This thread begins at the start of the week, where developmental/story activity is minimal/nil and shitposting/meta is at its most emphatic.
This is an RP based on classic D&D, if you've looked at the catalog you might have noticed a trend. New players, random posters, and shitposters alike are welcome.
1126 replies and 151 files omitted.
>tfw waking up with every song from movie stuck in my head
>vaped an entire cartridge yesterday
>only went to sleep cuz computer locked up
>>50134The wraiths are all silently floating out of their cells. Their unnatural aura makes the hair on the back of Tracy's neck involuntarily stand on end
.. It just had to be dread wraiths..
*readies weapons*
>>50137If you haven't noticed, the whole place is kind of an undead playground
[frustrated serial killer noises]
*quickly reaches back to pet now fluffier pony*
>>50142*static draws armored knight back like magnet*
If Tracy and Trump are holding position and waiting to capitalize on attacks of opportunity, that's what's about to happen. Dread wraiths close first due to superior reach and speed.
[1d20 = 17]>>50145Well then attack of opportunity. Just one attack?
>>50146Does that mean his sword does light electrical damage as well?
>>50147Unless Trump has the requisite feat, yes just one.
>>50146What now?
What did I mistakenly agree to this time? >>50151>Death-chan's mean cousinsSpooky.
*Charges ki and waits for Attack of opportunity*
>>50147Did that hit land? She gets an attack of opportunity if it did.
>>50152With Trump's absurd hit bonus? Of course
[1d20 = 20]>>50150Opportunist strike with chain.
Tracy has Combat Reflexes. Can she make another AoO once the wraith invades her square?
Trump delivers a solid blow with Vandereim, while Tracy damn near cuts the wraiths's otherwise vaporous arm off
>>50153Don't attacks against incorporeal creatures have a 50% chance of missing?
>>50160He meant one more AoO, not three in total
>>50160Tracy's base attack bonus is 12, and she has a +4 dex modifier.
>>50162Did you give her the weapons finesse feat? I recall you declined to say she had it when selecting her feats
>>50163It was the first thing she trained for on the holodeck
>>50164There hasn't been enough time to do all of this adventuring and rear animals and craft dozens of daggers and train for and complete an entire feat
>>50161No, I meant 3 in total. Wraiths don't have miss chance
>>50166The first one, yes
[3d20 = 25]
The first DW is not in the best of shape, another one is unharmed, and a third has taken a hit.
Their turn, 2 attacking Trump
>>50168Uh... if those are touch attack based, well, his AC should be 22 (ring +3, Bracers are force based +5, ring shield is force based +4), and they should have a -1 on attacks from the spell (prayer), so the first attack should not land
[2d8 = 5]
One hits Trump, and one hits Tracy.
Trump takes 1 point of Constitution drain, Tracy takes 4.
>>50169Incorporeal touch attacks pass through armor and force effects.
It's all dex now...
Can she roll a saving throw?
>>50173Nope its "additional damage"
Hmmmm. Tracy's constitution isn't so great now that I look at it.
>>50174What triggers the drain with the charisma-based save then?
>>50176Oh, there is a saving throw isn't there? Okay, its a dc25 +cha save
Stupid question, isn't there soeetime of online dnd program? Maybe we could use it for maps and shit?
GM, what did Snek hear?
>>50177Do you apply your fortitude bonus for charisma-based saves?
He already made a map, and marked where the people are on it
>>50179The "Charisma based" is from the perspective of the monster. you know, if you want to level it up, or make it a cohort, or a player character or whatever, the way to increase the DC for that attack is to increase the charisma of the monster
>>50180Yes I know, but a prgram would be easier than editing pics.
[1d20+21 = 40]
Rolling for fortitude save
I wish Tracy's Charisma were higher..
>>50185Dice roll of 19 plus paladin's base of 10 plus 1 constitution modifier +5 divine grace charisma bonus +4 cloak of resistance resistance bonus +1 stone of good luck. I forgot to add the +1 bonus from the Prayer.
Trumpaladin is not fast. He cannot deal Infernius levels of damage. He cannot sneak or hide. He cannot cast ebin spells. But he can do one thing very well, and that is, get hit by the enemy without taking damage.
>>50186I offered repeatedly to give her a +4 resistance cloak, but it was impossible to convince you that 4 is a larger number than 2
>>50178He doesn't know what he heard, but he did heard a thing. Bunches of thing.
>>50179Its a Fortitude save, which normally gets a constitution modifier, but it gets a charisma modifier now cuz reasons
Strike that last part, I misread it
>>50187I'd already had her make a cloak of charisma
>>50190If the only thing you care about is saving throws, a Cloak of resistance is twice as effective per unit of cost than a cloak of charisma
>>50191Yeah, but a lot of her skills that I put ranks into are Charisma-based checks, like Bluff, Use Magick Device, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Handle Animal, Disguise, ect. And I'd already made the cloak.
>>50193Yes. The remaining wraiths fill in behind the big ones.
>>50187>>50188You add constitution to fortitude?
Yes, I am aware I know absolutely nothingTorc (not knowing where the hell anyone else is) decides to drag Snek with him towards where he last heard Infernius
>>50194Infernius attempts to kick the trap-door in, and learns that even a ridiculous strength bonus doesn't defeat 6" of reinforced metal (the trap door is metal)
>>50195No, go down the stairs to see what it is first! We've got the wraiths covered
Yes, you add the constitution bonus. In Torcuil's case, that's +1
>>50197Okay then, I go with my original stupid plan. Torc heads down the stairs dragging a wary Snek along.
>>50194Tracy casts Eagle's Splendor on herself, and takes a step back in a defensive posture.
>>50197>NEET has more Conreee>>50197Smite.
>>50199Is her chain still Defending?
>>50199Haha. I take it Tracy has 10-11 con?
[5d20 = 48]
"I came here to Smite Evil and to steal waifus. And I can see you're all out of waifus."
Trumpaladin slashes at the wraiths with Featherfall and 3 smite evils. Please note that with the impressive charisma modifier on smite evil from eagles splendor, even the third smite attack gives a combined attack bonus of +26
Smite Smite Smite Slash Slash
>>50205Vanderiem has a unique ability allowing him to make an additional attack in a round three times a day. It's like haste's additional attack, except that the additional attack is at the attack bonus of the last and weakest attack, and not the first and strongest
>>50204>eagles splendorWait, did you cast that earlier? I won't use it on Tracy if it's in effect.
I gtg for an hour or so, see you guys then
>>50204Oh yeah. Because Prayer, attack and damage rolls get +1
[1d20 = 11]>>50204Tracy makes an Opportunist strike with her sword, in case any of the big wraiths didn't fall yet.
>>50204They're AC25, so I think the 2 missed
>>50213>Sword>Not the Chain with 60ft reach>The sword with 5ft reachShe took her last move action to move out of the line of attack, so they are out of range
Trump will have gotten a cleave strike also, I;m just determining which hit the first one died on. I'm assuming that's the plan, kill the wounded one and then go to the next?
>>50216Precisely. Smite damage is +17, prayer adds +1 to each damage roll, and the strength bonus is like 7.5 to each attack, plus Vanderiem's +7
>>50215I was waiting to hear if the chain was Defending or not, but sure,m attack with that instead if she's not in range.
>>50215K. DW1 fell on second smite, roll for that cleave on the new one, and that one takes a smite and a strike.
[1d20 = 12]>>50218Oh
>>50219Rolling. Can a cleave be his fourth smite? If so, then smite, If not, then Slash. Combined attack should be high enough to beat AC with anything higher than like a 2 or something
>>50220Can Tracy make her Opportunist strike on this one?
>>50221Probably. I very sincerely doubt that the three strikes Trumpaladin lands on it (probably the undamaged wraith) will be enough to fell it. But wait for GM
Trump's move is complete, Tracy?
[3d20 = 26]>>50225Did the big wraith fall yet?
If not, Tracy attacks it from he back, with her chain.
>>50225Does Torc find anything (up/down)stairs?
>>50225I thought she had initiative and spent her action moving back out of line of fire and casting eagle's splendor? Should be wraith's turn
>>50226The first one did.
>>50227I'm getting to that. This is a deciding point as far as how extensive I want to make this place. The staircase was originally designed to be long and to connect to several floors. In all reality, it will take months to go through entirely. I'm thinking of making it just go to the "main" level though, for simplicity.
[2d20 = 31]>>50228You're right, its the DW's turn, while 2 normal wraiths fill in where the one DW fell. One each, Trump first
>>50233.. This makes me want to use one of those goats..
>>50234Oh yeah, does Torc have that goat statue?