A D&D RP game based on My Little Pony, and the Hearts of Iron 4 mod Equestria at War, featuring an Equestria where the Princesses have been deposed, and Equestria is split between Changelings and a former Equestrian colony
Thus far, Dark Star has joined the fascist faction, and is taking on a job to assemble a team to stop a Communist cell. Onyx is no longer being detained, Ash has sort of joined a nunnery, Iron has joined the Waterside gang as a loanshark, Brie is still being edgy, and a new unicorn has joined. All are ready to reconnoiter the Docks.
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>>69875"Well, I could I guess. Do you want a gun in case things get loud?"
>>69874"I appreciate your help."
I take the dagger.
"And I will see this returned to you."
>>69874"that seems interesting."
>>69876"I could certainly acquire one for you. Could you be more specific?"
>>69880"Anything that isn't synthetic would be fine, although I could use a some barding."
>>69881"We only have New Mareland models, so for the love of whatever deity you worship,
don't lose it"
>>69882"Hmmm.... I must admit I'm only familiar with Nylon Flak jackets and steel plates. If you name something I could ask for it"
>>69884"Got any wood or leather back there?"
>>69885"We have leather Jackets that are dense enough to serve as body armor, and would the wood be for a shield?"
>>69887"Yes, if you could spare."
After a 'brief' stop at his 'residence' to nom another kiwi can't be pulling a mission on low blood sugar, the batpone approaches the docks from a high altitude, slow descent
>>69865It's two distinct sets of armor, I would count it as Hide armor +3 AC
>>69888>>69886>>69873>>69869"Anything else?"
>>69890If I put both of them on, then it is +6 AC then?
>>69890"Do you have a small, quiet handgun by any chance?"
>>69890"...A club? Preferably a big one."
>>69889Oh dear, it looks like they already want to start
>>69892The rules say no stacking of armor effects. I would be more inclined to stack if one set were steal and another hide, but I think with armors that are identical in type they only count once
>>69894"Police batton, got it"
>>69893"The words 'quiet' and 'hoofgun' do not belong together in the same sentence without a negative qualifier"
[Read more] >>69899I shrug
"Whatever hoofgun you can find will be ok."
>>69899I'm just getting in position for when we do start, but note I have a significant head-start over everyone else and hopefullly they'll remember that my job is to see what the situation is and report back so they don't get killed for being dumbasses
>>69899>Synthetic material"I think I'll just take this broom..."
Blue Skies flies off. An hour later, she returns with a Carbine, a set of thick leather, a wooden shield, a halberd, a police batton, a revolver, and a shotgun
>>69895She gives him a revolver
"This thing is NOT silent, do
>>69636not fire it until things are loud"
>>69905"Too late." She hands her a Police Baton. It's an older, larger club made out of Wood. She hands over a set of leather armor and a shield
>>69903Early in the day Brie can see
>>69636. It was in use at the time. Come nightfall, the workers go home, but ponies hold position at various points in that area and south along the docks
>>69896"Here is an Artillerymare's Carbine. Seriously, don't leave this behind"
>>69904She hands him a Lupara Break Action Shotgun and 10 shells
[Read more] >>69907"I understand. I should be ready now."
Alright, lets's assume for the sake of argument that you all go to the docks. The area is as it is described in
>>69636. Study that description.
At sunset, a few ponies are moving up, forward into the groups of buildings. Some stand outside. Several are in the Union Hall, which has a light on inside
>>69911"Red and Black were seen going to the docks at 7PM on those occasions. That is when ponies would be arriving. You can go before or after that point"
>>69911"I am ready to follow orders." He is standing close to Ash as promised.
>>69912"We Should head over about 7:15"
Batpone is entering the mission equipped with his unvetoed masterwork lockpicks, a crow-bar, and his 18 unvetoed masterwork throwing daggers.
>>69916"St-standing by as well." Sister Ash meeps, contemplating just what the fuck she was thinking
>>69919*Thinking when she decided to do this
>>69917And thus, it is so. By 7:15 the only ponies outside are a few before each building. There are two trucks in the truck lot with lights on
>>69918Where is he stationed
>>69919He pats her head. "It is going to be okay. Breathe in and out and you will be fine. I shall stand by your side."
>>69921>>69922Blue whispers "I think dark star wanted you to go forward with him and Ash to stay in the back"
>>69923"I suppose it is the dark red stallion there." Before leaving he looks at Ash. "Do not worry, Ash. We shall succeed." He then positions himself behind Dark Star.
>>69921Overhead, waiting to see if anything occurs while his allies begin their approach
>>69925"Go on then.." she replies, clutching her broom