A D&D RP game based on My Little Pony, and the Hearts of Iron 4 mod Equestria at War, featuring an Equestria where the Princesses have been deposed, and Equestria is split between Changelings and a former Equestrian colony
Thus far, Dark Star has joined the fascist faction, and is taking on a job to assemble a team to stop a Communist cell. Onyx is no longer being detained, Ash has sort of joined a nunnery, Iron has joined the Waterside gang as a loanshark, Brie is still being edgy, and a new unicorn has joined. All are ready to reconnoiter the Docks.
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>>69909>>69925"Lets go colts"
*walks towards the trucks*
>>69929I follow behind cautiously.
>>69928The kind of slow descent where if someone became alarmed for some reason he could dive in their direction to silence them, but otherwise observe for the least populated spot to land and begin infiltration, generally trending toward the union hall
>>69929I stay like 100 feet away and pretend to be an innocent bystander.
One Truck is empty. The other truck has a pony in it who is distracted. Both have engine and headlight on
>>69932You're damned lucky it's after sunset and you have a dark coat because flying is the least stealthy conceivable act besides fire and explosives. Three ponies before each warehouse, and two before the rolling mill are seen
>>69933A pony comes out of the union hall and speaks to Ash. "Are you lost?"
>>69934"Well, you could say that.." she says, gripping her broom nervously
"How are you this evening?"
>>69934I wouldn't try it during the day
Is the Union Hall clear? Cuz he was heading to the least populated place (not just that, he has suspicions)
>>69929>>69930>>69931See the first line of
>>69934>>69935For future reference, even at night you are visible at shorter distances
>>69937"What are you doing here mam?" The stallion asks her
>>69938No, it has ponies inside. None on the roof though
>>69934"Hey, this is the place right?"
>>69939I still follow Dark Star, looking back at Ash's location, seeing how she fares.
>>69939"Oh, just, looking for an aquaintance of mine.. Haven't heard from her yet though." She continue
>>69942If you were responding to the pony who questioned Ash, he came out of the Union hall and talked to her. She is 100 ft away across the street. You went to the Trucks
>>69944"Who are you looking for?"
>>69946"I see. What is her name?" At this point, a small colt runs out.
Hey, I know you
>>69936! You decided to join us after all! It's Ollie, the colt who asked you to go to the Soup Kitchen
>>69945you said there was some ponies by the truck right?
>>69949No, only one pony in one of the two trucks
>>69950Yes, the Communist Colt. He recognizes you
>>69943>>69942The pony in the truck responds
"I'm sorry, I'm just here to pick up some cargo"
>>69952"You've joined us! The little colt is overjoyed. "Oh, I see you brought weapons for the revolution! Unfortunately that doesn't begin for a while now.
The little colt is sad, but then "I'm glad that you're here though! And you brought friends!"
>>69941Goddammit, aiming for an overhead descent on the tallest building then.
>>69947Sister Ash turns away a bit, nervously.
".. Umm, everyone knew her as.. Sage..."
>>69954Onyx's good eye is twitching.
>>69947Sister Ash turns away a bit, nervously.
".. Umm, everyone knew her as.. Sage..."
>>69953"Yea i thought this is where the workers are. i brought some friends that want to join."
>>69954Ash seems eager to change the subject
"Hello little one. What's your name?"
>>69955He can fly off to the top of the foundry, 60 ft above ground and 100 if he wants to go to the top of a smoke stack. The flight is doable without being seen
>>69956"Hmmm, a sage. I don't think she is here." The little colt interjects "she's a friend of the Coal pony over here"
>>69957"Excellent! Well, don't let me stop you from going forward. The leaders didn't want me in the main meeting tonight"
>>69959"Oh I'm sorry sir, I don't know what is going on with the Dockworker's Union or whatever is going on"
>>69961Onyx looks at the ones surrounding him
>>69961Yeah, make like batman and land at the highest point and then descend from their either by glided jumps or silent climbing, taking a 10 on every check (21 cuz 10+11 modified)
>>69961"oh thanks."
*Walks towards the union building*
>>69960"Hello! My name is Ollie! Would you like to join the Revolution?"
You recognize this colt as one of the ones taken from the orphanage
>>69963Do you wish to stay at the top, or go down further. If you wish to go down, where do you wish to go down?
>>69964You can see that Ash and Onyx are talking to a colt and a Stallion
>>69966"hey comrades,i got some friends here. motions to iron and spark "they want to join up with us."
>>69967>>69964>>69968>>69969When you enter, you see two stallions besides the colt
One of them asks "Are you late for the meeting?"
>>69966Approach slowly from above to maximize sneak and/or flank (sneak) attacks with emphasis on stealth. Aiming for stealth kills.
>>69965"That's a big word. Have you been here for a long time?" She impores, completely dodging the question, as she draws a peppermint out of her pocket and gives it to him (you know how childless women are)
>>69969I stick behind Dark Star, still holding onto the full drink from the bar.
>>69970"yea sorry we are late, we had to clean up the caltrops from in front of the door."
[2d20 = 19]
Rolling for the first necessary stealth attack. +9 modded, +x for ninja sneakiness (determined by 2nd roll)
>>6997613 on the initial stealth attack roll, and a 18 (+3 dex) on the stealth
>>69972"Ay! Are you from that orphanage? Nasty princess worshipers sold some of us to the Gang to try to pay bills. When they took us in town I managed to kick one of the ganaster's in the haunch. I was homeless for a week till a soup kitchen took me in. Nice stallions told me why poverty exists, and why orphans exist.
You know, those stingy mares at the nunnery wouldn't even let me have a second helping of porridge? And you know they wanted to pawn some of us off to the Fascists as well? As if it weren't enough that the fascists took my parents"
He starts to cry
"It's okay though, because we are creating a world where no one is poor, where everyone has all the food they could want, and where everypony is family"
>>69974"They are over there"
>>69976Who are you attacking?
[Read more] >>69976Are you roleplaying a schizophernic bat for real?
>>69979*Hugs poner*
"Shhhhhhhhhhhh.. don't fret now.."