Backwards, keep going, keep going, Stop, STOP. That's the clutch, not the brake. Now pull the handbrake. The handbrake. It's to your right. Alright, good"
Another two ponies to her left come through the door carrying a long rectangular crate. There are 3 ponies visible, and presumably one in the truck
>>70468Reeeeeeeeeee crates
>>70471Do you think I can mingle with the advisors in-game without cocking up the mission aka making time run out for me and the other two peeps?
>>70473Hmmm.... Go ahead and try it. I can't imagine a conversation taking longer than what would be 5 minutes IRL anyways
>>70474Iron, deciding it is futile to attack at the moment, decides to go downstairs and meet up with the griffon advisor that was down the stairs, not before checking if his gauntlets were bloody or left a blood trail.
>>70475His gauntlet was indeed bloodied, although this could be cleaned off any of several ways.
The griffon is talking to a set of ponies who seem to be listening intently, telling of a time his platoon was cut off without supplies in Black Hollow. He is drinking what seems to be bottled beer.
>>70471Sister Ash decides to investigate further into the building, so long as nobody's suspicious.
>>70476Iron, not wanting to stain anyone's clothes with blood at the moment, decides to seek the bathroom on the first floor.
>>70476>>70478Dark Star remembers his stab wound
>>70477They already have a stack of crates set up behind the drums. There are some more drums and barrels along the other walls, and still another door on the far end opposite from which she came. The ponies' focus seems to be on placing crates inside of this building rather than on filling the trucks at the moment
>>70478That'll work
>>70479What do?
>>70481trys to slip out of the crowd and slips over to the vodka station
>>70481Iron checks the room for any sinks and
maybe mirrors in order to use water to scrub off the wound and if there is blood anywhere else on his body.
>>70481Where did Blue go off to? I know Onyx is outside the building.
>>70482It appears that the party was BYOB, with no refreshments being served
>>70483Both are possible. There is a little blood on the hide
She's right behind you. For now.
>>70485Iron, assured that he can clean himself, proceeds to do so with some water and scrubbing.
>>70485*Jumps with all four hooves leaving the ground*
>>70485>BYOBUgh. You'd think commies would try barely to keep the illusion of hospitality. Dirty hypocrites, the lot of them.
>>70487She gives off a malign laugh. "I've got more and better surprises than that. Anyways, it looks like these are crates full of illegal arms they are bringing in"
As she speaks, a second two-and-a-half-ton truck backs into the loading bay
>>70486The steel gauntlets are wiped clean. The worst of the blood can be removed from the hide, although it looks like there will be a stain that won't come off easily
>>70488They are on a time crunch to set up and then leave. At least they will provide the guns for the fun later
>>70485Sister Ash shivers, clutching her broom.
"S-so it seems.. but there are so many ponies here too.."
>>70489Iron shrugs and proceeds to scrub his hide to clean as much as possible from the hide. At least it won't degrade his armor.
>>70490"There are a few, mostly they are on the move. They want to clear out a ship in the harbor before a routine patrol comes by."
>>70491It is as clean as it will get. A stain on it won't look that out of place with his "rustic" appearance anyways.
[1d20+4 = 24]
Iron, finally feeling confident about not garnering much attention, decide to practice his intimidation, trying out some poses and such.
I'll just roll to excrete the bad rolls
>>70493I really hope the mirror doesn't break from sheer intimidation.
>>70494>>70493>Inb4 he intimidates himself
>>70493Iron is shaken by what he sees in the mirror, and feels ready to hand over his pouch of coins
>>70492"That poor colt said something about a 'revolution'.. I wonder what that could mean."
>>70496Iron almost gives his pouch until he sees there are two pouches of coins instead of one, being reflected by the mirror, composes himself and nods in satisfaction. He now finally goes to the main room in the first floor, looking for the griffon advisor.
>>70499Dark Star heads up stairs to look for shimmering sark
>>70497"We heard exactly what that means inside the rolling mill. They intend to violently push out the New Marelanders and establish a Communist regime here. Their first step will be to launch a campaign in the South to try to stop infrastructure projects there, including pretending to be natives when they attack. The ultimate goal of this is to drive a wedge between the natives and the Blackhooves - and Northern Equestria - so the natives will be more inclined to accept communist rule. Then they'll make an armed rebellion here in Baltimare and in Moonlight Shores. They've brought to advisers to help then train and strategize."
>>70498The Griffon is giving an impassioned retelling of crossing a flooded rice paddy laden with landmines
>>70501Iron listens in the story. Even though he is supporting such weaklings, he was still strong, and his tales may help him understand this complicated world of weak men.
So, what have I missed? Cause back reading lags like hell.
>>70503Iron Scared himself and im looking for a way to fix my stab wound
>>70502*stallions instead of men
>>70500The sorcerer takes note of these rooms and moves back upstairs to plan out the next step with the others.
>>70506"Hey Spark. ive been stabbed could you help me out?"
>>70507"I don't know any healing spells unfortunately. There is some first aid in the kitchen area though."
>>70501You can almost see the gears turning in the nunshead as she finally absorbs the socio-political circumstances of Equestrian affairs.
"That.. that's bad." She says, softly, but firmly
>>70508"Throw your Drink into my wound."
>>70510I look offended and hold the drink away.
"Umm... let's just go down to the kitchen."
>>70502"We were given orders to meet up with second company in a village south of White Flower. The land there was farmland, rich fields of rice. This was during the monsoon season and levees had been set up to keep the rice paddies flooded. No griffon wanted to walk through that, so we flew, and that worked for about five kilometers, until we encountered the Brodfield snipers. Nguwing, whom I had fought with since the beginning, took a bullet right through his skull. We didn't dare go above twenty feet, and hovering with a full set of equipment is no easy feat, for long periods anyways. But the mud - it could be feet deep, and it got everywhere. My feathers were thick with it. After a kilometer Raven Tram exploded into a muddy fireball. sprayed mud and water over many of us, myself nearby. I fell down into the mud because I thought that the Royalists were firing mortars at us. But when no attack came we realized the Royalists had mined the paddy. I'm not sure if they were hoping we would walk through, or if they set them for the Farmers when they would come......"
>>70503You are in a warehouse where they have crates of arms stacked up, waiting to transport out
>>70509"Yes it is"
>>70512Two questions spring to mind:
Who is around?
What kinds of arms?
>>70511"Wheres the nun?
>tfw sister ash never gave her name She can use Healing magic."
>>70513You can't know what kind of arms because you haven't seen them yourself, but you were told "rifles." Inside the warehouse right now are two ponies moving crates and another two by the loading docks, which has two trucks in it
>>70514"Didn't we leave her behind with the bartender?"
>>70512Iron gathered that he was at the least good at dodging and maybe had intense luck. He did not know of the "mai-nes" or "snai-puhs" that he was talking about though. No signs of physical strength as of yet. Iron looks obviously unimpressed nonetheless.
>>70512"... I don't think they'd stop if you talked to them.." she continues, moreso talking to herself than anyone else
>>70514I'm out of healing spells. Don't count on it.
>>70515>RiflesThat's about all I wanted or needed to know
Onyx leans towards the nun
"Now what?"
>>70515Are the rifles all in one place?
>>70516"i think shes outside"
>>70520She gulps
"I guess.. we do what we came here to do.."
This group
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5J8uivKB6bs>>70517Just take a look at his muscles. He's freaking strong.
>>70521>>70518"I can't say I've had much success with it"
>>70521They are moving crates into the room. The crates that are in the room are in one stack
>>70523"I've got an axe on a spear, and a gun. You got anything better?"
>>70522>>70516"oh wait i found this healing kit. Do you know how it works?"
>>70525".. Let's wait until these ponies are done moving the crates.. then I can dispose of these.. toys.. all at once."
>>70527"Whatever you say"
>>70524I sympathize with Bubbles.
>>70524While Iron did see his exceptional condition, he had not heard of the tales of strength apart from just surviving in a battle, and even with the endurance he may have by flying with all the mud on his feathers, he could be one of those stallions that pretended to be strong, only to be just the last survivor of a group that he only survived due to luck of cowardice. He keeps listening, also alert enough to see if his employer sends a signal to go loud.
>>70530*luck or cowardice
>>70527"You see those trucks though, don't you? They will try to move some of them out tonight"
>>70530Among other exploits, Redclaw seems to have killed an entire machinegun nest of Royalists with only a Machete, and carried many huge packs of rice over his shoulders over treks of many kilometers during supply shortages. Is that tough enough?
>>70526I put bandages from the kit on Dark Star.
"That's the best I can do. I don't know how to use this other stuff in here."
Healing is a skill that I can't do. You probably won't recover hit points from this.
>>70536At least the bleeding stopped.
>>70533That'll doHis expression of unimpresiveness changes to a one of acceptance, hearing of how he killed that many ponies by himself inside that machinegun nest. Whatever that meant. He also admires his capacity of carrying those packs of rice through those marshlands, thinking about how the mud would slow the process by a lot. I guess it's too bad that he was on the wrong side still, but at least he knew it would at least be a fair fight. It took him every last ounce of willpower not to ask him for a spar, so that his employer's cover would not be exposed.
>>70533Were the tanks of fuel visible from outside the door of the warehouse?
Onyx walks up to the two moving the crates
"Want some help?"
>>70533She gulps again
"That poses a problem...
Those metal beasts.. if they were incapacitated, they wouldn't be able to move them out tonight.." Sister Ash murmers
>>70539She saw them only when she came inside, though maybe you could see them if you looked directly into the warehouse
>>70538Iron feels a tinge of happiness, as he has finally met a creature who is his equal
>>70540"Oh thank Celestia, yes"
>>70541"No, they would not"
>>70542Sister Ash speaks up.
"You ponies are almost done here. Why don't you take a break and we'll finish up for when you're ready to ship out?"
>>70542Fuck it, let's go buddybuddy with the commies for now, maybe he has a Super Special Technique for fighting unarmed or some shitIron tries to approach the advisor for him to hear his question "Do you have a particular fighting style with your machete?" Iron asks the advisor. "Your strength is quite impressive and I believe I can learn a lot from you."
>>70544"Oh no, there are still many crates still on the ship and on the dock, as well as the other warehouse, we are struggling to get them all into these buildings so we can hide some of them here, and ship some out tonight"
He draws his machete, and shows a fairly simple hack and slash, as well as a disarming technique for when your opponent has a two handed weapon
>>70546Iron was impressed by the speed of his combo strike and his disarming technique. "I know that some will try to disarm you when in melee combat, do you have any particular moves when that happens?"
>>70547He smiles and looks at Iron. "Have a firm grip on your weapon, and stab them" He acts out this with the machete
>>70546Sister Ash walks further into the warehouse, where all of the crates were stacked up.
>>70548Iron cocks his head slightly. "I do not mean to disrespect, but are you implying you never got caught off guard without any of your weapons by the enemy?"
>>70548If I try to pick the machete from the advisor either by force or peacefully, does it cause problems because of the gauntlets aka making the gauntlets or the machete fall down on the floor?
>>70549Inside the liquid storage warehouse she can see a stack of at least 10 crates. They are adjacent to the Gasoline barrels, some of which have been taken down from their pyramid
>>70550"Always have a machete on claw and be quick on the draw. They have tried to surprise us before. I was sleeping in a foxhole outside Sydia when a royalist tried to bayonet me. I grabbed his rifle and pulled it towards me. He fell down and I punched him, then punched him more and finally tore him apart with my machete. When you are fighting the fascists they will not be so subtle. They will wake you up with Artillery and Dive bombers"
>>70552Are there ponies in the room?
>>70553That varies minute by minute, they move in and out
>>70552>SydiaIron, kind of upset he did not embrace the true strength that unarmed combat gives to its wielders, still was impressed by the readiness of combat the griffon has. He wonders how fast he could pull out of his sheath if he threatened him when the machete was inside it. "That is quite impressive. To whom am I speaking to? Your prowess in combat is one that many ponies should upkeep and I cannot help but be amazed by your skill." Iron slouches his posture a bit. "It is quite a shame you never took up unarmed practice. Many ponies would not be able to purchase weapons for the cause, and unarmed combat requires no monetary investment."
>>70553"Okay.. Here goes nothing."
Sister Ash moves about ~40 feet away from the entrance (as far as she can move at this range), and focuses on her breathing, fixing her what's left of her shawl over her eyes as they glow faintly.
As soon as she sees that there are no ponies immediately inside the storage room, she employs her Fiery Burst skill, to cause an eruption of flame right beneath the fuel tanks, dealing 3d6 fire damage to all objects within a 10 foot circle.
>>70556>>70552Dark Star moves down stairs
[10d20 = 103]>>70555"The ponies of this continent have been so drained of their wealth by the industrialists and the nobles that they scarcely have the means to arm themselves. No matter. That is why we are shipping in arms to help with the World Revolution. But if you mean fighting claw to claw - I've had more than a few claw fights in my day
>>70556Blue skies flies the fuck out of the way. I think this requires some dice rolls
>>70560"What have I done..?" the ex-nun eeps as she watches the ghoulish white flames lick the sides of fuel barrels
>>70561"And I thought artillery made a nice boom"
>>70562"Shush..!" The Kirin whispers as she backs backs away from the scene using her remaining move action.
>>70560"How did you manage with unarmed combat? Tell me about them."
>>70558>>70555>>70516An explosion can be heard nearby
>>70559Fire lights up behind you, and an explosion can be heard. The two ponies drop the crate and run
>>70561One of the barrels explodes almost instantly, while another falls over and spreads flaming liquid across the floor. Most of the barrels do not have enough oxygen to explode, but they are beginning to boil. the vast majority of the liquid is now unburned
>>70565Iron waits for the griffon advisor's reaction and if he moves, he moves with him.
>>70565I duck down.
"What the hay?"
>>70565"Fire! Fire! Everyone run! Call the ϟafety ϟquads!" The Kirin mare screams genuinely as she flees the scene
>>70569"Either our friends are in trouble... or they are going to be."
[1d2 = 2]
On the rolling mill floor, everycreature hears the explosions
"I told those imbeciles not to smoke around those drums when hiding the guns!" A mare shouts
Everypony is pannicking, until Marecuse yells "QUEIT!"
They are calmed, and Redclaw, Marecuse, and the mare who seems to be the organizer stand together in a trio.
"We had 30 more minutes to move guns. That accident has forced our hoof. We have already lost maybe a third of our guns. Everypony, our 30 minutes is gone. We now have 5 minutes maybe before police and firemares arrive on scene. We must either blow up the other warehouse and move the ship out of the harbor now, or we must shoot at the first responders to buy time. If we do the former, we will lose at least half our remaining arms. If we do the latter, civilians will die, but we will save the revolution. Mares and Gentlecolts, we must decide now
1. They leave immediately
2. They decide to kill the firefighters who arrive on scene.
Rolling 1d2
>>70572Oh joy, a bloodbath
This can't go badly for everyone.
>>70572They Decide, and Marecuse loads her submachinegun.
"The Revolution is too important to delay for the sake of a few stooges of the Fascists, even if they are otherwise honorable. Everypony, you are now drafted into the revolution. Half of you will move crates quickly, half of you will defend."
They pick up arms, and Redclaw loads a stripper clip into his rifle
>>70572>>70573>>70574I'm expecting both of you to be attacked. I say warn the firefighters when they arrive. Maybe stay at the outskirts to warn them.
[1d20+5 = 21]>>70575Listen check to see if I hear this
>>70577Not even with a 16 can you hear what is said inside the rolling mill
Blue Skies: "I wish you had waited on that, you probably forced their hoof. In anycase, if all you wanted to do was start a fire, why not just light a match? you could have saved the ranged fire spell for their battle mage"
[1d20+6 = 8]>>70572*Dark Star Draws his revolver and shoot at the mare with the ppsh*
>>70575Iron is somewhat dissatisfied when he saw Redclaw loaded his rifle. At least he would use his blade when the time comes. Of course, he shall follow him for a chance to strike him alone, maybe honorably, asking for a fight one-on-one hoof-to-claw.
>>70578"Welp. Too late to reason why, now's time to do and die."
Onyx grabs his halberd and looks around for a suitable position.
>>70582We did have explosives to throw. But we can figure out something...
>>70579I'm going to give you the option to reconsider shooting her, since the only way you would have killed her at once anyways is with a nat 20, and there is basically no way your character could survive a single round of submachine gun fire without cover
>>70580Redclaw goes out the big door. At this point and only this point can you see that they have a ship at a dock. He yells to them "take the crates to train cars. We are not leaving these arms behind!"
>>70578Ash's expression betrays a mixture of confusion and fear and guilt all at once.
"I.. I don't know! What am I supposed to do? Ponies could get hurt!"
"And what's a match?"
>>70578What can I see room whhere I am?
>>70585The sorcerer runs to get the explosives.
>>70585Iron follows Redclaw and helps the movement process, just to gain trust with them. He ensures to put on his back as much as he can carry just to show off to the griffon. I will fight you, he thought, just not yet.
>>70585yea Dark Star Goes up to the gangway and tells spark
>>70584 "bring the propane"
This would be like a billion times easier if any of you had sneak attack damage. Does anyone want to order Blue Skies around?
>>70587Behind you is firery pillars of fire. To your side you can see a pony rushing to try to drive one of the trucks out of position before the next explosion consumes it. You can also see two ponies on the other side trying to quickly pick up the dropped crate and move it away. Through the door she can see two ponies with rifles run past
>>70586And that wasn't a spell
>>70593> Does anyone want to order Blue Skies around?yes
>>70593How many crates are there left?
>>70593Was there another warehouse?
>>70594You better hope you can do it again, unless you've gained rogue levels
>>70596Inside that building? None that aren't on fire
>>70597Yes, the dry goods warehouse
>>70591What about the propane accessories?
>>70595In a few rounds, she is a little ways away
>>70590He finds himself on a dock and in a situation that is remarkably similar to his situation 30 hours before. They are taking crates down a gangway and rushing them over to a pile.
Redclaw yells: "get those crates in!" he laughs "At least Customs won't be coming by now"
>>70586"They will now"
>>70598Iron helps with this. He has a feeling of deja-vu for a bit. From what he heard, he will try to move these crates to a train. He thinks to "accidentaly" drop some to the water, but in order for the griffon to put his guard down, decides to move as many crates as his body could muster, showing off for the griffon.
>>70598Sister Ash bites back her searing hot tears as she gallops over to the next warehouse.
>>70600*he as in Redclaw
**he moves the crates towards the pile
>>70599I bring all the propane and accessories to Dark Star.
>>70598Marecuse is still on the mill floor right?
>>70600He does so. They seem to be placing most of the crates into a pile as a truck nears
"Harness the power of the Proletariat! Your strong backs can lift those crates, and soon enough you shall lift the revolution!"
>>70601Another explosion is heard behind her. This new warehouse is not as well ventilated as the last. There are many, many crates inside this building. One pile is being moved by ponies running in and out
>>70604Marecuse stands by the door as she takes off her uniform and carefully folds it near the warehouse door. Then, she puts on a dress shirt and red tie, then a fedora, as she cocks her submachinegun
>>70603"try to get it close to her, ill shoot it."
>>70605Iron scouts his surroundings, see if he can damage the griffon and get away with it during all the chaos.
>>70605Any fuel tanks in this one?
>>70606"And how do I do that? Just stroll up to them with propane?"
>>70610"youre a unicorn right? just levitate it over her."
>>70609This warehouse, being a dry goods warehouse, does not have containers of Aviation gasoline
>>70608If he can think of something creative, maybe, but the Griffon will know he is harmed, and he is on the docks with many ponies
>>70612It won't be easy then.
How many trucks?
>>70612Iron thinks up that if he trips a pony with some creates on his back, one of them may fall on the griffon. If it's not possible, he will attempt to accidentally drop one of the crates on him.
>>70611Is this possible from the gangway GM?
>>70615To drop an Acetylene cylinder? Yes
>>70614No crates are being elevated in a position such that they could fall on top of the griffon. They are being carried down a gangway
>>70613This warehouse only has truck loading spaces at the far end, but no trucks seem to be loading here
>>70616I drop the cylinder on Marecuse.
>>70616Where are they taking the crates then?
[1d20+6 = 21]>>70617>>70616i shoot the tank
[1d20 = 20]>>70616Iron scans the position of the griffon, see if he is flying or standing on the ground and if he is on a higher elevation than Iron. Rolling a spot check to count how many ponies there that can witness a direct attack by him.
Also if the previous map is actually applicable for my position, barring the current position of the advisors
>>70620Why can you only get 20 checking things? ;-;
>>70621We Are just Getting Started
>>70622I don't even know, ask the dice gods.
>>70617>>70619One itty bitty problem, Marecuse slipped out the door just seconds before
>>70618Outside, onto the docks
>>70620There are seven ponies on the docks, and exactly one could see him
>>70625Can I see the docks from where I am?
>>70625I'll take that as an invitationHe finishes the carrying of the crate and moves towards the griffon, panting slightly. "We need more ponies if we are to carry all this, Redclaw!"
>>70627>>70625Throw it out the door after her so it explodes as it hits the ground.
I gotta sleep.
Ash is busy having Vietnam flashbacks for the time being.
"maybe i can sneak up on her and end her quickly"
>>70625Hey GM, if my character dies
which I really don't mind since skillwise is less than desired, do you think my second character can appear inside any faction the players are and join them from there? I have a backup character in mind for the occasion, and it would fill the need for a rouge.
>>70634You know, it's okay to run if you think you're going to die.
>>70634Also, you could ask to change classes, if you're really not satisfied.
I really like Iron though.
>>70635It's not that, really. I just want to have a backup in case there's a lucky 20 and I die abruptly when I battle with my equal here by some nobody with a rifle that witnesses my attack, because, to be fair, my character would try to battle headfirst, and now that there's no need to be subte, he would fight against someone whom he sees as an equal to gain respect and renown as well as being the target. It's a gamble of sorts if you want to look at it like that.
>>70636>spoilerThanks, I honestly thought it was a bit overboard but had some guts and charater. And I can't exactly change classes with a bulky stallion to a mare unless you're in favor of genital mutilation of characters here.
>>70635If it reassures you, If I kill him, he could run up to the docks and jump off. With his high swimming and jumping skill, he should be able to escape without serious damage.
>>70637I'm, I thought Iron was like a quintessential Barbarian. Multicalling is always an option too.
>>70638That could work.
If you're lucky, you might be able to push the Griffin into the harbor.
>>70641Sorry, *multiclassing.
>>70642Nah, it wouldn't be Iron if strength was not the only option. Character transcends multiclassing options.
I, personally, think I need to do some work to clarify my character's personality and motivations.
I first wanted to play her as a calm, understanding type, but she's become nervous and indecisive since she's been put in situations that she doesn't really know what the heck she's supposed to be doing.
>>70643That sounds very Barbarian/Fighter like.
>>70644I'm not going for it. It does not really add that much. I'll stick to the fighter class only. Maybe I just transfer the dumb dex skills I picked up and put them into intimidate, if that's possible.
>>70645No need to rush. We're all still fleshing out our characters.
I finally picked muly feats, and I think I've decided on skill set I'm satisfied with.
I took Augment Summoning, so that my summons can take a few more bullets before going down. I also took Fiery Burst, so that I'd have something to do on rounds where I'm not casting spells and so that I can reserve them. The injuries I took with that Dire Wolf were a factor in that decision: I was juggling riorities on how I could keep the two ponies from getting injured and not completely kill the wolf at the same time, all without wasting spells; in the end, I lost half my hit points and two of my most powerful spells for the day because I wasn't worrying about my characters safety and taking the first chance to attack.
>>70646I'm only missing one feat for the Earth pony bonus feat, which I think I know where I can put it.
>>70647Guess I will post the changes to my sheet here, I guess.
Increase intimidate by 3
Substracted all points in dex based skils (Hide, Move Silently and Balance to be exact)
Selected earth pony bonus feat
There, that's it really
Sister Ash snaps out of her flashback, and decides to look for Ollie.
>>70653Also, can she see the boat/docks from where she is?
>>70654Uh, I think the GM won't respond until everyone is here, so take some extra time to think out your actions.
>>70655I'm just presetting my actions. Trying to think of what information my character has, and what I can do.
Tbh, I have no idea wtf I'm doing.. Now I find myself blowing up buildings at random to see what works.
>>70659Guess that's why you blew up the trucks before, then.
>>70646>I also took Fiery Burst, so that I'd have something to do on rounds where I'm not casting spells and so that I can reserve them>Without wasting spellsNow hol' up. "Fiery Burst" is intended to be a way to turn an otherwise lame fire spell into a way of inflicting a reasonable amount of damage at a distance. It is
not intended to be a free flamethrower with infinite ammo, no weight, no vulnerable fuel tanks, perfect accuracy, and much better damage die than a firearm. Fiery Burst works kind of like the Paladin's Smite Evil in 5e - you've got to trade a spell to use it.
>>70660She actually didn't blow up the trucks. She blew up a stack of gasoline drums
[1d20+6 = 18]>>70630Pic
>>70654You can't exactly see the docks itself because of the angle she's at. What she can see looking through the door is several ponies taking out crates and putting them in a pile. She can see the reflection of lights on the seawall and.... is that another truck?
Rolling for Blue Skies
>>70661Oh wow. I don't even know why she did that unless you are controlling the kirin into speeding up the mission since we were fumbling about without a rouge.
>>70664Nice number, is that multiple crits?
[3d6 = 14][1d8 = 7]>>70664Well that was just wrong. Trying again
>>70663She was blowing up crates of guns, and the trucks were close enough to be in danger from secondary explosions
Since gasoline drums don't have enough oxygen to explode directly
>>70661It's a one of the "reserve" feats, from the Complete Mage: it works as long as you have one of those spells necessary to use it left for your daily spells; it doesn't say anywhere in the description that the spell is consumed. That class of feats is meant to give wizards a fallback ability that deals minimal damage, but can be used so ong as they haven't used up all of heir spells.
I can replace it if you don't like that though.
>>70666The satan trips are true for this one.
Question, are you going to post if Shimmering Spark's effort to throw the tank out the building to hit the advisor mare? And what about my efforts to close the distance between me and the griffon advisor? Are both of these actions halted until the players controlling Dark Star and Shimmering Spark arrive? What about
>>70634 with new character creation if previous ones die off?
>>70667My SRD for reference:
http://dnd.arkalseif.info/feats/complete-mage--58/fiery-burst--1123/index.htmlIt's in essence a feat that grant so access to a supernatual ability so long as the mage still has spelks in his/her reserve. It works like those psionic feats that onlyou work so long as you still have a certain number of power points leat
>>70665That's just me not entering the dice field correctly. The actual numbers are in
>>70666. It's 21 with a good amount of luck - plus 1 for Point Blank shot. That's what a level 5 rogue can do with a light crossbow on an unsuspecting target less than 30 ft away
>>70667Why would it require you to have a fire spell prepared to cast it if it didn't consume a spell? And it's like 3d6 damage at level 5. I think that's as good as our fighters do, except they can miss and they have to close the distance. A druid who has no spells or wildshape shouldn't be superior in fighting capability to a fighter at the fighter's best.
>>70669You can make a new character if your character dies, but I would prefer that players not get their characters killed by recklessness
>>70628Alright, I'll respond to this
"Have faith in your comrades, pony. We are being joined by more creatures from the mill"
>>70671Iron inspects if he can push the griffon to the water, where ponies would not be able to be as effective either with melee or ranged attack. "I feel that the police is coming already. I have seen them at the tavern near here! We need the hooves!"
>>70672He could probably push the griffon off of the dock and into the water by a push to his left.
"The police are coming, that is why we must hurry!"
>>70673Okay, now you can put it on pause, cause I need some thinking to do before I commit.
>>70671Well, I could replace it if you wanted.
To me, simply casting the spells is a better option in most serioussituations, because they do more damage at every level than the fiery burst does.
Produce flame is first level: it does 1d6+5 and kets the caster throw balls of fire for ten minutes.
Flaming Sphere is second level and lasts one round per level and can be directed as a move action every round.
Call Lightning lasts for several rounds and can do up to 3d10 damage, before considering the effects of metamagick.
The burst power requires that I intentionally hold back and reserve spells (hence the name) at each level for me to actually be able to use it: it useful for killing insects and not blowing important slots on random encounters, but doesn't help with the situations I actually prepared said spells with, so not op inot my opinion. I just thought it'doesn't be especially reliable for a Druid.
It's all your decision to make though. Just let me know if it's a thumbs down, so I can replace it.
>>70675*I thought it would be especially reliable for a druid
Darn mobile posting medium...
Alright lets see, shit had just blown up and now the commie is gone.
I would ask how this could get worse, but then I'd only roll ones.
>>70677Redclaw is still here, but he's making it for the boat.
Marecuse apparently had no intention of staying and fighting with her comrades.
>>70678Marecuse was changing clothes and loading her gun
>>70679Ah, I thought she was escaping.
>Changing clothesSounds like we're dealing with quite the showoff.
[1d20+5 = 7]>>70678Woah there, don't scare me like thatIron decides to tackle the griffon into the water. Rolling strength to see if I take him with me.
>>70680Lists includes like 17 different kinds of handguns, 18 different longarms, 3 heavy weapons, and flamethrowers, plus some other stuff.
>>70682Oh dear...
>Tfw can't see it, so can't react.>>70662Sister Ash trys her luch and approaches the ponies loading the guns slowly, trying to make out where they're carrying them.
Dark Star says "Come on spark. we gotta go after her."
>>70686That being, she tries to see past the building.
I'm just trying to see wheretge rest of the party is, tbh.
>>70687then he heads out the door
>>70687Hey it's the other guy
>>70687"Right... but where did our other friend go off to?"
>>70682Rolling Opposed strength check
>>70681Imagine you are KGB. You are dressed in full officer's uniform to impress your new students. But then, you have to have a shootout with the police. Would you wear your Soviet Officer's uniform, or would you dress up like a mafia boss of the city you are in? Choose wisely, because the wrong choice may result in your operation being discovered
>>70686She can see that they are stacking them and preparing to put them in the back of trucks. There are two of them there, one of which might be one of the ones she saw earlier, and another which clearly is not
>>70692I feel you
>>70694RIP the roll. What does Onyx see?
>>70694Nah fam, don do dat, itsa fine. pretend he was not paying attention
>>70694I still think she's a just doing it to look cool.
Ponies don't even need clothes: they wear them for glamour. I see right through her.
>>70696why did i read this in jar jar binks's voice?
[1d20+4 = 5]>>70694Forgot the dice
>>70695Behind him is firery balls of fire that are firery, as well as liquid fire that is spilling on the floor. In front of him the two ponies drop their crate, and many run away. They later come back to get that crate. Besides that, in front of him is a large warehouse with an open door, and it spans several hundred feet each direction. Far to both his left and to his right are open, shall we say, roads
>>70696I still don't trust Palpantine taking emergency powers
Get shoved, fucker!
>>70701Great balls of fire...
>>70703All glory to the dice gods!
>>70682Redclaw seems to trip over a bump in the wooden planks when he tries to maintain balance. He spreads his wings to try to glide down, but falls anyways into the water. He first looks back angrily at Iron, then looks worried, looks to the seawall, and ducks his head under the water
>>70707Am I in the water with him?
Fuck. I'd send a shark after him,if only I could see him...
>>70708No, only he tripped
Not a member of the game, just here to comment on how I think you guys broke through the bump limit again.
>>70701Sister Ash is no longer confident she's helped anyone so far, and decides to move past the building in hopes of finding Ollie or Blue or the party or anyone she recognizes.
>>70711That happens every so often. We'll slide in a bit.
You're welcome to join if you want.
>>70707Iron, not wanting to let his prey escape, decides to take off all of his armor and jump into the water after him. If he thinks he can escape he is very wrong.
>>70715*Accutally just the bear armor, wolf armor should be ok.
>>70714I would, if I wasn't completely lost as to what's going on in the story, or if I had the slightest idea on how to play any sort of D&D-style game
>>70718>Lost in what's going onYou send me both..
You're welcome to start anytime though.
>>70712>Move past the buildingWhat does this mean? There are many directions she could go
>>70708Redclaw just barely raises his eyes above the water, and raises his rifle up above the water so that he is aiming down the sights. He looks to the seawall, then the dock, then every single direction around him
>>70717Shimmer was bitching about that so we may as well redo the scene
>>70718I am in nearly the same boat. I don't play often and I don't understand the basics, but I like to have a good time with anons. You should try it.
>>70720Which area did she see the lights selecting off of the water in?
Fuck it, maybe I should just melt some trucktires...
>>70719>>70721Might try it out. I'll see if I can't come up with at least a half-decent character. If any other Anon had something I can read to help me with the basics, or could post a quick rundown on the main backstory, that would be great.
[1d20+6 = 20]>>70720Iron just jumps into the water
which I asssume I did not jump before he could surface was because I had taken off my armor, puts some power attack goodness, giving 4 extra damage and strikes with the bladed gauntlets.
>>70722She is now next to the loading dock. While this whole area is referred to as "the docks" she is in an area of concrete on the shore which is next to a dock that extends out into the water, and has a ship moored on it
>>70723I should also mention that, despite being here for a few months, I still have no clue as to how to do all the fancy dice stuff in the email slot.
>>70724You need to jump, swim,
then attack
>>70726You just type in the Email field:
Dice (how many dice)d(how many sides)
For example: Dice 1d20
Now I feel like a retard for not knowing it was that easy.
>>70727Can you take the dice roll I did for the jump then? I'm somewhat gimping myself because in fairness I have 7 points in jump, but seeing the result makes me favour this. You can accept it, right?
>>70726Try it now, on here, see if it works!
>>70729It took me a long time as well. Not to mention countless times of leaving it in the field on the next posts. It's all good.
>>70730Yes, that we could say is a fine jump next to him, and we could even count it as his swim roll
[1d20 = 14]>>70731Might as well test.
>>70733I'll take it. Guessing I can actually attack now with your permission, right?
>>70725Sister Ash still has no idea wtf she's doing, but remembers there's one this she absolutely knows she has to do.
"Ollie! Where are you?"
>>70737You can attack him. He seems to be under the impression that you threw him in the water because the police were shooting at the docks
>>70738He is not by the trucks. At least, he isn't responding if he is by the trucks
>>70739Are there any ponies in the immediate vincinity that could see her?
>>70740From behind the trucks? That's a definite maybe. from in front of the trucks? Well, they might look after something gets their attention, but they wouldn't see what is done to the trucks
>>70741How close together are the trucks?
>>70742Well to see that would depend on how close she is to the trucks and what angle she's looking at them, now wouldn't it?
>>70743I'm sorry. I'm at a loss to know where the heck anything is..
Sister Ash runs back to the soup kitchen, to see if Ollie is there.
>>70744I'll make a map, and in any case I need to pause progress until we resolve the rolling mill incident
"Ollie?! Ollie?! Where are you?!" The confused ex-nun shouts as she gallops through the streets
>>70739Can I submerge his head underwater without rolling anything other than strength, then? I want to knock him unconscious without taking off the spiked gauntlets and I can go underwater with him since I'll have the breathing edge since I was not pulled down suddenly.
>>70748He's not expecting you to attack him, so you might be able to flank him with a grapple.
Plus, since he's holding a rifle instead of a knife/sword, no AoO for him.
>>70748Hmmm, I think normally there would be a grapple check. Maybe if the only thing you do is push his head under you can do strength alone, but you wouldn't have a grapple
>>70749Plus his flight feathers are now wet, and that cuts his chances of escaping by quite a bit.
I have a couple questions:
1.) How far in the future, compared to the events in the show, does this story take place in?
2.) How long ago was it when firearms became widely available in this universe?
>>70752These are questions I would like to be clarified as well.
>>70749Before I go wasting a roll here, do I use the grapple check or the strength check to start the grapple?
>>707521. Round about five to six years from the beginning of season 7, with the the key differences being that Chrysalis never tried the infiltration she did at the end of season 6, and so Thorax never ousted her and the skittlebugs thing never happened. The friendship school was not as successful as desired
2. Many decades, the technology level is round about interwar to early WW2. The universe here is based on a mod to Hearts of Iron 4 called "Equestria at War"
>>70754Grapple is base attack plus strength bonus
[1d20+10 = 28]>>70756Got itDeciding there is little time before he realizes that it's a ruse and possibly feel threatened, he starts a grapple with Redclaw, dealing nonlethal damage, while dragging him down into the water.
>>70757That's kinda overkill
>>70758There is no such thing as overkill.
>>70757Redclaw must believe this is some sort of way to keep him out of the view of a passing police vessel, because he does not resist in the first few seconds
>>70761Kek. Stupid birdbrain.
Hey, that that might open up a window to pin him.
>>70758overkill is underrated
>>70761Iron keeps dragging him down and away from the docks and tries to look for any shores or small rocks where both can stand for a fair fight with the griffon. He's not about to kill him like this.
He'll have a fair fight.
>>70755Well, that clarifies some things for my character's backstory. So, now for my third question as a complete nub to D&D-style games: what do I need to put down in my character's character sheet?
>>70764*Of course, if I can pin him, I'll take it.
>>70765You start by rolling stats.
Then you pick a race and class.
Your class will determine your skills, which you allocate to match your character's abilities.
>>70767This is the SRD I use most often. It has all of the core material.
>>70747Do I find Ollie in the Soup Kitchen?
https://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:ClassesRace: My Little Pony races
And roll for ability points. Six different 4d6's, with the lowest roll for each 4d6 tossed out
>>70770I need to figure out what happened to Marecuse first
>>70771Mind explaining about rolling for abilities, and what each ability does?
I'm sorry. I'm a complete nubcake.
>>70773I'll gladly help you allocate what stats you want for what class you wanna play.
Abilities represent, well, the natural abilities of the character
Strength. Your strength affects your ability to land attacks that do damage on opponents in melee combat, and also how much damage you do when an attack lands. You also need a minimum strength to use certain ranged weapons, and the ability is used for some skills like jumping and climbing
Constitution. Constitution represents a character's toughness. It affects the number of hitpoints a character has, as well as the "fortitude" saving roll, which is used when there are magical attacks on the body
Dexterity. Dexterity represents your character's ability to move around swiftly and how good they are at moving limbs and such. This affects your ability to land attacks with a ranged weapon. It also affects skills like move silently and hide. Further, it affects you reflex saving role against area of effect spells and breath weapons, like fireballs and dragon's fire
Charisma. This represents a character's force of personality. This score is used by palaldins for class abilities like divine grace, by clerics for turning the undead, by sorcerer's for casting spells, and affects skills like diplomacy and intimidation
Intelligence, Intelligence represents a character's logical and abstract reasoning faculties. This score is used by Wizards for casting spells, and it affects the number of skills a character has. It affects skills like forgery and use magic device
Wisdom. Wisdom represents a character's intuitive grasp of situations, and affects skills like sense motive and Listen. It is used by clerics and paladins to cast spells. It is also used for the will saving throw against mind affecting spells.
>>70773>>70775Hey GM, remember that second character I told you about before? Don't know if the stats are too OP for this game, mind if you take a look?
Strength 10 (+0)
Dexterity 19 (+4)
Constitution 12 (+1)
Intelligence 13 (+1)
Wisdom 13 (+1)
Charisma 20 (+5)
>>70776It's a pegasus character, keep that in mind.
>>70776>>70777A 20 and a 19 are mathematically impossible with a 4d6 drop the lowest roll system
>>70778That is why I told you the char is a pegasus. I read that they get +2 dex and a choice between +2 chr or wis I think. Also I allocated the extra stat increase to dex as well
>>70776>19>20You must have done something wrong. The highest you can get is 18, and that's with a perfect roll.
>>70779Pegasi, in this system, get -2 con and no stat bonuses. Except, obviously, they can fly
>>70775Alright. I'm not sure I have even a single six-sided die lying around IRL, so should I just make the rolls in a post?
>>70774That would be rather useful, thank you. So far, I'm thinking Fighter for the character I have planned.
>>70782Oh. Well that kinda sucks. Knew it was too good to be true for this char to be here. I'll return the dex and chr back to original values and put the extra point in CHR
>>70783You can. the email field will limit you to three rolls of 4d6, so you will have to make two posts. On each 4d6 roll, drop the lowest number, and add the other 3
>>70786And now here comes the point where I ask how does one make multiple dice rolls in the email field.
Just type "dice 4d6", and make 6 separate posts.
Are we still playing tonight? I wanna know what happened to Ollie.
>>70789I think the new player will be taught how to create a character with the GM's help so I'm guessing what happened to me will happen: Game stops until the newcomer grasps character creation.
>>70787Just type in each dice roll
"Dice 4d6 4d6 4d6"
>>70789I need to know what happened to Marecuse. We'd need both Dark Star and Shimmer online to resolve that first
>>70791 Didn't they both already agree to accept it as it went?
[4d6 = 19][4d6 = 19][4d6 = 17]>>70791Got it. Here goes nothing.
>>70789>>70790Yeah, I'm sorry 'bout all of this.
[4d6 = 10][4d6 = 20][4d6 = 9]>>70793And for the second roll.
>>70794>>70793Your scores are 16, 17, 16, 9, 16, 7
>>70793You're good. We don't mind at all.
>>70793>>7079416, 16, 16, 9, 16, 7
Damn. That's pretty great.
>>70793>>70794So, 16, 17, 16, 9, 16, 7. Not the best stats in the world, but not actually bad for the character I've got in mind either.
>>70799What did you have in mind exactly?
>>70799They're actually pretty awesome stats.
My highest stat was 16, and the second two highest were 13.
>>70801A unicorn raised by an Earth pony father. Very stunted magical abilities, but strong, and trained in the Earth pony wars of fighting.
>>70803*ways of fighting
I need to proofread more.
>>70803That's not a bad idea. While I don't intend to follow the alignment system religiously, what alignment are you thinking of? I mean, how do you intend to play the character?
>>70806True Neutral. He would like to be good, sure, but with his occupation he can't afford to pick and choose the jobs handed to him.
>>70807Alright, that can work
I do want to point out though that the party has two Earth Pony fighters, in case you want your character to stand out more
>>70808I'm sure, even if it doesn't do much for the party's versatility. But hey, if he needs to, he could always just throw a brick or something with his magic.
>>70808"Ollie?! Ollie?!" The Kirin mare screams, now visibly freaking out
>>70805Told you. It happened to me. It's bound to happen to him too.
>>70810*insert a "dab upon the haters" while standing behind a furnace here*
>>70812Remember the first thread, how I disrupted the roleplay then?
>>70809It's a pretty fighter friendly setting anyways
In the background of the series, Equestria has recently concluded The Great War. Many able bodied ponies - not all - were drafted for it. Most never returned, still being held as prisoners of war or as "disarmed enemy combatants." Where was your character in the Great War? Just a thing to think about for backstory
>>70810I want to know if Marecuse with her submachinegun will be heading that way first
>>70814Didn't we already resolve that?
>>70814Actually helps fill in my character's backstory a bit.
Alright then.
While Shimmer and Dark Star were looking for acetylene tanks, the ponies on the rolling mill floor exited the building in mass. Marecuse - and Marecuse alone - stayed behind as she carefully took off her Stalliongradian officer's uniform, and replaced it with a white button shirt, red tie, and Black Jacket.
Shimmer pulled an acetylene tank from the first floor storage room, up the second floor, through the control room and then up on onto the central gangway, dragging it the 150 feet to the end. His plan: to drop the tank on Marecuse and crush her, and then to detonate the gas if that did not work.
Marecuse, however, finished her dressing some seconds before, taking out a drum magazine and loading it into her PPSh-41 before leaving out the door. Shimmer dropped the tank, but just missed her. She looked back at the dropped tank, then ent on her way when she figured the explosion next door must have dislodged it
>>70810She runs back through the warehouse and through the door she came through. One little - well, not so little - problem. The way she came is now a towering inferno that has a new explosion every minute. She came through the liquid goods warehouse... now how to get back?
>>70814So, what's the current setting?
>>70819"Spark move the tank the Red got away. Were going after her."
>>70820Currently in a anti-commie raid. Tasked to kill two advisors and disrupt current operations. Something exploded inside a warehouse and now the commies are panicking, now evacuating before police arrives.
>>70819Don't forget my pin and further dragdown and away from the docks to Redclaw. I want that bird unconscious, not dead.
>>70821"Ok. But where is our other friend?"
I run down the stairs to collect the tank.
>>70825Nou, I want my 1v1 against the birb
>>70827Told you character constraints would cause problems if I want my character to be consistent.
>>70824"Im Not Sure where he got off to. hes probably somewhere Close by."
>>70819Most creatures with energy attacks are immune to their own energy type. I'm immune to fire in Nirik form, right?
[1d20+10 = 13]>>70820Equestria was conquered by two nations. The Changeling Empire, with brute force, numbers, new technology, and changeling infiltration tactics came en masse from the East. Shortly there after, a nation known as New Mareland invaded. They are a former Equestrian colony on the continent of Griffonia, and under stress from a chaos in Griffonia in the wake of the fall of the Griffonian Empire, and a Great Depression the Princesses have failed to address, opted for a Fascist government of Pony Nationalism that advocates imperialism over Griffons. They made sort of a landgrab while the main armies of Equestria were distracted, and are objectively a weaker power. Equestria was ultimately split down the middle between the Changelings and New Mareland, with the Changelings getting all of the Crystal Empire as well.
This series takes place in South East Equestria in an area occupied by New Mareland. The political party of New Mareland, as well as the local fascists, are the Black Hooves. Many, perhaps most Equestrian ponies hope for the return of the princesses. They are called Restorationists, and they are kept in line by reminding them that any power vacuum would just result in the Changelings invading. Many other ponies want to install a communist state, following the example of the breakway Equestrian province of Severyana, now called Stalliongrad
This game starts in the relatively southern city of Baltimare. The city is a hotbed of communist activity, and the Blackhooves are weaker here than in most other places
>>70823Redclaw realizes the intent is hostile and counter grapples. You must roll to maintain the grapple
>>70830I want to say yes, but running through a shitload of burning Gasoline is kind of a step beyond
[1d20+10 = 12]>>70831Iron attempts to maintain the grapple.
How does he have a 10 in grapple if he has 4 strength. Also remember. I want him unconscious.
>>70831*+4 bonus strength I mean
Also not funny dice.
>>70831She'd do gladly if it were to save a foal who was in danger.She'd lose what's left of her clothes though"Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no…!" The Kirin mares mautters. She trots in place frantically, seeing that the fire has spread far further than she had anticipated.
Then she takes a deep, long breath.
>>70834The dice gods demand blood!
>>70833I can't get over how damned funny these dice rolls for the bird fight have been
Anyways, it looks like Redclaw breaks away, and swims to the surface, using his wings to help swim
>>70837but tznech isnt the blood god
[1d20+10 = 20][1d20+5 = 10]>>70838Iron, somewhat angered by his prey escaping, uses his swim skill to reach the birb and regrapples again.
>>70831This is what I've got so far. Anything I'm missing? I'll probably also see if I can't make a drawing of my character sometime later.
Name: Silver Sword
Race: Unicorn
Sex: Male
Alignment: True Neutral
A middle-aged, battle-scarred mercenary, the only son of a Stalliongrader blacksmith. Uninterested in politics, his only focus is on his next/current job, and those who pay him. And with the current turmoil in Baltimare, he has made his way there to look for more work to do.
Class: Fighter
Strength - 16
Dexterity - 17
Constitution - 16
Intelligence - 7
Wisdom - 16
Charisma - 9
Steel Greatsword
>>70840Does that even work? Also, cheeky way to add a point in grapple attack. Last time his strength was checked it had a bonus of 4. How does he have a 10 in grapple?
>>70836As her panic grows, the ex-nun's fur begins to shift from cedar to gray, until it quickly turns jet black.
"..Mother, forgive me..." she cries, biting back tears as she charges through the flames.
"Ollie!? Where are you?!'
[1d20+10 = 28]>>70840Redclaw gets an attack of opportunity. He swipes at Iron with his talons
>>70842You add your base attack bonus as well
>>70841Now you need to place your skills, which the GM should tell you how many you have. I think you'll have maybe 12 or less to distribute.
>>70845Figured. Anyone have any suggestions for good skills?
>>70849For a Fighter?
Jump, Intimidate, Handle Animal.
>>70849Spot and listen are pretty good to have.
>>70849I say go for strength skills since you're going for a fighter. Any skills that don't align with the class get only half the benefit of the skill. Aka go for jump, swim, intimidate and other skills that a fighter can take advantage of fully.
>>70851Those aren't class skills for fighters.
>>70852Check a wiki in D&D 3.5 and it will tell you.
>>70853He could still take them though they are very useful.
>>70853Yes they are. Look at the wikipage
[1d3+4 = 6]>>70841That'll work, though unless you have RP reasons to do otherwise, I'd use one of those 16s for Intelligence
>>70847Redclaw's talons rip at Iron's flesh and do damage, causing him to fail in his quest to keep Redclaw down
>>70849Also, here are the racial adjustments for the Unicorn race
+2 intelligence, -2 strength
+2 will save
Can perform Arcane magic
Telekinesis, up to 90 pounds, at will
One free skill at maximum - 8 skill points at level 5
>>70857Int really isn't that important to fighters though.
He placed them in Strength, Dex, Con, and Wis: his most important stats.
[1d20+5 = 13][1d20+6 = 17]>>70857That is it. He had enough of this griffon's stubborness. His honor was wounded and now he's angered further, not caring for a fair fight. He rolls a swim check to swim faster yet again and now adds up +4 damage on his punch and explicitly target the wings, so that the cowardly bird cannot fly away if he reaches out the water.
>>70857He's not an overly-intelligent pony, nor does has he had much reason to change that. He's not stupid, and his status as a unicorn helps that fact. He just needs to know how to fight, and what fights he needs to get into.
>>70859Badass iron-senpai
[1d20+5 = 10]>>70843Listen check to find colt
[1d20+5 = 13]>>70862Reeeeeeeeee
Spot check
[1d20+6 = 25][1d20+11 = 19]>>70858If he has a 7 for intelligence he only has one skill he can max, if he has 16 intelligence he can max 5
Plus the racial skill bonus>>70859Iron's attack lands and draws blood in the water. The Griffon realizes now he is in full combat. He lets himself float in place in the water, and quickly draws his trusted Machete. With both claws he grips it, and makes two swings
Maybe you should look at two handed fighting, so you can make more attacks>>70862He is not inside of any of the gasoline drums
>>70863Firery fireballs of fire. No colt here
>>70857So, now that I'm looking at the wiki for what kinds of skills I can take, how many points do I have available?
>>70864Why is the modifier different at both strikes?
>>70864Yeah, but then he'd have to dump another Stat.
I wouldn't trade Wis for Int if I were a fighter.
Besides, he doesn't have very many skills to pick from anyway. Nobody needs more than 5 ranks in Jump, so all he'd need would be to put the rest in Intimidate.
[2d6+16 = 25]>>70859Both attacks find Iron and pierce his hide armor. Rolling damage
What is Iron's damage?
>>70865With 7 intelligence? 16 in total and 8 must be in one skill.
>>70864Sister Ash keeps running back towards the soup kitchen, still looking for the colt.
>>70866The reason is because he has two base attacks. The second attack has a much lower base attack bonus.
Iron has taken 31 damage total from one round of machete combat and one round of naked talon combat with Redclaw
>>70869Is she still on fire?
>>708681d4, remember to add the +4 from power attack
>>70870Well, she's not trying to be...
She's only trying to resist the flames.
>>70871I know, but I mean does he have weapon specialization on unarmed combat, and it's one hoof right?
>>70872It affects how other characters interact with her. Does she look like she is covered in Napalm?
>>70868>8 must be in one skillI take it to mean that I need at least 8 in one skill I choose?
>>70870W0t? Damn, was not expecting that. Though that 16 damage was a misspell.
>>70874No, but her face looks like it's covered in soot/ash.
>>70868I should also ask: if I don't take a point in a skill, can I still make a check in that skill?
>>70879Yeah, but the less skill you have, the more you depend on random chance to help you out, so pick wisely. However, do not go for dexterity skills if you're going for a figher unless your dex is high and don't plan using any armor.
>>70880Thanks, helps out with choosing.
>However, do not go for dexterity skills if you're going for a figher unless your dex is high and don't plan using any armor.I wasn't planning on it. If it was allowed, I was going to have my character start out with some heavy armor, and I kinda figured it would be pointless to invest in anything that would already be hampered so much.
>>70881Good. Don't make the same mistake I did.
[1d20+4 = 18]>>70878If a skill is "trained only," then no, you cannot. If a skill is untrained, then yes, you can
>>70876I rechecked the numbers, and they are right, although there should probably be modifiers for combat in water
>>70877>>70878As she exits the main entrance, a startled mare stands back at the sight
>>70881Also I don't think the GM would allow it. Maybe he'll let you have the lightest armor possible like padded.
>>70883So what is my damage with the gauntlet before he slashed at me?
Alright, skills:
8 in Intimidate
3 in Jump
3 in Swim
2 in Handle Animal
That look good to everyone?
>>70884It's alright if he didn't, really.
>>70883Sister Ash trots to a stop, coughing soot and trying not to spontaneously combust.
"Did you see.. a foal anywhere around here?"
[3d6+1 = 11][1d8 = 5]>>70871As Iron and Redclaw slash at each other, a bolt from an unknown attacker slices through air and water, hitting Redclaw in the base of the neck
>>70881You can have a sort of heavy armor, I would just like it to.... make sense in a sort of WW2 context. For example, a character's Chain shirt light armor is a standard Airman's flakjacket
>>70885That's why I asked if you had weapon specialization in it
>>70887The mare has glasses and is holding a very big gun. She says with a sort of accent, and a surprised tone of voice "No"
>>70889>Tfw this is marecuse, but Ash wouldn't recognize her>Tfw I should be taking this chance to melt her gun
>>70883Here's a chart of possible modifiers for combat
>>70889>bolt that hits Redclaw in the base of the neckW0t?
>weapon specializationDon't have a focus perk if that's what you're talking about. Also no simple weapon specialization, so just the hit with +4 damage, I guess.
>>70889"This.. *pant* really isn't any place.. *pant* for foal..
It's a shame he had to be here at a time like this..."
Is there another room past here?
>>70889What are the dice supposed to mean, the bullet, the slashes again or my gauntlet?
>>70889I was thinking tear-resistant civilian clothing reinforced with metal armor plating on the outside, but you're the DM/GM. Anything to suggest as lore-friendly heavy armor?
>>70889Dark Star leaves the mill
[1d4+9 = 10]>>70891Alright, rolling damage to Redclaw based on the successful
>>70893The bolt
>>70892She is by the foundry. In front of her and to your left is the Union Hall
Did I seriously not get any description of the targets?
Marecuse steps forward, and then successively casts "Shield" and "Protection from Arrows" on herself.
>>70895>>70895These Metal plates were used as body armor by Soviet soldiers in the battle of Stalingrad
>>70894Thus far, 26 points of damage have been done on Redclaw, and 31 on Iron
>>70899Like, was she given any outline of the objective of the plan?
Could she in any way recognize this mare as the one she's supposed to incapacitate?
>>70901I don't think that Ash was given any description of the adviser beyond "from Stalliongrad." And she doesn't see anypony who looks like she is from Stalliongrad
[1d20+9 = 15]>>70899Spellcraft check to recognize spells
>>70903I don't know if that is high enough, but those two spells have been cast on Marecuse by herself. I think Ash just ran right past her though and didn't look back
[1d20+5 = 11]>>70902Well fug, I guess she really doesn't know what she's doing.
Also, sense motive check to see if this bitch us about to get violent.
>>70904>Ran past herI guess that'd make sense....
Sister Ash continues her endeavor to find the list colt
>>70907The Union hall still has its light on. Obviously the Trucks are gone, but a firetruck has pulled up across the street
>>70908She runs through the hall, crying out for the foal
"Ollie! Ollie?!"
>>70899Can I suder his machete to see if I break it?
>>70910You could try I guess, and leave him only with his talons, but are you sure you want to spend one more round in combat?
>>70909She runs into the hall. Neither Ollie nor either stallion can be seen in the "event area," or the room that is there when you first go through the doors
>>70911Am I all set for the game? Or is there something left for me to do?
>>70911"Ollie?!" She shouts once more, as she runs through to the next room, and then out the door
>>70912>>70912I think you are set to begin. All we need now is a reason he'd be in Baltimare
>>70913I think we'll put this on pause for the night, seeing as how most of the players are gone
>>70914Alrighty then. I suppose we'll leave this for tomorrow, if we're putting the game on pause.
>>70914[Panicked Kirin noises]
Okay. I should've been asleep 4 hours ago anyway.
>>70911One question before I answer, do I go first and the griffon attacks next or we both attack simultaneously? If it's the latter I would ceirtanly flee, if not I can break its machete if it has a hardness less than 10 of course.
Question for the next session. Night all.
>>70917>>70917You can try to sunder his weapon. Please note that in order to attempt a sunder, first your opponent must fail to damage you on his attack of opportunity. That is, he will try to stab you with his Machete in a free attack with his +11 bonus. If his attack fails, you must then make an opposed attack roll against his weapon. He gets a +4 bonus because he is wielding his machete two handed. So if he fails to hit you on his attack of opportunity, and then if you win against his opposed attack roll, which he will have a +5 total advantage on, then you can damage his weapon. Please note that just because you do damage to his weapon doesn't mean that you have done enough damage to shatter it, so you may still fail even if you win the first two steps.
>>70915The other players are in a sort of mass combat encounter, so your character would start off separately. The first four characters all had their own little adventures on their own, one joining a nunnery, another joining a gang and doing enforcer work loan sharking, another joining the federal police as a deputy, and a another killing a gangster who was threatening a shop keeper for protection money, then being detained for questioning over it, and then being arrested on suspicion of being a changeling spy.
>>70918I know, but I wasn't sure if you calling their encounter off for the night wasn't also so you could get some sleep.
>>70921You've only lost like 3 health points. Iron has lost 31
from a single round of combat and attack of opportunity>>70922We'll see what we can do
>>70923I take it you're here, now? Should we begin?
>>70925We could, although I can't say I have any ideas
>>70926Sister Ash would still be looking for Ollie.
>>70926I've got one that works. A basic one, but it's an idea nonetheless.On the streets of Baltimare, a lone and strange-looking unicorn stallion, greatsword at his side, makes his way through the lamp-lit streets, looking for lodging and otherwise in an unfamiliar city.
>>70929The buildings in downtown are fairly large. A few 10+ story office buildings stand in a strand in teh central business district. 3 to 5 floor apartment buildings and department stores dominate most everywhere else in the densest locations, while more than a few factory smokestacks protrude in most directions on the horizon. This is a modern industrial city. It is not nearly as big as Manehattan. It is not as glamorous as Canterlot, nor as wealthy as Los Pegasus, but it remains the Urban cornerstone of the Equestrian Southeast. Think of it as a poor-mare's Manehattan. No.... that title belongs to Fillydelphia. Maybe think of it as a poor-mare's Fillydelphia
What sort of lodging is he looking for? Formal hotels exist, as do business owners and residents renting out spare rooms
[1d20+12 = 25]
Are there any rooms left in the building Ollie could have gone to?
Rolling survival to try to pick up tracks.
>>70930How is it compared to ponyville?
>>70930Unused to cities in general, he's put off by the shear scale of it all, and how strangely tiny it makes him feel.
As for the issue of lodging, he considers something formal for his immediate needs, but decides something less-so is in order. All he needs is a room, a bath, and some employment suiting his abilities. In this pursuit, he continues the search, looking for a place where the owner would have some information for him.
>>70932A hell of a lot larger, and one hell of a lot less quaint. The architecture tends to be more brick based than the almost Germanic style architecture of wooden and thatched roof houses of Ponyville
>>70931Indeed there are other rooms in the hall. One set of (recent) tracks veers off to a hall on the side, and many sets of tracks go inside and outside of the front door
>>70933Screw it, I'm placing you with the rest
More expensive and formal hotels exist, but cheap and longer lasting lodging can be found in lofts above the Eastside Tavern, a two story brick building Between the commercial town center and the factories of the waterside district. Well, that's what a paper on the door says anyways
>>70934Neat.He takes another look at the building before pressing on inside, getting an idea of what stands before him.
How big are these recent tracks? Are they colt-sized?
>>70934Has Dark Star made it outside?
>>70935When he enters the building, he sees the bar to high right, with a lone bar tender and one grey earthpony stallion far down in the bar. A few ponies sit in a booth to the far left, and in the back, a couple ponies play pool
He sees a number of posters on the wall. One particularly noteworthy poster shows a Stallion asleep in bed, right next to a drooling and hissing black changeling. The caption reads "beware who you take home at night. Your date might just be a changeling." Still another poster warns that Changelings plan subversive activities. What must be an old Equestrian recruitment poster is also on the wall
>>70936Indeed, some of the tracks appear to be colt sized
>>70937It may take him some time to run, but sure
>>70939Sister Ash follows the colt tracks in a hurry (although at only half her normal running spead, because she's following tracks).
>>70939>"beware who you take home at night. Your date might just be a changeling." Lol
Sneaky bugs.
>>70939Besides contemplating the old recruitment poster for a couple seconds and how it managed to survive through the city's occupation, little else piques his interest leading him to go straight for the barkeeper. He offers a simple "Greetings" with a slight Stalliongrader accent once he reaches the bar.
>>70940She goes into the hall and sees that tracks variously go into two rooms. One is just a bathroom, the other is an empty room that doesn't seem to have any foals in it
>>70941He seems surprised for a moment, and then says "what can i get for you?"
>>70939I follow Dark Star with explosives and drink in tow.
>>70943Did you hit the wrong reply there?
>>70943Sister Ash proceeds into the bathroom, still coughing back bit of door as she tries to calm herself down.
>>70947There is nopony in the bathroom. It also appears that they've shut the water off in the building, which carries it's own set of implications
>>70946Just checking."One room, and one bath, if it pleases you." He also takes a quick looks down at the weapon at his side. "And, uh...'information', if you can. I am in market for employment."
>>70948Confused, she backs away and checks the other room.
Also how could she tell they'd shut the water off?
I had to pick up a pizza>>70950>How could she tellYou can smell when someone has used a toilet where there is no water or flushing.
The other room looks like it has not been used extensively. A window is broken
>>70949"Well, we arrange that." He pauses again, and asks "what sort of information?"
>>70951It's all good. Hope you enjoy your peetzer."As I have said, employment. Anyone who would be in need of pony who can fight."
[1d20+12 = 13]>>70951"But.. his hoofprints were right here.."
Sister Ash is now very confused, wondering if she followed the tracks improperly.
Rolling survival to try to find the trail again.
>>70953Natural.Fucking.ONE.F for the colt's trail.
>>70952He looks down at the sword. "
Who are you?"
>>70953Oh dear. Does his trail go everywhere or nowhere? Is that a colt's hoofprint, or a stallion's?
"REEEEEEEEEEEEEE OLLIE WHERE ARE YOU?!?!?!?" Sister steams, trying hard not to burst into flames
>>70956"I am named Silver." He sticks a foreleg out for a hoofshake. "May I ask who you are in turn?"
>>70959Silver Star apple?
>>70961Oh god, no. Silver Sword.
[1d20 = 13]>>70958Rolling to reeeeeeeeee into the void
>>70959"I am Glimmering Glass." The dark brown unicorn extends his hoof to shake
>>70963It looks like somepony heard her scream
A light shines through the broken window
"Is somepony in there?"
>>70964He gives it a nice, firm shake. "Pleased to meet you. Now, if you would not mind, would you show me to this room and bath?"
>>70964"Y-yes..!" She replies, a bit startled by her own outburst
She moves over towards the window
>>70965He seems unsure for more than a moment. After a long pause, and most definitely after looking Silver up and down, Glass says "sure, right this way." He walks up to a door near the bar that says "private residence," which he opens to a hall that has a separate door that opens to the street further down, and has a staircase. He heads up the stairs and says "We have a Crystal Empire veteran who sleeps in that room," pointing to a small room "He works for me, though he's out tonight with some small group. What kind of room were you looking for again?"
>>70966When the light is moved, you can see it is a policemare. At least, you can assume it's a policemare, because she is wearing a blue uniform with a blue cap.
"Ma'am, this building is supposed to be closed down and locked. What are you doing in there?"
>>70967"I'm looking for a colt. He was here earlier but I can't find him." The mare replies, breathing heavily
>>70967His answer takes no time at all. "Anything will do. I am not particularly picky."
>>70968"There was an explosion earlier. Aherd of ponies we're running around with gunz. I'm afraid he may have gotten hurt..!"
Wait, is this the same building as the soup kitchen?
>>70972She walks up to the window to see the pony.
"I think there might still be other ponies in here."
[4d20 = 42]>>70968"What colt? Why are you in a building that is supposed to be locked"
>>70970"I know there was an explosion, ma'am, calm down. Who has guns, and where is this colt?"
Also, Dice rolls
>>70969"I was asking because you may have to share a bathroom"
He opens the door to the next room. It's mostly empty with a bed, not too small, but definitely a studio with no separate kitchen or bathroom
"This one here is kind of small, but cheap"
>>70973"Why do you say that?"
>>70972She walks up to the window to see the pony.
"I think there might still be other ponies in here."
>>70974"Some ponies we're talking about a 'revolution'. I don't know about politics, but I do know they're planning something dangerous.."
"I don't know where the colt is. His name his Ollie and he looks like [insert collor description and possible cutie mark here]."
>>70974He steps forward into the room, taking a look around. He specifically looks for the major points of entry while he speaks. "How much exactly?"
[1d20+4 = 7][1d20+3 = 13]>>70977One thing you'll learn about Baltimare is that basic fire safety is rarely followed. There is exactly one point of entry or exit to this room, and that is the door you are looking through
"Oh, only 100 bits a month"
>>70976"Alright, ma'am, you need to leave this building"
From behind the officer is another voice
"This area is closed, please back away"
>>70975>>70978The policemare looks incredibly startled, and then backs away slowly.
A cream coated mare with a black jacket, red tie, and a blood red mane steps forward. With red telekinesis she aims a gun with a drum magazine. She slowly turns and looks to Ash
"Are you one of the forward sentries?"
>>70979Hmmm, I'm not sure if it's too late if I should count this
>>70978This slightly worries Silver for entirely different reasons, but he sets it aside to look at Glass after he mentions the price. "Not bad...I think I will take it." He levitates a pouch of Bits out of his saddlebags towards him, marked with a white streak. "He should be first month's payment."
>>70980"Am I a what?" Ash responds quizically
>>70981"Oh you carry that much on you." He takes the bag
"I take it you are from out of town?"
>>70982She stares back. "Did you run here from the rolling mill? I don't recall seeing a... I take it you're a kirin?"
She speaks with an accent, hard to say what
>>70983"Yeah.. I ran through.."she replies, staring at the gun nervously
"I'm just trying to find a colt who got lost here."
>Tfw really don't want to get shot
>>70983He simply nods. "It helps to have necessary funds on trips. Also helps to have way to defend yourself." He looks around idly a bit. "So...would you please show me to the bath? I am admittedly in dire need of one."
[4d20 = 43]>>70984She spends most of her time looking forward, then quick glances back to Ash
She responds "This is no place for a colt. Hopefully he left as soon as the explosion occurred"
>>70986"Where could he have gone? I've looked everywhere." Ash responds, her panic growing once more
>>70985"It's here, on the end of the hallway. You'll have to share it with at least that other stallion, but thus far tonight it's all yours"
>>70987"He probably left out of here, that way" She dips her gun down and points it forward, down Blackwood Road
"Why aren't you helping with the crates?"
>>70988"Because I'm looking for a lost child!" Ash responds, frustrated, but relieved to find a tip.
She starts off down towards Blackwood Road.
>>70989>>70989The road that way is dark, with only a few lamps illuminating it. A very loudblack and white car rushes towards you, and stops diagonally on the roadway. More police, you can tell. But these police have guns. A stallion gets out of the passenger side door, and points a revolver at Ash with one hoof. "Don't move!" A yellow mare gets out of the passenger seat, and does the same
>>70988He nods again and makes his way there without another word. He doesn't take much time in there, but despite that he's managed to make himself look civilized compared to how he looked previously: his light grey coat is shiny and healthy, broken only by a hooffull of scars that are too big to have fur regrow over them, and his dark grey mane and tail, partially age-greyed, are now properly groomed, and he's wearing some simple dark pants and a clean white button-up shirt, along with his greatsword in its sheath, and his saddlebags. Immediately after, he seeks out Glass to see if he has anything else to give him on any potential employment.
>>70991He find it simple enough to walk back into the bar
"Employment? What are you looking for?"
Ash comes screeching to a halt, leaving black skidmarks in the pavement
>>70992He privately finds it a little annoying he keeps repeating himself, but doesn't put a voice to it. "As I said, anything involving fighting." He pauses for a second before quickly adding: "It does not have to be strictly about fighting. It merely is what I am best at."
>>70993>>70990... But she can't help but inquire about Ollie
"Have you seen a small colt running past here?" She asks, in panic
[26d20 = 250]>>70994"Well, New Mareland is
always looking for fighters if you are willing to exchange that sword for a gun and go overseas. Doesn't pay great though. I suppose their is need of body guards. Hell, a guy in this bar paid some native guy 400 bits for some sort of job tonight"
>>70993>>70995One of them yells "Back up," the mare says "what col-"
Then the sound of thunder
>>70996His eyes widen a bit at the mention of the sum. "400 Bits?"
>>70996I really don't want to die...
>>70997"Some other lady thought it was a bit much. He offered 200 before and 200 after. he has been tossing money around though"
>>70999"It is an awful lot to be throwing around without caution. Do you happen to remember any defining features of these ponies?"
>>71000"Tell me about it. The night before he offered to buy about ten percent of my bar. Hell, he
did buy about 10% of my bar. His name is Dark Star, and he is a Dark brown Earth Pony with black mane and wears a black leather jacket. He came in today with some light blue pegasus mare I never got the name of, and went off with my part time employee, and this bat pony who was working here last night"
>>70998Alright, we should pause this here and wait on other players
>>71001"Sounds very...interesting, I guess is word for it. I will have to keep eyes and ears open for this 'Dark Star'." Silver grumbles a bit at the name, mulling it over in his mind for the faintest clue as to if he's heard of him before, but he turns up nothing. He gives up after a minute or so, choosing instead to look at the selection of drinks the bar has available.
>>71003That's one of those OC designs that's in the "so cringy it's funny" camp.
>>71002The top of the list contains a number of basic beers that you could reasonably expect any Equestrian bar to serve, largely from the mid-equestrian regions. They also have a malt from the barely of South Severyana, liquors, ciders, and some sort of off brand whiskey. Incredibly, they have wines from Aquellia and Blackjack whiskey from Skyfall on the list, though at
vastly greater prices due to the embargo
>>71005He whistles. "You have very large and varied stock here, my friend."
>>71006"We have a diverse clientele. Mostly it's working class in here, but we get the white collars as well, and every now and then, a guy trying to impress a rich fillie"
>>71008"You do very well for what I imagine isn't exactly best neighborhood in Baltimare." Silver considers the menu some more. "How about some whiskey, if you don't mind? To commemorate new day in new city for me. Not stuff from Skyfall. It is too rich for my blood, I am afraid!" He lets out a small yet hearty chuckle.
>>71009He poors a glass for the Stallion.
"There is far worse, believe me. If anything, this is an optimal location between the wealthy and the waterfront"
>>71010"I suppose that is why I am mercenary and you are bar owner." Silver counts out double the amount of Bits needed for the whiskey from his saddlebags and places it on the counter. "Have one for yourself. It is better to drink together than to drink alone, after all."
>>71011And now he pours
himself a drink
"You should have seen the mare Dark Star brought with him, expecting everypony to buy her a drink. She'll
love you"
>>71012This gets a further chuckle out of him. "You know how I will get around that? I will wait for everypony ELSE to buy her drinks, and by the time she comes to me, she will be too drunk to even ask!" Silver laughs some more at his statement.
>>71013"Don't worry, she'll just push the glass to you. That's what she did to him."
>>71014He finishes off his laugh with a snort. "Well, you will need not worry about me. I can handle one mare asking for drinks." He finally raises his glass in a sort of toast. "To new beginnings."
>>71015He lifts up his glass for the toast. "To new beginnings"
>>71016In one fell swoop, he downs the drink, finishing it off with a satisfied sigh.
>>71017"So... What's with the accent?"
>>71018"Ah, that. I was born in Stalliongrad, long, long time ago. Left when I was barely 18." Silver scratches his chin in contemplation. "I suppose I just never gave my accent up."
>>71019"You call it by the name they give it. What do you think of the regime there?"
>>71020He stays silent for a few seconds to consider his words. "I have heard good things from those who run it. Bad things from everypony else. I learned long time ago to not trust words at face value. From what I have seen myself, it is regime using ponies' own sense of injustice and their own naivety to gain power, wealth, and influence. It is sickening at times, watching what was once my people, proud people, get played with like foal's toys." Silver pauses, letting out a heavy sigh. "But, it is not my land, and they are not my people. Not anymore. It is land of these...Communists, now." The word doesn't seem to roll naturally off the tongue for him, as if it's completely foreign. "As far as whatever they decide to call it, it does not matter to me anymore. My father is dead, my family, if they are still alive, are somewhere in what was once Equestria. I have no ties left to the 'Motherland'."
>>71021"Well... my Fatherland is gone now. My own country is now run by a foreign government. And it's worse over west"
>>71022He simply nods, understanding exactly what he's talking about.
>>71025[Nervous shaman noises]
>>71028My character is a Druid.
>>71029Ah. Well, that explains it better.
>>71030I think I really like the gig. Shapeshifting nature shaman, and all that.
The Spells aren't that greatv (compared to Clerics or Sorcerers), but the class features are pretty fun.
>>71031Look at the class on the wiki, it certainly seems to be an interesting choice for the setting.
>>71032See, I was thinking of playing a Cleric, but I was unsure of how the Equestrian theology would work out. I thought Druid would be the next closest thing for a support-based divine caster.
Clerics are really good too. Great spells, and awesome healing ability.
>>71033I've always imagined the primary theology in Equestria would be monastic and centered around the worship of Celestia and Luna as living deities. Not exactly the ideal place for Clerics, I would assume.
>>71034Well, it was more of a technical issue.
Clerics in particular need to have a direct covenant with their dieties to receive their Granted Powers. I wasn't certain if it would work the same way if the gods were somehow incapacitated; for that matter, I wasn't sure what rank (if any) Celestia and Luna wonder.
At least with a Druid, you don't necessarily have to have all your spells granted from your deity, although you may depending on the circumstances.
>>71035I wonder if kirins wouldn't just have their own deity/set of deities, as collectively they're not a part of Equestrian society and wouldn't have the same connection to Celestia and Luna that most ponies have.
>>71036I don't actually know how Kirin society works in this universe.
They seem rather isolated though.
>>71037Completely isolated, apparently. So much so that their very existence in Equestria is isolated primarily to legend and myth.
I've been reading up on the wikis a bit in my spare time, and I have to ask: exactly how true are we sticking by these game mechanics? I'm just wondering so I can note it for the future.
>>71039Class features seem to be similar so far; although some may seem a bit obsolete due to the presence of firearms and automatic weaponry.
I can't tell you if loot rolls are going to be the same though, or what equiptment you can choose from.
>>71040I remember the GM said he was willing to give Silver heavy armor to start, but I'm not sure, reading through the list of armor types, what WWII-era Soviet metal plate would classify as.
>>71041I'm not really sure at all, tbh.
Since I'm a Druid, I can only wear non-metslic armor, which restricts me to leather, hide, and dragonscale. My armor doesn't work in Wildshape unless it's specially made (Wild Armor, about 9000 gp). Druids are also resticted from wearing mundane/deep Crystal as well, so idk what armors would break code of conduct in this case, or what exist.
>>71042Then again, quadripedal/non-humanoid creatures wear Barding, which Nat or may not expand available armor options.
Barding costs twice as much though.
[2d100 = 75][3d6 = 13][5d6 = 18]>>71025That reminds me, I need to do some dice rolls
>>71035>>71034Celestia and Luna cannot grant magic powers, but the universal spirit of Harmony, perhaps can
>>71041I'm feeling like a banded mail, although half-plate might be more accurate
>>71039I'll work it out as we go
>>71044>Celestia and Luna cannot grant magic powers>universal spirit of HarmonyI see. I can work that into my backstory.
>>71042I saw that when I read up on the Druid class. Wooden armor seems interesting, especially for a kirin, once you get the Ironwood spell. Speaking of, as it says it's restricted to level 6 Druids, is there leveling in this game?
>>71043I imagine a lack of bipedal creatures would mean that barding here just works as normal armor, and costs the same.
>>71044Alrighty then. Every day, I become that much less of a newfag.
>>71046Yeah, but I can't cast Ironwood until level 11, let alone build and enchant a suit of armor.
I wanted barding mainly for my Animal Companion.
>>71047How come you can't cast it until level 11?
>>71046>is there leveling in this game?I certainly hope so.
>>71048Because I only learn spells at a particular level.
Spells are ranked 1-9 in power. As a lvl 5 Druid, I can only cast 3rd level spells.
>>71050I still have a lot more to learn, apparently.
>>71051You're doing fine.
>>71055Ah well, I guess as a Fighter Silver isn't going to get much use out of spells, even as a unicorn.
>>71044>Am I dead?>*Dice rolls*
>>71058*Suspense intensifies*
>>71049>>71046There should be some leveling, yes, although I am uncertain how quickly. The math used for determining experience in 3.5 I found on one site pretty much implies that grinding is impossible and only battles that have a very serious chance of character death give xp - and then, not that much, and I have to wonder how any character ever survives to level up.
Keeping the characters not-significantly more powerful than their surroundings, at least for the moment, is a part of my anti-murder hobo mechanisms, anyways
>>71060I found this calculator online (I've used it before for metafaggotry purposes); it's decent for encounter experience.
Certain situations may increase the effective CR of encounters/traps/mysteries too though.
>>71061As for grinding, DMs may also award XP at regular increments to advance a story, or award it for solving problems or good role-playing.
>>71060It's good to hear I won't get murdered by any murder hobos, whatever those are.
>>71065>murder hobos>whatever those areThat's us.
>>71066Oh, so WE'RE the murder hobos.
>>71067We're adventurers: violent vagrants who travel from dungeon to dungeon killling various creatures until the story advances or treasure is aqcuired.
Call it what you like.
>>71067"Murder hoboing" is when players in an RP campaign, rather than engaging with a story or interacting with NPCs in any meaningful way, simply kill everyone and everything they come across as they move from location to location
>>71069"Murder hobo" refers to a very specific style of play. The term does
not refer to all roleplaying
>>71070Also this.
It's a somewhat derogatory term, to describe players who have all but given up on role-playing or trying to play a decent story, and thus just kill everything in sight.
Killing isn't always the solution to a problem. A murder hobo is someone who doesn't get that.
>>71069I, however, would prefer to keep muder-hoboing to a minimum, for this character in particular: she wasn't designed as a violent/ruthless type.
>>71073From what I've seen of her, I wouldn't take her as a violent one. Unless maybe you really, really, REALLY pissed her off.
>>71075That's what I was aiming for.
I haven't killed anything so far (or at least not that I know of).
Sorry for not being at the previous session. Had real life stuff to do.
Iron, while extremely angry that this bird had stained his honor, did know when to admit defeat. Therefore, he backs away from Redclaw, clearly retreating. He plans to swim until he cannot see the docks and surface when under a dock roof or when he reaches a clear shore.
[1d2 = 1]I am going to be away from the computer for about an hour
>>71077I would appreciate a swim roll to understand how far Iron can get
[1d20+5 = 6]>>71078Alright
>>70996Sister Ash flinches at the sudden noise.
>>71078I picked a good time to have gone to the bathroom.
>>71080So, I know a tiny bit about Dark Star and Sister Ash. What's Iron like, if I may ask?
>>71083Basically, he's not from the civilized world. Very traditional was his upbringing. He travels to mature as per tribe traditions. The best thing you can have is raw, natural strength for him, for a stallion. He's a sucker for honorable fights, one to one, only hooves.
>>71084>Basically, he's not from the civilized world. Very traditional was his upbringing.Sounds like he must have been born way far away from civilization in this kind of universe.
>>71086Thankfully, the GM placed a giant jungle at the edge of Baltimare, more or less.
>>71090It's not a good omen for rolls tonight.
>>71092Apparently not.
Be careful.
>>71087Forests are good. I wanna go to the forest.
>Says the Druid.
>>71095Lets just forget about that wolf that almost one-shot you.
>>71096Oi, I wouldn't have had such a hard time if I weren't defending two noncombatants.
>>71097Well, it is better than having failing an easy grapple check then eat 31 damage.
>>71098How many hit points does Iron even have?
>>71099I was wondering that myself...
>>71100Also this.
>>71103Yes. Planning to knife me from behind or something?
>>71104Unless someone was paying Silver a large enough sum of Bits to do so? No. Just was curious if he had 48 total and had only 17 left or if he had 79 total and was currently at 48. To be honest, I have no idea how many hit points Silver even has, himself.
>>71105What's your Constitution?
>>71105For HP, you have to roll a 1d10 for each level. In this case, you start at level 5. Constitution gives you 2 more HP per bonus point. (13 Con gives you two more, 15 gives you 4 more, etc)
>>71107Constitution only gives you 1 bonus hp per level, for every modifying point.
>>71111Wew. So that's +15 hp.
Roll 4d10
[4d10 = 25]>>71112No whammy, no whammy, no whammy...
>>71113You lucky bastard.
25 + 15 + 10 = a whopping 50 hp
>>71111First of all, checked
>>71114You can boost HP even more with feats if you want.
>>71115Damn, that's some endurance. Could probably kick the birb's ass if you had that dumb two strike combo.
>>71116I haven't even taken any feats, I don't think. Even though I read that, at my level, Fighters get three free bonus feats.
>>71117Maybe, though I would doubt the effectiveness of my character's fighting abilities in the water.
>>71110>tfw the support caster has more hp than you
>>71118It's basically the same in water than land so far. No penalties that I noticed. Maybe if you use a gun, then you'd be in trouble.
>>71119Don't fret, my rouge has 28 HP when rolls were done. No sweat.
>>71119It so there's someone left to revive your dead ass.
>>71120And for a unicorn with a greatsword as long as their body?
[1d2 = 2]Am back now
>>71077>>71079Iron fails to lift himself, and sinks in place in the water
>>71083>What is Iron likeWhether you are a mid-level mafia boss, an FBI agent, or just one of several armed guards, within a minute of meeting you Iron will let you know damned well that he does
not consider you his equal under the only hierarchy that matters
>>71095After all, that worked out so well the last time
>>71100Your character is free, in the area between the two warehouses
>>71107Alright, this is wrong on two parts. First, your ability score bonus is calculated by the number of the ability score minus 10, divided by 2, and rounded down. Odd number ability scores give the same bonus as the even number one lower. So a 13 is +1, 15 is +2, 17 is +3, and 19 is +4. Further, you get one point of HP per constitution modifier per level. At level 5 is this +5 if con is 12 or 13, +10 if 14 or 15, and so forth
>>71113And thus a unicorn somehow has 50 HP
>>71122The birb attack me just fine, but I wouldn't know really.
>>71124The hell is with these rolls today?The magic of a pony's chosen class non-conforming with their race, I suppose.
>>71125I'll say.
>>71124What happened to Sister Ash?
>>71124Have Dark Star and Shimmering Spark made it outside?
[1d20+5 = 8]>>71124Firstly, the ones and twos are foreshadowing our fates. Secondly, I guess I can try again to rollIron catches himself and tries to lift off again.
>>71129>When dice tells you your character needs to die through horrible life or death rolls
>>71129Son of a bitch, What have you done to piss of the dice?
>>71129I just feel bad for Iron at this point. If he makes it out of here, it wouldn't surprise me if he ends up with a chronic fear of water.
>>71124Is there anyone to kill nearby?
>>71128Indeed they have, and with an acetylene tank taken from the work storage room. Marecuse, for her part, has walked around the building the long way, has walked ahead to the Union Hall, and is talking to persons unknown through a broken window
>>71129This is more unsuccessful than successful, but he pulls himself deeper underwater and away a few feet
>>71134Two ponies grab a crate next to him, more ponies are in the warehouse through the door in front of him, and a mare in black coat holding a very big gun with a drum magazine goes by to his far left
>>71135What happened to Sister Ash?
>>71135is there a way to get on top of the union hall?
[1d20+10 = 19]>>71135You know what?
I want that lady's gun.
Onyx steps behind the mare and thrusts his spear-point at her.
>>71135What Does Dark Star see when he leaves the room?
>>71138She's a few hundred feet away
Also, bad idea>>71137Simple, use your wings and fly there. For the flying impaired, it looks like there's a trash container on the side that could probably be claimed or jumped up to get to the top, and who knows if there is an internal stairwell, or a ladder somewhere
>>71141You and I have different definitions of "to his left"
He walks up to her
"Is there anything I can do to help?"
[1d20+5 = 18]>>71135Ok, if this fails, I'll just drown him for incompetenceIron tries yet again to surface to the water, eager to breathe some air.
Ur still alive, fgt.
>>71144>>71145It always works when you need a gool roll to pretend to kill your character.
>>71143The dice gods have spoken: Iron shall live to see another day, and not face a watery grave.
>>71143>>71120Redclaw, for his part, looks back and up. He wants to see who shot him
>>71143Iron is able to now swim under the dock. But he hasn't had a breath in a while, and can't get to the other side of the ship. He is now near the ship on the other side of the dock
[1d20+5 = 19]>>71150Iron breathes deeply, knowing that he isn't out of the fire yet, and dives down again, trying to gain more distance.
>>71151In front of him is the ship. In the further distance along the side of the seawall is a motor boat, but this is hundreds of feet away. To where?
>>71152I mean, either Ash is dead and the GM isn't saying anything on it, or he's got a plan for her and he's waiting on the other scenarios to get to a certain point.
>>71154The suspense is killing me...
Onyx is still waiting for a response
>>71155Alternatively he could just be flooded at the moment. I don't know.
New thread, and next bit of the story for Ash, Dark Star, Shimmer, and Onyx