A D&D RP game based on My Little Pony, and the Hearts of Iron 4 mod Equestria at War, featuring an Equestria where the Princesses have been deposed, and Equestria is split between Changelings and a former Equestrian colony
Thus far, Dark Star has joined the fascist faction, and is taking on a job to assemble a team to stop a Communist cell. Onyx is no longer being detained, Ash has sort of joined a nunnery, Iron has joined the Waterside gang as a loanshark, Brie is still being edgy, and a new unicorn has joined. All are ready to reconnoiter the Docks.
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>>69824"Alright, let's hear it"
>>69826"What talents do you have, besides getting yourself detained by police?"
>>69823Iron nods. "I understand." He looks at the dark red stallion. "I guess it may be time to finish up this talk."
>>69828"I'm ready to leave when you are.." she says, fidgeting a bit
>>69827"Uh, I'm good with my hanlberd and fixing it up if need be. But in the war I hauled around the artillery."
>>69829Iron smiles. "Do not worry, focus on your magic. I will cover you." He heads to the dark red stallion.
>>69827"Well Depending on where they are and what they are doing when we show up. I was thinking of Saying i recruited some Party members which will be you lot. and our friend brie will check out their building for us to see it they have any illegal items that we could use against them when the fighting starts."
>>69831"Hey there big fella. Whats up?"
>>69830"I see. How are you with a gun?"
>>69832I think it's not terribly likely they will just leave expensive in caches, that is unless of course they are transporting them
>>69832"Alright, what are you planning to do tonight?"
>>69834"Basically. we just need to wait on Brie."
>>69835"Which they may be doing, and on the chance theres nothing brie can stab them in the backs while we are shooting at them."
>>69837Iron huffs, then rechecks to see if he has his two armors and spiked gauntlets equipped to pass time.
>>69837"Okay, so will you infiltrate first and see what they are planning?"
>>69839"Yes, the rest Could Wait back at the abandoned Building. Maybe i could bring a few of you with me. like you
>>69840"While I do want to be punching these weaklings, I thought this was a sneaky operation, and I am not that good at stealth. Are you sure about that?"
>>69835Onyx shurgs
"I'm best suited to carbines, but I don't like guns"
>>69840"Well, I want to give you some advice in doing this. The Communists don't know who any of you are, which naturally is why you were selected to do this rather than our own police. You specifically have been seen attending at least one communist meeting, and maybe some of them will recognize you. The others will not be recognized as hostile, but security will probably not let them in if they don't know who they are and can't bluff. They will probably have sentries and door guards. Radios are as big as backpacks, so they won't be communicating to each other except by shouting or running back and forth. Guns are loud, very very loud, so don't use one until you absolutely have to. Try to get some ranged silent weapons as well.
>>69841"Can you keep silent while another guy tries to pass you off as a communist? If they don't know you mean them harm, they may let you right in. But they may also not let in anyone they don't know."
>>69842She looks at his butt. "Can you pass yourself off as a communist?"
[Read more] >>69843"Uh. I don't know. Never tried"
>>69843"Well, when you put it like that, then sure I can."
>>69841"While some parts of the mission in sneaking, the other parts are trying to convince them we are their friends. and when im in the timber wolfs den i would like someone that is good at kicking ass."
>>69843"That all seems accurate to me, but then again id like to have some back up in there. What like a crossbow?"
>>69847"Alright, I will follow you."
>>69844"Can you stand silently as another guy talks?"
>>69847"A crossbow would work very well, yes"
>>69846"Are you in with us missy?"
>>69847"Yes, that'll work, although now that I think about it, they will see that you have those if you go in with those. Maybe under a huge jacket, or if you have an excuse for having weapons. The same rule applies for any large weapon."
[Read more] >>69849"If not a crossbow what would you suggest?"
>>69852"I guess it's kind of a question of how you want to deal with the guards. Do you want every pony to go inside? Some to go inside and some to stay behind and then attack sentries with crossbows? Can you bluff your way into the building with crossbows? Can you hide them under clothing?"
>>69853"option B sounds like the best approach to me."
>>69854"Alright, just ask everypony if they need equipment and set up a plan. I think your bartender needs armor by the way"
>>69855"And where would you suggest I get armor considering I can barely buy food?"
>>69855"I remember there is an armory named Jungle Rush near the mission area. We can go there if he accepts."
>>69856*throws over the second piece of armor i bought*
"When was that bat supposed to get back?" The Kirin says, a little impatiently
>>69858>>69856And Onyx now has an Airman's Flak Jacket. +4 AC and no real drawbacks. It looks like a green vest on an otherwise naked pony
>>69857"Is there anything you wish to acquire?"
>>69860"Oh no, I have everything right here." He pats his two hides and gauntlets.
>>69858Onyx looks at the jacket at his hooves
"Thank you, seriously."
>>69859*Sweeping intensifies*
"It should be time to go soon..."
>>69861Is my wolf and bear hides two separate armors or is it one double-layered armor?
>>69864"I agree. When shall we leave?"
Last call for weapons requisitions.
Blue skies: “we have an armory if you need to borrow something”
"Iron and Shimmering Spark come with me and the rest of you stay behind and then attack sentries with crossbows."
>>69868"It's under lock and key, we don't let persons unknown to the organization inside. I would fetch an item"
>>69867"Any halberds of better quality than mine? I don't mind fixing it up a lot, but I'd prefer not having to do it in battle."
>>69867"were gonna need some crossbows."
>>69869"One moment."
>>69870"Got a dagger I could borrow?"
>>69873"I've got one right here on my pony"
She pulls a dagger out of her bag
>>69871"I don't believe that we have any magical ones, if that is what you are asking"
>>69869"Murder is still illegal. But if the investigation were to be taken away from the Baltimare Police and handled by the Governate, well... let's say certain details can be 'overlooked.'"
>>69874"Nah, just one that isn't gonna fall apart at too much pressure"
>>69867The mare is silent for several Monet's before speaking up
"... Do you have any bronzewood? Or shields?"