A D&D RP game based on My Little Pony, and the Hearts of Iron 4 mod Equestria at War, featuring an Equestria where the Princesses have been deposed, and Equestria is split between Changelings and a former Equestrian colony
Thus far, Dark Star has joined the fascist faction, and is taking on a job to assemble a team to stop a Communist cell. Onyx is no longer being detained, Ash has sort of joined a nunnery, Iron has joined the Waterside gang as a loanshark, Brie is still being edgy, and a new unicorn has joined. All are ready to reconnoiter the Docks.
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>>69622is Dark Star at the docks?
>>69627He can walk towards the docks. Does he have the dossier with him?
>>69629On Black and red. that is to say, an understanding of exactly where they were observed
>>69630yea he would have it with him.
>>69631A deeper view of the dossier shows that the two griffons were observed with a group of ponies - two of whom are known socialists, at the very end of "Blackwood" road, heading into a group of buildings that are a part of the seaport of Baltimare
>>69632im gonna attempt to hid the rifle somewhere close by stealthily.
what should i roll? >>69633You're going to have to be one hell of lot more spefic. It's not a building or a wooden structure. It's an industrial park
>>69634Could you describe the area?
>>69635The seaport is on the east side of the city. The sea port includes a narrow strip of buildings along this stretch. Blackwood road is a road that runs from east to west. It is the North most road that dead-ends into the harbor. When you look from the end of the road straight on and East, you can see the sea.
Black wood road goes directly into a concrete paved area. On the left side of the road is a one story square building of white coloration with the phrase "United Dock Workers Union Hall" on it. It seems recently abandoned. To the left on the road is just open area where it seems trucks park. Into the paved area are four very large structures, two on the right and two on the left. It's like a square with four sides. On the left and closest to the end of the road is a 3 story building with a high arching roof that has some windows and two smoke stacks. This structure is a rolling mill. The next structure that is on the right and next to the water and seawall is a huge Rectangular structure that is two stories on the side furthest from the water, and contains a few offices, but a single floor with a high roof for most of its length on the side facing the sea, opening in a massive door. This structure is a pipe rolling facility. On the right, the closest building is a single floor with a very high arched roof. It is a warehouse that stores mostly liquid products contained in barrels. It has some offices that are on a sort of second floor elevated above the main floor, on the side close to the center of the set of structures. The next structure on the right is a single floor rectangular building with a flat roof. It is a warehouse for storing crates. It too has offices that are elevated above the main floor. On the sea, the area to the left of Blackwood road has no dock space, but the area to the left does. there is a dock which a reasonable sized ship could connect with
[Read more] >>69636>This structure is a pipe rolling facility.Heads to check out this building
>>69637The first thing that Dark star notices is that this area is not abandoned. It is actively used by workers, and crates move around on the ground. A pony asks "can I help you?"
>>69638"Oh Sorry, i got turned around."
*walks away*
>>69639I take it he is *not* going towards the pipe rolling facility?
>>69641This building definitely is abandoned. When going to the door, it is locked
>>69644are there any broken ones?
>>69645The building was only closed very recently, and none of those appear to be broken
>>69646are there any ponies around?
>>69647At the Union Hall? Ponies do drive by, but no one is at the union hall
>>69648i try to open one of the windows
>>69649they don't seem to open from the outside, at least very easily
Maybe with a roll of a skill >>69653Open lock is a trained skill only.
>>69654well i dont have any skills for this. so i guess im going to break it.
>>69655With either a swift hit of his hoof or the butt of his gun, the glass breaks
[1d20+7 = 13]>>69656im gonna roll a spot to see if anyone noticed
>>69659Industrial sounds of various kinds, nothing that stands out
[1d20-2 = -18]>>69660assuming the window is big enough to climb through i do.
>>69661He climbs through the window, and is not cut by broken glass
[1d20+7 = 9]>>69662spot check to look foranypony
>>69663He sees one of those phantoms, were you think you see a person in the corner of our eye, but move your eye towards it, there's no one there. But nopony actually seems to be inside the building
[1d20+7 = 18]>>69664i look for anything that could be useful to th mission inside, like weapons or Medicine
>>69665The abandoned Union hall does not seem to have any kind of weapons in it. There is a single first aid kit under a sink in a break area
[1d20+7 = 18]>>69666*takes it*
*Trys to find a spot for my rifle*
>>69667There is a trade off between how open you want the gun, and how easy you want it to be to retrieve. It could be placed in a top cabinet to the side in a side room that would never be found, but it would take a good 30 seconds to get it. It could also be placed immediately inside the window and just picked up through the window, but would be found immediately if somepony went inside the building
>my rifleI don't recall a rifle being formally requisitioned
Iron reached the tavern where he was supposed to meet for this mission.
>>69671Sister Ash returns to the tavern, after failing to find a decent stick.
>>69672Iron ponders for a moment and looks at the scaly pony. "Can I ask you a question? What kind of magic do you do?"
>>69673"Mostly just Orisons and the like.. I did dip into conjuration practice back when I was in training." The scaly mare says, obviously lacking confidence
>tfw already used up my strongest spell, and all of my healing spells for the day
>>69674"I see. Do you have any backup weapons?"