A D&D RP game based on My Little Pony, and the Hearts of Iron 4 mod Equestria at War, featuring an Equestria where the Princesses have been deposed, and Equestria is split between Changelings and a former Equestrian colony
Thus far, Dark Star has joined the fascist faction, and is taking on a job to assemble a team to stop a Communist cell. Onyx is no longer being detained, Ash has sort of joined a nunnery, Iron has joined the Waterside gang as a loanshark, Brie is still being edgy, and a new unicorn has joined. All are ready to reconnoiter the Docks.
1445 replies and 55 files omitted.
>>70238"Sure you can, just don't get into trouble now." Sister Ash replies, still petting the colt
Has Onyx been detained yet?
>>70238"I will go when I want to. I want to stand aside to prepare myself mentally for the battle to come." He inspects his current armor and weaponry.
>>70238Onyx grunts and walks towards the docks.
>>70238>>70244Sister Ash follows, holding the colt close to her.
>Bringing a child into a potential killzoneI'm having second thoughts...
>>70246That's what the meatshield is for.
>>70246Fuck it, if what I predict is correct, this whole place might turn into a vlusterfuck.
I'll bring him just so I can be the one to drag him out. Not that I can tell him anything that will change his mind.
Am back. Finally.
>>70239The papers pertain to the civilian use of the mill. Most are black, a few seem to be work permits, and a few have drawings of pipes on them
>>70241Not yet. He would have observed Ash bizarrely start coddling Ollie, and then Blue skies rush in, and become equally fascinated with the colt coddling. If he went outside, he would have heard Blue Skies say "They are brining in advisors. Two of them, as well as rifles. They are going to clear out in 40 minutes or less"
>>70243"I see.... Sir, you need to go back down stairs. We are keeping this area clear for security reasons, as well as that we don't want anycreature caught upstairs if a raid comes"
>>70245>>70244Across the street from the union hall are the two trucks, their headlights still shining in the night. In front of them are the foundry, the rolling mill, and the two warehouses. Ponies seem to be scurrying about near the warehouses
>>70245Blue skies: "Do you really want to take him where we are going?"
Ollie: "I want to be a part of it! Those stallions said that they don't want me there in case the police come and people start shooting. But I am a big kid"
[Read more] >>70250*puts the ones about pipes in my jacket*
[1d20+4 = 7]>>70250"Do not make me say it again. Leave me undisturbed here or you shall suffer for questioning our equity." He cracks his neck. "I suggest you reconsider your 'orders'."
>>70250Sister Ash looks torn for a moment, then turns to the colt.
"Why don't you stay here for now? If they didn't want you to come, I'm sure they had a good reason..."
>>70252He bangs on the wall
"Get out here. I think we have a stooge. Call for back up if necessary"
He draws out a very long knife
>>70254He looks cute
"Aww, but I really want to come"
>>70254"Ah let him come along. Be a good experience."
[1d20 = 15]>>70256Iron stands still. "Nice blade you have there." Iron smiles. "Hope you can cuff me by yourself. If it is not, then you may have a problem."
Rolling initiative
[1d20 = 18]>>70256>>70258The sorcerer is back... and looks like in a fight. Initiative
[1d20 = 4]>>70262You're going to have to reroll
Rolling again.
>>70261Dark star was last seen inside the room, so he will take one round to enter the combat
>>70265Don't take those random words as truthful, dice. I promise it was the spur of the moment. Gimme good roles next time please?
[1d20 = 16]>>70263>>70265>>70264The order of initiative is Shimmer, The Guard, and Iron.
Be advised that two more will join the action next round
Rolling initiative on the second guard
>>70267At least I am supporting my role as a tank. Woo...
>>70256Sister Ash bites her lower lip for a moment indecisively
"Why don't I go in to see what's going on first, then come back for you?"
[1d20-1 = -8]>>70267Spark takes out and attacks with his dagger
[1d3-1 = 0]>>70268Blue: "Don't take him to the docks"
Dialectic is happening"
>>70273I guess if you add his +3 attack bonus, that is just enough to hit. Rolling damage
[1d4-1 = -1]>>70275That wasn't supposed to have a line through it. Also, a dagger is 1d4, not 1d3. Rerolling damage
>>70276At least it did some damage this time. Almost made me have a heart attack.
>>70275"I'm sorry..." She replies
"But you'll have to stay here for now... I have a feeling things are about to get dangerous..."
[1d20+2 = 12]>>70270The Guard now attacks Iron with his Knife
"Maybe this will teach you some manners Capitalist Stooge"
>>70281That shouldn't have hit you
>>70279>>70280Sister Ash follows Blue, looking back sadly at the colt
"I promise, I'll be back..."
The colt sits down on the ground, sad
>>70280>>70278The Knife hits him, but does not quite penetrate his bear hide
Iron's turn.
>>70285"Ah, come on kid. Just stay out of the way."
[1d20+6 = 23]>>70285Iron smiles. "Looks like you are weak. I knew you were by following this rhetoric."
I use Power Attack to increase his damage by 4 points and he attacks with spiked gauntlets at the guard.
If I miss, I will make my character break through the conference window and jump off it. [1d3+8 = 10]The new initiative order is
Dark Star
Guard 2
Guard 1
>>70287Rolling damage
[Read more] [1d20-2 = 1]>>70288Dark star punches the one that stabbed iron