A D&D RP game based on My Little Pony, and the Hearts of Iron 4 mod Equestria at War, featuring an Equestria where the Princesses have been deposed, and Equestria is split between Changelings and a former Equestrian colony
Thus far, Dark Star has joined the fascist faction, and is taking on a job to assemble a team to stop a Communist cell. Onyx is no longer being detained, Ash has sort of joined a nunnery, Iron has joined the Waterside gang as a loanshark, Brie is still being edgy, and a new unicorn has joined. All are ready to reconnoiter the Docks.
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>>71008"You do very well for what I imagine isn't exactly best neighborhood in Baltimare." Silver considers the menu some more. "How about some whiskey, if you don't mind? To commemorate new day in new city for me. Not stuff from Skyfall. It is too rich for my blood, I am afraid!" He lets out a small yet hearty chuckle.
>>71009He poors a glass for the Stallion.
"There is far worse, believe me. If anything, this is an optimal location between the wealthy and the waterfront"
>>71010"I suppose that is why I am mercenary and you are bar owner." Silver counts out double the amount of Bits needed for the whiskey from his saddlebags and places it on the counter. "Have one for yourself. It is better to drink together than to drink alone, after all."
>>71011And now he pours
himself a drink
"You should have seen the mare Dark Star brought with him, expecting everypony to buy her a drink. She'll
love you"
>>71012This gets a further chuckle out of him. "You know how I will get around that? I will wait for everypony ELSE to buy her drinks, and by the time she comes to me, she will be too drunk to even ask!" Silver laughs some more at his statement.
>>71013"Don't worry, she'll just push the glass to you. That's what she did to him."
>>71014He finishes off his laugh with a snort. "Well, you will need not worry about me. I can handle one mare asking for drinks." He finally raises his glass in a sort of toast. "To new beginnings."
>>71015He lifts up his glass for the toast. "To new beginnings"
>>71016In one fell swoop, he downs the drink, finishing it off with a satisfied sigh.
>>71017"So... What's with the accent?"
>>71018"Ah, that. I was born in Stalliongrad, long, long time ago. Left when I was barely 18." Silver scratches his chin in contemplation. "I suppose I just never gave my accent up."
>>71019"You call it by the name they give it. What do you think of the regime there?"
>>71020He stays silent for a few seconds to consider his words. "I have heard good things from those who run it. Bad things from everypony else. I learned long time ago to not trust words at face value. From what I have seen myself, it is regime using ponies' own sense of injustice and their own naivety to gain power, wealth, and influence. It is sickening at times, watching what was once my people, proud people, get played with like foal's toys." Silver pauses, letting out a heavy sigh. "But, it is not my land, and they are not my people. Not anymore. It is land of these...Communists, now." The word doesn't seem to roll naturally off the tongue for him, as if it's completely foreign. "As far as whatever they decide to call it, it does not matter to me anymore. My father is dead, my family, if they are still alive, are somewhere in what was once Equestria. I have no ties left to the 'Motherland'."
>>71021"Well... my Fatherland is gone now. My own country is now run by a foreign government. And it's worse over west"
>>71022He simply nods, understanding exactly what he's talking about.
>>71029Ah. Well, that explains it better.
>>71030I think I really like the gig. Shapeshifting nature shaman, and all that.
The Spells aren't that greatv (compared to Clerics or Sorcerers), but the class features are pretty fun.
>>71031Look at the class on the wiki, it certainly seems to be an interesting choice for the setting.
>>71032See, I was thinking of playing a Cleric, but I was unsure of how the Equestrian theology would work out. I thought Druid would be the next closest thing for a support-based divine caster.
Clerics are really good too. Great spells, and awesome healing ability.
>>71033I've always imagined the primary theology in Equestria would be monastic and centered around the worship of Celestia and Luna as living deities. Not exactly the ideal place for Clerics, I would assume.
>>71034Well, it was more of a technical issue.
Clerics in particular need to have a direct covenant with their dieties to receive their Granted Powers. I wasn't certain if it would work the same way if the gods were somehow incapacitated; for that matter, I wasn't sure what rank (if any) Celestia and Luna wonder.
At least with a Druid, you don't necessarily have to have all your spells granted from your deity, although you may depending on the circumstances.
>>71035I wonder if kirins wouldn't just have their own deity/set of deities, as collectively they're not a part of Equestrian society and wouldn't have the same connection to Celestia and Luna that most ponies have.
>>71036I don't actually know how Kirin society works in this universe.
They seem rather isolated though.
>>71037Completely isolated, apparently. So much so that their very existence in Equestria is isolated primarily to legend and myth.
I've been reading up on the wikis a bit in my spare time, and I have to ask: exactly how true are we sticking by these game mechanics? I'm just wondering so I can note it for the future.
>>71039Class features seem to be similar so far; although some may seem a bit obsolete due to the presence of firearms and automatic weaponry.
I can't tell you if loot rolls are going to be the same though, or what equiptment you can choose from.
>>71040I remember the GM said he was willing to give Silver heavy armor to start, but I'm not sure, reading through the list of armor types, what WWII-era Soviet metal plate would classify as.
>>71041I'm not really sure at all, tbh.
Since I'm a Druid, I can only wear non-metslic armor, which restricts me to leather, hide, and dragonscale. My armor doesn't work in Wildshape unless it's specially made (Wild Armor, about 9000 gp). Druids are also resticted from wearing mundane/deep Crystal as well, so idk what armors would break code of conduct in this case, or what exist.
>>71042Then again, quadripedal/non-humanoid creatures wear Barding, which Nat or may not expand available armor options.
Barding costs twice as much though.
[2d100 = 75][3d6 = 13][5d6 = 18]>>71025That reminds me, I need to do some dice rolls
>>71035>>71034Celestia and Luna cannot grant magic powers, but the universal spirit of Harmony, perhaps can
>>71041I'm feeling like a banded mail, although half-plate might be more accurate
>>71039I'll work it out as we go
>>71044>Celestia and Luna cannot grant magic powers>universal spirit of HarmonyI see. I can work that into my backstory.
>>71042I saw that when I read up on the Druid class. Wooden armor seems interesting, especially for a kirin, once you get the Ironwood spell. Speaking of, as it says it's restricted to level 6 Druids, is there leveling in this game?
>>71043I imagine a lack of bipedal creatures would mean that barding here just works as normal armor, and costs the same.
>>71044Alrighty then. Every day, I become that much less of a newfag.
>>71046Yeah, but I can't cast Ironwood until level 11, let alone build and enchant a suit of armor.
I wanted barding mainly for my Animal Companion.
>>71047How come you can't cast it until level 11?
>>71048Because I only learn spells at a particular level.
Spells are ranked 1-9 in power. As a lvl 5 Druid, I can only cast 3rd level spells.
>>71050I still have a lot more to learn, apparently.
>>71055Ah well, I guess as a Fighter Silver isn't going to get much use out of spells, even as a unicorn.
>>71049>>71046There should be some leveling, yes, although I am uncertain how quickly. The math used for determining experience in 3.5 I found on one site pretty much implies that grinding is impossible and only battles that have a very serious chance of character death give xp - and then, not that much, and I have to wonder how any character ever survives to level up.
Keeping the characters not-significantly more powerful than their surroundings, at least for the moment, is a part of my anti-murder hobo mechanisms, anyways
>>71060I found this calculator online (I've used it before for metafaggotry purposes); it's decent for encounter experience.
Certain situations may increase the effective CR of encounters/traps/mysteries too though.