A D&D RP game based on My Little Pony, and the Hearts of Iron 4 mod Equestria at War, featuring an Equestria where the Princesses have been deposed, and Equestria is split between Changelings and a former Equestrian colony
Thus far, Dark Star has joined the fascist faction, and is taking on a job to assemble a team to stop a Communist cell. Onyx is no longer being detained, Ash has sort of joined a nunnery, Iron has joined the Waterside gang as a loanshark, Brie is still being edgy, and a new unicorn has joined. All are ready to reconnoiter the Docks.
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[1d3+4 = 6]>>70841That'll work, though unless you have RP reasons to do otherwise, I'd use one of those 16s for Intelligence
>>70847Redclaw's talons rip at Iron's flesh and do damage, causing him to fail in his quest to keep Redclaw down
>>70849Also, here are the racial adjustments for the Unicorn race
+2 intelligence, -2 strength
+2 will save
Can perform Arcane magic
Telekinesis, up to 90 pounds, at will
One free skill at maximum - 8 skill points at level 5
[Read more] >>70857Int really isn't that important to fighters though.
He placed them in Strength, Dex, Con, and Wis: his most important stats.
[1d20+5 = 13][1d20+6 = 17]>>70857That is it. He had enough of this griffon's stubborness. His honor was wounded and now he's angered further, not caring for a fair fight. He rolls a swim check to swim faster yet again and now adds up +4 damage on his punch and explicitly target the wings, so that the cowardly bird cannot fly away if he reaches out the water.
>>70857He's not an overly-intelligent pony, nor does has he had much reason to change that. He's not stupid, and his status as a unicorn helps that fact. He just needs to know how to fight, and what fights he needs to get into.
[1d20+5 = 10]>>70843Listen check to find colt
[1d20+6 = 25][1d20+11 = 19]>>70858If he has a 7 for intelligence he only has one skill he can max, if he has 16 intelligence he can max 5
Plus the racial skill bonus>>70859Iron's attack lands and draws blood in the water. The Griffon realizes now he is in full combat. He lets himself float in place in the water, and quickly draws his trusted Machete. With both claws he grips it, and makes two swings
Maybe you should look at two handed fighting, so you can make more attacks>>70862He is not inside of any of the gasoline drums
>>70863Firery fireballs of fire. No colt here
[Read more] >>70857So, now that I'm looking at the wiki for what kinds of skills I can take, how many points do I have available?
>>70864Why is the modifier different at both strikes?
>>70864Yeah, but then he'd have to dump another Stat.
I wouldn't trade Wis for Int if I were a fighter.
Besides, he doesn't have very many skills to pick from anyway. Nobody needs more than 5 ranks in Jump, so all he'd need would be to put the rest in Intimidate.
[2d6+16 = 25]>>70859Both attacks find Iron and pierce his hide armor. Rolling damage
What is Iron's damage?
>>70865With 7 intelligence? 16 in total and 8 must be in one skill.
>>70864Sister Ash keeps running back towards the soup kitchen, still looking for the colt.
>>70866The reason is because he has two base attacks. The second attack has a much lower base attack bonus.
Iron has taken 31 damage total from one round of machete combat and one round of naked talon combat with Redclaw
>>70869Is she still on fire?
>>708681d4, remember to add the +4 from power attack
>>70870Well, she's not trying to be...
She's only trying to resist the flames.
>>70871I know, but I mean does he have weapon specialization on unarmed combat, and it's one hoof right?
>>70872It affects how other characters interact with her. Does she look like she is covered in Napalm?
>>70868>8 must be in one skillI take it to mean that I need at least 8 in one skill I choose?
>>70870W0t? Damn, was not expecting that. Though that 16 damage was a misspell.
>>70874No, but her face looks like it's covered in soot/ash.
>>70868I should also ask: if I don't take a point in a skill, can I still make a check in that skill?
>>70879Yeah, but the less skill you have, the more you depend on random chance to help you out, so pick wisely. However, do not go for dexterity skills if you're going for a figher unless your dex is high and don't plan using any armor.
>>70880Thanks, helps out with choosing.
>However, do not go for dexterity skills if you're going for a figher unless your dex is high and don't plan using any armor.I wasn't planning on it. If it was allowed, I was going to have my character start out with some heavy armor, and I kinda figured it would be pointless to invest in anything that would already be hampered so much.
>>70881Good. Don't make the same mistake I did.
[1d20+4 = 18]>>70878If a skill is "trained only," then no, you cannot. If a skill is untrained, then yes, you can
>>70876I rechecked the numbers, and they are right, although there should probably be modifiers for combat in water
>>70877>>70878As she exits the main entrance, a startled mare stands back at the sight
>>70881Also I don't think the GM would allow it. Maybe he'll let you have the lightest armor possible like padded.
>>70883So what is my damage with the gauntlet before he slashed at me?
Alright, skills:
8 in Intimidate
3 in Jump
3 in Swim
2 in Handle Animal
That look good to everyone?
>>70884It's alright if he didn't, really.
>>70883Sister Ash trots to a stop, coughing soot and trying not to spontaneously combust.
"Did you see.. a foal anywhere around here?"
[3d6+1 = 11][1d8 = 5]>>70871As Iron and Redclaw slash at each other, a bolt from an unknown attacker slices through air and water, hitting Redclaw in the base of the neck
>>70881You can have a sort of heavy armor, I would just like it to.... make sense in a sort of WW2 context. For example, a character's Chain shirt light armor is a standard Airman's flakjacket
>>70885That's why I asked if you had weapon specialization in it
>>70887The mare has glasses and is holding a very big gun. She says with a sort of accent, and a surprised tone of voice "No"
[Read more] >>70883Here's a chart of possible modifiers for combat
>>70889>bolt that hits Redclaw in the base of the neckW0t?
>weapon specializationDon't have a focus perk if that's what you're talking about. Also no simple weapon specialization, so just the hit with +4 damage, I guess.
>>70889"This.. *pant* really isn't any place.. *pant* for foal..
It's a shame he had to be here at a time like this..."
Is there another room past here?
>>70889What are the dice supposed to mean, the bullet, the slashes again or my gauntlet?
>>70889I was thinking tear-resistant civilian clothing reinforced with metal armor plating on the outside, but you're the DM/GM. Anything to suggest as lore-friendly heavy armor?
>>70889Dark Star leaves the mill
[1d4+9 = 10]>>70891Alright, rolling damage to Redclaw based on the successful
>>70893The bolt
>>70892She is by the foundry. In front of her and to your left is the Union Hall
Did I seriously not get any description of the targets?
Marecuse steps forward, and then successively casts "Shield" and "Protection from Arrows" on herself.
>>70895>>70895These Metal plates were used as body armor by Soviet soldiers in the battle of Stalingrad
>>70894Thus far, 26 points of damage have been done on Redclaw, and 31 on Iron
[Read more] >>70899Like, was she given any outline of the objective of the plan?
Could she in any way recognize this mare as the one she's supposed to incapacitate?
>>70901I don't think that Ash was given any description of the adviser beyond "from Stalliongrad." And she doesn't see anypony who looks like she is from Stalliongrad
[1d20+9 = 15]>>70899Spellcraft check to recognize spells
>>70903I don't know if that is high enough, but those two spells have been cast on Marecuse by herself. I think Ash just ran right past her though and didn't look back
[1d20+5 = 11]>>70902Well fug, I guess she really doesn't know what she's doing.
Also, sense motive check to see if this bitch us about to get violent.