Welcome back to Occupied Equestria, an RP set in a conquered Equestria, using D&D 3.5e mechanics, and based in large part on the My Little Pony mod for Hearts of iron 4, Equestria at War
The party has successfully stopped the Communists of Baltimare from importing guns and foreign advisers in preparation for a revolt. They have also raided a Griffin freighter involved in arms trafficking, and are prepared to leave and end their long night.
>>72927"we should head to the tavern."
>>72931whats sister Ash's color scheme?
>>72932"I will follow. Remember the agreement." Iron follows Dark Star.
>>72933.................. I hadn't decided....
>>72934>>72932Aren't we all still in the boat?
>>72932"You've been shot twice and stabbed, Shimmer has been shot, Brie has been shot, and Iron has been slashed, thrashed, and stabbed."
>>72934"Now what's that you've been carrying on your back?"
>>72932>finally gets a chance to join the party[Excited Fighter-Horse Noises]
>>72936Yes, but if he decides to travel to the tavern, it is good.
>>72937Iron looks away from Skies "I see your game. Fine, the chest should cover it."
>>72937"Alcohol will help."
>>72934"Heres your bits."
*Throws over 200 bits*
>>72940"So you want to take 30% of all of the Gold and say that is your '200 bits'?"
>>72942"You know this guy has gold on him, right?"
>>72941"No, you need a doctor"
>>72938Shit I'll get to you
>>72942>>72943"Uh, thanks?" He catches it. "Well, I guess that is that." He turns to Skies. "I can share some of what is inside the chest if you want. Your terms are agreeable." He takes the 30% and stores it in his hide and passes the chest to Skies. "I guess an organization needs more of the gold than me."
>>72944She is not satisfied
"There are 6 of you and you claim 1/3?"
>>72943>>72944"Gold? you Guys found it?"
>>72946"Iron and Shimmer must have found it"
>>72946>>72945"Oh, sorry. I thought you wanted thr chest." He clearly is annoyed. "Shimmer did not take anything when we opened it, so he is out of the question. I do not know if Ash even needs it and Dark Star is supported by an entire organozation, let him use organization funds." Iron recollects. "Because I opened the chest to begin with, as well as the suitcases you wanted me to open it, I should take a bigger share."
>>72948"let me get this straight. You want an entire additional 10% share of the gold because you opened a couple suitcases and the chests? And while we're on the subject, did you bother to ask Ash if she had any use for it rather than just assuming? Did you bother to ask Dark Star how much he is getting from his organization?"
>>72949First, Iron turns to Ash. "Do you need some of this gold, Ash? I feel like you will not tell me unless I ask you directly."
>>72950"Why don't we open it first?"
>>72949>>72948"I havent gotten any money from them."
>>72952>I'm nearly died for freeSister Ash gives him a quizical expression at this statement.
>>72949>>72953>>72951Iron shakes his head. "It is not necessary. There are 10 pieces of gold." He makes some math. "Since you seem interested, we can go with 2 gold bars to you, 2 to Onyx, 2 to Dark Star, 2 to me and 2 to Skies. Not sure of Brie is here to even pick up the gold, so I could go for one more to me and one more for Ash."
>>72954*Replace Brie with "the bat"
>>72954"How about one brick to each participant in the battle including the Bat, and the remainder to your Benefactors who sent you on this mission, and who will want their taxes anyways"
>>72956"Before I agree, any estimation of the value of this gold?"
>>72954*Does some math*That's about 2500 gp in total. 250 per brick>>72956Taxation is theft.
>>72957A 5 pound brick of gold is worth 250 gp at market price. Gold is a trade good, so it can be sold for it's market price.
To put that in perspective: one set of mundane, nonmagical banded mail.
>>72959Or at least that's what the books say.
Roll to Appraise.
>>72956>>72957>>72959"Fine. But I will hand out." He starts to hand out one piece of gold for each character present. He is left with 5 available gold pieces. "I shall safeguard the rest of the gold until everyone comes and retrieves it. You can tail me if you want to ensure your pieces."
>>72958>>72957Oh God, this will difficult to value. The way I figure it, the gold here was being transferred to the griffins as a payment or partial payment for some of the rifles. Maybe 30% of the value of the rifles. Which is a hell of a lot of money, and so it sort of makes sense why the Blackhooves want to cover up this operation as being a robbery done by insiders.
>>72962Did you see the encounter loot tables?
>>72963No, I was figuring out how many Karabiner 98ks you could fit on a truck, how much they cost, and trying to translate 1939 USD to bits. I'll do that now though....
>>72959A single set of full plate costs 1500 gp.
A +1 magic weapon costs a minimum of 1000 gp.
The total wealth level of a level 5 Player character starts at about 9000 gp (or 4,300, for an NPC).
>>72964Most humanoids drop Standard loot. Encounter loot yeilds are based on CR, and their treasures usually come in multiples of standard loot value.
>>72964USD to gp might not be completely smooth. Salt is worth its weight in silver, in d&d.
>>72965That a lot more money than I thought we would start out with.
>>72966Calculating CR for this on its own will be difficult>>72968Don't worry, most of the characters are not starting out with anywhere near that kind of money
>>72968Magic items are expensive.
>>72969Just estimate high.
>>72969I mean, combining everything Silver has on him (equipment, weapons, armor, and Bits), he doesn't even have quite one thousand.
>>72970Also, healing potions and damage-reduction passing ammunition are essential.
Plus trail rations, but survival replaces those in the wilderness.
>>72972I basically started with 0
>>72974I pretended I had normal lvl 5 gold, but gave it all away to the orphanage.
>>72975Wonder how she got thw money in the first place.
>>72976I explained that it was transferred from another monastary.
Besides, it's normal for an elite character of her level to have that much. An NPC would have about half though.
>>72977Oh, sorry. Guess I wasn't paying attention,
>>72977And here I thought having 1,000 to start with was going to be an issue.
>>72941Holds glass away from Dark Star.
>>72969"Well, I'm glad we are all debating on how much shiny stuff we are going to get and not what we do next. How has tonight changed our lives? Are we cleared of this by the government, or are we going to be on the run now?"
>>72980"Baltimare police is going to want you. But Baltimare police won't be running this investigation, the Governate will. The robbery will be considered less important in the public investigation than the arms trafficking that the robbery targeted. Gotta stop that gun violence, after all. Both the arms trafficking and the robbery will be blamed - publicly - on the Waterfront gang and rogue elements within it, which the Baltimare police will use as an excuse to crack down. Secretly, the Blackhooves will be investigating the role of foriegn governments in this. With luck, the Communists will think that they got away with this free."
>>72980"I still have children to find. The government seems to be less than enthusiastic to do anything about that."
>>72982Blue Skies stares at Ash. I don't believe the two have spoken to each other since Ash tried to burn her by raising all of the metal equipment on her above boiling point
>>72980"You Should Give me a sip of that."
>>72982"I can help you find it if you need it. Just say the word." Iron stands by Ash's side.
>>72983*Glances back awkwardly*
You need a doctor"
>>72986*glares back*
>>72981"So are the police going to be hunting us after they grow tired of going after this gang?"
>>72982"After we get to safety and get them to stop fighting over metals, then I will try to help you out with that."
>>72984"Sorry, but you can't drink Tipsy."
>>72989"You Named your drink?"
>>72987"Of course. A stallion should always help a mare in need ." Iron strokes her mane. "Especially one as cute as you."
I hold it closer to myself.
>>72993"Unicorns sure are strange."
"..Th-thank you..."
>>72989"The Governate can hie evidence as needed. Well, except for one little problem. There were several survivors of this incident. All of them will be detained by the Governate for at least some time, and some may never be released. But if any of them get free, they could report seeing you to the Communists, the Gang, or even Baltimare PD."
>>72992She breaks the silence
"I take it you didn't take a vow of Chastity"
>>72996I don't have that feat.Sister Ash looks over, still awkwardly.
"..No.. I haven't.."
>>72988"Do you know how to drive a boat?"
>>72996"So... we need to book it out of town soon? How are we going to get out of this one?"
>>72998"That reminds me"
She starts the engine, and now guides the boat away from the ship. Slowly
>>72997"Looks like this plantation boy made quite the score tonight"
>>72999"There are a few options, but it's not an immediate problem. Don't expect any of these ponies to be released yet"
>>72995>>72998Iron laughs. "No need to thank me for stating facts. But I will want to get my wounds patched up, and get some gear, but the latter can wait."
Iron thinks. "Do you think you can patch up my wounds, Ash?"
>>72996Iron laughs. "No need to be jealous, Skies, I am sure Star can take you on a date. Unless you want me of course."
>>73000>>72996Whips, I thought she said "break" not "take".
>>73002I was implying that she had followed one.
>>73003Which was implied partly back at the Abby where she said as part of her training she had "learned to live without love".
>>72997This comment is misleading.
>>73001Well, this leaves her speechless
Iron has taken a shit load of damage, so a full recovery will require either a professional doctor/equal alternative, or a 20 from Ash. A reasonable dice roll from ash will allow at least 10 HP recovery between the end of the night and the next morning
>>73006"Sorry, sorry. I went a bit far there." Iron giggles a little.
>>73009She whispers "No one has asked me" and then tries to take a drink from a non-existent container
>>73012"There you are, juggernaut. Want some gold?"
>>73013"Well, sure. If you're offerings
>>73010Iron leans closer and whispers to Dark Star about how she purrs when touched somehow. "I am sure she will not mind that you do it too."
>>73014Iron gives him a piece of gold. "I would give you more for your amazing prowess but the employer needs to give most of the gold to the organization."
>>730165 gold pieces left.
Onyx is obviously sick and tired of having nothing to his name.
>>73018"I feel you. Talk to Skies about it. It is kind of valuable. It is a gold brick, after all."
>>73019Oh a brick, not a coin.
Well this changes things completely.
"Hey, skies! Can I have a few of these?"
>>73020"We haven't heard from everyone on the subject, but at the moment it looks like each is taking one. Not to say that two is out of the question"
>>73021"Oh I'd be happy with two..."
Onyx looks at the gold like a starving man looks at food
"More than happy...."
>>73022"I am sure Shimmer would give it to you if you ask him nicely. Said he did not care about the gold brick"
>>73023"I'm wondering if ponies would grow suspicious at our new found wealth. We may want to keep the gold more of a secret than what you guys are suggesting."
>>73024"I am a literal nobody. I should be fine with ponies looking at me funny." Iron leans on Shimmer. "If you want, I can safeguard your piece indefinetly."
>>73025"Don't worry. I don't need any share of the gold. I wasn't even being paid to be here."
>>73024"I have nothing though. This'll help a lot."
He then turns to Skies
"If there's more of this waiting for me occasionally I'll gladly sign up for your group"
>>73027"It varies job by job, but sometimes, the subversives are loaded"
>>73026"I take it as mine, then." Iron pockets Shimmer's piece. There are now 6 bricks available.
>>73029Onyx takes two of the six, making his total three.
>>73031Iron shrugs. "If Skies allows it." 4 pieces available.
>>73030"What kind of work are you looking for specifically?"
>>73031"The devil will have her cut, and we haven't heard from Brie, Ash, or Dark Star. Put that back"
>>73033"Work in general. I'm just a veteran with nothing to his name."
He then looks Skies dead in the eyes and only puts one back.
>>73034"Well, you are bold." If Ash, Dark Star and Brie have no been given their pieces, 7 pieces available.
>>73015*Dark Star Stares at Iron for a moment*
>>73033*Then He Kisses Blue*
>>73035"What is the matter, Skies. Are you going to let him do that?" Iron is skeptical about this.
>>73037Surprised, then she wraps her wings around Dark Star and kisses right back
>>73039Her mouth is full of Dark Star's at the moment
>>73037>Waits for DarkStar to get laid out on the floor>Unconscious>>73040Well then
>>73038Iron gives only one brick to the mare. "Like I said, only one each. Talk fo Skies to increase if you can."
>>73042Onyx takes the third back while Skies is busy trading spit.
>>73040>>73041"I knew it." He stares at Onyx. "I say you give it back. Do not ruin the moment."
Sorry. I've been in and out. I was just given a whole bunch of work to do.
>>73043I take it from the bartender and put it back. "Just ask for it from the nun."
>>73043'While I do respect you, you are robbing me too. Place it back right now and take two if you want, not three."
>>73047Onyx looks at the two.
"I don't think you understand how much I don't have"
>>73043She breaks mouth contact for a moment
"Put both back or a bullet will fly through your skull as you sleep. We'll negotiate on you getting more than one after the others have claimed their bricks" She goes back to Dark Star
>>73047"If he doesn't put it back, I will personally pay you to punch him" Skies is irritated that she has to use her mouth to speak these words and not for kissing
>>73049"I might have an idea..."
>>73049"Shit, I'll pay him to punch me. I haven't had jack-shit in a couple years."
>>73037Suffice it to say that she likes the affection. Next actions?
>>73048"Save me your sob story. With your strength, you could live with nature pretty easily. The only reason you believe you need it is because you are scared of losing the comfort of the city. Am I wrong?"
>>73049*Dark star reaches over annd drags a bar to him*
>tfw gold is heavy>tfw 7 str
>>73053"No, it's the fact that Changelings burned everything I had to my name before taking me prisoner"
>>73054Blue skies places her hoof on his, to help lift the heavy bar with her 9 strength
>>73055New Mareland are the ones who took him prisoner. If he were a changeling prisoner, he'd be in a pod right now with magical extractors plugged into him
>>730546 pieces left
>>73055"Nevermind the reason. Put the pieces back or you will have to pick up your teeth from the floor, or worse"
>>73055"Just be content with what you can get from this one mission. I'm even forfeiting any take so you can have more."
>>73057>>73058Onyx snorts before dropping it on the ground.
>>73055"Dont make me shoot you. i like the way you serve Whiskey."
>>73059"Good. Keep one of them." 6 pieces left.
>>73056Iron smiles at the scene. "This is great. Finally the mare feels some love."
>>73061"Nope, I'm keeping two. You get the third"
>>73063"Come on, Onyx. You are pushing the boundaries of trust here. Keep in mind there are 4 of us against one of you. If you act nice maybe Skies will reconsider."
>>73064*Reconsidet giving you two gold bricks
>decide to take a break for dinner
>come back to 64 new posts
So...did I miss anything?
>>73069"I will not say again. Drop the second brick. I am sure Skies will reconsider giving you two if you obey." Iron places his forehead against Onyx's forehead. "One"
>>73071>>73069>>73063>>73067Fires my revolver into the water close to oynx
>>73073"Do you have a death wish?"
>>73060No hug or hoof hold? No long talk about past, present or future?
>>73063"I Swear to the Duke, to Halcyon Shores, and to the Great Mother, that I may have certified you as 'not a changeling' yesterday, but I will turn this ship back to store and tell the guards that you have been replaced by a spy"
>>73074"Maybe, I do. But I'm not walking off of the boat with less than two"
>>73075"Pffft, like you know me to say this is out of character"
>>73076*Points my revolver at oynx*
"Are you sure this is the road you want to take bartender?"
>>73076>But I'm not walking off of the boat with less than twoINB4: everyone works together to carry him off the boat with his allotted one gold brick.
>>73078Don't you dare start giving them ideas
>>73076>>73077"Stop this all of you!"
I take a gold bar.
"I claim my share and give it to the bartender. There! Happy?"
I toss the bar at Onyx.
>>73077>>73070"Are you sure this guy isn't a changeling?"
>>73080"You already gave a share to Iron"
>>73080"So you're giving me three?"
Onyx eyes the two bars to his side and the one in front of him confusedly
>>73081Wait wait everyone hold the fuck up.
If Iron had one, and the magic hoers gave him one....
Doesn't that make two?
It's gonna be a while until I can RP effectively.
You know, I used to be on this one pony RP forum, and it was surprisingly similar to how this game is currently.
>>73081"I'm starting to suspect it more."
>>73080>>73082"The State gets its Tax."
>>73083Iron has two
>>73082"We didn't say you could never have two, we said we haven't alloted it yet"
>>73085Well, that's almost certainly not a compliment
>>73082"I am only holding the pieces to distribute. I have only taken one officially. Now stop this nonsense and give back the piece you owe."
>>73081>>73082“Forget it. I’m done with this group. All you can think about is this shit.”
I storm off.
“How can ponies think like this under these desperate times?”
>>73087These metal names really are confusing me
>>73088really sorry I have to be this difficult"Two, or I'm walking out"
>>73089Shimmer finds that he is on a small boat in a bay, and options to storm off are limited
>>73091It's fine, if I had the same health as you, I would do the same"Then walk out! Stop acting like a colt already!"
[1d20+4 = 18][1d20+12 = 27]>>73094"Okay"
Onyx takes off the armor, sets down the halberd, and put his jump ranks to use.
The +12 is his jump towards the shore, the +4 is the swim check
>>73091"my whole family was murdered and you dont see me crying about not having
2gold bars"
>>73087I mean, it's not your fault, it's just what happens occasionally.
[1d20+7 = 13][1d20+5 = 6]>>73095Iron sighs. He passes the all the gold bricks to Skies. "Hold this for me, leave what you want for me." He then mimicks the actions of Onyx.
>>73099Onyx confirmed Atlas in disguise.
>>73098...I'm just gonna leave this F here to pay my respects.
>>73100Is it 1 on the swim or 1 on the jump?
[1d20 = 2]>>73098Are you kidding me, I've gotta-
Onyx sees the flailing Iron and turns back around to help him.
No swim bonus cause carrying another horse.
>>73103And now they're both going to drown.
[1d20 = 8]>>73103While Onyx was acting childish, Iron acknowledges his attempt to save him. Therefore he has to do the same to him.
>>73106Just as God intended.
[1d20 = 18]
I'm not even a part of this encounter, I'm just going to make a roll to see if the dice just hates us now, or if they're just memeing.
>>73110No, they're just memeing.
>>73110Friendship ended with email dice.
Now square bracket dice are my friend.
[1d20 = 18]
>>73114Oh you motherfucking rng
>>73110A panel of the roof in Silver's room falls loose, causing a pouch of bits long hidden up there to fall to the ground before him
>>73103>>73098Blue Skies stops the boat, and places a hoof on her face
>>73116Lucky bastard.
Onyx tries again, still tugging the other horse
[1d20 = 8]
>>73116"We- We should stop them from drowning."
>>73098>>73103I give up my Obscurring Mist slot to summon a dolphin that rescues them both.
It can take 10 on swim checks.
>>73116>>73114"At least I gave you the gold and a coltfriend, right Skies?" Iron coughs up some water. He turns to Onyx. "If you are going to act suicidal, at least do it with guaranteed profit."
>>73118“And ruin the metaphor of their greed? I suppose...”
>>73118>>73120Blue Skies sighs, and takes flight, to try to grab onto Iron
>>73120"Hey, I was swimming fine until I had to save your flank"
Oh, hey, the random meme dice roll actually did something. Neat.>>73116He slowly gazes up at the newfound hole in his ceiling, wondering A.) if this used to be a smuggler's den, and B.) if he can patch it up without Glass noticing.
>>73125Hey Patrick, how the
>dolphin noises are ya?
>>73124Whether this was a stash of stolen bits that was placed there to hide it, or someone's stash that was left behind is not immediately determinable. The wooden roof panels can be placed back as they were by standing on a stool.... or Unicorn magic
>>73123Iron laughs. "Sure, but for how long before they would have caught you? Trust me, you would have died before actually feeling the rewards." Iron shakes his head. "Even after you had confirmed further payments. Give me a break."
>>73125Iron grabs onto the dolphin.
>>73122"While I thank you for your efforts, I do not think you can pick me up."
[1d20-1 = -18]>>73128She pulls anyways
>>73122Dark Star drives the boat close to iron
>>73128"Till who caught me?"
Onyx grabs the dolphin, looking a bit shinier than he did when arguing.
>>73129Iron is lifted by Skies. "Wow, I can feel the power of love already." Iron laughs
>>73131I hate this fucking timeline tbh.
What the fuck, how do we get good rolls now that they won't die,.
>>73133"Do not act so coy, you did not have a plan. The fact that you jumped out of a boat like that proves that."
>>73136Onyx shrugs
"I don't remember jumping out the boat. I just remembered getting mad, then appearing in the water."
>>73127"..." He firmly plants a hoof in his face before realigning the panels oh so gently with levitation. "Hmm. Might need to keep this in mind. Could be decent hiding spot."
>>73137Iron looks at Onyx a bit funny. "Sure. Whatever you say."
>>73137"If you want to get rid of your anger, we can spar it out, hoof to hoof if you want."
>>73134>>73132“Dark Star wanted to save you”
She swiftly beats her wings and drops Iron onto the boat
>>73139>>73140If Onyx notices the dripping sarcasm or confused looks he doesn't acknowledge it.
"So... Where exactly is the boat right now?"
>>73142"I guess I gave him some guidance that paid off, huh?" Iron has a shit-eating grin.
[1d20+7 = 18]>>73142Drives closer to oynx and the Dolphin thaat appered
>>73146Iron turns to Ash "Do not think I did not notice your attempt to save me." Iron strokes her mane. "Sorry for that little scene. I will still help you if you need it."
I am away from my keyboard, so I am not going to be able to respond very effectively
>>73144“And now you are learning. What’s that old expression? ‘You can catch more changelings with niceness than rudeness”
Now she is left trying to think
“No, that’s not how that saying goes”
>>73145It is so
>>73143“A location on the shore north where we could drive to a doctor that won’t ask questions”
>>73138The area above the panel is at least six inches deep, and two feet by two feet
>>73148"You catch more Changelings with honey than you do with vinegar." Onyx comments as he flops on the deck.
"Am I allowed to nap?"
>>73148"Yes. This could work." He makes a mental note of this. He then makes a mental note to get a notepad so he doesn't have to keep so many mental notes.
>>73148Iron nods, smiling. "Anytime, Skies."
I'm sorry. I'm really busy and won't be available for quite a while.
>>73149"Do not forget to give the second brick back to Skies." Iron has a serious expression. "Do not perform the same stunt."
>>73150Well he certainly has enough money to buy a notepad now
>>73149“I was going to tell you not to risk bleeding out. But you’re not injured”
tfw I want to have her say changelings don’t care for honey, but I am not certain about that part of Changeling lore>>73145Blue skies goes up next to Dark Star
>>73154"Hey Skies. Question. Is the medical care paid for us?" Iron tilts his head, somewhat confused as to why she isn't trying to take the second brick back from Onyx.
>>73155"Oh yeah... It's quite fucking paid for around here"
Onyx looks angrier than he did before.
>>73154"my gun shot hurts."
>>73155Oh, she's probably not taking it cause Onyx isn't next to them and claiming possession.
>>73157"Well, gunshots do tend to do that"
>>73157"Well, you have a marefriend now. I say it is a victory if you ask me."
>>73158I fite u 4 dat gold boi, don't test me
>>73160U wot m8, 1v1 irl. I'll bash ye mum
The boat approaches a small dock near the north shore
>>73155“Getting a bullet removed is free courtesy of the taxpayers. Getting a bullet removed without the police being notified is a bit costlier. I can secure a payment from our benefactors”
>>73157“We will get you to a hospital soon enough. Be proud, for with your pain you have bought the entire province perhaps an entire month of freedom from the Changelings”
>>73162"I know. Does that mean you will pay for the expenses?" Iron is tilting his head at Onyx, clearly trying to tell her something.
>>73164"I'll do it for free."
I put in enough ranks to take 10. All she needs is a quiet spot to do it.
>>73164>>73165Iron ruffles her mane. "That is very nice of you."
>>73167>Is ruffled"It's just what I do..."
>>73162Dark Star puts His leg around blue
"im not gonna bleed to death before we get there are we?"
[1d20+5 = 7]>>73169"Hold still.."
>>73168Iron strokes his chin. "Why are you dressed in those... remains of cloth?" Iron ponders "They seen special for some reason."
[1d20+5 = 9]>>73170"Oopsie. Let's try that again."
[1d20+5 = 14]>>73172"Jeebuz, it really is deep in there.."
[1d20+5 = 25]>>73173"Almost got it.."
>>73170This is the part where Ash shows her true colors, amputating the wrong leg of Dark Star, pretending to extract a bullet.
>>73174>Lots of painful pulling later"Haha!" She declares, with the bloody piece of lead between her hooves.
>>73174>>73176Iron nods in approval.
>>73169“No, you will be fine.” She presses down a rag on his wound
>>73174>>73170She seems to have sealed the wound. Only after cutting a hole into the wrong leg.
>>73167Blue Skies takes interest
>>73173>>73172>>73170"uggggghhhhhhhh this is worse than being shot."
>>73178Dark Star ruffles blues mane
"i really need a drink after that."
>>73180"I would advise against it. You've lost a lot of blood, and your kidneys could fail."
>>73180Iron smirks at the interaction. Star is learning.
>>73180Blue seems to like the display of affection.
“We can go to the tavern after you are safe. Reporting back to headquarters can wait until the morning”
>>73181Blue seems a bit angered by this statement
>>73181"Hey Ash, what is with the charred clothing on you? I know you told me that you were on a journey of sorts, but you never told me much about it."
>>73180"Luckily one of us is a bartender"
>>73180"You should drink some water. Like, a gallon."
>>73184"... It used to be a nun's habit..." She says sadly
"I was volunteering at the orphanage on the hill."
>>73187She just shakes her head in disapproval.
>>73188"Ohr-fa-naj"? What is that?" Iron ponders for a bit. "What is a nah-n?
>>73183Where are we currently?
>>73190"I'll what the clergy devotees call themselves in this country."
>>73192"Ah, so you are an elder? They were the ones who speak to the gods, though I have never heard of female elders."
>>73186"Yea Hydration is important."
>>73183rubs her wings
>>73185"im glad i didnt have to shoot you."
>>73191>>73193>>73185>>73189“We’re here.”
The boat stops at a dock. There is a truck waiting.
“Who here needs a doctor?”
>>73194She gives a cute smile, and a sort of purring sound
>>73195"i think i might."
>>73195"I could use one when the rest are fixed up."
>>73195Iron perks his ears up and proceeds to step down from the boat to the docks. He offers a hoof to help Ash to climb down.
>>73193"Well, not in this country.. I joined to help the poor, and to learn more about the Equestrian clergy."
>>73195"I think everyone but me needs a doctor"
>>73199>>73200"My pleasure." Iron thinks for a bit. "It is noble to help ponies who are disadvantaged, just do not coddle them too much or they will become independent of you." Iron motions to follow. "What have you learned so far on the religion?"
>>73203>19 on lore check"Quite a bit, actually."
[1d20+13 = 21]
Also, rolling knowledge (nature) to see if I know what color changeling blood is.
>>73204Iron nods. "I suppose you have your reasons." Iron ponders "Any good experiences with animals?"
>>73205I’m not sure if I want to include Changelings under Nature, when they are sort of mysterious creatures
>>73205[]I roll for this, because I assume Changelings, being arthropods) vermin, would have blue/green/yellow blood. I want Ash to know in advance in case she ever needs to prove she's not a changeling.
Knowledge (nature) applies to vermin as well as monstrous humanoids.
>>73207What creature subtype do they fall under?
Nature cover monstrous humanoids, fey, fairies, giants, animals, magical beasts, vermin, seasons, weather, and plants.
>>73206"I have a bot of experience."
>>73207Also, she watched a changeling get squished in front of her own eyes.
Was it green and icky?
>>73209Dromites are monstrous humanoids, and they're basically bug-people.
>>73210"Come on, there must be some special moment of joy when interacting with one." Iron thinks. "I remember many of my tribe told me there was this small tiger cub one of the tribesmen brought back when I was not born. It was named "Claw". They told me that he was a playful rascal, snuck off during the night, stole food and hunted mice."
>>73214"That sounds like quite a bit of fun."
“Alright everypony, get in the back of the truck. We will go to a doctor first”
I am still away from my laptop>>73212The dead Changeling she saw had green gooey blood. Also note that Ash has gone through one of the Changeling tests before. (She passed)
>>73215"They always told me it was fun playing with it. Claw was energetic, pouncing on everyone to start playing. He had to leave later on as his pounces became too strong for the tribesponies."
>>73216The sorcerer gets in the back of the truck.
>>73216Iron starts the trek to get inside the truck.
>>73216Dark Star helps Blue onto the truck
>>73216Noted for future reference.
>>73217"That's just how it is sometimes." She says with a sigh.
"Does anybody else need a bullet removed?" Sister Ash says, levitating a pair of pliars she founds out of nowhere
>>73222"Some ponies say that he still lingers around our tribe, acting as protection against other predators. I personally do not believe it."
>>73223Looks a little nervous.
"I think I will wait for the doctor."
>>73224"Hmmmmmmmm.. interesting." She says with a smile
"They can get clingly."
>>73223"I do not have bullet wounds, but thank you."
[1d20+5 = 12]>>73225"And get blood poisoning?! No time."
*Tries to grab bullet out of wound*
[1d20+5 = 21]>>73228"I'm sorry, I'm so clumsy.."
>>73226Iron nods. "Maybe it is true, then/"
>>73220She likes this
“D’aww, thank you, but I have things to get from the boat”
>>73218>>73219It’s a military style, with seats on the back
>>73229*Finally yanks out bullet*
>>73228The pain... the torture...
>>73232>>73232"Ow... thanks?"
>>73231Covered in blood now...
>>73231Iron looks at the doctor inside the truck. "I hope you can treat slashes from a machete."
[1d20+5 = 20]>>73234"Hold still.."
*Grabs some suspicious herbs out of spell components sack*
"This is going to sting, a lot."
Blue retrieves a briefcase, a suitcase, some documents, and a partly burned flak jacket from the boat, and places iron the cabin of the truck. Then, she gets the gold, and tries to place it in the back of the truck
>>73234Oh if only
“This is just our ride”
>>73235[Witchdoctor noises]
>>73235Iron is a bit surprised that Ash jumped inside the truck and smeared him with herbs but he felt better. "Thank you." He pets Ash's mane.
>>73236"Where is the doctor, then?"
>>73231*lifts self onto the truck
>>73236*Dark star helps her on first*
>>73238Blue is like a cat wanting be fed
>>73240>>73239“ Doctor is a short drive away”
>>73242Which she likes, and any help with the gold
>>73243>>73240Iron nods. He decides to pass time stroking Ash's mane and coat unless she decides to heal another of them.
Everyone can be healed 1d4 hit points.
After that, it's potions, unless you want to wait until tomorrow morning.
The truck drives very smoothly to what seems to be a clinic. Blue asks for a certain pony then directs the others to go in. They go to the back and a door is locked. The doctor is s unicorn, dressed normally, who is a bit rude. He takes the most interest in Iron’s wounds, because he is the most wounded. “That’s not how you’re supposed to use a lawnmower.”
>>73248"Yes, you are real funny." Iron steps near the doctor. "Can you heal these wounds or not?"
>>73249He doesn’t say anything, only gives a look of contempt as he works his magic. Literal magic, besides disinfectants, aneasthetics, and stitches
“You’ll be fine by the morning. Fine-ish. Don’t wrestle anymore industrial propellers”
>>73247Blue Skies moves her head up into the hoof when so touched, in an adorable fashion
Next, the doctor goes to Dark Star. “Argument with your marefriend I see.”
He applies anaesthic, pulls the bullets out, and stitches up the wound before applying magic.” You’ll be fine
“Disagreement with
>>73250Iron inspects Ash to see if she has any wounds on her.
[1d20+10 = 22]>>73250>Literal magicSpellcraft check
He goes to shimmer, and does much the same as he did to Dark Star
“Your wound is the most normal”
And with that, I think the injured ponies have been treated
>>73251She was not wounded
>>73252The seats in the waiting room are not that comfortable, but maybe if you lay across a few...
>>73251Nothing but her clothes, which are charred to ruins.
"Scales.. They help."
>>73254Onyx lays across a few chairs
>>73250"oh yea she got me real good doc."
>>73255Iron is a bit embarrased by Ash knowing he was checking her for wounds. Iron moves his head a bit up, looking slightly to the left.
>>73259Iron cracks a smile.
>>73254"Thank you."
I return to the others in the waiting room.
>>73259Blue Skies: "I know that look"
>>73258She is scalier than most mares
>>73256He can nod off, but eventually they wake him to go
>>73256>>73257>>73258>>73259>>73261"Alright, we've done that. Now, we can take you to where ever you want to go. Just, if you have wounds, try to cover them"
>>73262Was my spellcraft check successful in identifying the doctor's spell?
>>73262Good enough, he just needs a nap after the battle
"Is there any for me now that the mission is over?"
>>73262"Question. How do I cover all these slashes all across my body?"
>>73266"I can fix those in the morning."
>>73263Oh yes. It's an arcane permutation of a divine healing spell. Cure wounds
>>73264"You want us to take you back to the Tavern?"
>>73266"With your animal hides, for instance"
>>73265"Any what?"
>>73268"If you'd be kind enough"
>>73267Iron smiles. "Thank you, Ash."
>>73268He is skeptical about it, but he guesses it's his best shot.
>>73268>Arcane healing spellReally? Huh.
What level?
>>73272Is he a Magewright?
>>73271Ash Can't do anything that the doctor hasn't already done
>>73247"You've been awfully silent most of the time I've been around you."
>>73272High enough to justify medical school and residency
>>73274When I say level, I mean spell level.
>Tfw no knowledge Arcana so can't identify his class
>>73271It's just an orison.
>>73274>>73276Iron still believes that Ash can do it, even though the doctor was very skilled and did everything he could. He strokes her mane some more.
>>73265"You can go where you please"
>>73275Cure Moderate Wounds
>>73274"Whats the HQ Like? is every pony there nice?"
>>73274"Ummm, can I use your restroom?"
Just checking, what time is it?
>>73283If I had to guess, I'd say midnight (12PM) to early morning (3:00 AM)
>>73284Fuck. It's a good thing Divine casters don't need 8 hours rest to recover their spells, like Arcane casters do.
>>73280"Didn't you go there? We're still working out of the Grand Baltimare Hotel, which can make interrogation rooms... a bit less than fully suited for purpose. Most of the administration are New Marelanders who have been disabled from injuries sustained in battle. They are pretty nice mostly, though many are cynical. We have a few Manehattaners. They vary in how nice they are. They are definitely nicer to me than those back home"
>>73281The doctor points to the back
>>73283By this time, at least midnight. 1:00 AM feels most appropriate, but I don't want to discourage going to the tavern if that is so desired
>>73286"yea i did but i only talked to sea breeze."
>>73286I'm just checking, so I know when to pray for my spells again.
Also, Sister Ash wants to rip out her stitches and Wild Shape to avoid scars.
>>73286Iron leans in near Skies and whispers. "Hey, remember the bricks."
>>73287"He is a deputy director, reasonably high ranked. You could say that he is my handler. He does his duty as well as he can. And we are offering you a ride to wherever you want to go"
>>73288It's not going to scar with the properly applied medicines. Stahp.
>>73289"Of course I remember the bricks."
>>73290I still want to do it...
>>73279"I don't have anywhere left."
>>73291If you must, please do it in private so I don't have to go through this
My sleep schedule is fucked nine ways to Sunday.
>>73293That's why she asked about the restroom.
>>73290>we are offering you a ride to wherever you want to go"i really need to go south."
>>73292*pats him*
>>73294Mine too
>>73296"I meant tonight... Why do you need to go south?"
>>73297"oh uh its kinda a long story. Do you really want to know? its kind of sad."
[1d20+7 = 23]>>73298She places a hoof on his hind leg
"Of course"
And sense motive: how interested is he in her?
>>73290>we are offering you a ride to wherever you want to go""... The cannery... On the East bank.."
>>73300Iron cocks his head. "I suppose I will follow." He leans on Ash and whispers "This is for the foal, right?"
>>73302Iron nods and awaits movement from Ash, intending to follow when she moves.
>the character needs sleep, but don't know where to sleep, since it's the cityIs there a forest nearby or something?
>>73300>>73301"I have a feeling you don't intend on sleeping there tonight"
I'll take this moment of respite to change up some of the feats I wanted to do.
Removed Toughness x2, reducing health to 42
Added weapon focus and specialization for unarmed, as well as great cleave.
>>73305"... Is there a forest nearby?"
>>73306Also removed Improved Overrun
>>73299"Well it starts when i was 9 and my father died a war. so my mom raised me and my brother all on her on. untill when i was 15 when she was murdered by a griffion named "Scar" and princess celestia was alerted but she never looked into it."
>>73305"I hope you do not follow us to see what we are up to. You have your own coltfriend to play with now." Iron grins.
[1d20+7 = 15]>>73309"There's been a great many injustices in this world that have never been corrected. Were you left homeless thereafter? Why don't we go somewhere together to discuss this?" She looks at him with a caring smile, and places a hoof near his inner thigh
>>73310"I have a feeling"
Sense motive to see if he was serious when he implied he would date her
>>73307"A few south and West of the City, yes"
>>73311"Take me south then." She says
"Does anybody have a quil?"
Iron indeed does want to date her. That is why he follows her at the moment. Iron is also expecting Skies to throw herself at Star when no one's around.
>>73314"Ask the unicorn bookworm, he may have one."
[1d20+7 = 15]>>73315I wrote that wrong
Did he have an interest in
>>73314"Alright then, onwards"
>>73313"You're next stop"
>>73317Oh wow, r00d, kinda ruined the moment there chiefWhile he indeeds finds her attractive, he dislikes her mannerisms brought upon by her tragic past so she is being outclassed by Ash in terms of date potential.
Alright, it looks like the characters are dropped off at their respective locations
>>73320The sorcerer has been dropped off in the void of nowhere.
>>73321An interesting location to make a residence
>>73320Sister Ash takes 10 on her survival checks (with a modified 22) to find shelter in the wilderness and avoid hazards/creatures.
>>73322the ranger has ben dropped off on tatooine.
>>73323I guess Iron follows her.
>>73323You cannot "take 10" without ten ranks in a skill, and that is impossible at level 5
>>73324>Not continuing a conversation with or going home with Blue SkiesAlright
>>73324>>73327Dammit, Dark Star, you could have had it made!
[1d20+12 = 24]>>73323Then she sleeps.
>>73327I only need to roll a 3 to succeed.
>>73327Poor Blue Skies. Dark Star is just toying with her.
Inb4 the plantation boi constructs a damn harem
>>73329Iron sleeps around her vicinity on the grass.
>>73326Well, her modified 24 was enough to provide for 8 people, so he's welcome to tag along.
>>73332L-lewdIron sleeps on the same camp as Ash's, a small distance away.
>>73330Pic so very related
>>73327Goes with blue skies to the eastside tavern
>>73333Your football has been checked.
>>73335I would've figured she would look for a dive.
>>73327>>73329Do I really need to have 10 skill ranks to take 10, or just a modifier of more than 10?
I distributed most of my skills in such a way that I should be able to take 10 on them in non-combat scenarios.
>>73337This, she likes
"So, where do you want to go from here? When we analyze what we found today, we'll be able to hunt down more communist cells"
>>73340Oh fine
>>73338Look for a dive?
>>73341Another name for a bar, pretty much.
>>73341Dark Star smiles at this
"I love it! hunting them feels great."
>>73341>He doesn't know diners, drive-ins, and dives
>>73343This thrills her
"I know right? We got something like 12 of them tonight, and another half dozen alive. They were going to send those guns and the advisers to safe houses. We'll track those down soon enough.
With what you've accomplished tonight, I think they will let you be a full agent. After just 36 hours. That's quite an accomplishment"
>DiveIs that like a New York City term or something?
>>73329*builds makeshift tent*
*Makes a bed of grass*
*Avoids direwolves*
*Finds something edible*
*Lights campfire*
"~Ah.. What more could a pony need?"
Pic unrelated
>>73346>Avoids DirewolvesRoll a 1d20
>>73346"That is the truth, Ash." Iron pipes up. "The absolute truth."
>>73347Oh bother...
Can I add my survival mod?
[1d20 = 1]
Survival mode is +12....
>>73351Good think I'm with you... I think.
>>73345"I Didnt Do it alone,you were a big help."
>>73351Have we confirmed yet if Atlas is controlling the dice or not? This many meme rolls is too much just to be mere coincidence.
>>73351A pair of yellow eyes appear in the night. Then another, then another, then another, then another
>>73354She blushes
"Those fuckers ran me out of my second home. I am not about to lose this one to them as well. Your team did pretty well. All of the major objectives were accomplished"
>>73351Alas I hardly knew ye
>>73355Trust me, he is...
>>73351And *this* is why I'd prefer to take 10 on survival checks...
>>73356"Yea Especially the bartender he was untouchable."
>>73353Well, I can fly away, idk about you though...
[1d20 = 4]>>73357Rolling to check the extent of Altas' influence.
>>73360I can climb the trees. I have +7 for it.
>>73361Not sure how to take that result.
>>73359"He was certainly a killing machine.
The official story tomorrow will read that an explosion happened on the docks, police responded, two police officers were killed by an assailant with a machine gun, with some suspicion of a changeling being involved, and so MPs were dispatched to secure the area... Only to find that an illegal weapons transaction had evidently gone sour.
There will be those who think that the Black Hooves knew all along and murdered them. What the Communists don't know that we know, is that they have plants in our reserve soldiery. Remember Red Feathers? He didn't show up at the meeting tonight. He also didn't show up to work on time. He finally arrived on a different shift with evident injuries to his right eye. He was placed in the group that responded. He and another plant will report to the communists that they were not scrambled to respond until after shots had been fired, after the fire, and arrived on scene to hear gunshots. And he will tell them that he found corpses of creatures killed in all sorts of ways - stabbed in both eyes, impaled, flame. They know we only use bullets. They will not believe it was us"
>>73362At least 4 in front of her
>>73366.... Do I recognize any of them?
>>73367Why yes, Jimbo from school, Bob from summer camp, Rosestein who she sees at Temple.... Hell no she doesn't recognize any of them
>>73368I think she meant that she could find the dire wolf that attacked her and the civvies.
>>73369That individual was a sole survivor
>>73370>>73371That won't work then. Do I have tall trees to climb and escape their reach?
>>73371>>73368>Not the one from this morningSister Ash stands up with her broom, looking rather flustered with her bed-mane, and looks towards the wolves quizically
>"Oh what now?"
>>73366"Glad i could help."
>>73374>>73374Trees are of moderate height, reaching maybe 30 feet in height and 1 foot in diameter
>>73376She looks at Dark Star with a look of uncertainty. "Any plans for tomorrow? Or tonight?"
[1d20 = 12]>>73377Can I stand on them with that diameter?
>>73377"Recover from my injures, maybe drink a little,maybe look for a bounty."
>>73378Disregard the dice. I misrolled.
>>73379"Should I leave you alone to that?"
>>73378Perhaps. Roll dice
[1d20+7 = 25]>>73377Sister Ash prepares a readied action to spring away as soon as they attack.
>"Could you all, like.. not?"
>>73381Take the twelve if you want a 1d20 roll.
[6d20 = 45]>>73382They ponder this course of action. Add +6 to the dice
>>73381"Feels free to accompany me i would love it."
>Fight = Averted
"Ah, nice to know the locals around here are a bit more reasonable." She says with a yawn
Sister Ash tosses all of her foraged rations towards the wolves as compensation, before she goes back to sleep on her makeshift grassbed.
And with that, I bid you all goodnight.
>>73389See you tomorrow. Sleep well.
>>73388She moves around to his side of the table and lays on him, in a cuddling fashion, with one leg over him, and a wing in part behind him
>>73389This they take
>>73387>>73386>>73382>>73389Iron, glad that the wolves did not attack them and bit their hides off, sleeps on the grass near the makeshift grassbed, not before taking off his hide armor (which is only the wolf armor.)
Night everyone as well
>>73388>>73393They're already at the tavern, I take it.
>>73395Yes. The same tavern
>>73393Dark Star Cuddless back
>>73396Anyone interesting in the bar?
>>73397The mare purrs, and has a definite happiness to her
>>73399At the moment I don't believe so
>>73400*dark Star smiles*
>>73401"I know I am not waifu material, but it feels good to be held"
>>73402"Of course you're waifu material blue."
Fuck it.
With a small sigh, Silver sits down on the side of his bed, looking at the sack of Bits he's acquired, contemplating it a bit more with his thoughts. After a couple minutes of silent consideration, he peeks inside to see exactly how much he's added to his funds.
>>73403"Are you sure? I know how I come across"
>>73404300 bits
>>73405"I like how you come across."
>>73406"How do I come across to you?"
>>73405He considers it one final time, before getting up from the bed.
"Fuck it. I'm thirsty." He has a good stretch, popping a few joints in the process, and wanders down to the bar to see if it's even open at this hour.
>>73408Its auxiliary bartender is gone, that I can tell you right now. But yes, last call is not until 2:00 AM
>>73407"Like a wonderful pony."
>>73409He sighs once more, sitting down at the counter.
"One more drink, then I am off to bed."
>>73410She slightly laughs
"I can safely say I've never been called
that before"
>>73411The over worked bartender comes up to him. "And here I thought you had gone to sleep. What can I get for you?"
>>73412"i also think you are a great fighter."
>>73413"Could not sleep." He looks over at the drinks menu, giving his decision a couple seconds to be made. "Do you have any of that blackjack from Skyfall left?"
>>73414"D'aww, thanks. I trained to be among the phalanx when I was a filie. I passed a set of trials they call the agoge, which emphasized both strength and stealth. Now I specialize in shooting people in the back"
>>73415"Sure, it's pretty expensive though"
>>73417"What is the phalanx?"
>>73417He nods, placing down the fairly hefty number of Bits needed for the drink. "Yes. But I have heard it is worth it."
>>73418"Over in the east, way over in the East, the ponies there were in constant threat of invasion from the griffons. But the Phalanx, strong Pegasi warriors, held the line against the Griffins. We drove them back many a time, sometimes outnumbered 10 or more to 1"
>>73419Okay, just to be clear, the stuff is expensive because it is illegal to import, not because it is particularly old. Something like cuban cigars. So don't expect it to be the best ever"And here you go goodsir"
He fills the glass with the Blackjack Whiskey
>>73420I know, but that doesn't mean it isn't of good quality, either.He takes a sip, intending to enjoy his drink before he heads off to bed. In the meantime, he glances back to the old recruitment poster he saw coming into the tavern. "I am surprised they let you keep that up."
>>73421It has a pretty powerful kick to it.
"They don't really bother to check every building. I keep it up as reminder of the days when we stood united as one"
>>73420"Where in the east?"
>>73423She gets up a little and sort of leans over the table
"I was raised in Nimbusia, in an Aristocratic family"
>>73422The drink makes him shiver a bit.
"Perfect." Outside of his thoughts, he looks back at the barkeeper. "It is good reminder. Brings back good memories."
>>73425"Where were you during the war?"
>>73424"oh wow youre royalty? im just a commoner."
>>73427"No, no... The
homioi were aristocracy in a sense. The sense that the Pegasi warriors were at the top of society. But truly, we were
citizens, all equal o each other."
>>73426He scratches his chin as he gathers his thoughts. "I was too old to be drafted. Too old to volunteer. So, I did what I had been doing for long time: mercenary work. Mostly operated behind enemy lines, gathering intel, taking out VIPs, running messages. Rarely was I on front lines. Decent work. Hard, dirty at times, but decent."
>>73429"We had all proven ourselves through the trials. We were the warrior class who were the guardian protectors of the eastern ponies against the griffins. We were free - no one's slaves."
>>73430"Damn. Those changelings must have been tough to deal with with their disguises"
>>73431"General rule when fighting changelings: avoid other ponies whenever possible." He takes another sip. "It helps to operate in their own lands. They get confident. Cocky. They do not think they will get attacked, so they do not bother with disguises. But in enemy lands? Different story."
>>73431"ah ok i see, i thought you meant equality in a different since."
>>73432"Which enemy lands, may I ask?"
>>73433"Oh hell no. I've seen what those communists have attempted. No respect for tradition, the family. For any sense of the natural order of things. They are why I had to come here"
>>73434"why What Happend"
>>73434He seems a bit confused by the question. "You mean their enemies' lands, where they use disguises?"
>>73435"After I left Nimbusia I tried a new home. But they started to adopt communism. A forced integration into one system, one way of doing things. Quotas and regulations. The village I stayed with did not comply. Elders were replaced, the military replaced. Anyone of the conservative order hanged"
>>73436"Oh yes, I see. I am too old to have fought, but damn it is a shame"
>>73437"Thats awful. those ponies need to be gassed"
>>73438"Indeed, someone crack out the insecticide"
>>73437He is still confused by the wording of the question, but tries his best to answer as far as he understands it. "Changelings only feel safe to trot around undisguised when surrounded by other changelings. Usually, that is when they are in their hives, marching in their armies, or when in Changeling Lands themselves. When surrounded by non-changelings, or in foreign lands, even if there is no one around, they will take all measures to stick to their disguise."
>>73440"As I figured. I can't even begin to imagine what the other half of Equestria is experiencing
>>73441"It was...not pretty, even in beginning of war, when they overran places like Vanhoover."
>>73442"I take it you were active the whole war then"
>>73443He nods, and takes another sip of his whiskey. "Nearly. From loss of Vanhoover to Equestria's capitulation."
>>73444"I spent the whole war right here in this bar. Quite a bit away from the front lines. Until the front lines came to us"
>>73435Um, Dark Star. May I ask you a question?"
>>73445"yea sure what Do you want to know?"
>>73445"New Mareland…" His voice adopts the tiniest bit of venom upon uttering the words.
>>73446And now, she blushes, too embarrassed to ask
>>73447"Came right into the center of the city"
>>73448"Ah come on you have to tell me now."
>>73449"Stabbed us in back. In our greatest time of struggle and need. Took away only home I knew. Only home we had." He glances back at the old recruitment poster, his glass shaking slightly in the grasp of his magic. "And is now trying to destroy it further."
>>73450And now she's too embarrassed
"Well, it's not what I was going to ask you... but will you buy me a drink?"
>>73451He pauses
"It's only going to get worse from here"
>>73452After a couple seconds, he lets out a sigh. His glass slowly stops shaking as he takes another sip. "I do not like thinking of Great War, much. Makes me angry. I try to focus on here and now, and how to make all...this..." he gestures all around him, "...work."
>>73452"BarColt a maretini for my mare friend here, and get me some apple whiskey"
>>73453"Here in Baltimare especially it can be hard to make things work. We don't have quite the industry of the more northerly cities. Certainly not the culture."
He moves over to take the order of another pony
>>73454Bartender: "Coming right up"
Blue: "You consider me your marefriend?
>>73455He looks back at the pony who ordered, pausing as he sees Dark Star, and the mare with him.
"...Is that...?"
>>73457He waves back slowly, before turning back around to face the bar.
>>73458"So then, would you take me home tonight? Or treat me to a nice hotel room?"
>>73459"Careful, that guy will argue with you for hours about politics if you want to bring up the Great War"
>>73460He chuckles. "Noted. But, I also heard he was in here earlier with that same mare, throwing around Bits like they were made of paper."
>>73461"Oh yes, he will do that"
>>73462"Heard he hired pony right here for decent sum. To do what, I do not know."
>>73463"For that much money, it was either illegal, something noponyelse could do, or both"
>>73460"Hmmmm i dont know. maybe if you're good."
>>73461>>73463"it was for a math camp."
>>73465"I haven't really been known to be a good girl"
>>73465He turns around to look at Dark Star at the interruption, speaking with his trademark Stalliongrader accent. "...Math camp? What is this 'math camp'?"
>>73468The heck does that mean?
>>73469Blue Skies made a hissing sound at Silver after he spoke
>>73470Okay, now I understand.He looks taken aback at her sudden hiss. "...Is there problem?"
>>73466"Even better, Good Girls arent really my type."
>>73467"well,they volunteered at the camp to help Little ponys get better at math."
>>73471"You tell me, Communist"
>>73472>>73473He partially listens to Dark Star's explanation, instead focused on Blue Skies' reaction. "Oh, right. Accent." He just sounds tired of the reaction, as if it's not nearly the first time he's heard it. "I am not Communist as you say. I was just born in Severyana."
>>73474She takes a drink
"What are you doing down here?"
She, too, has an accent, harder to place
>>73475"Looking for employment." He matches her drink, while trying to place the accent. As far as he knows, it's not one common to Equestria.
>>73476"Not enough on the collective farms?"
>>73477"Seemed like city rich with opportunity." He lowers his eyes a little, but it's more part of the growing look of confusion on his face as her accent stumps him.
>>73478He eventually starts to think that it may be a hybrid
"What kind of employer are you looking for?"
>>73479This opens up an entirely new level of fuckery for his mental faculties. "Something suiting my...talents."
>>73480"What kind of talents?" She asks
>>73481"In word: fighting."
>>73482She takes interest
"For whom, and what kind of fighting?"
>>73483"For whoever hires me. For what kind...I see myself as being like tank."
>>73484"Hmmmm.... What's your experience?"
>>73485"I have been fighting for well on 50 years, now, since I was still young milk-drinker."
>>73486And now she's a bit surprised
"I don't think even my dad, er, stepdad is that old. You sure you still have it?"
Her coat is an ice-blue, almost white, with a blue mane. Her cutie mark is a sword between a pair of yellow wings. Her belly is slender, though she widens at the thighs. Her eyes are blue green
Fucking hell, I just realized that if you switch Tracy Cage's mane and coat colors, you've got more or less Blue Skies' color scheme, if a slightly darker mane
Alright, I am going to sleep. For those of you just reading in the morning, here's what you missed:
No one diedNo one got laidNo one got a job or moneyOnyx and Spark both went to sleep
Ash and iron hate walls for some reason, and so both went to sleep in a forest in a non-sexual way. Things seemed like they were going to get very interesting when Ash rolled a 1, and 4 to 6 dire wolves approached them. However, they were persuaded to back away.
Blue Skies and Dark Star went to the tavern and began to talk and sort of cuddle. This seemed to escalate until Blue made a very explicit proposition - and was rebuffed.
Silver decided to go down to the tavern and talk. Dark Star and the rebuffed Blue started to talk to him, and it seems Blue was unsuccessful in exposing Silver to be a communist. And Silver, for his part, is still unemployed despite talks
>>73487Actually, the color scheme thing is kind of true of Trixie as well, just with one color on the mane
>>73487He gives her a firm nod, a shimmer of his resolve showing through his eyes. "These old bones may creak from time to time, but it has not stopped me once from performing my best, and it has not once caused me to fail in my duties."
His coat is a light grey with a single dark grey dorsal stripe running along the back, while his short-cut mane and tail have been almost completely turned silver from age, leaving only a few dark grey streaks here and there. His cutie mark is a sword in mid-swing. A few scars on his muscular body are deep enough and big enough to have avoided fur regrowing over them. His eyes are a deep blue.
>>73488Sleep well. It was great actually being able to do something this time.
>>73488I don't think Ash would even let herself get laid even I help her with that child problem she has, but I might be able to fish for a kiss after that. If I pushed too hard, I might break her innocence, and I don't want that. Besides, having sex on the first date is not a good sign for Iron, it just signals that the mare is not to keep.
Most degenerate thing I might do is
>>73490That's just too lewd, Iron, DELET.
>>73492Don't try to deny that you like it, sicko.>>73490If I hold your hoof will you die?
>>73493I mean, I'm not denying it...
>>73495Sick bastard. I bet you hoofhold your mother
>>73487>Light blue female pony rogue
Really makes you think...
>>73496You're the one who made me like this!
>>73497>spoilerWhile I'm not going to pretend I experienced the mare in question... I can see that Silver will be knife-happy.
>>73499*replace silver with "that mare
>>73488>explicit proposition What?
>>73501You remember you told her you were his marefriend? I think it's that.
>>73502in my Defense i wasnt thinking and was falling asleep at that time.
>>73503It's hilarious from a player's perspective.
>Be Blue Skies>The plantation boy got you a coltfriend>A gentleman, maybe he needs some "reward" for his boldness at the boat>She gives many hints to get down and fuck>"Say we can go to a hotel and spend time there.">Star, the oblivious bastard, takes up on her offer and when they get there, he lays on the bed, snoringHoly heck, if this was IRL, it would be depressing.
>>73504Still kind of funny through a screen though.
Also, divine casters are underrated.
Arcane casters take up lots of time, because they need 8 hours of rest minimum to regain spells. Sister Ash doesn't have that kind of time, but she'll still be able to regain her spells upon sunrise?
>>73488Is it too late to say I wanted to use my prepared Animal Messenger spell to send a letter to the orphanage? I reserved it all the way through combat just so she'd be able to do it in the evening.
Sister Ash just wants to let them know that she hasn't gotten herself killed, and that she's working to find the foals.
>>73508>>73507AshXIron when?
>>73509Only time will tell.
I guess it could happen after the child rescuing. Not sure if it will even happen, judging by the circumstances.
I wrote her as a virgin, fyi.
Was going to take the Vow of Chastity feat, but I didn't have the space, so who knows.
>>73511Seems like it is just for roleplaying purposes, I'm guessing.
>>73510>>73511>Was going to take the Vow of Chastity feat, but I didn't have the space, so who knows.Lucky Iron
>>73513Don't jump the shark just yet. Iron still needs to coax and woo Ash into doing it first. She's not a tramp, after all.
>>73514You need to woo the kirin, Iron.
>>73514> She's not a tramp, after all.
>>73489If the set of dialogue had kept up, Blue would have tried to ply out of Silver more or less what he told the bartender. That is, she wanted to hear about experience with Changelings and when they try to be sneaky. But the statement he made to the bartender about hating New Mareland would have been all she needed to know to know this wouldn't be the best agent to hire
And thus she exits stage left
>>73517Huh, that's strange.
>>73517He finishes his drink and heads to bed, thinking he's at least got his hoof in the door somewhere.
>>73517"Hey Blue The Real Reason i Dont take you back to my house is i dont have one... anymore. But i Have enough bits For a hotel room if you still want to go."
>>73507She doesn't lose her previous days spells until she prepares her new ones, so if it's too late to have sent the letter last night, she'll send them a bird with the message right before she prays.
[1d20+12 = 16]
Last I knew it was going to be cloudy for this day and the next.
Rolling Survival to predict the whether for the next couple days (I'm picking my wether-dependant spells).
>>73518Why would that be weird?
>>73523I dunno. Just felt weird when I read the post.
>>73524Think about it
Why keep up with Silver when he is politically opposed to the faction? Any agent you try to hire is a potential spy or leak of information, besides other more basic problems with motivation like a lack of loyalty. They hire foreigners because they don't have a dog in the fight, and they are indifferent to the old political order.
And she's definitely not going to press Dark Star, because "any mare that would have sex on a first date is not a mare to keep" and "a tramp." How much lower is one who presses for this?
When you have a losing hand, walking away from the table can be the best option
>>73525The first paragraph is enough context to clarify. I had no idea that Silver was opposed to the Black Hooves. I don't know how to react to the second paragraph, while I do agree with what it's said. Thank you for the clarification nevertheless.
>>73525It takes a lot to focus on a conversation someone else is having while having a conversation of your own.
>tfw no decent damage spells
Fug, I wish I had aready summoned that animal companion...
>tfw a poorly timed joke stopped you from getting that sweet,sweet Horse pussy.
[sleepy kirin noises]
*Wakes up*
[1d20 = 2]>>73517>>73530Iron wakes up 15 minutes later after Ash. He stretches his body, making popping noises. After this, he puts on the wolf hide armor and decides to search for some kind of food around the vicinity of the forest for him and Ash. Rolling survival to see what he finds.
>>73531Must have been next to nothing. Or he found some poisonous berries.
>>73532Pretty much.Iron, not content with his round of scavenging, keeps searching the area for food.
She who had learned to live without love received it anyways. She who could not live without, went without. Such is the way of the world, and an irony not lost on her.
>>73520“If you need to know a few places, I can help you.
You know we killed, I think a dozen of those communists. And what did we accomplish? There are a million communists out there. They dream of a world with no want, and no jealousy.. it’s a dream they will kill and die for, and however shaky their faith in the final result may be, they have more faith in it than the status quo. And we killed a hemchworker of Chrystalis. But there are another ten million, eager and ready to replace the one, because they still believe Chrystilis offers a better future.
I have to work tomorrow.”
[1d20+12 = 32]>>73531Let me try
>>73536They'll be eating like kings.
>>73536Surviving like a boss.
>>73536>Nat 20Iron is astonished at her natural skills in surviving, judging by the food collected. He strokes her mane.
Going afk
I guess Silver is stuck on his own once again.
>>73535>She who had learned to live without love received it anyways. She who could not live without, went without. Such is the way of the world, and an irony not lost on her.Pottery.
>>73541I think the rest of the gang will join you shortly.
>>73541Indeed he is. He lives next to Onyx though, and Dark Star and Spark are probably close enough nearby
I guess in game it would be about time to begin Day 3. I'm still not quite certain of what the next quest will be. I have some ideas but I'm not sure what works best. I have a great many ideas for the South Junglelands, but I don't really want to leave the Baltimare setting quite yet.
>>73544Well, you did set up something with the changelings infiltrating the ranks of the communist rebels.
>>73543Hopefully, though how remains to be seen.
>>73544Was Sister Ash able to send her letter, as mentioned in
>>73507 >>73521 ?
Sister Ash's next priority would be to figure out what's going on in the cannery, and how to liberate the foals inside.
... Whatever happened to that gold..?
>>73547Let's just pretend she has all 10 pieces for the time being. Also back>>73546Iron is ready for action. He will follow you wherever you go.
>>73548Sister Ash will be spending the first hour or so of the day in meditation.
>Preparing spells
>>73548He will follow Ash, I mean.
[1d20 = 6]>>73549Iron focuses on finding more rocks for his rock pouch. Rolling survival yet again for success rate. Before that, he munches on some of the abundant food available.
>>73547It was distributed. Iron and Onyx, the greedy fuckers, got their two pieces each after all
>>73548>She has the goldNo, Ash does not have all ten pieces
>>73549It will be later in the morning than Ash started yesterday, with sleeping later than normal because of staying up later as well as time spent foraging. At least 9 AM by this time
After a quick breakfast from his remaining provisions, Silver heads out into town, to both get a better idea of where everything is, and to find a decent place to restock his diminished store of supplies.
>>73552>It will be later in the morning than Ash started yesterdayWill I still have time to prepare my spells?
>>73553"I may be a 'tramp' and a cold-hearted bitch, but I am not avaricious. And I would feel disgusted to kill for money."
The money is distributed at the end of the night to avoid the need for the participants to have to come back to the Blackhooves to be paid later
>>73555Baltimare is not Manehattan, nor Canterlot, but almost anything a pony could want is available for purchase. What is he looking for?
>>73558I never said Skies was a tramp in character or in the sense motive check. The second one is applicable though.
I gotta step out for dinner
>>73558On his list are general provisions (namely 2 weeks worth both of canned food and water rations), a carton of cigarettes, a bottle of whiskey, a new bedroll, a 50 foot length of rope, fuel for his empty lighter, a new canteen to replace his damaged one, a map of Baltimare and the surrounding area, and a first-aid kit.
>>73558>but almost anything a pony could want is available for purchase... Is there an armory?
>>73558Iron inspects carefully the two gold bricks. Where could he exchange these bricks for currency? He puts them inside his hide armor. He may reconsider buying that nylon armor the vendor from Jungle Rush was offering there. He scratches his chin for a bit, deep in thought.
>>73561A trip to a single general store provides pretty much everything on this last. Canned food comes in the form of yams, corn, sweet potatoes, regular potatos, beans, green-beans, pears and apples. The storekeeper is a bit confused by your request to buy water. "Who the hell would buy or sell
drinking water? Do you want it in like a can or something? He has a variety of flasks an containers, as well as disinfectant tablets for water. Contrary to the storekeep's implication, the store does have distilled water if you need pure water for something like steam ironing, and mineral water. Cigarettes are available in several brands. Old Guard cigarettes are the personal choice of princess Luna on her long nights, while the Fleetfoot brand is known for its smooth flavor and use by the Wonderbolts. Unfortunately, it appears the New Mareland government has stuck its hooves where they don't belong: the literally Fascists have levied a 1 bit tax on cigarettes based on some superstition that smoking is "bad for the body" or something. This puritanical fake science is the clearest sign of oppression you've seen thus far. Whiskey, thank Celestia, has not been taken away by the Fascists
yet and thankfully Prohibition has been repealed in Equestria. The brands are mostly cheap and from the northern part of East Equestria. Naptha fuel for Silver's Hippo brand lighter is readily available. Hempen rope (or nylon) can be found as well. Canteens, you bet. A map of Baltimare is readily available, and you are glad to have bought one before wondering off into the forest with the hopes of later finding a building at an unknown location on the opposite side of the city. The otherside of the map shows the "state" of Baltimare, or this section of the Hayseed Forests. A bedroll and a first aid kit are available likewise. First aid kits come in many varieties, but since I doubt that this is the sort of thing he'd go cheap with, some include basic poison antidotes and even stronger painkillers.
>>73562There are several
>>73559>in character>>73563>exchange bricks for currencyThat is a bit of a dilemma. These bricks look like they are in the form that they were set in the mill, rather than Bank bullion. As stated before, they are marked with the signature of the Winding River mine in the East Forbidden Jungles
>>73564Iron ponders for a bit. Maybe the criminal underworld would buy it. He may need Cauldron to hook him up, but is unsure if the gold bricks are practically their stolen property somehow.
I forget. Am I proffient in firearms?
>>73566Guns, I think, are exotic weapons, so it's very unlikely.
>>73567Just checking.
I'm looking at modern and archaic weaponry atm.
>>73564He looks at everything he has gathered for purchase thus far: 28 cans of food, split evenly between corn, beans, green beans, and apples, about half that in distilled water, a bottle of disinfectant tablets, a carton of Old Guard cigarettes, a bottle of whiskey, Naptha fuel for his lighter, hempen rope, a new canteen, a map of Baltimare, a bedroll, and a large, high-quality first-aid kit. His mouth contorts into a worried frown, not at the price or at the weight of it all, but at its shear volume. He looks around the store to see if they have a cheap cart for sale, to lighten the load of carrying everything back to his room.
I might want some dynamite...
>>73570I know what I'm putting my craft ranks in.
>>73569"You looking for a nice cart to haul around the family with?" Says the overly nice and enthusiastic Unicorn at the first cart dealership. "Whether it's work, taking the foals or grandfoals to hoofball practice, or for the fields, we have just the thing for ya"
>>73570>>73571[Worried Fighter Horse Noises]
>>73564Do I have enough time to summon my Animal Companion before the evening?
>>73570I'm sorry, which character is this?
>>73574There is enough time for satanic witchcraft rituals, yes
>>73572He seems confused by the demeanor of the cart salespony. It's a profession he's had very few dealings with, obviously. "...No, I do not have family anymore. At least, I do not think..." He awkwardly rubs the back of his neck. "I just want something to carry things with. For hauling."
>>73576"Well I'm quite sorry to hear that. Celestia rest their souls if they are dead. Or Celestia bless them if they are out of the house, or Celestia damn them if you are divorced. What do you want to haul? Lumber? Rocks? Trade goods? Dead bodies? Just kidding about that last part, although if you are looking for a hearse cart we have a nice selection in our Western location"
>>73574>>73575Iron is waiting on Ash's readiness to start her personal quest.
I think I might summon a gorilla to lend me a hand for this mission.
Are there any armories that sell equiptment in minotaur sizes?
>>73578"I'm going to be busy for quite a bit. Go buy yourself some heavy armor and a tower shield, you'll need it."
>>73580"Are you certain? We are quite far from the town, are we not?" Iron shakes his head. "Nevertheless, if I do not find you here, where will you be?"
>>73577His confusion turns to worry as he wonders if there's something wrong upstairs in this pony's mind. "Uhhhh...trade goods, I think."
>>73579The minotaurs of the Blackhooves reservists have equipment, so clearly
somepony has it. What is less sure is if civilians can acquire it
>>73581"I'm going to be right there for a couple hours."
She says, pointing her hoof to a chair-sized rock
"I would explain it, but I don't believe you'd understand.."
>>73583What about bulletproof vests?
Do I need to roll to know that?
>>73583The sorcerer awakes from the depths of nowhere, and takes a walk around the streets near the tavern he first arrived in.
>>73584"I guess the god you seek will come to you... maybe." Iron turns around and starts heading to the Jungle Rush.
>>73587[Meditation noises]
>>73587Now where did they drop Iron off at, and what are the directions to the Jungle Rush from this location?
>>73585She can look for armor
>>73586There's a Bakery, for instance. Not many cars today, and thank Celestia because they clearly don't know how to drive on roads with slower moving carts. Nopony seems to be standing on a sope box or talking about the end of days, at least on this street
>>73589I check out the bakery. It would be nice to have a little something to eat after all of the madness last night.
>>73589I tagged along with Ash, who said to travel south from the building we were healed. So that's as far as I know for location. Just travel north.
>>73590The bakery is a little busy, but they most definitely have bread. Not fancy or french bread though. It's not a whole foods
>>73591Hmmm, does Iron know how to find North?
>>73592I have 5 ranks in survival, so I automatically always know where north is.
>>73591"That way." She says, pointing him in the right direction
>>73592Well, he did live in a jungle, so he should be able to travel out of the forest without much trouble to begin with. Do you want to settle it with some dice?
>>73593Iron nods. He starts travelling towards the direction Ash pointed.
>>73592The sorcerer purchases a little bit of bread and enjoys it on the way out, continuing his stroll.
>>73582"Trade goods? How much are you hauling? We've got two-Wheelers, four wheels, 100 pounds, 300 pounds, 500 pounds. Open air, closed..."
>>73596It's actually kind of sunny today, for once. He is not harangued by anypony on the way
>>73598He browses the prices on carts while he answers. "I am thinking 100 pounds will be enough. It is not much I will need to haul."
>>73595Going north leads him to farms, then single family houses, then commercial buildings. He isn't immediately sure of his location, however
>>73599"What is it you need then? Size? Watertight? Are you hauling liquids?"
>>73597>out of character>still a horse engaged in shopping
>>73598I just remembered that I didn't return the hoofgun to Blue Skies. I am now roaming around the city with an illegal weapon. I correct my course to the tavern and hope there is a member of the party there to help me return it before I am caught.
Actually, fug it. I'm not going to break character just because I like modern equiptment. Fug all these haram gunz and shieet.
I'm going to summon a Riding Dog (Huskie) as my Animal Companion for this mission. A domestic Animal should be appropriate for an urban encounter.
His third level feat will be Combat Reflexes, and his 4th level ability point will go into Dexterity. He gets a bonus trick, so he'll be trained for the general purpose of guarding.
>>73600Iron decides to find someone to show him the way to the Jungle Rush since he feels lost.
>>73600"Nothing too big. Good for one pony to trot around city streets. And it does not need to be watertight, no."
>>73603>Lots of meditating later"AWOO!"
>>73602Always be sure to comply with gun laws while not on secret missions. He can certainly go back to the tavern. Whether any pony will be there is another question
>>73604The first pony is kind of rude, the second one doesn’t know where that is. But the does third one, “I think it’s over there in southeastern district.” Three roads up find a long avenue named Mareton Hoofer, then when he finds East Main go up three blocks and it’s right there
>>73605They do actually have a reasonable selection. “Stylish? Rugged off-road?”
>>73603She can have a husky, but I don’t think a pony can ride one on its back
>>73607Of course, Iron follows the direction of the third pony.
>>73607"Rugged, if it pleases you."
[1d20+12 = 20]>>73607I didn't intend to ride him, I need someone for protection.
Also, so long as he's with me, I can track.
Rolling to find Iron.
I'm going to advance his HP as a standard monster (4 per level), giving him 40 hp.
>>73609"Whatever pleases you, pleases me"
A waterproof model with large and rugged wheels is made for use in the southern jungles.
>>73610She finds that he is not nearby
>>73608I feel so tempted to make you roll luck to see if the directions are good or if Iron followed them correctlyHe is a little uncertain as to the definitions of blocks, but he sees the large steel roof of the Jungle Rush
>>73611>a dog having as much HP as a fighter of this levelI'll look into this later
>>73612He has 19 Constitution.
[1d20+13 = 32]>>73612Rolling to follow Iron's tracks.
>>73612In Silver's mind, a cart like this would be perfect, should his travels take him into the forests near Baltimare. "How much for this cart?"
>>73607I suppose I just wait around until the bartender decides to come back to work, or Dark Star comes back in.
>>73615"30 Bits"
>>73614Muddy feet show he went North along an agricultural road, then a road that feeds into the city
>>73616If that is what you want to do, then sure
>>73617"30 Bits? In that case, I will take it." He levitates the Bits out in a small pouch, intending to hand them over to the salespony.
>>73617Is there anypony else in the tavern today?
>>73617She disassembles her camp and follows the tracks until she catches up with him.
>>73612Iron enters the Jungle Rush.
I know, I feel the temptation too
>>73618"Glad to be of assistance"
>>73619The bartender, as always, a grey earthpony at the bar, a white female unicorn in a booth in the corner, and a few others. It's pretty early though, so it is not crowded
>>73620It appears as if Iron has traveled a further distance than Ash realized, for he is still not in view
>>73621"Goodday' mate. How's that animal hide holdin' out for ya?"
>>73622Iron frowns. "It was not the best. Animals tore right through it." Iron ponders. "Say, do you have those hide armors that have... 'nai-lawn' on them?"
>>73622With his purchases safely secured in his new cart, he makes his way back to his room, whistling an old marching song from his foalhood homeland along the way.
>>73622Can I overhear any conversations?
>>73622She keeps following, humming to herself.
>>73623After he is silent for a moment, he says "Well I'm sorry about that, but if you need something stronger we got a variety of options against harder opponents. A Nylon airmare's jacket is the strongest vest you can get that won't hold ya back much, and steel strips in it will give you some protection. If you're willing to sacrifice speed and mobility we have option with more and thicker steel"
>>73624A mare in the streets seems to admire this, and salutes
>>73625"I told you he wasn't that into you. He was more concerned about your status anyways. You'll do better"
"I tell you those new steam shovels can rip the top soil right off, not that there's much of that down there"
"Berry can't control the crime in this city. You hear about the gang fight that happened last night? They say like 17 dead and two building set on fire"
>>73626She could track him for a mile, but he's gone further than that
>>73627She keeps following until she eventually finds him.
>>73628The SRD says tracking has to be re-rolled every mile, and frankly I'm not sure how it's possible to track inside of a well-walked city
>>73627He nods in her direction as he passes, taking it as little more than appreciation for the patriotic tune.
>>73627Iron ponders some more. "I guess I can go for thick steel. Do you have any shields as well?"
[1d20+13 = 14]>>73629That's a 20 DC. I'll roll it.
>>73632>LostOh, good joy...
>>73631"That we do have. These suits have strips of steel that give them some resistance even to things like bullets, and I can't promise they won't slow you down but they are not bad protection. This cheaper one here allows you some mobility. This bigger one gives a little more but less mobility, while this set here offers the most protection and more mobility, but it's expensive. As for shields, we have some metal ones for use by police or if you are dealing with fire"
Now I'm wondering if he has enough currency to buy these things (at least 350 bits just from the loan sharking). The gold is certainly way more than enough, it's just a question of who will accept it without asking who he murdered to get it>>73632What luck! There's a set of mud tracks and wolf hairs that could only have been made by Iron, heading east
>>73634>tfw not sure of thisShe follows the tracks anyway...
>>73630There are still patriots out there it seems. Equestria is gone, but it is not forgotten
>inb4 another motherfucking wolf
>>73634Dark Star did give me 400 bits, remember?"I will go for the most protection. Mobility does not bother me."
>>73636It brings a smile to his face, knowing Equestria's spirit lives on.
When he arrives, he takes very little time to move his supplies from his parked cart to his room. Once everything is moved, he unfolds the map of Baltimare, places it on his bed, and studies it to get a better idea of where everything is.
>>73635The hoofprints and hairs grow more sparse, but she's determined to find him. It appears he went into a residential neighborhood
>>73638"We have this set of steel plate that covers much of the body and has a ballistic nylon base. It has overlapping bands that move with the movements of the body, to a degree. Damned near looks like a knight, but the Griffins trust it for their elite soldiers. 1500 bits. We have another version that is less agile and is only 600 bits. It doesn't having overlapping plates but rather solid pieces, making it less friendly to wear and not quite as protective, but also cheaper. Titanium and Tungsten versions of the same can be ordered specially, but are
far more expensive"
>>73639The city looks like it is built around a natural harbor and bay on its east side. There is a seaport with most industry besides it, and quite a bit of businesses and housing further west. The city center and the commercial center are past this, followed by bands of mostly lighter residential with scattered brick mills, cement plants and whatnot further west. There is still another coastline only a few miles to the north with another municipality, and some more residences. Also to the east and the north is a peninsula made by the bay that protrudes eastwards and provides cover from weather to the harbor from the north. This peninsula is not fully developed, has residences, a municipality and a lighthouse on the end of it. While water is to the north and the east, to the south is wilderness forest of the hayseed forests. To the west is agricultural fields, leading to the towns of the moonlight shores
>>73640Iron nods. "What about those shields you offered?" He might need to find Cauldron sooner than later.
>>73640She follows the tracks dutifully.
Onyx wakes up at the bar.
Just the other side of the bar than most people expect to.
"I gotta stop falling asleep after my shift"
>>73643"Indeed. How are you today bartender?"
>>73640With a greater understanding of the area, he begins to feel more confident in his ability to not get lost, and he closes the map back up.
Deciding to see if the bartender on duty has heard about any potential leads into lines of work, Silver makes his way down into the tavern itself.
>>73644"Hungover, but that's to be expected. How about you?"
>>73641"Sure. Steel ones are rather cheap. It's big enough to cover you if you need that, and while I don't know if I'd fight a tiger with it, it'll block some blows. You can also bash with them. This here is a police model, for civil unrest and such"
>>73642She arrives at a house that has a large fence. She sees a somewhat quirky looking older pony trying to wash a very very large chained wolf in a kiddie pool. The wolf is several times larger than he and barely can sit in the pool, is muzzled with steel, and chained to a large pole, trying to move. The wolf has barren - burnt? - patches on him where the fur has been burned away and hair is falling off.
"It's okay Rover, we'll get you fixed up"
The pony is trying to wash the spots with water, which causes pain to an already irritated animal
>>73645It looks like the alternate bartender is on duty.
>>73646. Say something nice to him
>>73646"I'm doing surprisingly well. Not too sore considering last night. That doctor was alright."
I look into my glass.
"Do you think we got in over our heads though? We might be new go-to guys. And I don't know if I can keep doing this for free with the risk involved."
This is the dog I burned yesterday, isn't he?
>>73647"I could take the police model. It is very large, so it will cover me a lot." Iron ponders. "Is the police letting you sell this?" He may be receptive to the gold if he's not allowed to sell these.
>>73649>>73647Sister Ash approaches the fence.
"Good morning, sir."
>>73647>>73646Silver sits down at the bar. After a couple seconds of silence spent considering the alternate bartender, he nods at him. "Greetings."
>>73653He puts some Bits on the counter. "A beer, if it pleases you."
>>73652I wave at the new pony.
>>73649>>73651>>73651"Good morning to you!" The dog whimpers and shakes
>>73650"It's just from the same manufacturer as what the police use, it's not illegal to sell in this jurisdiction"
>>73655He waves back. "Hello. It is good to meet friendly face."
>>73656"That hound.." she starts up, with a bit of a sad tone
"Was it injured yesterday?"
>>73656Iron is a bit dissapointed. "Alright, what is the cost for this?"
>>73657"I'm Shimmering Spark. It's good to meet you."
I nod to the bartender.
"And this is bartender. He likes to be called Onyx though."
>>73661Onyx gives the horse a bottle
>>73658“Yes, Rover here looks like he must have been struck by lightning, or struck by a burning branch. Or both”
The pony is pretty friendly and readily willing to talk about his new pet.
"I had been working in the eastern field when a friend drove up with Rover here in the back of his truck. He said that he had been working in the North-western track of lucky mills when he came across Rover here. He said this dog had been a part of pack there, but the mill gave him permission to hunt them for their hides. he had shot several of them with his manticore gun, and captured two of them in traps over the last month. He found this one in a trap this morning, said it was probably the last one. Normally the ones taken alive go to wealthy customers over seas, but this one he wasn't sure about because of the injuries. I told him 'well hell, I'll take this one for the money you owe me if you think this unlucky dog won't fetch full price for that damaged hide.' And so I took him home right then and there. Stopped what I was doing in the field"
Rover is unhappy
"You're lucky to be alive after being struck by lightning boy" the pony says to him as he washes sensitive burns
>>73659"Only 30 bits, it's a single piece of metal"
>>73662>>73663He takes a drink from the bottle, smiling at Onyx. "Thank you." After another small drink, he turns towards Spark. "I am Silver Sword. Most call me Silver, though." With his other hoof he offers a hoofshake to each of them in turn.
>>73664Iron nods. "I will take the shield for now." He passes 30 bits to the shopkeeper on the counter. "However, I will come back for the full plate suit. I have to do something before I am ready to buy the armor. Please keep it reserved for me."
>>73666"There'll be some on stock, don't worry"
>>73667Iron nods. He walks out of the shop. He needs to find Cauldron. He remembers that the Watering Hole is somewhere nearby. He decides to look there, if he remembers where he is.
>>73665"What brings you to this city, Silver?"
>>73664"... How unfortunate.." Ash says, making awkward eye contact with the wolf
"... Say, I'm a bit of a veterinarian trainee. I would like to have a look at those burns, if you wouldn't mind."
>>73669"Work. Or, search of it."
>>73668I do have the shield on me, right?
>>73668Iron has a sense of where he is, as he has been here before, and East town is dominated by a few important avenues running straight north to South and East to West. He may go there
>>73670When as looks at rover, the wolf tries to bark, then whimpers, and moves its head away
"Hmmm, I'm not sure he likes you, but you can certainly take a look
The wolf definitely has room to move, which makes physical contact a bit difficult. There are three burned areas. There is significant swelling and skin that even looks like it has been charred. Some fur is burned right off, much has fallen off, some is loose, and some is falling off in the pool
>>73672If you want to carry around a big shield, I guess you can, it's just awkward
>>73671"I suppose I should be looking for the same. You have any leads yet?"
>>73675The light grey unicorn laughs. "That is funny, I am actually here to ask bartender...er, Onyx...about leads, myself."
>>73674Eh, he does not really care. As long as the shield has the police logo, it's okIron, shield strapped on his back, goes to the Watering Hole to see if he can convince Cauldron to buy one of the gold bricks for the gang.
>>73673*Walks up to Rover*
*Pets wolf*
>"Now now, don't fret"- she beams, rummaging through her spell components sack for herbs 'n shieet
She turns to the pony
"I can treat him, but it will take a while." she says to the poner
Onyx considers where he'd swap his bars for cash, and where he could use that cash to get what he wants.
>>73677He goes in, and it is kind of crowded. he doesn't see Cauldron there, and is about to give up. Then from behind him
"Iron!" the familiar voice exclaims, and the worried mare comes up to him. "You were at that event on the docks last night. I heard there was an explosion at the building we had been guarding after I left. Then somepony killed some police officers, and soldiers were called in. They say there was some sort of robbery there and more than a dozen were killed."
The exasperated mare hugs Iron
"I was worried you were dead. Thank goodness you're okay"
>>73679The wolf does not like the contact, whether because it is feral or because the area touched was sensitive
"Well, I don't know if I want to move him from here"
>>73676"You'd have to ask my boss, other than that I got nothing to help ya. Sorry"
>>73680Silver turns to ask Onyx if he knows about any leads into work, but stops when he notices him deep in thought. "Something on your mind?"
>>73682Figures I'd post at the same time you posted that.
>>73681Iron hugs back. "There is no need to worry about me, Cauldron. I actually have something interesting you might just like. But it has to be a quiet place. Anyplace that fits the description?"
>>73684it's how the ball rolls... I just didn't see your post at first. Sorry
>>73686It's fine. Let's just pretend Silver asked his second question after provided his response.
>>73685"Sure, there are rooms upstairs. The bar owner lets couples go up there at night for privacy."
As she goes with him, she says "They are blaming us for it, but I don't know anypony that would have done that. I think it was those Sunset police. They had a really vicious crackdown in Manehattan last month, they could do it here"
>>73688Iron stays silent until they both enter one of the rooms upstairs. "I know. Want to see what was stolen?" Iron leans closer to Cauldron, expecting an answer.
[1d20+9 = 14]>>73681Rolling to soothe the beast
(+2 familiarity)"Don't worry. I can take care of him right here." She replies
She casts Naturewatch to peer into the full extent of the animal's health and injuries
>>73682"I see. Well, I suppose I will keep up search." He raises the beer bottle up to his mouth, but he slowly lowers it back down when he sees Onyx deep in thought. "Something on your mind?"
>>73690She looks at him silently, then back away a little and sits down. He receives no answer, as the mare is left speechless
>>73691Rover is soothed in part. She can see that indeed the dog has both electrical and fire burns, some to the third degree into flesh
>>73694"Is that all you think about?"
>>73694He nods, and returns to his drink.
>"..Can't say I didn't warn you...."She casts Cure Minor Wounds to regenerate a bit of the skin/fur.
"He's a big boi... Just what were you intending to do with him?"
>>73695Onyx shrugs
"It is when I need food."
>>73693Iron cocks an eyebrow, but disregards it. "I have some stuff of great value here." He pulls out one of the gold bricks. "Got it by fighting through the crowd of ponies there. Ponies there had that same speech about equality and stuff at the bar. It was hidden in a chest on the ship, as well as a lot of guns."
>>73698"Yeah... all that food... but if you find anything Silver, we would be glad to help you out. I'm sure bartender here would want at least 50% of the cut though... if not more."
>>73697The spell does more than nothing, regenerating some of the more severely damaged flesh and muscle. But that is not readily apparent from the outside, where the animal is still visibly burned - though not nearly as critically
"I was going to keep him as a pet. I had a big dog when I was younger. I figured rover here might be worth trying to domesticate. It's not like he'll make a great coat with this kind of damage anyways"
>>73699"But the gunfight. The robbery.
Many ponies died"
>>73700"..." He looks from Spark, to Onyx, and back to Spark. "...It is joke, right? More than 50% for one pony?"
>>73701>Pet>".... Really..?""Dire Wolves aren't so easy to train as large dogs.. I hope you have experience in handling large animals."
>>73701Iron shrugs. "I was very beaten after that onslaught. I visited a doctor afterwards. Told me I almost died, and was very lucky that I even survived." Iron waves the gold brick around some more. "So, I have this and I want to give it out for some bits."
>>73702"Nope. I bet you he would. Though some might argue he does earn it. This guy is ridiculously strong."
>>73705He looks back at Onyx, trying to see if he can get a good idea of how strong he is just by looking at him.
>>73703"Oh I know that. I was looking for a challenge. When I was younger I would break horses, make them listen to commands. That was when i was a drill instructor in the Army"
>>73704She's still a little concerned
"Y-you're lucky to get out alive" She takes the brick. "That's a lot of gold you have there. Worth many bits. No wonder they" She pauses at the third person plural, 'they.' "They wanted to kill for it"
>>73707>ponies breaking horsesWat?
>>73707Iron scratches his side. "So, what do you think? How much is that thing?"
>>73707>I would break horses, make them listen to commands.>I would break horses>HorsesSister Ash's jaw drops to the ground, and she takes several steps back
"Y-you what?!"
>>73710Do you want to fight a possible slaver or something?
>>73709She holds it in her hoof, moving it up and down as if weighing it
"I don't think this is a bankmare's bullion brick. Looks like it's straight from a mine. the luster is definitely right for gold. Of course I can't tell you that there isn't just lead in the center. But this looks like at least 3000-5000 bits depending on the purity of the gold and the exact weight
>>73710>>73708>>73711"Breaking a horse" means training a horse. That's all the phrase means. To take a horse that otherwise would not listen, and make it able to be ridden or pull carts. When Ash asked about animal training, horses were the first thing that came to mind. But I realized that in this world, horses wouldn't work. Then I thought Buffalo, but that also doesn't work in the My Little Pony world. Then i thought cows, but those were sapient in an episode as well. So I thought fuck it, i will make a joke about training horses, but what he is referring to isn't like agricultural work, he's R Lee Ermey from Full Metal Jacket, but retired. He used to discipline new recruits and train them to be fit soldiers. It was a bad joke, mea culpa
>>73713Iron placed a hoof on his chin. "Do you know where I can sell this thing?"
And here I was getting ready to roll initiative..
>>73706I'm going out on a limb here, but I think the bartender fell back asleep at his job.
>>73713Fancy apology in Lingua Latina accepted.>>73716He chuckles a bit. "He sure does seem very...preoccupied, with money."
>>73717"Have you been here long?"
>>73713Sister Ash snaps out of her momentary paranoid confusion.
"Oh, that's fine then..."
[1d20+7 = 10]
Also, heal check on the dog
>>73721>Minimal trust with the dog. Gone to zero.
>>73714Because she isn't quite sure if Iron was a a part of a group that killed a dozen creatures, or if he is claiming that he was just there, and managed to grab the money in the confusion, she is still reacting as if Iron had released an unrestrained Changeling in the room before her
"I think I know a few who will do it, no questions asked"
>>73719reee>>73720Ash hits a sore area of the dog, causing it to whimper in pain
>>73723Iron smiles. "Great. You think I can meet with them? I want to sell this. It has no value in this current state and I want to increase my defense after that shit on the docks."
>>73718"No, I only got here yesterday. You?"
>>73725"About the same. This place is mad I tell you. Everypony wants somepony dead. It's crazy. Just keep an eye out if you try and go out alone."
>>73726Iron nods. "Alright, do you mind showing me the way? I surely can compensate." Iron leans closer, touching coats with the zebra. "It does not need to be just bits."
>>73731She's still just a little bit uncomfortable, and she walks past him, out of the room, and downstairs, then outside. Evidently she is complying
>>73730He nods. "Tensions are high here. Communist rebels, Restorationist sympathizers, New Mareland occupiers. It is powder keg." He finishes off his beer with one last drink. "It has been long time since I was part of group. But I may just have to, if I am to survive."
>>73734She whispers
"Are the police going to be coming after you?"
[1d20+7 = 26]>>73723"Sorry, boy. This is going to sting."
>>73733"I am in the same boat. I may know a group... but it may not be ideal for you."
>>73736And though it may sting, Ash is able to clean the wounds, as the pony had attempted earlier, then treat them with cream, and then patch them as necessary
>>73737He raises an eyebrow and leans in towards him, interested in what he has to say.
>>73738*Pets wolf*
>"..Good boy.."
>>73735Iron shrugs and whispers. "I do not know. Maybe." Iron then notices her uncomfortable expression. "Like I said, you do not need to worry." Iron strokes her mane. "I will not be detained even if they send all of the city on me."
>>73740"It's sad that these big fellas keep running into ponies so often.. They're endangered you know."
>>73741Hey GM, what's the racial bonus of a zebra for this game?
>>73743Probably +2 to alchemy, like gnomes.
>>73739I lower my voice as to not have anypony else hear in. "I know this new recruit to the Blackhooves Party around here. He loves to hire help and is very generous with bits. I'm not fond of the occupation, don't get me wrong, but their targets so far are worse then they are."
>>73745Hearing that it's work from the Black Hooves gives him pause for a few seconds, but he eventually nods, keeping his voice low like Spark's. "I may not like these Black Hooves all that much, but as long as my contract is fulfilled, I will remain loyal to it."
>>73746"Glad to hear it. I'll make sure it is worth your while. I gave up my pay to get this lazy bartender his demanded share. I'll do it again if they don't get you a fair share."
>>73748"Hmm. Well, if you can put word in with this recruit, I will certainly consider this offer."
>>73741"You think you could fight them all off?"
She looks concerned
>>73743Because no player has asked to play a zebra, I never made a racial template. Same with Changelings. I think they would have something similar to Earth Ponies, probably with benefits to alchemy.
>>73740The wolf is still a little concerned by Ash
>>73748lolno, you gave it to me.
>>73751He gave the exact same piece of gold away twice to two separate ponies. He's like a Native American selling things
>>73749"I was hoping he would be here by now."
>>73751Both of you took it.
[1d20+9 = 15]>>73750>"..What is it now?"
>>73750"If not that, I can always just leave the city, let the heat blow off with time, and come back." Iron is still smiling. "But I am sure that I can handle these puny ponies after some upgrades on my person. If you want, I wil tell you when I leave if you are so worried about me."
>>73753"Who is this recruit you speak of, anyhow?"
>>73757"Well, it's best if you meet him. And he has quite the marefriend too. Lucky devil. They will fill you in better than I can."
>>73758He nods, wondering if this recruit and his marefriend are the ponies he met in the bar late last night.
>>73754He just doesn't like Ash, and will take some time to be more friendly
>>73756"It's not that..."
She looks away for a moment
"I joined the gang because I wanted the camaraderie, and because my brother's business wasn't making enough money to support us. I've broken many legs. I've hit beaten many ponies. I've seen a storekeeper shot, but..." She looks at him
"Twenty... twenty four dead. That's a whole elementary school class."
>>73760"Woof?" says the doggo (still unnamed)
>>73761"Woof woof!" says Rover
>>73762*Ducks down playfully*
"Woof, ruff, woof!"
>>73763"Ruff ruff!" Rover ducks down in kind
>>73760Iron cocks an eyebrow. "That is a quite specific image. I understand how you feel. No mare should ever witness such a battlefield." Iron watches forward. "You joined your group because of... camaraderie? What do you mean by that?"
>>73759"So, how has life been treating you lately?"
>>73764Doggo starts chasing his tail.
>>73765"I mean it's a sense of belonging. Of friendship. You get to know many of the ponies you work with in the gang, and it's a good feeling to know that many would go to jail for you, and you'd do the same for them"
>>73767Rover tries to chase his own tail.... but is caught by his chain
>>73768"Awww.. a bug boi like you shouldn't be chained up like that.." Sister Ash says, sympathetically
>>73766"I am here. New city, new beginning. It is something."
>>73768Iron smiles. "I see. It seems your gang is honorable... at least many of them are. Are you sure you can trust every single one? I basically got the job with you because I intimidated the capo into submission."
>>73771"New beginning huh? Was your old life something to escape, or was it taken from you?"
>>73769>bug boy
I am so tempted to have the dog say "how the fuck did you know I was a Changeling*whimpering sounds*
>>73772"Well... many of them do more, shall we say.... "dirty" work than just gambling or high interest loans. But I don't think they would they would sell us out to the DA, if that is what you are asking"
>>73773"Little of both. Had no home after Great War. Had no path. I have been out there since, surviving day by day, looking for new path." He sighs sadly. "I hope I can find one."
>>73775"Did you have anything before the war?"
>>73774Iron shakes his head. "I do not know if camaraderie is that. Nevertheless, I have not come to judge the gang you are in. How far until we reach the meeting spot?"
>>73774*Pets doggo*
Okay, i'm going to have to go to bed now. I worked all day, and I'm exhausted. I'll continue the dialogue some other time.
>>73777"But you are in it too now."
And now she grows suspicious, and stops
you working for the police?"
>>73780"No." Iron says flatly. "Why should I tie myself up with the law of this place?"
>>73779"Well, I'm not sure about setting up a home here if you are looking to do that, but maybe you can find that new path here. I hope it will lead you somewhere you would like to go."
>>73781She must be satisfied with this answer, because she continues walking
"In answer to your earlier question, there are several places to sell gold for money. Technically you could even exchange it for paper at a bank. But under the circumstances.... There is only one place I trust not to report it to the police. Down here"
She walks now to a location somewhat near the docks
a part of the seaport decently south of the events of the night before. There is a griffin outside
"We have something to sell" Cauldron says
>>73783Iron just stands next to her, looking at the door.
>>73784The griffin responds in a very heavy accent. "And what have you to sell."
"Gold ingots"
Alight, this way. They go inside the building, which must be a shop of some sort, and a white griffin sits at a table
Cauldron says to Iron: "Alright, show him what you want to sell"
>>73782He smiles, thankful for some pleasant company to chat with. "As do I."
>>73785Iron takes out the two gold bricks from his hide armor.
>>73787The griffin takes it right out of his hand, and looks at it under a magnifying glass. Then he takes the ingot and weights it, and then places it in a water displacement. The griffin says something in some foreign language to the first griffin.
"He says it is real gold, and the measurements on the bricks are accurate. We will give you 4000 for each ingot"
>>73788Iron prods Cauldron on her side and whispers. "Hey, think you can increase the price? Your skills with loansharking should increase the profit of these bars."
>>73786Well, Dark Star was supposed to be here by now... I was kind of relying on him to give us something to do...
>>73789She whispers super damned softly into Iron's ear. "Gold is one of those items where every brick is more or less the same as any other. Gold is gold.. The price is basically set by the government, because they base their money off of it. I suspect this brick is worth 4200 bits at a bank. The price difference is because these griffins know it is stolen and they know we can't just waltz into a bank with this. What they haven't guessed is where it was stolen from. If they knew that, the price would drop real quick"
>>73791Iron nods, understanding the situation. "Very well, I accept the payment." He says to the griffon.
>>73792The griffin counts out money, and hands it to Iron
"8000 bits in Paper Gold certificates for both ingots, here you go"
>>73793Does he give me the normal bit payment or am I being given some check or something?
>>73794"Gold certificate" is what paper money is called in a system that uses a gold standard. "Silver Certificate" is the name if the paper money is backed by silver, "bank note" if the bank itself is backing it, and "federal reserve note" is the technical term for United States paper money. It's just paper money
>>73795>>73793Iron takes the Paper Gold certificates and motions Cauldron to follow. He then exits the building.
>>73796And thus she follows. Where to now?
>>73797Iron turns to Cauldron. "Where do I even go with these things and turn them into actual bits?"
>>73798"That's money. You can pay it anywhere. If you prefer coins, you can exchange them at a bank"
>>73799Iron stares intently at the money. "I guess." Iron then separates some of the money and passes the equivalent fo 1500 bits to Cauldron. "Here. You earned it." The rest he stores it in his bit pouch.
>>73800She takes the money, with great surprise on her face
"Why... Thank you"
>>73802"I told you I would compensate for your troubles." Iron plants one of his forelegs around Cauldron's back. "You are a good mare, Cauldron. I will be going to Jungle Rush to buy that armor. If you want, you can follow. Maybe end things at one of the rooms of the bar if you so please."
>>73803"I guess I can help yo with your... sporting goods shopping" she laughs
>>73804"Alright." Iron starts going to the Jungle Rush.
>>73805"What are you buying equipment for?"
>>73806"I plan on being a little more threatening to ponies. Maybe I can actually get away with pushing around rival gangs and stealing their goods." Iron laughs, then points at the shield on his back. "In combination with this and maybe some adjustments to my hide armor
Meaning turning from hide armor (medium) to leather (light) I could probably walk in a police station and take all their guns while they cannot do anything about it." Iron laughs harder, then ponders. "If you need some pony to rough up, I will be there. You do not have to pay me, but it is appreciated."
>>73807She looks at him
"What is it you want to get out of all of this? I mean your time here, in the city?"
>>73808"I simply seek riches and renown. That is why I am here and not where my tribe is." He simply states. "It is the process of maturity everypony in my tribe has to do to participate in important decisions for the tribe. You make a name of yourself here and brings all the goods you can carry back to the tribe and you will be respected."
>>73809"Well, the gang is where a lot of ponies go to seek riches and renown. There's something special in being a 'made mare.' ponies will talk to you different, give you free things. But do understand, not all of us are here because we wanted to get ahead in life. For some of us, we didn't have much other choice"
>>73811"That is what every single pony says in this town so far. I guess it is fair for you since you seem to take care of your father, which I assume is very old to take care of himself, but for some ponies, they just do not want to go out with just their hooves and explore the world around them, out of the safety of their houses, where even then they feel threatened most of the time by others anyways." Iron looks at Cauldron. "They are afraid to seek opportunity elsewhere. Remember those ponies at a bar? They seemed competent enough to venture out and gain the riches they want, but they decide to just stand there, complaining about their lives and how unfair it is for them." Iron shakes his head. "If they only knew the true freedom that they have out of these walls."
>>73812"I think those ponies wanted to over throw the government or something.... Well, I'm glad that you are out doing something with your life. Trying to put your special talents to use. I... Well, loansharking is fine work. It certainly pays well, and I like it well enough. But I'd rather work with chemicals"
>>73813Iron smiles "I still remember that tonic you did for me. It was kind of you and made me feel better." Iron ponders for a bit. "Why do you not open up a shop to sell whatever chemicals you create?"
>>73814"Well, you need to pay rent, make sure you have enough customers to cover expenses, probably hire help. And then there is the city with its regulations. And gangs want 'protection money'... I help my brother when I can"
>>73815"So the city is weighting you down." Iron is somewhat saddened by this. "It is quite bad in here for quality work to be sold what they are owed." Iron shakes his head. "What did your brother do again? I think you told me at the doctor after our job, but I do not seem to remember."
>>73817"My brother operates the family business of a restaurant. We make food in the traditional Zebrican style. My dad set it up after he retired from the Merchant Marine. He's a little old now. I will do cooking sometimes, helping with sauces especially. Business is sort of so so. Quite a few ponies are curious about foreign tastes, and the Zebras like the reminder of home. But there are many restaurants, and often many expenses"
>>73818"I see. Maybe I could go there sometime." Iron looks ahead, seeing how far they are from Jungle Rush. "But I need some directions to get there. This place is like a maze to me."
>>73819"But don't you see? We're here"
As they talked, they edged closer to the Jungle Rush
"Back I see" says the yellow Earth pony at the counter with his thick New Mareland accent
>>73820Iron furrows his brow. "I meant the restaurant," he says to Cauldron. He turns to the earth pony. "I am back for that full armor you were selling. Any information about the special variants?"
>>73821She laughs. "I'll take you there some time"
The stallion says "We have the full set of banded steel for 1500. 1650 if you want a slightly more agile set. We have those in Titanium and Tungsten, which make them lighter and tougher respectively, but that's put you over 10,000 bits. Depending on your tastes, I might recommend a single titanium plate for your chest with ballistic nylon sleeves and under armor. Enchant it with some magic, and it'll cost you 5200 bits, but it won't be slowing you down in battle, and it'll give you almost the protection of the banded steel"
Okay, seriously. Look at the https://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Armor list. Those are the ACs, pay attention to speed, and if you click on types of armor, you can see what the permutations cost
>>73822"What magic enchantment are we talking about here?" Iron seems confused.
>>73823"Just a basic strengthening spell, permanently added to the plate to make it a bit tougher. Not that other options don't exist, depending on what you're looking for"
>>73822Could you explain me in terms of armors on this wiki the options available? Give me just simple comparisons. I guess Mithryl and Adamanatine and Titanium and Tungsten respectively and the single titanium plate is actually the half-plate or the banded mail, but I want to be sure statwise.
>>73825Pretty much anything on the wiki is an option, in basically any combination. Anything you can get your character that he can actually afford, I will transform into a setting appropriate form. The titanium plate is actually Breastplate, which is the most advanced medium armor. If you take it in Mithryl, then Breastplate is a light armor, which means that it allows you to keep the full 30ft per round and not just 20ft. I guess that would mean more if you were playing a class limited to light armor like a rogue. Or if your character needed to retain the ability to fly.
>>73824>>73826"I would like to take the full armor plate made of simple steel. Before I give you the money, I ask two questions: Can I upgrade my steel into Tungsten later on and can you lighten my hide armor? I do not mind if you need to trim a lot of it, just make it lighter."
>>73827"You'll need to get basically a new suit if you want to replace the steel with Tungsten. As for the hide armor, well, it won't be much use
over the plate, but you can have it as an aesthetic, or as a sort of shock absorber under the armor"
>>73828Iron huffs in dissapointment. "I cannot do that. I need something lighter to absorb the hits when the full plate is not enough. If not, it'll drain my stamina. While I do not mind short term, it is going to cause problems in the long run when I need every bit of strength I get."
Maybe leather should do it? *wink wink* Also, I'm being this way because it will become medium load,
and it's not good I think
>>73829"just don't wear the hide, and wear the overlapping plates with a standard nylon under armor"
>>73831"I will take one of those under armors then as well as the full plate. Name the cost and it will be paid." Iron ponders for a bit. "Maybe cut the hide so I can adorn the headplate with the wolf's head for aesthetic reasons."
Which I hope it doesn't add more than 1lbs maximum
>>73832"Well, it's all a part of the same suit, but we can do so, 1500 for the suit. 1650 if you want a slightly more agile version"
>>73833Iron gives the bits necessary for the fullplate (which I guess that is from +8 to +10) and the wolf head decoration for his helmet.
>>73834*standard fullplate
>>73834It is so. the stallion was able to trim the Wolf's head and have it sewn on
>>73836Iron, satisfied, puts on his fullplate, to feel inside the armor, see how much it protects him.
aka what is the AC of the fullplate exactly "What do you think, Cauldron? You think the animals will run away when they see me?"
>>73837+8"Well, if they don't, you won't be needing to run away from them"
>>73838"True" Iron laughs. "Well, do you want to go to the Watering Hole for some last drinks? I picked up some work while we did not see eachother."
Alright, just respond to the request and leave to bed. I'll go to sleep after your response
>>73839"We could, certainly, and you can tell me all about it. Though you should try my brother's restaurant some time. He makes a nice sourdough bread"
>>73840"Sure thing. I am looking forward to it." Iron starts walking towards the Watering Hole, Cauldron in tow.
Ok, for real, I'm going to sleep. Night
How much money is a wounded, untrained Dire wolf worth?
>>73465>>73466>>73472How is this a rebuff? It looks to me like playful banter.
>>73843I think I might want to buy this wolf off and bring him to the pack down South. He's an endangered species, and I kind of feel bad for hitting him with lightning.
Also a good excuse to return to the place in the forest where I was supposed to meet Iron.
I was practicing creature advancement, so I made a Timbur Wolf. Pls r8.
Size/Type:Large Plant (Augmented Animal)
Hit Dice:6d8+25 (67 hp)
Speed:50 ft. (10 squares)
Armor Class: 21 (–1 size, +3 Dex, +9 natural), touch 13, flat-footed 18
Base Attack/Grapple:+4/+19
Attack:Bite +14 melee (1d8+15)
Full Attack:Bite +14 melee (1d8+15)
Space/Reach:10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks:Trip, Spell-like abilities
Special Qualities:Low-light vision, scent, Fast Healing 3, Damage Reduction 10/Magic and Slashing, Grapple Bonus, Plant Traits, Cold Resistance 10, Electricity Resistance 10, Tremorsense
Saves:Fort +10, Ref +8, Will +6
Abilities:Str 31, Dex 17, Con 21, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 14
Skills:Hide +1, Listen +7, Move Silently +5, Spot +7, Survival +2*
Feats:Alertness, Run, TrackB, Weapon Focus (bite)
Environment: Everfree Forest
Organization:Solitary or pack (5–8)
Challenge Rating: 5
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Usually neutral
Advancement:7–18 HD (Large)
Level Adjustment: +8 (cohort)
A Timbur Wolf's natural weapons are treated as magic weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
Trip (Ex): A timbur wolf that hits with a bite attack can attempt to trip its opponent (+14 check modifier) as a free action without making a touch attack or provoking an attack of opportunity. If the attempt fails, the opponent cannot react to trip the timbur wolf.
Grapple Bonus (Ex): The thorny hooks on a Timber Wolf's teeth, body and claws grant it a +4 bonus on grapple checks.
Spell-Like Abilities: At will - entangle, pass without trace, speak with plants; 1/day - wall of thorns. Caster level equals Timbur Wolf Hit Dice; save DC 10 + spell level + Timbur Wolf's Charisma modifier.
Tremorsense (Ex): Timbur Wolf can automatically sense the location of anything within 60 feet that is in contact with the ground.
Plant Traits:
Immunity to all mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects).
Immunity to poison, sleep effects, paralysis, polymorph, and stunning.
Not subject to critical hits.
Skills: *A Timbur Wolf creature gains a +16 racial bonus on Hide and Move Silently checks made in forested areas.
A Timbur Wolf has a +2 racial bonus on Hide, Listen, Move Silently, and Spot checks.
*It also has a +4 racial bonus on Survival checks when tracking by scent.
>>73846It smells a bit OP, but maybe I'm wrong.
>>73846That's actually supposed to have 54 hp...
I had another one that had a base CR of 6, for the alpha version. This was actually my original plan. It's only CR 6 because I didn't increase the hit dice, but it can be advanced pretty simply after this point.
Size/Type:Large Plant (Augmented Animal)
Hit Dice:6d8+42 (66 hp)
Speed:50 ft. (10 squares)
Armor Class: 26 (–1 size, +3 Dex, +14 natural), touch 13, flat-footed 18
Base Attack/Grapple:+4/+19
Attack:Bite +14 melee (2d6+15 plus 1d6 Acid)
Full Attack:Bite +14 melee (2d6+15 plus 1d6 Acid)
Space/Reach:10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks:Trip, Spell-like abilities
Special Qualities:Low-light vision, scent, Fast Healing 3, Damage Reduction 10/Magic and Slashing, Grapple Bonus, Plant Traits, Cold Resistance 10, Electricity Resistance 10, Tremorsense, Immunity to Acid
Saves:Fort +12, Ref +8, Will +6
Abilities:Str 31, Dex 17, Con 25, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 14
Skills:Hide +1, Listen +7, Move Silently +5, Spot +7, Survival +2*
Feats:Alertness, Run, TrackB, Weapon Focus (bite), Improved Natural Attack (bite)
Environment:Temperate forests
Organization:Solitary or pack (5–8)
Challenge Rating: 6
Treasure: Standard
Alignment:Always neutral
Advancement:7–18 HD (Large)
Level Adjustment: +8 (cohort)
A Timbur Wolf's natural weapons are treated as magic weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
Trip (Ex): A timbur wolf that hits with a bite attack can attempt to trip its opponent (+14 check modifier) as a free action without making a touch attack or provoking an attack of opportunity. If the attempt fails, the opponent cannot react to trip the timbur wolf.
Acidic Attack (Ex): An Alpha Timber Wolf's bite attack deals an extra 1d6 points of acid damage per 4 HD of the alpha (maximum 5d6).
Grapple Bonus (Ex): The thorny hooks on a Timber Wolf's teeth, body and claws grant it a +4 bonus on grapple checks.
Spell-Like Abilities: At will - entangle, pass without trace, speak with plants; 1/day - wall of thorns. Caster level equals Timbur Wolf Hit Dice; save DC 10 + spell level + Timbur Wolf's Charisma modifier.
Ill-Tempered (Ex): Handle Animal checks involving a an Alpha Timbur Wolf take a –4 penalty, since Timber Wolves are more difficult to control than normal animals or even dire animals.
Improved Natural Healing (Ex): A Timber Wolf's body heals naturally at three times the normal rate, recovering 3 hit points per Hit Die with a full night’s rest. (Remember when AJ smashed them, but they just reassembled after she left?)
Tremorsense (Ex): Timbur Wolf can automatically sense the location of anything within 60 feet that is in contact with the ground.
Plant Traits:
Immunity to all mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects).
Immunity to poison, sleep effects, paralysis, polymorph, and stunning.
Not subject to critical hits.
Skills: *A Timbur Wolf gains a +16 racial bonus on Hide and Move Silently checks made in forested areas.
A Timbur Wolf has a +2 racial bonus on Hide, Listen, Move Silently, and Spot checks.
*It also has a +4 racial bonus on Survival checks when tracking by scent.
>>73847Idk, I didn't think it was that powerful compared to Winter Wolves and similar creatures. I think the CR adjustment was appropriate.
The monster detailed in
>>73848 is actually a creature that should probably have a few hit dice added to it to advance it for later game.
My ideal for advancement was something similar to a Nessian Warhound, only with recovery abilities instead of the breath weapon, and an acidic bite instead of fire.
It's actually the result of the application of two popular templates, with CR adjustment taken into account.
https://www.realmshelps.net/monsters/templates/greenbound.shtmlhttp://eberronunlimited.wikidot.com/horrid-animalPic related.
>>73849Well, it seems to be viable.
Did I miss anything while I was out?
>>73848I guess the Damage Reduction being trumped by slashing weapons and the relatively High AC make it a pretty difficult encounter, since bullets simply wouldn't work on it (it is made of logs though, so what would you expect?), but none of those features should raise it's AC past 6.
Your best bet to fight one would be to get the Fighter a +1 sword/axe, or just fuck it up with fire spells.
Timber Wolves are one of the most badass monsters in the mlp universe, imo. Making them a 6-and-up encounter feels justified.
Also, the utter lack of plant type creature in the 1st monster manual so is boring. The other two manuals added a few though, they even included the green bound template, which was the basis for the timber wolf.
>>73852*Nothing to raise it's CR past 6
>>73851I sold my two gold ingots for 8000 bits and am currently going to the bar with Cauldron. (No not the bar you are. The Watering Hole, at the docks.)
>>73854>8000 Bits...It might actually have been worthwhile to explore that ship.
>>73855Keep in mind I had two because Onyx and I were greedy fucks. One of them is just 4000 bits.
>>73856I know, but 4000 is still a shitton.
>>73857If I were lucky, I would have taken like 4 of those bricks and buy the tungsten fullplate armor. It's just so tempting to do that, but there will be next time.
>>73857It's okay for a lvl 5 character.
Most of the monsters you'd face are now going to have special attacks and damage reduction. You want a magick weapon, armor, and as many healing potions as you can carry.
>>73859>It's okayThe more you talk about the way the economy works in these kinds of games, the more I feel like they're unbalanced to hell and back.
>>73860Oh, tell me about it.
I've played an Artificer: I know very well how fucking absurdly expensive magical equiptment is at every level.
(which is partly why I wanted to be ascetic in this run, since keeping inventory was a pain and a half)
>>73861Does the common fighter also suffer in terms of spending for gear?
>>73862No, actually. Wizards and the like spend considerably more for their spell components, even moreso if they're responsible for creating items for the party.
Most fighter equiptment boils down to weapons, armor, and potions, along with miscellaneous stat-boosting items.
>>73863Oh, I guess it's easier to manage or buy my stuff. Would you save a lot of money if you picked Eschew materials?
>>73864No. Eschew materials only helps with components that do not have a specific cost. Retrieving a stored item is a move action that provokes attacks of opportunity, so mages can get skullfucked when reaching into their fanny packs for herbs 'n shieet.
>>73865Oh. Well, is it at least good for potion brewers?
>>73866Potions have a set price.
Certain feats, like Extrordinary Artisan, may reduce the costs of item creation just slightly.
>>73867Well that sucks. And here I thought it was decent. Well, what do you plan to do with that timberwolf template? You can't just magic the wolf you summoned out of existence for the timberwolf without recharging.
>>73868I only made the timber wolf as a practice.
If you have the Green bound Summoner fest though, you can summon animals with that template
(which I want to take, because it goes so well with Ashbound).
>>73869>Green bound Summoner festYou mean Greenbound summoning? I think you need to have a level 4 casting ability for that to work. Unless you don't want them to be plant types.
>>73870It only requires creatures to be able to cast Summon Nature's Ally.
>>73871Oh ok. Say, what do you plan to do with that dog who you burned as Ash apart from simple healing?
>>73872Buy it off and relocate it the pack in the south.
>>73873Coolsies. I wonder where will the GM take us. Maybe we will do shady stuff to test our good and evil allegiances before we go to more isolated areas.
>>73874I still have to liberate those foals trapped in the cannery, find Ollie, donate this gold, and part ways with the abby.
>>73875Right. Don't forget to seek me. I don't think I can find you if I had to look for you. Maybe I could ask the town folk if it's impossible.
>>73874Well, there's still communists about, and Iron, Ash, and all of their party knows now that the changelings have infiltrated the Baltimare communists to at least some degree.
>>73878That's what it seems, anyways. Who knows? Maybe we find out that the changelings themselves are the ones who created the commie movement to cause strife on griffon colonies.
>>73879As far as I know, in the actual mod, there's a communist movement in Baltimare in the same vein as Stalliongrad, with the goal of establishing an independent "Mare Republic" and eventually founding the South Equestrian Socialist Republics after taking control of the southern forests and jungles.
>>73880Forgot to add in the name field.
Is it just me, or are the posts from this thread on showing up in the latest posts list?
>>73882That's what it should show. We are more active than most other threads due to the nature of this thread.
>>73883I can't see a single post on the list from this thread.
>>73884Oh. Well, if I had to guess, mlpol is the main board and every thread has many people who wish to participate. Let me check after this is posted if I can screenshot that we can appear on latest posts.
>>73885Strange, you're right. I can't see my answer even if I refreshed about 5-6 times.
>>73887Well, I guess I can do a rolecall.
Who is here at the moment?
>>73888Me, obviously. Also checked.
>>73888I’m here. Also checked.
I'll probably have dinner here in a few minutes, if I end up disappearing on you guys.
>>73890>>73889>>73891Peculiar, the GM hasn't responded. Strange. He may be thinking some mission to pair us up again.
>>73841Alright, and thus they go
>>73848>>73846I'll be sure to throw a pack at the party
>>73851Nothing New in the West. Iron bought some armor, Ash found a guy who has a new dog
>>73844Well, it's not a yes, and looked like a "I don't really want to do that with you now, maybe after I know you better"
>>73894Iron walks to the Watering Hole with Cauldron, his shield and fullplate armor clanking as he goes. "This thing is loud. Good thing I do not want subtlety." Iron laughs.
>>73895"You may want to rethink that philosophy," says the sleek and slender Black Cauldron. "Better to go unnoticed than to attract the wrong attention"
The bar is fairly crowded, but there is space for two
>>73896Iron goes to the space available and sits there. "For you it is true. But like I said, I look for renown. And renown does not come with subtlety."
>>73897"Then you came to the right place. This is one of the few places left where a strong individual can get ahead by force and brutality alone" She sits next to him
>>73898"Order what you drink. I can handle it." Iron lays back slightly. "My new mission is a bit... contradictory with the job we did together. It is not shaking people down for money, but for information. I am currently going to storm a 'cah-neh-rie', whatever that is, to find a lost child. The pay is meager, but storming a place full of ponies is bound to attract attention, which I want for further contact opportunities."
>>73899>>73899She seems uncertain about the offer at first, but orders a beer
"You are looking for a lost child?" she says
>>73900"Yes. I do not know any more details other than that." Iron takes a sip and grimaces a bit. "The only other thing I know is that me and the employer are going to a 'cah-neh-rie' where she thinks the foal is located. I have not gathered much info. Figured it is an easy but loud job."
>>73902"It is the kind of job that spreads around as a rumor. Ponies will gossip about how this pony cladden in armor with a wolf head on its helmet found a child that was previously lost to them. That is what I mean." Iron sips the beer again, a little more than before.
>>73903She stares for a moment, then says, "you want to be like a fairy tale knight, don't you? Something the parents tell the children to give them a sense of wonder"
>>73904Iron chuckles. "I know. It sounds corny. But I think there is something bigger the employer is not telling me. After all, she picked me for my strength, not for charm or way with words." Iron sips again. "Ugh, I swear these ponies serve poison in here."
>>73905That's why it is for holding and not drinking.
>>73905"Nopony ever accused the Watering Hole of serving great alcohol."
She turns to him and places a hoof over his shoulder. "So.... what can you tell me about this job or this employer?"
>>73894>"I don't really want to do that with you now, maybe after I know you better"thats not what it was at all.
>>73908Well, she may have gone home that night, but she hasn't died or left the city
>>73907"The job I already told you. I go to a 'cah-neh-rie' and fetch some colt or filly or whatever. The employer is quite an oddity. It is a soft-spoken mare that has some features of dragons and tigers like scales and a thick hides around the neck." Iron ponders. "I remember she called herself a 'kee-reen' and was part of a religious group. She is so sweet and gentle too. Makes me remember of the mares back at the tribe." Iron giggles, a bit lightheaded. He downs the drink fully, not leaving a drop. "I told you I could handle the drink. But do not order another, the taste is horrible."
>>73910Alright, Dark Star may speak to her or act as she leaves the Tavern after she comes to the conclusion that Silver is a loyalty risk.
I would have RPed all of that if it weren't 4:00 AM at the time and the information she was seeking from Silver wasn't exactly the same as he told the bartender
>>73912Can it wait a bit? i need to go take some cough Syrup and a warm shower.
>>73913Yes, I will be away from keyboard for most of the easily night anyways
>>73911Cauldron giggles. “And what is this mare offering you for this job? I can’t imagine that you decided to take the job after thinking, out of the blue, that you wanted to be a fairy tale knight”
>>73914"Well, to be fair, she is quite cute. So cute that I feel like helping her, you know? It is a great catch to find a mare like her these days." Iron leans his body against Cauldron "She is just so pure and gentle. It will be a great childbearer and I want to be the one who obtains the luxury of giving her children." Iron nuzzles Cauldron on the neck. "Not that I considered you too. If you were not filled with so many responsabilities like your family and this gang, I would probably take you to one of the rooms upstairs and show you a good night on the bed." Iron giggles some more, stroking Cauldron's mane.
"Apart from that, the reason of renown still stands. I think she will face a big fight soon, and I want to be part of it."
>>73914Back"Blue where are you Going? we Should Rent a Room."
>>73915Cauldron pulls away her hoof from Iron, and pushes away his nuzzling face. The anger in her face and voice is readily apparent
Excuse me?”
>>73916Blue has stood up from her seat and has an expression of disappointment and frustration. Though her rump is turned to Dark Star, she looks over and says
“I have work in the morning...”
>>73917Iron is confused. "What is the matter?" He blinks slower than usual, not understanding the situation.
Are you shitting me?!”
>>73919Iron's ears fold by the sheer noise of the shout. "What was that for?"
>>73916>>73918>>73917>>73919I guess they don't lie when they say anon has no relationship skills. I hope it works out... eventually.
>>73917"oh, have a good night then."
Dark Star Has the same emotions on his face.
>>73921I think it may be helpful for the cannery mission, since the Waterfront Gang owns it and shiet.
>>73923Please refer to
>>73921And read very carefully.
>>73921to be fair you have to have a high iq to have a lack of of relationship skills
Dark Star walks over and kisses her
>>73929I think GM has gone AFK for the time being.
>>73931He may be also trying to think of the consequences of this long term. I don't know. Although your plan makes a little sense if you think about it, I don't think it was expected to say the least. I think he was giving us a little break before the action picks up, especially how he mentioned that neither you or Dark Star has got the mare yet. Just how I am seeing the situation though.
>>73932I believe this is downtime too. Kinda just dropped the "I like you, but I like someone else more" bullshit after she was giving signals of care, which Iron really likes in a pony. He felt a bit frustrated by that. Or maybe she is upset by the "I take you to bed and fuck you" since she feels like an object and not a pony because she did talk about camaraderie aka she is an idealist in terms of relationships, meaning more mushy mushy "I love you to the ends of the earth" kind of romance. Also >drunk=stupid
>>73933I am very curious as to how it turns out. Something tell me though, it won't end in the most ideal spot.
>>73934>Something tell me though, it won't end in the most ideal spot.Probably not.
>>73935>>73934I don't think she will strike me unless I strip myself of my armor, unless she wants a broken hoof. But basically she is fucked emotionally and there is a very low chance to repair it.
>>73936She doesn't exactly have to... she could report you to the police after all. You might be a bit more boned than you have anticipated if you don't think this through.
>This IronXCauldron drama
Shit, I thought Onyx with 5 charisma would be the first to fuck up like this.
>>73937There's no way for that to happen. She would be a hypocrite for that shit, after all "no snitch policy" and she is involved since she has 1500 bits of that purchase that I have given her. So yeah, it's pointless for her to do that unless she becomes suicidal or something.
>>73938It's on purpose. Somewhat.
>>73939Don't underestimate the GM. He can pull the strings to make something happen if you don't play it carefully. You are in a crowded bar. Maybe somepony there puts two and two together. Who knows?
>>73940The purpose of suicide by zeeb?
*treats wolf*
"Poor boy... You're just lonely aren't you.."
>>73941I'm not. I just pointed out that the GM should not use Cauldron herself as a conflict-maker. Or a snitch. Maybe this is more plausible, maybe have some of Cauldron's friends from her gang come and try to beat me up or worse, shoot me for angering her.
>>73942Eh, it's not THAT suicidal. At least not that much. Oh, you are all giving me so many possibilities of consequences. Maybe in jealousy, she sends a hitmare at all kirin I come across in an attempt to shit on me. I sure did open a giant floodgate of consequences. Let's see what he picks, if I do not defuse the situation of course.
>>73943"All alone in the woods with no pack..."
*Brushes gently*
>>73938Oh hey, you're here.
>>73941>>73947>>73946Maybe you should resume the conversation at the tavern you all are.
>>73949Got it.
>>73947"Bartender. Another drink for my friend, Silver, on me."
I pay the bartender, tipping one bit as always.
[1d20+1 = 14]
Rolling to appraise gold bars
>>73951He raises his eyebrows at Spark, smiling a little. "Well, thank you, friend."
>>73952I suggest you don't try to catch the GM's attention. I think I screwed something in the narrative and the GM needs to improvise with the bullshit I threw on the table. I guess it's a good roll to increase value by 150%.
>>73954I was only rolling, because I was considering cutting it, to offer some of it to the farmer.
I want to bring this wolf to the pack down South. I wouldn't be a very good Druid if I failed to do that.
>>73954It will be ok. Just think through what you say and work it out in character. You will do fine.
>>73953"Anytime. So, where are you from originally?"
>>73954i fucked up a bit too.
>knows that feel
>>73957"It depends. You mean from where I was before now, or from where I was born?"
>>73959"Which ever you feel like you can discuss with us. I don't mean to make you uncomfortable."
>>73954My phone doesn't have the capacity to view more than 50 posts at?
Can I get a quick rundown?
>>73958lolno, this has worse connotations than
>no pussyhere. We're talking about a criminal enemy whose emotions are in havoc due to Iron's Stonehead and lack of emotional awareness here. I really hope she goes on a tirade after a storm off since then she could basically explain what is wrong with what Iron had said.
>>73961Basically I told Cauldron "u sexy mare. i could fuck u but there is someone more worth than my dick and feefees"
>>73962*more worthy of my dick
>>73960He waves the sentiment off. "Ah, it is alright. Nothing for me to hide. I used to live near Manehattan, but I was born in Severyana. Though you would probably know it better as Stalliongrad."
That had to piss her off.
>>73966"Ah. A mighty long journey to get here then. What's it like there?"
>>73968"I did not live in Manehattan itself. I lived out in countryside, in house I built myself. It was nice place, and I have many good memories of it." He turns towards the counter leaning over it. "But Severyana? It has been so long, but from what I remember back then..." He lets out a long, forlorn sigh. "...it makes what it is now a tragedy."
>>73969"The takeover of that region was a shame. If only the princess didn't let it fall. The whole thing was handled so poorly. I guess looking back, this whole war was the result of stress proving too much for the royalty to correctly address each issue."
I pause a moment.
"Sorry. I guess I got side tracked there."
>>73970He once again waves it off. "It is fine, I understand."
>>73971"I'm glad you have made it this far, but what drove you here? I am new around these parts, so I don't know if this is the go-to place for work or not."
>>73972"I am mercenary. I go where work is most likely to be found. I may not like all options available, but there are plenty of opportunities from various groups around Baltimare city. More so than anywhere else in occupied Equestria."
>>73953>>73951The faggot controlling Onyx finally gets back, and Onyx gets the drink.
>>73973"Do you mind which groups hire you?"
>>73974"Thank you." He takes the drink in the grasp of his magic, and sips from it.
>>73975"I always personally mind. But you do not get far as mercenary by picking sides. You remain loyal to contract, and to whoever purchases said contract. Even if I disagree with those who hire me, I will still work to best of my abilities to fulfill contract."
>>73976"I suppose there is little choice anymore. Are you looking to save up and move somewhere else, or is this where you plan to settle?"
>>73977He stays silent for a couple seconds before giving his answer. "I suppose smart ponies would try to leave. Look elsewhere in world for new home. Maybe in River Federation." He takes a drink from the beer Onyx handed him. "I am not smart pony. And I am too old to move so far away, anymore. I suppose I will try to make best of what I have here, for as long as I can."
>>73978"I heard the River Federation is debating a bill of rights for all creatures. It will be not much different than here soon enough."
I look around.
"It looks like our recruit is a no show."
>>73979"Is this recruit you mention named 'Dark Star' by any chance?"
>>73920She gets up from her seat. By this time you can see that quite a few bar patrons are staring at the scene, from the bartender to ponies passing by to the big burly Minotaurs and Diamond Dogs playing pool in the back. She yells
What was that for? You tell me out of the blue that you love someone but you want to fuck me? Do you think I am some tramp? Do you think I am some cheap whore you can have sex with when the little Celestial girl doesn't want to sleep with you?>>73928She is a bit surprised by this, but she quickly leans into it, and places a hoof around Dark Star's neck. She continues kissing him, until she pulls away and says
"I guess we could find a hotel room, if you're not too tired"
She has a very big smile, and her eyes damned near glow with enthusiasm
>>73943Rover is a bit happier now that Perro Sin Nombre has acted sort of playfully infront of him. the healing is start to take effect, and he is in less pain
>>73980"Yeah, have you met the guy before?"
>>73982"The other bartender mentioned him hiring Onyx and some random patron for some kind of job, throwing money around like it was nothing, along with his blue-coated pegasus mare companion, when I arrived. Then I somewhat met them late last night in bar, though his friend seemed more interested in talking to me than Dark Star was."
>>73983"Don't worry about that. Dark Star is a good pony. He will hire you for a nice sum."
I whisper "And a share of any other goodies we find along the way. Lots of illegal trade going on we interrupt and lots of ways to get your cut one way or another."
>>73984He seems interested as to what "illegal trade" could refer to, but doesn't ask about it. "It sounds good to me."
>>73985It seems we have another session without the correct characters to make the story proceed. I don't think Dark Star is going to make it, so is there anything you wanted to do in the meantime?
"Well if you guys are set on booze..."
Onyx sets out to look for somewhere to exchange his gold bars.
>>73987Now where would he go to exchange the bars?
>>73985Damn it I will think of something for Silver. Making fighting encounters that make sense within the context of the story, are reasonably balanced, and won't just result in characters being persona non grata is far more challenging than you might think
>>73988The pawn shop...
Or maybe one of those bits-4-gold shops
>>73986*shrugs* You got any ideas?
>>73988Perfectly understandable. I haven't exactly been much help in that regard, either, so I have to apologize there.
Also, my internet is crapping out on me hardcore, so if I appear slow to respond, that's why.
>>73989Hmmm... Do you want to commit to going to a pawn shop?
>>73990Not a single clue. I am honestly stumped on what our characters would be motivated to do besides work for the one character with ties to the main source of quests. I suppose we could explore for a place for our characters to stay and the local shops to gear up...
>>73991Are there any
>Jewelers around?
>>73990>>73992Characters that know what they want to do and proactively seek that get more encounters. For example, Ash wanted to find an orphanage, and found the Order of Saint Prancis with all of its various sisters. Onyx wanted to get a loaf of bread, and so found a colt shilling communism, then got roped into protection duty, and then murdered someone, then went to the hospital, then got arrested, and then got arrested again by a different agency. Ash went to find Iron, rolled a 1 on tracking, and found a guy with a dire wolf she is trying to heal. And so forth
>>73993Well obviously there are jewelers. So what does he want to find?
>>73995Onyx finds a jeweler two streets over. It is in a line of shops, and has a diamond over it.
Talon jewelers
>>73996He walks in
"Hello, do you buy gold?"
>>73994Yeah, that's true. Silver's primary concern right now is just "find a job", so it would be best for him to just look around places of interest for any one in need of help. But that's pretty bog-standard, and fairly boring.
>>73997"Hello there. I take it you are selling old Jewelry?" The voice comes from an at least middle aged Griffon of white and brown standing at a counter. there are display cases of jewelry. There is a diamond dog behind the counter at his own desk, looking at jewels under a light, and currently facing the opposite direction
>>73999"Uh, maybe? I don't know where it all came from."
Onyx slaps a bar onto the counter.
>>74000"Let me take a look at that. My name is Elijah Talonberg, by the way"
He moves the bar over, and then sits down in a seat a little over to his left and your right. Mr. Talonberg picks up a monocle, and starts to inspect the bar
"This is a mine's ingot. It's the way they cast the gold before it is sent over to goldsmiths or to mints. Where did you get this?"
>>74001"A friend gave it to me"
Technically not a lie
>>74002Yes. Sorry. I was trying to think of what to do now.
>>74003"A friend gave you this brick? This much gold?"
>>74005"Yeah, he's a strange guy"
>>74002"Why don't we find someplace a little more suited to talking than here. It's getting crowded and I don't like the feeling of being overheard."
>>74004I mean, we could always just explore. It's better than nothing.
>>74008True. Sounds good to me.
>>74006"Did your friend tell you that this bar is probably either stolen, or was used in an illegal transaction?"
>>74011"Very well"
He now takes the bar and places it on a scale. then he places it in a tank of water. This takes a couple minutes
>>74007He nods. "Let me just grab couple things from my room, if we are heading out."
>>74012Onyx patiently waits
I stare into my glass.
>>74012>>74014He then inspects the bottom of the bar, which is imprinted with numbers and symbols, and writes them down
"We can give you 3500 bits for the bar"
>>74016"Then I take it I can get 3500 for this one too?"
Onyx slaps down the second one.
>>74017The griffon rubs his claws together and makes what seems to be a smile by pulling his lower beak back a little
"Indeed you can"
>>74019Elijah Talonberg then pulls out a very, very large set of bits, and carefully and painstaking counts them in front of Onyx. He then offers them over in a number of bags
"7000 Bits"
>>74020"Thank you sir, and have a nice day"
Where do I go if I want a magic weapon?
>>74015After about a minute, he comes out wearing a white button-up shirt, a sturdy nylon saddlebag, and a greatsword in a leather sheath, strapped to his side. "I am all set, I believe!"
>>74021"I happen to know several very trustworthy Griffins who are very good at keeping their beaks shut when it comes to the police. If you want old fashioned, Josef Silverwing operates a shop on East street called "Tails of Yore." Don't be off put by the mundane merchandise he keeps in the front, any enchanted blade you could want is there"
>>74022"Great. Let's go."
I lead the way out of the tavern.
"I suppose we should just head out of the city a ways."
>>74023"Thank you once again sir." Onyx makes his leave towards Tails of Yore, already thinking about what he wants.
>>74024"I only just bought map of city, so you might have better idea of where to go."
>>74025I know that feel.
>>74025You did that yesterday
>>74025Welp, may as well turn in.
Goodnight, Anons.
>>74027"I don't have any idea of where to go either. May I see that map?"
>>74031"Of course." He fishes it out of his saddlebags, opening it up to show the city of Baltimare.
>>74031Should we wait for the GM to get back on tomorrow, so we can actually get encounters and the like?
>>74026This shop is a building all on its own, with a large raised roof. When he goes in, he can see tapestries of Griffon knights, display cases with swords, armor of both Griffin and pony variety, and poleaxes, longbows, so forth. A griffin stands at a wooden counter, more slender than Talonberg, but of a similar age and coat scheme
>>74032And so it is
>>74032I take a look at the map.
"Which place sounds good to head towards?"
>>74033I believe the GM is still here.
>>74036>tfw you have colored IDs on and you get two that are almost exactly the same
>>74035"Good afternoon. I've been told that if I have the bits I can buy what I need here. Is that true?"
>>74037I hate when that happens.
"Should we just head out toward the city limits and find something out there, or do you feel like exploring deeper into this place?"
>>74039The griffin smiles and moves forward, offering a claw to shake
"Of course, my name is Josef Silverwing. What kind of needs do you have? Collector?"
>>74040For the love of God, say something specific so I don't have to try to find an online random word generator to try to get an idea
>>74040"I was going to look for any sort of landmarks to see...but deeper sounds like good idea." He folds the map back up and puts it in a side pocket in his saddlebag for future use.
>>74041"Uh, sure. I'm looking for a halberd with a blade that was very common in the Crystal Empire. Usually a bluish crystal, with the power of ice in it."
+1 Crystal Frost Halberd, 2,310gp
>>74041>>74042"Ok then. How about we try the city hall? It might have a better map of shops and areas of interest."
>>74044"It could. If map is correct, then city hall should be over there." He points in the general direction they need to head. "Lead on, my friend."
>>74045I head to the city hall.
>>74046Silver follows close behind, whistling some song whose tune is unknown to Spark.
>>74043"Well, we do happen to have a number of Crystal empire relics." He motions to a pony. "Mrs. Inn Fringe, can you watch the counter while I show this pony some stock?"
He says to Onyx, "Follow me" and opens a door to the basement
Okay, so you want a Halberd with a Frost Enchantment?>>74045West relative to the current position
>>74048He periodically checks the sun's position to make sure they're heading the right way.
>>74048preferably made of the mundane crystal material, but that's just for muh aesthetics. But yes, that what I would like.Onyx gladly follows.
>>74049The Sun doesn't
seem to have altered course or pace since the Changelings took the Princess
>>74050When he gets downstairs, he sees a real armory.
Silverwing: "Alright, you wanted, what was that, a Frost Halberd to deal some cold damage?"
>>74051Onyx let's out a low whistle at the sight.
"Huh? Oh, yeah that's the idea"
>>74051"Thank Celestia for small miracles." He chuckles to himself about the irony of that thought.
>>74052>>74052"You want like a steel one?
Anything else?"
>>74053City Hall is a very large marble rectangular buiding, with 4 floors, a vaulted green roof, and a dome in the center, in a Neocolonial style. A public fountain is in a square before the building. There are bronze Manticore statues on either side of the steps that lead up to a large entrance to the Structure on the second floor.
>>74054Silver lets out a long whistle at the sight of the beautiful building. "That is fanciest building I have seen."
Did >>74046 fall asleep?
>>74055There are a number of ponies walking by, and some going in and out. As you look closer, you can see some bullet marks, and the left Manticore is missing a stinger, while the other is missing a paw
>>74056He frowns as he notices the damage. "Must be from back when New Mareland invaded." With a shake of his head, he makes his way up the steps and into the building, paying little attention to the ponies around him other than to avoid getting in their way.
>>74057As he goes through the front door he can see the building's interior. The floor is tile with an ornate pattern of the sun, with rays flowing out from the center. A large hallway goes off to the left, another to the right, and another forwards. Though the area of the entrance has a ceiling going up 20 feet, there is a railing for a hall of the second floor. To the left of the center is a portrait of the current Mayor: Larry Berry, a dark looking unicorn. Now, what is he looking for?
>>74058Without much of an idea of where to go from here, nor what he is looking for, he heads down the hallway to the right.
>>74059I've never been inside a city hall before. If you had asked for a courthouse...On the right is the office of the city clerk, then the department of roads. Further down are the offices of the bureau of health, and offices concerned with welfare
>>74060>>74059Of course, there are many floors to the building
>>74060Don't blame me, Spark's the one that picked it out."No, this is not right, I think..." He backtracks to head down the hallway that was on his left, looking for something that at least sounds more interesting than all of that.
>>74059Behind the entrance area, towards the center hall, are grand staircases. To the left are the city auditor, the city treasurer, the department of water, and the office of zoning
>>74063He heads up one of the grand staircases, grumbling slightly to himself.
>>74064>>74064Too bad, I had quest ideas for the department of water and the zoning commissionTwo wings again. On the left is the office of the Mayor and the meeting place of the Aldermen, as well as the clerk of communication. To the Right is the superintendent of schools and offices of education, the city assessor's office, and the meeting location of the common council
>>74065I mean, do they sound much like quest locations?"Aldermen?" With his interest piqued, he looks inside to see what it's about.
>>74066Quest givers, not locationsThe room must be open to the public, because he is able to simply open the door and walk in. There is no pony to greet him, and this room must not be in use at this exact time. He can see a large semi circular table of solid hardwood
Okay, maybe not solid, but it looks like it with big black tall chairs. On the open side of that semicircle is a wooden desk elevated well above the rest, in a way kind of like a judge's chair and stand in a court room. There is a small wooden wall behind the wooden semicircle, with a number of wooden rows, again like a courtroom. When a pony is asked, "The Aldermares are the elected City Council of Baltimare. They pass legislation in managing city affairs"
>>74067Same basic principle, it's not a place one would expect to find quest givers. Either way, I wouldn't take Silver to be one to look inside the Department of Water to see if anypony there would need help with something.He heads back out to the railing overlooking the entrance, having learned nothing particularly interest.
>>74068Have it your way then, I just finally overcame writer's block to get ideas for adventuresFrom this location, he can see circular sun pattern very well. Opposite his position are a few windows, although it is hardly a glass wall above the entrance. To left and right hand portraits of who must be past Mayors. in the center is an open area he may speculate was once filled by a portrait of Princess Celestia
>>74069Sorry, I just didn't know.He has to look away, knowing full well all it will do is make him upset.
"She was our Sun. How could they..." He shakes his head clear, heading back downstairs to try to clear his head.
>>74070Ponies go back and forth to places like the Assessor's Office, or the City Clerk, as it seems to be a weekday with these offices in business. It isn't
that crowded. Iron gets the sense that he has not seen every department and every section of the building - there are more floors - but he has seen a representative sample, as it is mostly department offices and administration
>>74071"That seemed...unusually uninteresting." He looks around to make sure he's not missing anything.
>>74072I mean, there is more building that was never explored, but the building is exactly the way you would expect a reasonably functioning government building to be (in a fantasy world, were the actual day to day operations of the departments explored). Except for a few protesters against police brutality outside, it's mostly normal
Silver did
not see a portrait of The Duke hanging in the building
>>73981The moment I took a nap on the keyboard you respond? What timingIron shakes his head. "I already told you that I would not take you because of your responsibilities. You do not know how important it is for me that I even considered you." Iron stands up. "Do you even know why I could have chosen you? Because you are a great mother. It is not because you are just good looking. You are better than just a little statuette to decorate and play with on the side. The act of coitus is really important to me, because I choose the mares that go back to my home with me through it. I basically admitted that you are worthy to me, but... I cannot take you with me," Iron looks to the side, somewhat frustrated "unless you drop everything and leave, and I know you cannot do that. Family is more important than love."
Arlight, I'm out for the night
>>74075Probably a good idea for me, as well. I'm having trouble concentrating right now.
>>74076>>74075Damn, my timing is shit. Sorry for that guys. Bed forced me to sleep
>>74075>>74076Also night to both of you, as well as you
One last thing while I still have a tiny bit of my mental faculties: I probably won't be on until 4:00 Central Time or something close to that tomorrow, in case you guys find I'm needed for something.
Anyways, time to pass out.
>>74074After hearing this, Cauldron still appears angry, but calmer than she was before. She no longer seems to be intentionally provoking a response from other patrons in the bar.
"And so that is how you show affection? You say 'hey, there's some other fillie that's better than you, but if you want to have just sex let's go fuck? Do you think that I would feel 'blessed' to have the
privilege of being a side bitch,
your side bitch? Do you think that is what I want to tell my father when I see him next? 'Hi Cauldron, did you find a nice stallion? No, but I got to be the sperm dumping ground of some native who told me he'd rather have some dragon girl'"
There are definite tones of sarcasm
>>73928She is a bit surprised by this, but she quickly leans into it, and places a hoof around Dark Star's neck. She continues kissing him, until she pulls away and says
"I guess we could find a hotel room, if you're not too tired"
She has a very big smile, and her eyes damned near glow with enthusiasm
>>73981Dark Stars player finally gets around to posting
"oh trust me ill be able to manage."
Dark Star gives a sly grin and a wink
>>74081"I already told you. I would have chosen you if you were not so tied down by responsibilites out of your control. Besides, there are no side... 'beet-cheese', only mares who are worthy to bear children and ones who are not." Iron scratches the back of his head a bit too strongly, making small screeching sounds. "The mere act of intercourse is such a sign of commitment and the most important choice on my land, and I believe you could be part of it if so many resposibilities did not weigh you down. The act of sex you denigrate is my way of showing affection of the highest level. It shows that I care enough to bind myself to you through the bearing of a child. To have the physical embodiment of love through the existence of a foal. Did you expect me to just leave you after the deed is done? Like I said, you are better than just a plaything. You are more than a toy. You are a mother, one of the best mothers one could ask for, and there are not a lot of mares who can compare." Iron sighs and looks at the empty glass. "Maybe I just wanted to be with you and I could not, so I downgraded our relationship to mere friends and believed you would not mind a bit of wishful thinking of mine." Iron looks to Cauldron, ears drooped. "I guess you do not feel like we are friends, but something more as well, and I hurt you for telling you my frustrations because maybe you feel them too."
>>74082She holds his hoof, and pulls him in one direction
"There's a quaint little place on 6th, that's between the tavern and the Headquarters. Hell, we could probably take one of the unused rooms at headquarters. It used to be 'The Grand Baltimare Hotel,' after all"
Her smile is more joyous and ordinary now than is typical for her, and her tail seems to sway slightly
Sister Ash continues treating the wolf until she's satisfied that it will be capable of fending for itself.
>>74084She looks at him with an extreme degree of skepticism
"If that were what you meant, then why oh why would you start of by telling me how you love some girl, and then say '
but we can have sex right now'?"
[1d20+13 = 17]
Also, worth noting.
What season is it in game?
Has the Equestrian seasonal/weather management been affected by the fall of the empire (as in, I would imagine a lot of ponies would have difficultly managing the climate, with the changeling occupation and the regime change)?
Rolling knowledge (Nature) to see what sister Ash knows about Equestrian Weather in the current era.
>>74085"it would be exciting to take a room in Hq. but what if we get caught?"
[1d20+12 = 23]
Also rolling Survival to predict the weather for a number of days (spell-prep reasons).
>>74087"Because I felt powerless to take you with me." Iron looks down. "I know that without you sacrificing everything else for me, it would not work out. I simply wanted to vent my frustrations with you because I know you care about me." Iron then looks at the glass again. "I feel like I have no chance of getting you to go with me forever because you are tied down by all the responibilities you have. I do not want your body, but you, the pony, and it is impossible in your current situation. That is why I lost hope of being with you. Why I thought you did too. It is an impossible love. I know it is. It would require a great deal of sacrifice for one of us, and I do not have the strength to leave behind my aspirations or force you to cut ties with your family. Do you know I mean?" Iron sighs again. "I just wanted to vent out my frustration with you. Becuase you would understand. Maybe you dislike the idea of sex itself, but I knew no other way to express my love to you than to share the essence of life with you." Iron shakes his head. "I know I am wrong now. You do not need to cater to me just because I vented to you. I know that it is impossible now after your reaction. I thought it was acceptable. Now I know it is not." Iron takes off his wolf helmet. "I guess what I mean is, I wanted to be with you, but I cannot see a way to be together and I felt frustrated because of it. Therefore I lost hope and thought we could at least be friends who tell their deepest secrets to eachother." Iron's ears are still drooped. "That is how I feel."
>>74088It is mid-early January in a climate comparable to Orlando, Florida. She knows that the Equestrians see Nature as being in a real way dependent on ponies. This might be why that nun expressed horror at Ash's statement - she told of a worldview where sentient creatures are subject to nature and have no right to intervene, or think of themselves as superior, whereas in the Equestrian view, nature is not merely subject, it's scarcely even a separate entity from ponykind. She knows that weather tends to be managed by government agencies. The weather looks... less than ideal from what you would expect if the ponies could literally choose their own weather, so something is off. Cloudsdale is in West Equestria/The Changeling Zone
>>74090Today is sunny, tomorrow will be somewhat cloudy, and scattered showers the next day
>>74089"Oh they let employees sleep in the unused rooms when they have to work longer hours. Besides, I am treated a little differently, I think they will let me"
>>74086Rover is better now, and the pony is happy
>>74092Dark Star looks very enthused by what she just said
"Lets get going then."
"If you were concerned, the dire wolves aren't actually extinct in this region...
yet. It seems recent developments have reduced and split their territory, leading them to run into ponies a bit more often.." she says, again making awkward eye contact with the wolf
"There's actually a couple packs far down in the wilderness down South. There aren't that many more left though.."
>>74093She walks into the Grand Baltimare Hotel. A few lights are on, and a guard in the lobby looks up at them, but doesn't say anything. Blue Skies takes him upstairs, and says to him "Did you see that? A Changeling assassin could just walk right in." The doors to the second, third, and fourth floors are closed, but the fifth floor door is open, and leads into a hallway with cream colored walls and a light red carpet, with dim lights. She keeps walking down the hallway, until she gets to a door on the left that must be unlocked, as she simply opens it. The room is, well, it's a nice hotel room, with big windows (blinds closed), a large bed with a pink flower pattern on the covers. There are a couple jars on the table and at least one set of clothing, so you have to guess that this room is actually used by her. She closes the door and prances over to the other side of the bed, raising her tail as soon as the door is shut, making the view of her rump as she does so better than normal. She rubs her long, flowing tail against Dark Star's face She then goes to the other side of the bed, laying facing Dark Star, her hind legs hanging over the side and standing, with her forelegs on the bed, hooves curled up under her legs
"Here we are" She smiles warmly, looks at him seductively, and wags her raised tail
>>74094"I know they aren't extinct, but they are rare. Part of why i wanted one"
>>74091She sits down, still with a kind of skepticism, but she isn't angry
"Alright, a few things. First off, I am
not too busy to have a life nor am I 'too weighed down' by responsibilities. I am perfectly capable of managing a relationship, foals or whathaveyou. Second, unless you are well, at least a made stallion or rich, the only mares who will say yes to 'hey babe I love someone else more but you want to fug' are mares who shapeshift and will not leave you feeling better afterwards. And even if you are rich, most will not like being talked to that way"
Onyx waits on the griffin selling him a weapon.
[1d20+8 = 16]>>74095Hmmmmmmmmmm
Rolling to sense the wolf's attitude.
>>74096The griffon hands him a Frost Halberd
"This model is 2400"
>>74097The wolf is still humiliated by the situation, but largely placated. He is not thrashing in pain from contact anymore, even if he does thrash about
>>74098Onyx does your typical weapon buying tests. Balance check, a few swipes, etc.
>>74095Dark Star Approaches her and gives her tail a slight tug and a slap on the plot "uh Blue this is my first time. I'm not exactly sure where to start." He looks a little embarrassed that he said those words aloud.
>>74098>>74099i have a feeling the jeweler scammed you tbh
>>74095Iron cocks his head. "Is that how it is nowadays? Just one mare to share your devotion to? It is kinda selfish but I guess that is how it is." Iron ponders. "I do not think you can just up and leave with me, so it is highly improbable for us to work still. Like I said, I am not to be tied down by others since I have ties far away from here." Iron ponders more. "What do you mean by those mares that shapeshift?"
>>74099>>74100She giggles. "It's okay, we can do this any way you like. Just stand behind me, get on top of me, place your forehooves on the bed, and thrust into me. We could also do it otherways. Just know that I don't want to go to sleep yet"
>>74102She raises an eyebrow "Where are you from exactly?"
>>74099When the griffon handed it to him it did not have a pole, but at request he affixes a pole and gives him space to test. It seems reasonably balanced
>>74103Iron is a bit skeptical himself. "I cannot say the place exactly, but the jungle is where I am from. A hint could be that we are not on the outskirts of it. We are far deeper in the jungle."
>>74103"uh, well i guess i would like to be on top, so i could see your face."
>>74101I'm fairly certain he did
>>74103I don't think you meant to quote me on that first one...
"This seems to be just what I want... I'll give you 2500 bits for it with the pole."
>>74105Her smile changes from warm, to devious, which is a more normal smile from her anyways
"Alright then, you get on the bed"
>>74106"Sold. What else do you want?"
>>74104"I know you aren't from nearby, because all of the tribes are much further south. Beyond the Everrainforest. I will tell you that whether you are in Zebrica, or Baltimare, you are allowed one bride only. Sure, the Mayor has his mistresses, but that is no complement to him, nor does it inspire faith in his moral character. One mare. One. Second, act with some humility. You were the biggest goldfish in the fish tank, I know that. But here in Baltimare, the hierarchy is a bit different. Have some humility. Even The Duke pretends to be grateful to his supporters, and sometimes calls himself 'a humble servant.'"
>>74108"You don't sell saddlebags with weapon holders, do you?"
>>74108"Humility?" Iron looks confused. "Why would ponies value humility here? Nevertheless, I did support you if you know what I mean." His body shakes a bit, making the bits clang softly just for her to hear. "And I did not expect the slightest bit of support back from you. Is that not how you show gratefulness? To help others with living their lives?"
>>74108Dark Star not being needed to be told twice leaps into the bed "i dont think ive told you how beautiful you are. im really lucky to be here with you now."
Dark Star can hardly contain his excitement
>>74108>>74111And he kisses her passionately.
>>74110“Ponies like humility because no one wants to be on the bottom. That’s why I do as I do.”
She sighs
“It is true that the bits are a significant help. Like, a month and a half of rent for the restaurant. But I don’t want to feel like it is a contract”
>>74109“Yes we do”
>>74111She is kissed as such, and kisses right back for at least a solid minute
Blue Skies retains her seductive eyes and wickedly wicked mile, and gets on the bed. As she gets up, she pulls her rump and shows Dark Star. “So you get a good view.” Then she moves around and positions her body facing Dark Star. She grabs onto Dark Star’s penis with her hoof, and holds his testicles with the other. Her wings are spread out in full, and he can see that her ice blue wings are wider than the bed and probably have almost as much surface area. She places her face down next to Dark Star’s penis as if posing for a picture.
>>74114"How much are we talking?"
>>74114"It is not just a contract. It is a reward for your help. I would not have known where to go if it were not for you. That is how ponies help eachother. For mutual benefit. Humility is just a mask to pretend that you get what you are owed when in fact they just tickle your feelings to take advantage of you later on. After all, they treated you so nicely that you should do even more for them." Iron shrugs. "Maybe I am wrong, but do not expect me to believe this 'humility' is a great thing becuase it is just sweet lies to gain more stuff dishonestly. Because we all want to be rewarded for our efforts, just that some ponies are not honest about it."
>>74098I'm contemplating whether or not it feels right to do anything about this situation.I'm going to be preoccupied for most of the day.
>>74114Dark Star lets out a nervous Chuckle which is quickly overtaken by Sigh of pleasure
"Wow Blue that feels really good.
>She places her face down next to Dark Star’s penis as if posing for a picture.She can see it begin to throb
>>74118>>74118Her eyes change to a hungry look, and her smile retains its devious look
“I would have placed it in my mouth, except that I don’t know if you’d want to kiss me after. Now, I know you’ve told me that it’s your first time, and I should try to be polite, but I really do have to work in the morning, so please forgive me if I skip the foreplay. I’ll make it up to you sometime.”
She sits up, kneeling, and moves her dark blue mane behind her neck. Her chest sticks out further than her belly, and Dark Star can see her teats. She picks herself up with fire gloves over Dark Star, and then moves herself down onto him, and him into her. Her grip on his penis firm if soft and wet. If he was afraid she would feel ‘worn’ or used, he can place that fear aside. She leans close over him, her hooves to either side, so Dark Star may look into her lustful, hungry eyes, kiss her, or hug her as she likes. She moves up and down over him, slowly now, using her hind legs and her wings.
Finally back
>>74115"Only 50 bits for the bag"
>>74116"Well, let me just say that everypony wants to be respected"
>>74118I'm wondering if these posts need more... accurate pictures
>>74120Onyx feels like he's being scammed.
Damn it.
>>74121Silverwing happily takes the 2550 Bits
"What else do you want?"
>>74120"And let me say that humility is not a sign of respect, but of deceit. But I guess this is becoming pointless to talk about." Iron stands up. "I guess there is no hard feelings, but I still have a a job to do, and it is not going to be done itself. See you later." Iron starts to head outside the Watering Hole.
>>74123She waves to him as he leaves
"Thank you for the bits"
>>74124"No problem!" He leaves the Watering Hole.'Now how do I get back to Ash?' he ponders in his mind. Best bet is to ask all around town to see if a dragon mare passed through the city.
>>74119"hnn, wow your burning up on the inside.You feel like a vice grip."
Dark Star plants a kiss on her then starts bucking
>If he was afraid she would feel ‘worn’ or used, he can place that fear aside.Good,Good
>>74122"Thanks for the business."
Onyx heads back to the bar.
>>74125Only 1,5 million ponies in the city to ask
>>74126She takes the “vice like grip” as a challenge and clenches. She bucks him back, and increases speed. She moves her wings upward, incasing Dark Star in a veil of feathers. She places one hoof on his face
>>74127And it is so
[1d20+12 = 27]
Fuck it.
I'll come back later and see what I want to do with this wolf.
Sister Ash returns to her campsite.
Rolling survival to gather wood for s shield.
>>74128Iron sighs. There are simply too many ponies to ask. He should go back to the outskirts. He has a feeling she would find him easier there. He expects her not to be done with her meditation stuff.
>>74128Let's see, he had 7000, spent 2550...
He puts 950 bits in his room at the bar, and sticks the rest in a bag before returning to work.
>>74130Roll to Gather Information (1d20+char)
[1d20-1 = 0]>>74132FineIron decides to gather information of Ash's location. Rolling gather information.
>>74133Practically fucking zero. How much of a crit fail is that?
>>74136It's not really your fault, tbh. Dice just kicks me down now to increase combat proficiency.
It was kind of bad addvice though..
>>74139How much did I have to roll to get where you are? Also why is it bad advice?
>>74129Ash is able to suitable wood for a shield, including the cut. It’s no Marehogany nor New Mareland Ironwood though.
>>74131And thus he has 3500 bits on his pony
>>74133A pony asked appears to know the exact location of the Kirin lady. She’s at an establishment on East Main a little to the north of his present position
>>74128>>74126Dark Star May be out now, but his character is a relatively passive participant in the scene. Skies carefully nuzzles his nose with hers, then rolls her eyes back a little and pants, diving in to kiss. When Dark Star finally cannot hold back she dies not stop, but moves in closer to him, hugging, kissing, but staring into his eyes, not stopping or slowing down with the movements. She keeps going, now clenching down consistently to try to gain traction with the excess of fluids in her
She still has a hungry look, and she rubs his face with the tip of her wing, which it looks like she was finally able to make retract
>>74141He sticks the bag behind the bar, and goes about his job as normal.
>>74141Second time gather info has failed me.Iron, not having any other leads, goes to that exact spot, putting his helmet on again and detaching one of his front hooves' armor, putting it between the shield and his armoured back.
>>74141>>74128Dark Star Having just Finished picks up speed and starts bucking harder than before.
>>74144Dark Star powers on with his enthusiasm, but between the gunshots wounds, whatever was in that needle the doctor gave him, the 2:00 AM time, and the very energetic sex, he is definitely feeling physically tired. Not to imply it could slow him down.
Blue Skies pushes herself up off of him to where she is now sitting up. She has a happy smile on her now. “I like this energy, but there is just too much liquid here.”
She pushes herself off of him, where he is now completely out but touching her. “Let me fix this.” She moves herself forward slightly, and now tries to push herself down on him with a different hole. This one is a hell of a lot tighter, but the semen lubricates it.
“I think we’re getting to know each other reasonably well here”
>>74142And it is so
>>74143The area is a bit crowded or trafficked, and in nature is similar to the watering hole. Iron comes upon s blue roofed building that seems to be where the pony told him Ash was. It looks like it must be a restaurant or bar establishment, or something of that nature
>>74145Why was she here? Guess there is no time like the present to find out. He enters the supposed restaurant that Ash was in.
Dark star falls back then catches hiself and then puts his hoofs on her hips
>>74141She gets to work assembling a tower shield (basically a wooden door), and two small bucklers.
>>74146Well, there’s a piano, there are tables, there’s a bar, and there are stairs. The room is largely wood with many ponies in it. He doesn’t see Ash yet though
>>74148It is so
>>74147“That’s how you ride” she says, and she presses down against the bed with both her wings and her hooves. She seems to like the touching of the hips, as she has liked all affectionate touching so far. She keeps up the pace. Her eyes almost glow now with satisfaction, and her expression returns to wicked
However long it takes to tire Dark Star out, and take from him all he has, she keeps up. Dark Star requires more stimulation at this point, but the grip is tighter and the pace faster. When Dark Star has finished a second or third time, she carefully dismounts him, and kisses him.
He is sure as hell tired now. She moves off to go to the bathroom, and after a minute returns with a wet rag to start wiping Dark Star. Her smile is back to happy. “That was fun. I hope Sea Breeze lets us have an ongoing working relationship.” She moves some covers, and then curls herself up next to Dark Star, pressing her coat against him. She is demanding to be cuddled
>>74149dark Star Cuddles her
[1d20+1 = 7]
May as well as a medium shield to that, while I have the time.
Rolling craft to assemble some flax (padded) barding for the dog.
>>74151It was worth a shot.
[1d20 = 7]>>74149He keeps looking for any indication of that dragon mare the pony was talking about. The sooner he finds out what he was talking about, the better
>>74150*cuddled pony noises*
With a happy smile and contented sounds, it seems that the bitchy Pegasus has been tamed beneath Dark Star’s foreleg and leg
He wakes up at 8 AM to find himself feeling like shit. Blue Skies is gone from the room. Maybe he shouldn’t have drank alcohol after taking whatever the hell drug that shifty doctor gave him. Maybe he shouldn’t have had so much sex after so much blood loss. Or maybe that’s just what it feels like when you get shot twice and stabbed and then only sleep 5 hours. He doesn’t have anywhere to be immediately and it kind of looks like he can stay here. His body strongly recommends sleeping in.
>>74151She’ll craft ‘em next time
>>74153Well shit, is that her over in the corner? It’s a Kirin
>>74154Iron approaches the kirin. "Excuse me. Are you Ash?"
[1d20 = 20]>>74154rolling to get out of bed
>>74156Master of getting up off bed. That's a good feat.
>>74156trys to find some food and water
>>74159>>74159>>74156Well, it looks like Dark Star is ready to begin his day. His wounds have not fully healed. He is in a room on the fourth floor of Blackhooves headquarters. Does he want to go outside and look or stay in the hotel room?
>>74161Dark Star leaves the room
>>74163As he goes out he passes a pony in the hallway. When he gets to the lobby a pony at the desk, as well as a Minotaur guard, look at him as if not expecting him to be there. It is not very crowded at this hour
>>74155She speaks with a very heavy accent “um, no, I am not Ash. I am a Kirin”
>>74162Without divination magic or a tracking device, no
>>74164Iron scratches his head. "Strange, Ash told she was the last of her kind. At least that is what I remember." Iron ponders, maybe there are more of her? "Who are you?"
>>74164"Hey buddy. wheres the best closet place i can get some food?"
[1d20+14 = 23]>>74164>tracking deviceThat's what I summoned the dog for.
Rolling Survival
>>74165She didn't say that.
She said she hadn't seen one of her kind in years (i.e. she was living alone in the wilderness for quite a while).
>>74168Chalk it up to ignorance and forgetfulness.
>>74166>>74166He speaks with a deep voice and a foreign accent
“Are you supposed to be here?”
>>74170Disregard previous answer.
>>74170"I guess so? i completed my mission."
>>74173“Uh... alright.” He seems unsure about that response
“They sell waffles at the place just five blocks to the left”
>>74165“My name is a Bellawood” says the Kirin mare
>>74174"I have small little questions about your kind, if you do not mind." Iron sits down in front of Bellawood "Firstly, Where is your kind from?"
>>74174"Thanks bull."
Dark Star heads to the waffle haus
>>74175She is dressed in a fairly fancy outfit
“Um.... I come from the land of Zebrica, east side.”
>>74176Waffle Mania is a nice little shop. He can swiftly sit down and order coffee, orange juice, and all manner of breakfast foods.
>>74179Iron finally notices her clothing. "Why are you wearing that many clothes? It does not seem to be protecting much of your body."
>>74178You are better off looking through gather information than survival. It's really hard to miss a big boi like Iron.
[1d20+0 = 14]>>74181Rolling because he said so.
>>74179Dark Star Sits in a seat and Calls over a waitress
>>74182That should do it.
>>74180"Um... I am a dancer here"
>>74167If that dog had ever smelled Iron before, and if he were less than a mile away, that would be enough
>>74181There are dozens of huge natives like him
>>74183The waitress is a middle aged Golden Earth Pony with her hair in a bun.
"Welcome to Waffle Mania. What can I get for you?"
>>74182Where would she be doing this exactly?
>>74185>If that dog had ever smelled Iron beforeI still have the campsite where he slept. Is that enough?
>Where would she be doing thisOn the toads where she thought he might have passed.
>>74185"I see. I suppose you are on break. Have you seen one of your kind like you? She had charred religious clothing, which I think she keeps using it at the time being, hopefully. I need to find her."
>toadsDid she lick one?
>roadsThat could work, to ask agricultural workers there
>>74187"Um.... I have not seen another kirin. No."
A big fat earth pony in a suit comes up
"Leave the dancers alone"
>>74185"Id like 40 waffles Soaked in syrup and with butter on them and your biggest glass filled with water. Its Been a wild couple of days."
>>74188Iron cocks his head. "I guess I could ask you. Maybe you have seen a kirin similar to her with charred religious clothing. Have you?"
>>74188Do I roll to ask the agro ponies?
>>74188>>74190Yes, I'm talking to fat boi
>>74189The mare is a bit astonished by the request
>>74190"No, I've only seen about 3 others like her, and none had religious clothing" says the fat pony, clearly not expecting this response
>>74193Iron put his hoof on his forehead in clear frustration. "I guess I cannot trust these ponies, nowadays. Sorry for the disturbance." Iron starts leaving the restaurant.
[1d20 = 15]>>74193Rolling to ask if anyone has seen the big Iron.
>>74194The mare brings back a large glass of water. Later, he receives four waffles (yes, 4) with syrup and butter
>>74196Indeed some have, They give you a general direction that heads into the city. Ash begins to understand that this is information she knew earlier before the dog hairs lead her astray
>>74197Ash follows the trail
>>74198She finds herself in the same position she was 2 hours before, unable to determine which direction he went from here
[1d20+14 = 28]>>74199Rats...
Rolling survival to try to pick up his scent.
>>74197He leaves a 100 bit tip for the waitress after hes finished and he leaves and goes to the General store.
>>74201Did she actually take the dog to the campsite to identify the scent first?
>>74202"Why... Thank you"
And so, he finds a general store on the same street after a fairly short distance
While she was gathering wood.
>>74204Iron, completely and utterly demoralized for the day, decides to stay put in front of that restaurant. It is better to be a stationary target to be found more easily.
>>74202That's enough for a 10 person banquet.
The dog's tracking eventually leads her to a disreputable looking establishment known as "The Watering Hole." A crowded bar
>>74206If only there were like a location they could meet at. Iron can see that the restaurant has dancers in a risque manner, including the Kirin, They serve alcohol but also more normal foods
>>74207I know right? That's at minimum 100 USD in 2018, probably a hell of a lot more
Well, that took longer than I expected. Did I miss anything?
>>74203Dark Star walks inside
>>74208I see what you are implying, good sirIron decides to head to the last place he was in: The Waatering Hole, since he may be lucky and she found information that may lead Ash there... with Cauldron... He better be quick.
>>74209Somepony finally fuckedAsh did not buy a dog, but did get a shield
Iron did not get jumped in a bar fight and killed or knocked out like I was fully expecting that encounter to go
Dark Star still has time until he can meet up at the tavern.
I was hoping he would sleep in until Noon, but instead he got out of bed and rolled a 20, avoiding fatigue but still not fully healing>>74211From behind, he hears a very familiar "Hello"
>>74210The pony behind the counter does not immediately engage him, but there are plenty of goods in the store
[1d20 = 12]>>74208Hmmmmmmmm
She goes inside, looking for Iron.
Rolling gather information to ask around for The Big Iron.
>>74213Iron turns around, spooked. Hope it is not Cauldron. "Hello."
>>74214"I take it you mean the giant native pony who tries to intimidate ponies and isn't familiar with Equestrian moral values? Yes, I work with him"
>>74213He looks for a flash light and some candy
>>74213Right. I think when we last left Silver, there was something about a protest at city hall? I was so fucking tired by then, I can't remember.
[1d20 = 15]>>74216"???"
"Have you seen him?"
>>74216>>74214Says a slim Zebra mare
>>74215That's exactly who it is
>>74217Yes and Yes
>>74218That is indeed correct
>>74220Right then. Give me a minute to get settled, then I should be able to continue with more oomph this time.
>>74220I walk to the Counter
>>74220"Cauldron. I am back, for now. I may have done something wrong here. I did not set up a place to meet up with my employer, hope you do not mind I came back so suddenly."
>>74220 Potential catfight imminent.
>>74219"Yes. He left after he told me he was in love with some soft spoken Kirin mare, and wanted to go on some mission to find a cannery. Something about a lost foal and wanting to be a fairy tale knight. Then he said though he loves her, he wanted to take me upstairs and fuck me.
I take it you're the soft spoken Kirin"
>>74222"That'll be 20 bits. Is there anything else I can do for you?"
>>74223"Are you speaking about the Waterfront Gang?"
>>74225Sister Ash steps back, a look of confusion crossing her face
".. I.. I-I don't know.."
>>74226"What? No. Nevermind. I will stay here until she arrives." Iron fidgets a bit uncomfortably.
>>74227"Wears a wolf hide? I suspect that he didn't tell you that he worked for the Waterfront Gang. Do you happen to know how he got those gold bricks?"
>>74228She stares
>>74229Iron looks at the horizon, clearly not intending on doing something stupider than before.
>>74229Sister Ash takes another step back
"..Ummmmm.. I'm not sure.."
Wait, are we in the same room?
>>74225"No Thanks sir. thats all i needed for today. have a good one"
Dark Star leaves and Heads back to blues bed to sleep off my gunshot wound
>>74232Me and Iron, that is?
>>74235Who are you talking to then?
>>74236I actually have no idea. I thought it was Cauldron. Maybe I am inside after all.
tfw spaghetti clouds perception
Forgive me if I'm slow to reply. I'm in the middle of stuff, and the Internet is still a little wonky.
"A protest? Was this outside when I got here?" Silver steps outside to watch.
>>74237That may have been subconsciously why I played a nun..
I'm going to need to go eat within half an hour.
>>74233When he goes back, it's something like 9AM. A pony stops him before he goes to the hallway
"Excuse me sir, may I see your ID and ask your business here?"
>>74236>>74230>>74231Did you think you could just arrive at the same building from from miles away at exactly the same time? They are speaking to the same NPC but at staggered times
>>74231"Teach him some manners if you can. He expressed sharp disappointment saying 'is that the way it is now' when I told him polygyny is frowned upon"
>>74238A group of protesters, many of whom are not pony, protest against brutal police action. They think massacre on the wharf last night was caused or instigated by police
>>74241>They are speaking to the same NPC but at staggered timIn what order?
>>74241Iron relents. "Have you seen the dragon, then?"
>>74243"She's inside"
Her expression is still not friendly
>>74241"So, which way did he go?"
>>74241"Im Dark Star, I finished a mission for Sea Breeze. im here to sleep off this gunshot wound im feeling really exhausted."
>>74241He frowns, having not heard about a massacre of any sorts happening last night. He trots up to the nearest protester to ask. "Excuse me, what is this protest about?"
>>74244She got to her first... This is going to be hard pain to overcome. "Thank you. You sure there is absolutely no hard feelings, right Cauldron?"
>>74245"He went off to find you"
>>74246He doesn't seem to trust this, but looks to another pony, who nods
"Alright, go on"
>>74247"This is a protest against the oppressive fascist government and their collaborators in the city government. They mistreat non-pony races in Baltimare and across the world. A whole griffin crew was slaughtered last night, and whether or not the fascists actually did it they didn't protect them"
>>74248She stares
"You tell me what you think"
[1d20+14 = 26]>>74249".. I guess I'll take my leave then..."
She leaves and continues down the road.
Rolling survival
>>74249Iron is unconvinced. Here I thought we were on at least neutral terms. Iron heads off inside, following the lead of the zebra, which he hopes she didn't cock up anything.
I walk in and as im passing by the minotuar i say
"Those Waffles were great, i ate 40 of them."
>>74250>>74251Wait, now I'm confused.
>>74250The dog tracts to a position to the North
>>74251Ash is not inside
>>74252He's a little confused, but he appreciates the friendly intent. Dark Star is able to go back to the room without any more harassment
He should have a badge on him
>>74253Time line is
>I leave>You come>You leave>I comeBasically GM is fucking up Iron's chances of dragon mare pussy from Ash through Cauldron, which I believe she is doing it because if she can't have Iron, then no can type of shit.
>>74254How far apart are these events occurring?
>>74254>spoilerhe puts it on his jacket and then takes it off and goes back to sleep.
Iron is not feeling well. This is like a bad dream for him. He decides to crash at one of the rooms upstairs until he composes himself. If he stays still, then she could find her and sort out this issue.
>>74249He raises an eyebrow. He can't recall if he's ever heard the word "fascist" used before. "Fascist? What is that? Name of some city?"
>>74261I guess you'll go to bed, so night.
>>74256Hard to say, really. I think it would have been natural for a delay of 20 minutes? I don't know
>>74257The bed is comfortable. He can sleep now until 12:30ish, which is at least in total the 8 hours required to heal. He wakes up normally feeling more or less okay, awoken by what seems to be the sound of a door
>>74260"The Blackhooves! The Duke and His goons"
>>74258He seems to be able to do so well enough, and finds a bed
>>74264"Oh! So, they are fascist...what does that mean, then?"
>>74263I'm going to dinner.
>>74264Is that enough time to have crossed paths with him on the road he came from
>>74265Blue Skies has entered the room. Her steps are light, but the door gives away any sort of stealth. She is wearing a full Blackhooves police uniform, and this she seems to be in the process of removing as she enters
>>74266"That means that they support an oppressive hierarchy. New Mareland above equestrians, ponies above all non-ponies"
>>74264Iron sits there. He breathes in and out, clearly not dealing with this very well. While he waits for Ash, he tries to compose himself by steady breathing. Maybe Cauldron did not tell her anything and was saying the truth. Maybe she did. His posture is rigid and his eyes dart all across the room. If what Cauldron said was true, then the mere fact that he admitted to having sex with a zebra as well as being in love with her is going to destroy the small progress he made to woo her. And Ash is quite a catch, already accostumed to living in nature and all. Breathe in, breathe out.
>>74269She sees him at about the same time as he says this. She's a little surprised at first
"You're still here?"
She takes off the uniform
>>74270Iron vaguely recalls that rogues are masters of stealth and striking when you are weak
>>74268He nods, having finally understood what they mean. "That does seem like them. So, you say they killed bunch of griffons? Where did this happen?"
>>74271"Should i not be?"
>>74272>tfw you realize that your normal NPCs have more dialogue than most leftist protesters, so you have to lower their breadth of knowledge"On the Northern-most pier of the seaport last night, in a ship anchored off shore. 8 dead and 1 wounded"
A different protester interjects about rampant gun violence, and the fact that illegal weapons were involved
Signs include statements like "Larry Berry is not a true socialist" and a few protestors wear red and black bandannas
>>74273"Uh, I guess you're fine there. Hey, did you have that Changeling head? Come to think of it we have quite a bit to go through from last night"
>>74271fuk u d00dShe definetly did it. She absolutely did, the bastard. I knew she was into it. She was just so selfish to grab all romantic attention for herself. And here he thought that she was strong as she told her after that debt collecting business. Now he knew that after all that talk, she was still a mare. A selfish mare at that. He has a big urge to strike her, but he recalls his dad's advice when at the jungle. 'Son, if you actively seek revenge, your success will be hampered. You have to live better than her. That will show her.' That is correct. He knew that the moment he overcomes this setback and obtains what he wants anyways, she will suffer from it. Oh, and will she suffer. He was willing to take both mares as equals, now he knows Cauldron's true colors. She will cut ties after this bullshit.
>>74274"Yea, its in my pocket on my jacket."
>>74274I'm not sure if I've ever known that feel.He takes their bandanas as just a strange modern fashion statement. "Northern-most pier?" He looks around, realizing he's lost sight of Spark, but after he can't find him, he makes a decision anyways. "I think I will go see this for myself. Thank you for help." With that, he heads for the pier, using what he remembers from the map to make his way.
>>74275I must admit that this block of internal dialogue confuses me immensely
>>74276She reaches in, and pulls it out. A severed head
"Yep, this is a worker alright. Western hives"
She continues going through his jacket
"Hey, about last night. I'm not sure if that was really appropriate professional from me. I'm sorry."
>>74277The Northern Most pier is reachable from Blackwood road. When he gets there, he seems a still smoldering building, fire crews and police tape. The police wear black and not blue uniforms
>>74279"A massacre, AND a fire? Would the police really cause this?" He heads for the nearest police pony. "Excuse me, officer. What happened here?"
>>74279Dark Star looks a bit nervous by her statement
"You Don't Regret it do you?"
>>74279In summary, he explains to himself that kicking the zebra's ass for what she's done will hamper his chances of success at most things, like Ash's favour. So he essentailly reasons that getting Ash as a marefriend will hurt her may more than physically hurting her in any way. That is what it is supposed to mean.
>>74281She too, looks nerovus
"No. I just don't wanat you to. You said that that was your first time and I don't know if you were lying to me about that. I mean, it's okay if you were, but if you were telling the truth I thought that maybe you should have had... like a highschool sweetheart. A nice girl to remember fondly"
>>74280"We believe that members of the Waterfront gang contracted to bring in guns from Griffonia. Insiders within the group must have staged a mass robbery of the transaction, which went badly and left more than a dozen dead. At some point in the fight, two police officers were murdered by a foreign automatic weapon. The weapons dealers must have lit the warehouses on fire to try destroy the guns as evidence"
>>74283To Silver, the explanation certainly makes more sense than the police doing all of this. "Waterfront Gang? Who are they?"
>>74283"it was the truth. i don't regret it. i never had the Chance to go to school."
>>74284"The Waterfront gang is a term used to refer to an organized crime syndicate that operates here in Baltimare. We call them that because they tend to operate mostly near the Seaport in the east side of town, and recruit from the lower classes. But to them, it is just 'our thing.' They must be conducting arms imports"
>>74282>Throwing away a fairly developed and painstakingly created NPC that was a faction liaison, and created specifically for the Iron characterThis shall be remembered
>>74285She sits down at a table in the room
"Aww. Why is that?"
>>74287"My Family was very poor when my father was still alive and after he died the bit situation got worse and worse and then after mom got killed my brother and i Had no chance at all then."
>>74286I guess it's okay to think that. Who knows, maybe Cauldron has a change of heart, but I think you did it on purpose to cause strife for bad decisions. I don't really know how to change Iron's heart because in his mind, he already explained himself and now he thinks she is just malignant or some shit like that.
>>74286He nods. "Thank you, officer. And I am sorry to hear about your fallen comrades." Silver then heads for the location the officer described, getting more and more curious as to what exactly happened here.
"It's too bad I lost track of Spark. This would have made for a fine adventure."
Would Sister Ash have crossed paths with Iron, since she was following his trail?
>>74292I'm just trying to find him.
>>74288"Aww. I also lost family. Well, they are alive somewhere, but it didn't end well. So how did you and your brother get by after that?"
"I'm on lunch break, so I don't have to return any time soon"
>>74289>Not apologizing for bad decisions rather than suffer the wrath of a mare scorned>>74292Nope. Going North
>>74291Press F to pay respects for fallen Spark. Gone, but not forgotten
>>74294Have our timelines lined up yet?
Actually, fuck it.
Sister Ash goes all the way back to her campsite and waits for Iron there.
>>74294"well, he got a job in the iron mines and..... i stole things so i could eat so he wouldnt have to spend his small ammount of bits on feeding me."
>>74294I thought I did already. What? Why do these mares want apologies so explicit? Godamn.
>>74298Iron will be kind of stuck there for a few minutes. Don't move too far after that, ok?
>>74299"I see. How'd you come about these big wads of cash you are tossing around now?"
>>74304Having a small mental breakdown, give him some time.
>>74301You should try with a real female
>>74303"it was all the money my brother was able to make. he left it to me before he fought for the black hooves in the war. i dont think this was all from his mining job, i think he might have been doing something illegal."
[1d20+12 = 26]
Rolling survival to set up a hut.
>>74308"An equestrian fought for the Blackhooves? Now that's new. I take it he didn't come back for his money"
[1d20 = 5]>>74294Iron, after a few minutes of deep breathing, now feels composed enough to face Ash and not fuck up. Noting that she has not come to pick him up yet, he decides to meet up where they were supposed to: at the forest. He walks outside the tavern and tries to head out to the forest camp she set up, trying to go south all the way, like Ash said. Rolling luck to see if he reaches the camp set up before because this crisscross of bullshit might be averted by this.
>>74307>>74310Maybe he will
>>74312Uh, it's better than a one, honestly.
>>74314Extreme hut building.
>>74312Not quite. As he walks out, a voice behind says "Do you have anything to say to me?"
>>74311"he Had a pen pal in New Mareland, she was in the Party would send him books, and pamphlets, and news papers. i think her name was Hoof.. Hoof something. and he never made it back, i was waiting for him for 2 days before i had realized that... he was never coming home."
>>74316Iron turns around to see who said that.
"Am I even heading the right way?" Silver stops, pulling out his map to check that he's actually heading for the eastern Seaport.
>>74319That's exactly where he just was
>>74318Well who else?
>>74317"We should have pretty good records to see what became of him"
>>74321You stop that shit
>>74320"I would like to know if we could find out."
DarkStar puts his hoof on hers
"And uh thanks for talking with me about it, i feel a little better about it."
>>74320"I am. Neat." He looks around at the buildings in this part of town, being unfamiliar with the area.
>>74327Well, Spark has already lost track of Silver because he's gone on an adventure, so...
>>74323She smiles, warmly
"It's good to have somepony to talk to. They'll have a list of names. We can find out"
>>74329"Well, since i told you so much about me, tell me a little about yourself."
>>74328Well... I guess I will hang around the hall then.
>>74329I go inside the city hall and look around.
>>74320Iron is really not feeling guilty. "I already said what I meant. I have no idea what you want from me now." Iron looks sternly at Cauldron. "I never said anything that made you look less than what you are, which is a mare and a great one at that. Not a whore, not a slut, not a tramp, none of those are applicable to you. I told you are better than other mares by virtue alone and I told you that the concept of coitus is more important than what you believe it means, which is a lot more than fucking you and leaving you on the side of the road while I move on from you. What else am I supposed to say?"
>>74333Checkin' dem triples
[shaman noises]
*Sweeps hutt*
>>74334Oh shit, didn't notice that.
>>74332"I guess that is enough." She smiles
"If you want work, come back. If you want special potions that do special things, or just good food, go to 35 Elk street
>>74330>>74331>>74333I'll get to all of you>>74335Would this happen to be the Hutt Dynasty that once controlled a substantial portion of the known galaxy?
[1d20 = 14]>>74338"Noted." He walks away from Cauldron, heading towards the campsite Iron and Ash were before.
Rolling luck to see if he finds Ash without much fuss of direction.
>>74338>Would this happen to be the Hutt Dynasty that once controlled a substantial portion of the known galaxy?
>>74330"I was raised into an aristocratic Pegasi warrior family in Nimbusia. We were among the homioi, or citizen class there. My father was a little distant and my mother was hard. My older brother, I think he suffered some sort of brain damage as a result of a jousting incident that pierced below his eye. He would make fantastic claims about me. He never accepted me as a part of the family. But they trained me in the warrior tradition. Not just direct combat, but stealth as well, and ranged combat. When the time came I went into the trials, the agoge, and became a full citizen. But there was this worker helot. A crafts stallion serf, who had a grudge against me. I think he thought I was in a relationship with his son? Anyways, he made some accusations. Now, no one really trusts the helots, but combined with my delusional older brother – and the alleged relationship with the Earth pony serf – I was chased out. The government changed later that year, and the old social order based on apartness was dismantled. I lived in another place for some years, before that place fell to Communists. The Baltimare governate under Halcyon shores let me in here, and I try to make this my tribe to fight for and defend"
>>74333The district has warhouses by the water, and industry near the water as well. There are large amounts of multi-family apartments and crowded stores. It is a lower class area, mostly, especially compared to the west, and fairly industrial
>>74331The city hall is described in
>>74054 >>74056 >>74058 >>74060 >>74063 >>74065 >>74067
>>74343All of the industry is an unfamiliar landscape to him. As he heads further into the area to look for anypony who might be a lead into this "Waterfront Gang", half of his time is spent gawking at all the smokestacks and industrial architecture.
>>74344Forgot to change the name field.
>>74343I go left I suppose and listen in on conversations, to get a clue of what goes on in these departments and offices.
[1d20+12 = 29]
Rolling to gather fruit.
>>74343"wow thats quite the story. im sorry things didnt work out like you wanted."
Dark Star places his hoof on her shoulder
"tell me a little more about the apoge"
>>74341That looks decent enough.
[kirin noises]
*Pets doggo*
>>74348"The Agoge is the formal citizenship test. It consists of a few steps. The first is sword fighting, or sort fencing. The second step is a speed and agility flight competition. How fast you can fly relays, how well you avoid obstacles, fly in danger... The final part was to break into the homes and shops of helots and steal specific items. Now, I barely passed sword fighting, and am an okay flier. Not great, but I passed by a decent enough margin. But I came back with the objectives of several other ponies besides myself on the stealth missions. That's not really in the rules, but they didn't care. I became a citizen. I was also a part of an intelligence gathering association, to spy on the Helots to see if they are planning rebellion. What I heard... I think I got more than one. Maybe that's why that tailor helot was so pissed off at me"
And did I mention that she likes being touched?
>>74347And thus she finds passion fruit, mangoes, and starfruit. A little far north for some of those as well
>>74346"Can you believe what happened last night?
"Let's be real, they can't stop crime anyways
"Hey, did you talk to that girl?"
"Yeah, but I don't think she likes me"
"Like how does that guy think he's going to ever clear that property?"
"I can see why he thinks the police will help but this clearly is not their jurisdiction"
"Well, let's see if the city council will want to give up on the plan to develop that area, or do something different"
>>74344What kind of lead is he looking for?
>>74352I move closer to where the third conversation is taking place.
>>74352Is that a yes on the "walk to this direction" thing or not? You kinda left it muddy for some reason. In other words, do I reach the camp or the hut?
>>74352"Say blue what do you do for the Black Hooves?"
>>74354I'm sure you did. He only had to retrace his steps.
He returns to find that Sister Ash as set up a hut, with a large dog sitting outside it like a sentry.
>>74353Our little eaves dropper hears this conversation coming from a pair of office workers returning to the zoning commission office after a lunch break.
"Well, it's hardly a normal occurrence, but he got the permits for it even after the archaeological surveys."
"Well, no shit. How many ponies can't develop their lot because of monsters left behind from an ancient burial ground?"
"I'm pretty sure that's not that rare"
>>74355"My official title is 'anti-subversive activities.' Practically speaking the vast majority of what I do is following Blackhooves employees or civilian officials and seeing if they are taking bribes, stealing weapons, actually sympathize with the rebels, and so forth. I've done more than a little infiltration into communist groups around here, which is why I was a part of the team last night. Besides that, I have more than a little bit of knowledge about changelings and how to find them, since we have those in the East as well. So I help with the identification. Your friend, 'Onyx' I think his name is, was arrested on suspicion of being one and I was called in to certify. I found he wasn't one after a chemical we apply to try to disrupt their magic, well, he didn't turn into a changeling. So he was cleared. Not that I have seen many in the field. So yes, I am a sort of general purposes anti-subversive activities officer. We're a bit short staffed, so I work a lot of overtime and jobs I'm technically not required to do"
>>74357>>74356Iron goes towards Ash. "Alright, when shall we go to the location of the lost child? I am ready for it."
>>74358He walks in to find her peeling a mango.
"Oh, you're back. How was your trip?" She says, grabbing her shields (all 4 of them).
>>74357"Theres still something worrying me. Why Do you think a changeling was impersonating mareques? "
>>74357I walk to the front of the office and try to get their attention. "Hello."
>>74359Iron grimaced. "I prepared for the mission. Nothing more than that." He clangs the shield and armor with his armoured hoof. He then approaches some more and sits next to her. "May I have a slice of that mango?"
>>74360And she has a look of worry as well. "Well, that's kind of what I want to find out as well. I grabbed what must have been her briefcase, since hopefully she had some documents in there. They are magically enchanted though, so we'll need some time to get a wizard to open those. Anyways, there could be a number of reasons. Maybe the Changeling Empire wants to keep track of the Communists in south east Equestria, and so replaced a Stalliongrad spy they intercepted. Maybe that changeling was actually a Stalliongrad agent. The simplest answer is that the Changelings want to destabilize South East Equestria in advance of an invasion, or to prevent the use of these provinces for resources. And maybe it's something worse..."
>>74362She hands him the whole thing, cut in pieces
>Already had time to eat"Off we go then." she says, visinly weighed down by the wooden panels.
>>74363"I shouldn't be getting into other ponies' business... but I couldn't help but hear something about monsters."
>>74363Dark Star touches his hoof to his chin and starts thinking.
>>74364Iron snacks on all the mango pieces. "Let me carry those shields you are holding. You seem overloaded." Iron attempts to take off some of the smaller shields Ash is carrying.
She gives him the off-hand shield, and leads the way towards the cannery.
>>74368Iron recieves it and follows Ash along the way. "Do you know what will we face off?
>>7436 →"Nope." She says flatly
"I'm going to investigate that now." She continues, adjusting her shawl
Late dinners are late.>>74352Primarily, he's looking for a lead into if the Waterfront Gang has had anything to do with the massacre at the pier, preferably listening from a member of the gang itself. Though with what little he knows about the gang, he's decides to just ask around to see if somepony can lead him in the right direction.
>>74370Iron nods. He prepares his shield, holding it with his armoured off-hand
>>74373He did get a tower shield, right?
>>74366"Well, there's still time in my lunch break if you want to do something together"
She tries to look cute
>>74365And thus Spark learns the benefit of being a government employee, as they do indeed have the time to just talk to strangers rather than doing work
t. public sector"Yeah, so in North city there was this area of lots that were cleared to allow for multifamily and some businesses by this business pony named Glass Horizon, and one of these lots had an old house on it with what was always believed to be a flooded quarry. And all this required a change in zoning in that area, because there was a plan by the city to develop new business over there, and well, gentrify a blighted area. But when the excavated around the old house they found grave sites, which was okay because they were native graves, too old to be protected by law, but when they drained the quarry... well, it wasn't a quarry, because whoever made that rocky set of crypts did not have good intent. It's hardly a severe infestion because the necromancer that must have done that has been gone since before Equestrian settlement, so most of the dangers are gone, but it is enough to keep crews off the area"
>>74368Where is the cannery?
>>74372>Asking around for gang membersWell that's some sketchy shit. After three ponies of asking, he gets to a Stallion with a beard and a grey suit
"Who wants to know?" he asks
[1d20+12 = 32]>>74376On the East shore, I thought.
Rolling survival to navigate there.
>>74377Also fullplate
>>74378Holy moley, leave the dice rolls for combat.
>>74376"Do you want to get something to eat? like a date."
>>74378Well, she definitely can find her way to the East Shore, a mile to the east and another mile to the north, like 1.3 Diagonally
>>74380She smiles ad wags her tail
"That would be nice"
>>74379That's an AC of 22
"Did you keep that hide by any chance?"
>>74381She makes her way there, leading her companions
>>74381"i had a big breakfast this morning. but i can eat some more. being shot really gets you hungry."
>>74376"Necromancer? Sounds cool. Is it off limits to go sight see?"
>>74382"I think I still have it, just not equipped and missing the head." Iron points at the wolf head helmet.
>>74383Iron follows
>>74376He seems a bit confused by the question. "Me. I heard rumor gang was involved in incident on pier. I wanted to learn from proverbial 'pony's mouth'."
>>74386".. Would you mind if I borrowed it?"
>>74388"Of course not." He passes the wolf armor to Ash. "You seem to be readying for a fight."
>>74389".. Oh, you never know when a misunderstanding could occur.." she says
>>74390"I understand. Do not fret to use me as cover. I am here to protect you after all." Iron strokes her mane a little.
>>74381What kind of neigh-borhood does it look like?
>>74384"I would like that. We've been sort of thrown into the fire together, so we haven't really had much chance to, well grow accustomed. So this could be our first date I guess. Where do you want to take me on our first date?"
She walks past him with her sleek appearance, and rubs her long blue tail against Dark Star's face.
She gives him another devious look
"While I don't want to come off as well, 'loose,' I do like to kiss on a first date. I think of myself as a romantic"
>>74387"Again, I ask who are you? Are you with the police?" says the fancily dressed stallion
>>74385"Oh you can go up to the edge of the lot, that's open. The dangerous area is off limits, so going in there would be trespassing. That means Glass Horizons can't be sued if somepony goes in and gets killed"
>>74383Well, she can get to the east shore, which she finds is mostly seaport
>>74393She continues to look for the cannery, with a firm resolve.
>>74394She's found a shitload of industrial buildings and waterfront properties, that is for sure. So what does a cannery look like?
>>74393"Neat. Can you point it out on my map so I won't get lost? I tend to do that."
I pull out my map.
>>74393"My name is Silver. I am not with anyone but myself."
[1d20+12 = 21]>>74395Probably one that smells like fish, I guess.
Rolling survival to look for any clues that might lead us there.
>>74397"Sure" says the employee. She circles an area in North town on the map, with an arrow of the exact position.
"Actually though, I think what you want to do is go to a real estate office and ask about the property. When you go in, tell them you are looking to clear the Silver Springs quarry."
She circles a spot on the map
"It's this office right here you want. They might even pay you"
>>74399Ash can smell what smells like, well, Diesel fuel and gasoline. Unless there's been like a spill or explosion, this area seems like it isn't really fit for food processing
>>74398"Alright then, 'Silver.' Let me tell you that the Waterfront gang does not, and would not, rob a transaction like that. We-they value their reputation and repeat business. They would never attack a crew like that. But rogue elements... Untrustworthy members... Now they just might."
>>74393Whats the most romantic restaurant in baltimare?
I'm kind of stumped..
>>74402>>74400"Maybe we should ask the locals. They may know where the 'cha-neh-rie' is." Iron is stumped like she is.
>>74400Spark smiles and thanks them for their help. He then goes off towards the real estate office.
[1d20 = 17]>>74403"That's a good idea."
Rolling to gather Information
>>74401Now that's a hard question. If you mean fanciest period, that'd be the Gramarecy. If you mean the fanciest that could be eaten at within what remains of an
extended lunch break, that'd be the Wobbly River Cafe
>>74403>>74406The Darrien Cannery, on the East Shore and kind of to the south. The Griffclaw cannery, on the North East of the bay on the peninsula. The Lunar Ocean Cannery on the North Shore in the city of North Point
>>74404"Well, you know, certain Underbosses and capos who don't really have any loyalty to the organization. Who want to run operations on their own. Who want massive piles of bits for themselves. Ponies whose actions most definitely cannot be linked to me in any sort of criminal conspiracy charge the DA can think of. Ponies who are a threat to the Waterfront gang and the public"
>>74408"I say we pay a visit to the Darrien 'cah-neh-rie' since it fits the description you provided the most." He whispers to Ash.
>>74408He nods, following along with the information he's gathering from this not-gang-member pony. "And you believe these 'rogue elements' are behind massacre?"
>>74408>>74409"That's what I was thinking."
The two proceed to said cannery.
>>74408>>74393"how about the wobbly river cafe?"
>>74410The pony pulls his cigar out of his mouth, because why the hell have I not already described him as smoking a cigar, and he moves forward.
"Now of course I'm not saying the gang was on those docks at all. But if they were... A certain specific underboss would be responsible"
>>74411>>74412This is a little south of the main seaport area, and away from the diesel smell, in an area that is more forested. A single road goes by the area
>>74413She looks back at him, wagging her tail so that the view from Dark Star's angle is rather nice
"That sounds like a good place to go"
>>74405The building is designed like a home, with white walls and a red tile roof. Horizon Reality it says
>>74414>area that is more forestedGood.
*Follows road*
>>74414Dark Star gives her a smack on the plot
"lets head that way so we can finish before you have to go back to work."
>>74414He smiles to himself. "And I don't suppose certain 'upstanding citizens' like yourself would know where one such as myself could perhaps find this underboss?"
>>74415She can see a subroad that goes down to a west entrance, and a center subroad that goes to a loading area. Behind the building are large docks where a trawling vessel is parked at the docks. A more regular entrance, evidently for workers, is on the East
>>74416'Why hello there" says a mare from behind a nice white counter
>>74420And this gets him suspicious
"For what purpose?"
>>74417"Ooh! hehe. Well, let's go then"
Blue Skies puts on a green scarf before she goes. They walk out of the room, outside and down the street.
>>74421Dark Star leaves without his coat because its covered in blood at this point
>>74421I walk up to the counter.
"Hello. I was told this is where I need to go. I am here to clear out some sort of problem in the Silver Springs quarry."
[1d20 = 17]>>74415>>74421Iron decides to spot from here how many ponies there are for a possible firefight.
>>74421He remains perfectly calm to the pony he's speaking to. "To see what this underboss you speak of has to say on matter."
[1d20+5 = 12]>>74421She creeps closer, silently.
Rolling Spot to see how many workers there are.
>>74427Nah, I didn't see that you had already rolled.
>>74422"I'm sorry about that coat. Just another piece of equipment lost in the service of the cause I guess. We'll get you some more equipment soon enough. I can't say I know that much about bloody clothes because I almost never wear clothes, but I did lose a flak jacket
>>74424>>74426Pretty sure Iron wins this one. It's kind of hard to say. No ponies seem to be outside the loading bay, but ponies are inside. Two ponies stand outside the east wall, but it isn't immediately obvious if they are armed. Several are on the dock, but they aren't in line of sight, as they are behind the building
>>74423She is a bit surprised by this
"Well, I guess I'll ask around to make this happen"
>>74425His eyes narrow
"You can speak to my lawyer"
>>74426>Silently>With no rogueIf only you hadn't thrown out the rogue NPC
>>74429And with that, Silver goes back to confusion. "What does your lawyer have to do with this?"
Iron approaches Ash. "There are two ponies on the east wall, I cannot see if they have weapons. Many are on the docks, so if we are going for stealth, we should not go there." He whispers to Ash.
>>74429"Thank you."
I wait for her to return.
>>74428Questing is PC-only business.
>>74432Tbh, I was cleaning all day, and I'm terribly tired right now.
>>74429looks at the corner where my Destroyed flak jacket is in
>>74436We can stop if you want. It is your quest, not mine. You are the mastermind here.
>>74430"And what do I have to do with 21 counts of first degree murder, eight counts of attempted murder, and numerous weapons violations? Nothing. Nothing at all"
>>74437"We'll get you a new one...." she says with a kind of 'sorry'
>>74434She comes back. "Well, Glass Horizon is willing to make a contract, if you know somepony willing to clear the quarry
>>74436Did you mis-link that post and made it trying to be a dick?
>>74439"its not your fault its the communists, ill send the bill to them."
>>74438>not mine>You are the mastermindAwwww, don't say that. Your input is just as important. It's a party.
I am really tired though, so I think I'll turn in for the night.
>>74439His confusion is joined by annoyance. "I did not accuse you of these things. I am merely asking for directions."
>>74442Night then. I'll go out with you since I am basically on pause until you come back. Night everyone else.
>>74439"Of course. Do I need to meet with Horizon, or do I just need to fill out information?"
>>74445Goodnight Anon.
>>74441"Hell, I'll send those bastards the bill myself"
There's the bitchy mare you know
They are able to walk down to the cafe in a short enough time
>>74443"Oh I see. If I know where he's located, then that means that am a part of a criminal conspiracy. Well, you can find him yourself"
>>74448"Well, definitely fill out this information here"
>>74451I fill out the form with my information.
>>74451Dark Star smiles at her when she says it
>>74451Complete newfag question: how does one add to a dice roll made in the email box.
>>74455I believe you just add to the end +[number]
Like: Dice 1d20+3
>>74458I don't think so... not to my memory at least.
>>74452>>74454"I've been glad to shoot a few of those fuckers in the face. And may I shoot many more"
>>74455Just a +. Like 1d20+7
>>74452A tan unicorn in a blue suit with grey hair comes up to him
"You can do something about the Silver Springs Quarry?"
>>74458I shit you not, they ahve all left and it looks like they all want to do quests on their own for some reason
>>74460Welp, I'm useless for now then.
>Cleans glasses
>>74460"I believe so. I'm Shimmering Spark. Pleased to meet you."
>>74461Not quite yet... Apparently the quest giver hinted to needing to bring someone along. "If you know somepony willing to clear the quarry" as she said.
[1d20+7 = 11]>>74457>>74460Thanks. Here's hoping this works.>>74451Annoyance turns to frustration. He glares daggers at the pony in front of him. "Listen here,
boy. I have reached end of my patience with you. You know where to find this underboss, and you
will tell me. Or so help me Celestia, your funeral will be closed casket."
Rolling for Intimidation
>>74465Watch as the other pony rolls a fucking 20.
[1d20+8 = 20]>>74464She smiles, "I think this might be the beginning of a beautiful co-working partnership"
She looks forward
"We're here"
You arrive at the restaurant, a minimalist themed cafe with green coated seats, white walls and white carpeted floors. You are able to be seated quickly
>>74462"I am Glass Horizon. So can you kill things that are undead. I don't mean that in a metaphysical philosophical kind of way, I just mean can you make these damned things stop moving so we can dump them onto a landfill"
>>74465>>74468"The DA didn't send his best" says the unintimidated pony in the grey suit. Recommending Silver leave quietly
>>74468"Yes. I also have a friend that might be interested in joining me, if you don't mind that is. We will make quick work of your problem."
>>74469I feel unreasonably miffed about that, I will admit.He snarls, seriously considering doing something unseemly here...but realizes now is neither the time, nor place. With a huff, he turns, and heads out of the area, with nothing to show for his investigative efforts.
>>74471It appears our undercover police officer did not manage to find out more information.
Until he is approached by a scrawny ugly looking fellow on the way out
"If you are looking for information"
>>74470"Oh I don't care who clears it, just kill these... entities a second time so I can build a department store and use the quarry as a basement"
>>74472"You got it. Let me fetch me him and they will be gone in no time."
I head out to the tavern.
>>74472Silver stops, turning his head to look at the relatively sad-looking pony.
>>74468"oh is that all it is?"
Dark Star looks at Blue coyly
>>74474>>74475She sits up in her seat, and looks at him with those eyes
"We're only on our first date. Let's see where this takes us"
>>74474"He won't speak to you, but for a price, I will. If you want to know where the underboss is, I can tell you for 20 bits"
>>74473It is so
>>74476"So what looks good here? to you"
>>74476This is where I would get the bartender to come and help out a friend... for money, because he really likes the money. Something tells me that the bartender is asleep on the job again though.
[1d20+3 = 17]>>74476Let's try this again with a different skill.Sense Motive: He looks the pony up and down, trying to make a judgement as to whether he could be a trusted source of information or not.
>>74477She looks down at the menu
"Well you don't have to go through so much trouble for me. Some of these sandwiches look very nice, and the breads too... What are you getting?"
>>74478Did you link to his post?
>>74479He's a sketchy bastard, but he really does just want the money. He will not snitch on Silver to the DA
>>74480He nods, and pulls out a small sack of Bits, using his magic to remove enough Bits from it to make 20 Bits, then tossing it to the pony. "Where are they?"
>>74480"hmmmmm maybe some of the spaghetti?"
>>74461I walk up to the bar.
"Hey there bartender. Interested in a little work?"
>>74481"His name is Prancesco. He can be found in a bar on 9th and East."
>>74482"Did you see that judgmental look that mare gave me? She's fat enough herself. That or pregnant, and I don't see a stallion. Oh yes. Spaghetti sounds lovely"
>>74484"It is appreciated. You have good day, now." He makes his way towards 9th and East.
>>74485When he goes that war, he enters a bar with, well, a number of ponies. Some play pool, and some are at a poker table. Several of them look pretty vigilant
>>74484"i bet shes eats her weight in food daily."
>>74486Figuring the bartender would know where exactly Prancesco would be, he heads up to the counter.
>>74487"heh, damned cow. You should see this Stallion at one of those awful meetings I had to sit through. Brought literal grass into a damned book reading. I mean first, it's not the time or place, second, at least get some dried hay or alfalfa. Don't eat plain grass like a savage. He was even chewing it like a cow"
>>74488"What may I get for you today?"
>>74489"no way. really? Did he smell like one too?"
>>74489He keeps his voice low, as to not be heard by the other patrons of the bar. "An audience with Prancesco, if it pleases you."
>>74490She laughs a little "Uck! No way I was getting that close to him to find out. I guess he was eating all of the leftover food in Stalliongrad. Now, what really smells is some of the griffons we have around here. The ones that work in the reserves we try to force to clean themselves, but some of these griffins come back proudly smelling like fish"
The waiter is here, and Dark Star may order drinks and or food. He may likewise bring up any topic of conversation that he thinks might interest her, although he can get the impression that she likes dislike others
>>74491"We'll see if he pleases
>>74492>>74491Damn it
"We'll see if it pleases him." Two large stallions appear to each side of him behind him
>>74493He turns to them. "And I suppose you are here to take me to him, then."
>>74494"We might" They search Silver, and quickly find his sword. "Can't have this if you are going to meet Prancesco"
>>74492"Waiter, my mare friend here will have the Sandwich and some of the bread. and for me ill take the spaghetti. do you have Alcohol here?"
>>74495He nods. "Perfectly understandable, as long as I get it back when I am ready to leave." Other than the sword, he has no other weapons on him currently.
>>74496"Why yes, we do. What would you like?"
>>74497The ponies take him to a darkly lit backroom, where a golden Earth pony with greased black hair sits besides several others at a table playing poker
"I heard you were looking for me. Who are you?"
>>74498"Bring me some apple whiskey my fine pony."
>>74498"I am Silver Sword." He bows down to Prancesco. "It is pleasure to make your acquaintance."
>>74499"Right away, sir"
>>74500"Alright. But who are you, and what do you want?"
>>74501"I am nopony interesting, Mr. Prancesco. As for what I want, I have heard many rumors and stories about so-called massacre at pier last night. Some have pointed hooves at police, some at you and your gang. I would like to hear what you think of incident. Help set record straight, so to speak."
>>74502"Bah! We didn't do much but offer protection on the scene for a client, and a few trucks. We were just going secure a couple warehouses, then secure them the next day after some one else stocked them, and provide lookouts at a safehouse in the city. No, I tell you resolutely, it was not me. I doubt the police could have executed it either"
>>74499>>74501And thus Apple Whiskey is delivered
>>74503He nods, not passing judgement either way. "Then, if I may ask, who were the ones who were killed, and who do you think could have done it?"
Alright, Time to go to sleep.Dark Star is not off the hook. He still must woo Ms. Skies>>74504"We don't tell who our clients are, and I cannot know who did it. But the police story of someone within the group who wanted to steal the money... It's not wholly implausible"
>>74503"so, how do ypu feel about us blue?"
>>74505Sleep well, then.Silver raises an eyebrow, interested in what he has to say on the matter. "Hmm?"
Feels nice to finally be able to do something with Silver.
>>74511Tell me about it. How are you enjoying the story so far?
>>74512So far, yeah, I'm enjoying it. Silver, being the only one of the group who wasn't at the pier when y'all killed all those commies, is trying to piece together on his own what happened.
>>74513I feel like the GM is going to call Iron out to you as a possible option of regrouping. After all, you're asking the people that I worked for after making the capo shit his pants. Pretty sure they would consider me a possible liability since I don't respect higher-ups that much, or that mare that stopped the fight either.
>>74515Besides that. Have you decided a bit further about fleshing your character?
>>74516In what ways, exactly?
>>74517Backstory and personality, mostly.
>>74518Personality I definitely have to work on, but I've already got most of his backstory figured out. I just thought it would be better to wait to explain it when it comes up rather than to just word vomit all over.
>>74519I should say by "word vomit" I mean just going into a grandiose dialogue spree about his origins and what his life has been like with little to no provocation. I'm fine with explaining things OOC if someone has a question.
>>74519I'm just asking questions to pass time. No need to dump it now.
>>74521I know, just trying my socially-awkward best to communicate.
>>74522Well, if you feel like it, you can say what is my character's personality from all of my actions, that should not be too hard.
Fug. I didn't get any sleep last night.
>>74524>>74525Well shit. I don't think the GM is here yet, so you have some more time.
>>74523Sadly, determining someone's personality is not one of my strong points.
>>74527Ok. I guess you can practice with my character? It's not really that complex of a character.
>>74506She looks at him with curious eyes
"Last night I was... Shall we say, a bit aggressive. The active partner in the relationship. And it makes me feel... kind of like a wolf hunting down lambs. An innocent, little virgin lamb. But I consider myself a romantic and, well, a mare hunting down stallions? That's not romantic at all. I want to be the passive one in the relationship. One who is given love and affection. One to whom courting gestures and romantic overtures are made. I saw what you did yesterday with the Communists. You don't need to impress me more than you already have. I only need to want me and make me know it. So you tell me how you feel. I'll take what you want to give, and I think you've seen what I have to give."
>>74507"Back in olden times, in places like Yakyakistan, there was this group known as the 'Buggee.' This was a particular Changeling Hive that had this practice of raiding traveling caravans. What they would do is find a caravan travelling between cities, and join it as if they were just new members. And the merchants would be unawares. The caravan would travel on, and eventually have to stop for a night at a point between towns. After the merchants went to sleep the Buggee would come out, and by the light of the full moon would slaughter every merchant and take their wares. Now, that particular hive was crushed long ago. But you don't need to be a shapeshifter to make that tactic work. Simply walk into a group that is relatively unsuspecting, pose as new members, and then attack when they are are vulnerable. Maybe that is what happened there.
Or maybe the answer is simpler. A pony dropped a cigarette in the wrong place, and that started a fire which created tension between the weapons sellers and the buyers."
>>74514Iron is or was actually basically considered to be a member of the Waterfront gang as a faction, or at least have his foot in the door. For instance at the guarded warehouse. Iron was recognized by Cauldron, and thus it was easier for the group to pass on through, whereas Dark Star's lies about being Communists weren't going to help him that much at the checkpoint because the ponies he was talking to were not Communist
For another instance, the cannery. This is actually an operation run by the Waterfront gang which iron has done work for and has (had) a contact in. Iron could variously, through Black Cauldron, get her to use her contacts to simply let them through the front door, plan a secret backdoor operation, or inadvertently tip the whole gang off that they are about to be robbed and so set a trap or move from that location
I like to reuse NPCs and story pieces because I think that that makes you feel like you are getting to know the world, and because it gives you a sense that the actions you take in the world have meaning. If the pony you are talking to today is the same one you met yesterday, and they behave differently today because of that, then you can feel like what you did yesterday actually did something in the world.
>>74520Generally what you need is a set of proclivities or motivations that affects the way they interact with the story.
Iron wants to bully people. This helped him because it lead him to do work for the Waterfront gang, which is all about bullying people that are actually weaker than him.
Dark Star wants to advance Fascism. This
immediately lead him to the Black Hooves faction, who hired him first to spy on Communists, and then to destroy a communist operation.
Ash wants to help the unfortunate. This lead her to a group of nuns at an orphanage, who have a problem with the Waterfront gang
I tried to recruit Onyx into the Communist faction, but he turned that downSilver actually does have a sympathy already, and that is his Restorationist sympathies. Maybe it's just a problem with how I have written the story, but in the area of Baltimare, the restorationists are pretty passive, and mostly go along with the Blackhooves. The nuns Ash contacted were actually Restorationists with an issue with the Blachooves, but the political side of that was not explored.
>>74510[YouTube] All Wings Report In
[Embed]>>74524You are now suffering from fatigue. -2 penalties to strength and dexterity, and you may not run or charge
>>74529I tried to play Sister Ash as politically neutral, but I'm partial to the restorationists.
>>74529I really hope you didn't have to phonepost this.
>Iron is or wasI'm pretty sure I could still be in, but the method should tip the leader that he's a loose cannon. I guess you can say Iron is one of the more expendable memebers, even though he successfully completed his mission with flying colors.
>Iron wants to bully peopler00d, I want the money of those people for myself, not just bullying
I have a few minutes.
Sister Ash approaches the building along the far side.
>>74532"How do you know that the mission objective is a 'cah-neh-rie', anyways?" Iron whispers to Ash.
>>74534"One of the colts told me. An escapee."
>>74535"From what did he escape? A 'cah-neh-rie' does not seem too threatening for a colt. It seems to place for fish, frorm what these ponies we asked said."
>>74536"I think it might be child labor.. Whatever it is, I doubt ponies like this we're looking out for their well-being. I only hope we can settle things peacefully.."
>>74537"From what you say, we may need to explode some stuff and cause a panic like at the docks. I think these ponies will drop everything and bolt it." Iron pats Ash "No need to do it now, though. We can try reason."
>>74532>>74533The situation on the docks had the party approaching from the East, giving the area an "East is up" map. This cannery is on the south side of the bay, so North is up, and Iron and Ash are now to the south of the facility, as they approached from the west. The far side of the cannery seems to be an entrance for workers. The side here is brick, and there are a few windows to the side of the entrance and on a floor above it
>>74538"I'd prefer to minimalize casualties, if possible.. I didn't come here to pick s fight.."
The way she grips her shields betrays a sense of unease
>>74539She approach from the side where there aren't any workers then.
>>74540Iron is unconvinced. "I hope you are right. I would hate to see you hurt."
>>74541Iron still follows
>>74541The rectangular building has four sides. The west side has a road that goes to a door that a truck could fit through, besides a regular door next to it for ponies. Two ponies are by that entrance. The South side has loading bay with three doors trucks can back into and be loaded from. The East side has the aforementioned worker's entrance. The North side is on the bay itself, with a pier that goes out and currently has a trawler moored to it
>>74543Well, we're not getting through this stealthily anyway...
Sister Ash approaches via the West side.
>>74544Do I need to say Iron is behind her again?
>>74529It could be that the Restorationists are currently more easily affected by the Black Hooves' tactics and subjugation than the other factions. After all, I imagine most Restorationists are just normal ponies - former Equestrian citizens - who still hold a love for their lost nation and the Princesses who ruled it, unlike members of the other factions. It could also be that they view the Black Hooves as the lesser of three evils. The communists want to establish an independent democratic socialist state in South Equestria in the same vein as Stalliongrad, and are known to use violence, threats of violence, and coercion to get their way. And the changelings are, well, the changelings. Compared to those two, New Mareland, while still disagreeable, is the certainly better option.His first suggestion actually makes him look back to his time during the war, and his experiences with how the changelings operated covertly. Scout, infiltrate, probe, divide, destroy. It isn't too far off from reality, and, at least to Silver, with as much tension as there is in Baltimare, it would make sense. "Yes. This does sound like typical changeling operation. I hope against all hope it is not, for that is worst possibility of all, but it fits what I know." He pauses while he further considers the situation. "I know you said you can not disclose who your clients are, but, this client, is it group that is easy to divide? Large, prone to infighting, anything of that nature that would make it easy for changelings to infiltrate?"
>>74547Pretty much this. That's how Sister Ash sees it.
>>74544>>74545The west side entrance has a closed steel truck door. To the left of the truck door is a closed black door that is elevated about two feet above the ground, accessed by an equally elevated concrete platform with a small steps leading up to it. A red pegasus stands next to the pedestrian door, and a green unicorn stands on the opposite side of the road, to the right of the truck door. Both are wearing brown uniforms that must be guard uniforms
>>74550>>74549"We could go for the pedestrian door if you want to want to talk it out. It may let us in and we can at least ensure that the child is here." Iron whispers to Ash.
>>74551"That's what I was thinking." She whispers back
>>74550The two approach the pedestrian door.
>>74552The red pony says to Ash
"Can I help you? If you are here to deliver mail, go to the entrance over there" pointing a hoof to go around the building to the workers' entrance
>>74553"I'd like to speak to the manager." Sister Ash replies
>>74554>>74554The pony is a bit confused
"I... guess that could arrange. May I ask your business here and who sent you?"
>>74555"I came here on my own accord." Sister replies
"I'm looking for a particular pony that may have stopped by here.." she continues
>>74556"In that case, I think you do want to go through the other entrance. Let me take you there"
The pony steps down from the steps and seems to start to head around the building
>>74557Sister Ash follows him, her companions close behind.
>>74558The red pegasus takes Ash and and Iron around, with the green pony staying in his place, although mostly watching Iron and watch the red pony's back. They arrive at the entrance, and go through. At the entrance is a small waiting room that leads into a hallway. Past an open door that is evidently to a break room, the pony leads them into a hallway on the left, that leads to a room with a mare at a desk outside. the red pony tells Ash "this is the foremare's office." He says to the mare there, evidently filling the role of a secretary, "she says she is looking for somepony and wants to meet the foremare"
He leaves and leaves Ash with the secretary
>>74560"Good afternoon." Sister Ash says with a polite bow
"I would like to speak with the manager of this establishment."
>>74561"She is on a call. She will be available in a few minutes. The guard told me you were looking for somepony?"
>>74562"Yes..." Sister Ash replies, somewhat nervous
"A pony that goes by the name of.. Sage?"
[1d20 = 12]>>74562>>74561>>74563>>74560Iron decides to scout the room for how many guards there are, see if they have weapons as well.
>>74564Doggo is also on guard, using his sense of smell to detect any new creatures that enter the vincinity
>>74564>>74563"I don't recall a 'sage.'" the secretary responds
"Are you looking for an 'other mare'?"
>>74564There don't seem to be any guards in the room, after the first guard left
>>74566"Possibly..." The ex-nun replies, rummaging through her bag
"Please, allow me to speak to your manager. I would like to have a word with him."
>>74566This information puts Iron on edge.
>>74568>>74567"She'll be available shortly. She is on a business call"
>>74569"Alright then..."
Sister Ash sits down and waits
>>74567>>74568>>74569She asks
"May I ask this stallion's business?"
>>74571Iron interjects. "I am a bodyguard for her. If you do not plan to hurt my client. I will act according to the rules you place."
>>74571"He's an associate of mine." Sister Ash replies
>>74573Iron shrugs. "I guess that is another way to put it."
I have to go eat. I am not sure if the meeting with the foremare will need to wait or it can be done from mobile>>74574>>74573>>74572"Alright, but she only wants to see one pony at a time."
>>74575"... So be it..."
She signals to her doggo to stay in the waiting room (it already knows the 'stay' trick)
Then she turns to Iron with a determined glance
"Wait here for me." she says, with conviction
Are donkeys equivalent to spics?
>>74529Dark Star looks perplexed and a litte saddened by this statement.
"Well, i do want you Blue more than anything ive ever wanted. But ive never been the strongest Pony Around, my dad died before he could teach me a lot of things. im sorry if i disappointed you. thats one of the few things im very good at doing."
Jesus, I take like an hour and a half at most to eat some lunch/dinner. I think he drowned in pizza or something.
>>74580She reaches over, and pats him with a hoof
“You haven’t disappointed me. Or Seabreeze. You’ll prove yourself, have faith. Now, what is it you wish to accomplish?”
>>74578Silver is welcome to respond in character to the two paragraphs of a dialogue made by Pransesco in response to his character
>>74579Mules abd dinkeys are only seen in about three episodes of the TV show with no homeland or kingdom, and are not in the Hoi4 mod, so I am basically omitting them. In this story, the jungle natives represent the Nuhuatl peoples of Mexico, who are the descendants of Aztecs and basically Mexican Native Americans. I have contemplated having NPCs occasionally refer to Natives as “Indios,” which is a Spanish Mexican racial slur for native Mexicans
>>74583He already did.
>>74583"Well,ive always wanted to have a foal ever since i was a colt. and id like to be the next mayor."
>>74582I went to a steakhouse with my mother, father, and grandmother. Pic is for you
>>74584I did not realize that that post was in character>>74586She takes a drink of whatever she had before her (probably water) as if it were alcohol, and says "If you do well enough, and I mean damned well, Halcyon Shores might install you after Larry Berry runs his patience thin"
>>74547He looks at Silver funny
"Changelings? You believe that government propoganda about Changelings? No, there are enough secrets and lies among ponies for this city"
>>74587"Alright, next person. You can just open the door." Ash goes up to the door and opens it to see a rectangular office. There are a few shelves on the side, and a desk near the center, with a window that seems to enter into the factory floor. There is another door on the other side from Ash to the left of the desk. Sitting at the desk is a white unicorn with half green and half blue mane.
"You wanted to see me?" She has her hooves together, and seems inquisitive
>>74588"Yes..." Sister says, stepping forward
"I came here with directions for finding a particular pony.. named Sage.."
>>74588Ah. I never really go out to eat. I just cook food.
Mostly leaves and tomates, maybe peeled cucumbers.
>>74589She looks at you
"Who sent you? I don't recall any full time workers with that name. Nor any recent contractors"
>>74588I will admit, it was a lot of spoiler text for an IC post."I fought in Great War against changelings. I know enough to know their propaganda is not necessary. If they are here, then we are all in deep trouble: you, me, Restorationist, Communist, Fascist, it will not matter."
>>74588"who is Halcyon Shores?"
>>74591Fuck. I really hope I didn't come to the wrong fucking cannery... Fuck.."I came on my own accord.." Sister replies
"Although, I don't believe this individual would be a worker.." she continues
>>74594Can you do a roll to determine this?
>>74592He raises an eyebrow
"The only business I have with politicians is to make them stay out of my business. The War shut down shipping routes and caused some clients and employees to be drafted, but besides making some items impossible to export or import, making some more available, and some more profitable to sell on the black market, not much has changed around here. They didn't even bother to change the mayor or police chief after the war."
>>74593This question makes her take a double take, and she looks closely into his eyes
"The Military Governor. Our Benefactor"
>>74594"Then who is this person to you?"
>>74597"Someone who's safety I'm concerned for.." she continues, now unsure
Oh god dammit!
>"They took us all to a building by the north shore. It must have been a factory or something. Maybe they put fish in cans, I don't know. But they were taking us together and I kicked the one carrying me and I ran"
>North shore
Fuck! We came to get wrong damn cannery! I thought it was the East shore. Fuck!
>>74599Player-wise, I thought that too, since you went East and all. That sucks. No wonder there were little security here.
>>74598And now she is suspicious
Who are you and
who are you looking for?"
>>74597He stays silent for a couple seconds, letting that sink in. "With that, I believe I have no more questions to ask of you. Thank you once again for seeing me, Mr. Prancesco. It has been pleasure."
>>74597"oh, my Brother Never Mentioned him." He whispers "Blue im me. i have a flash light if you wish to check after we leave."
>>74599What a fucking waste of time. I should have double checked
It suddenly Dawn's on Sister Ash that she's made an awful miscalculation.
She excuses herself and leaves.
>>74601"I'm just a wandering volunteer, trying to assist some vulnerable ponies in any way I can. I'm looking for a mare whom I thought may have resided in this building, but it seems I was mistaken. I beg your pardon for the time you have set aside for me, and I appreciate your hospitality. Goodbye." She says with a polite bow
>>74603"Well, he wasn't governor at the time. But he was the one who let me come here."
She is visibly impressed by the Changeling knowledge "I see you know about the eye test"
>>74604The foremare does not seem content with this
"Are you looking for a missing person?"
>>74602"And nice to talk to you." Silver is allowed to leave the room and the bar without incident, and is given his sword back
>>74605"Yes." She replies as she turns to leave
"The person I was looking for was last seen at a cannery in this region. But it seems I have come across the incorrect building. I bid you farewell."
>>74606The Foremare has a sort of anger in her voice suggesting she is not willing to accept "farewell" for an answer
"What did she look like, and where was she missing from?"
[1d20 = 16]>>74607>>74606Iron is getting a bit impatient. He spots for any changes on the room he and the dog was in.
>>74608Movement in the hallway and on the clock
>>74607"From the Church on the hill. She was one of the sisters." Sister replies
>>74605With that, he feels somewhat more satisfied, even if he still doesn't know who or what caused the incident at the pier yet. But at the same time, he's grown slightly worried by the talk he had. Changelings...Equestria struggled just to keep them from overrunning their positions during the war, and that was before New Mareland invaded and turned it into a two front war. Prancesco might have scoffed at the idea that the changelings could be this far east, but he knows what they're capable of, how they operate, what will happen if they're already entrenched in the various factions around the city.
He tries to shake his head clear of his troubles. It won't do him any good to get all worked up about just yet. He looks up at the sun, trying to judge what time of day it is now.
>>74605"yea sea breeze put me through it when i first applied at the hotel.it was strange but i just stayed calm."
>>74609This does not help Iron. He feels like this is the wrong place since there hasn't been a lot of movement trying to ambush Iron or there was no sounds of struggle for now.
>>74607"I beg your pardon, but I don't have very much time to explain the matter. I'm rather pressed for time." she continues, not looking rather anxious
>>74610>>74615She is contented by this answer
"Thank you. We will keep a look out for her. You may go now"
>>74612"That's recommended when subject to the test. If you ever want to do it yourself, I recommend having several other ponies around in ready stance. Changelings don't like getting caught"
>>746112:00 PMish I think. The Baltimare Governate does not share a border with the Changeling Empire, although you would need to pass it by sea for almost any sea based trade with Griffonia
>>74617Sister Ash leaves.
>>74613She greets Iron in the waiting room, apologizes and explains that she fucked up, and says the correct cannery was on the north shore.
>>74618Can we fast-travel the trip there, or do I need to roll something else?
>>74618Iron is a bit frustrated and follows. "You know where it is now, right?"
>>74620"Yes..." She replies, gritting her teeth at her own incompetence
"I'm sure of it now..."
>>74618>>74618>>74620As they leave the waiting room, they see that two uniformed guards are standing in the hallway behind them, in the direction of the factory floor. Towards the entrance and to the sides are no fewer than three guards. One of them has a big black boxy looking gun of a make Ash has never seen before. None of them say anything to Ash or to Iron, and they stand in positions that would effectively block the path were she going any other direction than out, but do not block their exit from the structure
>>74619It's on the exact opposite side of town, and in fact isn't even actually in town. I was under the impression Ash would go back to the orphanage where she could have gotten a ride from Priestess Sundew
Okay, sorry for the fuck up.
The two make their way towards the cannery that Ollie described, on the North shore.
>>74623Is that too far to walk?
>>74617"good to know. what do you like to do for fun?"
>>74623Iron is a bit suspicious.
>>74623Sister Ash leaves the building, paying the guards no mind.
>>74627Sister Ash is suspicious too, but she has more important priorities.
>>74617His stomach grumbles in response, reminding him that his body is no longer running off of his breakfast. He begins to wander around to look for someplace where he can grab a late lunch.
>>74623>>74624>>74625 Whichever way will get us there the fastest.
>>74625"Oh, I like to go to bars and... You know I haven't had that much free time since I got here, since the Blackhooves have been working me fairly hard. I enjoy my work. Before I came here I would like to do racing competitions with the other pegasi, see who could fly the best or fastest. I rarely won but it was something to do with the other pegasi. I would try to hunt wolves and other creatures on some occasions"
She looks away, almost embarrassed "I like to read novels," Then she looks back. "what about you?"
>>74630For all of Baltimare's other sins, the city has a sufficient number of restaurants within walking distance to provide choice. What sort of restaurant is Silver looking for?
>>74629She can deduce that the Cannery in question must be the Lunar Ocean Cannery in the town of North Point. Does she know how to get there?
>>74632>Does she know how to get there?Well, I thought so, unless otherwise specified.
She had hoped not to involve that many ponies, but she's also desperate.
>>74632"you would have loved the wonderbolts. Novels huh?" Dark Star looks at her slyly
"well,i like going hunting. and i like watching those moving pictures they make."
>>74634This gets her exited
"Ooh! Have you seen that 'Gone with the Whinny'? I read the book, and I saw the motion picture many times! It's a nice tale about Romance and the Old Equestria. Before and after the Lunar Civil War"
>>74633Some sort of dice roll would be appropriate
>>74635Didn't we get the location through gather information?
>>74635"I think i Saw that one a long time ago with mom. it was Interesting."
>>74632One idea takes hold above all others: meat. It would repulse most other ponies, as it's still taboo across most of Equestria, but he's grown rather fond of the flavor of beef roast over the past few years.
[1d20+12 = 30]>>74635Sorry, had to step out.
Rolling survival.
>>74637"Aww.... That must hold fond memories for you. It sort of reminded me of a wholesome era, like my homeland used to be"
The food has arrived, a sandwich and spaghetti, and Apple whiskey
>>74636True, and you got the name a specific town, but this one is further away
>>74638Have you noticed I've made all of my food descriptions vegetarian?
A shop that sells meat foods exists, although he has to journey a little further away towards the east to find it.
This shop seems to cater predominantly to Griffons, although Diamond Dogs can also be found in here. He is able to get a seat and a griffon waiter
>>74640>>74639Guess this roll should do it, even without the bonus success chance.
>>74641I certainly hope so.
>>74639To the West into the City, then North along Percheron Avenue into North Point, West 10 blocks, north 2 Blocks. It's right there on the shore. 1 hour and 20 minutes to get there from the present location
>>74643>>74642That should be ok. Right, Player posing as Ash?
>>74640Dark star slips the waiter 5 bits and whisper to him
"Hey there would you do me a favor and play something Romantic?"
>>74643Sister Ash trots there, making haste.
>>74640Let him enjoy his meat.He takes a quick look at the menu, to see if they have some sort of roast available.
>>74645For Ash and Iron, the sunset is coming soon. This facility is abandoned, and dominated by grey walls and roofs. It looks a little larger, and has some concrete areas around it. The whole lot has a chain linked fence around it that is locked
>>74648A couple ponies prancing by give him dirty glances through the window... Even though he is not the only pony inside this particular shop. At least he's not a Changeling.
Yes, there is a roast. Cow flesh. A polar bear at the other end seems to be enjoying the roast. A griffon waiter takes the order
>>74645"Glimmer by Starlight" by Frank Sintrota, a popular love song, is played by the band
Blue Skies: "D'aww"
Sister Ash looks around furiously for any signs that might lead her to a clue, as does her dog.
Rolling survival
>>74651>Cow fleshWtf?! Burn this satanic hellhole to the ground.
>>74652Iron is not that bothered. "We can go inside. I will just jump over the chain link fence and buck the lock there. After that, it should be easy to explore for clues." Iron starts unstrapping all of his armor for that inmediate jump.
[1d20+3 = 15]>>74651Listen: While he waits for the roast to be cooked, he decides to see if he can't overhear some of the other patrons' conversations.
>>74651At this point, she's so frustrated that she just walks through the fence by melting it.
Alright, I'm definitely starting a new thread soon
>>74652A set of tire tracks appears more recent than the evident closure of the facility, and disturbed dust and dirt suggest hoof prints
>>74653Alright, I want to see this dice roll
>>74655REEEEE! I want to see iron attempt to jump over a fence
>>74656Melting sounds funnier though...
>>74651"i thought you'd like that."
>>74656>Alright, I'm definitely starting a new thread soonThat sounds like a good idea.
>>74657>>74655>>74656Iron is a bit taken aback by the sudden melting of the fence, but shrugs it off and reattaches all armor pieces and picks up his shield. "I guess that works too."
>>74660Not nearly as funny as Iron rolling a 1 on a jump roll, getting caught on the fence, finally getting over, bucking the door open, and then realizing that he could have just bucked the door open from his side without needing to jump over to the opposite side of the fence to do it>>74657Like I'm seriously considering nullifying that action
>>74661I guess that would've worked too.
>>74651I see your "Starlight by Glimmer" and raise you "Starlight Glim-nata by Beethooven"
>>74661I mean, it takes 4 minutes to remove Full Plate, and 4 minutes to put it back on (plus, you take the hasty donning penalty for doing it without help). In that amount of time, she would have run out of patience.
>>74665It's not like Ash isn't around to help with the process.
>>74666Well, that would be the point where she just goes "fuck it" and melts through the fence.
Also, checking those satanic trips.
>>74666She's just embarrased because when she goes to take out the hoof armor, she would be inadvertinely hoofholding.
>Enough to significantly raise body temperature
>>74668Come on, Iron, don't be lewd like that.
You know, this isn't paper we're talking about. This is a steel fence. You want to
melt steel. Nirik fire may burn your bread, but does it burn hotter than Jet fuel?
>>74665>>74668>>74665The thing that amazes me about it is the felt need to jump over the fence in order to buck it. Like I get that there is probably some sort of logic behind it concerning which side the lock is on, but if we are being real, it's just as easy to buck open on one side as the other
>>74665>8 minutesThe South Tower was burning for 56 minutes before it collapsed. Can Ash burn through faster than that?
>>74671Well, it's just a chain-link fence. I envisioned her walking through it like it was nothing for comedy's sake, but whatever you say goes.
>>74671Ash's magic cant melt steel beams
>>74673Illuminati confirmed
>>74672Either way, I just want to get past this thing. It doesn't look like a complicated obstacle.
>>74658She bats her eyes at him
>>74664Reeee don't get better puns than me
>>74671"Do You like your sandwich?"
>>74677She's only just barely touched it. "Not bad. And your spaghetti?"
>>74679Send it to the dice gods for arbitration
>>74678"its alright."
Dark Star reaches over and hold blue's hoof
>>74682I’m going to assume that this was done underneath the table...
She looks over at him with wicked smile and intense blue-green eyes. This, she likes
>>74684Aww.... They make it through the fence
>>74684Well, Ash's flames seem to be able to melt steel beams.
>>74686>>74684"I suppose by your display of flames, you seem to be in a hurry. Where to now? Any idea as to where there is a clue?"
>>74686She cools down and heads toward the building.
>>74688"This place might not be empty. I'm going to check it out." She replies, her tone dead serious
>>74690Iron is a bit annoyed by her lack of actual answer. "Alright, we shall go wherever." Iron follows as fast as she's going.
>>74691"I really don't know where this will lead next.. those tire tracks look fresh. Anyway, i'm almost certain they've been here at some point. This place looks like the perfect place for a gang to hide out." She continues
>>74692"I see." Iron continues to follow, preparing his police shield on his armored off-hoof.
>>74693"Be prepared.. I don't think these ponies will be very easy to negotiate with.."
>>74685Dark Star Strokes her hoof
Ash seems hesitant for a moment
"... Let's decide that after we meet them ..." She says, her tone growing dark