A D&D RP game based on My Little Pony, and the Hearts of Iron 4 mod Equestria at War, featuring an Equestria where the Princesses have been deposed, and Equestria is split between Changelings and a former Equestrian colony
Thus far, Dark Star has joined the fascist faction, and is taking on a job to assemble a team to stop a Communist cell. Onyx is no longer being detained, Ash has sort of joined a nunnery, Iron has joined the Waterside gang as a loanshark, Brie is still being edgy, and a new unicorn has joined. All are ready to reconnoiter the Docks.
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>>70184My character is mostly concerned with finding information related to the children or the waterfront gang.
>>70185Uh, you don't need to be perfectly subtle, you just need to not fire any guns
>>70187*Blue Skies would give a hug if she were there. Probably*
>>70189If you say soIron, impatient to start the fight, decides to leave the gangway and explore the rooms that face the mill floor on the side of the hallway to pass time, hoping to, at the least, distract himself from boredom. Maybe he could find a very heavy object to toss over the gangway and crush somepony.
>>70189How far away is the North Shore?
>>70191From your present position? Maybe something like 10 to 20 miles. You are in an area that could be called "The East Shore"
>>70190>>70192The first room is essentially a conference room, with chairs and a conference table, as well as giant windows into the mill floor
>>70193Hmm, looks like I won't be visiting any factories tonight.
>>70193Iron inspects the conference table, both to see if there is anything on the table and how heavy it is.
>>70193*Dark Star looks out the windows*
>>70193Where is my character in relation to the others atm? Is anyone else in line of sight?
>>70197I think Onyx is with you.
>>70194Really? To think you had a whole free night with nothing important to do or any prior commitments for the purpose of visiting a cannery
>>70195There is nothing on the table save for a single set of documents. The table itself is Hardwood, it seems, maybe 3 inches thick or so, rather heavy. It's dimensions are too large to remove from the room, at least in any convenient way
>>70197You are in a building known as "The Union Hall." See
>>69636. The specific room is something like an event-room, open and at least 20ft by 30. You can see straight outside through glass windows to two trucks with headlights on. Inside are two stallions, Ash, Ollie the little colt being caressed by Ash, and Onyx.
>>70196He can see that the ponies are still talking. Redclaw seems to be telling the crowd a war story while Marecuse is in the back talking to somepony
>>70199Iron inspects the documents.
>>70199I guess I'll have to visit the cannery tomorrow then.
>>70201She really wants to find those kids though.
>>70197That is, until Blue Skies prances in. She seems to be in a hurry and rushing to both Onyx and Ash, quickly flashing some sort of documentation to a stallion. That is, until she sees Ash caressing the colt. She slows down and stops before the two, clearly fascinated
>>70200The documents pertain to something called "The Grand Badlands Pipeline." Specifically they talk a lot about steel pipe
>>70203Iron, intrigued, keeps reading. This may involve the jungles.
>>70199*Dark Star goes to the next room to check it out*
>>70203Sister Ash cradles the foal, gesturing to Blue that she'll fill her in on the details later (she doesn't want to stress out the kid).
Actually, can I roll Bluff for innuendo?
>>70204The documents detail a project for a 250 mile long oil pipeline that stretches from the Badlands to Baltimare. It appears there is a desire to exploit the traditional breeding grounds of the Dragons for Oil, pump it over mountains, and then through an area of rainforest known as "Kululu," and to the Baltimare Harbor. The jungles in question are those immediately south of Baltimarte, and are well north of the Tenochtitlan basin the mare earlier was speaking about - this seems to be a different infrastructure project. A look at a group of financiers shows some names that look like Manehattan industrialists, and a 50% stake by the New Mareland government
>>70206Blue moves closer and is visibly fascinated.
>SpoilerI don't know what you mean, but try it so we can all find out
[1d20+5 = 20]>>70206>>70203I'm going to go out on a limb and roll Horse Whispering just to see if it works on ponies too.
Sister Ash subtly mouths the phrase
>"This is one of the foals." [1d20 = 12]>>70207This would seem to be important. He pockets the document to inside his wolf skin and exits the conference room. He then walks towards the second room's door and put his ear next to the door to maybe hear anybody inside.
>>70205When Dark Star enters the room, two ponies greet him
"Oh great, another drunkard. Sir, you are not supposed to be up here."
Iron follows shortly thereafter finding Dark star standing at the doorway
>>70209>>70208Blue Skies seems as if she wasn't paying attention. "Huh? Oh. Yes. Right." Looking to her surroundings Blue Sky sees the two stallions, and she says to Ash "Everypony will be cleared out in less than 45 minutes"
Iron inspects the room from the outside, as well as how many ponies are in the room, apart from the sorcerer pony, of course.
[1d20+6 = 13]>>70210Bluff
"oi im just tryiiiing to seize the means comrades"
I need to go eat for the next ~30 mins
>>70211The second room gives off no details from the outside, except for a pinup Board with what seems to be the shift information of ponies. The wall is an austere white, and the door is grey. More importantly, the door is now open with Dark Star standing in it, who seems to have disturbed the two ponies inside.
>>70213Blue skies nudges Ash. “Excuse me, can we step outside for a moment.” She smiles to the two stallions. “Sorry, mare stuff”
>>70214“He is drunk.... Sir, this area is off limits. Please return downstairs”
>>70212So how do you want to deal with these ponies?
>>70216Iron takes a closer look at the two ponies, peering from behind to see if they had any loud weapons like pistols or something.
>>70217I was thinking the old fashioned way if they don't have guns at all. If they do, it will go loud, so we just search the last room here.
>>70216"Comrade do you have anymore alcohol in here?"
>>70216>>70215Sorry. Back now.
Sister Ash follows Blue outside.
I will only sort of be available the next 40 minutes
>>70218>>70218The room has various instruments along the side facing the mill floor, and a narrow door also towards the mill floor. He can see that there are two bolt action rifles in the room, laying against instrumentation, though more than a leg’s distance from the two ponies who are now standing. “There’s another one?”
>>70222They are confused for a moment.
“The two of you need to go back downstairs”
>>70223What does she do with the colt?
>>70225"Ah ok Comrade."
*Dark Star heads to the next room*
>>70225She would preferably continue carrying him until he fell asleep and still keep carrying him; but if beckined not to she'd put him down on a chair or bench in the building for that time being.
>>70225>>70222Iron whispers to Dark Star as he follows. "We can take them out silently. They are too far away from their guns. Try to keep one alive, he may have some useful information."
>>70228*whispers back*
"lets check out this next room first."
>>70226This next room has no creatures in it, two smaller windows, and two desks. It is an office, evidently.
>>70227The two walk outside the door, and blue skies mostly states at the cuddled colt. When the door closes, she says “They are brining in advisors. Two of them, as well as rifles. They are going to clear out in 40 minutes or less.”
Ollie: “The rise of the workers is a historical inevitability!”
>>70232*Pets poner some more to calm him down*
>>70234Iron stands guard at the door.
>>70233Sister Ash nods to Blue in acknowledgement, still cradling the child.
>"So what will we do?" >>70234The desks include normal items like pencils, paper, a box cutter, a cardboard box, a whistle
>>70233Unfortunately you have something like an excited child on your hooves. He likes the petting, but it doesn’t quell the excitement. Blue seems to enjoy this.
>>70236“You two need to come to the docks, unless you have a difffent plan that is useful.”
Ollie: “can I come too?”
>>70235One of the two ponies comes through the door and into the hallway, turning to Iron. He says “the stairs are this way” pointing the opposite direction down the hall