A D&D RP game based on My Little Pony, and the Hearts of Iron 4 mod Equestria at War, featuring an Equestria where the Princesses have been deposed, and Equestria is split between Changelings and a former Equestrian colony
Thus far, Dark Star has joined the fascist faction, and is taking on a job to assemble a team to stop a Communist cell. Onyx is no longer being detained, Ash has sort of joined a nunnery, Iron has joined the Waterside gang as a loanshark, Brie is still being edgy, and a new unicorn has joined. All are ready to reconnoiter the Docks.
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[1d20+4 = 24]
Iron, finally feeling confident about not garnering much attention, decide to practice his intimidation, trying out some poses and such.
I'll just roll to excrete the bad rolls
>>70493I really hope the mirror doesn't break from sheer intimidation.
>>70493Iron is shaken by what he sees in the mirror, and feels ready to hand over his pouch of coins
>>70492"That poor colt said something about a 'revolution'.. I wonder what that could mean."
>>70496Iron almost gives his pouch until he sees there are two pouches of coins instead of one, being reflected by the mirror, composes himself and nods in satisfaction. He now finally goes to the main room in the first floor, looking for the griffon advisor.
>>70499Dark Star heads up stairs to look for shimmering sark
>>70497"We heard exactly what that means inside the rolling mill. They intend to violently push out the New Marelanders and establish a Communist regime here. Their first step will be to launch a campaign in the South to try to stop infrastructure projects there, including pretending to be natives when they attack. The ultimate goal of this is to drive a wedge between the natives and the Blackhooves - and Northern Equestria - so the natives will be more inclined to accept communist rule. Then they'll make an armed rebellion here in Baltimare and in Moonlight Shores. They've brought to advisers to help then train and strategize."
>>70498The Griffon is giving an impassioned retelling of crossing a flooded rice paddy laden with landmines
>>70501Iron listens in the story. Even though he is supporting such weaklings, he was still strong, and his tales may help him understand this complicated world of weak men.
So, what have I missed? Cause back reading lags like hell.
>>70503Iron Scared himself and im looking for a way to fix my stab wound
>>70502*stallions instead of men
>>70500The sorcerer takes note of these rooms and moves back upstairs to plan out the next step with the others.
>>70506"Hey Spark. ive been stabbed could you help me out?"
>>70507"I don't know any healing spells unfortunately. There is some first aid in the kitchen area though."
>>70501You can almost see the gears turning in the nunshead as she finally absorbs the socio-political circumstances of Equestrian affairs.
"That.. that's bad." She says, softly, but firmly
>>70508"Throw your Drink into my wound."
>>70510I look offended and hold the drink away.
"Umm... let's just go down to the kitchen."
>>70502"We were given orders to meet up with second company in a village south of White Flower. The land there was farmland, rich fields of rice. This was during the monsoon season and levees had been set up to keep the rice paddies flooded. No griffon wanted to walk through that, so we flew, and that worked for about five kilometers, until we encountered the Brodfield snipers. Nguwing, whom I had fought with since the beginning, took a bullet right through his skull. We didn't dare go above twenty feet, and hovering with a full set of equipment is no easy feat, for long periods anyways. But the mud - it could be feet deep, and it got everywhere. My feathers were thick with it. After a kilometer Raven Tram exploded into a muddy fireball. sprayed mud and water over many of us, myself nearby. I fell down into the mud because I thought that the Royalists were firing mortars at us. But when no attack came we realized the Royalists had mined the paddy. I'm not sure if they were hoping we would walk through, or if they set them for the Farmers when they would come......"
>>70503You are in a warehouse where they have crates of arms stacked up, waiting to transport out
>>70509"Yes it is"
[Read more] >>70512Two questions spring to mind:
Who is around?
What kinds of arms?
>>70511"Wheres the nun?
>tfw sister ash never gave her name She can use Healing magic."
>>70513You can't know what kind of arms because you haven't seen them yourself, but you were told "rifles." Inside the warehouse right now are two ponies moving crates and another two by the loading docks, which has two trucks in it
>>70514"Didn't we leave her behind with the bartender?"
>>70512Iron gathered that he was at the least good at dodging and maybe had intense luck. He did not know of the "mai-nes" or "snai-puhs" that he was talking about though. No signs of physical strength as of yet. Iron looks obviously unimpressed nonetheless.
>>70512"... I don't think they'd stop if you talked to them.." she continues, moreso talking to herself than anyone else
>>70514I'm out of healing spells. Don't count on it.
>>70515>RiflesThat's about all I wanted or needed to know
Onyx leans towards the nun
"Now what?"
>>70515Are the rifles all in one place?
>>70520She gulps
"I guess.. we do what we came here to do.."
This group
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5J8uivKB6bs [Embed]>>70517Just take a look at his muscles. He's freaking strong.
>>70521>>70518"I can't say I've had much success with it"
>>70521They are moving crates into the room. The crates that are in the room are in one stack
[Read more] >>70523"I've got an axe on a spear, and a gun. You got anything better?"
>>70522>>70516"oh wait i found this healing kit. Do you know how it works?"
>>70525".. Let's wait until these ponies are done moving the crates.. then I can dispose of these.. toys.. all at once."
>>70524I sympathize with Bubbles.
>>70524While Iron did see his exceptional condition, he had not heard of the tales of strength apart from just surviving in a battle, and even with the endurance he may have by flying with all the mud on his feathers, he could be one of those stallions that pretended to be strong, only to be just the last survivor of a group that he only survived due to luck of cowardice. He keeps listening, also alert enough to see if his employer sends a signal to go loud.
>>70527"You see those trucks though, don't you? They will try to move some of them out tonight"
>>70530Among other exploits, Redclaw seems to have killed an entire machinegun nest of Royalists with only a Machete, and carried many huge packs of rice over his shoulders over treks of many kilometers during supply shortages. Is that tough enough?
>>70526I put bandages from the kit on Dark Star.
"That's the best I can do. I don't know how to use this other stuff in here."
Healing is a skill that I can't do. You probably won't recover hit points from this.
>>70536At least the bleeding stopped.
>>70533That'll doHis expression of unimpresiveness changes to a one of acceptance, hearing of how he killed that many ponies by himself inside that machinegun nest. Whatever that meant. He also admires his capacity of carrying those packs of rice through those marshlands, thinking about how the mud would slow the process by a lot. I guess it's too bad that he was on the wrong side still, but at least he knew it would at least be a fair fight. It took him every last ounce of willpower not to ask him for a spar, so that his employer's cover would not be exposed.
>>70533Were the tanks of fuel visible from outside the door of the warehouse?
Onyx walks up to the two moving the crates
"Want some help?"
>>70533She gulps again
"That poses a problem...
Those metal beasts.. if they were incapacitated, they wouldn't be able to move them out tonight.." Sister Ash murmers
>>70539She saw them only when she came inside, though maybe you could see them if you looked directly into the warehouse
>>70538Iron feels a tinge of happiness, as he has finally met a creature who is his equal
>>70540"Oh thank Celestia, yes"