Dark Star has been contracted by the occupying government to lead a team to infiltrate and stop a meeting of the Communist party in Baltimare. He discovers that they are importing arms, and more importantly, special forces advisers from foreign nations. Things reach a literal boiling point when a warehouse of gasoline drums is set on fire, and now we will see who will live and who will die
Welcoming Silver, the unicorn fighter
Ash hears a very loud drawn-out sound, like a sort of typewriter perhaps
Bullets fly into the police car in a sort of line left to right. The stallion is hit three times, once in the head. The door and the windshield are hit and the windshield shatters. The mare on the driver’s side takes three hits and falls down to the ground. All this happens not more than 20 feet from Ash. A blood filled cough shows that the mare isn’t quite dead yet.
[YouTube] "Road To Perdition" Best Scene HD
[Embed]The Red maned unicorn with black fedora, coat, and submachine gun walks up further, next to Ash, and looks ahead down the dark road, aiming her gun that way. She looks to Ash and says “The police are here, sister.”
Dark Star, Onyx, and Shimmer see the same, but from 100 feet behind
>>71159Oh, THAT is what you were planning.
>>71161It's Silver, by the way. I feel like I should start using the name field.
>>71159Ash makes an absolutely mortified expression before running off as fast as she can.
>>71164Still looking for the colt..
>>71159Onyx walks up beside Ash and stares at the scene
>>71165Which direction?
>>71166Not if she's running deeper into the black unknown
>>71167Well the unicorn then.
>>71167The direction she was directed in the first place.. unless I'm mistaken...
Which way could he have gone?
>>71158>That op pic>>71159"Spark. there she is."
>>71169He must have evacuated when the explosion occurred. I take it Ash wants to go into the big open area between the mare firing the gun and the other mares firing their guns, so she's in between the two sides fighting each other?
>>71170"Umm... now what? I don't suppose we can drop this on her now from here."
>>71171I have no freaking idea where anything is...
Is there a way around she could detour to?
>>71173Also, is there any cover anywhere?
>>71172"Shoot her with a laser beam or something, youre a unicorn."
>>71173If this were a vidoegame, there would either be a cliff with 200 ft drop, an invisible wall, a whale that jumps and eats you, a minefield, or just a timer with the warning "leaving combat area: 10 seconds until character death"
But this isn't a video game. On the far end are police who are using a car as makeshift cover, pointing guns at those who want to proceed down the road
>>71174She can stand next to marecuse, who is in the alley between the Union Hall and the building next to it, or she can go back the way she came
[1d20+1 = 11][1d20 = 19]>>71177Scratch that. She's standing out in the open, with her energy shield. Because she can do that
>>71176"The thing is... I only have a set amount of magic I can use. It was a birth defect. I got only one shot left. Should we try to use it now?"
[1d20+7 = 13]
As Onyx is walking toward the unicorn he decides he's had enough of pretending to be a commie, and sticks the pointy bit of his weapon directly in her flank.
-5 for power attack, +2 for charge.
[1d20+5 = 21]>>71178Iron makes the effort and attempts to swim all the way to the motorboat. Maybe he can reach that veterinarian to patch his wound and come back to fight.
>>71179"We need to find Iron."
Thought of a question regarding attacking: if a unicorn swings or throws a melee weapon using their magic, does the unicorn still add their Strength modifier to the attack bonus, or do they use a different ability?
>>71183Why did I use the E-mail field instead of the name field?
>>71183IF I had to guess, then I'd say sure, since magic is like an invisible force of your mind?
>>71184Thanks for putting your name. I sure appreciate it.
>>71185Decided it would be most useful. Also, only just realized we now have three characters named after metals.
>>71178>No space to run>Kid could be dead by nowFuck it! It's now or never: Wild Shape.
Sister Ash meditates as a standard action, giving a prayer in the ancient language.
She turns into a bald eagle (medium) and soars up over the city.
Then she continues to scan the area looking for Ollie with her remaining move action.
>>71182"All in good time. I think our bartender is in trouble. We need to help him."
>>71185I suppose it would be easier.
>>71188"Hmmmmm, yea lets get closer to them."
Onyx Steel
Quite funny if you ask me.
[1d20+13 = 30]>>71187Spot check to find the colt.
+8 racial bonus, +3 Wis, +2 circumstance (high ground)
>>71180The clopping sound of the galloping horse gives Marecuse just enough notice to know that, well
something is coming her way, and she must have turned something his direction as well, because his weapon hits an invisible obstacle before it can make it to her hot flank
Roll for will save
>>71181He is able to swim well enough, and raises his head on occasion above water. He makes it to the side of the motor boat
>>71187Can you please not? We can do this if you want to, but... Just
>>71189I advance alongside Dark Star.
"Walk toward the pony with the gun... I'm not liking this. What's the plan?"
>>71193I'm pretty sure your Will save is better than that, but if not, Onyx is placed into sleep
>>71194"how well can you throw things?"
>>71192I guess not then...
Sister Ash turn back the only way she could come, and slowly makes her way towards the evacuation area.
>>71197"I wouldn't place your trust in it. And by the looks of it... you shouldn't trust close range combat. How's your throw?"
>>71198I mean, she can change shape in front of two police officers who are going to shout "CHANGELING!" and shoot at her, while leaving Onyx unconscious and the other two to try to defeat Marecuse on their own. Just don't expect to find the colt without a damned good dice rollShe comes across onyx, who is asleep on the ground. In the middle of a damned battle at that
>>71199"im good at throwing things, how heavy is it though?"
>>71200I gallop over his stomach nondamagingly (but painfully) as I run by, at full running speed.
>>71202That is, to wake him up.
[1d20 = 8]>>71196Is Onyx the U.S. Constitution? Because someone stepped on him. He is rudely awoken
>>71202Rolling for the fire
[30d20 = 289]
Marecuse continues laying down a stream of bullets, although with much less effect now that her opponents have sought cover
Anyway, Onyx gets up. Can he attempt an overrun with his turn?
>>71205How many people are shooting?
>>71206I would recommend coordinating an attack with at least one other character on scene in case he fails a dice roll. I don't want to have to kill characters
>>71207Two officers and Marecuse at the moment
>>71208Half the fun is getting your character killed.
>>71199"Fuck it. Lets just shoot her."
>>71210Onyx and Ash are nearby. You can talk to them if you like
Marecuse runs out of ammunition, and ducks into an alley, as she pulls out a drum magazine
[1d20 = 12]>>71211nah
>>71213Well, your character is already not identified as a hostile
Can I see her from where I am?
>>71214he runs over to her
"Shit Comrade are you okay?"
>>71218"The Police haven taken cover in front of us, but I am holding my own." She says with an accent
>>71217Well, not like I can do anything...
Sister Ash keeps running to get to the evacuation area.
>>71221I don't want to get shot.
>>71219Dark Star takes cover beside her and yells at shimmering "Take cover comrade"
>>71222Moreover, is there anything I could possibly do that wouldn't end in me dying in one round?
>>71222I mean, doesn't she have some abilities she could use to potentially help her friends?
>>71223"What the?"
I take cover.
>>71225I don't have any buffing spells prepared.
If I tried to cast offensively and didn't kill her, I'd die...
>>71223She jams the drum magazine in, pulls back the bolt, and returns to firing position. She says
"I can hold them down if you run around and flank them"
>>71225Yes, like killing the enemy or treating the wounded
>>71219Dark Star is gonna take some shots at oynx and miss on purpose
>>71228Is there some kind of cover I could cast from so she doesn't kill me the same round I cast?
>>71226Dark Star gives Shimmering a look that says "Do it now."
>>71230You have three other players there to use as shields. Or use a Metal trash bin, that works. Or retreat behind a wall. Or just do it the same turn as everyone else attacks, so you are guaranteed to win
>>71209Looks like Shimmer and Dark Star walked right up next to her. Get back in here
>>71233I am here, waiting to know what to do.
[1d20+14 = 28]>>71232Fuck it.
(Tense whispering)"I've had it with all this gunfire!)
Sister Ash grits her sharp teeth in despair and gives up her WindWall to cast Summon Natures Ally and summon an augmented dire wolf.
It has a 59 foot range, so I'll put it a mere 10 feet behind her to promtly charge her by surprise (flanking, no Dex bonus to AC for her).
>>71235Does that hit?
It appeared right behind her and charged from a flanking position, taking a big bite out of her ass.
[1d20+3 = 23]>>71235I yell out. "ATTACK!"
I use my last scorching ray on her.
[1d20+7 = 20]>>71237OH SHIT
Onyx now decides to charge again with -5 from power attack, +2 for a charge.
[1d8+14 = 16]>>71235Rolling damage, because that obviously hit.
*Bites her ass off*
[1d20+6 = 26]>>71233Dark Star Shoots her with his shotgun
>>71241Oh sure, NOW we get two 20's
>>71241Roll to confirm crit
[1d20+12 = 26]>>71235Also, the wolf can trip her as a free action.
>>71247B L E S S E D
>>71235>Ass bitten off>Thrown to the ground>>71237>Face melted off>>71241>Torso blown to bitsPress S to spit on the overpowered bitch's grave.
[3d6 = 13]
[5d10+18 = 42]
[1d8+10 = 17]
>>71253Stupid cunt.
Good riddance.
>>71256Thinking she can survive just because she could shoot an adult dragon to death in one round...
>>71235Marecuse stares forward, aiming down range at covered officers. Ash summons a dire wolf, that springs forward and tears its fangs into Marecuse's back
Shimmer sends a sorching ray down range that hits her squarely in the chest, and lights her shirt on fire. Onyx charges forward and skewers her in the side with his halberd, and finally Dark Star shoots her with his shotgun, making white sparks against an invisible shield before penetrating through and into her face
She falls down, and with a brief flash of blue light invisible shield disappear. Then, with a flash of quickly fading light, Marecuse's cream colored coat turns to black, and her Blood red mane to a green-blue swiss cheese. Her legs are filled with holes that run straight through, her horn is bent, a green wing pokes out through her coat, and her one remaining eye is pure green. She is dead, a greenish blood surrounding her
>>71260"A fucking Changling?!?"
>>71264Indeed, it would appear that way. She is still wearing her damaged coat
>>71262Officers beyond the scene pause at this scream
>>71260"Huh... these communists are as ugly on the outside as on the inside."
>>71264"You might want to report this after we find our friend."
>>71262>>71263"Come along. It's time to stop getting into trouble and help us get out of it now."
>>71255Sister Ash doesn't sit around to celebrate, but instead runs off to find Ollie.
>>71266"Spark put the gas on the guns, we need to find Iron."
Onyx then picks up the gun.
"Hey guys I-"
"Think I know-"
"How to use this"
After pumping a few more rounds into the changeling for good measure What do you mean "accidentally fired?" Onyx is still pretty sure he can use it.
>>71270He manages a few seconds of fire before the weapon clicks out. That changeling is either dead dead, or a damned fine actor
>>71267As she goes forward, she is confornted by two police officers, who aim guns at her."HALT!" They jump backwards when they hear the gun firing again
>>71269The way back to the docks is clear
>>71271would there be any sign of him going that way?
>>71270"You look like a strong fellow, bartender. Hold onto this while we fetch our companion."
I hand over the explosives.
"You should come with us. Probably going to stay away from the police with that evidence."
I then follow Dark Star.
>>71271Sister Ash is visibly frustrated and desperate
"It's dead, let me through. I need to find Ollie!"
>>71271Onyx then searches the body for ammo
>>71270>>71271"cut off its head my boss will want to see this."
>>71275One of them tries to aim a gun at Ash, and neither seems willing to poke their heads up. "Ma'am, cease!"
>>71277Well, now it's definitely dead
>>71276There is one drum magazine remaining, and two spent drums on the ground. Roll to see if the drum has been penetrated by teeth, bullet, shot, ray, or halberd
>>71279Well, that drum mag will be missed.
>>71279Alright, fuck you dice
>>71278>>71279INB4: the drum has been bitten, shot, blasted, and pierced all at the same time.
>>71283>>71278Dark Star heads to the Docks
>>71185Are you here Iron?
>>71284Not only does the drum not appear to be in a condition such that it would feed a gun, but it appears to be damaged in such a way it wouldn't even fit
[1d20 = 7]>>71278Ash hangs her head
"... Please?"
rolling diplomacy
>>71287Female officer: "Ma'am, we haven't seen any children. We are sectioning off this area"
Male officer: "We're not falling for your tricks, changeling!"
neither officer wants to poke their heads up, and only the female officer bothers to point a gun at Ash
>>71289Onyx retains his other weapons
>>71285>>71288Where is Iron?
>>71290Ash turns the other way and gallops around the long way.
>>71290I was hoping to find out if he is still here once we set off looking
>>71290"So now what are we doing?"
>>71293>>71274Want to come along?
>>71293>>71292Dark star and Shimmer head towards the docks, while Ash tries to find a way to escape the map and find a colt in a large city
>>71295Wait, where was the evacuation area?
[1d20+12 = 26]>>71297Well, it was indicated that he would have evacuated in a certain direction...
Fuck it. Rolling survival to see if I can figure out where s little colt could have gone off to.
>>71299A few statments the colt made come to her mind
"They didn't want me to go down to the docks in case the police come"
"They won't let me go down there, it's too dangerous."
"I was taken in by these nice stallions at the soup kitchen"
Or statements to that effect, and hopefully these statements will give Ash an idea of what happened to the child when a freaking warehouse less than 1000 ft away exploded into a fireball
>>71300*Makes U-turn for the docks*
>>71301>>71298>>71294>>71285Two more ponies with rifles run forward from the direction of the docks
Are they pointing at me?
>>71303>>71304They look at Onyx and Ash, then lose interest when they see they are wearing civilian clothes and not uniforms
>>71305Ash runs past them, still intent on doing the one thing she set out to do tonight.
"Ollie?! Ollie?! Where are you?!"
>>71306*Looks for lost colt*
>>71302What kind of Uniforms are they wearing?
>>71309One is naked, and the other has a red and black scarf
>>71308Running past the foundry, no pony responds
[1d20+5 = 15]>>71310She keeps running, still looking for the colt
Listen check
>>71310Continues towards the docks
>>71312I also head towards that general direction, all the while looking for the foal.
>>71311She hears definite moving in front of her, and more than anything, in front of her and to her right, on the docks
>>71312>>71313Damn it, I don't want to leave Iron behind/s]
>>71315*Runs towards the docks*
>>71315I thought It on was at the docks?
>>71313>>71315>>71316>>71312An ice blue pegasus runs past, followed by a griffon (not Redclaw) and a pony
>>71315It would be nice if he offered a post saying if he was leaving for the night or not.
>>71318Not Sky Blue, right?
*Ignores them and keeps looking*
[1d20-2 = -1][1d20-2 = -4]>>71320No, it is blue skies
>>71324>>71321>>71317>>71294The griffon and the pony take shots at her with their rifles as she darts off to the alley between the rolling mill and the foundry
>>71325Wtf. Backstabbing glowniggers.
*Runs for cover*
>>71326>>71325Do they pursue her at all?
>>71327They are pursuing her, and they are rounding the area between the seawall and the dry goods warehouse. Ash could dive into the alley between the rolling mill and the foundry, between the burning building and the warehouse, or run 100 feet forward and towards the pony and griffon and go inside the dry goods warehouse to seek cover
>>71326The shots in
>>71323 were for Blue Skies, if that was not obvious
>>71328She dives into the alley, now fighting defensively (+2 Dodge bonus, AC now at 17).
Does that lead her closer to the docks?
>>71330Which alley? Both are away from the seawall, but this whole set of buildings could be called "the docks"
I thought they were both shooting at
>>71331Gosh, I really don't know where anything is.
Whichever leads her furthest away from the gunfire, or the nearest one.
>>71333Preferably, she would be intent on getting closer to the seawall, to try to find Ollie.
[1d20+6 = 18]>>71329Dark Star shoots at one
the one with the scarf
[2d6 = 7]Fuck it, I made a map. I should have done that days ago
>>71335Well, that's certainly enough to hit.
Sister Ash decides to check the pier.
>>71336Sorry guys, pillow ambushed me and forced me to sleepIron decides to get on the motorboat and starts the engine. Maybe he can scout the scene which he left for the group.
>>71338You could say I got grappled and pinned, amirite?
[1d20 = 1]>>71337Does she want to travel through the firefight
>>71335The pony with the scarf is wounded. The griffon looks to Dark Star. It's none other than Black feathers, from the dossier. He shoots at Dark Star
>>71338He hears commotion on the pier behind him, but finds that no one seems to be shooting near him. He later hears machinegun fire in the distance, towards the road. When he gets to the motor boat he can climb in. There is one pony sitting down smoking, who has not noticed him. Iron is bleeding. and no, he does not know how to start a gasoline engine
>>71335>>71340Black's gun fails to discharge. The wounded pony picks up his rifle and fires at Dark Star
>>71342Yeesh. That's gonna hurt.
>>71339Nice to see you're back.
>>71340Not if she doesn't have to....
I guess she darts into the dry storage, to check there.
>>71340Well, what better time to not know how to handle technologyIron's pain makes clear that he needs some treatment right now. He decides to walk towards the smoking pony, exagerating a limp. Maybe he doesn't know that he attacked the griffon and can heal him up.
[1d20+8 = 27][2d8 = 5]>>71342>>71335The pony's shot lands, doing damage. But to his right, Blue Skies walks up, and shoots him in the side with his carbine
>>71346He hears Iron, and says "what happened to you? You look like you got ripped by a propeller"
>>71345She can see ponies moving down towards the end. Towards the front, it is many crates
[1d20+5 = 6]>>71347Can she see Ollie?
Also, another Listen check, to try to locate him
[5d6+1 = 18]>>71335>>71347The pony's gunshot did 5 damage to Dark Star when it penetrated his flak jacket. He is probably super dead from the carbine shot though
>>71348Tinnitus from gunshots is all she can hear at the moment
>>71351She keep looking, searching through the room trying to find the foal amongst the ponies.
>>71347"I cannot tell, can you heal my wounds?" He points at his machete wounds-
>>71352She can see finally that some are labelled, things ranging from Twine to Automobile parts to Ammonium Nitrate Fertilizer. No colt can be seen though
>>71353"Huh? Uh... Let me find a first aid kit"
He gets up, and walks into the boat, looking around
[1d20+6 = 26]>>71350Dark Star Shoots at the griffon
>>71355You might have been shot, but at least the dice gods have still blessed you with crits.
[4d6+2 = 16]>>71355And the ranger's aim was deadly
[1d20 = 13]>>71354Iron, while he waits and hopes to get this kit of his, decides to look for the rest of the group. Rolling spot.
>>71357>>71358"Big Iron Where are you!?"
>>71355>>71357Hmmm, this
is a reservist we are talking about here. Try a second shot to make damned sure
>>71358Onyx and Ash go down the far end of the central alley between the buildings
[2d6 = 9]>>71362This one also hits, just not as spectacularly
>>71361Iron, banking for the idea to use that kit the pony will bring., only notes their position if things turn bad and he pony starts shooting at him.
>>71362>>71363Well, Black feathers might have gone on living until he made one fatal slip, when he tried to match the ranger. He is shot through the throat and again in the chest. He falls to the ground, bleeding and dead.
Blue skies gallops up to Dark Star
"You got shot!"
>>71364The pony comes out. "Here's a kit." He tries to open it and use the bandages. He is quickly biting at things and apparently not using it correctly
>>71366"I-its just a flesh wound."
[1d20 = 1]>>71366Iron calmly asks for the kit. "I can handle the process. I thank you for bringing this to me." Rolling a heal check to patch the wounds
>>71368>A fucking one... again
>>71368Bad luck Iron, at this point.
>>71367"No no, you're hurt." She pulls out a bandage, and starts to try to wrap Dark Star's wound
>>71368That is
not how you use a bandage
"Uh... Are you
sure you don't want me to do it?"
>>71372Dark Star winces"i couldnt just let them shoot at you"
[1d20 = 9]>>71372Iron grimaces "Sorry, the pain distracted me for a bit." Rolling for heal yet again.
>>71374He's gonna bleed out at this rate.
>>71373"D'aww. Well, they are loading guns on the docks. I tried to slow them down by killing one of their drivers. Their Griffon adviser has been on the docks helping direct creatures to load and unload. That plantation boy you hired worked with them and then took them both into the water to try to fight him there. It didn't look like it was going well for him, so I shot the griffon in the back. Then he turned around and saw me, and I had to run away."
>>71374Uh.... maybe good enough? Just keep that pressure on
[1d20 = 14]>>71377Iron nods. Rolling heal check yet again to finish up his wound treatment.
>>71377"where are they now?"
>>71378He's finally able to tie a bandage with his teeth. That'll stop the bleeding
>>71379"Redclaw is back on the pier, trying to find the native guy and to finish getting the guns loaded up."
>>71380"i think that griffon was "black"
heads towards red claw
>>71380Iron thanks the pony again. He decides to take a closer look at the pony who gave him the kit. He deserves just a knockout.
>>71381"Hmmm, he does match the description. Are you sure you want to go there through the seawall? They are sort of alerted now, and there are many ponies
>>71382He's one of those youth leftists
>>71383"Shit. Do you think you can find Iron then?"
[1d20 = 5]>>71383Iron looks at the stallion, then nods. "Thank you again." He decides to spot once again to find any of his companions. They may need some backup and could use some help finishing up.
>>71385It looks as if Dark Star and Blue Skies, as well as likely Onyx and Shimmer, have moved into the central path, near the rolling mill
>>71384"I don't quite know where he went, likely somewhere by the seawall, maybe the ship"
>>71386"Ill check out the ship."
>>71386Iron walks towards the group.
>>71387"That's... Also past the pier. Did you stop Marecuse? Is she still out there?"
>>71388Not too far away, so not too difficult to do
>>71389"She got put down. she turned out to be a changling."
>>71389Iron reaches the group. "Damn that bird. Got quite the speed with that machete of his." Iron clearly was fuming.
>>71390"A changeling! Hmmm.... I can't say I'm
that surprised"
>>71391Blue Skies: "Hey, you made it out of the water!"
>>71391"You look like you tryed to kiss a timber wolf."
>>71392"It was not that hard. Somepony just shot at him and clearly was startled with the bullet entering his neck." Iron ponders for a bit.
>>71393Iron is not in the mood for jokes. "The bastard has a mean slash, that is certain. Anyone got a plan to kill the advisor?"
>>71393Blue laughs
>>71394"You're welcome"
>>71394"well we still have that gas canister."
>>71395Iron looks a bit surprised, then composes himself. "I guess I thank you, mare. Any plans have sprung up to deal with this bird?"
>>71396Iron looks at him confused. "A gas cannister? What is that supposed to do?"
>>71398"If i shoot it, it would explode."
>>71399Iron nods. "I bet you want me to throw it at him and you shoot him, then."
>>71397She seems surprised by this, then, flattered
"Shoot or stab him en masse, I guess. You can draw him out, or kill his minions first."
quite. Shooting it will release explosive gas, but it won't
detonate it. You'll need a separate spark for that"
>>71400"that sounds like an excellent plan, yes."
>>71402"A Spark?" looks at the mages
>>71404"That could work, yes"
>>71402"Any ideas to draw him out? I do not think I can take many hits for now. The bird hacked me bad."
>>71406"Just tell him he's needed to fight off the police, and he'll dutifully go to the front. They say they killed that other adviser, so that would fit"
>>71406>>71406>>71407"This sounds like it could work."
>>71407"I am sure he would trust the stallion that thrusted him into water and tried to drown him. Anyone else up for the task?"
>>71409"He saw my face, so unless you want me to get a different face, it won't be me"
>>71411"Well there's the bait. Where should we ambush him?"
>>71412"However i am wounded. so if he slahes me and i die, i want my remaining bits to go to buying you all a drink, and donate the rest to the orphanage."
>>71413Blue Skies rubs herself against Dark Star, like a cat. "Don't think that way. Make it back"
>>71412"There is their ship, the big stack of crates, the two trucks. To get there you can go either behind the warehouse or through it, besides going there directly from the seawall"
>>71413Iron smiles a little at the mare's display of affection. "We could set the ambush at the crates. Maybe move inside the warehouse to guarantee the ponies won't see us reach them."
>>71412"how about the Docks again he wouldnt suspect that."
>>71414dark Star rubs back "I will. im just making sure that all my bases are covered."
Dark star walks towards redclaw
>>71417hmmmm these guys know what their talking about.
>>71416"Well, Skies, shall we place ourselves in our positions? I ceirtanly do not want your coltfriend to be all alone and fighting many ponies while we stand here."
>>71419"We may as well. They can just walk right up, as they have not been seen." She looks at him again. "If you are the one throwing it, you'll have to get very close. That could be a problem"
>>71420"Can Dark Star not lure him near the crates in the first place?" Iron straightens his posture "I can throw that cannister pretty far, so do not worry about that. These wounds will not hinder my strength." Iron starts to move towards the crates throughh the warehouse.
>>71421"If he is is being lured out, he will start to head down towards the road. Hopefully he won't just fly"
>>71422"That much is true, but I can manage." Iron picks the cannister up as he leaves for the crates.
Alright, I am out for tonight. I will either be available all of tomorrow, or none of it, depending if I can charge my laptop in a car for a road trip
>>71424Alright. We'll see you the next afternoon.
>>71426Guess I'll go to sleep too. Night all
>>71354>Ammonium>Nitrate fertilizerThese are ingredients for explosives.
>>71429There's not much separating fertilizer from explosives.
>>71429I'm feeling tempted to just blow this one up too, tbh...
Although it isn't exactly in character..
>>71354Are there a lot of gun crates in here too?
>>71433I think those were where Cauldron was guarding. Not sure it's the same place as the warehouse you entered.
>>71368>Attempt surgery on yourself>Already at low hp>1You're lucky you didn't die right there.
>>71436Cauldron was originally outside the liquid goods warehouse
>>71435We’ll get to you soon enough, don’t worry. I just don’t think there will be opportunity for much adventure or combat until the next in-game day
>>71434There are indeed some, mostly stacked in the same area, although there are fewer than when she was in the same building three minutes ago. They seem to be removing crates
>>71438Sister Ash decides that she just really doesn't like gunz at all (druids are notorious hippies after all).
How many ponies are in the
(potential blast zone) immediate vincinity?
She bides her time, waiting for most of the ponies to have stepped out.
>>71437He could have just been downed, rather than 100% ded.
>>71438Iron awaits the moment Dark Star lures the griffon at the crates.
>>71437How I could kill myself with a damn rag, I would want to know how you can fuck up that bad
>>71442It was just a jest. I had not had the chance to backread entirely.
Fumbling heal checks can be scary though.
>>71442He could have agitated the wounds enough to start bleeding out.
>>71444I was already bleeding out since machetes tend to cause bleeding when cut so badly.
>>71435[Druid Horse(?) Noises]
>>71447Maybe "Druid Dragon-Lion-Deer-Horse Noises"?
>>71449Wait, where's the deer part?
>>71450They have cloven hooves, and their horns are shaped like antlers.
>>71450Basically what
>>71452 said.
>>71452By the by, I'm already back in the group. Now awaiting to execute an ambush on the griffon with Skies as backup. Basically I throw a cannister for someone else to blow it up on the griffon's face.
>>71439It's a similar situation to the liquid goods warehouse. Ponies come in and out in twos, sometimes maybe 4, sometimes none
A pony trots with cat-like silence past Ash, then turns back and comes to Ash. It's that neurotic CIA nigger that Dark Star brought with him who was staring creepily at Ash holding Ollie earlier. She says to Ash, "Did you hear the plan?"
>>71452Do you want to be labelled as a witch?
>>71452Like chinese dragons, they're historically depicted as mixture of several different kinds of creatures, including but not limited to: horses, deer, goats, coyfish, girraffs, clams, camels, tigers, ox, dragons and the Western concept of unicorns.
For the FiM universe though, you could just leave them as "dragon-ponies".
>>71454Sister Ash could help him with that, if she actually knew what the plan was. She just wants the fighting to end already.
>>71456Top was meant for
>>71455>It's that neurotic CIA nigger that Dark Star brought with him who was staring creepily at Ash holding Ollie earlier... You mean Blue?
>character sas not present when the plan was discussed"Give me a quick rundown."
>>71455Just for the record, do you know what I have equipped on my character and if I have the cannister with me, as well as being set up near the crates awaiting the ambush?
>>71455>Do you want to be labelled as a witch?Well, she's a Celtic shaman, so she may as well be one...
Not trying to stand out though.
>>71459I think my character was preoccupied trying to find that lost colt when the plan was discussed, unless it happened within earshot.
She'd help if she could though.
>>71458>>71459The canister was probably taken near the union hall, and is now in central pathway only if Dark Star and or Shimmer brought it back. I think you still have spiked gauntlets and hide armor
>>71458That's the one. She says "We found Iron and regrouped with him, but he is pretty severely injured from a fight with a griffon adviser. Dark Star also got shot. Anyways, they have a plan to lure the griffon out - he's now by the docks - to throw a canister of compressed explosive gas, shoot it, then magically light the gas. I think they want this to take place near where they are stacking the crates next to the seawall. All of the others are outside the front of the warehouse, if you want to see them"
>>71460Well, we've already had one character arrested on suspicion of being a Changeling, so why not
>>71462Well, I'd ask what the difference between a "Witch" and a sorcerer/wizard are in terms of legality, but that technical stuff can wait for some other time.
Sister Ash nods solemnly in acknowledgement, and heads over to the warehouse to get ready for the ambush.
>>71462Am I at the crates, ready to ambush the birb?
>>71464Sister Ash gets into position, chanting a silent prayer as she gathers herself. She positions herself about 100 feet away from where the gas canister was meant to be thrown.
If someone looked closely at her face, they'd see bags at the corner of her eyes, from both stress and exhaustion.
>>71464It's not quite that simple. There are at least a dozen creatures around in that area of the docks. It's not clear who would and who would not recognize Iron. Further, which way would he like to approach the crates? He can go along the seawall, through the warehouse, or around the warehouse and through the back
>>71463Isn't she already in the warehouse?
As for witch regulations, only the religious-minded really care. The Governate and Sunset don't out-right ban magic besides higher level Necromancy
>>71465Iron pats Ash's head. "Do not worry. This will be over soon. Once Redclaw is down, we can go."
>>71466Okay, she stays at the warehouse waiting to blow up either the gas canister, the fertilizer, or both, depending on what cue she's given.
She can cast Produce Flame to hurl weak fireballs at a range of 120 feet.
>>71467The mare shudders a bit at the initial touch, but appears slightly more relaxed. Slightly.
"I.. I just want all this mayhem to be over..."
>>71466Iron goes to the crates through the warehouse to reach the crates. Of course he did
>>71467 as he goes.
>>71469"I understand your fears. But I ensured your safety, and I would die for you to protect you. My honor is at stake." Iron crouches down and makes eye contact with the mare. "I will not let harm come your way."
>>71470If you want to go outside, you'll need to roll some dice, because you'll be plainly visible
>>71469The scrawny horsefly stands over a few feet, coming back towards Ash after first going a different direction. "Just wait until the Changelings attack in a few years," she says with a malign grin
>>71467"Not going for the bonus points are you?" says the mare, with a carbine rifle on her side
>>71472So I roll hide or what?Iron stays inside the warehouse with the scared mare before he goes.
>>71472Iron glares at the winged mare. "She clearly has not endured battle if you have not noticed. Have some compassion for her."
She fidgets somewhat
>>71472>In a few years"How do you know that?"
Wait, why are we attempting this sketchy gas canister plan when we could just surround him and shoot him to death?
>>71473There isn't really anywhere to hide when approached from that angle. He could certainly run to the crates and stay firmly on one side of them, but he'd be visible to at least some ponies from other angles. It's mostly a matter of luck. Who saw him jump into the water?
Blue Skies stares back
>>71475"Do you think that Chrysalis will be content just looking at Canterlot in the distance from a border checkpoint?"
>>71476Remember, he has supporting ponies with guns as well. It's not a 5v1 here, more like a 5v8 or 9 here.
>>71478Wouldn't it be best to target him with ranged spells?
How far away is he atm?
>>71479Look at the map. The ship is pretty far from the warehouse. I'd say more than 100 meters from it.
>>71476Also, this plan requires Dark Star to manage to hit the canister while it's in the air. That's isn't fool proof.
>>71480>100 metersI'd have to get closer then.
My Max Range for Produce Flame is 120 feet.
>>71481Honestly, I'd rather not cause the GM an inconvenience because my character dies trying to throw rocks at grunts with rifles.
>>71483Alright. Just let me know when to flick a wad of fire.
>>71484Dark Star will probably tell you.
>>71473After staring, the Ice colored mare says "Then
why is she here?"
>>71481Just shoot it when it's on the ground
>>71483That's actually a silent-ish way of dealing damage from a distance
>>71486"I honestly cannot understand either." Iron shakes his head. "But I will not let your fears affect her spirit too."
>>71486Thanks for the tip, GM.
>>71486"I only came to look for lost foals..."
>>71488Le ebin Hitler dubz
>>71488Checking these Hitler digits.
>>71489"It is a good reason, Ash. That is what a mare should do."
>>71492"I lost Ollie.. I do know where he went.."
>>71492Pretend the name says Iron
>>71487"Let's hope you can keep her as safe from the bullets as you can from the bad feelings and vibes. Because may the Great Mother forbid that someone give her a realistic idea of what is on the other side of that wall."
>>71493"We can look for this child later, when the cowards lose both leaders here. The area will be very dangerous for anyone of us out there before those advisors are out of the frame." Iron smiles. "I am sure he is fine."
Iron scouts the area for any windows to throw rocks from.
>>71493>>71493“Well, someone blew up a building full of gasoline nearby, so his guardians must have taken him somewhere he would be safe.”
*contemplates blowing up second warehouse*
>>71495"Of course I can. I did it once before I can do it again." Iron pauses. "I feel sorry that no stallion did the same to you. You lost your motherhood by how bleak your view on life has become." Iron looks directly to Skies "I really hope you can find the stallion who can take you out of your fears."
[1d4+2 = 3]>>71499While we wait for things to get ready, I take 10 on my Treat Wound check to patch Iron up a bit more, then I spend both my Cure Minor Wounds Orisons to close the wound.
Rolling HP recovered.
>>71500Better than nothing.
>>71500That was a 1d4 roll, btw
>>71502So how much did it heal?
>>715033 hp.
It's only mundane healing. First Aide.
>>71504Oh. I guess I got closer to 20HP, then.
>>71499She was, shall we say, disarmed by this. She is surprised, then speechless, then seems to silently cry
>>71496There are no windows in the warehouse
>>71499>>71506Fucking burned. Youch.
>>71506Iron stays silent, knowing that she needs to reflect on her life and realize what she lost.
>>71505"You need to take care of yourself... Your body has taken a lot of punishment.."
>>71509Iron nods. "Thank you for your attempts. I really appreciate what you are doing for me." Iron smiles softly.
>>71510"It's the least I could do.." she says, as she finishes tying the gauze.
>>71511Iron pats the druid mare. "You are a good mare."
>>71512*Tail wags slightly*
"Th-thank you."
>>71513>Makes a hardened mare cry by injecting reality Ben Shapiro style>Pats soft-spoken mare as if she were a dogOkAy, nOw tHiS iS ePiC
>>71508>>71508She regains her composure and says flatly
“When the big and mighty Iron thought he could take in a seasoned fighter all his own, I was well positioned in my hiding place. But I flew over to the water to see how the invincible one fared, and found he wasn’t doing so well himself. You must understand that this skinny body is hardly built for fighting, and my stealth is the only thing I have of any real value. You wouldn’t have lasted another 6 seconds against his blade, and even if you had, you would have been dead in the water. I could have saved myself and saved Dark Star his 200 bits. But instead, right there, in plain view on the pier, I shot a bolt into the back of the bird’s neck. And rather than forever ending the legend of Iron, he looked at me. Because of that, I was chased by several ponies, shot at several times, and am now without my best weapon - an unrecognizable face. So as you sit their with your honor and your pride, and your 200 bits for this murder-for-hire scheme, think about who will be protecting [i]you in the battle to come. Tell Dark Star that I owe him 200 bits the next time you see him.”
>>71516"Wait, you guys are all being paid for this?"
200 bits is like nothing, tbh.
>>71517“Only mister badass savior moral high horse here. He’s also the only one to almost die. I’m not sure if that means he earned his pay or if he wasn’t worth it to begin with. I’m salaried”
[1d20 = 2]>>71516>>71518Iron grimaces. "Your problems are far worse than mine so do not try to hurt my pride to try and mend them, because it will only make you spiral further down into your own despair. I simply took your tough mare mask from yourself to reflect that you are not capable of criticizing Ash." Iron scouts the area for the biggest two-handed hammer there is in this building. "If you want to prove myself to you anyhow, I shall. I only hope you can get better."
>>71518"Mr. Dark Star brought me over to find missing children. I certainly don't recall agreeing to kill anything for pay, let alone risk dying for it." The Kirin says rather sternly
>>71521>>71521“Well, you aren’t Mr. Iron here. He probably takes murder for hire contracts for the Waterfront gang.”
She pauses for a moment, answer gets another malign smile. “Did you say you needed to find some colts? I know somethings and have some reasources.”
>>71520She ignores him now. No hammers are readily available.
[1d20 = 11]>>71520Iron keeps looking for a two-handed hammer. He shall not surrender. This place should be where people use hammers here.
>>71464>>71466Sorry im late i had a hard time sleeping last night, my nose is stopped up and i think im catching the flu
>>71523What do you need the hammer for?
>>71524That sucks to hear. Hope you get better soon.
>>71524Oof, that sucks. Hope you can keep your head in the game.
>>71523I've got a greatclub if you need it.
>>71528Nou, I want sledgehammer.
>>71529I still have Shillagh prepared: It would count as a +1 magick weapon and deal 3d8+1 damage.
I g2g to dinner soon, btw.
>>71530I prepared that spell in case I'd need to do melee damage, but I probably won't need it.
If not, I'll use that spell to summon a non-dire wolf for 30 seconds.
>>71530Nah, it's fine. We just finish the mission and I'll buy some hammer at the weapons store as well as some actual armor.
>>71536What I meant was that I've already prepared the spell today and I'd like to use it for what I prepared it for.
>>71536Ah ok. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
>>71537Speaking of preparations, am I the only one who thinks 'jerkey' when looking at your namefag?
Also I'll be available in ~2hrs.
>>71541Oh hello. Nice seeing you here. Kinda expected you left forever. I suppose you know what happened thus far?
>>71542yea you made my marefriend cry
>>71543Heh, sorry buddy. Pretty sure you can tell her that she's great and basically get her with minimal effort, honestly.
>>71543aka I made her vulnerable for you to comfort her, so it's a win for you.
>>71543She had it coming, tbh.
>>71542Not a clue to be honest, I lost track at the infiltration of the docks.
Sorry I haven't been available, my new boss
me is a slave-driver
>pic related>>71547no u!
>>71548Basically, the kirin exploded some stuff and now the commies are on the run. Dark and crew killed the female advisor while I and Skies (NPC) wounded the griffon advisor.
>>71551So, still at the docks then?
If you see a Griffin with a machete, kill him.
>>71552Yes. We made a lot of progress in stopping the commies. We just need to kill the griffon advisor and then we can say we're done.
Hope you don't attack the air this time. I don't think you can store rolls
>>71554>attack the air>store rolls?
>>71555Well, if you didn't remember, then just know that it doesn't work. Make sure to have an enemy to attack.
>>71556Aren't me, Ash and Skies in the warehouse?
>>71556Standing by, waiting to throw a molotov into the gas
>>71557We should be beside the door of the warehouse,just outside the circle.
>>71558i think so? im not sure.
>>71559Iron is on standby, ready to throw some rocks to unsuspecting ponies.
>>71560Got it
>>71547>>71514Blue Skies no longer sits silently. She stand up, walkover to Iron, and plops a revolver on top of a crate in front of Iron. She speaks with an enthusiastic malevolence.
“Alright plantation colt, I don’t think I can put this off any longer. You have dishonored and disrespected me. You have said that I have no worth or strength without a Stallion. You have made fun of the fact that I lost my homeland to social strife. You have implied that I am either entirely unfit to be a mother, or that I am infertile. Either way, you imply that I have no worth as a mare besides my role in reproduction, and you furthered implied I am not even fit for that. And you did all of this only to impress the fillie nun.
Now I know you are not well educated, so let me educate right now. I am a Nimbusian Homoioi - we Phalanxes who have driven back and defeated the armies of the Griffin Emperor for centuries, the guardian protectors of the ponies of the east. I am the descendant of a very long and very proud line of warrior mares, and an equally strong line of stallions, who are the better of any griffin knight in the line of battle. We proud mares of Nimbusia bear the strongest children, it is true, but we have more value in our sacred and ancient role as protectors of the East then a thousand worthless criminal stallions like you. I passed the above, a series of trials more daring than anything of your tribe. You, you are scarcely fit to be a helot.
I chose to risk my life early to save yours, a choice I should have known at the time was a bad one. I gave you the benefit of a doubt. And I regret that decision. But I do not intend to live with that regret. You say you are so strong? So courageous, so honorable? Then right here, right now, you and I duel to the death. Now don’t get me wrong, I am well versed in the art of subtlety. I could have just turned you over to the police, or shot you in the back. None of that will work for me. I need you to look at me, and understand that I will not accept such slander. I shall not be dishonored in such a way.
I may be the last daughter of Nimbusia. The society has allowed the helots and the unicorns into power, and ceded half its functions to foreign governments. The Pegasi of the Phalanx are no more. But if I am the last daughter of Nimbusia, I shall die proud. I shall show just just what courage and what strength a mare has.
So take that gun, and show us, do you have what it takes to be a Nimbusian Mare? Let’s duel”
>>71564I sense a great deal of feminine pineal envy in this post.
>>71565Say it in character, or shut the fuck up
>>71564"Can't we handle this once we're not on the middle of a warzone?" Sister Ash says, with a rather annoyed tone
We settle this now. Next question please.”
>>71564Iron just looks at the mare, dumbfounded "I see that you truly are hurt by the loss of your kind like Ash here," He ruffles her mane. "If you truly wish for us to fight, we shall do it after this mission is over and both of us are rested and healed after this ordeal. There is no need for us to negate the progress made here. However, we shall fight hoof to hoof, no tools are allowed. Then you can show me the true strength of your kind, not just how you can wield a tool, because everyone can wield tools." Iron just raises one of his forelegs and points it towards Skies "I shall see your resolve fully when you show me the true strength of your body, not when you play with a tool that makes the job for you."
>>71569>Next question"Is dueling even legal in this country? It's frowned upon in my homeland, for various reasons."
>>71570"It's only proper for the challenger to allow the challenged to set the terms, isn't it?" Sister Ash nods in agreement
>>71570>>71570“I take it you don’t know how to operate a gun. My ancestors fought with spears and I now fight with guns.”
>>71572“Is arson legal in this country our your homeland?”
>>71573“Just theee seconds who you told us that you frown upon dueling, but now you are an expert? Which is it mare? No, we do it the Nimbusian way.”
>>71571Hey. Newfag here, who's this?
>>71574[Sighing Kirin noises]
Sister casts heat metal to make all her metal equiptment (gun, ammunition horseshoes, etc) glow red hot.
Will DC 15
>>71574>Blue Skies Fighting Iron
[1d20+1 = 9]>>71576Rolling
>>71578Finding her pack and weapons to be unsuitable, she tosses them at the base of a large container of Ammonium Nitrate. She then picks up the gun that was not on her, the one she set down on the crate
>>71575>>71579hes a bat poner
>>71574Iron shakes his head. Then unequips his spiked gauntlets and hide armor. "So much for a duel when you cannot even face me with the strength of your kind, instead you rely on guns to the job for you." Iron again shakes his head "Where is the honor of your kind? Or do you just bend your rules since you are the last one?" Iron apporaches Skies "Do you think your people would applaud you when you kill an unarmed pony that asked for a fair duel? Do you consider yourself honorable when you cannot uphold your strength and rely on weapons to have the upper hand? Do you consider yourself strong when you cannot even fight me by my rules? Truly they would not agree with you when you seek to protect the honor of your people by striking with a gun to an unarmed, unarmored pony."
>>71578No actual lethal damage this round, but it fucking hurts like a bitch and will make her scream and drop her weapon.
>>71582>>71583Reread the post, she threw it at the explosive containers, then picked up the gun she had place on a crate when she was offering it to Iron
>>71582“Well that’s why I handed you the gun. So you would not be unarmed. But it looks like the foreigner made the choice for you.”
She prances out through the front door
>>71586Blue Skies is Fighting Iron to the death
>>71586>>71587We've got two half-dead characters. Does that count as one whole dead character?
>>71589It does in my book
>>71585Iron shakes his head yet again. "I ask you again, what does using guns do for your kind? Just point and shoot at the offending pony for a quick, easy death. That is the problem here." Iron leans in "Guns do not decide your strength or resolve. It just kills the pony in front of it. I ask again, why do you believe that guns will show your honor? It only shows that you can kill ponies because you will it, but no one respects the pony who wields it. They just fear it until the weapon is gone. Do you see why your duel is flawed?"
"Where that Dark Star with his gas can? I'm going to be late for prayers at this rate."
>>71591>>71591While blue skies has mostly been happy to argue with Iron about the merits of technology, it appears, unfortunately, that as soon as Ash cast that spell on Bkue Skies, she tossed her bag, grabbed the gun that she was offering Iron, and ran out
Can I see redclaw from where I am?
>>71593Where's Onyx compared to this scene?
>>71593Has Dark Star made it to Redclaw yet?
>>71593Iron furrows his brow and looks at Ash. "Why did you that for? Now she will never feel peace for what I said."
>>71594>>71594No. Ash does not have line of sight as that would require loking out the big door, which she is presumably not doing. If she were to, she probably would have her line of sight blocked by the stack of crates on the pavement outside.
The set of metal weapons that ash super heated are by a set of crates. The crates have begun to smolder.
>>71595I believe that onyx is in the central pathway between the dry goods warehouse and the rolling mill. Please refer to the maps.
>>71596Chose a direction to get there based upon the maps in this thread. Dark Star is not indemnified as hostile, so he can basically just walk up without any kind of sneaking
>>71597Iron becomes aware that the metal that Ash superheated and blue threw are now causing a crate to smolder.
>>71597"Peace isn't something one finds from battle. It's inside of you. If she needs to murder somepony just to feel at peace with herself, she's looking in all the wrong places." Ash responds dismissively
>>71598>crate to smolder."Also, we'd better get out of here."
*Runs like a bitch*
>>71600>accidental arson, againJust another day in the life of Ash.
>>71599When Ash cast “heat metal” on Blues weapons, she superheated two loaded semiautomatic weapons. Blue’s carbine had 13 rounds in it, and her double action revolver had 6 rounds in it. The guns now start to shoot from the heat igniting the primers. Roll for luck to see if any billets directly hit or richoshet and hit Ash”
[1d20 = 8]>>71604Oi, I have 15 AC...
>>71605Is that flat-footed?
>>71606Yeah. It's all armor + shield
>>71607I have no Dex bonus.
>>71601Not necessarily. Iron reported last seeing him on the pier. But that is the general area you need to go to
>>71605She thinks she hears a bullet come way too close to her head, but she not not feel a hit. Also, you took off the leather before attacking marecuse, and in any event it is questionable if that would have survived going burin and running through the burning warehouse earlier
>>71609Dark Star goes to the pier
>>71609Ah. I'd forgotten..
>>71610Redclaw is now near the pile of crates in the pavement. He seems to be directing ponies placing the crates in two trucks. A pair of ponies are around what seems to be a dead body near a truck.
>>71612"Comrade! Comrade! Mareques has been killed by the Fascist police!"
>>71609Sorry for that, had dinner. Do I roll for luck too?
>>71613>>71613Redclaw turns to Dark Star. This news concerns him so much that he takes his cigar out of his beak and holds it with a claw.
“Then we shall have to fight them back ourselves.”
A number of gunshots go off in quick succession from inside the warehouse.
“They are already here!” Redclaw takes a rifle from atop a vehicle, and sticks in a feeder strip, loafing the gun
[1d20 = 3]>>71615I guess I don't need to?Iron peeks out one of the warehouse doors closest to the crates, see what he can spot.
>>71602Sister Ash left the warehouse as soon as the gun started smoking.
>>71615Dark Star Takes out his revolver and charges towards the warehouses "Die Imperialists!"
>>71616>>71616He sees darksrar charging towards the warehouse with a revolver and Redclaw looking towards the warehouse with a loaded rifle.
If you wish to exit the warehouse, please specify which exit he goes out of
>>71617Specify an exit
>>71619Iron, unsure of what is happening but knowing he is wounded, runs towards the entrance south of the crates and himself.
>>71619The one on the side adjacent to the mill.
This is the map of the relevant area. Black Spots are doors. Say something like “Up/East; Left/North; “Down/West; or “Right/South”
>>71623*But not before grabbing his gear
>>71620It is So. He can see ponies near the trucks. They have line of sight on him, but money recognize him as hostile
>>71621Onyx and shimmer should be there
>>71625Iron, not wanting to die for nothing, bolts it back into the warehouse, picks his gear up, equips it and exits to the exit south of him to his right.
>>71626"Take this." Ash says, offering him her shield (which is visibly charred)
"I need my hooves free for what I'm doing."
>>71625I see the very nervous druid.
>>71627"Umm... hello there."
>>71627Iron picks up the shield and places himself diagonally in front of Ash to her left.
>>71629Iron went the exact opposite direction of Ash, that is not going to work. He cannot now go through the building
An explosion rips through the building, and it USB’s most certainly on fire. The explosion only affects things inside of the building
>>71618Smoke comes out of the building. Suddenly, there is an explosion inside of the building. Not enough to take out the building, but it sends black smoke outside
>>71630Yeah, that's fairly edgy. Also, everyone's IPs are changing a lot today.
>>71629Sister Ash takes the total defense standard action, putting her AC at 14 (16 if you count Iron as partial cover).
>>71632I've been going for walks and stuff.
Onyx pokes the sorcerer
"Any plan?"
>>71634>>71633I have Iron as exiting to the right, and Ash as exiting to the left, on opposite sides of the building
>>71631Dark Star looks back at redclaw
>>71636"Not really... I suppose they blew up another building so that means trouble is nearby. Keep an eye out."
[1d20-2 = -2]>>71632I was on the road, so was GM. I'm home now tho. But enough of that.
Brie wakes up from one of his narcoleptic fits, and finds himself on top of the Foundry. "Oh, that's right,... we were infiltrating the docks,... but now some of it is on fire. I hope I haven't been left behind." he Eeeee's to himself, scanning for immediate activity.
Spot check (I forget which stat is the modifier, but I think its Wis so that's what I'm applying).
>>71638I can see redclaw, right?
>>71638So I went straight to the enemy. GreatIron, utterly devastated that the building exploded, decides to run into the warehouse flames like a madpony, in fear that the griffon
may recognize him and to look strong to the fellow ponies that do see him go inside.
Should I roll something to guarantee my safety?
>>71641>>71641He can see creatures on the docks near the crates and the trucks. He sees a lone pony in the motorboat in the sea next to the rolling mill. He sees two griffins on the ship. He sees shimmer, ash, and onyx in the path between the rolling mill and the dry goods warehouse. Further away, on the road on the bottom of the map, a military truck is pulling in filled with griffins and ponies in military uniforms and guns, and ponies in black uniforms with sub machine guns. They are further away from the scene
>>71644Are you sure about that? He cannot see the griffin from where he is. He’d take fire damage if he went inside, and would do hsve to roll for luck to see if there is another explosion. There is also a part between the two warehouses
>>71643No, the warehouse blocks line of sight. If she stepped forward, maybe she would see him a few hundred feet to her right
>>71645I only need 120 feet.
Sister Ash creeps closer slowly around the corner, moving defensively but slowly to avoid being shot at.
>>71645"Griffons eh? They
always have cash." he smirks, and then leaps into the air on a course to land on the top of the mast.
>>71645Fine, Iron holds position behind the crates, not wanting to be in sight of the griffon.
>>71646Two ponies run in her direction, though distant, aiming rifles at her
“Are you Police?”
>>71648This is doable, if he uses the trucks or crates to block the view. He would have to move around as the griffin moves
>>71647He flies over. It looks like a pony spots him and aims s rifle at him... or not. They stop and lose interest.
He is on the mast. It’s a steam ship though, so the mast is not attached to sails, and it is overtop of a sort of bridge/control room. The two griffins he saw are facing the other way towards the pier and the shore
>>71649What's the layout of the ship look like? There's the one pony who's gonna die, but where is he with respect to the Griffons? Can I get some close-up map love?
>>71649Sister Ash, covered in soot and dressed in the shredded and charred remains of what used to be a religious attire and her raging mane a total mess, whinnies in response.
"Do I look like a cop to you?"
>>71649Iron decides to scout the trucks, see if he can roll inside it as well as be undetectable under it.
>>71649Waits for the gas can
>>71650I am away from my laptop, so a map will not be possible tonight. The one pony is on a small motor boat that is by the shore. The two griffins are on a freighter ship. The ship has a superstructure in the center, which Brie is on. This superstructure is three floors, with a bridge on top, and a door on the first . On the forward portion of the shhip, the cargo doors are high enough above the deck that they provide cover when crouching. One griffin is near the center, the other is near the front
>>71651“With those religious clothes, you certainly don’t look like s communist.” They come closer
>>71652He can go under if he crouches, or into the cab. One truck has a busted window
Sister Ash just stands there.
>>71656>>71655"Have you seen a young colt run past here by any chance?"
>>71655Iron crouches and starts to go under the truck, maybe it will conceal him a little more and can throw rocks at the ponies that close in enough.
[1d20+11 = 13]>>71655So he has the drop on the griffons? Stealth check, closing distance.
[1d20+2 = 16]>>71656>>71656On every moves closer, the other maintains a ready stance to shoot Ash. “What are you doing here dressed like a nun? Why are your clothes burned?”
>>71659I’m giving the griffins a small racial bonus. Rolling
>>71658Well, if his intent is to shoot rocks, he needs to buck them. That cannot be done when crouching under a truck. He would need to be only partly covered standing behind an object to do that
>>71660"I'm dressed as a nun because was volunteering at an orphanage. I came here looking for a lost colt. My clothes are burned because they caught fire when that warehouse exploded." She replies, panting
>>71659Oh dear. One of the griffins sees him. At least at the moment, neither seems to be holding a rifle.
“What are you doing here bat!” One of them yells
[1d20+4 = 22]>>71662"Looking to make a new headdress."
>>71660Iron, now that the plan is essentially ruined and cannot believe he can hide decides to bolt it around the warehouse to the right, leaving the crates and going to the nearest side of the burning building.
>>71663See, that's the kind of roll you want to make with a statement like that.
>>71663Hey, the good rolls make an appearance
>>71663>Player was absent for a week straight>Suddenly gets back and rolls a near crit after a rather small missYeah, you seduced the dice to your side when you weren't at the session. I know your dirty tricks!
>>71669Fuck off, if it wasn't for the dice that would have been a flat-footed sneak attack with hella extra damage
>>71661“What orphanage?” One says, touching her burnt clothing
“Which colt?” The other says, lowering his gun
>>71663Well, it sure as Hell hits. Rolling damage. The hit griffin runs towards the super structure, while the other turns around and yells “bandits from the sky!” In an outrageous accent towards the pier.
>>71665He is now by the side. The fire isn’t mostly inside, so this area is safe unless an unexpected explosion happens
>>71670No u fuck off, I could've gotten the damn birb if the dice didn't cock up in my grapple check.
>>71671Iron, believing he is safe, continues walking around the side. He needs to regroup with his companions.
>>71671"The orphanage on the hill. The colt is named Ollie: gave you seen him?"
>>71674*Have you seen him
>>71671Flying in pursuit of the injured one
[1d4+1 = 4]This time I will actually roll damage
>>71674>>71674“I don’t know any Ollie”
“Do you mean that overly energetic colt the Mulbearies keep in that soup kitchen at Main and Vine?”
>>71673It is so, but it will take a while because the distance is great
>>71677"I think that's him. Have you seen him? I'm afraid he may have been injured after the explosion."
>>71677Iron keeps on walking until he reaches the edge of the building he is travelling and turns around the corner.
>>71678“I think the mulberries brought him. They were leading the first check point. Maybe they were arrested, maybe they left. I dint know, I haven’t been that way.”
>>71679When does so, he can see and hear the following from the far end of his vision: two military trucks entering, one already parked with 10 griffins and 2 ponies standing out side of it. The griffins have tan military uniforms and rifles, while the two ponies have submachine guns and black uniforms.
The pony says “two officers were killed here earlier, and a Changeling found. Now I don’t know if this is gang activity, a rogue hive, rot Chrystalis’s own right hoof, but we are NOT going to be taking any chances here! The rules of engagement are weapons free. If it moves and if it doesn’t wear tan or black, shoot it. Subversives and gang members wear civilian uniforms. There is no one with any good reason to be out here. And never go in groups of less than three. I don’t want a Changeling jumping one of you and taking your identity.”
He places a magazine in the top of his gun, and cocks it
“Proceed slowly and with utmost caution. Those buildings house gasoline and explosive fertilizer. They could blow any minute. Right now, we are placing this area on lockdown, no one gets in, or out. In a few minutes, we advance to close the circle”
>>71680Sister Ash looks visibly distressed.
"I hope he's okay..."
>>71680That is not good. Iron could be shot on sight by the slightest motion. He retreats to a side where they cannot see him and nears his hooves to see if he can touch and climb it.
>>71680*climb the wall of the burning building
>>71680>If it moves and if it doesn’t wear tan or black, shoot it. Subversives and gang members wear civilian uniforms. There is no one with any good reason to be out here. Shit.
>>71682>>71682Roll for it, strength modifier
>>71680"I need to see if he's still here. He said he wanted to go to the docks. No foal left behind."
She says as she passes them
[1d20+7 = 16]>>71685Iron attempts to climp the burning building.
>>71688W0t? Isn't that good? It's a 16 total
>>71689it was supposed to be a 20, Seduce the dice.
>>71690I'll need it later. Not now.
>>71686They look at her funny, but do not stop her
>>71687He is able to find a ladder leading up, and climb to the top. The area of the roof closest to Redclaw look unstable, although most of the roof is stable
>>71684So what is Dark Star doing?
[1d20 = 18]>>71692He scouts the area from his vantage point, being careful not to step on the loose roof tiles near Redclaw's location.
>>71692She proceeds to move into position as planned.
>>71692"Come on comrades we can crush them!"
hes trying to lure the communist working on the docks closer to where the explosion would be.
>>71693He can see have s dozen ponies on the ground. There is Redclaw, next ti the crates and the trucks. Dark Star is there too, biding in plain sight. Ash is advancing. Three of the ponies are going over to positions by the ship - something must be going on
>>71695He responds””Aye comrade, we shall drive them back.” And the another pony speaks
“Comrade, the police are surrounding us! We saw a truck passing by driftwood street, going to Blackwood probably.”
Redclaw considers this. “Is our original plan B still an option?”
“Aye, they haven’t blocked off the south exits yet.”
Another pony adds “I can drive that truck with the lights off and lose any trailing Pegasus. I can get those truck out of here if we leave in less than three minutes.”
Redclaw now yells, “Comrades! We load the trucks now and leave now! The original plan B is in play!”
Redclaw himself picks up a crate
Iron, suddenly feeling lucky, decides to place a single rock on the ground such as when he hits it, it goes straight to Redclaw. If he staggers him, maybe he'll drop the crate and die, so he can complete the mission. Before that, he should even check if there's a possible place to put the rock in position.
>>71696The sorcerer is completely confused at this point and decides to carefully walk over to what sounds like Dark Star.
[1d20+7 = 11]>>71696"comrade im an excellent driver. ill get it where it needs to go."
[1d20+3 = 15]Alright, I am finally able to use my laptop for this
>>71699Redclaw considers the wisdom of this. Rolling
>>71697And so it is readied
>>71699>>71700Redclaw responds "I believe that Moon Skipper here is a more seasoned driver for the second vehicle"
[1d20 = 12]>>71700Iron inhales deeply. He needs to be precise more than fast. Iron exhales. Then shoots at Redclaw with the rock when he has a crate on him.
>>71703>>71702It appears that Iron is able to hit
>>71701Dark Star walks over to help with the crates
if he can
>>71706Is that the damage?
[1d20-3 = -15]>>71704>>71705Redclaw gets hit by a large rock, and drops his crate. He looks over in the direction the rock came. Negative modifiers because it's night
[1d20+6 = 19]>>71702Dark star looks over,and then shoots redclaw with his shotgun
Aw. How come there's no damage from dropping the crate.
Damn it all
[1d20-10 = 1][1d20-5 = -6]>>71707Yes. But it appears that Redclaw was able to get some semblance of the area from which the rock came. Redclaw replies back with his rifle in a sort of blind shot
>>71709Do you want to do that with so many armed ponies around you?
>>71710It's a crate that was on his back, it won't crush him. The rock sure as hell hurt him though
[1d20-4 = 1]>>71708I guess I'll roll hide with a -4 modifier... greatIron backs away from the scene, trying to blend into the night.
>>71710Redclaw can't see Iron that well through the night sky, given that the red flames nearby prevent his eyes from adjusting to nighttime vision. But he did see
something up there
>>71714Like 3 of them could reply in the next action even if Redclaw cannot
[1d20 = 16]>>71711Iron prepares another shot. He breathes in and out, not wanting to miss a shot. He exhales and shoots the second rock (with I'm guessing the +5 modifier goes to damage).
>>71716Damn, I'm just wondering if a second range modifier would apply to this. It would miss if there are two range increments, but hit if there is just one
>>71717Go with one range increment, I guess.
*Wink Wink*
[1d3+10 = 11]>>71718Well, I guess we could assign a full +10 to damage then
>>71718Woo! Reached the 40 damage threshold!
>>71719>>71715Dark Star ponders his previous statements from before
>>71413yes he shoots him
>>71721I'm gonna leave a preemptive F.
>>71721Alright, well the only way he could avoid getting killed from that almost immediately is if Onyx, Ash, Brie, and Shimmer
really help him now. So I will pause this sequence
>>71723Does my shot even down him? 26+7+11=44
>>71724No, that is not enough. Maybe the shotgun added to that might be enough
>>71725Can I be cheeky and throw another rock again?
>>71726No, we need the other players to move
I really hope they're awake and ready to attack.
>>71729We are so damn close.
I'll just attack one of the grunts when they spring up and kill Redclaw with more rocks.
>>71730Maybe i should have said no.
>>71731>If only Skies was here*sad emoji* This is so sad, can we hit 50 likes?
I guess Dark Star has a decent chance of not dying immediately to 3 mooks shooting rifles at him all at once. But a bad set of dice rolls, and he certainly will
>>71733I think Dark Star was wounded somewhere. Don't know current HP as of yet.
>>71732This actually has
much further reaching implications
>>71734I believe that he has 25 HP, but lost 5 in total, and so now has 20 HP
>>71735The sorcerer is still walking toward Dark Star.
>>71735I can smell I have a rival/nemesis on me. Too bad it had to be a mare. He can't really take her seriously, but thematically it's good. If I succeed, I prove that true strength beats her guns, If I not, she proves that mares are more capable than stallions.
>>71737*Mares are equal to stallions
>>71733Like I said, I'm putting in my F just in case.
>>71736Spark, I implore you, please do not let Dark Star die here. I would believe that Skies will blame it on me somehow.
>>71740I will do my best. However, I have no more offensive spells. Just a warning.
>>71741If I say kirins are just fluffy pones, do you think Ash will come?
>>71742I don't think so, but it may give you luck if the dice like kirins. Worth a shot.
Hey, you think this poner is decent?
>>71744It's supposed to be my backup character or a rouge character if there is another campaign like this.
>>71746If we ever make another campaign you are more than welcome to join. As for backup... let's hope it doesn't come to that.
I must say I am more than a little bit saddened by the course of events today. I had hoped to and was excited to make Blue Skies a permanent liaison to the party for the Black Hooves faction, providing jobs for the party and even filling in as a rogue where necessary. I had very much liked the character, and planned her as being the unrooted and displaced stateless mare who longed for a loving family, while having an important secret. But her neuroticism, sarcasm, and tendency to reply to Iron’s constant insults with equal insults ran out her welcome very quickly. I knew she couldn’t stay, so she had to be removed. Oh well…
>>71748I liked the character. Why can't we keep her?
>>71747Honestly, I'm falling for the idea of using heavier armor. Think I'll buy the equivalent of half-plate armor and a big fuck-off hammer or any bludgeoning two handed weapons. Don't worry, he'll still be a stubborn pony and fight with honor, but now he'll give the enemy no choice.
>>71748Damn. I did feel sorry for her. She was actually a decent depiction of a woman who had actual trauma and had to toughen up emotionally. I guess Iron's presence forces her to ignite her emotional side since he always looks down on her.
>>71748>spoilerSo, on a scale of 1 to 10, how much harder do you think her leaving will make getting jobs from the Black Hooves?
>>71748Hey, GM, can I have a big fuck-off hammer for me, please?
>>71753Well, I'm guessing everyone gave up on getting Ash and Onyx back, so I'll head off to bed now. Good night everyone.
>>71754Goodnight. See you tomorrow hopefully.
>>71756Don't worry, I passed out too 9 hours ago. Dark Star won't appear until it is the afternoon, more sure than not, and Onyx maybe appears at midnight for the duration of a shooting star and dissapears again. Spark would enter the Dark Star timeframe. Brie? I really hope he comes daily after that week hiatus.
>>71744>>71746Flying Rogues seem to be popular.
It's a pretty powerful combo.
>>71758To be fair, I chose a pegasus since I though it could give me 2+ charisma so I could have 20 of it.
Also wingjobs
>>71759Pegasi don't have a stat adjustment. They can just fly, and get the cutie mark skill benefit.
I too expected Kirins to have a Charisma buff, but you can't have everything ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯
>>71760Now that I think about it, do I have 8 more skill points apart from the 72 I had to place on my skills?
>>71760Kirins can become Niriks when enraged, which gives them fire immunity (although it apparently does not confer to equiptment..) and a 1d4 fire damage touch attack that can potentially set enemies on fire.
Not much for a caster, but pretty decent if combined with Wild Shape. Energy immunity is also one less thing to worry about when abjuring to protect those precious hit points.
I'd prefer to use that power sparingly though, since I made it part of her backstory that she dislikes doing it. Plus, it makes little sense for a pacifist nun (neutral; wannabe Neutral Good) to always be angry, so I'll reserve the fiery hooves for dire emergencies when innocents are in harm's way.
>>71763Was it like the attack on the wolf that almost killed you?
>>71764No. That was a spell.
She wasn't actually angry then either.
>>71765I had her prepare a few fire spells today, as a silent gesture of solidarity with the Celestians she was praying with, that particular one being Flaming
plot Sphere. Heat Metal is also a spell for Clerics with the Sun Domain, so I prepared that too; although Chill Metal probably would have been safer.
Probably shouldn't have spent Call Lighting, but I wanted to make sure he was spooked off. Not much experience in playing vancian spellcasters (lot of decisions).
>>71766Yeah, that's why I didn't even consider going for a magic user first time. The amount of decisions for those characters is leagues above all others.
>>71766Actually, now that I look at it, most of the Granted spells for the Sun domain are spells on the Druid spell list, some of which only appear there. Heat Metal, Fire Seeds, Sunburst, etc.
Druids do have that animism theme, worshipping the sun and elements and whatnot. Fire and Light are two of the few energy evecation elements they get.
>>71767Fighter is a pretty simple class to play. They can't do very many things, but they're really good at what they do, to which is to smack their enemies with huge weapons and deal crippling amounts of damage.
I kind of prefer versitile classes that can do a lot of different things, even if they're not the best at any of them. Druid is good too because they can give up their prepared spells for summoning spells, like when Sister Ash gave up WindWall to summon that Dire Wolf.
>>71769Yeah, I know that they are versatile, but I would haver never guessed that, for example, magic users had to prepare spells, since Skyrim and other RPGs just gave you how to do the spell and then you did it, using up some spiritual energy to do so. That is why I'm mostly afraid of playing a magic class since I'm sure that:
A- The character will be a lot more complex, and therefore, have to put in more research on how wizards works (Maybe that's why most wizards are long beard robe types)
B- I won't even be sure if I am playing correctly by combat guidelines. Some examples are how far can I be from a melee enemy so that it doesn't hit me or how does dice even work for spellcasters.
>>71770Not all magic users have to prepare spells. Sorcerers, Bards, and Assassins are core classes that are able to cast arcane spells without preparation: they're spontaneous casters. Sorcerers and the like are limited to a certain number of spells that they know: they're more reliable and versitile in combat since they can cast any of their spells spontaneously (and get a lot more spells per day), but there's less things that they can do altogether.
Wizards, Druids, Paladins, Rangers and Clerics have to prepare spells before they can cast them: they're vancian casters. They have pre prepare their spells in advance, means that the spells they have, and the number of each spell they can cast, is set at the beginning of the day (or whenever you pray, if you're a Divine caster). They're versitile, since they can cast different spells day by day (with limitations), but if they have to make decisions when preparing and consider what spells may or may not be useful for that day.
Pic unrelated
>>71771If we had to place unicorns in this spectrum, what do you think they would fit in?
I'm still pissed off from last night>>71762You're playing a fighter, which means that you get 24 skills in total if Iron's Int is 10 or 11, and 16 skills in total if Iron's Int is 9 or lower
>>71759A creature that can fly, and fly reasonably fast, is definitely not going to get positive stat modifiers where it will be used as a playable race
>>71737I'm not sure you understand. Blue Skies was intended to be the embodiment of the war philosophy of the local chapter of the Black Hooves. It's an entirely different philosophy to Iron's. Iron's philosophy seems to be something like strength alone determines hierarchy, while The Black Hooves believe that the only thing that matters to dominance is who actually wins and achieves power. And even an objectively weaker contender can win sometimes, if they are smart, advantaged, lucky, or manipulative. Neither she nor the Fascists would play by Iron's rules when they could just change the game. I could go on for a very long time about this, but I am not sure I want to "tell" what I had intended to show in game.
>>71751Much harder
>>71774There's no need to tell me OOC. Iron already has some rule bending to do too for his goals.
>FighterI was talking about the backup. I had like 72 skill points and forgot about the cutiemark thing.
>>71772If you meant by character class, it's not really that simple.
Unicorns in this game get +2 Int and -2 Str; which pretty much makes them the best at everything but two-handed melee (in my opinion).
From what I understand, most unicorns in Equestria aren't actually that powerful/magical. They seem to have a few spell-like abilities (their telekinesis is on par with Mage Hand), but only geniuses actually become powerful spellcasters; in that regard, they're a lost like gnomes. Twilight herself went to Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns (the "gifted" word heavily implies sorcerous talent); and her obsession with books and study of magic makes her a quintessential Wizard (she even took Improved Familiar to have a Pseudodragon).
Most of the powerful spellcasters in the show seem to be Wizards to me, because of the presence of books and the emphasis on study. In fact, if Unicorns had a favored class, I'd say it should be Wizard.
>>71776So it's a mix. Problem is that they don't have to re-study a spell after using it, to my knowledge.
>>71777That's because FiM isn't D&D, and the showriters weren't really concerned with making their magic balanced (see: Glimmer fixing everything).
Twilight is definitely, absolutely a Wizard though. If she doesn't read at least one book every day, she'll die.
>>71778That's a hilarious drawback
>Can cast any spell indefinetly she after reading it but dies if she doesn't read a book for a day
>>71778Also, with the Spell Mastery feat, Wizards can choose a one two of their favorite spells that they can prepare without consulting a book.
Sunburst and Starlight are also shown reading books in their studies of magic.
>>71779Twilight is a very powerful character. She may have taken some flaws to get some bonus feats. "Book dependency" and "literary anxiety" seem to be some drawbacks she took for extra power.
>>71780That's neat. I'll jot it down if I want to play a healer class myself.
>>71781Wizards/Sorcerers can't heal. That's the one thing they cannot do.
>>71782Nono, I don't want to do sorcerer. I'd rather go cleric and be a primary healer rather than shoot deadly lazors.
>>71783Clerics are useful. They can give up any of their prepared spells for healing spells. They don't get very many fancy lasers, but they get a lit of protective spells and buffs.
>>71784Maybe I can do another backup and choose cleric unicorn for the occasion.
>>71748>Only just saw this nowWait, she's being removed, entirely?
>>71786Maybe she comes back as another character. I think if I actually went and shot her, the GM would make sure that she dies in one hit.
>>71787That's what I was thinking (in hindsight).
Sister interfered because she believed that one of them was bound to die if they dueled with gunz, and she didn't want that
(as opposed to boxing/wrestling, which would be nonlethal), since she really didn't want anypony to die. She was rather brash with her words because she considers dueling to be foolish, which is actually related to her backstory. She even spent her Heat Metal Spell, which I had intended to use on the weapons of the remaining communists...
Maybe it wasn't so cool to mock her out of character though. She had some decent complexity.
Don't mind me, just learning more about magic through osmosis.>>71774>Much harderHoo boy...
>>71789Osmosis is the best way to learn. I'm just a fucking nerd who reads the material between sessions.
>>71788Honestly, I might have the "That Guy" syndrome. I said it was a good character after she left anyway, just that Iron would not really respect her because he sees her as nothing more than a mare not fulfilling her role in view of the world.
>>71791*his view of the world
>>71791>>71792Go tell a female Ghestapo or FBI agent that they are weak, that they don't have any value without a man, that they are terrible mothers, or that they are infertile and incapable of bearing children, and see how they respond
>>71792>>71791Correction. Go tell a female Ghestapo or FBI agent
who just saved your life, risking their in the process, after you tried and failed to sneak attack a guy with more muscles than you, that they are weak, that they don't have any value without a man, that they are terrible mothers, or that they are infertile and incapable of bearing children, and see how they respond
>>71794>>71793Ok, I get it, it was brash of me to say that through Iron.
>>71791Hmmmmmm, looks a bit like the militant feminist vs. the barbaric sexist archytypes...
It's kind of a given that PCs should at least try to get along with important NPCs, if a story is going to go smoothly.
>>71796I say it's a learning process. I chose my character to be basically a dick since he'll look for strength tests whenever possible, so it's going to be hard not to be one unless something or someone changes his ways somehow.
Promise I won't be a murderhobo though.
>>71797I wanted my character to be a politically neutral pacifist; although now it looks like she doesn't really have any motivations other than helping children, learning about Equestrian Clergy, and studying new forms of magick. I'll adjust her to be more helpful and convicted.
She's Nuetral as she is (but wants to get better): I wanted to aim her towards Netral Good as her motivations solidified.
All these characters with complex personalities, goals, and motivations.
And all Silver is worried about is employment.
>>71799My character just wanted to work in an orphanage, but I had to get her out of there if I was going to play at all.
>>71799My character is just a big boi that takes no shit from anybody unless they put their strength as well. He's basically a variation of a power fantasy. It's not really that complex.
>>71801What alignment were you thinking of playing?
>>71802Was thinking of neutral or neutral evil. Although I think I'm acting more lawful than I should for my alignment.
>>71803He seems more Chaotic Neutral,from what I've absorbed. He fits a British Barbarian archytype pretty well.
>>71804Although it depends what you want to consider law/chaos as.
>>71804Law as in codes of honor and stuff of the sort, something like "respect wahmen" and "fight fair, hoof to hoof"
>>71805>>71806The most I know about alignments just comes from the few times I've seen alignment charts, but I think I've gotten a good idea of what each one means despite that.
>>71798>Tfw if I become Nuetral Good I lose 3 summons and 6 spellsMeh, no big deal. I was prepared for alignment restrictions when I chose to play a divine caster. I originally thought of her as a purely good, unwavering exalted character, but I think I put her s bit too high and mighty so I switched her up a bit
(admittingly, because I couldn't take the feat I wanted).
That being said, I'm only just calling her Nuetral because she herself believes she hasn't done enough to be considered good. She knows that assisting the poor and raising children is a universal virtue, so she committed herself to that cause for the sake of helping herself; however, she hasn't really attained any motivations to fight evil yet, because she herself isn't sure of her own convictions. I want to give her some more solid motivations as the story progresses and make her an exalted-tier character who traveled across lands fighting evil and ugliness to protect the world.
Or at least, that's the character I would like to play her as.
>>71806I'm just saying, if you're intent on only using your hooves, I'd strongly encourage you to take just a few Monk levels before advancing as a Fighter, just for the unarmed combat abilities.
>>71801>A variation of a power fantasyWell, that's the problem here. If you want to be a complete dick to every person you meet within a minute of meeting them and regardless of what they say, then you better make damned sure that you actually are, as a matter of fact, stronger than them. Iron's fighting style makes him actually a weaker character than Onyx and Silver, who are also level 5 fighters but are optimized. He would probably lose against these characters.
There is only one character thus far introduced in this setting that would obey Iron's demand to go hoof to hoof in unarmed combat when they had realistic alternatives. That character is Ho Redclaw the GLA Fighter. He would have told his mooks to stand down, put away his machete, put away his rifle, and even put away his talons if Iron had requested it, for a complete duel. Instead, Iron chose to attack this character stealthily and try to surprise him. Every single other NPC villian, or hell, even the mooks, would have called for 10 allies or mooks to shoot him from a range he couldn't harm him, runaway and then call in 10 mooks, or shot him in the face while ordering 10 mooks to attack. Marecuse would have shot him or even gone invisible. That gang member would have had henchmen 100 feet away shoot him at once. And do you think that it's just an astonishing coincidence that a minute after the Black Hooves agent leaves the scene, the Black Hooves have sent in the Right Wing Death Squads?
The scene with the Iron character that truly stands out to me is when he challenged the Capo on the docks. I know the character didn't actually know what was going on, but if you talked that way to an actual Mexican Cartel member, they would come at you in at least threes, kick your teeth in, stab you, continually kick you on the ground, and basically kept beating you until you learned to respect them. Iron can say "I am better than you because I can beat you in a fist fight" to an NPC that never threatened him, but the only response he will ever get from them is "If you want me to kill you, I can just shoot you with my gun and stab you with my knife." Well, he will eventually get one that just pulls out a gun and shoots him.
>>71796She wasn't really intended to be a feminist, Iron was just extremely condescending to a character he had to know was a secret police agent. Why would a tribal society only allow women to care for children anyways? Do they really have that much spare labor that they can just throw away half their work force? I think real tribal societies have women grind flower and make crafts and goods, because obviously someone needs to do that work and the men are doing other things.
>>71809Well, I didn't mean feminist in an extreme sense, just to an extent at which makes sense in the FiM universe. Faust herself was a feminist when making the show, and it reflects on how it encourages girls to be strong and capable individuals in their communities (not just hating nen, like SJWs today).
Also, any plans to play today?
>>71808Yeah, the novelty of only hooves kinda faded. Now Iron will adapt to the circumstances.
>>71809Well damn. Don't worry, these encounters will make him grow more fond of melee weapons later on. Heck, maybe I'll take out the Improved Unarmed feat and go full two-handed hammer build if you let me, as well as going full armor with the bits I have (~750 or so).
I'll adapt to the circumstances that you throw up. That's a D&D player should do. It's only a matter of when the stubborn stallion understands it in-character and I think with this failure of my part as a player for not realizing your intent and my character's failure of taking out a griffon he considered a "fair fight", I think I can change him to be more suited for this world.
I really need to work on cues, since I thought he was an expert in guerilla tactics, he would be more logical than to duel Iron 1v1 hooves only
>>71812With regards to builds, there are a few possibilities. Unarmed combat is actually a pretty massive advantage under certain circumstances, specifically when killing an opponent would result in unwanted police attention. If you wish to do that, I recommend taking the two-weapon fighting feet and using both hooves, that way you can have two attacks, and do strength damage times 1 1/2, rather than just full strength damage. The other great advantage fighters have is weapon specialization, which gives +2 damage to each attack with the relevant weapon. Attach that to, well, something.
Also, if saying something in real life would cause an otherwise non-threatening person to punch you in the face, expect the same to happen here
>>71813>Two-weapon fighting featWhat feat is that?
>>71813Two weapon Fighting requires a pretty high Dex score to advance though.
If he had just a 1 Monk level, he'd get an extra attack per round, and his hooves would count as two-handed weapons (so they'd do double damage on a power attack). Plus, the bonus feats that come at the earliest levels in Monk.
>>71816Right, thanks for pointing it out. You sure if I pick Monk, I'd suddenly have 15 Dex?
>>71817Wait, what's your Dex score?
>>71818It's pretty low for the feat. It's 11 DEX we're talking about.
>>71819Two weapon Fighting isn't exactly an option then. You're better off wearing heavy armor and/or using a large, two-handed weapon.
>>71813Actually, I'm not sure how an earth pony exactly uses a weapon anyway. Is it in the maw?
>>71820Well, that was what I had in mind. I'll try to just use bludgeoning two handed weapons if I can.
>>71820Maybe for light and one-handed weapons. Could be for heavier two-handed weapons they have a bipedal fighting stance.
>>71821>BludgeoningWarhammers are one-handed weapons. Greatclubs and Heavy flails are two-handed.
>>71824Can I use the warhammer as a two-handed weapon or does it just not work because the modifiers are super inefficient without feats?
>>71825I think so.
Really, technical details are up to the GM. I think he would have had a vision for how he intended Earth Ponies to find, so ask him. The bonus to strength and Constitution implies melee focus.
>>71825The term is 'Maul'
>>71788She did more than that. First, she made a sarcastic remark bout the legality of dueling and claimed to not like dueling. Then, in the very next line, she said that a proper duel requires the terms to be set by the one who is challenged, and not the challenger, which first of all is stupid and not how dueling works, but secondly and more importantly would require her to think of dueling as proper, and unambiguously favors Iron. It's pretty damned obvious when you blatantly contradict yourself in the very next sentence that you don't actually mean what you say, you are just making arguments to try to favor Iron in a fight that never involved Ash
>>71827I guess you know its damage? I can't find the normal variant in 3.5e SRD
>>71828Well, I did favour Ash as an emotional foil and possible love interest, so I guess it's in character?
>>71830Thank you.
>>71828Yeah, I was a bit inconsistent there.
Ash was just trying to stop a fight, but I couldn't help myself from asserting my own beliefs concerning duels/matches (which is, that that when you challenge someone, you fight on their terms).
I can't say that that was the most in-character thing to do, but I was close to passing out then, so I made some mistakes.
>>71832Although, in that regard, she said that dueling was "frowned upon" where she came from, which was actually my way of hinting it as a part of her backstory that I wanted to reveal later.
Her agreement with Iron was also in part her way of discouraging Blue from proceeding with the duel, because she thought that blue would put it off until later if she didn't consider the circumstances to be honorable enough.
It wasn't the best course of action or the fairest, but that's vaguely what was going through my head at the time.
>>71833And in the end, I resorted to spending a 2nd level spell to disarm Blue from shooting Iron or being shot herself, which I had intended to avoid with words.
>>71834I guess Assault of a Federal Officer did stop a fight, although Iron just saying "sorry" would have done it without, well, consequences
>>71835[Shrugs in Druidic]
I guess i'll have to deal with that when it comes up then.
I'm free for the rest of the day if y'all still want to play. I might have to go eat at 6-7ish (est) though.
>>71837I think the GM is waiting on the other players.
>>71838Dark Star's character won't be available until the evening, judging by his sleep patterns...
>>71839We need to wait for everyone to be here. Dark Star decided to shoot at Redclaw after those two rock throws that edged him closer to death and he will need every other available player to hit the goons with him.
>>71840Are we still doing the gas explosion plan?
>>71841I guess not, if Dark Star is intent on giving away his status as hostile right there in the crowd
>>71842How far away from Redclaw am I?
>>71843With non-hostile enemies on the wharf, she could go pretty much anywhere she wanted in the wharf area, by which I mean the area between the sea and the warehouse, and from which the pier protrudes
>>71844I'd hate to get overly technical, but I'm going to need at least an estimate of how many feet away he is, before I figure out how I'm going to cast my spells.
Is there any cover she could use to hide nearby?
>>71845The area is almost perfectly flat and open, save for the one stack of crates, and the two two-and-a-half-ton trucks that are about 20 feet from it, and ten feet apart. Redclaw is between one truck and the stack of crates. The stack of crates is maybe 15 ft in diameter
>>71846So that's why it was doable for me to throw rocks at him. I thought he was near the ship, not the trucks.
>no cover
I guess I'll have to avoid casting spells with verbal or somatic components then, or at least not those tracable to the caster..
I guess there's fiery burst, although it only has a 40 foot reach, and will only do 2d6 since I summoned that wolf..
If she took out the trucks tires or gas tanks that way, they could easily believe it was a planned booby-trap /by infiltrators.
Sister Ash moves closer to the truck and crates along the wall of the warehouse, moving defensively (AC 12) until she's just 40 feet away from the truck (using the crates as cover).
When the day ends in-game, I wish to do a small rehaul of Iron, mostly deleting and adding feats to favour the weapon you mentioned while keeping the main allure of unarmed on the side.
>>71849Well this sucks. I really hoped we would have gotten started by now. Anyone still waiting for attack with Dark Star?
>>71852Anyone else? Onyx, Brie or whomever else that can attack with Dark Star?
>>71848If we're ready to go, I would like to use a Fiery Burst to create a very small explosion beneath one of the trucks to disable it.
(Reminder that it's a supernatural ability, not a spell, so it isn't immediately obvious that it's her who caused it, except to an experienced spellcaster)
>>71856If you don't know, Dark Star will execute a shot on Redclaw, and we need all players to attack the goons he's with or else he'll die.
>>71856aka set up your attack soon, or we lose Dark Star, in a nutshell
>>71857>Infinite Ammo Weightless Stealth FlamethrowerWe're putting limitations on this somehow. It was never intended to be unambiguously superior to the options and limitations every single other party member has
>>71856Hello. Would you like to position your character on the wharf? He is not recognized as hostile, and so can go anywhere on it.
The area is almost perfectly flat and open, save for the one stack of crates, and the two two-and-a-half-ton trucks that are about 20 feet from it, and ten feet apart. Redclaw is between one truck and the stack of crates. The stack of crates is maybe 15 ft in diameter
>>71860Uh... isn't the damage subpar?
Can I still try to spontaneously combust the truck tires this time? I could use produce flame
>>Infinite Ammo Weightless Stealth FlamethrowerWell, when you put it that way...
>>71861It is sub par in damage, but I've only used it to attack objects so far.
>>71860Hmmm, how close can I get to the upcoming target?
>>71862*I could use Produce Flame but that would involve throwing a fireball as a ranged touch attack.
I'll drop the feat after this battle. There are other cool feats I'm definitely going to want to pick at later levels, and I don't want to set a precedent of picking suspicious ones from other books.
>>71865I'll replace it with Spell Focus, or Weapon Focus (Natural weapon).
>>71861Damage is 3d6 if you have the highest level spell. That is not as good as a fighter gets when they hit, but a Fighter has to roll dice to see if they hit while the infinite ammo weightless stealth flamethrower is automatic, and a fighter can't summon a dire wolf or change shape into a dire wolf. It's also more damage than most guns do, but with infinite ammo and no noise
>>71863Many ponies are there loading crates, so he could get right up to him with no suspicion. It looks like Dark Star is shooting Redclaw and Iron is also hitting him, so it would be wise for Onyx to target other NPCs with arms
>>71867Onyx gets close to the one with the biggest gun. If that's redguy himself the next biggest.
>>71868A guy is standing with a rifle at attention next to a truck
>>71867Oh. I guess that sounds bad.
>>71867Yeah, I get it. I'll let go of it.
I actually was reading about it on a blog just today when I thought to ask the question "is this really that OP" and the things I read were along the lines of "It's OP for druids because their Summoning ability let's them use it all the time".
>>71869The sorcerer must be close to Dark Star by now when he sees that another gun fight is breaking out. I take cover and ready my hoofgun.
>>71869Then Onyx sets up nearby, and waits for the shots.
>>71867I'm behind the crates. How many enemies are in the vincinity?
*Dark Stars life flashes before his eyes*
>>71875Alright, so you are going with your action of Shooting with the Shotgun?
>>71875I'll summon something to distract them as soon as I get an answer here.
>>71876Iron prepares another rock to throw.
>>718743 armed in immediate vicinity besides Redclaw. More would join in subsequent rounds
>>71878You are in the order of initiative
after Dark Star. Iron's action for this round has already been counted, even though Dark Star's damage has not been calculated. Therefor, you can go another time only after the enemies, Onyx, Shimmer, and Ash
>>71879Can I possibly myself around the other side of the crates so that they can't see me cast? I was hoping to use the crates for some kind of cover.
I want to summon a support creature to distract Redclaw for 5 rounds, but that's a full round action with somatic components (wiggling her arms in a voodoo fashion). My AC is 12, so I'm fucked if they notice me.
>>71880Fair enough. I did throw a lot of rocks. I wasn't going to shoot out another one, just for every player that I am ready in character to fight.
Heres hoping i dont get kill, i love Dark Star tbh
>>71881*Possibly position myself
>>71883Take a move action to get out of his melee range before you shoot him again. Take a 5 foot step first to avoid AoO.
>>71885I can shift then move?
[3d6 = 12]>>71881The problem is that while the crates offer cover from one side, they don't cover from all sides, and the ponies are evenly positioned
>>71883May God be the judge. Rolling
>>71887Dark Star takes a 5 foot step and then moves out of melee Range.
Combined with the rock that comes and hits Redclaw immediately there after, Redclaw has taken 56 damage in total, placing him below 0. He is down. Three ponies with rifles are ready to strike, but not before Onyx, Ash, and Shimmer, can make moves. 2 more enemies will join next round
>>71873>>71872>>71881Your turns. Initiative for the next round will be assigned in order of posting
[1d20+9 = 28]>>71887>>71891Well fug, idk what I can do without immediately being shot.
Wait, you know what, I'm going to roll concentration to Cast Defensively and try to suppress the somatic components; see if they just dismiss it as frightened shivering.
I want to give up my Shillagh spell to summon a wolf 10 feet behind redclaw in a flanking position.
The DC to cast a 1st level spell defensively is 16. Wish me luck.
[1d20 = 13]>>71891I don't have many options. I aim my hoofgun at a communist and fire.
[1d20+7 = 14]
Onyx takes his halberd and slashes at the guy standing nearest to him.
-3 for power attack
>>71892Wolf is summoned, and Ash is behind Dark Star and Iron in the order of initiative
>>71894Good enough to hit. Rolling damage.
[2d6 = 5][1d10+14 = 23]>>71896Actually rolling this time
>>71895Good enough to hit
>>71897>23 damageNothing to scoff at, let's hope it's enough.
[1d20 = 10][1d20 = 9]>>71897One enemy is killed, another is 50% wounded. One shoots at Onyx, the other shoots at Dark star
[1d20+9 = 15]>>71892The wolf should attack right after my turn, so I'll have it charge Redclaw to finish him (since he's disabled ATM).
It's flanking, so no Dex AC.
Also, it's a fucking wild wolf that appeared out of nowhere. I hope it distracts the commies.
>>71899That's nice, guys, no hits for those guys.
>>71899Woo hoo! Onyx is safe
>>71899Both shots fail to hit. Two more enemies enter. There are 4 armed ponies, one is half damaged
Next Round
Initiative is:
Dark Star
New Enemy
New Enemy 2
>>71903Is redclaw unconscious now?
A Pony closes the door to his truck, he will gun it soon
>>71904Yes, and your move won't happen until after me.
Someone slash that trucks tires.
>>71905Wow, that's r00d. Didn't wait for Dark Star to do his turn.
[1d20+6 = 24]>>71903Dark star Shoots at the pony in the truck with his shotgun
>>71909I say he's done for.
[3d6 = 7]>>71904That would kill him
>>71909Hit, through the glass of the truck. Rolling Damage
>>71911The pony in the truck is wounded, scared, and conscious
>>71910I give the lowest level enemies 10 HP
>>71912Close enough. Is the place fully on lockdown by those troops or they can escape still?
>>71911"Surrender i do not wish to keel you."
>>71913Redclaw stated earlier that they could escape to the South and by the sea. Trucks can drive south on the wharf
[1d20+2 = 10]
New Enemy Shoots at The Fucking Wolf
>>71916Miss against dex. Iron's Turn, then Ash
>>71916Is that enemy in melee range of the wolf?
(Just asking, because I want to position it for AoOs)
[1d20 = 7]>>71917Iron shoots his rock against the new enemy. +5 modifier going to damage
Hopefully one of you can do 3 damage to the driver before he leaves us, right?
>>71919Got too greedy there.
>>71919The shot fails to hit
>>71918In charging range yes, in reach, no.
[1d20+7 = 12]>>71921The wolf reflexively charges at the enemy that shot at him with a bite attack.
>>71922Does Ash have an attack of her own?
I believe that is enough to hit
[1d6+3 = 5]>>71922First rolling damage for the wolf's bite.
It can also trip him as a free action.
[1d20+3 = 12]>>71924Now rolling to trip him prone.
>>71846>>71925New enemy 1 is wounded and prone. Ash's turn
Sister Ash doesn't have any weapons on hand aside from her club.
How many enemies are threatening her?
>>71927Her? None. I take it disabling the truck before it leaves at the end of this turn is not an option
>>71928No. I have produce flame to make a 1d6+5 fireball that I can hurl as a ranged touch attack.
Can I target the cars tires or the driver from this position?
>>71929You can certainly attack the tires or the fuel tank. I had imagined Ash to not be in line of sight because she is behind and to the right of the truck, but since you never specified, you can try to attack the driver directly
>>71929Produce Flame lasts for 5 minutes, and has a 120 foot range. Throwing a flame reduces the duration by 1 minute.
[1d20+5 = 16]>>71930Ash is less than enthusiastic to attack ponies, and the car is a larger target with no Dex AC; so she decides to target the car and gives a prayer in the ancient language that causes a ghostly white flame to erupt from her horn, that she promptly flick at the underside of the car.
>>71932Well, that's certainly enough to hit it
>>71933Rolling damage against the vehicle, although idk what it takes to pop a cartire.
Dice are 1d6+ caster level (1d6+5).
[1d20+1 = 19]
New Enemy 2 shoots at Dark Star with a rifle
>>71933>>71932>inb4 explosion
>>71937That's partially why I chose to be next to the crates.
>>71939>>71936Is it too late to use my remaining move action to duck back behind the crate?
[2d8 = 8]Shimmer then Onyx next in the order of initiative
>>71936>>71934A flame lights up. Nothing is obviously damaged yet, but the flame maintains, and the underside of the truck is on fire
>>71937Dark Star is hit, rolling damage
>>71942Dark Star, you must bolt to cover. If you use your action to only move, enemies don't have AoO against you.
>>71933Sister Ash let's a sigh of relief, never having been confident in shooting things with her horn.
[2d8 = 8]One wounded enemy, 2 unwounded enemies, and 1 prone enemy are in play
>>71940Dark Star takes 8 damage, leaving him at something like 12 or 11
[1d20 = 11]>>71942I turn my attention to the second new enemy. I aim and hope this works as I pull the trigger.
[2d6 = 6]>>71946Hit. Rolling damage
>>71943You can only AoO with a melee weapon anyway. Moving out of a threaten square provokes AoO, so does aiming a ranged weapon.
>>71946He is wounded, 4 health remaining. We now have two wounded enemies, an unwounded enemy, and a prone enemy. Onyx's turn
>>71949I think you are thinking of loading a ranged weapon
[1d20+10 = 17]>>71950I was asked to take control of Onyx as he is out for a minute.
Onyx rushes the last unwounded enemy with a charge attack.
[1d10+8 = 18]>>71952Hit, rolling damage
[1d9 = 3][1d9 = 6]There are now 2 wounded enemies, and 1 prone enemy. But 2 more challengers enter this round. Rolling their initiative
>>71954Fucking gutted.
>>71955The Initiative is
Dark Star
Prone enemy - wolf attacked
New Enemy
New Enemy
Wounded enemy
Wounded enemy
The driver of the truck spins his wheels, and the truck lurches forward 30 ft, causing an unsecured crate to fall to the ground. But the back portion of the truck explodes
[1d20+1 = 3]
Oh yeah. A wounded enemy has a shot. He shoots at Onyx
>>71957Hope Dark Star doesn't follow with him on that dice.
Dark Star appears to be absent for the moment
[1d20+6 = 23]>>71956Dark Star takes out his revolver and shoots the pony in the truck
He didnt surrender right? if he did i wont shoot him
>>71961He pulled ahead 30 ft, then his truck asploded. Well, the rear fuel tank exploded, but he's reasonably disabled at the moment
>>71961I mean, if you want to change your target
[1d20+6 = 13]>>71963Dark star shoots at the one with the rifle that shot him
>>71964I don't think you needed to reroll, just change the target without the roll
[2d6 = 9]>>71965>>71964Well, a 13 is enough to hit most unarmored opponents. Rolling Damage. The enemy has 5 HP
>>71967Wounded enemy 1 is kill
Next round
Prone enemy gets up, and tries to get his gun
[1d20+1 = 12]
New enemy shoots at Shimmer
>>71968Getting up provokes AoO
Can the wolf attack?
[2d8 = 9]>>71970Well, considering the wolf is literally on top of him, yes
>>71969Shimmer is hit, rolling damage
[1d20 = 5]>>71969>>71971Iron preps another rock and throws it at the wounded enemy that goes before Shimmer. +5 modifier goes to damage
>>71972Well, crap. Sorry team.
[1d20+7 = 25]>>71971The wolf snarls and tears into the poner as he tries to get up.
Also, keeping the +7, since he lost the charging benefit, but gains a +2 bonus against prone enemies.
>>71974Holy Shit. Poor poner
>>71972A +5 power attack is over kill on an enemy with 4 or 5 health. No power attack would have done it
>>71975>tfw rock would still miss regardless
>>71977Is kill. What does Ash do?
>>71975It had to be done...
Since it's wolfs turn, it seems out the next available enemy to continue it's path of destruction.
It can move 100 feet on a charge, are there any enemies in reach?
>>71980Yes. 2 new enemies and 1 wounded enemy, as they are what remains that is hostile
>>71979Ash winces as she watches the poner tear into the prone horse, and takes a move action to reach crawl over to the dying poner and a standard action stabilize him.
So long as nobody's attacking her right now, she can take 10 on her check (she has a high enough mod to do it).
>>71982Pony is at exactly 0 HP and stabilized
[1d20+7 = 10]>>71981The wolf smells blood and charges towards the wounded enemy.
Wolf will be around for another 4 rounds unless somepony kills him. He had 14 AC and 17 hp.
[1d2 = 2]>>71985>a 10I'm going to roll to determine if this guy has a positive dex bonus
>>71985>>71986The wounded pony moves, just slightly, and avoids the bite
[1d20 = 8]
A new enemy shoots at the invulnerable Onyx
>>71987The wolf makes a hilarious skidding gesture similar to a dog sliding on hardwood tile as it misses the poner, before snarling once more.
End of turn.
>>71988Onyx remains unassailable
As the other wounded enemy has been killed by Dark Star, it is now Shimmer's turn. 2 new enemies and 1 wounded enemy are on scene
Gee. Wolves are pretty great for a first level summon. None of the fancy stuff from the Summon Monster table: animal masterrace.
[1d20 = 3]>>71990As these wounded don't seem to be stopping their attack, Spark decides to aim for the wounded.
>>71992Oh dear. It appears the shot missed
Onyx's turn. 2 new enemies and 1 wounded enemy remain
[1d20+12 = 22]>>71993Onyx charges at one of the new ones.
[1d10+8 = 10]>>71994It hits. You're at least a 1d10+8 right?
[1d20+2 = 10]The wounded enemy now shoots at the dog in front of him
>>71995>>71994The enemy is kill.
>>71999Does Wolf boi I get an AoO for him using a ranged weapon in melee range?
Also Checked
[1d20+6 = 16]>>71999Dark Star shoots one of the new ones
>>72002And he moves behind a crate
[1d9 = 1][1d9 = 2]New Round. 2 new enemies join this round, one of whom ran in from the pier, where he was targeting Brie, and another who has been in the middle of the fight the whole time but was not identified as an enemy, but has just now figured out how to load a stripper clip into a rifle
Rolling initiative
Previous intiative:
Dark Star
Prone enemy - 0 HP stabilized by Hippie
New Enemy - Still here
New Enemy - F
Wounded enemy - F
Wounded enemy - still here
>>72000I am thinking no, because the rifle he is holding isn't really that much different from holding a melee weapon like a club or staff, and an attack under these circumstances would be too much like a normal attack
>>72004New Initiative order
New Enemy
New Enemy
Dark Star
[2d6 = 6]>>72002Hit. Rolling Damage
Also the stabilized guy should still be unconscious (just no longer dying).
[1d20+1 = 9]>>72002>>72003Dark Star hits an enemy, wounds him, and now has total cover +4 AC
A new Enemy shoots at Onyx, who has killed so many enemies and is fucking invulnerable
>>72008Damn man, you're stealing the show here, Onyx.
[1d20+1 = 15]>>72008An enemy shoots at Dark Star before he can take cover
>>72008>bullet just bounces off of him somehow
>>72009Uh, what my kill count at this point?
>>72012I'd say 3 to 4 ponies
[1d20+1 = 10]>>72003>>72010The Bullet hits at an oblique enough angle that it bounces off a steel plate in his Flak Jacket
>>72012In this Battle, 3. In total in this Campaign, 4. You're definitely winning
The pony after Dark Star shoots at Onyx
>>72016The bullet glances and bounces off a steel plate in Onyx's Flak Jacket
>>72009Iron's turn. you have a -2 negative modifier for range
>>72018Onyx's nickname is going to be "Juggernaut" at this point.
>>72018Say, can I pounce a pony from the roof? Even though I am wounded, the enemy rolls are boosting my confidence that they won't kill me.
>>72019He's been called worse
>>72020>INB4: they kill him
>>72020Jumping should count as a charge, unless he's too far away.
>>72022Please, don't jinx it. I'm sure Onyx doesn't have armor, while I have that boosts it by 3.
>>72020Hmmm. I want to say no, because the parts of the roof closest to the combat are on fire or are close enough to be unsafe. Maybe if you run fast and jump?
>>72024I do have armor luckily, with +3
[1d20+7 = 22]>>72025Come on dice, don't fail me now on my first game hereIron backs up to get a running start then charges at any enemy available, rolling jump to see if it works.
>>72028The dice gods have spoken.
[1d3 = 3]>>72028Hmm, it looks like Iron runs, runs over a smoldering area, then jumps from atop the roof, hitting an enemy just enough to knock them prone. Rolling non-lethal damage
>>72029Ash's Turn/wolf. That wounded pony is still there, even if I forgot to include them in the initiative roll
[1d20+7 = 24]>>72031The wolf recoils, snarling savagely at the poner.
Then, after a 5 foot step back, it charges once more.
>>72032It freaking hits, biting down
[1d20+5 = 13]>>72035Also rolling to trip him prone (free action).
Is there another dying guy Sister Ash can patch up?
>>72036>>72035knocked prone. He is at 0 HP if this is that enemy that Shimmer did 6 damage on
Can I perform a sneak attack or something?
We have 1 wounded enemy with 4 HP
One prone enemy under Iron
One unwounded enemy, who is very nervously looking at Onyx
>>72040Yes, although the ponies that were going to shoot at you have now all entered combat away from Brie. Brie can of course attack one of those griffins who are near him
>>72039Sister Ash begins moving defensively (AC 12), crawling to avoid bullets (AC 14) as she moves to patch up the next dying guy.
>>72043Roll a heal check?
[1d20+5 = 22]>>72041The only character that can perform sneak attacks>>72042No one has killed the griffons yet???Attacking the uninjured griffon
+5 cuz you haven't vetoed the masterwork throwing knives afaik
[1d20+12 = 27]>>72042Oh, one unwounded guy you say?
Not for long...
>>72047I swear if that heals him enough that he kills someone it's the Nun's ass on the line
He was not looking at Brie, and therefor Sneak attack bonus applies to flanked enemy
>>72047Ash manages to cure an ailment of his as well as stabilizing him
>>72046Rolling damage
>>72045I don't know who that is.
>>72048If he's stupid enough to try to get up, I'll set his ass on fire.
[1d10+8 = 13]>>72050Failed to roll Onyx's damage
>>72045That Griffin is dead
Shimmer's turn, but I think that With the exception of the prone enemy under Iron, every foe has been disabled
>>72055Are there more coming?
>>72055Wrong. One wounded enemy with 4 HP. Shimmer's turn
[1d20 = 17]>>72057The sorcerer takes aim and fires at the target.
[2d6 = 7]>>72058Hit. Rolling damage
>>72058>>72059The wounded enemy is killed
>>72060Darn, I was hoping maybe for 6
Here is the situation
Across the wharf, several hundred feet away, two ponies with rifles climb down from the mill roof top, and are running for the motor boat
Where the party is, 5 ponies run towards the other truck that is not disabled, one for the driver's seat. Iron has a pony prone beneath him
>>72061If you want a higher count, run towards the motor boat. Also remember that you have a Carbine with Weapon Specialization
>>72062Can I throw a fireball at the truck?
I've still got 4 minutes of Produce Flame.
>>72063If you have a spell, yes. Yes you can
[1d20+5 = 6]
When the opportunity presents, I'm attacking the wounded griffon
[1d20+5 = 8]>>72064Rolling a ranged touch attack against a large object.
>>72067Our luck's run out bois.
[1d20+1 = 10]>>72065Ooow.... The griffon attacks back with naked talon
>>72067I know it's an inanimate object, but that looks like a miss
>>72062Meh, this halberd likes me.
Remind me to use them more.
>Onyx runs to the boat>>72065F
[1d20+6 = 17]>>72062Dark Star shoots the tires with his revolver
>>7207013AC (unless you determine I'm flat-footed cuz >1)
[2d6 = 9]>>72065The griffon misses Brie
>>72071And it is so. Unfortunately, the boat is far way, so his 120 or whatever feet a round is not quite enough to close the distance. They get closer to the boat
>>72072Hit, rolling damage
"You know, you could always opt to save your own hide. I already took care of your associate, I can make a fine head-dress out of him. What do you say? Tell me where the loot is, and I'll let you go." Brie taunts the Griffon.
>>72074How far away am I from the water? I can summon sea creatures within 50 feet.
>>72076Judging by the map, pretty damn far.
>>72072>>72074The tire is damaged. Two ponies get on the truck, the other pony goes for the driver's seat, two ponies reach down to pick up rifles from dead and dying comrades
>>72076She could walk to within 50 ft if she made a move action to the water, but she is more than 50ft away as she is. Please be aware that the motor boat may be the only way the party can get away before the Right Wing Death Squads come in
>>72075"W-What loot?"
>>72078Well, Summoning is a full-round action, so I take a move action to get closer, and then take the Total Defense Standard Action.
Wolf, on the other Hand, charges towards whoever is near the boat (100 foot charge distance).
>>72078"Oh come on," he says with an incredulous eye-rolling look, as if to say "I wasn't born yesterday" and this time pulling a dagger in each hoof. "
Everybody knows how griffons are with their shekels. I'd bet they're here on this ship. I'm not talking about you organization's shekels, I'm talking about
yours." he says, finally, adopting a ready-stance (just posturing).
Two ponies who were going for the truck are now reaching for weapons
[1d20 = 7]>>72080"Alright, alright, they paid us when we first arrived. The money was taken...." He stalls
Shot from behind Brie at Brie, flat footed
[1d20+6 = 8]>>72078Iron charges one of the ponies picking weapons up with his steel gauntlets, also increasing his damage by 4 through power attack.
>>72075>>72082>>72080Unseen attacker who shot at brie has missed
>>72083Iron has a pony who was knocked prone beneath him who is not disabled or unconcious. He is not in a position to move
[1d20+6 = 13]>>72078Dark Star Double taps the tire
[2d6 = 7]>>72087Also hits. Be advised that two of the ponies are going for weapons from dead and unconscious opponents
>>72086Is the wolf able to attack one of the poners at the boat? He's got a 100 foot charging distance, and he'll last 2 more rounds.
>>72087One of the six tires of the truck is now decidedly flat
[1d20+8 = 20]>>72086Pretend the first roll never happenedIron hits the prone stallion with steel gauntlets, using power attack to increase damage by 2.
>>72082"Oh ho ho ho! Trying to take advantage of my generosity? That's not very sporting of you," he waves a dagger at the griffon playfully/menacingly, then gets serious. "Spill your guts,... or I do."
[1d20+12 = 27]>>72088Well Onyx will have to end that now won't he?
[1d20 = 18]>>72078The sorcerer is still kicking and fires at one of the ones going for weapons.
[2d6 = 10]>>72089He cannot go that far. He can definitely attack one of the two ponies diving for rifles
>>72093How far can you charge? 60 ft?
>>72092Is he going to ignore the griffon that shot at him from behind?
>>72094Hit, rolling damage
[1d20+12 = 13]>>72095Idk, I don't have a spees
[1d4+7 = 11]>>72094Shimmer kills him with a single shot
>>72096And I forgot the leave out the dice that time....
>>72095He didn't know it was a griffon, but yes, he's ignoring him for now, intent on this one (which he assumes is in some degree of command/authority)
[1d20+7 = 15]>>72095He charges
[1d20+5 = 13]>>72100That had to hit
Rolling to trip
[1d6+5 = 10]
Rolling damage
[1d10+8 = 13][1d20 = 9]>>72091Well, two things. First, the griffin is actually genuinely scared by this. Second, the other griffin is not
"Alright! We moved it into the captain's quarters!"
Second griffon shoots at Brie
>>72096Fuck it, I'll count this. This opponent is by the seawall. The other is already on the boat. There is an unarmed opponent on the boat
>>72100Hit. The other pony is already dead
>>72102And now this pony is dead. Both that have gone for weapons are dead
[1d20+2 = 13]>>72099Brie is unharmed
>>72098One is dead, one is in the boat and aiming at onyx. He shoots
>>72098>>72104The bullet embeds itself in Onyx's flack Jacket
[1d20-3 = -17][1d20+5 = 25]>>72103"You're friend isn't a very good shot. You paid him way too much." he smirks. "So the Captain's quarters you say? Well then I don't need you anymore do I?"
Throws both knives
>>72103Sister Ash pulls out her grestclub with her horn and prepares herself to hurl it at one of the guys on the boat (on her turn).
>>72104>>72105Wee, still untouched in this battle.
>>72106All hail the dice gods!
>>72103I guess I killed the pony under me?Iron, inspired by Onyx's bravery, decides to follow suit and runs at the motor boat.
>>72106Goddamn, Brie! Talk about overkill!
>>72106Whatever he aimed those at is fucking dead. Each hits an eye, and the griffon slumps over
>>72107Hmmm, she's far away. very far away. What she can do though is hurl a great club at the would be driver of the truck with one flat tire
>>72108Fucking Invicible
>>72111Done. It will take about 2 turns or more
>>72115Is there someone that Onyx can shoot to see if the luck carries over?
>>72116>>72115>Each hits an eye, and the griffon slumps over
[1d20+5 = 18]>>72115In that case, I use produce Flame to shoot a fireball at him (no range increment).
This reduces the duration to 3 minutes.
Touch attack.
Or mod is rigging the dice
>>72111Dark Star seeing both oynx and iron running to the boat he decides to run there as well
>>72117The pony in the boat that shot him
>>72119So much for pacifism. Fuck you unarmed guy fleeing the scene. He is lit on fire
Brie, with an understandable spring in his step, spins and looks in the general direction of the sniper and does a "Nonono" wag of his hoof, followed by a smirking shooing motion.
>>72120>Atlas sitting around controlling the dice>Laughing at how we react
>>72122>Fleeing the sceneOh...
Sister Ash's eyes sieze smoking as she returns to her senses
"Umm.. whoopsie.."
[1d20+6 = 23]>>72122Fire in the hole then
>>72126Fucking murder streak
>>72127Murder hobo best character
[2d6+2 = 12][1d20-1 = -7]>>72123He is slightly scared, but shoots anyways. -1 aim because he is unnerved by Brie's edge
>>72126Jesus Christ. Rolling damage
[1d6+4 = 9]>>72125I guess I outta roll damage
Rolling at decreased caster level, cuz she held back just barely
>>72129Can he see the shooter?
>>72126That pony is kill. The other guy next to him by the motor looks at onyx. He is unarmed
>>72123This Griffin has shot at and missed Brie a third time
>>72129Oh god, why were we scared of fighting these ponies when dice like this to just go for a streak?
>>72129>Edginess decreases the enemy's rollsNoted
>>72132Another one bite the dust...
>>72131Yes. The shooter is by the door of the superstructure
>>72130I did say she was transition from Neutral to Good..
>>72132Remember to call me out when I reach the area near the motorboat so I can do something.
>>72137Because all armed opponents have been killed, he can walk there without rounds being an issue
>>72136What is the damage die on that fireball?
>>72135Brie tumbles toward cover (+4 ac)
>>72138It does 1d6+ caster level.
[1d20+8 = 17]>>72138Alright, guess I can interact with the motorboat driver."If you move this boat, your life is forfeit." Rolling intimidate against the driver.
>>72138The sorcerer sits there, holding a hoof over his wound. He levitates the glass and stares at it as he waits for a new sign of danger.
[3d6 = 9][1d20 = 19]>>72139Is so. Remember that the cargo hold is about 3 or 4 feet high, so he can have cover on most areas of the ship against other parts of the ship
He shoots yet again
>>72140Rolling damage
>seven kills>Not a single scratchThis is nuts
>>72132Onyx spares the unarmed man and makes sure no one else around him is armed.
>>72124I accept this headcanon.
>>72144Holy moley, I hope your critical edge doesn't work against you.
[1d20+8 = 16]>>72142Assisting
"ill blow your head off if you move this boat."
[2d8 = 7]>>72145The guy pulls the cord to start the motor
>>72139Even though behind cover, Brie is hit. Rolling damage
>>72149Does he have full cover against the sniper? If not, is there full cover available?
>>72150Sorry GM, saw that Onyx didn't try to stop him doing his thing.
[1d20+6 = 26]>>72149I choose to interpret that as a hostile action.
>>72153The Juggernaut strikes again.
Is there anything productive I can do that doesn't involve slinging fire at noncombatants? If not, I'll go back to healing dying guys.
>>72156Nono, keep throwing fireballs around. It would be so edgily funny that Ollie was in one of the trucks.
>>72156You could do something about the sniper,....
[4d6+2 = 20]>>72148>>72130He is very injured, but gets in the driver's seat and closes the door. That one flat tire may not get them far, but it may get them far enough
>>72151Is +4 AC not for the full cover?
>>72149>>72148He puts his hooves up. Then he gets shot in the head
>>72156More attacks on the structure of the truck, or intimidation of the driver
>>72158Don't say that!
>>72153Jeez, you think you can slice the entire communist population with that halberd of yours?
>>72160No, the +4 AC is for tumbling to get behind full cover
[1d20+5 = 12]>>72159Thanks.
I sends a bolt of fire in his direction.
Touch Attack
[1d20+6 = 14]>>72160Dark Star tries to shoot the pony in the truck
>>72158I would have to Kermit Sudoku if that were the case.
[2d6 = 6]>>72143Only three
>>72163He's like 300 ft away
>>72162He had +4 AC, he just got lucky. i think it is Brie's turn. He took 7 damage
>>72164Kek, rolling damage
>>72160Iron is somewhat judging of Onyx killing of an unarmed opponent. "While I agree that he could have escaped, there was no need to kill this pony with such dishonor."
>>72161Give an Onyx a halberd, and he'll ask for a gang member to kill.
Give him a gang member to kill, and he'll ask for a carbine.
Give him a carbine, and he'll ask for a commie to kill.
Give him a commie to kill, and he'll fuck up six more without even a single scratch.
It must be crystal pony bias.
I send that fireball towards the truck instead.
[1d6+5 = 10]>>72169Rolling damage
>>72168Check your Crystal pony Privilege, Shitlord
>>72167Onyx shrugs while looking around
"If he gets away, the more armed commies we have to deal with in the future"
[1d20 = 11]>>72171Rolling to check my crystal pony privilege
>>72173That looks like a hit, tbh.
>>72164He's dead Jim
>>72167Somepony is jealous of Onyx's killing spree
>>72169>>72170Truck is damaged, and the two ponies do not get on the vehicle
>>72172Two unarmed ponies are at the end of the docks, and griffins in the ship. The motor boat is now the last remaining vehicle that could provide escape from this area before the military police storm in
[1d20+7 = 10]>>72175Dark Star runs over to the truck and trys to back it into the water
Drive check
>>72175Sh-shut up, b-baka!
>>72175Sister Ash stabilizes another dying guy, if there's no other immediate threat.
>>72175Onyx turns to Iron
"You know how to drive a boat?"
Then he gets on
>>72166"Better not to tempt it." he Eeeeee's to himself.
"Nothing ventured, nothing gained,..." he Eeee's in response.
"Dude has a gun! We're lucky we've made it this far without pissing our pants!" he Eeeee's back.
"Where's the leftover pizza?" he Eeee's at himself.
"ITS IN THE DRAWER!" they both EEEEE at the third one.
"Anyway, we're already wounded, we know where the loot is, and most importantly,
I'm driving!" he Eeeeee's at the others.
"Bitch,...." he Eeeee's spitefully in response.
Tl;dr Total defense, maximize coverage, don't get shot again mode
>>72175Iron suddenly remembers. "Onyx, we need to evacuate. I think many ponies are here to kill everyone in the vicinity."
[1d20 = 12]>>72179"No, I am afraid I cannot. Though I can try." Iron gets in the boat and tries to start the engine. Rolling luck to see if his fiddling works.
>>72176A Stick shift is hard. At least the truck is on fire
>>72178Roll for heal check
>>72179Let the Dice fun begin
>>72181>>72179>>72178>>72176A loud EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEing sound is heard from the ship, besides gun shots
>>72181"I figured that too. It's why I'm curious if you can drive a boat"
>>72183"What the hell is that noise?"
>>72182The motor starts
>>72185EEEEEEEE! From the Ship
>>72183Iron feels a small shiver on his spine at the piercing screech. His ears fold a bit, obviously bothered by the noise.
>>72186"I think I am ready." Iron states
>>72183I check the trucks for enemies. I think there is one left.
[1d20+5 = 15]>>72189She moves on to the next guy who's still breathing
>>72188"Gotcha, one last thing to do"
Onyx turns so he's somewhat facing the other characters
[1d20+7 = 15]>>72183Trys again
>>72192Iron feels the power and strength from Onyx's commanding voice.
"You know they're not going away, we're probably sitting on a literal boatload of money."
"He's right dude, we're not gonna get away with this by duck and cover."
"He's right, we should probably die in a more favorable manner."
"Fine, FINE! Let me think of a plan."
"Why do you always get to think of the plans?"
"We covered this, I'm driving. If YOU guys think of a plan, I'm all ears."
"Was that a joke?"
>>72190A very wounded driver in the lead truck
>>72192He turns the boat around, towards the pier. Don't make me make you roll a die to see if you hit the seawall
>>72191Only one more, stabilized. EEEEEEE!
>>72193Vehicle is in drive and wheel is turned to the left, let it ride. Also, EEEEEEEEEEEE!
>>72194>Power>Commanding>5 ChaWe'll roll with it
>>72196>>72195jumps out of the truck at the last second "What the Shit is that?"
[1d20+5 = 18]>>72196I go for another heal check to save one more life.
[1d20 = 12]>>72196"A shame. You should have surrendered when the fighting started."
I fire at the driver.
>>72196I'm so tempted to do so.
[1d20+5 = 9]>>72195o_O
I think this guy might be batty...
Ba-dum tsk!
[2d6 = 5]>>72199Hmmm. I am less sure. Some time has passed by now
>>72202Hit. The EEEEEing finally stops
>>72203You wanna roll?
>>72197Well, you rolled through six ponies with guns, so I suspect he's feeling the power of that feat.
>>72205Can Brie tell which way is the Captain's quarters?
>>72205She goes for the boat then.
Wolf boi should have vanished into thin air by now.
>>72205"Should we move this boat closer to the others?" Iron then tries to remember if he heard Onyx's name out loud by someone. "Did you tell me your name?"
>>72209The motor boat is being moved. The EEEEEing and the gunshots at the ship have ceased
>>72207Must be inside the superstructure. There is a door to his left that the griffin is by, and a door on the opposite side, to his right, which the griffin is not by. Brie is on the Right side
>>72210Link this post to the Ancap flag
Brie checks his vest.
"Only nine left,..."
"So eight too many."
"She's right, don't be a bitch."
Brie squares his shoulders, and makes for the closest door of the superstructure, tumbling for the +4 AC
>>72212She gets in the boat.
>>72211"So should we move towards the others? You did not answer my question."
>>72212I'm kinda hinting that I'll roll for it
>>72215Again, there are two floating objects, one of which is sailing in the water
>>72216Do I need to post the Shia Lebouf video?
[1d20 = 12]>>72212I'm guessing the driver is down. I guess a spot check to see where the others are and any more enemies?
[1d20 = 12]>>72212Dark Star trys to tell where the EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEing came from
>>72218Whichever one Onyx is driving.
She moves closer.
>>72219Moving motor boat, Dark Star has been near the trucks, Ash has been too. Shooting and EEEEEEEEing from the ship
>>72200This leads him to the Ship. There is a gang way to the ship, and he could hear shooting from there earlier
>>72216"Sure, if you think it's best"
>>72222Nice number.
The sorcerer limps toward the shooting on the boat, despite his better judgement.
>>72222goes inside the ship
Wait, weren't we meaning to escape right now?
[1d20 = 9]>>72224Iron, trying hard to understand the vehicle, attempts to move the motorboat closer to the ship. He thinks that's where the noise came from. Rolling ride
Cuz driving a boat is the same as a horse
>>72228And miss out on the
>>72217Good enough. He is unshot and by the door. The door, when opened, has the other griffin on the other side, and a hallway down the middle
>>72227There is a Griffin with a rifle on the far side of the superstructure
>>72226There is a gangway to the ship
>>72229>>72224Well, it is closer. A griffin with a gun looks over the side of the ship at the morboat
I guess I didn't prepare detect magivk for nothing.
Sister Ash moves towards the ship.
[1d20 = 10]
Iron throws a rock at the griffon, using the +5 modifier for damage.
[1d20+6 = 25]>>72231>GunHostile
D E T E C T E DYada yada carbine, you know the drill
[2d6+2 = 9]>>72234Hit. Rolling Damage
>>72234Onyx is a freaking killing machine.
>>72231I go up the gangway and look around.
Can Sister Ash get on the ship?
>>72236Omae wa mou shindeiru
[1d3+10 = 11]>>72233You're lucky I didn't give that griffin a dexterity modifier when it was shooting at brie. Rolling damage
>>72238>>72237The griffin just got shot and hit by a rock, it is dead. There is a superstructure
>>72240Sister Ash gets on the ship.
>>72231Does he look hostile?
>>72234>>72240Iron is not so impressed by his gunplay unlike his halbred skills. Although he still respects him in general.
Sorry, gotta keep the charade for his "tools r bad" spiel here
He flings a dagger down the hallway, more as a diversion than any attempt to injure, and then takes flight to swoop around to the Griffon's position.
[1d3+10 = 13]>>72242>>72241Through the door leads a pathway
>>72245After flying to the griffons position, 2 rounds later, he can see that the griffin is dead. But... Is that another two griffins on the back of the ship?
>>72243Right now, he looks dead
>>72244I get it
I prefer the halberd too, tbh"Eh, I like using my trusty blade better. But I can't use it from a range sadly"
[1d20+5 = 21]>>72240Spot to find any lewt
>>72246There sure are a lot of griffons around.
>>72246I got down the pathway... Are there doors along it?
He picks up his thrown dagger, and then flies back to the other corpses to retrieve his other daggers, before closing on the rear griffons.
Ha! Fooled you didn't I? No, he picks up his thrown dagger, and then enters the superstructure, looking for the Captain's quarters.
>>72246Iron, now grasping driving the boat, gets even closer, see if they can get out on the pier near the ship. "Does this thing stay here? If so we can continue."
>>72244Iron's jealousy at Onyx's kill count is noted
>>72248He can see that a griffon opened a door. Down the hallway, he is holding a shotgun, but looking a different direction
>>72249Name of the Ship is
Frequent Voyager, Registration, Skyfall
>>72250shit, a griffin holding a shotgun looking down the hallway, but not at Shimmer. Also Dark Star is there
>>72251Does he not want to kill the two new griffins he saw?
[1d20+5 = 10]>>72248May as well also roll.
>>72255Nope, he wants to secure the ducats
>>72252"I don't know, I just figured this was are best chance of getting out of there"
>>72249This campaign is essentially recursive fanfiction of the Hearts of Iron 4 mod, "Equestria at War." That mod has as many griffons in it as ponies>>72256Well, there are two dead griffons outside of the ship
[1d20 = 4]>>72255While Spark is still alive, he casts Mage Armor on himself. +4 armor bonus
>>72260Does he not want to move out of the hallway?
>>72258"I do not know. I thought Dark Star went this way from way back, so I decided to come closer." Iron seeks some rope while on the motorboat. "I think we need to tie this for now. I am sure he entered for that insane bat."
>>72259She gives a silent prayer to repose them a before she heads inside.
[1d20 = 16]>>72261Well... a little late for that huh? I failed the spell and have to wait a turn.
[1d20 = 8][1d20 = 20]>>72262Rolling for spot and use rope
[1d20+4 = 7]>>72255He Shoots him in the head
>>72264Fucking left the dice on. Don't pay attention to that
>>72259I know that much, but I also know that there's only two griffon nations on the western continent at the start of the game (Nova Griffonia and the Griffon Frontier), while most of the griffons are on the eastern continent.
>>72265I don't know if he found any rope, but he sure as shit tied that boat down
>>72264Or, just move then cast the spell with a standard action
>>72266Do you want to give away your position like that? Only a rogue can target specific areas
>>72269Ok. I'll do that.
I move out of sight and cast the failed spell.
>>72268Correct. This ship alleges to be registered to the Skyfall Trade Federation
>>72257He gets back to the door again, finally
>>72271What does Ash see once she enters the ship?
[1d20+5 = 19]>>72269hide check
>>72272She sees dark Star and shimmer at the beginning of a hallway. At least shimmer is to the side of the hallway and not looking down it
>>72271Targeting, search mode, the ducats
tell me what to roll
>>72273He steps over to the side of the hallway, not visible to the griffin
>>72269>>72258Iron jumps onto the dock. "Well, from what you have shown me, these griffons cannot shoot straight. Shall we storm the ship, Onyx?"
>>72274She follows them, not really sure what she's doing, but wanting to stay in group.
>>72275When he enters the ship, he sees that Shimmer and Dark Star are there, to either side of a hallway, as if not wanting to look down it
>>72279>>72278Do I see them?
>>72280Yes, as they come in
>>72279"Well there you are! I thought it was all me for a minute there!" he snaps out of cordial-mode and resumes searching for ducats.
He's proceeding, in whatever direction he feels will get him to the Captain's quarters. He's not sure
where the captain's quarters are, but that's where he's intent on.
>>72282Hmmm. There is a griffon down the hallway. Roll for initiative
>>72279Iron decides to enter the ship. The sooner we clear out the enemy, the better. Those ponies do not seem to care about honor.
>>72278"shh theres a griffion at the end of the hallway"
>>72258Is onyx kill? Iron got on the ship
>>72285Sister Ash steps back, less than enthusiastic to get into combat.
[1d20+1 = 11]>>72288Griffon with the gun
>>72286IRL maybe. It's kinda late.
He's just hacking the dice for some phat 20's and negate all damage from himDo I see the griffon?
>>72283is this the same one i saw?
>>72288Brie wins initiative. He can treat his opponent as flat footed in the first round, and thus get sneak attack damage
>>72290That griffin? No? A different griffin?
[1d20+5 = 9]
"Too slow!"
>>72291You want to roll initiative?
>>72294>announcing your attack before attackingNow you fucked up.
[1d20 = 10]>>72293Rolling initiative against the griffon
[1d20+6 = 7]>>72293"Shit hes aatacking Brie"
i shoot him
[1d20+8 = 19]>>72298Iron charges at the griffon, adding +4 to the damage for his spiked gauntlets.
>>72297Iron wins, but the only way he could possibly close distance is with a charge
>>72299You are at the end of the hallway next to Brie, and near shimmer and ash. you may enter combat if you roll initiative
>>72300You are behind a wall and need to roll initiative before you make an attack
[1d20 = 14]>>72303May as well
>>72302>>72300You can't into the edge.
>>72303I've literally stated that I charged at him. I even added a +2 hit modifier.
[1d20 = 19]>>72303I guess I should join in.
[1d3+9 = 11]>>72301Rolling damage
>>72304You win initiative versus the griffin. You may make an attack against him before he kills brie this round
>>72306You definitely win over the griffin, and so may make an attack before he kills brie
>>72305Calm yourself, and check which post that was in reply to
>>72307you have a higher roll than the griffin, and thus may make an attack against him before he kills Brie
[1d20 = 8]
I run back into the hall and shoot the griffon.
>>72308Damn, sorry.
Guess I'm fuming at Onyx-sama's superior skill against my mudpony mediocre attacks
[1d20+3 = 19]>>72308I still have Produce Flame, so I target him with a touch attack.
[1d20+6 = 16]>>72309Dark star shoots at him
[1d4 = 3][1d6+5 = 6]>>72312That's 1d6+5 fire damage, 1d4 extra fire damage, and a 15 DC reflex save to avoid catching fire.
[2d6 = 10]>>72310Miss
>>72313Hit. Rolling damage.
>>72314Are you even with Dark Star and Brie? Becuase I'm not, and you came with me.
>>72316Idk anymore, but I think she came in a few minutes before him.
>>72314>>72315I don't know if he moves, but he is killed anyways by Dark Star, even besides this damage
>>72316She is, they are together inside the ship
>>72318Is he dead or dying?
>>72318Yes. He would be exactly 1 round from death with all the damage
>>72318Iron keeps looking around for enemies to fight. He doesn't remember that he had to kill every single one of them here, just the two advisors. Maybe the mare is hiding around here?
I do get to roll initiative again next fight, right?
[1d20+1 = 15]>>72321They find him. Roll for initiative
[1d20+5 = 23]>>72320I roll to prevent death.
[1d20 = 7]>>72322Wait, they?
>>72302Brie failed to kill the griffon. However, his allies jumped in and managed to kill the griffin before he could shoot his shotgun. Ash just saved the griffin from bleeding to death, and the griffin is unconscious on the floor
[1d20+1 = 2]>>72324I had intended it to be only one griffin, the second of the two that Brie spotted. But.... I mean, a ship should have a large sized crew
This griffin wins initiative, and shoots at Iron
>>72325>shotgunOh, that's what you meant by "before he kills Brie"
"Just go with it."
"You be quiet!"
"Make me."
"Forget about them, focus on the ducats."
>>72326If there was ever a time to roll a 1, that was it
>>72326He must have panicked. Hard.
>>72321Which Mare?
>>72328Now, where does Brie want to go? That griffin came out an open door
>>72331Iron, at least to my knowledge, doesn't know the other advisor is dead or a changeling.
[1d20+11 = 29]>>72331Might as well go into the door, he was there with a shotgun for a reason,....
Stealth roll
>>72333No one sees him go through the door
>>72332Oh, so it's a changeling you want to find?
Sister Ash proceeds down the hallway, after determining that the Griffin is alive.
>>72336More closed doors, and a stairway
>>72334No. As I said, he does not know that the mare advisor is a changeling, or that he's dead either. He believes that's why they are all there still and not running away on the boat.
>>72338He needs to make an attack against that griffin that failed to close the bolt on his gun
[1d20+8 = 23]>>72341Right, sorryIron charges at the griffon that tried to shoot at him, again putting +4 on his damage modifier.
[1d3+9 = 10]>>72340Oh shit! The room is only a dorm room. There is a griffin in a bed with a claw in in a "don't shoot" position
>>72343Is attack. Rolling damage
>>72342Looks like an entrance to a kitchen of some sort. No creature is seen
>>72344I walk into the kitchen and look for a fish head or piece if cheese (I list my spell components pouch; I need something for Animal Messenger).
>>72344Iron keeps looking for any other enemies in the area, intending to find that advisor mare.
>>72344"Got a live one here." Brie calls out to the hall.
>>72345Yes and yes, if you give it a few turns
>>72346None can be seen on the deck
I grab an apple or something while I'm at it.
Iron checks his options for further exploring.
>>72349Do griffons eat apples?
>>72350There are several doors to enter the superstructure or the cargo hold
Is no one following? Is no one in the hallway?
>>72352Idk, probably
>Is hungry from running around all night
>>72352Iron deduces that the superstructure will be where any cowards will hide. He decides to check the room out.
>>72355No apple is readily seen
>>72357There is an entrance to the superstructure in the back
>>72354"I don't know about red, more of a mix of brown and white. He might give us information though." he calls to the hallway.
"You WILL give us information, won't you? We've already dispatched several of your associates, we'll have fancy head-dresses for days. No need to spill more blood, as long as we get what we came for."
When he says "we", he doesn't mean the party btw
>>72358Once she's finished, she explores the rest of the hallway.
[1d20 = 2]>>72358Iron put his ear on the door to listen for any suspicious sounds like breathing, stuff falling down and other noises that an empty ship wouldn't have.
>>72359He seems startled, and says something in some sort of foriegn language
>>72361The sound of the boiler alone
>>72360There are more doors along the hallway
>>72362*Opens another door*
[1d20+5 = 14]>>72362Attacking
>>72362Iron opens the door of the superstructure.
>>72365Fucking attacked. Roll damage for him, because I'm not sure what that would be
>>72363A dorm. This one is empty. One bed is unmade, three of them are
>>72366Ash is looking into a room in the hallway. There is a stairwell to his immediate right
>>72363I'm getting ready to pass out, tbh...
[1d4+1 = 5]
"I really need to go back and pick up my blades, I've only got 6 left now" he Eeeee's to himself.
>>72367Iron goes down the stairs, see if he finds anypony down there.
>>72367She decides to return to the stairwell and find the party, since she isn't sure what she was looking for in the first place.
>>72370Down stairs he can see an entrance to what must be a cargo hold, another to a different cargo hold, and one to a boiler room
>>72370>>72371>>72365>>72354>>72280A single gunshot is heard from a deck or two above
>>72371She can see an open door with Dark Star and Brie
>>72369He yells in a foreign language
Fuck. I'm dying. It's 1:30 and I have shit to do tomorrow.
>>72372Iron decides to calmly find a way up the stairs towards the shot that was fired. He thinks the advisor mare is where the shot went off.
>>72374F, Night
>>72373"Guess it wasn't a spell then,...."
>>72372"I don't suppose that was any of our friends was it?" I run to the stairwell and begin to go up stairs.
>>72375>>72377Circular, going up two flights
>>72379I go up both flights and check out the top floor.
Iron finishes the climb. "I will go first." He starts the walk towards the shot.
>>72380>>72381"Bang. Bang"
There are two open doors. There is the far end, and a closer door
>>72381>>72382Two closer doors
>>72382Could we tell where the sounds were coming from?
>>72382Iron, curious at the supposedly random shots he's hearing, keeps going closer to the shooting.
>>72384>>72385Upstairs relative to your position
>>72386More upstairs than our current position at the top floor?
>>72387Not if you are already there
>>72387>>72386Iron keeps going to the noise, going upstairs to know what is going on?
>>72389All Iron can know is that the gunshots came from the top floor
>>72388Then I guess we better check those open doors first. I go to the first open door and look inside.
>>72385>>72384>>72390Dark star is right behind iron
>>72392>>72391>>72393One open door at the far end, one door to the left, one door to the right
>>72394Iron checks the door on his left.
>>72394Dark Star opens the one to the right
>>72395As he opens the door, he can see that there is a bed in the center of the room against the left wall, a door to the far right, a dresser to the far right, a griffon corpse close to his right, and.... Hello. It's a griffon, standing on her hind legs. White feathers through and through, wearing a flak jacket that looks damaged, and holding a revolver in her right claw, and documents in her left. There is a door behind her. She is looking at iron, with the most deer-in-headlights expression possible. She was not expecting to see you. Well, any of you
[1d20+8 = 23]>>72397"Drop the gun and lay down right now or you'll regret it."
>>72398She opens the door, and steps through
[1d20+8 = 27]>>72398*you will
**he glares daggers at the griffon
>>72399Iron follows. "Hey! Do not think you can run! I want answers!"
>>72401He gets a response from her
"The Sunset police are on the wharf by now"
>>72402"I am not so sure that they are police, judging by their weapons. They do not use batons." Iron closes the distance "Why are you here, shooting your kind?"
>>72402So... is she simply in a different room, or is she running down a hall or something?
>>72403"I could ask you the same question. They are Military Police"
She looks back and behind Iron. She has a foot out the door
>>72404She is in the first room on the left in the hallway. She is stepping slightly out a door on the opposite side from the hallway that basically has to lead outside to a balcony
>>72405Silence to this question
>>72406"Are you with the revolution?"
>>72406"If you are not a member of this boat's crew, you should know the area is mostly clear out the boat. As for my role, I just came as muscle." Iron looks back at the documents. "Are you looking for those papers?"
>>72407"No. Would I have shot them if I were?"
She moves a claw down to try to rummage through a dresser next to her
>>72408"Would I have grabbed them I were not?"
>>72409"You could be playing coy." Iron tries to look behind her shoulder
or whatever the top part of the arm is for a griffon "So, you are not going to say to potential allies about your mission? We could escort you out if you want."
>>72409"Who Are you then?"
>>72409On the right side above her shoulder is just the door, on the left side above her is the Night sky
>>72410>>72410"An interested party. Who hired you?"
Her right claw is inside the dresser now
>>72412Can I see enough past her to see the balcony?
>>72413If you are on the other side of Iron, sure
>>72412"This stallion next to me. Says it's some political faction from the region. He could tell you more if you were more cooperative. I am sure he only fights against the ones that worship the red star."
[1d20+3 = 19]>>72414I move to the other side of Iron and cast an image of Blue Skies behind her on the balcony. We will know her true allegiance based on how she reacts to that. Plus, if she tries to escape, she may fire at the image, giving us a chance to stop her.
>>72416Here's hoping the GM sees it before responding to my dialogue
>>72416She jumps back for a moment, then pokes her gun through the image, to confirm that it is in fact a false image
>>72415"What assurance do i have that you won't kill me?"
>>72412"Thats an interesting story."
>>72419"Well you told us you weren't a communist."
>>72422"Hired me? i volunteered."
>>72423"The Sunset Police are on the wharf"
>>72419"To start, you did not shoot first and ask questions later. You also are killing our mutual enemy, so that chalks up as allies for the time being."
>>72424"I Believe those are the reservists."
>>72425>>72424At this, she moves forward, and goes to a dresser away from the door
>>72426"Indeed they are. Do you think they will spare all of you in their sweep?"
>>72427"Well? Your cause cannot be worse than an uprising by the weakest ponies imaginable, I do not think you can go wrong with siding with us. Unless you want to get shot down as you escape."
>>72428"That Depends on if some information was passed along."
>>72429"You don't have a gun on you"
>>72430"Information is quite a commodity indeed"
She is searching a drawer
>>72431"im guessing this isn't your ship."
>>72432This solicits a laugh
"Nope. There's Gold here somewhere if you want something more interesting than me"
>>72431"For me, there is no need for guns. However, we have a stealhier means of escape if it bothers you too much." He looks to Dark Star "And from what he says, we may not even need it."
>>72433Iron cocks his head. "Are you saying there is gold on this ship?"
>>72433"oh really? and why would someone such as yourself Not Be going for the gold? unless Are you with a Government Agency?"
>>72435"How many of those soldiers and officers do you think will recognize you as vicariously working for Sunset, if that is who you claim to be working for? And probably, I don't think all of these guns are donations"
>>72437"I guess it is true." He lets Star keep up the questioning.
>>72436"I was. Then you all showed up"
>>72438"Then do you have a way out of here? I don't imagine you will be flying"
>>72439"Im With one myself."
>>72439"I do not want to tell you our escape plan when you cannot even tell your motivations for shooting these griffons or any info you can give. You were not exactly subtle." Iron shrugs. "It is a mutual agreement. You tell me what you want, know and need, and I will let you know your escape plan."
She shifts positions back to the dresser by the bedside
>>72441"Oh I don't need to know it, I was just curious if you had one. Do
you want info?"
>>72440"Who are you with?"
>>72442"You tell me first."
>>72442"Of course I want info." Iron points to Dark Star with his head "Or at least he does. You may have important info on these people aboard the ship, judging by how there are strewn out docuemnts here." He walks to the document and skims it. "I am sure we can fit you in our plans if you help us."
>>72444There are no documents strewn out, just ones she is carrying
>>72444>>72445*how you are carrying documents
>>72443"I work for Sunset"
>>72444Okay, I want to know, is Iron trying to close some of the distance between her and himself?
>>72448"This was a test mission for the Black hooves For me."
>>72448You can say that. Sure, I'm closing the distance, but not to the point of being uncomfortable or posing a danger.
>>72448"'Sunset'? What group is that?."
>>72449"Judging by the gunshots you left a hell of a lot of dead communists. Let's hope your mission wasn't so secret you never get the credit for it"
>>72450This action spooks her. She quickly swings backwards, and jumps on the railing, and partly jumps off, spreading wings
>>72451Iron snickers. "I see no real reason to hurt you. Do not be afraid." Iron coughs "You still did not answer my question, what is your group?." Iron stays in place.
>>72451> Let's hope your mission wasn't so secret you never get the credit for it"Dark star is quiet for a second
"they Dont actually Do that right?"
>>72452I think I misread the damn lines again. She left already, didn't she?
>>72452She stops, but she is on top of the railing, and would fall off if she fell backwards. "I believe I just told you"
>>72453"Ask yourself how many of their officials you talked to, and how many have seen these two" Points with a claw towards Iron and Shimmer
>>72454That actually is how it was written and intended, but this works as well
>>72455"Why Are you here?"
>>72455Iron shakes his head. "Sorry, your acrobatics distracted me for a bit. I meant what does your group do or represent?"
>>72456"To make sure this ship doesn't escape its berth"
The Guardian Protector of Western Ponykind against the Griffin and Changeling menace" she says with a very definite tone of sarcasm
>>72458"Where is the gold?"
>>72459"I was looking for it when you found me. Not like I could fly with it anyways"
>>72458Iron laughs. "You have some sense of humor, pretending to work for an organization that actively hunts your kind." Iron composes himself. "I suppose it's a small band of thieves then?"
>>72460"As for your carrying problem," Iron adds, "we indeed can help you with that. But we cannot become... "friends" if you are so secretive about your motivations.
>>72461"From a certain perspective it is a very big band of thieves"
>>72462"You're right, I don't think you and I
can become friends."
>>72461>>72459Her expression changes
"Why don't we split this gold? The police will be here soon"
>>72463"that seems like a plan to me."
>>72463Iron shrugs "If you have it on you, then sure. But I would rather see it with my own two eyes before just trusting your word for it."
Should we stop at this point? I think Brie would be important for this part, seeing how there's a rival NPC who wants the gold and all
>>72465>>72465"I've never seen it myself, I just assume at least some of those guns out there were paid for"
>>72464"Tell you what. Your handler will know there was something on this ship. Hand it over to them"
>>72466"It is a fair assumption." Iron pokes his chin. "Just do not do anymore funny moves when I am close to you. You do not have to comply to that, but it is distracting for me to see you doing that." Iron scratches his chin. "So, where did you search so far? We can group up to avoid any scuffles with guards around here."
[1d2 = 1]
I think I am going to roll for this
>>72469Pretend you rolled for drive your forelegs and hindlegs.
>>72471Oh, you were choosing a path. Ok. Sorry.
>>72467"Sorry, but you were never supposed to see my face"
>>72468"May your honor rest upon it, because they want their large share of the gold. They trust you. I must go now"
>>72468>>72467She falls back, spins 180, extends her wings, kicks back against the rail, and flies off in the night
>>72473>>72467"Where Do you think the gold is?"
>>72474"I would not know. You should ask that bat. Maybe he can tell you if he's not cackling like a madpony."
>>72473Iron turns to Dark Star. "I do not think she has good intentions. I will go back to the escape vehicle just in case she gets any funny ideas. You go ahead and find that gold or something." Iron proceeds to walk out the superstructure and makes the small journey to the boat.
A new record for staying up, yippie! Going to bed now
Session Body Count:
Second Adviser Killed
13 armed Communists, like 4 stabilized by Ash, maybe 5
3 unarmed truck drivers and boat pilots
5 Griffin ship crew members, all armed. One was stabilized by Ash
Two communist attendees left alive
One truck driven into the water, one left with an exploded fuel tank
>>72477Not to bad, sad we didnt 100% the level though.
Okay, let me backread to see what I missed while I was passed out.
Sister Ash just went into the ship to join the group (and also a way for me to have an excuse for not just running away or looking for Ollie).
>tfw last 50 posts isn't nearly enough
It would be nice to have a new thread after we finish the immediate conflict.
Can I get a quick rundown of what's important? I'm not even sure where my character was in relation to everypony else.
>>72489Basically we killed some griffons. Brie encountered a griffon who can't speak ponish and is currently scared by the other female griffon working for Sunset's shots at the commie griffons. There are rumors that there is gold inside the ship, possibly on the captain's quarters, as well as possible profit for the guns inside the ship on the cargo hold, if I have to guess. Boat is being guarded by Onyx and me while everyone else is inside the ship together, expect for maybe Brie.
>>72489I'm stressing this a bit more. The scared griffon and the other live griffon are in different rooms.
>>72492>>72493ONE MORE THING I forgot.
Other live griffon decided to go away and stuff.
I'm still not sure where my character is, but she was just trying to replace her lost spell components.
Btw, these are the spells Sister Ash has left:
>Detect Magick>Light>Mending>Create Water1st level:
>Obscuring Mist2nd Level:
Animal Messenger
She's lost her Spell Components Pouch, but none of those spells, save for Animal Messenger have a material component for Divine Casters; the material component for that one is a small piece of food, which she could have found in the kitchen when she was looking around.
She should have about ~2 mins of Produce Flame left before the spell's duration expires.
>>72495Maybe you're with Spark and Star since you decided to go to the party and stuff.
>>72497I'll figure it out next time we play.
>>72498How come you're only using up to the second level spells? Don't you level up your domain magic with your level?
The RWDS seems to be taking their sweet ass time to make a sweep of the area.
>>72500We did leave like two burning buildings and exploding trucks to deal with, as well as a lot of corpses.
>>72499>Domain magicOnly Clerics get those.
I'm a Druid. My Spellcasting ability isn't nearly as potent or god-like.
>>72498You said you were with Dark Star and iron right?
>>72503But in exchange, I get WildShape, and a few skill perks. Wild Shape can be really great with the feats that improve it. It's a reliable ability.
>>72507I guess you know better than me, since I am a rookie in this game.
>>72507I just like the idea of being able to turn into a bear as a fallback ability.
Few of my spells are actually good for damage.
>>72510yea its a great back up plan.
T. my First Character was a Druid
>>72511Sister Ash does not actually consider her Wild Shape to be a combat practice, but a religious practice (same goes for her spells): it's her way if becoming closer to the natural world, and thus godliness. Because of that, she would only use it sparingly.
I've got a couple questions: 1.) How many feats at his level could Silver have, and 2.) what does "base attack bonus" specifically refer to?
>>72513If he's a fighter, he can get 5 feats total. Base attack bonus should be that plus number after an attack roll. Not the damage but the hit chance.
>>72513You should have 5 feats altogether at your level; three of which should be Fighter Bonus Feats.
Your Base Attack bonus is how easily you hit in melee. For a Fighter, it's equal to your level. As your BAB goes up, you may also gain an extra attack in s full round, every few levels:
>>72514>>72515Thanks. Any suggestions for good feats?
>>72516Power attack is a must. It transfers that extra hit bonus to damage. Weapon focus and specialization are good if you intend to use the same weapon forever since it adds more hit chance and damage respectively. After that, not sure what you could pick.
>>72516Cleave is Pretty good
>>72516Power Attack is not optional for Fighters.
Weapon Focus and Weapon Specialization are good too.
>>72520There's also Greater Weapon Focus and Greater Weapon Specialization.
If GM let's you take feats from other books as your levels progress, feats like Slashing Fury, Melee Weapon Mastery, and Weapon Supremacy are pretty awesome.
>>72521Also, Cleave and Great Cleave.
Most of your physical stats are pretty good, do you qualify for a lot of different kinds of feats.
>>72517>>72519>>72520>>72521>>72522Thanks for the input. So far, I'm thinking Power Attack, Cleave, Weapon Focus (Greatswords), Weapon Specialization (Greatswords), with one last feat to take. Any other suggestions?
>>72523Since you're going for two handed weapons, I'd say go for improved sunder to break weapons without fear of AoO or greater weapon focus for increased hit chance to transfer to power tattack.
>>72523You could even go for great cleave to attack after every kill.
>>72524Can't take Greater Weapon Focus, unfortunately. Silver would need to be Level 8 to do so.
>>72523Great Cleave, if you wanna go offensive.
I think you also qualify for Combat Reflexes.
In 1947, the old WW2 frieghter
Grandcamp berthed in the harbor of Texas City, Texas, was loaded with a cargo of 2000 tons of Ammonium Nitrate in its hold and small arms ammunition, twine, and machinery on its deck. A fire was noticed in its hold one morning and the crew, as well as the Texas City fire department were dispatched to put out the fire. After an hour, the hold was filled with steam to try to starve the fire of oxygen, as if Ammonium Nitrate needs an external source of oxygen. Twelve minutes after that, the hold detonated.
The entire seaport was destroyed, as were 500 homes, more than 300 railcars, hundreds of cars, and several refineries. The ship’s 2 ton anchor was found in a 10 foot crater more than one and a half miles inland. A 15 foot wave was created, several ships were sunk, and half the windows in Galveston - 10 miles away - were blown out. With with all but one member of the local fire department - and a neighboring town - dead, firefighters were called in from as far away as Los Angelos, to combat fires that lasted up to a week. A separate ship, the High Flyer, caught fire from the explosion with its 600 tons of Ammonium Nitrate, and it exploded 15 hour’s later. The High Flyer’s propeller was found almost a mile inland. At least 581 died in all, with bodies placed in the school gymnasium for identification.
Now consider the position of the Black Hooves. There are two burning warehouses, one with thousands of gallons of high octane gasoline, and the other with unknown tons of Ammonium Nitrate. Are you sure there aren’t artillery shells or bombs in that warehouse? Are you sure there aren’t barrels of industrial alcohol boiling into explosive vapors in the other warehouse? Are you willing to get your life that these warehouses, burning 10 and 20 minutes now, aren’t ticking time bombs? The safer choice is to check with the shipping company as to what exactly is in those warehouses before proceeding to walk up next to them as if they are harmless. But really, the burning warehouses are hardly the only danger. The first two police officers to approach were machine gunned. There are unconfirmed reports of shape-shifting enemy agents who can take the form of any friendly. And besides that, gunshots are heard on the wharf. Besides, standard operating procedure is to completely encircle the enemy, and then attack with overwhelming force. So you may as well wait for the other units to get into position to cut off all possible routes of escape, before venturing into the gunfire and... literal fire
>>72528RWSS could have prevented this.
>tfw didn't immediately realize the scale of the consequences of what felt like just a bit of harmless grand arson
>>72527Is the number of AoOs you can make with Combat Reflexes limited by your armor's Max Dexterity Bonus?
>>72533No, wait, "Is" is correct, there.
>>72535Your Dex is pretty high, so your best off using a Breastplate.
>>72528Shit How am i gonna explain this?
>>72531We do have the boat to escape with quickly and quietly. Also, we're going to reach the bump limit for this stuff. When we are all ready, we should jump thread yet again.
Anyone of you were in that Le epic maymay RPG campaign I remembered was at the Overboard forever?>>72532I would think so. The heavier the armor, the harder it is to move in it.
>>72535In that case, I think Combat Reflexes will be Silver's final Feat.
>>72536By the way, if one does not have improved overrun, how does the enemy sidestep the action?
>>72540An enemy can choose to avoid you if you try to overrun them by dodging out of the way. They also get an AoO.
>>72542>also get an AoOWiki doesn't say that
https://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Improved_OverrunAlso, what do they roll when they attempt to dodge
>>72543Rules are detailed on this page
https://dnd-wiki.org/wiki/SRD:Overrun>I prefer this site for core rules
>>72523This is a campaign setting where three kinds of combat may be needed: Non-lethal quiet, quiet lethal, and ranged and loud. That’s an unusually diverse set of needs for D&D I know, but I think that any fighter build playing in this campaign needs to do at least two of those well.
Purely in terms of damage, a character with strength and a great sword is at no disadvantage at all against level 1 warriors with knives, rifles, or pistols. And fact that a sword doesn’t alert every enemy and police officer in a mile is invaluable. But all these sand enemies need to do to make your sword useless is to stand on a higher floor, stand more than the 40 or 60 feet away you can charge in a round, or fly. And sometimes, the attention you attract from the Homicide detectives of the police agencies can be very undesirable. An unconscious enemy, it is true, can be a witness, but live hardened gangsters don’t talk to police much more than dead ones, and overworked police can’t be bothered to investigate misdemeanor assault
>>72545Is this campaign going to be mostly urban, or are we going to go explore dungeons and forests for the better part?
>>72536Probably more of a question for the GM, but what would the Interwar/WWII equivalent of a Breastplate be, do you think?
>>72545Oh, so that is why you want me to keep my unarmed attack for nonlethal damage. However, can't bludgeoning weapons be nonlethal somehow? I guess I can always just break weapons with weapons and then punch the lights out of them, but I'd rather not tread on shaky ground by unequpping my weapon every time I want to hit the pony.
>>72547I could ask the same question.
>>72545Honest question, then: could Silver use the pommel of his sword for non-lethal damage, to try to knock opponents out?
>>72545What Would Be the best Quiet lethal that Dark Star can use?
>7 str gang
>>72550You can deal nonlethal damage with a lethal weapon, at a -4 penalty to Attack rolls.
There are also Merciful weapons. A +1 Weapon enhancement that aren't that expensive, but popular/useful because they only deal nonlethal damage:
https://dnd-wiki.org/wiki/SRD:MercifulSaps (blackjacks) and unarmed strikes also deal nonlethal damage.
>>72552I would say a Longbow except
>7 str
>>72554>>72552Rocks best weapon. No need for str there.
>>72555You mean a sling?
Pretty reliable, only rocks only do 1d3 damage. Sling bullets aren't expensive though.
>>72555>>72552But you add your strength modifier to damage for slings and thrown weapons, so that wouldn't work either.
>>72558That also applies your Str mod.
>>72558A crossbow could work.
>>72557Lolno, I can't do that for missles apparently, If rocks count as handheld, unarmed or grapple I could've used +10 modifier. It is actually decided by dex, not str.
>>72560>>72559i should take weapon finesse i think.
>>72562You don't want to do that.
You'll still do abysmal damage in melee.
>>72561I meant for damage.
>>72546>>72546The original idea was to use Baltimare the same as Independence, Missouri in Oregon Trail: just a starting point to find party members and equipment before going on a long journey in the wilderness. But it looks like Baltimare can hold its own as a setting. Combat in the Rainforest will be much more lethal and gun friendly
>>72550>>72550Yes, with a -4 attack roll
>>72552With 7 strength, your options are limited. Maybe a light crossbow doesn’t have a strength limit
>>72548Yes, unarmed attack with a hell of a lot of strength is king
>>72547There were attempts at making an infantry version of the flak jacket with more steel. But at the end of the day, this will not be a heavy armor campaign, as a representation of the superiority of the bullet over armor at the time
>>72564Oh. Well I guess it's true.
>>72560>crossbows>silentThey are not as silent as you think, unless you fire from far away, unless game logic dictates otherwise.
>>72562Holy shit. Are you trying to be a sorcerer? What would you need 15 Charisma for?
>7 strMeans -2 to all of your melee damage rolls.
>>72568More silent than a gun.
>>72553>>72566Does Weapon Focus for a lethal weapon still work with a non-lethal strike?
>>72573That'll work, then.
>>72569Rp and talking us out of bad situations
>>72575Diplomacy isn't even a class skill for rangers though.
Even Bards need Str
>>72568>>72568Have you ever shot a bolt action rifle, an AR 15, or a pistol without hearing protection? It hurts like hell, and you will learn real quick the antithesis of “silent.” And growing up in Texas, I can tell you that if any of your neighbors are testing out their guns, you’re going to know
>>72577Indiana here, I can confirm this.
>>72566Well, you convinced me for the time being of "not going for bludgeoning weapons". However, are you going to increase goon health further on? I'd like not to die of goonbanging and I can't have that fabled two weapon fighting, but I can place weapon focus, weapon specialization for increased effectiveness and then place the last feat on improved initiative to increase the chance to attack first.
>>72577>tfw want to shoot a real gun but can't cause no money and country is very restrictive of themAt least there's some ammo my grandfather had, however it's just .22LR
>>72566>just a starting point to find party members and equipmentWill I have time to summon an animal companion and maybe get some class-friendly equiptment?
>>72577Can Confirm Shotguns are very loud
>>72477Could it be worth a level?
>>72579>>72579I intend to avoid that all too common trope in video games where you casually kill literal hundreds of enemies. Take for example the excellent Uncharted series. Being sort of a video game adaptation of Indianada Jones, it’s great adventure and in a way was inspirational for this campaign. But the main character killing an entire army of 200 mercenaries in one game feels a little unrealistic. I want even the lowest level opponents, who have no business fighting, to give at least some sense of danger when they are in number or have guns.
In non-lethal instances, you will probably have fewer opponents and they will not be as well armed
>>72580Yes, I don’t think I want to move out of the city yet
>>72582You think Ash is Desmond Miles there?
Not exactly the archytype is was going for.
>>72583It's fair. I'll try to cope with just unarmed for the time being. Do you think I can place more than +3 for unarmed? If so, it's not such a big problem.
>>72585+3 Damage for power attack
>>72583>Desmond MilesGot that name completely wrong. Desmond Doss is the Desmond I was thinking of
>>72587Well, maybe a little bit. Or at least as a religious ethic. It's part of her pratice to try to help ponies in need.
>>72588And it was mostly just what I considered to be the most in-character thing to do at the time.
>>72589I was actually meaning to take Vow of Nonviolence as a bonus exalted feat, but I no longer have space for it.
>>72590>>72583>>72587Alright, I'll prod the thread like last time. Pretty sure we'll continue on a new thread anyways. Just hoping that the GM doesn't have to create a thread on the phone.
Well, I've got the rest of the night to dialogue if there's time.
>>72593Well, since you offered, as a level 5 cleric and chose my domains to be healing and protection, am I in the 5th rank of both of these domains?
>>72593What would you have had Ash say or do with the encounter with the griffin that occurred while you were not online?
>>72595Well, if she were there she would have patched him up, I guess.
>>72594Typically, your Deity has a list of domains granted to Clerics of that deity, as well as an alignment his/her/its worshipers can have. If your diety provides only one domain explicitly, you may be allowed to select a second one that fits with with that god's portfolio.
Both your domains and granted powers are equal to your character level. The number of bonus domain spells per day are listed under the class advancement table.
>>72596Did you backread? I’m talking about that very long series of dialogue that spans 20+ posts and took 2 irl hours where Iron, Dark Star, and to a lesser extent Shimmer spoke extensively to a white griffin who had killed at least one crew member and was rummaging through a cabin looking for something
>>72594>>72596In addition, most Clerical orders (and insitutions for most divine casters) have a code of conduct that their followers must abide by. This may involve alignment restrictions, religious taboos, or purchasing ranks in particular skills. Things like that vary setting by setting.
>>72597Let me check again one more time.
Ash is less than concerned with plundering or politics, but is looking increasingly anxious about the gunfire outside.
She makes her way towards a window to see what's going on in the first warf.
>>72599"Ummmm, don't you all think we should be leaving? I don't really want to get caught in another fire exchange.." she says nervously
[1d20+5 = 9]>>72599Spot check to see how many guys are tailing us
>>72600I guess I could answer this while I'm leaving for the boat"I do not know either. All I know is that the bat is in here and probably is looking for that mare advisor." Iron is walking down the stairs. "I am going to wait on the boat with Onyx. If you need me, I will be there." Iron continues his path towards the boat.
>>72599Against the light of the burning buildings Ash can see a number of griffins and ponies standing and moving around all across the wharf, mostly with large guns and in fairly organized groups. It appears that fire hose are being deployed to try to put out the fire. Further, it looks like at least two ponies on the wharf have guns pointed at them. The burning truck has a couple ponies putting out the fire with an extinguisher, while another truck comes up next to it as if to wench and move it. A fire truck has come into position near the warehouse, and a pair of griffins can be seen moving along the top of the rolling mill
>>72603"The mare advisor is dead. I saw her go down with my own eyes.
It turns out she was a changeling. Mr. Dark Star still has her head in his pocket."
>>72605"Oh. Then I have no idea why we are still here. I feel someone is being greedy."
>>72604Can I even go outside to the boat without starting a firefight?
>tfw you find inspiration for (what you would hope to be) an excellent character after you've already created one
I guess I thought of a backup if Silver ends up ded.
>>72607Great minds think alike, am I right? Also have two backups if things go awry and my char dies. One for the super sneaks and the other for healing everyone.
>>72607>>72608Pic very much related.
>>72609I really hope you're wrong. I basically fried my brain to create a basic cleric that I don't even think is that great anyways.
>>72610I've made like a dozen characters that I'll probably never get to play.
>>72611I even made a lvl 45 Orc, just so I could get a full understanding of epic progression and qualifications for Divine Ascension.
>>72609>>72611>>72612Even if I don't end up using her, it's good for stirring up the ol' OC creation juices.
>>72612Well that is a bit more understandable.
>>72613True enough.
You guys could always try keeping your characters alive,....
I'd be really bummed if any of the characters vi'm playing died.
>>72615It's not like I'm going to TRY to get Silver killed (though with how little I know about the game's mechanics, it's highly likely). It's just that I've got a potential backup now, for if he does end up croaking.
>>72615>>72616I don't plan to suicide my character just because I have better ideas about characters. I'll accept the role. That's why it's an RPG and all.
>>72617You have really good stats. Don't let him die.
>>72617>>72618Here's the thing. Unless your character is psychologically reckless, you have to assume they have a self-preservative streak. To them 'its not a game, its real life'. Do with that perspective what you will.
>>72606"I don't know either, but we'd better leave soon if we're ever going to get out..."
>>72620Iron cocks his head. "How many ponies are outside? Have they reached the boat?"
>>72617What is your backup?
>>72606Between the darkness, the fire, the dead bodies, and their cautious approach approach to close quarters clearance, the troops will not be handling the Ship until they have completed essential tasks on the wharf, like taking prisoners or clearing the area for fire crews. They are saving the ship for last, with the intent to simply rake the ship with machine gun fire from a truck should anyone try to snipe at them
>>72622"There's quite a few.. They're preoccupied, but they'll reach us soon. They're angry."
>>72624"... We should leave.. NOW."
>>72619I can't guarantee he won't. Like I've said repeatedly, I'm a noob. Shit will occasionally happen that, while you might normally have complete control of, I won't because I won't know what to do.
>>72620I know, it's not the first RPG I've played, and I know how to role play. I'm just saying, because I don't know the mechanics of THIS game, there is always that chance that my lack of knowledge will lead to me making a poor decision that could end up killing Silver.
>>72624A changeling rogue. An infiltrator from an exiled hive that didn't agree with Chrysalis's plans or ideals, and was forced further and further back as she made her advance.
>>72624>>72625>>72626Iron furrows his brow. "We must warn Dark Star of this. Onyx is already at the boat. Don't know about the unicorn." He retraces his steps back towards the room. "As long as nobody shoots, they will not shoot back... At least I hope so."
>>72627I kinda feel that type of character will be vilified by most of the cast, as well as the organization we are currently helping. If you have decent charisma, I say you can go for it, since you'll probably spend points on charisma and dex skills mostly.
So last I actively posted, Brie was staring down an angry (cuz he just got stuck with a dagger) Griffon that apparently speaks a foreign language
>>72629That was my intention. Plus, as a changeling, she could just remain disguised for as long as she needs to when in the party. Keep her identity a secret.
>>72630Yes indeed. Brie’s next action?
>>72632That depends, aside from getting mad, is the griffon doing anything?
>>72631The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world she never existed
>>72633He is in a bed partly under covers. One claw is not visible to Brie and one claw is up in a “don’t shoot” kind of gesture.
>>72632Sister Ash goes to get Dark Star and Shimmer
>>72634Brie bows to him in an apologetic gesture, and then backs out of the room (not taking his eyes off him). With all the gunshots, he decides to backtrack and retrieve his throwing knives.
>>72632Iron follows Ash. "Say, can you use any magic to swim out of here if the boat is unreachable from here?"
Dark Star's player may not be back for a while
>>72637She turns to him
"...Yes.. I can."
>>72636The griffin does not pull out a gun from under the covers with the claw Brie never bothered to check. Brie comes upon a scene about like this.
>>72604Just a question. Do Griffin's and ponies just mix freely in this Society? They seem to work together a lot more than I expected.
>>72639"Can it last long? We may need to carry our companions out of here through common swimming if they surround the dock." Iron checks how far the drop is from here.
>>72641I noticed you haven't posted any images of a Kirin(s) lately, so I'm posting this one I found while searching Derpi.Just think of this as what you first see when you enter a Kirin village unbidden.
>>72642".. To carry several ponies would not be practical.. I did not prepare to have to swim for my life.."
>>72643>tfw really want to visit the Kirin village
>but it's not real...
>>72644"It is just a precaution." Iron checks if the way to the boat is safe from here without anypony noticing.
Brie retrieves one of his daggers from near the griffon corpse, and then bee-lines for the one that's got 2 sticking out of his eyes.
>>72641The Occupying government of Baltimore is not very popular among the Equestrian ponies, and so a substantial portion of the garrison need is supplied by troops brought in overseas. New Mareland has a substantial griffin minority, both from the aboriginal population and immigrants. These griffins are not exempted from the draft, and are forcibly recruited. These griffins are generally considered unmotivated and unreliable, and so are placed in garrison duty in location where they have no loyalty to the natives, instead of being sent to the frontlines against the Griffin nations of Griffonia. Some reservists are also recruited from conquered territories
>>72647It is so
>>72646It’s very dark. They don’t seem to be looking in Iron’s direction
>>72646>>72648>The Occupying government of Baltimore is not very popular among the Equestrian ponies, and so a substantial portion of the garrison need is supplied by troops brought in overseas.Fug. This really irks me. Equestrian pride ftw.
>>72646Sister Ash follows him, having found no trace of Dark Star or Shimmer.
>>72648>>72650Iron turns to Ash. "The way is clear. I will try to move the boat around the ship and everyone can jump from the ship to the water and get on, or maybe just get on without the jump if possible. You can come with me, see if you can spot areas where we can board the boat without much effort. I really cannot see very well outside." Iron starts the journey up to the boat, where Onyx is.
>>72651Sister Ash nods in response
>>72648Technically speaking, there 3 daggers in/around that one griffon. After retrieving, Brie assesses the progress of whatever group is on the docks.
>>72649Irked that the Black Hooves are not more popular, or that they have the audacity to be somewhere they are wanted?
>>72651>>72652The journey to the boat is uneventful. When they get to the boat... well hello. Who is that familiar face sitting on the top of the closed cabin?
>>72654Iron looks closer to the familiar face. Is it the griffon? He gets on the boat while trying to recognize it.
>>72654What familiar face?
Fug. I thought it was Glimmer for a moment and my heart skipped a beat.
>>72648>The Occupying government of Baltimore is not very popular among the Equestrian ponies, and so a substantial portion of the garrison need is supplied by troops brought in overseas.Understandable. I imagine many Equestrians, even if their government was the one to strike first, feel like New Mareland stabbed them in the back by invading Equestria at the same time as the Changelings. Combined with the hostility of the Black Hooves towards Restorationist sentiments, they likely seem more like foreign invaders than benevolent peacekeepers in the eyes of the average citizen.
>tfw it helps me to understand a little how Poles must have felt during WWII when Germany invaded
>>72656I thought that too tbh
>>72653>>72653They seem preoccupied by the fire, and by the live captors they find on the wharf. He sure as shit doesn’t have another 30 minutes, but another few minutes, certainly. These governate forces are pretty cowardly, and won’t go into an enclosed space like a ship until they have enough free soldiers to do so safely
>>72655It’s none other than Blue Skies, smiling
>>72657This, tbh.
And when a government starts using foreigners to fill in shortages that should be supplied by its own citizens, you know times are bad.
>>72659Brie takes flight looking to land on a tall building (that's not on fire) and observe the troops from a hidden position, hoping that their perimeter passes him by and he can approach them (at least one of them) from behind.
>>72659Iron feels slightly uncomfortable. He wonders if it is a bad smile or a good one. He cautiously gets on the boat and starts fiddling the rope it held it in place.
>>72659I probably need to wait for the others, but can I look in the other rooms while I wait?
>>72663I think you will probably flee for your life when you notice what's outside the ship.
>>72663A whole bunch of guys are very pissed off and are about to kill us. It's time to go.
>>72664Yeah, but my character doesn't know about that yet. Here's hoping it won't be too late before he can figure it out.
>>72665I think you said you were near or on the ship. You would have to tell my character about that if your character knows.
>>72666She was looking for him earlier, but then she gave up.
>>72667Good to hear? Looks like I'm going to find out the hard way.
>>72668Sorry. I got impatient.
>>72661He’s given up on the gold, I take it? Brie sees that the fires, particularly the gasoline fire, have created s sort of circular “no go zone” where the sky is illuminated and he would lose all stealth. Further to the north, he can see that groups of griffins - who can fly too - have taken position on at least the roof of the rolling mill
>>72663Finally, someone interested in exploring. Yes, there are several places he can go
>>72662She stares at him with that smile as he does so
>>72670I guess start with that open door and the end of the hall I didn't get to check before.
I don't have the energy to stay up all night tonight guys...
>>72670>given up on the goldRiiiiiiiiight. So there's Griffons, there's this armed force thats slowly making its way through the docks, and there's Brie. What's a batpony to do?
Is it possible to make for the ground level, in advance of the troops?
>>72671This leads to the bridge of the ship. The room has great big windows that allow a view outwards. A Griffin is on the floor next to a central control, dead, having evidently been shot in the back of the head.
>>72673Before they went to the shore, they closed off the land routes out of it. He could fly around them, certainly, if he flew far enough, but they extend along the shore line for further than just the immediate area that has preoccupied the party thus far
>>72670"Are you going to shoot at me or something? This is slightly uncomfortable..." Iron tries to turn on the boat like last time.
>>72672I'd say get on the boat. It's basically a "go with the flow" position where others can take you anywhere.
"They just had to blow shit up didn't they?" Brie laments, before taking flight, headed *away* from shore, intent on gaining altitude, to attempt to fly high enough to circle back around at the rear of the advancing forces.
>>72674Is there anything of note in the room? I look around to if anything was left behind, like instructions for the crew or something.
>>72675"Are you going to leave without your friends? Dark Star can't pay you 200 bits if you leave him here"
>>72677Further away from the shore are more police - regular baltimare police, not MPs - and the city of Baltimare. This is on the edge of a mixed industrial and commercial area
>>72678In this room, no. If there was, it has been snatched
>>72679Darn it. On to the other door then, to the right when I entered the hall first I believe. I open that door and look inside.
>>72679So let me see if I have this right. Toward the shore is the encroaching troops, and away from the shore there's more troops?
>>72680This room must have been a navigation room. There is a big table in the center with a map, and a couple desks by the left wall and the far wall
>>72682I check the desks.
>>72679"I was about to go to the other side of the ship so we can board the boat without any fear of these ponies at the docks cutting off this means of escape." Iron keeps trying to turn on the boat. "Why did you come back?"
>>72683On the desks are papers that don't seem to have any immediate relevance. You get the impression that the papers on these desks have been moved quickly.
>>72684"What makes you think I left? Anyways, Dark Star needs someone to escort him to the hospital"
>>72685"Was she in here too? She must have cleared out all the important stuff." I take a look at the map.
>>72686"He is inside the ship. I suppose you do not control those ponies at the docks, do you?" Iron keeps trying to turn the boat on.
>>72687The map shows a few meanderly routes from Griffonia to Baltimare, presumably past naval blockades. From this position a few papers can be seen on the floor
>>72688"Who do you think called them in?"
>>72689I fold up the map and take it, then inspect these papers on the floor.
>>72690Well, it's a big as hell map. Like, the full table. He'd have to set his drink down. Fortunately, there is a chest on the far wall for that purpose. Anyways, he picks up the papers. They look like portions of a manifest or contract. Judging by the pagination, they must have been part of a larger stack that fell out
>>72689Iron stops his attempts on the boat and returns to the dock. "Well, if you say what you are implying is true, I suppose I can live for a few more seconds. Unless you made them target me." Iron decides to start going to the ship. "Follow me, I can guide you to him."
>>72692She seems to comply, silently following
>>72691I grumble as I set my drink down no the chest. "You better not spill Tipsy, you hear me boat?" I fold the map up the best I can and then glance at the papers to see if there is anything that would stand out to a pony of average intelligence.
So Brie flies off toward the sea, since that's the only apparent avenue of escape, intent on gaining distance and altitude, from which he might be able to circle around behind the encroaching troops. We're talking minutes of ascent, and much is likely to occur in that time, from which he should have a decent vantage of.
>>72693"By the way, we spotted a griffon that did not align with the interests of the communists. Said she was from Sunset," He says while going up the stairs to the top floor. "Sadly, she was not very talkative about her group and left. Any information on them?"
>>72694Mostly it is numbers. But it does have the names of some manufacturers and purchasers
>>72695The air is colder as he ascends, certainly darker. There are clouds further to the North, city lights to the west, and darkness with scattered lights to the east
>>72696"Sunset? That's the capital of New Mareland. She told you she was working for the Blackhooves"
>>72697"Not that I remember. She told me, somewhat jokingly, that she was part of a large band of thieves." Iron is nearing Dark Star's position. He seems somewhat troubled.
>>72697I shrug and take them. Maybe studying them later will prove useful. I quick check the chest after reclaiming my drink, knowing full well that the griffon got to anything inside first.
>>72697Still ascending, now in a circling pattern
>>72700Where does he intend to land there after?
>>72699Are you sure she got there first? The chest seems locked
>>72698"Plenty of thieves around here to go around"
>>72701Eventually, once he's reached sufficient elevation, he's going to circle back around and then descend to try and approach the troops from behind. I mentioned that, I'm sure.
>>72701"And I don't suppose they left the key around here somewhere..." I double check around the room.
I also assume that I don't have any way inside it besides trying to break it?
>>72701He stops outside the room. "She was cryptic. She could be a changeling for all I know. Something about I should not haven seen her face and jumped off the railing of the room Dark Star is in right now." He opens the door for Skies and notices Spark is gone. "You can stay with Dark Star. I think he's pondering about recent events. I will go look for the unicorn fellow." He starts to walk off, looking for Spark.
>>72703No key, but there is a rifle leaning against a wall
>>72704"Changelings can be anypony, anywhere, anytime. At least that's what we tell the ponies anyways, in the hopes that they'll be less willing to conspire against the government if they think they may be helping foreign spies. But obviously, if she was intending to operate secretly, it's a bad thing for people to see her in her work"
>>72706Would the discharge alert the police outside, or have they not come within range for that yet?
>>72707It seems the rifle is unloaded, if he was intending to shoot it
>>72708Of course it is... and it is a griffon design anyway correct?
>>72706"I guess. We tried to trade information for safety, but, as I said, she jumped out the window. I suppose that is important." Iron is looking around the adjacent rooms to where Dark Star is. "Why are you cordial to me after all I said at the warehouse?."
>>72709Indeed it is. Not really useful as muck more than a long blunt object
>>72710"Oh, so you do recognize your statements as of the sort that would induce to resentment?"
[1d20-1 = -2]>>72711"Might as well give it a swing." I, probably foolishly, take the rifle and bring it down onto the chest as hard as a level 5 unicorn sorcerer can.
>>72712It looks like this attempt was not very successful
>>72710On the top floor of the superstructure are the three doors
>>72711Iron looks to the roof, somewhat uncomfortable. "It was not nice of me to talk to a mare like that. The loss of your tribe is truly the most horrible thing a pony can go through. I suspect I would be just like you if it happened to me." Iron walks a bit to the left. "While I disliked that you seek to spread the bleakness of the world to Ash instead of reassuring there will be someone to protect her, I did go out of line by my accusations of lack of motherhood." Iron walks to the right. "I can see that you are broken, scarred beyond belief by the loss of your family and friends. There is no honor in speaking ill of the disadvantaged." Iron closes the distance between him and Skies. "I ask of you to punch me for my outrageous behavior. To bury the hatchet."
>>72713Am I allowed more attempts?
>>72715At first, she too is uncomfortable, avoiding eye contact. Finally, she raises her head and smiles. It's a warmer smile than the almost malicious grin she had earlier. "Maybe you are fit to be husband or father after all. I'll punch you later. When you are not looking"
[1d20-1 = -2]>>72716The sorcerer is disappointed in his strength. Perhaps he should work out more... He tries again.
>>72717Apparently, this is as hard as I can do it.
>>72716Iron lets out a small breath, obviously relieved. "I will be ready for it."
>>72713Iron decides to check out the room in front of Dark Star's room.
>>72717The Dice Gods have not smiled upon Spark. The rifle bounces and hits the floor
>>72719A Door to your left, right, and your front. From the right is heard a bouncing sound
>>72720I hang my head in shame.
>>72720Iron goes towards the bouncing sound.
>>72721>>72722Skies prances off to the left. When Iron opens the door, he can see that it is a room with desks on the left and far walls, with a large table in the center. More importantly, Spark is holding a rifle and hanging his head in shame near a chest on the far side of the room
>>72702If he wants to reach a police roadblock, he could do that
>>72723>>72721"What are you doing? You dropped the bottle and broke it or something?"
>>72725"Never that. I can't get into this chest. I suppose you might though. Want to give it a shot?"
[1d20+5 = 24]>>72726"I guess I can try to break it." Iron walks towards the chest, turns around, aims for the chest and releases a buck on the chest.
>>72727And with that, the lock seems to break, and it pops right the hell open
>>72712>>72717>>72721>>72726>>72727Woke up just to kek at this.
Okay, now I sleep again.
>>72728>>72726"Well, there it is. Give me some of the loot it has. I would appreciate a reward for my efforts."
>>72730"Feel free to take whatever. I'm not in this for the money." I look inside it.
>>72731>>72730And indeed, it looks like this is the fabled treasure chest. There seem to be two rows of 5 golden bricks. The bricks look a little dull, but still of shiny precious metal, and are stamped as from the Winding River Mine of the East forbidden Jungles
>>72732Spark is more than a little confused as to why they stashed this in the navigation room, but hands the bars to the eager Iron.
>>72732Iron nods in approval and takes 3 of the bricks. "I will be taking some of that."
>>72733Iron is somewhat confused. "You can take at least one of them. You are making me feel bad."
>>72735"I don't have use for these things. I might have a use for a few bits, but we will worry about that some other time. I think that is all the rooms on this floor. Do we have time to explore the one below us?"
>>72736"It seems the giant force outside will not shoot at us, so I believe that we can." He is busy trying to fit all the bricks on his person. "I can follow you if you need my strength."
>>72737"I'm sure I will. Who knows if there are any other foes on this damn boat." I head out of the room and look into the room on the left. "Dark Star? You coming?"
mainly using this as an excuse to see if Blue Skies is in there still and will come along, but hopefully Dark will wake up
>>72738Iron nods. He decides to use the chest as an impromtu gold carrier, placing all gold bricks in the chest and carrying it on his back. He then follows Spark.
>>72738He sees Blue Skies in this room. Blue Skies is tearing up the room. She has flipped the bed over
>>72740"Umm... is everything ok?"
>>72741"Yes. Can I borrow a knife?"
>>72742I give her the dagger I borrowed from her.
>>72743She takes it, and promptly starts disemboweling the mattress
>>72744I watch, with a tiny bit of nervousness. "Looking for something?"
>>72744"What are you looking for?" Iron asks as he enters the room.
>>72746>>72745"An important document"
She pauses a moment.
"I don't think it is on this level"
>>72747"Then let's hurry and search around. Want to try the next floor down?"
>>72747"Now that you mention it. I think that griffon took some documents with her. I could not skim the contents though. Bird was a fast one." Iron ponders. "Anything special about the document? Any signs or emblems to recognize it?"
>>72749She looks up at him, with a look of concern. "It may be gone now."
>>72748"Sure, let's go down one level"
>>72750"Alright. You lead, unicorn." Iron stands behind Spark.
>>72750I lead the group downstairs to the next level down and look around.
>>72752>>72751Down one level is another hallway. Six doors in total, one on each side
>>72753That's a lot of doors. Any votes on which to do first?
>>72754"I suggest we go to the last door on this walkway. I hold this position if any sneaky survivors attempts to pass through and escape." He unequips his spiked gauntlets.
>>72755"And what if the sneaky survivors are inside of the room?"
>>72755Wait. What is meant by "This walkway"?
>>72756"Well, if you need my protection I can follow you. I supposed you could handle some cowards that hide from danger."
>>72758"Sounds like you are the one scared to me." I go open the furthest door.
>>72757*corridor, if you want.
>>72759"Oh, alright. I will follow." Iron follows behind Spark
>>72758>>72759>>72761Door furthest, on the left, is.......
The room is empty. It is a nicer cabin with a bed and some dressers, and smells like cigars
>>72762I turn to Blue Skies. "Want to disassemble this room while we check the others?"
>>72762"Seems like it is Redclaw's room." Iron search the room.
>>72764She laughs. "You're catching on. I'm getting the impression that not all of the items the advisors came with left the ship. That is, seeing as even basic clothing and the like were not found in the rolling mill or on the motor boat. I'm guessing they intended to get it later"
>>72763"You certainly could, yes"
>>72765I go to the door opposite this one on the right and open it.
>>72765Iron starts to leave the room "If you find something of personal value of him, would you give it to me?"
>>72766Iron follows Spark
>>72764This room does not actually look entirely well kept. The bed is unmade, and it looks as if a cushion beneath the mattress has been removed
>>72767"You want a trophy, or a memento?"
>>72766It too, is empty, with a similar design. The bed is made, has been moved to the precise center, and the dressers appear to have been aligned to make the room symmetrical. On the other wall, a mirror sits in the precise center, with two lamps that are each equidistant from the wall.
A lone chair has been pushed up against the side of the wall to allow for more space
>>72768>trophy or memento"Memento."
>>72768"I have to admit. This one is nice. We will comb them over once we secure them all though." On to the next one, to the right next to this one we just checked.
>>72770Iron of course follows.
[1d2 = 1]>>72769"A shame he had to go down to unseen and non-uniformed attackers in an ambush. Then again, I'm sure he had seen very many of his friends killed in ambushes, and expected he would die the same way. To those GLA types, the Griffonion commoners possess a unrivaled strength. No enemy dare oppose the griffon worker directly, they only ever try to subvert it, surprise it, or mislead it. No, it's not an individual strength, but a collective one. A whole tribe. I think he felt vindicated, in a weird way, in his final moments. No creature dare oppose the Griffin worker on an even battlefield"
[1d20+1 = 12]>>72770>>72771Roll for initiative
[1d20 = 16]>>72773Rolling
>>72775Before I attack, can I put more than +3 on damage through power attack when fully unarmed?
>>72774>>72775Behind this door was a griffon with knife in claw, waiting for his foe. But it looks like Iron and Shimmer have the upper hoof
Iron, then Shimmer, then the griffon
>>72776You can
>>72774Shimmer has a "club" if you don't trust magic or guns
[1d20+7 = 25]
Iron charges at the offending griffon with his hooves, placing +5 hit chance to damage.
[1d3+10 = 12]>>72779Well, that certainly hits. I'm unsure how he could have an attack modifier of +7 if he has 5 on power attack though
>>72779>>72780With a single punch, the griffin is impaled through the chest, and stops breathing
>>72780Cuz I charged at him. Normal modifier is +10 and charge grants +2 and takes AC -2
>>72781Iron is somewhat annoyed by this prospect. "Damn, I punched him too hard. I wanted him alive."
>>72781>>72782The sorcerer takes a small step away from Iron. "I-is it clear in there now?"
>>72782He needs like 20 feet to charge, and you don't have that here. I guess he would be alive if the spikes were not used, though he would still not be conscious
[1d20 = 5]>>72783Iron scouts the area, looking for some more enemies.
>>72784I'll keep that in mind.
>>72785He does not see anything threatening in the room
>>72787>>72783"Yes, it is clear."
>>72787On to the next room opposite this one. Any enemies should surender if they value their lives because even if we aren't trying to kill them, we destroy them.
>>72789Iron follows as usual.
>>72788>>72789>>72790When they open the next room, they see another room with beds in it. This one houses 10 suitcases
I call out to Blue Skies. "This room may interest you. Come see this."
>>72791"Thae place is empty, it seems."
>>72793"We don't know what the suitcases have though. It could be clothes, but it could be documents."
>>72792She comes over "Well, would you look at this"
>>72796"Enemy-wise, it is." Iron looks at Skies. "Found anything of Redclaw?"
>>72797"Yes, I found this. Unless you'd rather have a cigar or a hat, or a bandana. But it looks like this is what Redclaw brought with him to remind him of his home"
She shoes him a cut wooden animal
"This is a carving of a water buffalo. A very strong animal, used to pull plows and carry rice. The farmers of that region would have used them extensively. Maybe he worked with them as a chick, I can't say. But to him it probably symbolized the farmers, which he no doubt identified himself with."
>>72795"Do you have some sort of magic detection?"
>>72798Iron takes the animal. "Thank you, Skies. I will remember his strength in combat, even when I did not challenge him directly." Iron turns to the suitcases. "He has a horn on his head, so he should have."
>>72798"I believe so. What do you need?"
>>72800"I want to find the changeling's suitcase. She no doubt guarded it magic. It will produce a signature that you could detect"
[1d20+3 = 19]
"I see. And one of these might be it then?" I cast Detect Magic.
>>72802And sure enough, it shows a number of magical signatures in the area. A spell on the threshold of the door, a magical signature from Blue Skies herself, and three separate magical signatures from the third suitcase on the right in the set
[1d20+3 = 17]>>72803"Well... I'm picking up that the door is magic, and three things of magical quality in that suitcase there." I point out the third suitcase on the right. "I'm guessing that the magic on the door is something to worry about though. Who puts magic on a door?"
>>72804You know I'm tired when I'm leaving the dice up again
>>72804"Someone who wants to set an alarm"
>>72805You can take it as a disarm magic if you want.
>>72806"I suppose her briefcase is also an alarm?"
>>72808"Oh no, There are spells if you want to keep somepony from reading something. Or opening a lock"
>>72806"Well, we already triggered it now that the door is open. As long as it doesn't try and shoot me or spill my drink, I'm fine."
>>72809"And I don't suppose there is a way around that?"
>>72810"For a lock? The lock itself cannot be disarmed by any means but magic. The suitcase itself, however, is breakable. As for the spells on the documents, they will need a dispel magic spell, but that can wait"
>>72811"In that case, we should just take the case with us."
>>72813"While you take that and check the other cases for anything of use, I'll go for the next door."
I motion Iron to follow.
>>72814I think we lost Iron. This will probably take until tomorrow
>>72815I open the next door.
[1d20+2 = 7][1d20 = 14][1d20 = 11]>>72818>>72817When she moves through the door, an alarm like sound can be heard, roughly coinciding with the opening of the door to two hostile griffons. Roll for initiative
[1d20 = 11]>>72819Wait, she?
[1d20 = 18]>>72819Rolling.
>>72820We didn't disarm the alarm spell when Blue Skies entered the door behind us.
>>72820>>72821Looks like the initiative is Spark, Griffin, Iron, Griffin, and Blue, who was over at the other door
>>72821>>72822Try to kick the griffon before me. I still have low HP
[1d20 = 8]>>72823Same here. I got 7 hit points left.
>>72822Using rifle as a club again. Hopefully staring death in the face makes me swing harder. I attack the one closes to Iron.
[1d20+2 = 20]>>72824>>72823Ooh.... It appears the rifle misses
A griffin attacks Iron with a knife
>>72826Owie. Artificial 20
[1d4+1 = 3]>>72823>>72827The knife goes through Iron's hide and pierces flesh. Now it's Iron's turn
>>72829Iron punches nonlethally at the griffon whose turn has not started yet, placing +5 to damage through power attack.
[1d20+5 = 12]>>72830Forgot dice
[1d3+10 = 11]>>72831>>72830Good enough
[1d20+2 = 8]>>72830>>72825The griffin is knocked out cold. Now, Blue moves over, and quickly draws a knife to attack the other griffin
[1d20 = 8]>>72833>>72825>>72831She is not as skilled with the knife as she is with the crossbow or carbine it seems. Now, another griffon joins from behind
>>72833Is Atlas at it again? Am I discount Onyx in this situation? Also, for the record, I have cleave as my bonus feat. I'll be sure to use it next round.
>>72831>>72825With one griffin out, the order of initiative is again, Spark, Griffin, Iron, Griffin, Blue
>>72836Please Spark get some decent rolls, at least damage the enemy this time. Pray to the dice gods, Spark.
[1d20-1 = -14]>>72836Please rifle. I know we have had nothing but disagreements, but you need to hit something now. I attack the closest griffon to Iron.
>>72837*dice god prayers intensify*
[1d6-1 = -5][1d20+2 = 7]>>72838Hit. Rolling damage, and the Griffin's attack
>>72837>>72839>>72838Spark does serious harm to the griffin, while it fails to hit Iron. Iron's turn
Attack the uninjured griffin
[1d20+5 = 18]>>72840I was going to do that lolIron again unleashes his hooves nonlethally at the new griffon, same +5 modifier and all.
[1d3+10 = 12]>>72841He spins around, and hits the new griffin with a roundhouse kick
[1d20+5 = 6]>>72842Iron activates his cleave attack to attack the injured griffon nonlethally.
[1d20+6 = 21]>>72841>>72842>>72838Blue Skies, for her part, drops the knife, and pulls from her vest a weapon she is familiar with, a .38 special. She takes a shot at the griffin who stabbed Iron
[2d6 = 10]>>72844>>72843Iron, in his attempt to spin around o hit the other griffin, falls flat, and knocks Blue down in the process. But not before blue lands a hit with her .38
>>72838>>72843>>72845The griffin is dead, the other two griffins are unconscious, both blue and iron lay on the floor, and tipsy has not been spilled
>>72845>>72846Iron groans in discomfort. "Sorry, Skies. You may hit me twice for that little stunt of mine."
>>72847"I will remember. Let's get the suitcase, get Dark Star, and get the hell off this ship and out of the harbor"
>>72846Any fight Tipsy walks away from is a victory.
"Ok... we got gold and cases of secrets. What else did we come here for?" I check inside the room to make sure it is indeed empty in there.
>>72848"Roger." He stands up and picks Skies up to her hooves. "Let us move."
>>72850"Got it." I head back to the stairs and go up to get Dark Star.
>>72849It is empty
>>72850Blue likes being touched in such a way, and reacts with a somewhat sensual purring
>>72849Blue is dumbfounded
"Is that the
same drink you got at the bar six hours ago?"
I hide the glass from view.
>>72852Iron cocks an eyebrow. "Alright. I will be sure to touch you like that, then." Iron looks at the now gone Spark. "Also, yes, I think he is a drunkard of sorts with his infatuation with that bottle."
>>72854*remove 'now gone'
>>72854"I don't drink."
I hold the glass out to show it is still full.
>>72856>>72854She has a look of mild concern for Shimmer now
"I will check the other suitcases quickly." She picks up the knife again
>>72857>>72856He looks at Spark and then at Spark. "Who shall I follow?"
>>72858*change one of the Spark with Skies
>>72858"Stay with her. I'm grabbing Dark Star and if somehow I don't make it down stairs with him, carry on without us. You got everything you need to complete the mission." I run upstairs and attempt to drag Dark down with me.
>>72860"Roger." Iron stands guard at the door of the room Skies is rummaging through the suitcases.
>>72861Alright, here's hoping Dark Star comes tomorrow. I'll stay for 15 more minutes and then I'll go to bed, just in case I have to fight some griffons protecting Skies.
>>72862She asks him "You want to open some locked suitcases?"
[1d20+5 = 22]>>72863"Sure." Iron proceeds to get near the first locked suitcase she points at and buck it hard.
>>72864And it is opened right the hell open
"Just a couple more of these"
[1d20+5 = 19][1d20+5 = 21]>>72865Iron keeps doing his current task.
>>72866"I think we've found your true calling in life. You could work for customs."
She goes to work looking for anything of value or note in the suitcases
>>72867"Anything interesting that you have found?" Iron looks to see if all suitcases are open already.
>>72868All of them are open
"Indeed." She holds a passport, and a briefcase
And with that, now I have to go to sleep
>>72870I have beaten the GM on sleep deprivation! I am KING!
Also going to bed
>>72870Night for Spark and you.
>slept through the only conflict in the night
"Ummmm, do you ponies need any help..?"
>>72876>>72875Shh. GM is asleep. Where was your character at? I can guide him with little deviation.
Idk, somewhere between the ship and the motorboat.
>>72878Well, you can pretend you went back to Dark Star, which I believe is also the first poster of today, and then Spark finds both of you in the room. Apart from that, I do not know if you could do much else.
>>72877one second. im reading.
>>72879Alright. I think I'll go with that.
>>72881By the way, Ash should have heard that the giant army outside is non-hostile. At least that is what Skies wants Iron to believe, and I remember that you were there with me.
>>72850>>72852>Blue likes being touched in such a way, and reacts with a somewhat sensual purring
>>72885>>72884Oh yeah, I should have remembered that bit in particular. Basically we somewhat made up and accidentally tripped her. I am not sure why she did that. Did I grab her by the pussy or something?
Dark Star snaps back to realityoh no there goes the gravity from pondering all of the events that has happend in the last 2 days.
"Whats going on?"
>>72883She do believe that they're hostile. She's just worried that they may be if the party encounters them.
Think those guys that you fought last night are still breathing?
>>72889The ones with spiked gauntlets, probably not. The ones using fists, sure.
>>72889>>72894i think gm said the ones you hit without the gauntlets are just KOd
>>72888>>72895I wonder if Sparkboi will appear in the afternoon. I somehow doubt it.
Alright, we're definitely making a new thread, because this isn't working even for me by now
>>72875It is kind of a shame, since she was looking specifically for Dark Star, and went where he would have been
>>72887Time to leave the ship
>>72889I think the first one was hit with spikes. That one is dead if that is so. The second and third one were knocked unconscious. The fourth one received a bad clubbing by Shimmer, and then a bad set of damage die from Blue's .38. It is dead
>>72897The first ambush of the night was with hooves, so it's alive. The second, where the alarm sounded, I knocked out two more. Last one is that.
>>72897So... you will post the link here when you start the thread, right?
>>72900When he sees her, she has discarded the vest she was wearing earlier, rendering her naked again. She carries a suitcase under her left wing, and a smaller briefcase under her right wing. She smiles when she sees him
>>72901Iron is guarding the entrance to the room where the lovebirds are.
>>72901"Im sorry i got absorbed in my thoughts, i didnt expect
All This to happen when i accepted the mission, i just have no idea how im gonna explain all this. they probably wont even accept me into the party now."
Dark Star seem sad after he says this.
>>72897Aww, too bad for them.
"... So.. what's the plan?"
>>72905Iron turns to Ash. "It is either walk away like nothing happened or get on the boat."
"Dark Star makes the calls here. It seems we are not in imediate danger." Iron strokes Ash's mane. "So you do not need to fear another battle."
She looks towards the boat
"... I had hoped to avoid becoming too overly involed in Equestrian political affairs for a while.. I would prefer to take my leave as soon as possible.."
>>72908*Purrs like a cat*"..... Oh, yes.. that's fine then."
>>72903She puts a hoof on him. “That blood loss must be getting to your mind. You’ve successfully stopped the communists from distributing more than a thousand rifles, and you killed two advisers who would have trained them how to use those rifles effectively, while killing or leaving to be captured more than a dozen communists. All while leaving the impression that the communists were robbed by gangsters”
>>72906>>72909“It’s time to leave. Let’s get out of here. Now.”
>>72911Ash wastes no time in getting down to the boat.
>>72911Iron nods. "Well, the time is up. Let us leave the premises." He follows Skies and Dark Star.
>>72910"At least you were not hurt in this battle, Ash. I am glad to see that. Iron keeps stroking her mane.
>>72913*." Iron
>>72911>>72912Will be phoneposting for the time being, so expect slower response time
>>72913*Purring intensifies*"... Hmm... I appreciate your concern.."
Ash seems much more relaxed now that all of the gunfire is over.
>>72911"i do feel a little light headed and Nauseous. lets get out of here."
>>72913>>72912Blue Skies follows, in jealous fascination of the affection
>>72918"Boat is this way."
She has a hoof over his shoulder, and pushes him the direction, as she follows Iron and Ash
>>72919Iron, in turn, follows Ash out of the boat. He makes sure to stroke her scaly coat after all the mane brushing.
>>72921>Spoiler imageThat's funny.
>>72919"Do You think sea breeze will be mad about the fire?"
>>72924[nervous arsonist noises]
>>72924"Hard to say. I don't think you set it, and I don't think it's killed anyone directly, at least yet. Two police officers who responded to the fire were killed by Marecuse"
[1d20 = 2]>>72925Sense motive